Viscet #1902 - Space skeleton by SilverSamurai

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Viscet #1902 - Space skeleton

Postby SilverSamurai » Mon Oct 02, 2017 9:51 am

Username - Milo.
Name - Fell
Gender - Male

Happy halloween October! Spooky designs all month yesssss

This will be a super short impress me! With a few requirements though.
This will end in 72 hours (3 days); Wednesday, October 4th at 6pm est.

Code: Select all
Gender;; (biological required)
Give me a skeleton pun;;
extras;; (500 word minimum OR one art piece required). Once the minimum requirement is met, go wild! Anything is accepted

No extensions will be given this time around because the point is a quick contest. Remember, quality over quantity! Good luck, and have fun!
Last edited by SilverSamurai on Sat Oct 07, 2017 9:51 am, edited 3 times in total.

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I enjoy music, birds, anime/manga, video games, and art. Feel free to send over a message whenever if you'd like to chat!

A lot is happening right now, but I'm doing my best

"I fell apart, but got back up again,"
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Re: Viscet #1901 - Space skeleton

Postby padaleckii » Mon Oct 02, 2017 9:53 am

Username;; ~Prophecy~
Name;; Bozhidar
Nicknames;; Darko, Sepi
Gender;; Male
Give me a skeleton pun;; I felt bad for the skeleton that went to the party because he had no body to dance with. Guess it was okay cause he looked bone tired anyway.

It was time. He'd fought against it for so long. The accident wasn't his fault. The door was closed, and as he put his paw on the handle, he felt afraid of what he might find. He kept absolutely still as the murmuring from inside the room grew quiet with the click of the handle being pushed.
"It's time." Bozhidar whispered to himself. He took a deep breath as he pushed the hospital room door gently open. It made a horrifying screech. There was a doctor and a nurse in there with Hali. With his best friend.
Hali glared at time and the other two viscets looked annoyed with him. The doctor motioned over the nurse and they murdered a bit. Bozhidar stood awkwardly in silence, staring at the floor while Hali stayed motionless and silent also. The two viscets slid past him and exited.
Bozhidar looked up at Hali, and met his eye. The two exchanged glances. Bozhidar sympathetic and full of sorrow. Hali's was full of wrath. Hali looked away, not wanted to see Bozhidar's puppy dog eyes anymore.
But just locking eyes with Hali brought the memory back.

There was a legend about the well in The Garden of Roya Vosahr. Apparently if you threw a coin in it, it would turn to gold. A pebble would turn into a diamond. Him and Hali just wanted to check it out. If the legends were true, well, they would be rich! Noone has gotten down the well for centuries and it is so deep it is hard to see down there. Many have been dissapointed at the fact that they wouldn't be able to retrieve their prize if it was true. There is a miniature bucket down there, but the coins and rocks always seem to fail to go in it. Bozhidar and Hali had been messing around with it. They threw handfuls of pebbles, trying to get some into the bucket. The distinct plop it made confirmed that their attempts repeatedly failed. The two knew they were smarter than pulling the bucket halfway to throw, so they pulled the bucket fully up and dumped more pebbles in. They lowered it until they heard water fill it, and they brought it back up. When the bucket came up with water but no pebbles in it, they both deemed the well to be magic. It was large enough as to where a fully grown viscet could easily get down, but getting up would be a challenge. Something they didn't think of. The two made a not-so-well thought up plan, and acted on it. Hali were to go down, grab a handful of the diamonds and golf, and Bozhidar would pull him back up.
"Ready, Sepi?" Hali playfully punched Bozhidar.
"As ready as you are," he punched Hali back.
Hali tested the rope attached to the bucket. He then sat onto the bucket and held onto the wall as Bozhidar lowered him. Not taking the weight, the rope snapped when Hali was only halfway down. Hali tried to grab something, but there was nothing. The wall was to slippery and only cut his paws. He made a large clunk as he plummeted into the water and hit the pile of coins and rock. Struggling to the surface, he clung onto a convenient piece of driftwood, praying to see daylight. It was dark down there, and he was in pain. For the longest time he had to continuously kick his legs to keep afloat. He then realized in one part of the well the pile was high enough to gentle rest on. He placed his back paws on it strategically and used that as support.
Hali was unsure of when help would come. He screamed up "Sepi! Sepi! Come on man! Sepi! Help!"
Meanwhile, Bozhidar panicked on the surface. He panicked and wasn't sure what to do. He couldn't help Hali up, and so he called to get help. An ambulance and a strong team came quickly to rescue Hali. The wait seemed like forever. Bozhidar felt shame when he saw Hali, as the idea was mostly his own. He watched Hali stumble along with the help and support of the medics. As he stopped to catch his breath, he looked back to Bozhidar in anger. He blamed him for it because it was Bozhidar'd idea. Hali could see the sympathetic and sorry look he was given, but he didn't believe it. Hali was convinced this was done on purpose.

