Viscet #2314 - PFCFS by grifforik

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Viscet #2314 - PFCFS

Postby grifforik » Fri Feb 16, 2018 7:53 am

Piiink. This one will end at the 2nd post of page 2!

Username: T h e M a r t i a n
Name: Jaxon ( Jax )
Gender: Male
Gender for breeding purposes: Male
Owned as of: 4/4/18

1. Ends at the second post of page 2. Will not accept entries after that.
2. Stick to the word limits.
3. No off page forms.
4. No editing your forms!
5. Extras are fine as much as you want.

Code: Select all
Gender for breeding purposes:
Personality: (MUST be over 100 words)
Short story: (MUST be over 200 words, tell me about something they like to do.)
Other: (as many extras as you want.)

Last edited by grifforik on Thu Apr 05, 2018 1:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Viscet #2314 - PFCFS

Postby Rescue2001 » Fri Feb 16, 2018 10:39 am

Gender for breeding purposes:

Razz is somewhat what you would call a crazy person lol. He loves doing crazy things like bungee jumping or or jumping off of bridges for the thrill of it. But Razz won't do things that he knows is bad like some drugs or eating tide pods ( sorry had to lol ). When Razz isn't doing crazy stuff he loves being with his friends and family in which he still acts crazy around them but he knows how to act and when its a little too much. Razz is also very shy though when it comes to meeting new people face to face but if its over letters or over the phone he is very outgoing.

Short story:
Like I said before Razz is a sorta daredevil and he has had some pretty interesting stories that he loves telling, like this one.

Razz got bored one day and he hadnt done one of his crazy ideas for a while so he looked through this notebook he has full of his crazy ideas. He was about half way through it when he saw the thing that he thought was just the best thing to do right now ( don't ask me how but he did ), it was going shark cage diving in the ocean. To top this off he decided that he wanted to go to where there has been reports of huge and fearless sharks. He stayed up all night researching and finally he was able to get something all set up for tomorrow. He met with this guy he researched and they settled out to where there has been really recent activity. They got roughly to the spot and started setting things up, the cage the suits the bait. After about an hour of waiting with constantly rebaiting the water they got some action at first there was only a 6ft great white and then after another half an hour a couple more showed up one was a ten footer roughly and the other maybe a 9 footer. Razz got super excited he got his suit on and all the other gear and got into the cage. As the cage was being loaded into the water Razz was given some bait to get more attention. Razz got into the water and then immediately a shark swam up close to the cage and started eyeing him. Just a couple more sharks came after that but he did get rammed by a huge female shark after that they guy brought the cage up and they headed out back towards land


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Re: Viscet #2314 - PFCFS

Postby ~Teya~ » Fri Feb 16, 2018 12:30 pm

What a beauty<3
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Re: Viscet #2314 - PFCFS

Postby T h e M a r t i a n » Fri Feb 16, 2018 2:13 pm


Username: T h e M a r t i a n
Name: Jaxon ( Jax )
Gender: Male
Gender for breeding purposes: Male


extroverted || charismatic || loud || bold || demanding || self-critical || hard-working || emotional || fun-loving || adventurous || daring || reckless || overprotective

An extrovert, plain and simple. He is someone who loves to be the center of attention. He is never far from it, really. He has this initial magnetism about him, this natural charm or charisma that seems to draw attention to him when he enters a room. He has this way of talking that makes it seem like you are the only other person in the room. He is quite a charmer and perhaps a bit of a flirt. He can't help himself but try and take every shot he can.

He is always looking for some way to show off to basically anyone. He can have a bit of an inferiority complex, and becomes quite overcritical of himself. Like they say, you are your worst critic. He can be deemed a tad on the cocky or even arrogant side, simply because he thinks he needs to be better than others. It is actually quite the opposite, however. He is very hard on himself, as he had been abandoned as a viscling and feels this constant need to prove himself. He had been babied and pitied all his life for his so-called, "disadvantage". He hates it, quite honestly.

Jaxon is a very hard-working individual. He has spent years trying to prove to everyone that he is not some small child that needs to be pitied or babied. He is a grown individual and doesn't need someone looking after him anymore. He can get a little emotional. Okay, a lot emotional. He can get frustrated really easily, especially with things concerning his own ability. This often leads to him pushing himself to hard and even injuring himself. Or, it will led to him being snappy and just overall unpleasant to be around. He will eventually calm down, usually just needing to take a walk to clear his head or do something else to get his mind off of whatever it was bothering him.

