Re: Viscet #1219 - Legendary - Round 3 pg 8

Postby madras » Mon Mar 20, 2017 5:16 pm

Good luck, everyone! :D
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Re: Viscet #1219 - Legendary - Round 3 pg 8

Postby CO1LD » Tue Mar 21, 2017 1:09 am

May the force be with us

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Re: Viscet #1219 - Legendary - Round 3 pg 8

Postby grizzly. » Tue Mar 21, 2017 3:48 am

Good luck everyone! unfortunately the little guy didn't allow time for me to write up or draw anything for the third round, but I'm excited to see who goes on and who wins this beauty!
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Viscet #1219 - Legendary - Round 4

Postby Mint Chip » Sat Mar 25, 2017 2:22 am

sorry the judging for this round took me so long, we had company on the 13-16th and it's been sort of crazy since then for me. mostly trying to get myself back into the swing of things, and I just got this judged as of yesterday. c:

alright, so onto the judging. the forms I had were all pretty good, some better than others but all the effort put forth was pretty good overall. I had 9 forms that qualified and of those 9 only 6 are continuing on to what will probably be the final round of this competition.

the six moving on are: true knight, Yoosung Kim★, .kaede, milo., lady lightwing., and Sweet and Salty
congratulations on continuing on to the next round of this competition, each of your forms met or exceeded my expectations (some more than others). to the ones who did not continue on, your efforts were still great and congrats on making it this far. thank you for trying out for this legendary, you all did a great job.

this round is the last round I believe, unless there's just 2-4 forms I cannot choose between, and then we'll have a tie breaker round to determine the winner. Since we're nearing the end of this competition I'm going to give you more a little more freedom with the form but there will still be limitations. There is no real prompt but there are some things I'd like to see you do with your forms. First and foremost, I do want to see character development, this is very important. Also keep in mind your original personality for your character, and be consistent with your other forms, straying from what you initially had too much will likely deduct points. For what I want from you in this round, I want to see what is in this viscet's future. Is it bright, is it grim? Is there a war, is it peaceful? What does their future hold and how does that mold or change them if at all? It's up to you how where their path might go, but give me a glimpse of what may be in their future. You can depict this how you will but it must their future setting of some sort. You'll have about 1000 words to tell me what their future holds. You can also have either 800 extra words OR 4 art pieces. The word extra does not have to be about their future / can be anything you want. The 4 art pieces can be any type of art (including comics and animations). As always prettying up is fine, but no neon or brightly colored text.

*remember to keep your form consistent throughout the competition. and link your 3 other rounds' forms in your round 4 form. do not edit any of your previous rounds' forms.
Count down until round's end

Code: Select all
    [url=]Round One Form[/url] | [url=]Round Two Form[/url] | [url=]Round Three Form[/url]
    Prompt: A Glimpse of Their Future (1000 words max)
    Extra: words (800 max) [b][i]OR[/i][/b] art 4 pieces (can be any art including comic, animations, etc)
Last edited by Mint Chip on Sat Mar 25, 2017 2:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Viscet #1219 - Legendary - Round 4 pg 10

Postby Vixen Luo » Sat Mar 25, 2017 2:36 am

    round 1 | round 2 | round 3

    name;; Malloria
    gender;; Female
    Vindication and Ascension wrote:link to doc if needed for easier reading
    It had started with the commotion outside of her cottage.
    Angry voices had filled her sleepy ears and bright, orange light warped shadows into beastly shapes before her bleary eyes, and for a moment, she was brought back to her years as a kit, when such surroundings had shaken her to her core and made her wail for the mother who had long since abandoned her. For a moment, she had been crippled with the past’s fear, letting it sink its fangs into her heart.
    Then, she remembered her age. She remembered Jean, the betrayal, the anger, the outrage, her seclusion and her independence and her heightened hatred--
    And then, she was back to the present, and iron-willed again.
    Malloria’s ears pinned back as she rose and swung her door open, her violet eyes flickering to the center of her doorway in frustration--and then her frame stiffened while a sickeningly sweet smile crested her muzzle. Oh, dear.

