Re: Viscet #1790 - open!!

Postby Piefan » Sun Sep 03, 2017 12:27 am

Dropping out!
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Re: Viscet #1790 - open!!

Postby mango marmalade,, » Sun Sep 03, 2017 12:36 am

username;; manymangoes
name;; furo, nicknamed ro.
gender;; male
prompt;; down here, everyone has a story to tell about march. march was the worst month of the year. still freezing, but never snowing. nobody liked march. now everyone hates it. if only. those are the two words I think to myself at night. if only I didn't get angry. if only she weren't standing there. if only there was no such thing as death. if only, if only, if only. because let's just say things were different. what if i never got angry. what if she didn't insist on telling her mother. see, if things were different back then, things would still be the same now. there's no one around for me to get angry at, and there's no one left who is insistent on proving themselves right. march was a bad month, because of me, because of arguments, because of cliffs, and because gravity, no matter how strong you are, always pulls you down.
it was morning. today was the day that we were all outside, because today the sunrise was supposed to be extra beautiful. it was a stupid argument. one that shouldn't really have happened in the first place.
"what are you doing?"
"i'm climbing a tree."
"you're not allowed to be up there!"
"am too."
"i'm telling my mom!"
"i'm about toooooo..."
"bye! ha, you can't catch me!"
"i said, STOP!"
"get away from me. ouch! that hurts! stop it!"
you get the picture. like i said, a stupid argument. then, i got mad. i jumped down from the tree, cracking the pavement. i ran to her, picked her up, and tossed her. it wasn't a throw, i just kinda picked her up and dropped her.
her mother never forgave me.
i didn't mean to do it. i ran, but i guess i scared her. that was the end.
but see, not everyone's stories of march have to do with that. although most of them from i'm sure there's someone that has a march story that isn't all bad. after all, there are many more people in the world. our town is an insignificant speck on the world scale, nothing more than a few sad people. our troubles compared to others in the world, well...
but still. even though compared to the world we are nothing, to us this means everything. which is why when they left to run away from me, they left everything. their homes, stores, clothes, pets, money, food, everything. they took almost nothing.
i'm sure they're all dead now. starvation, dehydration, insanity. all possible ailments gained from going on a trail. i don't expect that they'll come back, given that they left so quickly. i don't really want them to come back, either.
this month is bad enough already without being chased down and hunted by an angry mob.

my powers* should never be underestimated. i know i say this lightly, and you may think that i'm bragging, but i'm really warning you and anyone else that reads this. people don't expect how ferocious i really get, how i have little to no limits on what my rage lets me do. as i'm saying this, i'm calm. if i were mad right now, this paper would have been ripped up in less than two seconds. when i lose an argument i lose all thought or shred of sanity still left in me, and go on a rampage. nothing stops me when my blood turns to adrenaline, and my heart loses all reason. it's really a big deal when this happens. you need to protect your wife and children, grab your most prized possession, etc. it's like the titanic all over again, accept the titanic probably sank faster than it took me to slow down and get calmer. there's is, was, literally a stronghold that the whole town would hide in to keep themselves safe. now that i think about it, i'm actually not sure if i liked them being here, or now, when they're gone. when they are here, i got stares. jeered at. i had rocks thrown at me. i was chased to my house at night. the townspeople would give me a wide berth, with almost no interaction between me and them. i was ostracized big time. and now...
well, right now it's total isolation. well, at least in total isolation there's no one to scare the birds away.

