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Re: Stars V.2 • Explore

Postby Fawntura » Thu Dec 21, 2023 2:25 pm



Surreal Sat next to her fathers body for several hours crying to the sky, asking all the questions she never had, but still held in her heart. Why was she the only kit to survive? Why Did her mom die when she was so young? Why? Why? Why?
As her body tired she took to her feet shaky and unbalanced she stepped away from the body shaking in distress, her nose so runny and stuffy from crying, bearly able to smell. As she sensed Nova in the distance her heart broke again, if she could she'd allow more tears to run down her face she would, but there where no tears left to cry, Her eyes run dry.
As she stood there near the base of the falls she could smell Nova and could hear her shaky breathing, rattled and unsettled, sadness seeped off her secent in waves. Surreal ran to her Shoving her head into Novas chest sobbing, Nova laid her head on top of surreals allowing herself to cry but also being strong, to be the parent figure Surreal needed, through her tears whispering to surreal words of comfort and Calmness.
Just over her own sobbs Surreal could her Nova. As she stood there her mind was empty except for one thought...what Now?
As the sun rose in the sky they stood there comforting each other for several minuets.
But Surreals Earlier Question would soon be answered,
Nova- "Come Follow me."
Nova pulled away from surreal walking off, Surreal eyes blind followed quickly behind
Surreal- "Where are we going?"
Surreal counted the paces they where already past the leader den, with no anwser from Nova Surreal stopped dead in her Tracks.
Pining her ears back Surreal no longer talked to Nova but instead demanded in a shout,
Surreal- "NovaShard! I said where are we going!? Im not taking another step until you explain!"
Surreal listened to Novas steps stop and turn back to her coming closer, within a few feet.
Nova- "Where going to meet the Elder council."
Surreal- "The what?"
Nova- *Sigh* "The Council of Elders, your peers here to provide wisdom and guidance, also to help you prepare for your nine lives ceremony.”
Surreal- "Why have i never heard of it before?"
Surreal listened for Novas response but all she heard was Novas Breath and footsteps hesatiate like there was Somthing she wanted to say but couldnt.
Nova- "Its just a well kept secerect. No one but the Leader, deputy and those on the council are souppsed to know about it."
When Nova spoke Surreal Smelled fish. Her father never kept secerects never, no matter what anyone told him or how grusome the details where he always told her. It made Surreal Question 'Did he even know about it, or was it connected to something?'. Surreal let the thought go as she felt the small cold draft from a cave, it smelled of dampness and cats, Surreal recognized the secents of the cats. She could smell RavenWing, FireSpark, ChesterEye, & SandViper. As she took note of the cats present she also took note of where the entrance was (Incase she had to make a run for it for some reason), She could feel as the earth grew cold in the shadow of the cave mouth and the slight downward shift in the dirt taking you into the cave.
As Surreal Stepped into the shadows of the open cave she swore she saw somthing bright and white, the only thing her eyes had ever seen. It seemed to be made of stars and light, but before she could see anything more Nova Drawed her attetion with the clearing of her voice. Surreal could her the voices dwindle just before they met silence, the cave full of cats was now silent all focused on her and Nova.
Viper- "Welcome Nova, **Grunt** Welcome Surreal."