    “Well, Judith, how long has it been since we’ve last chatted?” she purred, the icy cold glare she received from the brown-furred Keita standing next to Judith barely making Malloria bat an eye. “And little Keita, too. Why, I think you were just knee-high last time I saw you. Haven’t you grown into a precious little thing-?”
    “Cut the chat, Malloria. We know what you’ve been up to,” Keita spat, lashing her tail in clear distaste. “Since when has an illness remedy carried a side effect that renders the patient permanently disabled? Since when has a love potion caused deadly obsession for the target? What’s wrong with you!? You’re sick-!”
    “You’re ruining the good name of white magic,” Judith interrupted coolly, her furry, leopard-like tail brushing against Keita’s flank to cool her blazing outrage. “We just thought you may want to know that your village doesn’t quite appreciate the lies you’ve been feeding them.” Angry looks followed Judith’s words, as if she and Keita had swayed her people that easily. Oh, what a beautiful little pair of fools they were, being so hopelessly ignorant. They couldn’t help it, she supposed.

    Malloria, however, was smart. She’d always been smart, she liked to think; she knew when to be up front, when to play the victim, when to play dumb -- and the middle case was the perfect decision, considering the unsure looks on most of the crowd’s muzzles. Oh, how wonderfully she could play a fickle instrument like the heart. Her expression, once pleased to see ‘old friends’, crumbled into a disbelieving expression, her ears flat against her head.

    “Why would you accuse me of such a thing?” she wailed, tears springing to her eyes at just the right moment. “I just--I just wanted to make everyone happy! I tried-- I’ve been trying so hard! I’m just not at my full power here, and-” She broke into a cacophony of sobs and broken sentences, as if years and years of guilt and stress finally came tumbling out of her, her head bowed in shame. “I-”
    “Oh, shut up,” Keita snorted, her fur puffed out in a clear show of aggression -- but Malloria’s performance had swayed quite a number in the crowd, just as she’d expected.
    “How dare you!? Lori has lived here for most of her life, and now some strangers come in and start ruining her good name? How do we know they aren’t the liars here?” a white-furred male snarled, glaring accusingly at Keita.
    “You know what? You’re right. Malloria has been nothing but sweet to my son ever since he lost feeling in one of his hind legs. She brings him fruit when he’s not feeling well.”
    “Are we really going to listen to a couple of jokers like these? Look at the yellow one! She won’t even look at us!” Keita had long since turned to stare at the crowds in disbelief, as if she were taken aback by how quickly the crowd had turned against herself and Judith.
    “W-what? But you all…!” Her voice was thin, as if nervous to be facing a group with such anger directed at her now, instead. Judith’s amber eyes narrowed at Malloria, whose tears had thinned while a smug gleam had entered her own purple eyes.
    “...fine.” Judith spoke softly, her tone unchanging as she finally turned to face the crowd behind her. “Don’t say we didn’t try to warn you when things go awry.”

    “Oh, bogus, you fake witch! Get out of our village!”
    “Go on, get! Both of you!! You’re not welcome here if you’re going to be threatening our enchantress!”
    A rather grim expression crossed Judith’s muzzle as she nosed Keita and led the younger female toward the edge of the town, casting Malloria a final silent leer before they both fled, evading the lingering glares seeping into their pelts. Well, that had been a problem easily solved.

    Sniffling, she blinked her tears away with her head still lowered as the crowd turned back to look at her -- and several of them trotted forward to press against her fur and comfort her, murmuring small words of encouragement.
    “We know it’s not your fault, Malloria. It’s okay; Sammy has really gotten used to that bum leg. It’s better he’s alive rather than in a grave from that illness, right?”
    “I always thought Daniel was a bit of a creep anyway...I guess that love potion just did the detective work for me. Ha!”
    “You’ll always be our beloved enchantress, okay? Don’t worry about that. We all trust you.”