sometimes i wonder if i could remove the month march from the year. if it had never come around, i wouldn't be stuck here, alone. is that possible? i mean, besides the whole time travel dilemma, could i go back and just tell the dude who created the months, 'hey! march is a stupid name for a month. everyone will hate you if you name a month 'march'.' will he listen? will that work? what if he names it something else, and all of the future is changed? what if i never exist? what if there is no such thing as my species? what if the world ended up being blown up 50 years ago? what if, what if, what if. with all these what it's, i think i've decided to scratch 'operation: end march.' darn.
after rereading my letter before sending it to you, i realized i needed to clarify what happened on the last day of march a bit more. it started with, again, the festival. isn't it funny we have a festival to celebrate the fact that march is over? anyways, it was the last day of march, and i had climbed up a tree. a nice, big, sturdy one, i knew that it wasn't gonna break. but she apparently didn't know it was safe, or was just getting an excuse to tell on me. the above conversation happened, yadda yadda yadda, and then i leapt out of the tree right in front of her, picked her up by her legs, and tossed her into the air. now, the thing is, is that she wasn't near the edge of the valley. it was in the night time that the real story ends. i was taking a midnight stroll at the time, looking up at the pale moon, helping relieve my anger, when i saw her silhouette. her dress was blowing in the wind, and her hair seemed to be following suit. now this, this was surprising. she seemed to be.. standing on the edge of the cliff. but why? that's what i thought then, now i know why. i got down on all fours, my hunting instinct rushing back to me. before i was part of this town, before i had a home, were very dark times for me indeed. but as i crossed the grass that was still wet from our twilight showers, i saw her shoulders shake. was she... crying? i let out a gasp, before realizing what that would do. i quickly covered my mouth, but it was too late. she turned around in shock, then wobbled her hands to stay on balance. it happened like a movie. almost, i could've sworn, in slow motion. she pinwheeled her arms. as my eyes adjusted, i ran to her, and grabbed her arm. she narrowed her eyes, and looked up at my straining face. she said only a couple words, nothing much, but they still haunt me to this day. her words were...
"you deserve to have a body on your conscience."
and then, she twisted her arm, bit my hand, causing me to let go. the last thing i saw of her was her stoic face as she plummeted into the sharp rocks below.
i was sad she was gone.
i know killers often don't feel remorse for the things they killed, but as her life was taken, i felt like a bit of my life was taken also. it was like a chunk of my soul had been ripped out and thrown over the side with her. i suffered, sitting there until dawn broke and the light overtook me. i watched the place where she was last, hoping for some sign that maybe it was just a trick. she's still safe in her bed. i hoped, but no sign came. i knew that if i looked over the edge, at the rocks below, i would see a broken body, sprawled over. that's mainly the reason why i left to follow the travelers.
when i left, i wasn't thinking. not at all. i was just starving for any interaction with the people that i lived with for seven years. when i left, i didn't really think i would be back. i was just hitting' the road, searching for anything, anyone, from my old life. i packed only a few things, some food, a bottle of water, and cloak. i wasn't planning on being on the path for a while. i assumed that there was a station just up ahead where people would be waiting to blow out the storm of my anger. how wrong i was.
when i got to the station, i saw an empty watchtower. an open door, creaking hinges. papers blown out of the shack scattered the small path that led to it. on the outside wall, was a small, handwritten sign scrawled it on parchment. it read:
Beware fellow traveler! Down the road to the west lies a terrible beast that murdered a child. Be warned, and stay safe!
i stumbled back when i read it, shocked. i never thought of how deeply the villagers fear of me really ran. apparently, it was more than i could ever have imagined.
i trudged home, my mind repeating one thing over and over and over again. the villagers hate you. the villagers hate you. the villagers hate you. it filled my mind and was the only thing i could really think of the whole way back. i went over memories in my mind but saw no warning signs or hints that the villagers hated me before. sure, they might've been a little wary, but that was with good reason. even the newer members of the village knew and were warned about my anger, but they could typically put that aside after some time. not even the children of the town were completely sheltered from my personality. their parents usually talked to them about me at a very early age to prevent them from getting scared or being shocked by me.
hmmm, now that i think about it, i really could be considered a very important part of that town. they based many customs around me, such as a special day completely dedicated to releasing your anger. and it seemed that i was an important part of 'coming-of-age' rituals if parents had a designated time on when to tell their children about me and my problems. well, if i was so important in the overall development of this small town's rituals, then why could they have left me so easily? even as i write this, i still cannot think of an answer. it is baffling to me that although it was seemingly developed, it could be left at a whim. most towns have sentimental value, so when people leave, they either don't want to, or they come back later because of the memories and that stuff. but it seemed that not even the memories can bring people back to this town. isn't that a shame?
well, i believe that it may be time to close this letter. is that okay with you? have you learned enough of my predicament, enough to take pity and sympathize. i would hope so. because i write this letter as a plea for help, a small s.o.s letter if you will. i am counting on you to rescue me from this place in the woods. i am running out of food, as the townspeople brought most of whatever they had with them when they left. can you imagine that? you go to sleep surrounded by those you love, and whom you think love you back. when you wake up, you make a small mistake. nothing more. everyone makes mistakes once and a while, don't they? but you go to sleep, and when you wake up everything changes. you have suddenly become someone that needs to work harder to survive, someone that needs to fight for shelter. that is what has happened to me. i have been forced by the actions of others to revert back to my primal instinct. the only difference between me and my ancestors is that my ancestors had each other to be with, while i have shelter. please send help. i really need it.
*just a small side note for anyone that cares: when i say "powers", i mean that when i get angry, the rage enhances my systems, and pumps me with way more adrenaline than a normal viscet would get. i get all hyped up.
extra/s;; personality (1-2, depends on word amount), art (2-3 pieces, depends on how much time I have to do them??)
Ro's Personality wrote:Surprisingly enough, most of the time, furo has a fairly calm personality. He can reason well, function normally, and act the same as he would when he is not overcome by rage. He has a normal temperament and unclouded judgment. it is only when he is angered or enraged by something that his demeanor changes completely. When ro gets mad, angry, or upset, he becomes so overcome by rage that his mind can not think straight, he forgets his entire old life, and he does not think of the consequences that will come later as the result of his actions. Not only can he not reason well, but he is enhanced by two times the amount of adrenaline that is released into his system. With so much adrenaline, he cannot feel pain, he doesn't register his body getting tired, and he becomes unstoppable. I would advise all humans or animals to respect this interesting creature's limits. not only can he be an amazing scientific study, but there's no telling what he might do to you if he realizes you were the one that made him angry. After many interviews from witnesses of his rage, many conclusions about his mental health can be made. We believe that he has a mental illness that causes something that happens between the limbic system and the cerebellum. because these two normally function well together, it is rare to find a patient that is willing to be studied on with this disorder. without further testing on the creature, no further conclusions or assumptions can be made.

Personality Analysis wrote:
  • Calm
  • Powerful
  • Smart
  • Understanding
  • Strong
  • Gentle
  • Destructive
  • Cunning
  • Anger Problems


---credits: image1---art by me---text---prompt---
Last edited by mango marmalade,, on Sun Sep 24, 2017 6:57 am, edited 22 times in total.
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Sparta - male

Postby park. » Sun Sep 03, 2017 5:28 am


She was happier when they were little. Her eyes glimmered just as strongly as they do now, only this time it wasn’t from happiness. He could see his reflection behind the sparkle of blue and it was not an inviting sight. He was battle worn and his fur was ragged. Almost every knight in the castle was just as beaten and torn as he was. War had swept through the land and wound up right on the border of their territory. The fields he used to roam with Lady Laelia were now stomped down by enemy troops. The chirping crickets were long gone and the tranquility between every windblown blade of grass had been severed.

“Sparta please,” she begged in that light song-like voice of hers. Knights and medics were racing back and forth in the halls. “This isn’t your duty. You’ve been fighting for months at front lines. Just come with father and I. You will not lose your honor for taking one break.”

Sparta’s strong gaze lowered to the tan tiled floor. “My lady,” he began in that gentle voice of his. It contrasted his energy on the battlefield. “This is the greatest fight yet. If I were to retire now and watch you and my city burn I would never forgive myself. I cannot lose you.”

His words were loving and they seemed to pull a string in a white princess before him, however she didn’t back down. His purpose couldn’t compare to the risk his life was at. Before she could respond a familiar dark figure came sprinting up to them. “Sparta, I have spoken with the king,” Aerius said with a heavy breath. He was a short Viscet and the red cloak around his neck was always hid his bony build. Sparta contrasted the kingsman before him. He was tall and seemed to be born for battle. On the outside Sparta could appear to be a monster, a demon of the night, yet there was a sort of fatherly kindness in his eyes. Oh how he wished he could settle down after this war and have a family of his own.

“There is a valley on the southern border.” Aerius said while sparing only a short glance in the princesses direction. Sparta knew what he was talking about. It looked more like a small canyon than a valley. Grass only grew on the top face of the structure. The rest was covered by a light dusty sand. It had once been a river, that fact everyone knew. Carried down from folk-tales was the simplistic nickname the River. Sparta never went beyond those borders. Past the River was dead land, not suitable for farming. “We can ambush them from behind by riding out at sundown.”


