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Re: Stars V.2 • Explore

Postby nightshyne » Sat Aug 07, 2021 12:10 pm



last postlast response
level 1 ★ 14/200 experience
second free post
custom prey + predators
pixel cat lineart by chewzers @ da

    Image Image
    Image Image

★ leafstrike | cs | th | hp 100% | hup 0% | sick: n
★ rainfall | cs | th | hp 100% | hup 0% | sick: n
★ lightfur | cs | th | hp 100% | hup 0% | sick: n
★ greyscar | cs | th | hp 98% | hup 0% | sick: n
prey inventory
2x chicken (3FP) || 1x prey of choice (1FP)

herb inventory
1x herb of choice

items used

current quests


    word count: 678 words

    A flurry of leaves and the sound of many twigs snapping filled the air. The three cats turned their heads in the direction of the sound, only to be met with a very flustered Lightfur, paws outstretched as a vole scampered on. It ran straight into Rainfall’s paws, but the tom didn’t bother catching it. “Lightfur. What do you think you’re doing?”

    “Stupid vole. I had it! I actually had it,” She shook the leaves from her pelt, a growl rising in her throat. “It was just...too fast! Voles shouldn’t be allowed to be that fast! I swear Rainfall, if this was a hunting patrol I would have caught it-” Her voice cut off as she looked at the chicken Greyscar had at his paws. A chicken. Not the most common of creatures in the forest but a very decent supply of prey. “Y-you caught that? Greyscar?” The tom nodded slowly. “YOU? You are blind? And you caught a chicken?”

    “Lightfur. I may be half blind but I am still a better hunter than you,” His smirk caused her to feign a wound to the heart. “Don’t be dramatic, cat.”

    “It is common knowledge that I am the best hunter in the Court. How dare you call yourself a better hunter than me?” She took careful steps towards him, her eyes focused on only the tom in front of her. “How dare you call me ‘cat’? I’ll have you know that-” She’d gotten so close that their noses were almost touching, and a quick flick of his tongue against the bridge of her nose had shut her up.

    “Calm down, Lightfur. Everyone misses a catch every now and then,” Greyscar purred, quiet enough that Leafstike and Rainfall didn’t hear. “As much as it pains me to admit it, I know you’re a better hunter than me,” She leaned into his presence, resting her forehead against his shoulder. She hated missing prey, but it was reassuring that her mate was on her side, as much as he enjoyed stirring her up.

    “I love you,” Lightfur said with a purr.

    Greyscar stepped past her, rejoining the other two cats. “I love me too. C’mon, we have some Village Cats to take down.”

    Rainfall cleared his throat. “Nobody said we’re ‘taking down’ these cats. I propose we go and investigat\e, and see if they’re friendly nor not. We don’t have to solve everything with violence,” Greyscar groaned, rolling his eyes at the Claw’s words.

    “Ever since you became Claw, you’ve become so much more passive. What happened to the ambitious and powerful Rainfall who once fought alongside me against the Bloodfang Pack?” Rainfall dropped his gaze at the mention of that name. Greyscar had no right mentioning that name. Before the darker tom could reply, Greyscar continued. “Is it because you couldn’t save Redfur? Sorry, didn’t.”

    “Greyscar, shut your mouth.” Rainfall launched himself at the other tom, digging his claws into Greyscar’s shoulders. “You are never to mention that name around me again. Do you understand?”

    “Boys?” Leafstrike piped up. “Can you calm down please? We are on a patrol, remember?” She rolled her eyes as Greyscar stuck his tongue out at the Claw, mocking him. “Greyscar, stop. Rainfall, you stop too,”

    “I apologise, my lady,” The larger tom withdrew his claws and lifted himself off the other.

    “You shouldn’t be apologising to me,” Her words were bitter. She loved him, sure, but his insecurities surrounding that fight could really get the better of him. Lightfur plodded over to Greyscar, licking his shoulder gently. Leafstrike wanted to do the same to the tom who stood at her side, but she thought better of it. He needed to learn his lesson; they could talk about his actions once they got back to camp.