    “Th-thank you all,” she sniffled, nuzzling into the masses of fur that sent nothing but shudders of disgust down her spine -- but she smiled and warmed the hearts of her pawns as to reassure them that she was ever their ally, bidding each of them a good night before they departed, and she was granted time alone. Finally.

    Curling up in her nest, she growled at the stench of the villagers in her fur. She couldn’t help but wonder who had brought her to the attention of the likes of real white-magic witches like Judith and Keita; someone bragging about her, or someone with concerns? Her mind functioned smoothly to try and remember any uncertain expressions after the two had been chased out. Vivian had looked queasy, but that was from guilt. Lenny was outraged that Malloria was even questioned...Henry had had a distraught look on his face...but no one in her mind stood out. In that case, it must have been a casual discussion that came up. Disappointing, but nonetheless, it was good that her villagers were doing nothing but speaking highly of her. That meant she’d played her matronly part well.
    Judith and Keita had been entirely correct, of course. Malloria, being a witch who dipped her paws into the realms of both black and white magic, could certainly give her blessings without a kick. But honestly, where would the fun have been in that? Her ‘mistakes’ only gave her leeway to show her pure, unadulterated grief and frustration toward her own ‘lack’ of power, which in turn only made her villagers thicken their trust in her. Love her more. Feed her undying, pretentious little soul with more and more leverage the more they traveled and told others about their beloved enchantress who cared so much about the folk who lived with her. Why, she was surely a name known quite well by now, even by those who had never even seen her. More sympathizers for her cause now that Judith and Keita, two among many white witches who had watched her leave as she was forced from her home as a child, had dared to step foot in her realm.

    Tail twitching, her eyes dragged over to Morrie, who lay curled in the corner with his green eyes watching her rather timidly.
    “Oh, darling, you’re right,” she hummed, laying her head down while soft sparks surrounded her nest. “I ought to start planning. I can’t be evil in the eyes of everyone,” she purred, “but I can certainly decide when I want to play rough.”

    She knew that white magic was already being questioned because of the tales of Malloria’s real blessings; true stories of magic and benefitting illness recovery were being shot down and losing believers quickly, because with Malloria, the famous enchantress, those who were cured of illness had a less life-threatening backfire afterward. Her magic was not doubted. She was no longer the one alienated, no longer scorned like her old home had done to her.

    This had just gotten the ball rolling, really. Now that she had one village entirely on her side, rumors would spread like wildfire again, and her puppets would move all their own without her guidance anymore. She’d tuned them so finely that she could just see it all now--

    In her mind’s eye, she fantasized the best of the best being kicked from their homes, made a mockery of as they fumbled to prove their worth. Witches who showed their power without a consequence would be accused of consorting with demons for flawless ability, and hatred for the authentic white witchcraft would bloom. Keita would cry. Judith’s calm and unnerving resolve would shatter.
    Maybe, then, some of those who knew of Malloria, the little girl they’d cast out, would feel remorse for what they had done. Maybe they’d come crawling back to her, beg for forgiveness, wallow and plead like they weren’t ants beneath her. Oh, how sweet it would be to crush them there, watch the hope and desperation drain from their was almost too good to imagine. All the while, the malevolent forces defending her would give her more strength. More ability to crush her enemies while she used nothing but her smooth words to urge her sympathizers on, ever escalating until her name became something feared by those who had ever wronged her, and something like a blessing to the ears of those who loved her. She would rise to somewhat of an idol, the name of a hero and a saint. Someone who gave back and never gave up on herself, despite how many times she had failed. A pure-hearted enchantress.
    Meanwhile, the puppeteer would sit back and watch her little show with pride of what she had achieved; in just a few years, she would become something loved, something cherished. Others would finally feel for her what she felt for herself, and no one else.

    Malloria’s eyes slipped back shut with a pleasant smile crossing her muzzle. Her pelt itched with anticipation already; to think--soon, her power would be unmatched. Soon, she would be invincible.