A true outdoorsman, he loves to explore new places he has never seen nor been to. He loves to travel and tends to really dislike being stuck in one place or doing the same routine over and over again. He likes the challenge and the prospect of trying new things and is always up to go hiking or snowboarding some new path. He is a trailblazer, often deciding to take the road less traveled. He dislike the mundane or the routine, and prefers to mix things up a bit. He is a very daring individual and truly rather reckless as well. He has a tendency to follow the act now, think later agenda, which often points him in the direction of trouble.

Jaxon is overprotective and quite caring of those he calls his friends. This is partially his self-doubt talking again, as he is this way to keep his friends from abandoning him. Sometimes he thinks himself not good enough for these friends he has. But, they often prove time and time again that they will not abandon him, but stick by his side through thick and thin.


Short story:

The red sun dripped across the radiant, white snow, staining it a brilliant orange-red. The birds of the upper mountain trees began to sing their songs of daybreak, sweet melodies muffled by the snow that covered the drooping branches of the evergreens. The sound of a creaking, wooden door silenced the birds for but a moment. Two viscets, one a brilliant pink and white male, the other a deep purple and white male. Smiles adorned their faces as the crunch of the snow beneath paws echoed beneath the renewed sound of the morning birds.

"I wish we could stay out here longer. Goodness, I love this place." The purple viscet said, his eyes moving over the snow capped trees. "I have a competition to get to. We can always come back." The deeper voice of the pink answered. "We absolutely have to, Jax. This was an absolute delight." The purple returned, chuckle also following.

The lock of a key and they started to head down the base of the peak. It had been a hike to this point and now they had simply to ski down the rest of the way. The trip was quiet, both enjoying the views and the sounds of the forest around them. Both remained close to one another, in case one had an accident or fell into a tree well and couldn't escape. Skiing could be dangerous, but both Andy and Jax had done this time and time again.

- - - - -

It was about two hours to the resort, and to the check out. Jax had a competition tomorrow, but today was check in. They had an hour or hour and a half drive to get there, which was easy to pull. Jax headed to the check out counter, where a friendly yellow hued female was stationed. "May I help you?" She inquired cheerfully. "Yeah. I am just checking out my buddy and I, Jaxon and Andy." He replied with a small grin. "Of course. Did y'all enjoy your stay?" She asked as she went through checking them out. "Absolutely, hun. You have an absolutely wonderful facility here." He said with a smile. "Thank you. We are always looking to please." She replied. "Well, you have done that and more." He replied with a small chuckle. "Thank you. Just sign this and you are all good to go." She said, sliding him a paper. Jax took the pen from a small cup of them and signed at the line and handed it back. "You and your friend have a wonderful day. Thanks for staying with us." She said with a smile. Jaxon nodded. "Thank you." He said and turned off to head back to Andy and the truck.

"Ready to go?" Jax asked Andy as he climbed up into the driver's side. "Absolutely." He replied with an excited smile as he climbed in the passenger side. With a roar, the truck came to life and in a moment they were off. It didn't take long for Andy to fall asleep, it never did. Jax smiled softly, finding it always amusing how the other viscet slept, mouth agape and all lounged out. He was anything but a peaceful sleeper.

After an hour and half of driving, another wonderful resort came into view. Here Jaxon would be competing in his third snowboarding competition of the year. This was his whole life. He was training to become a world competitor and maybe eveb a world champion someday. He did fancy himself good enough to be up there someday. He slapped Andy on the chest. "Wake up, you ol' bag." He said with a grin and Andy scowled at him. "Was that at all necessary?" He hissed angrily, rubbing his chest as they pulled into a parking spot.

People from local news stations and even some larger scale stations were here. This was actually a pretty big competition and he, and several other rising stars, were going to be competing here tomorrow. So, many stations were here to follow the stories of these star individuals. Which did happen to include him. Several of those people did notice him, though he made no motion to head over to them. He would be checking in first and getting all his equipment settled in. Plus, he did not want to leave Andy all alone.