Bozhidar approached Hali's bed hesitantly. The expression on Hali's face was unwelcoming.
"Hello Se-" Hali cut himself off. No. He would not allow himself to use the friendly nickname. "Bozhidar..." The name rolled off his tongue weird, so he trailed off. Hali hadn't used that name practically since the two met. Rarely it was said, only when Hali was mad at him or they were playfully being super serious. Hali wasn't even used to hearing it. Only people just meeting Bozhidar called him Bozhidar. Mostly everyone just called him Darko. Hali wasn't fond of that nickname, which is why he used his own- Sepi.
"Hello friend," Bozhidar replied. "Y-you, you are aware of the fact I wouldn't mean for this to ever happen. We are best friends, I wouldn't want this. Why would I want this? If I was mad or upset with you I would tell you. I wouldn't go to violence. I wouldn't have put out that idea if I knew the rope would break. I hope you can forgive me."
Last edited by padaleckii on Thu Oct 05, 2017 9:56 am, edited 15 times in total.

      a hound chased a rabbit, but gave up after a long run.
      a shepherd who watched came up to the hound and said,
      "the rabbit is the better runner." the hound replied,
      "i only ran for dinner.
      he ran for his life."

      my: viscet storage » orb cat storage » deviantart »

      also formerly known as ~prophecy~ & elysiium but i've
      been here nine years so don't blame me for changing it.

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Re: Viscet #1901 - Space skeleton

Postby Razors » Mon Oct 02, 2017 9:53 am

Absolutely stunning! Not trying out, but I have plenty of viscets, good and bad, if anyone needs any relationships.
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Re: Viscet #1901 - Space skeleton

Postby _Alex_ » Mon Oct 02, 2017 9:54 am

    helping a friend out
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Re: Viscet #1901 - Space skeleton

Postby shibeboi » Mon Oct 02, 2017 9:55 am

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Re: Viscet #1901 - Space skeleton

Postby Virixin » Mon Oct 02, 2017 9:56 am



xxusername ;; juice box.
xxname ;; Vritra
xxgender ;; Male


xxpun ;;
"What do skeletons order at restaurants?"
xxxx spare ribs


    xxxxxxIstanu stepped lightly over a mound of dust, gaze sliding over the fields in a view of sympathy. The land was in ruins, skeletal remains of once living creatures littering the landscape. A battle had once ensured here, dragging on for years on end until no one was left to fight. Their remains thrown about, long forgotten by the expense of time. Istanu moved his gaze from area to area, ears perked forward as he searched for what he had been seeking. Not far behind him lingered his student, Teivel. He was a younger Viscet, paws stumbling over the piles of dust and dirt not so elegantly as his master had. Istanu was on a mission to find something important to, well, definitely not his research. It was more important to himself than his research.