    “So, with all that out of the way, are we going to see what these Village Cats are up to?” Lightfur asked. The other three cats nodded in agreement. Better to check it out and for them to be safe than leave it and for them to be hostile.
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[012.] ★ viv's explore replies

Postby Vivika » Sun Aug 08, 2021 6:23 am

      OCEAN CLAN !
    Her cheeks warmed, no doubt a darkening shade of crimson, as the patrol paid their respects to her. A lowly apprentice with a shell full’s worth of experience. And training. StarClan, what was she doing?

    “Uhh, how about the…” Squirrelpaw shook herself. She couldn’t think. There were too many eyes on her, all expectant and waiting.

    Her gaze wandered to her mentor. His paw was extended to the forest. A path worn from seasons of pawsteps trodding through wove a way to the forest’s verdant foliage and towering trees. Of course. Where else would they go?

    “... the forest. Yeah, there!”

    A soft yelp escaped her jaws as a grey blur darted around her paws. Was that… Gray? Her eyes narrowed as the Rosetta’s tiny bunny companion snuffed around, its dark nose twitching. It slowed as it came to a small hole in the dirt.

    Leaves drifted close to the hole, before being sucked into it. Almost as if pulled in by an invisible force.

    She blinked. That was… impossible.

    “Gray?” Squirrelpaw ventured close, extending a paw to keep the bunny back. If he was sucked in… well, that wouldn’t be good. Her head tilted as she inspected the hole. Maybe she should…


    Her paw dove into the hole, unearthing a small bundle of flowers and leaves. Small yellow buds and white flowers were woven into a small pile. Useful? (+1 feverfew, +1 chickweed, +1 coltsfoot)

    Brokenscar flanked her side, brows creased with concern. His shoulders eased a little as he placed a paw on the herbs. “Huh, just herbs. I thought…” He shook his head. “Anything else?”

    “I don’t know. Wait, I think I have something.” Her claws snagged on a hard object. Tilting her head, she pulled it into the open. A… crystal? Dark tendrils swirled beneath the surface, intricate whorls coiling tighter and tighter, as if trapped in the small object. (+1 black hole ─ removes an edit on a pre-existing cat!)

    xx+10% hunger for each patrol cat
    xxxx↳ brokenscar (30% hunger), puddlefern (30% hunger), rosetta (30% hunger), squirrelpaw (30% hunger)

    xx+48XP → level 4 (356/500XP)
    xx+1 feverfew, +1 chickweed, +1 coltsfoot
    xx+1 blackhole (removes an edit from a pre-existing cat!)

    notes; n/a! <3


    The city lights set the whole place aglow. It was like a stage and the whole patrol were performers in this whole, wild crazy scheme. Although… their performers would be an interesting bunch.

    Stormcloud nudged a playful shoulder into a certain tortie’s side. “Look alive, Sootnose! It’s the best time of the night. I bet we’ll bring back quite the haul.” Her gaze flicked towards the dimmed stars in the skies. Perhaps StarClan was smiling upon them tonight. “What do you think?”

    “Mhm, what’s the bet exactly?” Sootnose flashed a smile, returning the gentle nudge. “I’ll consider…”

    “We’ll find nothing with all the chatter.” Frostclaw eyed the pair, a grunt slipping from her jaws. “Eyes open, muzzle shut. Last thing we need is to attract attention.”

    “Ah, loosen up.” Stormcloud offered a small shrug. The shuffle of paws against the pavement brought her gaze around her shoulder, flitting to a certain cat, whose eyes were glued to the pavement. She touched a reassuring nose to Raindrizzle’s shoulder, leaning close as her voice dropped to a whisper. “You good?”

    A small nod, then a tentative flick of their tail… towards a toppled trash can. Seagulls flocked, pecking away at shiny wrappers and crinkling plastic. Bingo.