Sparta thought about the plan carefully. “You wish to take the last of our army?” He asked the scrawny cet.

“Not all, but most of it. I told the king. The plan is safe. We can take back our men that are cornered.”

“And if we lose we lose it all,” Sparta reminded with unease.

“We will not lose with you leading the ranks.” Aerius exclaimed. His tail was swatting through the air like the swords on every knights hips.

Before Sparta could respond, the princesses beside them spoke up. She stood between them and pressed her warm body against his own to hold him close. “You cannot lead, Sparta. Not again.” She pleaded. “I can talk to my father, the King can let someone else lead.”

“Laelia,” Sparta said softly. “Come with me. Aerius, I will return shortly,” He flicked his tail to direct his childhood friend to follow. The princess, as light footed as she was, followed without a sound. They weaved around the shuffling citizens until Sparta was leading her to the highest point in the castle. The sun was just about to greet the horizon from where they stood on the balcony. They could see a wide section of their land from where they stood. The array of colors was almost as pretty as Laelia’s eyes.

“Why are we standing here?” She asked quietly. He could see that she too was entranced by the rolling hills and puffy forests.

“This is our land, Laelia. We walked these lands together since we were children. Don’t you remember running through the forests your father told us to stay away from? Someday, we could rule this together.” He’s never implied such a thing before. They’d share quick glances but their love was hidden. He knew it was there and as did she, but they never spoke upon it.

Yet, knowing he was walking into a dangerous war, Sparta had to acknowledge what she could not. “T-together?” Laelia stuttered. Sparta nodded his head.

“There are children out there. They may not be real princesses like you, but to some young male they are a princess. We have a story that’s already been shared, but they don’t. I can’t turn tail and run knowing their love could come to an end if the enemy conquers. Do you really want our book to end with the princess and her knight in shining armour leaving the castle?” Laelia was crying. She knew what this meant.

Sparta might not come home.

Last edited by park. on Tue Sep 26, 2017 7:50 am, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: Viscet #1790 - open!!

Postby HowlingHooves » Sun Sep 03, 2017 6:03 am

    Biometric Information wrote:Username;; HowlingHooves
    Name;; Renivika
    Gender;; Female
    Prompt wrote:Five political assassinations, four mass murders - her work was done.
    Half feral, and a woman with more fight in her than most really need, Renivika grew up quickly after being forced from her family due to being unique in ways that unnerved others of her kind. She was sent to love and grow with others like her, and there she was trained in the ways of war, of guns and knives and dark places. Renivika learned everyone was out for themselves in her world, and only she could really watch her own back. Over those long years, however, she met one man and after spending a few short days with the equally strong warrior, they parted ways forever more but she was gifted one thing that changed her life entirely; a son. Naming him Denalius, Renivika gave him everything, and raised him in ways she thought were better, but sometimes worse, than what had befallen her. He was all she could live for, one thing that meant more than her own life ever would. And nothing could stand in her way if her son was ever in trouble, Renivika always ready and willing to dirty her hands however was needed in order to keep Denalius out of harms way, no matter the personal cost.

    Eye to the scope, claws tapping against the polished and oiled metal of her rifle, her feral smile as she spotted her target seemed to still the winds that gusted around her perch. Sharp eyes made sharper by her rifle's scope, a slow inhale and soon the claw at the trigger was squeezed gently, as though a lover was hugging their partner in a quick greeting before they had to leave.

    She watched as her mark fell, smile still in place but far more smug than wild now, before she turned away and was off the rooftop she had taken as her hideaway. Her eyes scanned everything as she went, and she paused when she spotted a stray feather, glancing at her tail with a grimace when she spotted where it had been pulled from. Scooping the sunset hued plumage from the ground and stuffing it inside a compartment on her armored vest, not even talons marked her entrance or exit.

    And, as the wind had stilled prior to her shot, it picked up again, as if resuming a playback one had paused to fulfill any biological needs. With it, Renivika was gone, with the assassination under her belt and people scrambling about in a panic, screams of fear and bellowing orders from the guardsmen who had failed to protect their ambassador.

    Leaping through an open grate, teeth shined as she listened to the distress for a moment longer. Chuckling under her breath, she readjusted her rifle against her back, more securely this time, before she was racing through the dark, dank sewer line.

    “One down, four to go.” She muttered under her breath, eyes narrowed slyly, recalling where she had left her partner. He would be pleased, at least, and she would be one step closer to her end game. To taking back what was stolen.

    “I will not sit here and force my son to stay with that monster any longer!” Renivika snarled, fingers flexing in her rage, teeth bared as her hackles rose. Her breathing was harsh, chest heaving as her anger surged through her. She took three steps forward, almost a charge, before she was in the face of her partner.

    “Do not pretend you have any inkling of what I'm feeling, Jameson! You know nothing! I know what I have to do, and I will damn well do it! It doesn't matter what the cost is!” She roared in his face, the other looking irritated but keeping cool in the face of her anger.

    “Even if that means your own life, Ren? What will he do then? He'll be alone, like you always said you didn't want him to be if you keep at this.”

    She snarled and shoved away from him, pacing the space between him and the wall, talons clicking dangerously sharp against the flooring. “Then so be it! I'd rather die knowing he's safe, away from Hislop and his plans than be living and know I cannot help him.” She hissed, her anger fading for a more appropriate emotion.

    “I cannot help Denalius, Jameson, not while he has him.” Her voice cracked as she closed her eyes, stopping at the far wall and leaning her head against it. “He will never be safe until he's out of his grasp.”

    Jameson moved up beside Renivika, hesitant before an arm wrapped around her, pulling her tight into his side. “Then we do what he asks. You've killed two of the ambassador's on that list already. I know where the third is. My contacts can give me the location of the others.”

    Renivika remained silent, her breath shaking as she regained her composure slowly. When she felt able to speak, she pulled away from Jameson and adjusted her vest, moving to a corner and grabbing her favored rifle and other gear.

    “Have them locate Hislop. I know where the targets will be already. When you've got something solid, contact me then. Otherwise stay here, out of my way. No sense in getting someone else caught in the crossfire.” She told him as she grabbed a grenade belt and strapped it around her chest.