Unloading his equipment and taking the heavier half of it, he looked to Andy. "You got that, bud?" He said with a chuckle as Andy seemed to be struggling with a few of the things he was holding. "Yeah, yeah. Some of these things are just so awkwardly shaped." He said, which coaxed a small chuckle from the pink male. "Come on. We gotta get checked in and all that." He said and headed towards the entrance of the resort.

The whoosh of the automatic doors welcomed them, as did the surge of warmer air. Taking off the hat atop his head with his partially free hand, he moved to set his equipment down and off to the side of the entry way. "You mind watching this for a sec? I will be back in a jiffy." He said with a grin and a playful wink. Andy rolled his eyes playfully, and Jax headed off to the check in desk.

"Name." The dark hued male asked, eyes a tad judgemental and even a bit rude. He was probably just tired of being stuck at this small table chrcking in a bunch of young men hyped up on adrenaline and testosterone. Some of these competitors could be a bit much to handle. "Jaxon." He responded with a soft smile. "Welcome to the Rocky Mountain National Invitational. Your room number for you and your guest 302, and here is your key. At all times you are around the competition site, minus the competition and training runs, wear this lanyard so we can properly identify you. Without it, you will not be allowrd in competition area. This one is for your guest. Enjoy your stay, and best of luck." The male said. Jax nodded. "Thanks, mate." He said to the male with a smile and a small salute. Turning, he headed back to Andy. "Alright, bud. Let's get this show on the road!" He said with a wide grin.

- - - - -

Standing at the top of the halfpipe for his second run, glass skewing the nervous look in his eyes. He prayed he could get this one down. He was already in the lead only having dropped four and a half points. The next competitor was almost two full points below him. He needed to get this one perfect to ensure his victory. The crowd cheered as the score for the previous competitor came in, which also meant he was free to go. With a glance to Andy, who was standing behind the gate, he started his descent.

The wind had begun to pick up, which could spell disaster for someone getting big air. Someone like Jax. The first jump went flawlessly, the second was a bit off his line. The third was certainly not the charm.

Pain crashed over his body as he came crashing into the lip of the half pipe. He slid down to the valley of the pipe, barely moving. He was unsure what all was hurt, all he knew was that he was feeling a pain unlike anything he had felt before. The crowd had gone silent, the medics rushing out to check up on the crashed Jax. The first got to him rather quickly, asking him what hurt. No reply came from Jax, unable to focus on the reply.

They were careful in moving him, not wanting to further any injuries that he had already sustained. They loaded him onto a sled-like apparatus. They then, as quickly as they could, headed down towards the bottom of the slope so they could send him off to a hospital. Closing his eyes tightly, he gritted his teeth. Everything but pain began to fade into the background. Never before had he experienced a crash quite like this. Sure, he had fallen before. But, there was a big difference between a crash and fall.

- - - - -

He must have passed out or something because suddenly he awoke to a hospital. And the pain was not there anymore. Looking to his side he saw Andy, who was looking worried. "Jax! Your awake! I was so worried!" He said frantically, pushing himself up and moving to his bedside. "A... what all is wrong?" He said in a soft and mildly hoarse voice. That is when his faint smile fell and Jax's heart sank.

"Um... you landed rather harshly and your have a frankenstein looking face. But, um.. you are going to likely need surgery to fully repair your leg." He said softly, not fully looking at Jax. "They... they think you may never snowboard the same again." He said shortly after, which was exactly what Jaxon did not want to hear. Tears stung his eyes. This was everything he worked for, for basically his whole life. What else was he to do? He felt a hand on his arm, which he snapped away. "Leave me alone.." He said softly. "Jaxon. I am so s..." "Leave!!" He shouted at Andy, anger and frustration filling his eyes. Andy looked like he had just been struck and Jaxon did feel some guilt, but he was not going to apologize now. Andy said nothing as he headed out of the room.

Jaxon laid his head back down on the pillow, tears freely sliding down his face. Why? Why did the world choose him to beat up on? Wasn't there some other poor and unfourtunate soul that the world could play this cruel joke on? He sighed in defeat. Would he really never snowboard on this level again? What else was there for him to do? His dream seemed to be sitting on the horizon at this point, forever out of his reach.