Surreal could tell the one who had spoke was Viper she could also tell she wasnt to pleased to see surreal as her greeting towards her sounded force and dry.
Nova- "Lets get todays meeting started."
Surreal could hear Nova take a seat a few steps ahead of her so surreal walked up to her side and took a seat next to her, wraping her tail around her feet, sitting up nice and straight Surreal Listened in.
Nova- "First piece of news, this morning at low sun HawkStrike passed due to illness. I Will need someone the retrieve his body and prepare him for the journey of the dead."
Surreal took immeadte attetion to what Nova said and in a small meek and scared voice surreal spoke.
Surreal- "If no one minds id like to prepare my father. I feel its only right as naturally kin would prepare the body, and i am the last of my fathers kin."
Surreal could feel all the eyes shift to her as the pressure in the room settled on her shoulders.
After a long moment of silence Nova spoke
Nova- "I have no objections."
the rest agreed in unison.
Nova- "So its settled, After this meeting Surreal will prepare her fathers body to depart on the Journey of the dead one moon from now. Now onto the next subject the nine lives cermony."
SandViper- "Yes lets get this dissocuision over with!"
Viper seemed Eager to finish this meeting for some reason.
Nova- "I think RavenWing should take Surreal to the Moon Pool, How long do you think itd take to go and come back RavenWing?"
RavenWing- "Probaly 5 days maybe 6? But the weather may change that."
SandViper- "So we send Raven and Surreal. Plan done."
Nova- "Not Quite SandViper. Shall i remind you of the rouges?"
SandViper- "Ugh- Yes, Yes the rouges. So we send DandleionWisp & ChesterEye with them. So what not that big of a change in plans."
Nova- "Acctually yes it is Viper, wether you like it or not. It means that extra food, Herbs and pelts will have to be packed! Wich also means i have to talk to VivianHaze & FawnPelt, My Own Mate, about designing something able to carry the weight but be easy to move."
Viper let out a huge sigh
Viper- "Fine, Fine, you do that. Are we done yet?"
Nova- "Ye-"
As Nova went to dismiss everyone surreal spoke up
Surreal- "May i ask a question?"
Surreal looked towards Nova
Nova- "Of course you may Surreal. This is your council after all."
Surreal- "what are the casiutiles of the plauge so far? Do we know what the plauge is?"
Chester- "right now we've lost 3 Kits, 7 Warriors, and 3 Elders. Including your Father. As for your other question, we don't know what it is, it acts like nothing we've ever seen."
Nova- "Is that all Surreal?"
Surreal- "No. I have one more question, Why is this council a serect? Why did my father never tell me about it? Whats it History? I want to know, everyone seems to avoid these questions, whats this council connected to?"
Every one silenced and the tesion in the room smeed to become heavyer
Nova- "Those are Answers for another day."
Surreal- "No Nova, If i am to be the Leader of this clan i need to know its dark and bright years and history. Not just the history ive been told."
Surreal felt it as everyone seemed to look at each other and then nova.
Nova- "*Sigh* This clan wasnt always ruled by your forefathers, At one time it was goverened by a cat named Deerstar, while he was a good cat but he wasnt always the honest and it caused some issues among the clan and its just something we dont like to talk about becuase its painful for some to remember those times. So this council was formed to keep the leader in check and give advice so the problem that happened under deerstar hopefully never happen again. thats all."
Surreal took the answer as the truth as it made sense, Surreal accpected what she was told with out a 2nd thought.
With this Nova Released the elders.