    "You're a genius, Raindrizzle," she murmured. Her tail swished behind her as she prowled forward, crouching low.

    The others had slid into their positions, a pair breaking off and slinking around the patrol to approach from the other side.

    The seagulls stood no chance.

    Frostclaw's tail flicked, and she rushed forward.

    Everything was a blur, colors and shapes disintegrating, the winds laced with the squawking of gulls and feathers drifting in the air. Her jaws clamped around a white bird, halting its frantic flight. To her side, Meowjima mirrored her, a gull in between his jaws. (+4FP seagull, +4FP seagull)

    Kittyu grinned, providing a nod of approval. The tom poked around in some trash, unearthing a few city scraps between the silvery wrappings. (+1FP scraps)

    “Hey, fellas!”

    She raised her head, nose sniffing the air cautiously. A reddish cat approached, a crooked grin splitting their muzzle. Their gait oozed confidence… and friendliness? It wasn’t something usually seen in the city cats.

    The stranger dipped their head, offering another loose grin. “The name’s Fennel. I’m looking for a friend of mine. She’s around this city somewhere... I swear she’s always getting lost. You fellas look like a bunch of seasoned professionals, who know their way around this city. What do you say? Will you help me look for her?”

    Fennel has requested the patrol's help! They are in search of a friend ─ does the patrol offer their assistance or turn Fennel down?

    xx+10% hunger for each patrol cat
    xxxx↳ stormcloud (10% hunger), raindrizzle (10% hunger), frostclaw (10% hunger)
    xxxxsootnose (10% hunger), meowjima (10% hunger), kittyu (10% hunger)

    xx+48XP → level 3 (312/400XP)
    xx+4FP seagulls, +4FP seagulls, +1FP scraps

    notes; hello! as a small head's up, i can't seem to view/access the document you listed for your inventory! this (click for image) is the error message that pops up for me! if you could fix that for your next explore post, that'll be lovely! i can also lend a hand, if you'd like! ^^

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Re: Stars V.2 • Explore

Postby nindroidzane » Mon Aug 09, 2021 6:19 am

I'm picking my own!
new prey:
egg, berries | 1FP
lemming, stoat, arctic tern, small fish | 2FP
arctic hare, herring, seabird | 3FP
loon, owl | 4FP
new predators:
arctic fox, seal, wolf, bear
Would you like your current inventory converted to the new prey list? N/A

First post!
A chill breeze found its way into Breezewhisper's half-dug hole in the ground. She shivered, standing up to stretch her stiff limbs after a cold night in the snow. A light wind swept by again, and she pricked an ear. No murmurs were carried along with it, no siren songs drawing her from her warm home out into the cold. She must have found it, then. Home.

A shiver of excitement ran through her, before she was hit with another gust of wind. Home was still pretty chilly. She supposed it had been called FrostClan for a reason.

Shaking clumps of snow out her fur, she padded out of her shallow den. She would have to dig that out more, and cover the bottom with something warmer. Otherwise she'd freeze to death before the Clan had even started.

Scenting the air briefly, and not smelling much other than the crisp air, she set off for the forest she'd gone through on her way here. Hopefully she'd find a snack, or at least something soft to sleep on.

[ 177 words ]

prey | 1 FP | x0
prey | 2 FP | x0
prey | 2 FP | x0
prey | 3 FP | x0
prey | 3 FP | x0
prey | 4 FP | x0

herb | usage | x0
herb | usage | x0
herb | usage | x0

--cats on patrol
Breezewhisper | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N
--level 0
experience: 0

--items in inventory used
-- active quests: N/A
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Re: Stars V.2 • Explore

Postby BigFrog4231 » Mon Aug 09, 2021 10:28 am

The Tribe of Singing Wind
Previous Post | Previous Reply
The hot air hung heavy over the meadow, many cats remaining in the little shade they had in their camp. A black and white muzzle poked out from a den, yellow eyes scanning the camp. Flower picked himself up and slunk out from his burrow, shaking scraps of moss and dirt from his pelt. Ever since the heat got bad, he had been assigning the caretakers to digging burrows for the tribe to sleep in instead of the bushes they had been sleeping under. Not only was this a more permanent solution to their den problem, but the burrows offered cool shade during the summer, and trapped in heat during the harsh winters.