    Istanu halted as he reached what he was looking. It was a seemingly ordinary pile of bones, strewn about the dust, worn down by the winds. He sighed, turning his head to watch as his student shuffled towards him, huffing angrily as dust kicked up in his face. Istanu shook his head, turning back to the pile. It was of Viscet remains, the jaw of its skull left in a silent, gaping scream. Istanu let out a soft exhale before he rose his paws, hovering them over the remains. He clenched his eyes as he focused, tail twitching as he felt his magic bubbling within his veins. He ground his jaw, forcing it out into his projection. Tendrils rose from his paw tips, sinking down into the bones of the long deceased Viscet. Teivel stopped at a distance, ears flicking forward as he stared upon his teacher's doings in awe.

    The bones rose from the dust, rattling as the magic brought them together, piece by piece. The skeleton was being rebuilt right before them before the magic exploded. Istanu grunted, lowering his head to block his face in case it wasn't a good result. Teivel stepped back, hiding his muzzle in his chest fluff. When the air cleared of thrown up dust, Istanu lifted his gaze, and a grin spread his lips. Standing before them was a Viscet, completely reanimated by his own powers. Living. Breathing. Its head shook before it looked up at them with pure confusion swirling in its eyes. Its muscles bunched, tail twitching. It stood before them with life thrust back into its form. Teivel was gaping, "Master, you did it... You brought him back.."

    Istanu gave a hum of approval, circling his new... creation. He had known he would do as such, as well, he was just that full of himself. He lifted his gaze to Teivel, gesturing with his paw. "Name him." He rumbled a first few words spoken to the other in a while. Teivel nodded frantically at his teacher's hoarse voice, throwing open his book he held close, claw dragging down a page before a single name left his mouth; "Vritra."
    xxxxxxVritra learned fast over the following months, sticking close to Istanu as a new student and as Teivel's only friend. Vritra earned compliments far quicker and easier than the other had, excelling perfectly among the mastery of magic. The older student had begun to grow jealous of the new arrival's accomplishments and progress. Teivel had begun to take note of how Vritra had become their teacher's favorite. Vritra now currently was settled in Istanu's keep, a worn journal settled in his paws as he gazed through its contents with gentle eyes. He didn't even raise his eyes as Teivel's form slid into the keep, a new air around him. "Vritra, did you see this book I've found in master Istanu's personal library?" Teivel spoke, holding out a more aged book, the cover barely hanging onto the binding. Vritra lifted his gaze, which was now filled with the utmost concern.

    "Teivel.. Istanu has stated more than once that we do not take books from his personal library." Vritra scolded lightly, shaking his head as he peered at the book, a slight hunger in the back of his mind aching for him to touch and read this strange looking book. Teivel huffed, shaking his head. He eased the book open to a marked page. Scribbles littered the slightly torn paper, sketches of some sort of... portal reflecting from the nearby lamplight. Words scribbled in Istanu's writing scrawled across the page, the only one standing out the most to Vritra was; 'dangerous.' He shook his head, leaning away. "Put it back before you get us in trouble."

    Teivel ground his jaw, shaking his head, "Vritra, do you not see what this can do for us? Look! It says here that whoever can summon these portals can ruin an entire realm to himself!" Teivel exclaimed, drawing a line under the words with his claw. Vritra shook his head once more, "Teivel, no. Things don't work so simply like th-" He blinked as Teivel slammed the book in his face, words dying midsentence. Teivel glared, "How would you know? Now come on! Before Istanu notices we are gone!"

    Teivel grabbed a hold of Vritra's paw and dragged the unwilling other out of the keep. Vritra huffed, biting his lip as he dragged his feet alongside, stomach twisting into knots. They ran hard, Teivel in the lead as he scouted out the location they were to do this ritual. Vritra was slower, ears pinned back as they did. He had fear that Istanu would find them and drop them both off to find new students who weren't so defiant against his rules. It seemed to be an entire eternity before Teivel slammed to a halt, Vritra hitting against the other's back as he tried to stop in time. Teivel rose his paw, "Here! This is the spot! Now... It says one person to do it at a time, so I will go first." He declared, stepping forward to stand, nose pushed deep into the book. Vritra stepped back as Teivel recited words, paw lifting as he spoke the words of another language.