Surreal was the last to leave the meeting cave, the world stood silent for once sitting in the silence she took a breath. Letting her mind be still, but the peace and quiet didn't last long as a familiar scent pushed in on the wind behind Surreal. Smelling of prey, mint and water, it was Tali, the she cat came over to surreals side and sat next to her leaning up against surreal and putting her head under her chin.
Tali- "I heard about your father, I'm so sorry surreal. I know he meant a lot to you, especially since he was the last of your family."
Surreal- "Thank you tali, I'm sad but i know I'm not alone i still have you."
Surreal would be the first to admit, she Really loved Tali, theyd been friends since they where kits and over time surreal devopled feelings. But she never never told Tali, i mean how do you tell a life long friend you love them? What do you do if the reject you? How do you go back, can you go back? So surreal kept the truth locked up but every once in a while they acted almost as if they were both in love. But Surreal would be more likely to take the truth to her grave.
They sat there for a while just leaning against each other and purring, occasionally taking a sec to groom the other. As the Sun reached higher up over their heads now they got up. Tali walked up ahead of Surreal but Surreal pulled Tali's Attention to ask a question
Surreal- "i know that this may be weird but would you be willing to help me with my father?"
Tali- "Of course Surreal!"

Surreal and Tali went to the mourning den, this den was built special for the popurce of preparing the dead for their last journey. As you came down the main entrance which entered a commons like Area it split off from there, with 5 different smaller rooms with everynng thing needed to prepare the dead. As Surreal walked next to Tali keeping close Surreal felt as they entered the den, the sun though dim and light left Surreals back weak to the cold of the den. On one side of each tunnel was a piece of tree bark which with either a claw or a sharp rock the name of the dead in the room would be carved, this allowed the family members to find their loved one. Surreal stood next to Tali as Tali read the Names
Tali- "Your fathers this way."
Tali Guided Surreal in the direction of her father. The room that Hawkstrike was in was small and dim a single hole in the ceiling to allow fresh air and light in,

Over the next few hours Tali and Surreal prepared Hawkstikes body, adding herbs and salt and flower to it, to lessen the smell as his body would decay and to preserve it. As the sun went to sleep and the stars came out to dance Surreal and Tali parted ways, Surreal went to her and her fathers den. The place that once felt like home, warm and bustling, and smelling of cats and hides and dinner now smelled of nothing but earth, hides, and dust. The den quite as one could be, no longer feeling warm and like home it felt cold and quite like something was missing, it didn't feel the same as it once did. Surreal felt alone but little did she know she wasn't as she stepped into her den she heard a small meek voice, a hiss like that of a water fall, Surreal turned towards the Noise. As she sniffed she could smell the distinct smell of a snake's musk, the small being was curled up next to the basket of hides between the wall and basket. It was a small and young gardener snake, even though the snake was not of her own kind it made her feel a little less lonely.

Surreal- "Why hello little friend, are you lost?"
As if to answer the snake hissed
Surreal- "Would you like some help little friend?"
the snake hissed once more, it sounded as if the two were having a conversation. Surreal stepped closer to the harmless little snake, she gently picked the snake up in her mouth. Making sure not to squeeze him too much, though he didn't seem to like this idea as he turned to bite Surreals lip with his tiny mouth. Surreal Lowered him to the ground outside a few feet from her den, wait her den? No this was her fathers den, but her father was gone and she was the leader now, this really was her den now.
Surreal- "Here you go little friend, this should be better. Thank you for your short visit my friend it made me happy."
As Surreal stepped back the snake slithered off into the woods, happy as could be.

- Giving Surreal 1x Mint (Brings Mint Inventory to 0)
- Using 1x Bug on Surreal, 1x Bug on Nova, 1x Bug on Tali, 1x Bug on Viper
(Brings Bug Inventory to 1)

- Surreal - She/Her - HUP 10% - HP 100% - Sick
- Tali - She/Her - HUP 10% - HP 100% - Not sick
- Nova - She/Her - HUP 10% - HP 100% - Sick/Not sick
- Viper - She/Her - HUP 10% - HP 95 - Sick/Not sick

- 1x Rabbit (4fp)
- 8x Scraps (1fp)
- 5x Bugs (1fp)
- 1x bindweed
- 1x Mint
- 1x chamomile
- 1x stinging nettle
- 1x yarrow
- 1x squirrel (3fp)
- 2x lamb’s ear
- 1x hawkweed

- Surreal Chooses to Confront the snake




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[0342.] viv's explore replies

Postby Vivika » Sun Dec 24, 2023 6:22 am

    xxxxhazelfang clan archive last post

    perhaps terra’s touch guided the sweet lilting serenade of the wind.

    like a magician’s sleight of paw, the wind’s caress tucked bits and bobs, frills and fragments of leaflets behind her ears and into the curls of her fur. when she reached up behind her ear, a long, crooked twig settled into the small of her paw with an accompanying jeweled-back critter as well. (+1fp bugs, +1 stick, +1 poppy seeds, +1 broom)

    “howdy, m’lady.” lilting with a warm timbre, a stranger’s voice rose above the song of the wind. the aureate grin of the dawn matched theirs, highlighting the twinkle within their tawny gaze. the faintest fragrance of spice and exotic fruit clung to their frame, perhaps a remnant from their past ventures. “the name’s fennel and i could use a favor if you’re willing.”

    they rocked a step closer, the stride sending a wave of cinnamon bangs into their eyes. the stranger huffed, but their lop-sided grin remained on their jaws. “fancy a trade by any chance? i have a few… shiny trinkets that may be of interest.”

      fennel (npc) has proposed a trade! they're looking for one herb (any type!) in-exchange for a shiny trinket of theirs! does kestrelspirit accept the trade or decline?