- - - - -

Sitting outside on a bench, the darkness and the silence of the surrounding park was oddly comforting. He had just been released from the hospital earlier today. He had undergone surgery about a week ago, his crash about nine days ago. News he had not wanted to hear had come just after waking up from the surgery. Andy was right. They believed he would never snowboard again. At least, not on anywhere near the level he was competing on before the crash. Hands folded in his lap, the snow falling around him. Turning his chin up into the air and closing his eyes with a soft sigh.

Memories of his competitions filled his mind, as well as his days of training with mentors, and hanging out in free times with friends. The fellow competitors he had come to know so well. How he missed all of that. All of them, friends, mentors,competitors: his family. Thwy had become his family and he knew they would continue to support him no matter what happened.

Defiance begun to fill his mind. Who were thosr doctors to tell him when he was done? That was up for him to decide. A small smile reached his face for the first time in over a week. At some point, he would stand at the top of that halfpipe again. Those same nerves filling his body, those same friends and his new family cheering him on. He would get back there someday, somehow.


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Re: Viscet #2314 - PFCFS

Postby Gadgetrocks » Fri Feb 16, 2018 2:22 pm

Name: Sakura
Gender: Female
Gender for breeding purposes:Female
Personality: Sakura is a sweet Viscet, she's kind, smart and funny. But like everyone, she's not perfect. She's nearly deathly afraid of birds (Weird, because she loves bats), can get so into a book you can't get her out, and can be extremely shy. She's a very big animal lover, expressly of albinos. She has an albino rat, albino python, and an albino bat. All her pets get along, even though the python, named Kari, could eat Snowball (Rat) and Liza (Bat) whole. Sakura knows 3 languages, Spanish (Hola!), English (Hi!), and Japanese (Konnichewa!) and is currently working on Gaelic (Dia is Muire dhuit!). She loves to travel and explore the world, she's seen the GPO (Dublin Ireland), Machu Picchu, and climbed Mt.Everest.
Short story: "Hissssss" Kari complained from Sakura's backpack.
"Just cuddle with Snowball and Liza," Sakura replied, "Were climbing to Machu Picchu, arnt you excited?" A thick drift of fog blew over, surrounding the serene mountain tops, a condor flew over head, it large, black wings beating aside the fog and air with ease. Sakura climbed on. Diligently she walked up the mossy stones to her camping spot. It was a nice grassy patch of land, the cliff face behind them, and an overhang above them. Sakura set out the white and blue tent, its rubbery fabric clinging to the poles. She pulled the poles apart, a satisfying cling resounding through the still, foggy air. The tent was up soon, looking just as magestic as the llamas they had to ride to get up there, Sakura crawled inside and let Kari, Liza, and Snowball out. She pulled a large dog bed out of her pack, and set it down for her pets. She then uncliped the straps holding her sleeping mat down and made her bed. The tent was homey, Kari, Liza, and Snowball curled up together, a nice bed covered in wool quilts and a soft cotton pillow, and the smell of food outside. Sakura cooked the chick pea curry carefully, trying not to burn the delicate tofu chunks in it. She ate, giving some to each of her pets then crawling into the tent to sleep. She read The Hobbit for two hours before drifting into a peaceful sleep. She dreamed she was a condor, flying through the air, doing loop da loops, and dashing through stony rings. She wished she could fly forever. In the morning, Sakura put Kari, Liza, and Snowball into her bag, and went in search of Machu Picchu. Soon after she had mounted her llama, she had made it. The same condor swooped over the stony ruins, the ancient gold pigmented paint glittering softly in the morning sun. This was a paradise for all the explorers of lost and ancient places.
Other: (as many extras as you want.) Snowball in a reference for my old pet albino rat :)
Snowball + Her sister Oreo(Oreo is also a real rat, and pet of Sakura or one of her friends) Also if I make art, can I edit my post?