    Teivel's gaze lifted as the ground rumbled. Vritra gasped, staggering back, biting his lip as he watched Teivel's excited and hungry stare. A few minutes passed before nothing happened, Teivel's look melting to an angry scowl. He thrust the book into Vritra's grasp and stepped away, a nasty glare scrapping the horizon behind them. Hesitantly, Vritra lowered his gaze, reciting the words in a weak and shaking voice. The ground rumbled again, before the air before him split with a deafening sound, rippling across the very fabric of time and space. Waves of ripples resonated from its core, its light a gentle and warm hue. Teivel's jaw dropped as jealously flooded his heart. He snatched the book away, stepping back as he glared angrily. Vritra took no notice of the other, stepping forward, reaching out to touch the flowing tear in the very space before him.

    Hesitantly, Vritra stepped through, holding his breath. The light grew blinding, yet he stepped forward until it had dulled. He carefully lifted his head, eyes opening. His eyes widened in pure astonishment as he found himself on a balcony, staring out upon the most beautiful world he had ever seen. It was beyond description, a gentle and welcoming air in this world that warmed his body. Turning his head, Vritra squeaked as he found himself nose to nose with a female Viscet, her eyes twinkling as she cradled something to her chest. "H-How can I, uh, help you?" Vritra stammered, taking a step back.

    "Welcome to Ethereal, my lord!" The female suddenly declared, a bright smile breaking her lips. "We've been waiting for your arrival for eons." She explained in a hurried tone, stretching out her paws to reveal a crown like adornment. Vritra's eyes widened. "O-Oh no, you have it all wrong.. I-I'm not your lord." He said quickly, shaking his head. The female tilted her head, yet she seemed persistent. "Of course you are! Your name is Vritra, correct?"

    His heart turned to stone. He gulped, body numb. Vritra nodded slowly, pure confusion reflecting from his facial features. "Then yes! You are our Lord, as passed down from ear to ear of our people that you would one day open the portal between the worlds and reclaim your seat on the throne." Vritra's throat had gone dry as the female rambled on, her eyes twinkling. He shook his head, stumbling back towards the portal. "My lord?" The female frowned, taking a step forward. Vritra ignored her, stumbling free through the portal back into the only world he knew as his. Teivel stood there, ears flat as he now had an extremely angered Istanu at his side.

    Vritra cowered at his teacher's glare. The larger male stepped forward, growling low in his chest. "Of the two of you, I cannot believe you would have agreed to do this, Vritra. I am highly ashamed of you. Of the both of you." Istanu spat, making both hunker down to seem smaller beneath his molten glare. Their teacher ground his jaw, "Because of this opening, you have triggered the cracking of the other, the one that holds things far less appreciated than this one. You both have caused the connections of our world to Ethereal and Ishemorta, something no one has wanted. And now, as destined, you two will be punished to banishment!" He snarled, glaring down at his students with pure rage flickering off his form. Both were in astonishment and fear.

    "Vritra, I banish you to that of Ethereal, do not return here unless on duty. And you, Teivel.. my dearest student. The one who I've had the longest.." Istanu ground his jaw. "You are banished to the realm you are to care for; Ishemorta. You will find its portal near the Shattered Vale. Do not return, the either of you! This was a disappointment to not only me but to us all. I hope you learn your lessons." Istanu spat, storming off in a heated rage.

    It had all moved so fast for the two poor souls, their punishment the result of Teivel's greed. Ever since then, Vritra had taken a spot in Ethereal as their Lord; as the Realm founder of Ethereal and the head God. Teivel fell to the punishment of being in the realm of Ishemorta as their Realm founder, sitting in the throne with the title of Devil pinned above his head. Both were not to leave their realms, as told by their banishment from Phiaddesia in whole, unable to leave unless summoned for buisness.