    Jameson sighed as she left, but he didn't fight her on her decision. At least he knew she would be safe enough; if anything, working with Renivika years before had told him she was tougher than nails and a dangerous enemy to have. As soon as they had a location on Hislop, the man wouldn't have enough manpower to stop Ren from storming his compound and giving him a final message.

    Muttering under his breath, he grumpily pulled up a laptop to begin sending his contacts down whatever roads necessary. “Stupid, Jameson. Only thing that's changed is being a mother, she's still just as much an anarchist as she was years ago.” He was bitter, but it soon faded as he pressed his talons against the palm of his hand, the sharpness letting him Center himself and focus clearly again.

    “Outpost B, secure the area. Assassin is headed your way. Keep crowd cover to a minimum. Sector 9, get me coordinates on Hislop.” He listened to the piece in his ear with a scowl. “I don't care if he's got more firewalls and guns than we do. Find him.”

    The weather was grim, even for her tastes: clouds as black as the canvas the stars shone against, growling and snarling angrily before flashing briefly some seconds afterward. Fear wasn't an emotion she would claim to feel, but Renivika had learned to be wary, at least, while seeking targets in a storm.

    And this storm was proving to be a downer. In more ways than one, her lips curling over sharp teeth when it finally spilled over her like a target hitting the floor. Canvas hood in place, she shook her head when her exposed nose was peppered with cold water, distracting and causing her eyes to narrow. Growling under her breath, Renivika readjusted her canvas raincoat, more fitted like a cloak than anything, before peeking through the binoculars she had in hand.

    As the roads below darkened under the rainfall, her targets still nowhere in range of the charges she had set almost a full day before now, her mind wandered. Bright eyes dulled as she fell back into memories, of her son, of Jameson and his utterly irritating loyalty to her…

    Of the reasons she was behind the barrel again, taking lives. Picking up the parchment that held her promise to Denalius and shredding it so completely. Suddenly the rain didn't feel nearly as cold as the ache in her chest, and she absentmindedly gripped her chest tightly in one clawed hand.

    But she growled again, fangs showing behind her lips as she scolded herself viciously. “You don't get to regret this.” She hissed to herself, blinking rapidly to clear her mind as her tail lashed behind her, west and sloshing in a muddy puddle nearby. Before she could fall back into her darker thoughts, Renivika titled her head sideways when she heard her earpiece crackle to life, a voice confirming the approach of her targets.

    Binoculars back in place, scanning the length of the wet road, she hummed lowly when she spotted the bus rolling toward her, slower with the rain falling in sheets. Something in her head raged against the chains she held it back with, screaming at her that this was simply murder and she could not go through with it.

    But she pulled a grey, slim wireless trigger from a pocket on her vest with her right hand, one talon tapping the small indented surface near the back, two lights at the top blinking red in a slow fashion. As the bus, full of seventeen civilians of various ages, moved forward Renivika frowned as they passed the first sector, soon moving into the second before she pressed her finger over the trigger.

    An explosion tore the bus into pieces, metal shrieking amidst the thunder and rain, flames roaring as Renivika, for the first time in her career, looked away from the damage she was able to create. From the canvas she had covered so eagerly years and years before. With an open mouthed grimace, Renivika didn't bother hiding her trail as she fled.

    It's for Denalius. They're nothing, not even comparable to what he means to you! Renivika repeated the words like a mantra, but part of her ached marrow deep as she locked herself in the dumpy room she had purchased days ago. It's for Denalius..

    She gave herself a moment. Small and fleeting, but a moment all the same. And in that moment Renivika glanced back over her shoulder, smoke half blinding her and everyone around her on the ground, the flaming rubble that had split the building wide open smelling distinctly of charred stone and burning flesh, hair and rubber. Her eyes found who she was looking for, standing just outside the building as she was.

    Her shoulders relaxed, the talons on her feet sinking from their high position to rest gentle against the ground. Outside the compound, turning to look for her in the same moment, Jameson was on the rise they had taken to days ago for recon. He turned around fully, looking tense as his lifted his rifle to his eye, finding her before looking back up from his scope.

    Renivika nodded once, telling the other so many things with the single motion. Thank you. Keep him safe. Forgive me.

    She turned back to the opening she had created, ignoring the cries of pain around her, the groaning of agony as she raced forward into the compound. And as she fought through those who managed to get to the feet or rush from their posts elsewhere, claws striking and tearing, snarls ripping from her theist as she ravaged her enemies, she gave in to the burning behind her eyes for the first time in weeks. Tears had no use for her in a fight, but fight them she could do no longer.

    Trusting Jameson to keep the only person that mattered to her alive and safe If anything, Renivika could promise Denalius he would never have to see the monster she was after again. It was enough to make the thought of her task more bearable. Her words to Jameson from their time together as much younger people echoed in her mind. “There's no room for people like us behind those pearly gates, I know that. So it shouldn't matter where we're going, not as long as we can make it so better souls can take our place.”

    They had never rung as clear as they did then for her. And she fought harder, knowing she was steps away from taking her last life, from ending so many nightmares. Even if she would be nothing more than a silhouette to her son, she would do this. Death would not stop her from this.

    And she rushed forward to her end.
    Word Count wrote:Personality: 204 / 1000
    Entry One: 307
    Entry Two: 578
    Entry Three: 549
    Entry Four: 413
    1847 / 5000
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Re: Viscet #1790 - open!!

Postby G1 Sunstreaker » Sun Sep 03, 2017 6:37 am

    G1 Sunstreaker
    Pyrax Lovett Lovello
    "The planetary outpost was a place of religion and injustice, or so he said."
      -heavy tale of his travels/experiences in liberating a locked down settlement of some sort
      -perhaps to overthrow some irrational religious fanatic who holds them under a tyrannical dictatorship
      -almost kind of Assassin's Creed-y
      -would be pretty philosophical, I might not have enough time for something like this
    "I have a tale about infamy and a computer programmer."
      -story of a shunned agent and a computer programmer who advertently prevent a complete technological fallout
      -he could be either one
      -the agent goes AWOL and hunts down the programmer because he knows that the organization he works for is either turning a blind eye to or underestimating/disregarding the activity of a highly skilled technological scientist
      -they team up to take him down against all odds
      -a little matrix-y (oh boy gotta love these themes)
      -might be too elaborate to fit into 5k words
    "I pretended to be a shuttlecraft pilot, which surprised exactly one person."
      -not entirely sure where I'm going with this one
      -perhaps is a fighter pilot in my space AU who's growing more and more uncomfortable with the decreasing integrity of the missions he's being sent on
      -he's finally sent on one mission that pushes him past his limits and he flees
      -he meets someone who tells him what's really going on: the power he works for is corrupt, easy beyond what he thought possible, and is planning some devastating attack or similar
      -he has to sneak back in under the guise of a lowly cargo shuttle pilot and sabotage everything death-star style
      -tbh probably gonna use this one
    [5k words, x5 art]

dropping out, sorry.
Last edited by G1 Sunstreaker on Sat Sep 23, 2017 12:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Viscet #1790 - open!!