      ⊰ patrol status updates ⊱
      • two free explore posts remaining
      • all patrollers gained +0% hunger

      ⊰ xp earnings (death opt in/ out) …………………………
      • +25xp for writing, +10xp for patrol sent
      • +1xp for prey, +3xp for herbs
      ⊰ findings ⊱
      • +1fp bugs, +1 stick
      • +1 poppy seeds, +1 broom

      ⊰ level totals ⊱
      • +39xp → level 0 (39/000xp)

      notes; n/a, welcome to explore!! <3
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(★★ explore response)

Postby ethium » Thu Dec 28, 2023 8:42 am

      xxxxxx “Oh, Thank you,” Fennel smiled warmly, their cinnamon coat rippling in the darkness as they approached the shadows. They seemed entirely unphased by the stranger’s threats, warm yellow eyes twinkling.

      “They shouldn’t be too far, they just got spooked and we got separated..” Fennel trailed off, thinking about their friend sadly. “It is dark, I hope nothing’s happened..” Fennel trailed off as they started forward carefully. The humid air settled on their shoulders. Along the way, Fennel carefully picked up a nearby herb and passed it to the stranger. “As thanks for the help,” they continued.
      [+1 stick]

      The foreign feline went rigid as a faint voice called out in the gloom.

      Fennel’s ears perked, and their eyes glittered as they flashed a quick look at the cat beside them. “That must be them! Quickly!” Fennel seemed almost consumed by their excitement, as they dashed forward into the dark, carefully navigating the terrain as if an expert. But perhaps there was simply luck to the stranger’s steps, as they slipped down beside their fallen friend.

      Their friend mewed pitifully, leg stuck in the muck and twisted painfully by the territory's border. Fennel clucked like a mother hen. “You shouldn’t have run off like that, oh dear…” Fennel looked behind them, calling out.

      “If you have an herb, you could use it to heal them? Maybe they’d have something for you in return?” They offered.

      [Oh no! It looks like Fennel’s friend has gotten themselves hurt by the border. You can choose to heal them with one herb for a reward if you’d like!]

      additional notes
      ─> n/a c:

      xp totals (death opted in/out)
      ─> 10 xp for patrol sent
      ─> 25 xp for words written
      ─> 01 xp for herb found

      patrol totals
      ─> you have one free explore post left
      ─> you may choose to give one herb to fennel's friend for a reward

      prey/herb totals
      ─> +1 stick

      leveling totals
      ─> 36 xp ─> level 0 (80/100)
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Re: Stars V.2 • Explore

Postby Moonlight heavens » Fri Dec 29, 2023 5:06 am

Tribe Of Hissing Waters
Last Explore Post | Last Response Received

BasiliskStar, observing the scene with her characteristic predatory gaze, remained impassive as Fennel expressed gratitude. The ball python, Silvertongue, tightened its coils, sensing the intricacies of the unfolding situation. The exchange of pleasantries didn't get any visible response from the leader of the Tribe of Hissing Waters, but her bright amber eyes gleamed with an acute awareness.

As Fennel shared the predicament of their separated friend, BasiliskStar's response was a chilling acknowledgment of the swamp's harsh reality. "The swamps do not forgive those who stray too far," she hissed, her voice carrying a subtle warning. When Fennel offered a herb as thanks, BasiliskStar's gaze shifted to the gift. She accepted it with a languid movement, the exchange carrying the weight of an unspoken contract. Silvertongue, with a flick of its forked tongue, acknowledged the herb, recognizing its potential value.

As Fennel darted forward, guided by the distant mewls of their injured friend, BasiliskStar moved with a feline grace. Her marbled tabby coat seemed to absorb the shadows as she followed, the swamp whispering secrets to her every step. Silvertongue, sensing the urgency, maintained its vigilant presence, ready to strike or retreat at its leader's command.

When they reached the injured feline, BasiliskStar's bright amber eyes surveyed the scene. The trapped cat, a victim of the treacherous border, met her gaze. "Straying beyond the bounds comes at a cost," she hissed, her tone a mixture of reproach and indifference.