Last edited by Virixin on Tue Oct 03, 2017 1:22 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Viscet #1901 - Space skeleton

Postby milo. » Mon Oct 02, 2017 9:58 am

| un: milo. | g/fbp: male |

ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇᴀsᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ sᴋᴇʟᴇᴛᴏɴ ᴡᴀs sᴏ ᴄᴀʟᴍ ɪs ʙᴇᴄᴀᴜsᴇ ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ɢᴇᴛs ᴜɴᴅᴇʀ ʜɪs sᴋɪɴ
art by me; shading by james.

    It was a question nobody wanted to hear; "Are you afraid of death?"

    The male heaves a sigh, grinding the backs of his paws against reddened eyes. A patient he'd been working with for at least a week got her final diagnosis -- unfortunately, the last diagnosis that she would ever receive. Her fearful expression has Fell forcing a smile, though it falls slowly as he mulls the question over silently. He's exhausted - rightfully so. Though he should be home right now, relaxing and kicking back, preparing himself for his next shift in a mere eight hours, he'd taken to sitting with the female during her final hours and reminiscing about all the good times they've had. She had asked a few general questions. Ones that when answered would give the woman a better understanding of the type of guy Fell really was... but this last question had taken him off guard and he wasn't entirely certain how he should answer it.

    "Honestly?" he offers gently, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees, paws dangling lifelessly between them. "I'm terrified of dying."

    He can't meet her eyes; he's ashamed.

    "Why did you tell me earlier that you weren't afraid?" She snaps in return, anger evident though he chalks it up to fear in general. She was grieving and he would allow her that without taking offense to anything she says. It was true, he had lied. But the fact of the matter was, he had a reputation to uphold -- not just his name, but his title as well. Doctors needed to remain calm in any situation. Distance themselves and see their patients as merely... patients. Fell was easily moved by others - his heart ached whenever he was faced with difficult decisions. Many would say that his emotions would get in the way of a proper diagnosis, though just because he connected with his patients, became personable with them, didn't make him any less of an exceptional healer.

    "I'm a Doctor," Fell lifts a paw, waving it absently as though he could pull the correct words to use out of thin air. "I face death every day, and if I let it know that I was afraid of it... well, it would kick my butt."

    She smiles, though it's faint. He barely catches it before she hardens her stare once more.

    "So, that's it then... huh? We're all scared."

    Fell hums in response, ears falling to flatten in despair. It was true-- everyone was afraid of something, whether it be death or something else. Logically he knew it didn't make him weak to admit it, but he had a mask to wear while in his scrubs. He had a face to present to the public and to his patients, and he failed to keep it in tact more often than not. A gentle nod confirms her statement, and the female drops her head to the pillows to stare at the ceiling quietly. Her exhale makes Fell think of her as deflating-- and in a way, he supposed, she kind of was.

    "You don't have to stay, Doctor." The girl bites, though her anger is tapering off and sadness seems to be taking it's place. "I have family coming soon to see me, and you clocked out over an hour ago."

    Fell smiles genuinely this time, though melancholy taints the edges of his maw. It wasn't really unlike the complex male to stay behind to check up on patients, but it hadn't occurred to him really that he was spending a decent amount of time with this patient in particular. He shakes his head, shifting so he can pull the chair closer to the female's bedside.

    "I've read your chart every day for a week. You don't have anyone coming." She averts her eyes and Fell leans forward to catch her gaze. Reaching out with a confident paw, he grabs hold of the other's paw gently and flashes another smile when he feels her give a little squeeze. "But that doesn't mean that you have to go through this alone. I'm here for you. I promised you that I would be, didn't I?"

    The girl finally does meet his gaze, eyes blurry and feathers tear stained. She mouths a silent 'thank you' before picking herself up to wrap her free arm around his neck. She pulls him in for a hug, and he accepts it with a deep chested chuckle. When she leans back into the pillows once more, she looks... peaceful. The grieving process was one he'd witnessed countless times, but this was by far the most hard hitting. The male wipes at his own eyes, flicking away tears before they can fall. The silence that falls between them isn't awkward. Unspoken words could sometimes sit with you the most, in the most awe inspiring way.

    "Doctor Fell?"