Morning dew padded over to Flower, dipping his head and smiling. ``We've got some decent work done on the protectors burrow, I'd say with just a little more digging it'll be roomy even with the addition of more protectors!`` Flower smiles and notices the dirt flecks in Morning dew's fur and the mud stuck under his claws. ``Why don't you and the caretakers finish what you're doing and clean up, I'll send out a hunting patrol to bring back some good prey``, Flower says, glancing over to Snow who was already walking up to him. Morning dew nods and hurries back over to the almost finished burrow, carrying the news to the other caretakers.

``Snow, there you are! Just the cat I wanted to see``, Flower mews. ``Can you gather a hunting patrol and lead it to the edge of the Ever-Deep-Forest? There should be some good shade over there, you might have some good luck with hunting there``, he explains to the second-in-command. She nods and whisks away, silent. She makes her way to a group of protectors laying in the shade as Flower exits the camp, looking for the nearby stream to get a drink from.


The patrol of cats gather in the center of the camp with Snow in the middle, the other five around her. Her long white fur rustles with the growing breeze as she sticks a claw in the dirt, dragging it and creating small lines. ``This line will be the edge of the Ever-Deep-Forest. With the growing winds, we'll have to careful about which way it will carry out scent. If we're lucky, the wind will be blowing towards us, making it easier to scent prey. However, if we are unlucky, the wind will be blowing the opposite direction, carrying out scent straight to the prey. This hunting trip will be more based on speed than stealth, do I make myself clear?`` The five cats around her all nod, surprised by her seriousness today. Snow takes a good look over the group and begins to walk out of the camp, beckoning the others to follow. As they pick up the pace, the wind also picks up, the tall grass swaying every which way.

In the front, Snow and Robin lead the patrol. Petal and Fang trail close behind with Pebble and Bird in the rear. The six race through the meadow as the sun beats down on them, the cool shade of the Ever-Deep-Forest now seeming for like a reward rather than a mysterious danger. As the patrol begins to reach the edge of the forest, Snow can only pray to Starclan that the patrol can work together to bring back decent enough prey.
[ 564 words ]

--cats on patrol
Snow that coats the ground | HP 100% | HUP 20% | Sick: N
Robin that flies in sky | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N
Petal dancing in breeze | HP 100% | HUP 20% | Sick: N
Fang of fierce bite | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N
Pebble sitting in creek | HP 100% | HUP 30% | Sick: N
Bird with berry in beak | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N
--level 3
experience: 321

Full inventory can be found here under 'Explore Inventory' tab ^^
--items in inventory used
-- active quests:
The Star Striders: Fennel's Missing Friend
The Tribe of Singing Wind: N/A

mac !! he/xem
``i like everything, im a great cool``

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tokenz 4 art- open

⋅ ⋆ ⋅ ⋆ ⋅ ⋆ ⋅ ⋆ ⋅ ⋆ ⋅ ⋆ ⋅ ⋆ ⋅ ⋆ ⋅ ⋆ ⋅ ⋆ ⋅
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Re: Stars V.2 • Explore

Postby Gasparluna844 » Mon Aug 09, 2021 10:46 am

Last Explore Post (N/A) | Last Response Received (N/A)
Free Post (1/3)

Early morning, the sun shines down on the land, birds are singing, other animals are starting to come out of their nests and burrows but they're not the focus here, a lone she-cat begins rousing from her slumber with a yawn, quickly stretching and blinking the sleep out of her eyes before scanning the area surrounding her. It was a beautiful day indeed and it's not gonna be wasted, time for a casual stroll around her... Well, "lands" as they should be called now she guesses, she's still not sure how to go about this new wild life but... You gotta start somewhere right?