Postby Trphlthdl » Sun Sep 03, 2017 8:36 am

Many people tend to think she survived the war among the gods by hiding in her dungeon, but the truth isn't quite what some think.

May or may not enter. See if I have time. Changed prompt wording so I could make it funny should I choose to enter.
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Postby ArtGirl » Sun Sep 03, 2017 4:49 pm











Imala, a creature of war and war, the source of all my pain, which turned out to be a dangerous assumption...



To many Hassun has no personality. He is very hard to read and almost never shown emotion. He comes off as a very hard cold viscet that can be very aggressive. This comes in handy in the tough home he lives in. Little do they know though is that Hassun is actually quite a character with a soft spot like all other viscets. He has compassion for animals in trouble and would always lend a helping hand to those in need. He has great respect for those who those who share there home and a hate for those who seek to destroy it.

Blueberries, Fire, Coyotes, Snow, Fall, Fish, Star Gazing, Lightning, Yellow, Learning About New Things, Finding New Things, Justice, Finishing Difficult Projects, Swimming

Wolves, Heat, Cloudy Fall Days, Snakes, Fishing, Wildfires, Rain, Cruelty, Pollen, Being Unable to Help Someone

Hassun enjoys hiking to find new stones to add to his rock collection. Over the years he has created quite the stash of rocks of all shapes and colors from all across the region. Sometimes he will take his most precious stones and polish them with his special pine oil.






It was a cool summers night. Hassun laid on the ground gazing at the stars sparkling above him, marveling at their beauty. Near to him rushed the Syll River. Swollen from a winter full of snow the roar of the river added a peace to the air around him. Though everything was laid out as the perfect night Hassun was bothered. Something was off but he just couldn't figure out what it was.
Living here it was normally very quiet and we'll....normal. The biggest thing that happened in the last few years was his arrival.
All he knows is the little he got from the coyotes that helped him survive until he could fend for himself. He was just a kit when they found him who didn't even know his real name. For many years they just called him Hassun which he accepted as a name over the years. The meaning behind it is "Stone" because he's a tough creature that never shows any emotion. This is why he's also called "The one who feels nothing".
Once the coyotes taught him all they could he decided to move on to find a place of his own.
After a few weeks he found his den by the river and it's been the same ever since. He decided in his travels that since he was taken in as a member of these woods and really had no value as a woodland creature he swore to be the protector of his home and the creatures that thrived there.

A flash of light in the distant and a loud crash broke the piece. He wondered what it possibly could be until his curiosity took him over. He decided to have a look in the morning as it was too late in the evening to travel that far.

Hassun didn't get much sleep that night. One story the coyotes stories told to him since he was a kit danced in his head keeping him up.It was the story of the Imala. The tale tells of a tall, dark creature with a fiery breath that can level hundreds of miles of timber in one breath. It's only purpose is to destroy these woods and everything creature in it. None have yet to see it but many have seen the ashes of what it leaves behind. Being that he was covered in ash and charcoal when they found him the coyotes believe this is why he was left alone in these woods alone, and so does Hassun.

Not able to take it any longer he stood up and left towards the flash he saw the previous night. It would usually take about a half days travel but Hasssun was fast and made easy work of the distance. He was overwhelmed by curiosity but moved in slow and cautious. Gradually he entered a small meadow lined with daisies. It looked like whatever was here had left early that morning and left nothing behind. Even hunting for tracks was difficult and only turned up a half a print that he couldn't identify. Feeling even more curious and now confused he stumble upon something buried in the sand. As he uncovered it he found his paws were covered in a black powder. Finally a pill of coals were revealed from underneath. He stepped back and starred at them intently for quite awhile. He had never seen coal in real life before and he was not only fascinated at his discovery but confused and a bit worried. Nothing from around these parts could cause this which meant there was something new and possibly dangerous lurking around the forest.

His first thought was to run back and warn everyone but after much consideration he decided to track down the mysterious being before it cause any harm.

With almost no tracks to go off of it was a difficult task but he was known for his tracking skills and followed the few clues he found. A storm started to form above him which drove him to move faster from the fear of rain and loosing everything.
As he worked he was getting the suspicion that there was more than one creature he was tracking. After a long hot day he needed a break so when the trail lead him near the river he decided to stop for a drink. Exhausted, hungry and hot Hassun laid down in the shade of a oak tree. Sweat dripped down his black fur as he tried to get cool. The rushing river called him in with it's cooling waters but he knew that the river was deadly this time of year and very few ever come back out. A snap of a twig in the distance shot him to his feet and he hide in the cover of the overgrown brush. Again he heard the snapping of twigs underfoot and slowly crept along to a better view point. Whatever it was was walking strait towards him. He was nearly completely immersed in the thick brush now. All that could be seen was his rich amber eye that were glowing in the evening light. Then in the distance a dark figure walked out from behind the trees. He couldn't make out what it was in the dimmed light. Only a dark outline which he couldn't recognize. Soon after 3 other figures joined it from behind the trees. Hassun pined his ears back in frustration. He just couldn't see them through the brush and in the bad lighting. He tried to move over to get a better view when... *SNAP!* The large branch he was standing on snapped at the far end. All of the figures turned to look in his direction. He wanted to turn and run but it was too late for that and he was just to close to outrun them.

All he could do was hope that the brush would conceal him in the shadows. The figures looked towards the brush hunting for the cause. One of them who to what he could tell was the leader started walking slowly in his direction. His heart filled with adrenaline was nearly leaping out of his chest. Suddenly one of the figures made a loud screeching sound and ran back into the woods. All of the others nearly jumped and soon followed besides the leader. Though it also started running after them it looked back nearly staring into his eyes before running of into the bordering territory of the wolves. All of his muscles said to jump up and follow them but his mind knew running into wolf territory meant death.