Fennel's plea for assistance echoed through the swamp, and BasiliskStar's response carried the ominous weight of her enigmatic authority. "Very well, we shall offer aid. But remember, favors demand repayment," she warned, her bright eyes narrowing with a subtle threat.

As Fennel suggested using a herb to heal the injured cat, BasiliskStar considered the proposition with a calculating gaze. About to respond when something rustled in a distance, bright eyes training forwards towards the sound.

PuffAdder, approached the scene with an air of boundless energy. Her fur seemed to shimmer in the dim light of the swamp. BasiliskStar's bright amber eyes flicked toward the approaching warrior, her gaze assessing PuffAdder's lively demeanor.

"Ah, PuffAdder, you've joined at an opportune moment," BasiliskStar acknowledged, her voice a low purr that held a touch of approval.

PuffAdder, undeterred by the intimidating aura of her leader, grinned with a carefree spirit. "What's happening, BasiliskStar? Got something interesting for me?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

BasiliskStar inclined her head toward Fennel and the injured cat. "Our new friend here requires a herb for their companion. Fetch it swiftly, PuffAdder," she commanded, her tone a mixture of authority and expectation.

PuffAdder's energetic response was immediate. "Sure thing, BasiliskStar! I'll be back in a whisker!" With a playful salute, she bounded away, her tail held high like a banner of freedom.

As PuffAdder disappeared into the shadows of the swamp, BasiliskStar's attention returned to Fennel and the injured cat. Silvertongue, sensing the potential for assistance, uncoiled slightly, its serpentine form a silent observer.

The swamp held its breath as PuffAdder darted through the tangled foliage, her enthusiasm a stark contrast to the enigmatic atmosphere that surrounded BasiliskStar.

PuffAdder returned with a flourish, her fur slightly ruffled from her swift journey through the swamp. In her jaws, she carried a carefully selected herb, vibrant green against the muted colors of the surroundings. Her eyes gleamed with the excitement of a cat who relished being in the midst of action.

"Here you go, BasiliskStar! Freshly plucked and ready for action," PuffAdder declared, dropping the herb at BasiliskStar's paws. Silvertongue, observed the exchange with a flicker of interest in its eyes.

BasiliskStar's gaze shifted from the herb to PuffAdder, her expression unreadable. "Good work, PuffAdder. Your swift response is commendable," she acknowledged, a subtle nod conveying her approval.

Turning her attention back to Fennel and their injured companion, BasiliskStar picked up the herb and dropped it near Fennel's paws. "Use it wisely. The swamp doesn't offer such gifts freely," she advised.

As PuffAdder lingered, her energetic gaze met BasiliskStar's, the unspoken understanding between them evident. With a playful salute, PuffAdder retreated, disappearing once more into the shadows of the swamp. BasiliskStar's bright amber eyes lingered on the departing warrior, a brief flicker of something akin to approval crossing her gaze.

BasiliskStar watched as Silvertongue gracefully slithered from her neck, gliding silently into the swamp's depths to continue the patrol. The ball python moved with a fluid elegance, disappearing into the shadows like an extension of the swamp itself. With a subtle flick of her tail, BasiliskStar signaled her intent to remain with Fennel and their injured companion until the other had recovered.

As the trio waited in the swamp's eerie silence, BasiliskStar's bright amber eyes remained vigilant, scanning their surroundings for any signs of danger. Her marbled tabby coat seemed to blend seamlessly with the shadows, adding to the air of mystery that surrounded her.

Fennel's injured friend, now with the soothing touch of the herb, began to show signs of improvement. The grateful glint in Fennel's eyes reflected their relief, and a soft purr rumbled from the injured cat as they stretched their legs cautiously.

BasiliskStar, maintaining her enigmatic demeanor, finally broke the silence. "Your friend seems to be recovering well. Once they're strong enough, I'll escort you out of our territory," she stated, her voice carrying the weight of a promise. .