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Re: Viscet #2314 - PFCFS

Postby Kydashing » Sat Feb 17, 2018 4:38 pm

:Username: Kydashing
:Name: Mya Clarke
:Gender: Female
:Gender for breeding purposes: Female


:Age/Birthday: 25 years old / October 29th / Scorpio
:Sexuality: Hetro-sexual
:Current Job: Police officer (newbie)
:Dream Job: Becoming a specialized detective
:Greatest Fear: To loose her memory
:Greatest Dream: To own a house of her own
:Quirky fact: Mya treats everything like its a human/viscet; animals, cars, plants etc.
She will make small talk, apologize when she pushes them or yell when they fall/bump into her.
:Mya's song: Brenda Russell - Piano In The Dark


Stubborn // Slovenly // Humble // Keen // Gregarious

The many things Mya has heard in her life, being called "humble" always came across as both a compliment and cutting to her pride.
Well, the small amount she held to herself. She did what she did because it seemed right. Helping someone with the door or watching a young relative for her family was just another part of her life, not for some kind of credit or reward. She also didn't need to be reminded that she lowered herself alot. It didn't seem to fit her, regardless of the countless time this word was placed beside her name, like a tag.

"Hi, my name is Mya and I am HUMBLE."

She would grimace and do her best to steer clear from starting the decision over it. She held high regard over her easy going, flowing interaction with other people that coming across as "mad" or "annoyed" would frighten her for worry someone would get angry or hate her for such a change in attitude.

"Once you have a face, you are just GREGARIOUS to others. And nothing more Mya."

Mya felt she could easily see what was needed of her, or how a story was going just by listening to the readers' voice. Watching and studying closely to how others were was something she picked up on as a kid. She loved spies and detectives she would see in the movies or on t.v. So, it was only natural she would catch their actions for herself. It has come in good use over the years, be it her dad's precious lost watch to a classmate how strayed from the group.

"Mya! How KEEN of you to find!"

The one weakness Mya has above all others she has is her...lack of cleanliness. WAIT! Not like, she never takes showers or washes her hands. (ew) No. Mya has a knack of working on multiple projects, ideas, or simply reorganizing only to become either distracted or bored. She then remembers later her mess and struggles how to fix it. Asking herself how she made this mess and what could be done. The reason she ever reorganizes in the first place is to finally be able to get herself together, only to fail the following hour. Having a friend over or her parents is embarrassing, since she has no idea how to explain.

"You sure are SLOVENLY, aren't you...Mya?"

As outgoing and easy she can seem, Mya has a nasty habit of holding on to what people say or do. If you forget an appointment or stepped on her toe, she will never EVER let it go. You could of accidentally done this or did this mendaciously, she does not care. All she sees is someone being "mean". This may cross paths with her childish demeanor that never grew out. Perhaps it was how her mother and father always tried to one up each other in arguments by bringing past issues. It isn't solid, but the way Mya takes on social norms is like a sponge. Mya is only faintly aware of this issue, as she believes her ability to makes messes is more important of a matter then what people call stubbornness.

"Your as STUBBORN as ever, Mya!"

:Short story:

It was half past 3 am. A neon pink light on a brick wall buzzed, twitching a bit. A pair of foot steps, almost in tune, could be heard coming into the room. Once the clock ticked to the next minute, a voice broke the empty silence.

"Mya. Your work is becoming something to be proud of." Officer Peter said, his green eyes looking to the tall viscet. Before the lady could speak, he needed to add to it. "Don't take what they said too personal, alright? Whenever we have a new recruit, it's just all apart of getting a feel of everyone."

Mya nodded slowly, her paw was up to say something, but the officer shook his head. She frowned. He isn't done? Like i didn't know how it would be? I'm not THAT foolish! A little pout could be seen off her face, causing Peter to chuckle. He raised his paw, placing it on top of the fellow officer's head. "The first night watch is over. Your free to get some rest, or have some time for yourself."

"WAIT!" She shouted, waving her paws to push his off her head. "Do you have to treat me like a kid? Also, where are YOU going?Your stuck with me for the rest of the night." Mya said while huffing. Peter was taken aback. A bit red as well but he turned the other way before saying anything.

"Don't go saying things like that to your fellow officer, a guy. That's strange of you." He grumbled before clearing his throat, looking back at the pink and white viscet. "I was just going to go out to bowl for a while i suppose. There's an all night place connected to the arcade. I suppose, you'll want to go?"

Mya's eyes glistened. An invitation? An arcade and bowling? Last time she did any of that was when she was 12. After becoming a teenager she was forced to go into private schooling with little sport activyt. She loved to play and move. The fact she could become an officer seemed impossible thought until two years ago. Her mind came to a blank. I don't think about those times now.Not any more, I am here now.