As she begins walking through the forest she thinks back to her kittypet life, it'll be much harder to survive out here without basic needs being immediately handed to her whenever she wanted, what if she can't survive? Was this decision all just a big mistake? She sure hoped not because there's no turning back now, she'll miss her twoleg but... Life was so boring and monotonous when they weren't home, it was just eating, staring out the window and sleeping... Which probably sounds exciting and appealing to many felines... Not to her though, there's more to do in this world than that and she truly believed it, however... She kept her small fish necklace since... A memory of the one that took care of her from when she was a kit should still be preserved, being forever thankful that she was chosen to be taken to the twoleg's home even if their separation was inevitable.

Lochrunner momentarily snapped out of her thoughts when she spotted some flowers up ahead, they were really pretty, she's happy that they're finally able to be examined up close and personal by her. Leaning down, she took one with her, as she was told that they're supposedly useful... She had absolutely no clue how, they're just simple flowers aren't they? No matter, she'll figure it out eventually, time to continue her exploration.

One of the biggest fears of hers is running into other cats, she has no training when it comes to fighting so... That could definitely pose a problem... Her only reliable method of "intimidation" (if you can even call it that) is the scars that she obtained in a battle that she... Didn't exactly win, she prayed that they'd be able to ward off any possible ill-meaning cats or dangerous predators since they made her look tougher, experienced.

As she finished pondering about that she came closer to a nearby river, sat down and set the flower she was carrying beside her, she deserved a little break and a drink. Once replenished, her eyes skimmed over the river, watching the fish that swam in it... Perhaps she could try catching one? It can't be that hard, all it takes is a good aim and a precise enough swing or... Bite too she supposes.

After a couple failed attemps to catch one of the slippery creatures Lochrunner was growing more and more frustrated, frowning with her tail swishing from side to side. She was proven wrong, it's... Quite difficult to grasp them actually... Alright, one last try wouldn't hurt, she launched her paw forwards and... Yes! She got it! Now she just has to bring it carefully to land and...

It hit her square in the face.

Yeah... That was not in her plans, she caught it but... At what cost? Her snout is now wet and slimy and the fish is flopping on the ground, this wasn't what she was thinking would happen on her first hunt... It was at least successful enough right? Thank god she isn't yet accompanied by anyone else or she's sure that they most likely would've laughed at her misery.

What a way to end the day and gather supplies...

[ 638 words ]
(My first time writting an explore post, pretty exciting even if i'm not an experienced writer, these longer posts with a lotta code are new to me so if I did anything wrong feel free to tell me ^^)

--cats on patrol
Lochrunner | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N
--level 0
experience: 0

prey | 1 FP | x0
prey | 2 FP | x0
prey | 2 FP | x0
prey | 3 FP | x0
prey | 3 FP | x0
prey | 4 FP | x0

herb | usage | x0
herb | usage | x0
herb | usage | x0
--items in inventory used
-- active quests:
Hello there! You can call me Gabs, Gabi or, as most prefer, Luna
I'm Portuguese so English is my secondary language
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TH (I'm active in closed species so... check it out if you're interested!)

Mostly here for closed species shenanigans nowdays, but if you wanna trade or talk to me then you're welcome to do so! c:

Anyways, have a good day/night!

(I'm also looking for any halloween pets on my wishlist, i love their designs so much!!!)

Btw mods me and lunarblackberry are friends so we sometimes gift eachother or trade unfairly if we need or want anything, thanks for listening

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Re: Stars V.2 • Explore

Postby Swishy & Broken » Mon Aug 09, 2021 2:32 pm

    Game Mechanic Update
    The Level Up system has had a reward revamp! Now, once players reach the higher levels, you'll start to earn much more valuable things- including more myos, nursery items, & even mythical edits :D

    The team is currently working on a way for players to claim rewards for past levels they've already reached, but we haven't quite put the finishing touches on it yet-- we'll make an announcement as soon as it's available!
    From this point forward, any posts where a user levels up will gain the new rewards associated with the level <3
Image Image Image

xxxxx Images Pixabay button Chipakers coding 0Zero0

Want some art?
Currently: drawing cats

❀ ✿ ❀
you can call me swishy, i use she/her
pronouns. i work full time at a senior
living facility and live a quiet, content
life with my fiancée and two cats. i
check cs every day, so don't feel shy
about giving me a poke <3 !!