As the swamp's shadows deepened, the injured cat gained enough strength to stand on steady legs. BasiliskStar, true to her word, rose gracefully, ready to lead the way out of the Tribe of Hissing Waters' territory. Silvertongue, having completed its part of the patrol, returned to BasiliskStar's side, its serpentine gaze fixated on the trio.

"Follow closely, and don't stray from my path," BasiliskStar instructed, her tone leaving no room for deviation. A hard glance towards Fennel. With a small nod she helped Fennel's injured friend up. Offering a shoulder for them to lean against.

The eerie symphony of the swamp accompanied them as they moved through the shadows, and BasiliskStar's enigmatic presence led the way, a silent guardian of the Tribe of Hissing Waters' secrets.

BasiliskStar offers a herb!

[ 1,019 # words ]

-- cats on patrol
BasiliskStar |She/her| HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N
PuffAdder |She/her |HP 100% |HUP 0%| Sick: N

-- custom predators / prey

-- level 0
experience: 80/100
-- items in inventory used
Willow Leaves.
-- active quests:
Fennel's Quest
-- opted in to death?

-- inventory
Insects | 1 FP | x2
prey | 2 FP | x0
prey | 2 FP | x0
prey | 3 FP | x0
prey | 3 FP | x0
prey | 4 FP | x0

Willow leaves | x1
Stick | x1
herb | x0
herb | x0
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Re: Stars V.2 • Explore

Postby faelyn » Fri Dec 29, 2023 1:27 pm

Imagexxwhispering winds
─────────────── ✧

original level stats ✧ level 1 (040/200)
new level stats ➔ level 3 (099/400) --
• • • • x 0% hunger for the patrol

    freckles of periwinkle had crystallized amongst the valleys beyond, flourishing as the bobbing heads of bluebells peaked out from the earth that had risen from its slumber once more. and among delicate blades of chartreuse, a tiny indigo blossom had become the focal point of reality and had drown out the alluring kiss of periwinkle and springtime green… until it was the only thing that mattered.
    (+1 comfrey root, +1exp)

    buttery sunshine dappled the earth staining his toes, utterly enchanting as each golden hue illuminated each sienna sliver and the little rosy creature beneath.
    (+1fp [worm], +1exp)
✧ 015 exp
✧ 010 exp
✧ 000 exp
✧ 505 exp
✧ 559 exp
writing exp
patrol exp
event exp
added exp
total exp
✧ 001 exp
✧ 001 exp
✧ 000 exp
✧ 001 left
food exp
herb exp
item exp
opt-in exp
free posts?

fp earned ✧ 1fp ───
level reward ✧ 1 → 3
• +1fp, +herb, ─────
• +2fp, +herb, +nr myo
• +common edit────
herbs earned ✧ +1
• [+ comfrey root--]
• [n/a herb earned]
• [n/a herb earned]
• [n/a herb earned]
u ser + clan ✧ mrs
postsuser / writer-xx
items earned ✧ +0──xx
• [n/a reward earned]xx
• [n/a reward earned]xx

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Re: Stars V.2 • Explore

Postby faelyn » Sat Dec 30, 2023 6:01 am

Imagexxgalactic skies
─────────────── ✧

original level stats ✧ level 6 (352/800)
new level stats ➔ level 7 (061/950) --
• • • • x 10% hunger for the patrol
    fury was an indescribable thing.
    it burned… incandescent and eternally glorious to the staccato beat of his drumming heart. it bloomed and writhed, a firebird in his wake, emerging like ashen cinders embracing a barely tangible zephyr. it was a single floret of scarlet oleander, beautiful to the eyes but deadly once swallowed. the posion sinking its fangs into one’s heart and devouring it whole.

    fury would be the death of him… and it nearly was.