A week and a half had past and though he had searched for the creatures they never returned. He was bothered not knowing what they were but he was happy they were gone and continued on in his daily life.
Early that morning he went out to hunt for fish before it got hot. He hates heat due to his dark coat and if he can't do something without stepping into the summer sun he will often refuse to do it until it's cool or late in the evening. Though he had back luck in the past with his fishing skills the river was bursting with fish and he had no problem catching a few. As he was gathering his catches to put in his den the falcon, one of his dear friends landed briefly on a limb near the river. He had caught word of a wolf in the western territory not far off and after relaying his message flew off out of sight.

Hassun quickly put away his catches and headed in the direction of the wolf. A wolf in the area was always bad news and often meant something worse was coming. After a very long day of searching he managed to find wolf tracks but no wolf. Hassun shook his head. Wolves were smart and this was just what they would want them to think. After a continued search of the area he started back to spread the news to the coyotes.

A sound hardly noticeable tickled his ear as he turned it to listen. "Footsteps, and they're getting close." He though and quickly hid in the brush. They were no wolf. A wolf wouldn't be so careless with his steps in unfamiliar territory. He peered through the lush bushes awaiting the owner of the sound. As he watch a dark figure moved into sight. His heart started racing. It was the same creature he track before but it was only the leader this time. Though it was nearing dusk he could just make out the figure as it moved into sight. It was a tall creature that looked very similar to himself in build but different. He didn't know what to think and found himself staring in fascination. Suddenly it turned in his direction and quietly gasped. He had hoped that it didn't see him but his amber eyes were basically glowing in the light and gave him away. It stared for a moment, then started slowly walking towards him. Still unsure of exactly what this was or if it was a threat he vanished into the woods without a sound.

In the cover of night Hassun snuck back to find the creature. It took him a bit but further up towards the mountain he saw a glow in the distance, the same glow he saw that first night. He neared the light and crept quietly through the brush. He examine the scene with overwhelming curiosity. There was a large something that looked like a den in the distance though it was thin and looked like it was going to blow over in the wind. It also had like vines going into the ground to hold it down.
The creature was sitting on a log in between Hassun and a hole it had dug emitting a very faint glow. He watch the creature put wood and dried leaves in the hole covering the glow.
Then suddenly the creature leaned into the pill of wood and started blowing on it causing the whole thing to burst into flame.

For the first time in his life he was filled with fear and before he even realized what had happened he was running through the forest so quickly he was almost flying. "It was true! All of it!" He though in shock. He didn't know what to do. His mind was a jumbled mess of pieces. Should he hide in his den? Or run to warn the others? Maybe he should just leave? Is there really any hope for his home with that thing around?
Near to fainting from exhaustion he forced himself to stop. Leaning against a tree he slid into a sitting position when his legs colapsed from under him. Gasping for air he could taste the metallic taste of blood in his mouth. His lungs were so tight he could barely get his breaths under control. He stayed there for several minutes before he even attempted to move. Staring into the distance he tried to figure out what he had just seen. "Maybe it was just a dream?" He though to himself but he knew better. Whatever it was it was invading his home and obviously it wasn't leaving on its own.
He ran through every solution in his head as he laid against the tree rubbing his head against the rough bark. Only one made sense but it was the toughest decision to make. He had to go after it and get rid of it once and for all. But how do you defeat a fire breathing monster who knows nothing but hate? He though to himself for a long time plotting his plan.
Finally he had it and he stumbled to his feet. Though exhausted and hungry he must act soon before any damage can be done. Hassun knew that once he started there was no going back. He grabbed some berries off a nearby blackberry bush and mustered up the courage to face the creature.
Slowly he started off in the direction he came. He had ran a great ways away so it was going to be quite awhile to get back. Step by step he was gaining ground that he wasn't sure he wanted to venture but he knew that if it ever came to it he had the best chance of surviving a battle against a Imala.

It was nearly dawn by the time he made it back to where he was. There was only a glow of light casting through the trees from the forming sunrise above. Circling the area silent as a fox he searched for the creature but it wasn't there. Smoke was rising from the fire which went out a few hours ago adding a eeriness to the area. As far as he could tell the creature was in its den. He decided that he must wait for it to emerge before he could continue.
Patients was something he wasn't good at. He never could wait for anything so waiting for something this important was killing him. He sat in the bushes so agitated he was ready to scream. A couple hours past and right at his limit the creature emerged. Adrenaline made his heart skip as he planed his next move. He watched it grab some food as he waited for the perfect opportunity. Crawling to the bushes under a nearby oak he got in position. With amazing skill he mimicked the sound of a lost fawn. Knowing Imala's are a creature of destruction this would be something it couldn't resist. He saw the creature stand and look for a moment. He called again and started moving further back before the creature started walking in his direction. Once the same distance away from the first spot he called again. Now the creature was walking quicker looking for what was made out to be a fawn. Hassun quickly crawled to his next position. He was leading it somewhere. Somewhere he knew he could get ride of it forever. Somewhere that when you enter, you never return... the Syll River.
Continuing his pattern the creature was hunting frantically for the fawn which meant that Hassun had to move quickly to be one step ahead. Suddenly a branch hidden under some leaves caught his foot and he came crashing to the ground. He laid there for a moment praying that it didn't spot him but it was too late. He looked up to find the creature was staring right at him. Then it started moving towards him. His heart leaped into his throat. How could he be so stupid? Now he was the target.
That unfamiliar feeling of fear filled him once again but he had to keep his head together. He got up and ran ahead trying to keep some distance in between them. Later then he had hoped the river came into view. He ran towards the river into a opening in the brush and ducked in the cover of the vegetation. The opening lead to a rock ledge over the river that was crashing against the side with extreme power. He sat in cover nearly gasping to catch his breath. After a bit the creature closed the gap and ran out into the clearing. It walked over to the rock ledge and scared the river. Hassun took his opportunity. In one swift motion he jumped out of his cover, ran over to the creature and pushed it over the ledge with as much power as he could muster. Reaching for Hassun it plummeted into the river below. Time nearly stopped as he watched it start to drift away with a smile on his face. He had won. Through everything and all the odds he had won.