    His ears flick up in response, twitching as his attention is drawn to her instead of the machines surrounding them.

    "What was your best experience in this hospital?" She needs to hear something lovely, and he's more than willing to provide. The male quirks a brow, tilting his head to ponder the question for a moment but a former patient of his does come to mind, and he chuckles softly to himself at the memory.

art by _Alex_

    We have a Code Amber in progress, Code Amber.

    Fell lifts his head from his arms, wiping at the bit of drool that dribbled off his chin and onto the table to pool. He didn't remember falling asleep, but he was most certainly awake now. A Code Amber was nothing to mess around with-- a missing child was definitely no laughing matter and Fell jumped up to run out of the room so quickly, he flinched at the loud clanging of the metal chair behind him as it was kicked back and hit the floor. When he entered the hallway, he was nearly bowled over by another doctor. Two nurses are racing in the other direction and there's a blue merle male shouting at another doctor down at the end of the hall. The skeletal healer sniffs quickly, ears flicking to attention in concern as he hurries his way toward the altercation.

    "You need to find my daughter right now, or so help me--"

    "Whoa, whoa! Hey!" Fell intervenes, hands on the merle's arm to pull him back. He looks like your run of the mill wannabe gangster - a toque placed loosed atop his head and loose fitted clothing that made him appear more slight than he already was. Piercing blues burn through Fell as they settle on him, and the slender male actually swallows rather thickly. This male looks all bark, but there was something about him that screamed trouble and danger. The female that approached shortly after to push through the group and tower in Fell's personal space screamed danger even more so-- alarms rang in the Doctor's head as she crowded him against the wall, the merle male growling behind her and upping on his toes to glare him down.

    "Don't you dare lay a paw on my husband. You're all incompetent. Leaving a young child alone in a hospital room after an exam? We were told to wait outside, and now look where that's--"

    "Whoa! Hey!" Fell tucks his chin a bit to guard his throat, eyes glancing at gleaming fangs as the woman silently snarls. "Look, somebody needs to tell me what's going on! I promise you, I'll help you, okay?" The male lifts his hands slowly, placating, before slipping sideways and away from the confinement. He pulls in a breath before addressing them both with a fixing tug of his lab coat. "Please, trust me. I just need to know what's going on."

    "Our daughter--"

    The merle steps forward, side-stepping his larger wife and shoving Fell roughly against the wall. Fell wonders if he's ever going to be able to get anything done or if he's destined to be confined to the time out corner. "What's going on is our daughter is missing. Gone! We brought her in for some tests and the next thing we know, everyone's scrambling to find her. Do you guys actually know what you're doing, or did you all get your degrees out of a claw machine? You --"

    "Jesse, that's enough." Floppy ears pull back at the sound of his wife's voice and though he's on the edge of attack, hackles raised, he does back down and he allows Fell some breathing room.

    Fell once more fixes his lab coat, offering the kindest smile he can muster before asking which examination room she has been in. The point him in the right direction, give him the number, and before the merle - Jesse - can speak up again the Doctor is fleeing the couple's wrath. Yes, they had absolutely every right to be angry with the hospital. It was unacceptable, leaving a frightened child alone in an examination room. But Fell had faith-- he always had faith.

    He steps into the room quietly, closing the door behind him to block out the hustle and bustle of the halls. In the silence, Fell steps softly about, examining the room. His eyes settle on the counters, the windows, the chairs, and the bed. The chart that had been tossed on the bed in a panic, he assumes, has dropped to the floor and Fell figures it might be easier to know who he's actually looking for... though when he crouches down to grab the clipboard, he hears a tiny noise. Knitting his brows, Fell drops a little lower, catching the tip of a fluffy, fox-like tail under the bed before it disappears into the darkness beneath. He glances at the chart quickly before dropping all the way to his belly, muzzle laying on the floor as he waits for his eyes to adjust to the new light and perspective.