" i said. Your not getting rid of me. Also, i am no kid!" She pouted again, trying to hold back how much she obviously wanted to go.

"Mya, cut it out. Lets go already." Peter rolled his eyes, going towards his car. She followed in suite and silently sat in his car until the arrived. Once they were there, the building was very new. White painted brick walls, bright signs and music that could be heard from outside. The two looked at each other, holding smiling glances before walking in. Within minutes, bowling shoes where on and the two officers had transformed into normal civilians enjoying a night of fun.

Mya couldn't help but squeal whenever she got any pins down and flopped to the ground whining when she got a gutter. Peter was amused by all of these expressions and chuckled along as the night went on. Before they knew it, it was 5 am. Mya's inner time set off, causing her to get cranky. "I have a shift at 3pm. And so do you. We better get you back home." Peter said with shrug. Mya immediately blushed, poking his sides. "Don't be a creep! I can walk home!"

Peter gave a fake smile. "Oh yeh? You can? All 14 miles? That's impressive, Mya." He rolled his eyes again, seemingly a normal motion with this girl around with her random accusations. "I'm dropping you off, creep."

Mya blushed harder, crossing her arms. "Shut it! I knew that!"

Mya's first night of fun in quite some time, spending time with someone she didn't think had the capacity made it all worthwhile. The following day she was already trying to plan to have another night out with Peter, who promptly told her they will when she starts working on her mannerisms. This was not to Mya's liking, but she sure did love bowling!

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Re: Viscet #2314 - PFCFS

Postby jazzyyazi » Sun Feb 18, 2018 12:05 pm

Last edited by jazzyyazi on Mon Feb 19, 2018 1:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
I'll remember Brightheart When I see a scar one someone's face, I will think of WindClan Every time I win a race., I'll remember Goosefeather When nobody believes me, I'll remember Scourge When someone's teased for being tiny, I'll remember Heathertail When someone wants to be 'just friends', I will think of StarClan When I am near the end, I'll remember Leafpool When I must follow my heart, I'll remember Hollyleaf If I ever fall apart, I'll remember Brambleclaw When I must prove myself, I'll remember Spottedleaf When I'm suffering from bad health, I'll remember Lionblaze When I am feeling strong, I'll remember Tigerstar If I choose the path that's wrong, I'll remember Dovewing When I hear of something far away, I'll remember Cloudtail When a kitten catches their first prey, I'll remember Feathertail Whenever I must be brave, I'll remember The Tribe When I'm in a cave, I'll remember Ashfur When somebody breaks my heart, I'll remember Barley When me and my siblings are far apart, I'll remember Ivypool When I try to be the best, I'll remember Firestar When my loyalty's put to the test, I promise to remember all of these cats, For the rest of my life.

70% thinks warrior cats is stupid. 25% say who cares. Repost if you are part of that 5% that would take a hard cover warrior cat book and slap the other people saying, "STARCLAN IS OUT FOR REVENGE!!

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Re: Viscet #2314 - PFCFS

Postby booklover789 » Mon Feb 19, 2018 9:35 am





Gender for breeding purposes:

Personality: (MUST be over 100 words)
Anna is a sweet viscet, though she can be confusing to those who do not know her well. Shy and timid to those whom she is not well acquainted, Annabella often keeps to herself and can't usually be found chatting up other viscets. She enjoys reading and not socializing with others. Anna gets along far better with animals than she does with other viscets, and this has prompted her to get a job caring for wounded critters at a wildlife conservatory. She adores animals and owns a small zoo herself - with her six rabbits (three Holland Lop-eared and three mixed-breed), four guinea pigs, two Black-Footed Ferrets, two pot-bellied pigs, eight birds (two Mourning Doves, two Parakeets, and two Pigeons), one Black Labrador Retriever, one Yellow Labrador Retriever, two Corgis, and three mixed-breed baby kittens, her house is pretty full to bursting with these cuddly creatures. Because of her duties taking care of her animals at home, Annabella often doesn't have time to socialize or go outside and congregate with others. She prefers thusly to keep to herself, and often can be found tending for her pets or walking her dogs, but she tends to stay inside most of the time. Quiet when around others, Annabella is not very peaceful unless she's alone. She constantly fears being judged by others who don't have many positive things to say about her quiet demeanor, and she doesn't enjoy getting pointed at or laughed at because of her menagerie of animals that usually follow her around. She prefers to stay alone and not get to know others - after all, if Anna doesn't get to know them, then she can't get hurt when they eventually leave her, right? Annabella has been hurt by so many viscets in her life that she doesn't really know who to trust, anymore. Now she prefers to put her trust in animals, whose actions, at least, she can somewhat predict. She doesn't like being around viscets much, and will usually erect a mask to hide her emotions away under the surface, putting on a cheery, happy demeanor for others, trying to seem friendly and welcoming... when in reality, she'd rather be curled up by a fire reading her books while her pets play in the background. Studious and a bookworm at heart, Annabella is not a bad viscet - she just doesn't like to socialize much, and that's fine by her. She wouldn't change for anybody, and she knows that she's strong enough to put up the mask every day and go outside and deal with what needs to be dealt with... with the comfort of home awaiting her every time she comes back.