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Re: Stars V.2 • Explore

Postby Vinson » Mon Aug 09, 2021 4:48 pm

I'm picking my own!
new prey:
scraps | 1 FP
mice/rats | 2 FP
voles | 2 FP
small fish | 2 FP
squirrels | 3 FP
eels | 3 FP
birds | 4 FP
big fish | 4 FP
muskrat | 5 FP
otter | 5 FP
sharks | 5 FP
new predators:
in the city ;; dogs, foxes, coyotes
in hunter's woods ;; bears, wolves, bobcats, hawks, eagles
in the ocean ;; sharks, sea eagles, seals, sea lions
Would you like your current inventory converted to the new prey list? Yes

I want to risk death!
Username: Vinson
Clan link: clan of the broken night
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Re: Stars V.2 • Explore

Postby miraphoenix » Tue Aug 10, 2021 4:29 am

I'm picking my own!
new prey:
    tide pool denizens (small crabs, abalone, rock gobies), bugs, scraps
    mice, bird's nests, voles, small fish (minnows, salmon parr/smolts, dace, stickleback), small birds (swallows, sparrows, wrens)
    squirrels, rabbits, medium fish (lamprey, suckerfish, pickerel), perching birds (waxwings, jays, flickers, blackbirds)
    large shorebirds, ducks, grebes, large fish (sockeye salmon, coho salmon, dog salmon, pink salmon, chinook salmon; steelhead/rainbow trout, muskellunge), young of predatory species, beavers
new predators:
    bobcats, lynx, owls, hawks, fishers, pike
Would you like your current inventory converted to the new prey list? Yes

If you would like a more extensive listing, or specific species present, please consult the Havenclan lore document, in the Science section. This is not necessary, but may be helpful.
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Re: Stars V.2 • Explore

Postby miraphoenix » Tue Aug 10, 2021 6:38 am

Hearing the morning birdsong, Lichenstep emerged from the now-familiar hollow of Forest’s Heart to stand in the thin morning mist. The warmth of summer was thick in the air, and she inhaled the last cool whispers of the night air, relishing its touch before the sun’s bright light burned the mist away.

Many moons had passed since Surfpelt had mentioned Hawkstar’s thought to make her the deputy of Havenclan.
Enough moons, in fact, that Salmonrun and his siblings had passed their trials and were now fully-fledged members of the clan. Many new cats had joined the fledgling clan as well, and the clearing around Forest’s Heart now hummed with cat activity during the daytime.

The discovery of neighboring clans had—mostly—been a boon, although Lichenstep still wondered about the large cats who occasionally came around, but claimed only the vaguest ideas of a territory. These large cats seemed particularly unwilling to stay too long near Forest’s Heart itself, and so the clan had stacked rocks together to provide them with a shelter, on the rare occasions one of the large cats spent the night.
Lost in her thoughts, the sound of a cat exiting Forest’s Heart startled her, and the warrior turned to see who it could be at such an early hour.

“Oh, did I startle you?”

The voice was Hawkstar’s, and Lichenstep blushed faintly in the morning light.
Over the past few moons, she had found herself coming to fancy the clan’s leader, a fact which filled her with no small amount of anxiety. In her old clan, having feelings for the clan leader was deeply taboo and frowned upon; if she was honest with Hawkstar, would they demote her, or worse?

“N-no, I was just enjoying the morning,” she stammered, trying to collect her thoughts. If Hawkstar didn’t believe her, they were polite and did not say so.