A distant cry for help like a wounded pup rang out in the distance from the river. The smile that was one his face turned into confusion. He though deeply about what had happened. How could a Imala who knows nothing besides hate call for help in fear. The more he though the more things didn't make sense. Soon his joy turned sour. Thoughts raced through his head in only seconds. "What if I was wrong? What if this was a innocent creature? A innocent creature that I just send plummeting to a death it didn't deserve?!" Before he could even stop to think about what he had done his feet left the ground sailing into the crashing waves below. He had to save it and fix the mess he made.
The fierce river pulled him under time and time again like a stone was tied to his foot. The little air he got was nearly impossible to grasp with the wild rapids around him. He couldn't worry about that though. The cries rang out as they drifted further and further down the river. The water was nearly unbearable chilled by the icy snow from the mountains. He knew he had to move quickly. If the rapids didn't kill them hypothermia would. The waves threw him around like a old rag doll. He was getting nearer now. A shape in the distance started to form as it moved in and out of the water. Adrenaline pumped through his vanes like nitro pushing him harder. Nearly always submerged he struggled to get any air. Though he was a good swimmer nothing could prepare him for this fight. Nearly there now he was only a couple feet away. He struggled to keep sight of the creature from it disappearing under the waves along with himself. There was little he could do to help avoid the boulders in the river. All he could do was try. Coughing up water with each breath he wouldn't give up. He reached out to the paw that was only a couple inches out of reach. Almost there he gave it one last push and..................................

......Slowly opening one eye and then the other Hassun tried to make out his triple surroundings. Dizzy, cold and exhausted he laid there confused. "Ahhhhhh, Where am I???" he wondered as his sight corrected itself. Trying to stand he yelped as extreme pain shot through his side. On the second attempt he managed to get to his feet. Looking around he was way farther down river then he had ever been before. For a moment with nothing familiar in sight he felt the sinking feeling that he was lost. He knew that his only way to get home was to follow the river. After a moment Hassun remember how he got there in the first place. Frantically he started looking for the creature. He search for what felt like forever but there was no sign of it. His heart sank into his chest. The only though that stuck in his mind was how many animals the river has already stolen away, never to be seen again. After nearly running frantic up and down the riverside he had to accept it. How could he return home? A murderer of a innocent creature? He was now just as bad as the wolves he outcast. Brushing some of the mud out of his coat he though of his den, his adopted family, his home. He could never go back knowing what he had done. A tear trickled down his face and fell into the water below him becoming a part of the river that caused pain once again.
A familiar cry echoed through the trees though this time in distress. His ears lifted in the direction of the cry filling him with hope. Another cry rang out but this time it was a wolf. This wasn't just a howl, it was a call for troops to a hunt. Hassun shot off towards the cries like a bullet flying through the trees. Though tired and in pain from his ordeal the same drive filled him as in the river and he pressed on.

In the distance the wolves had started circling there target. Nearly never touching the ground he ran like his life depended on it. Soon he saw the wolves in the distance and burst through the trees running in between the wolves and to his delight the scared creature. Moving into a defensive position he growled at the shadows creating through the brush around him. There were way to many for him to fight off alone and obviously they had never meet him before or they would have shown signs of retreat.
Hassun stood tall and flared up his feathers. Though he looked fierce he knew that he was on the loosing end of this fight if it came down to it. Glancing back the creature was frightened and had fallen backwards in surprise from his arrival. "Run!" He yelled but all it did was stare back at him. Did it really not understand him? Without the time to answer his question he tried motioning for it to get out of the way and nudging it with his paw.
The scared creature scattered over to a large boulder and climbed on top. For the brief moment he looked away the wolves took their opportunity. A dark grey wolf leaped out of the bushes and attacked him from the side. After that it was like a wave of claws and fangs. Hassun tried his best to fight back and avoid their blows but there was just too many of them. The alpha got a opportunity and went for his neck but instead sunk his teeth into his left arm. Hassun yelped in pain and frantically kicked at his side trying to get free. Finally he made a strong blow and the alpha released his grip. He couldn't keep this up much longer and he knew next time he wouldn't be so lucky to just get a blow to the arm. He fought one with all he had left knowing that once he was finished the poor creature was next. Suddenly a gun shot rang out in the distance causing a large flock of crows to flee from the sight. The shot mixed with the outburst of crying crows caused the wolves to back off. Hassun took his chance and after glancing at the creature he started running into the woods hoping it would follow. Thankfully the creature did and though slowly they managed to escape. A ways off after gain some distance from the pack Hassun could tell the creature was giving out so he had to stop to give it a break. This was the first time he was able to see the creature this close and though he cautiously kept his distance he felt like it was not really a threat to him.
The creature was a darker colored striped female with yellow eyes that had no feathers. It seemed like she was comfortable in the woods but she had no outdoors skills like the other woodland creatures. Thinking about her in wolf country alone he decided thoufh he didn't know where she came from he would at least help her back to her den sight. It was the least he could do after the mess he caused.

"I was wondering if you were going to stop." The creature said brushing her fur a bit. To Hassun this was super fascinating and though he couldn't understand a single word he stared curious of the sound she was making. To him he hadn't heard anything like it though little did he know he had once as a kit.
"Thanks for helping me and all but it was your fault I fell in the river in the first place." She said in an annoyed tone. "My names Abetzi, and yours is?" Hassun just stared at her which brushed her the wrong way considering she already wasn't a social viscet. "You done have to be so rude." She said agitated. "So what is it?" "HELLO!?!" Hassun never accepts aggression from others well and quickly snapped back with a growl.
"OK then." she said a little startled. As Hassun started on his way back up the river again Abetzi also started in her examination of Hassun. She noticed that something was way off about him. He didn't act anything like a normal viscet. A matter a face he acted almost primal. Like some animal who has had no social interaction.
The more they walked the later it got. They would stop for breaks now and then but Hassun wanted to keep as much distance as possible between the pack and themselves. Soon the sun hid it's face behind the mountains and he knew he couldn't push it any further. As he searched for shelter on there walk back up the river he found a small cave almost too small to shelter both of them.
He wandered over and stood in front of the small cave and looked towards Abetzi as if calling her inside. She looked at him and smiled saying thank you before wandering inside.
Hassun wanted to stand watch but his feet ached and it started racing so he decided to rest for a bit first. He half moved into the cave and laid down just out of the weather. Abetzi though wasn't quite settled. Sitting and massaging her paws for some relief from the aching she noticed the blood on Hassun's arm. She lightly gasped "Your arm!" Then she though back to the attack. After thinking for a moment she struggled to her feet and walked over to the edge of the shelter. "They got you good didn't they. I don't have my backpack with me so I can't help much." Untying her bandanna that was around her neck she grasped the corner and moistened it in the rain. Then she slowly walked over and knelt by Hassun. Still shy of her presence he moved away from her as she got closer. "It's OK. I just want to help ya get this cleaned up." She said reassuring.
Though Hassun didn't understand her, the tone of her voice and her gentle movements reassured him and he let her help. Gently she tried to clean off the blood on his arm. He jolted from the shock of pain but tried his best to hold still. Some of the blood was still seaping from his wound but a lot was dried which made cleaning it difficult. After much scrubbing she managed to get what she could off. The blue and white bandana looked dark red from the blood. With the remaining clean area of the bandana she laid it over his wound and used the bloody ends to tie it on. Hassun was grateful for her help but he didn't show it. Honestly he didn't know how to respond. He had never had someone do something like that for him before. Laying there he just stared out through the rain soaked trees. With no response from Hassun Abetzi told herself that she did good and moved over to her sleeping quarters.