Short story: (MUST be over 200 words, tell me about something they like to do.)
Annabella was a mere child at the age of four when she rode her first horse. She fell in love the moment she spotted the dappled creature, and smiled widely at the toothy grin the "horsey" gave her. Reaching her tiny paws up to caress the horse's velvet nose, she chanted, "Horsey! Horsey!"
Her mother ran over, nearly frantic that her child was near such a large creature. "Now, Anna, we've talked about this... you can't go wandering off to such large critters."
"Horsies won't hurt me, Mama! They only eat veggies and hay and grass." She beamed up at her mother. "Ride Horsey?"
Her mother swallowed uneasily, and glancing at the instructor who nodded with encouragement, she sighed with dejection. "Alright, Anna. Go ride the horsey."

And ever since that day, Annabella has been hooked on animals.
At the age of fifteen she'd read through her local library's entire section on animals, and had memorized facts and figures about each creature. Facts and figures such as what biome each called home, what environment was needed for each to flourish, what types did better in which weather, and what animals make good pets and what animals make bad pets. Annabella was a walking, talking encyclopedia about animals... if anyone could get her to stop briskly walking long enough for her to spout off random bits of knowledge to them, that is.
Annabella barely got through school, preferring to study Science and Zoology than learn about History or Health or Math. She preferred things that interested her, and she didn't give a rip who won the war of 1812 - she just wanted to know how many carrots a horse could eat before needing additional nutritional sustenance from some other food source. So, she studied.
She studied and studied and studied... but her studies never felt like work. They felt like something fun.
She adopted her first two corgis when she moved out after high school, getting a job at a local wildlife conservatory and splitting rent with her roommate. Soon, she got a promotion and became manager of the conservatory, and didn't need her roommate any longer, so she moved to a larger place where she slowly accrued the more injured of the animals at her house, instead of leaving them at the conservatory where they perhaps would have fit in a bit more. Annabella cared for the creatures very well thanks to her vast knowledge about animals, and she eventually nursed each one back to health so well that each found a bond with her and wished to stay with her long-term, so Annabella filled out the proper paperwork and adopted each one that came stumbling into her life.

Annabella hopes to one day be able to adopt an albino skunk, a mountain lion, and a cheetah - though she knows these creatures are elusive and difficult to care for. For now, however, Anna is content caring for her menagerie of critters at her home, and hopes to save up enough money working her dream job at the conservatory to upgrade to a larger house (or just add on to her current house) to thusly have more room for the animals that walked into her life and stole her heart.

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Re: Viscet #2314 - PFCFS

Postby grifforik » Thu Apr 05, 2018 1:51 pm

I'd like to award 1 HM to booklover789, your form was super sweet :)

I'd Like to award 1 RU to Kydashing, loved the story! Please PM me for the RU :)

And finally the winner is T h e M a r t i a n !! I loved the story, loved how it all came together it was great <3

Congrats to the winners!
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Re: Viscet #2314 - PFCFS

Postby T h e M a r t i a n » Thu Apr 05, 2018 4:24 pm

thanks so much, griff! i love this boyo and am glad i get the chance to develop him further.

congrats to kydashing as well, i loved your form, mate. if you need relationships for the ru, if you take it, do let me know. ^.^

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