    “durianblaze! look out!” but it was too late. "the eagle- it's coming!"
    (-5% hp [body wound] for durianblaze, eagle has left the territory, +5exp)

    coils of liquid rose unfurled around each of his fawn curls as a lesion oozing scarlet, gaping open as if it were an endless tavern roiling with auburn azaleas and agony. kaledscopic scales skittered around each coil of liquid rose. kaledscopic scales that belonged to squirming lizards veiled by gossamer strands of green.
    (+1fp [lizard], +1fp [lizard], +1fp [lizard], +1fp [lizard], +1fp [lizard], +1fp [lizard], +1fp [lizard], +1 mallow leaves, +1 sorrel, +9exp)

    “d-durianblaze… are you alright?”
✧ 035 exp
✧ 010 exp
✧ 005 exp
✧ 470 exp
✧ 509 exp
writing exp
patrol exp
event exp
added exp
total exp
✧ 007 exp
✧ 002 exp
✧ 000 exp
✧ yes/noo
✧ 000 left
food exp
herb exp
item exp
opt-in exp
free posts?

fp earned ✧ 1fp ───
level reward ✧ 6 → 7
• +4fp, +3 herbs [any]
• +1 common myo──
• +1 shooting star──
herbs earned ✧ +2
• [+ mallow leaves]
• [+ sorrel ─────]
• [n/a herb earned]
• [n/a herb earned]
u ser + clan ✧ canadianhowl
postsuser / writer-xx
items earned ✧ +0──xx
• [n/a reward earned]xx
• [n/a reward earned]xx

Last edited by faelyn on Sat Dec 30, 2023 7:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stars V.2 • Explore

Postby faelyn » Sat Dec 30, 2023 7:17 am

Imagexxshattered eclipse
─────────────── ✧

original level stats ✧ level 5 (441/650)
new level stats ➔ level 5 (454/650) --
• • • • x 10% hunger for the patrol
    wrought from alabaster and inkdrops, gnashing teeth adorned the empty space beyond him, and from those teeth, freckles of liquid rose showered the early november snow.
    honeyed curls were braided between talons of chaos, eternally quivering as the beast bellowed. low and triumphant. miel. as if it were a posion honeysuckle, cloyingly sweet and deadly--- red hot horror seared through every rosy vein of his heart. his heart. one that broke with each soft groan that bloomed upon miel’s lips as he lapsed into nothingness. one that shattered into oblivion at the realization that sun lion was too late.
    (-15% hp for miel [tail sprain], he needs one post of rest and two herbs [of any kind])

    fury boiled like liquid roses into steam within his bones.
    “sun lion! don’t--” he was already upon the beast.

    he saw entire stars. entire constellations. entire supernovas.
    flora seemed to shudder at the beast’s furious shriek and the ivory glisten of claws, disintegrating into tangles of gossamer leaves and dainty springtime blossoms falling apart at the stem.
    (+1 comfrey root, +1 lambs ear, +1 daisy leaf, +3exp)

    until that rage-ridden shriek dwindled into silence and the beast was nothing more than a lump of scarlet flesh… for its heart had given out.
    (+1fp [scraps], +1fp [scraps], +1fp [scraps], +1fp [scraps], +1fp [scraps], +1fp [scraps], +5exp, +5exp for completed predator attack)
✧ 020 exp
✧ 010 exp
✧ 005 exp
✧ 000 exp
✧ 043 exp
writing exp
patrol exp
event exp
added exp
total exp
✧ 005 exp
✧ 003 exp
✧ 000 exp
✧ yes/noo
✧ 000 left
food exp
herb exp
item exp
opt-in exp
free posts?

fp earned ✧ 5fp ───
level reward ✧ 5 → 5
• [n/a reward earned]
• [n/a reward earned]
• [n/a reward earned]
herbs earned ✧ +3
• [+ comfrey root─]
• [+ lambs ear───]
• [+ daisy leaf───]
• [n/a herb earned]
clan ✧ unohdettu.lupaus
postsuser / writer-xx
items earned ✧ +0──xx
• [n/a reward earned]xx
• [n/a reward earned]xx

Last edited by faelyn on Sun Dec 31, 2023 6:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stars V.2 • Explore

Postby faelyn » Sat Dec 30, 2023 7:39 am

Imagexxtribe of hissing waters
─────────────── ✧

original level stats ✧ level 0 (080/100)
new level stats ➔ level 1 (066/200) --
• • • • x 0% hunger for the patrol
    the stranger's eyes were derived from honey wine, oozing and bleeding a cordial aura that bloomed upon each luminescent edge. the sheer starry essence of it didn’t belong to this desolate place… it didn’t seem apart of a place wrought with oblivion and rot. freckles of ebony were plotted like constellations upon reality… freckles that murmurred and hummed amidst the strained hush that had fallen over the little group.
    (+1fp [insect], +1exp)