    "Maisy-May?" A whimper is what he receives in response, but it's better than nothing at all. A relieved sigh escapes the male, incredibly pleased that he wouldn't have to tear the entire hospital apart in order to find her. "Hey, sweetheart. It's okay... my name is Doctor Fell. Are you a little bit scared, honey?"

    "They said... they said I needed a shot. They were going to put a needle in me."

    Fell smiles toward her, pleased that she has wiggled a little closer in order to speak with him. He gets a better look at her, expression fond and gentle as she studies his features. Fell nods slightly, humming in response. "Mn, that can be a little bit scary, huh? Hey..." he shuffles back a little to offer her more room. "Why don't you come out from under there, so we can talk a bit okay? I promise, I'm not going to hurt you. Nobody here wants to hurt you, Maisey-May, we all just want to help you get better so you can grow up big and strong like your Daddy."

    "More like big and strong like my Mommy." she whispers back, and Fell can't help but let a little chuckle escape him.

    "She is pretty big and strong, isn't she? Terrifying woman..."

    Maisey giggles back, and Fell notices the tip of her tail wagging. It was a good start, and though it did take a little more coaxing to get her out from under the bed, she did emerge and she did agree to sit with him on the bed while he explained what the procedures were all for. While she spoke to him, Fell paged one of the other doctors to the examination room - stating that he should not enter, but that he should bring the parents so she can be comfortable and calm instead of spooked again. The moment the door opens and they both turn to see who it is, Maisey drops her head in shame when she sets her eyes on Jesse and Sebastian.

    They aren't angry. Not in the slightest. Instead, they both rush to her side, Jesse pulling her into himself for a hug so he can cry into her hair, and Sebastian rubbing her arms and back to sooth her. They both offer reassurances that she wasn't in trouble, and Sebastian mouths a gentle thank you toward the doctor who had stepped back and away to offer the family their space. Fell nods curtly, a happy smile painting his features.

    "She's a very smart little girl, that Maisey-May." Fell offers, arms crossing as he leans against the work top comfortably. "She was telling me all about her science experiments with her Daddy. Isn't that right, darling?"

    The girl nods back eagerly, leaning up to kiss at her father's face to calm him. Fell had never seen a male cry as openly as Jesse was doing, but he supposed he'd be doing that same had he a child and he or she went missing. Fell offers them the room for a short while, telling them he'd come back soon. The last thing he hears before he closes the door behind him to leave the family be makes him bark a loud laugh.

    "Do I still have to get a shot, Mommy?"


Jesse belongs to me
Sebastian belongs to james.
Maisey-May belongs to me

< ----- collabs; strudel & james. ----->

thank you to everyone who
helped me with this form
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Re: Viscet #1901 - Space skeleton

Postby lex » Mon Oct 02, 2017 10:01 am

Username;; lex
Gender;; (biological required)
Give me a skeleton pun;; idk i'm sure there will be a skeleton of people joining this competition... i've got to think of a humerus pun or else i'll be boned
extras;; (500 word minimum OR one art piece required). Anything and everything is accepted!
just kidding im back a little
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Re: Viscet #1901 - Space skeleton

Postby emporio! » Mon Oct 02, 2017 10:02 am

Dropping out, but good luck guys!
Last edited by emporio! on Thu Oct 05, 2017 9:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Viscet #1901 - Space skeleton

Postby corrosive_limes » Mon Oct 02, 2017 10:03 am

oml this viscet is just
g o r g e o u s
though i'm afraid i don't think i'll be entering ;v;

good luck to those trying out and congrats in advance to the winner! <3

also, i believe this should be #1902 as #1900 was skipped for the milestone raffle and Strudel posted #1901 just before this ^^
Last edited by corrosive_limes on Mon Oct 02, 2017 10:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

unfortunately almost entirely quit, this site just doesn't spark joy for me anymore. (no my stuff is not available. if it was i would've made a thread for it)
occasionally log back on to search for references or old posts for character information, but not much more
i'm on @corrosive_limes if you want to credit me for a design / art that you have
my discord is also corrosive_limes if you really really need me for something
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