The next morning Abetzi awoke to find Hassun nowhere to be found. Though she was a experienced trail guide she was uneasy that he just took off with the wolves around.
Meanwhile Hassun was actually just beginning to head back. He knew that Abetzi was hungry so he went out early to catch some fish. With his 3 fish he walked back to the cave. When he returned he found Abetzi playing with sticks which he though was actually pretty funny. Not wanting to disturb her he quietly set on of the fish next to her. Instead of just disturbing her the thud of the fish made her jump. "Oh! It's just you. Hahaha hear I want to show you something." She said motioning him over. In front of her she had shaped the sticks into a organized pill and set aside two of the large ones. Abetzi had though about how Hassun was always snooping around their camp ashes when they were gone or seeking around when she had a fire lit so she wanted to show him when he didn't have to be afraid. A quick rubbing of the large stick and a amber flew into the sticks. Hassun cautiously stepped back but Abetzi motioned him to come watch as she started slowly blowing on the glowing amber. Soon a small flame rose from the wood and grew into a small fire. Hassun had this feeling that he should run but he just couldn't. His eyes melted into the beauty of the dancing flames.
For awhile he barely moved besides grading a bite to eat. He quickly learned that though fire can be deadly it can also be tamed into something extraordinary.
Not too long after they headed on there way along the river time seamed to pass by slowly but by mid day they had covered amazing ground. Suddenly Hassun spotted something familiar in the distance, and more, and more. They had made it home! Hassun lead Abetzi back to her den with a heavy heart he couldn't understand. He had grown quite fond of Abetzi and he was saddened by the fact that he might never see her again. Not able to bare good byes he disappeared into the brush as soon as she entered her den sight. Though he though he snuck away without being seen Abetzi called a good bye to him in the distance.
The next day Hassun was so curious that he headed back to her camp sight. When he arrived he was disappointed to find nothing and sat stroking abetzi's blue bandanna that he now wore around his neck to remind him of everything that happened. Though he knew he might never see her again he was great full for the time they had together and will never forget the knowledge she shared with him.

Last edited by ArtGirl on Sat Sep 23, 2017 6:04 pm, edited 58 times in total.
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2 Timothy 2:10............................................................................................................................
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Re: Viscet #1790 - open!!

Postby DogLife. » Sun Sep 03, 2017 9:19 pm

This is a tale of love, hate, death and becoming an outcast



If everything in this world is a catalyst for change...
I guess I'm the spark that lights things up!




Username: DogLife.
Name: Kai (meaning Fire in Scottish)
Gender: Male
Age: 22 human years, 6 Viscet years
Birthday: 31st October
Occupation: Sage of Fire
Place of Origin: Inner Forest, East Myixa
Friends: Wip
Prize Possessions: Fire Katana, Ocarnia and the fire medallion.
Theme Song(s): Setting Fires by The Chainsmokers feat XYLØ and Heavy Dirty Soul by Twenty-One Pilots.
Powers: Control over fire
Talents: Playing the ocarnia, Logical thinking, Swordsman Skills and Quick Reflexes.

Username;; DogLife.
Gender;; Male
Prompt;; This is a tale of love, hate, death and becoming an outcast
Extra/s;; up to 5k words and 5 art pieces

Holy heck resssssss!

- has fire magic that he was exiled for
- has an (instrument) and a weapon as his only possessions
- Sage of Fire for Myixa.
- looking for friends

Do not steal my ideas please!
Last edited by DogLife. on Tue Sep 05, 2017 8:43 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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average girl here! I love dogs,
swimming, coding and reading.
I am mainly here for the Viscets,
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Re: Viscet #1790 - open!!

Postby ArtGirl » Mon Sep 04, 2017 2:10 pm

I had a quick question. The prompt I would like to use includes a random name in it. Is it ok to change the name so it fits my form and character instead of having it just some random generated name?
Last edited by ArtGirl on Mon Sep 04, 2017 5:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
~~Hey guys! Check out the awesome links below.~~


Hi, I'm ArtGirl! I love art, adoptables, green, winter and spagetti but over all I LLOOVVEE chickens!!! Though I don't make art on oekaki anymore I still offer digital art and love to make art trades! Feel free to pm me!

"In one day it won't matter how many friends you have. Any battles you've fought just to fail or events in your life that no one believes. The possessions you've acquired will be meaningless. Our opinions of life, culture, race, meaning will matter as much as the dirt on your feet. That day only one thing will matter, Jesus." .......................................................................................
2 Timothy 2:10............................................................................................................................
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Re: Viscet #1790 - open!!

Postby SilverSamurai » Mon Sep 04, 2017 3:11 pm

ArtGirl wrote:I had a quick question. The promp I would like to use includes a random name in it. Is it ok to change the name so it fits my form and character instead of having it just some random generated name?

yes, the generated name and gender can be changed to fit the character c:

Yo, I'm Silver and like talking with people and making new friends.
I enjoy music, birds, anime/manga, video games, and art. Feel free to send over a message whenever if you'd like to chat!

A lot is happening right now, but I'm doing my best

"I fell apart, but got back up again,"
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