    “i suppose it’s time for us to part ways, eh?” a sweet drawl was upon the stranger’s lips, seeming to stretch up for an eternal paradise before fading ever-so slightly. the stranger shuffled about, trinkets tinked within the sienna leathers of his satchel. it didn’t take long until one of them lay in the center of his rosy palm. “here. i have a gift to thank you all for your hospitality.”
    (+1 common myo, +15exp for completed npc quest)

    and in a whirlwind of starry chiffon and silks, the two strangers were gone… and it was as if they were never there to begin with.
✧ 060 exp
✧ 010 exp
✧ 015 exp
✧ 000 exp
✧ 086 exp
writing exp
patrol exp
event exp
added exp
total exp
✧ 001 exp
✧ 000 exp
✧ 000 exp
✧ yes/noo
✧ 000 left
food exp
herb exp
item exp
opt-in exp
free posts?

fp earned ✧ 1fp ───
level reward ✧ 0 → 1
• +1fp [any], +50 sd--
• [n/a reward earned]
• [n/a reward earned]
herbs earned ✧ +0
• [n/a herb earned]
• [n/a herb earned]
• [n/a herb earned]
• [n/a herb earned]
clan ✧ moonlight heavens
postsuser / writer-xx
items earned ✧ +0──xx
• [n/a reward earned]xx
• [n/a reward earned]xx

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[0343.] viv's explore replies

Postby Vivika » Sun Dec 31, 2023 6:43 am

    xxxfawntura clan archive last post

    emptiness gaped in the void as the little snake’s hiss dwindled, fading into the deafening hush of the woods. the ache in her chest twisted, writhing like a mangled corpse of steel, until it dulled, casting all her senses under a lifeless spell. weightless, airless, senseless. she was a ghost. an imposter claiming a throne━a title━that once belonged to someone else. a wanderer just as lost as that snake in her father’s den. (predator leaves!)

    no, her den now.

    a soft gasp cut through her lips as the earth wavered. her claws unsheathed as surreal steadied herself, leaping over the patch of unsteady earth. the jolt shocked her senses, flooding it with the tang of rot and ruin tainted with the faintest fragrance of something… saccharine. a gloss of sweetness masking the stench of broken souls with forgotten stories. (+5fp vulture, +1 coltsfoot; surreal is also no longer ill! <3)

    “hello?” shrill and quavering, the cadence of another’s voice broke upon that single word. yet, something about it was fluid, still melodic and euphonious, like a brokenhearted songbird’s ditty. the stranger’s paws danced, light and delicate, whispering along the swaying grass. “oh thank the stars. you're the first sign of life i've seen in so long.”

    weariness laced every syllable of her voice, but it was softer this time almost as if tied to a smile. “i… could use a favor if you're willing.”

      furzetuft (an npc) is proposing a trade! she would like 2fp (of any type) in exchange for something special of hers! does the patrol agree to the trade or decline?

      ⊰ patrol status updates ⊱
      • all patrollers gained +10% hunger
      • surreal is no longer sick! c:

      ⊰ xp earnings (death opt in/out) …………………………
      • +115xp for writing, +10xp for patrol sent, +5xp
      • for prey, +1xp for herbs,+10xp for healing sickness
      ⊰ findings ⊱
      • +5fp vulture
      • +1 coltsfoot

      ⊰ level totals ⊱
      • +141xp → level 2 (288/300xp)*

      notes; ahh, hello! made a lil typo in my last explore reply, but it's been fixed now─you should be at level 2 (instead of 3)! so sorry about that! <3 make sure to also list nova & viper as "not sick" in your future post(s)! looking forward to see surreal receive her nine lives 👀
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Re: Stars V.2 • Explore

Postby Swishy & Broken » Mon Jan 01, 2024 1:38 pm

Swishy & Broken wrote:


the current season is greenleaf!
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