“I was going to go out to the river to hunt,” the leader began, stretching in the morning light. “If you would like to come with me, the company would be nice…”

Lichenstep swallowed, regaining her composure.

“It would be an honor…!” she answered after a moment that she dearly hoped was not too awkward.
Her answer was honest, as she did feel honored when Hawkstar invited her to join them. Besides, a hunt was something with purpose, an interaction she knew; surely it couldn’t be more awkward than standing around like this? The potential for breakfast was a bonus.

Together, the two cats padded off into the misty air, the sounds of the waking forest concealing their footsteps.
[ 431 words ]

--cats on patrol
Hawkstar | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N
Lichenstep | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N
--level 1
experience: 167/200

tide pool creatures | 1 FP | x7
vole | 2 FP | x1
prey | 2 FP | x0
prey | 3 FP | x0
prey | 3 FP | x0
prey | 4 FP | x0

catchweed | fastens poultices to the skin | x1
thyme | calming agent and muscle relaxant | x1
lungwort | treats respiratory infection | x1
willow leaves | painkiller | x1
dandelion | calming and fever relief | x1
catmint | relaxation | x1
fennel | joint pain relief | x1
chickweed | treats respiratory infection | x1
burnet | restorative | x1
--items in inventory used
1x squirrel (3FP) to feed Lichenstep, Salmonrun, and Surfpelt
1x scraps (1FP) to feed Fogdance
-- active quests:
Last edited by miraphoenix on Mon Aug 16, 2021 10:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stars V.2 • Explore

Postby espen. » Tue Aug 10, 2021 12:25 pm

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Last Explore Post | Last Response Received
Smokestorm opened his eyes, only to be met by Kestrelspeck's turquoise peepers staring daggers at him. The dominantly brown she-cat looked furious, and he may as well be her mate at this point. That meant he'd get the brunt of the attack.

"Never. And I mean NEVER leave me alone with that prissy little Healer's Apprentice again! Goldenblossom is INTOLERABLE! She thinks a tiny little squirrel is something to brag ON AND ON ABOUT. Next time, I'm going with you. You're smart enough to keep your mouth shut around me." The cat snorted and padded outside. Smokestorm sighed, knowing he was probably the only one who would ever know how sweet Kestrelspeck really was.

The grey tom caught up to Kestrelspeck and suggested they ate together. The she-cat grabbed a mouse (-2FP Mouse), growling at the squirrel in the pile. The tom picked a vole (-2FP Vole) and crouched next to the other cat. Both ate in near silence, the only comments said to snicker at the kits and their funny games.

By the time all the cats had woken up and gotten to the clearing, the sun was almost directly above them. Smokestorm assigned all of them their groups. He and Kestrelspeck would go hunting together, while the gentle Sagefluff would go with the ecstatic Goldenblossom. Olivebranch and Softpetal would scout her herbs. The poor innocent Softpetal needed a break from the jumpy Healer's Apprentice. The cats spread out and disappeared into the thick ferns. What will they find?
[ 246 words ]

--cats on patrol
Kestrelspeck | HP 100% | HUP 50% | Sick: N
Smokestorm | HP 100% | HUP 50% | Sick: N
Sagefluff | HP 100% | HUP 20% | Sick: N
Olivebranch | HP 100% | HUP 20% | Sick: N
Softpetal | HP 100% | HUP 30% | Sick: N
Goldenblossom | HP 100% | HUP 20% | Sick: N
--level 2
experience: 208/300

Mouse | 2 FP | x4
Vole | 2 FP | x1
Squirrel | 3 FP | x1
Rabbit | 4 FP | x2
Scraps | 1 FP | x1

Cobwebs | usage | x2
Horsetail | usage | x2
Foxglove Seeds | usage | x2
Sweet-sedge | usage | x2
Lungwort | usage | x3
Borage Leaves | usage | x3
Comfrey Root | usage | x2
--items in inventory used
1 Mouse | 1 Vole
-- active quests:
quest #1 (linked)
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