    Soon, others would finally learn what happens to those who wrong Malloria.
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Re: Viscet #1219 - Legendary - Round 4 pg 10

Postby Stårry » Sat Mar 25, 2017 3:02 am

Round One Form
Round Two Form
Round Three Form

From the day Oseron found her, it has been his duty to protect and defend Tabitha. In doing so, he's always found himself more than capable of protecting everyone else. His protective reach ended, though, the day they failed to close the portal. He sits, now, at Tabitha's side. Both donned in black, a black umbrella shielding them both from the rain. Guilt chews at his heart like a relentless dog at a bone. The portal expanded, too far. There is no going back, and the world may never again know peace. Tabitha's father ended up dying from his wounds that Oseron inflicted, and his regrets drown his thoughts. He had never meant to do that damage.

"It's alright, Oseron... Ryan's with his wife, now. It's what he wanted." His regrets only seemed to multiply, that day, and a warm hand pressed against his damp fur. Too much blood has been spilled, and there will only be more.


The portal continued to expand. It's no longer a 'rift', but a gaping maw to the land of demons. Demons, shadows, and all sorts of dangers and damned beings fill the air, pouring out ceaselessly. There is nothing anyone can do. Oseron sticks close to Tabitha, his entire set of goals having shifted. Once, he had focused on keeping her safe. Now, his primary desire was simply to keep her alive. They climb over rubble, together, seeking a way out of the crumbling maze of the city. It is all they can do, now. Flee. It goes against all that Oseron believes in, but even he, a creature of the day, has been forced to travel only at night. The nocturnal schedule is starting to get to him, but he will adapt. He must.

Tabitha is shoved aside, a pair of eyes glowing on the path up ahead, catching the light of her dying flashlight. Oseron insisted she did not need it, but without it, she would never make it over the fallen buildings. The Viscet bristled, waiting for the approach of a threat that never came. As quickly as it had appeared, it left. His shoulders heaved as he offered a quiet sigh of relief, turning to his companion with tired eyes. It was only a deer. This time.

Tabitha, once his innocent child, hiding from her parents and their bickering, now holds an energy weapon. As proficient as any soldier. She'd had to break into a weapons shop to get it, and Oseron had protested all the while. But he couldn't exactly scold her for it. Morals had to be set aside, when it came to survival. He knew that mindset is why riots started, but all it ever was, was survival. That's all that the human instinct boiled down to.

He studied her, as they resumed movement, sliding in and out of buildings like some sort of elite infiltration team, Oseron ghosting through doorways after her. He had to wonder what sort of path he'd put her on, and if she would even be comfortable in a domestic life. The portal hadn't even existed that long, but already she'd seen so much. Done so much. He worried for her, truly. He wondered if he would always be the guardian figure, or if she would eventually no longer need him.

He cringed as he stepped out of a doorway and he felt a hand wrap around his ankle, pleading for his help. Anyone's help. He heard his heart break as he just kicked away the hand of the other, trotting to keep up with Tabitha's brisk pace. He couldn't save everyone, but the realization never seemed to settle in, fully. He could never be comfortable with the idea.

Fate is a cruel mistress, truly. But still, they followed her blindly. The bypass was their goal, and with luck, they would be able to follow it out of the city. Into the wilderness... And hopefully on to find help. He shook off the dirt once they reached an open room, earning a sharp glare from Tabitha as his charms and drapings chimed against each other. He just fluttered his wings in a silent response, but her anger was warranted. So much as a sneeze would bring the demons down upon them, and there would be too many for even the both of them to handle.

He assumed that the demon that had once haunted his thoughts and stolen away his actions was gone, but there was never really a way to be sure. He sighed softly as they continued on. Certainly, it had died, on that evening, and it wouldn't be coming back. He felt like a haze that had been draped over his thoughts and clouding his mind had been lifted, since then, despite the increased danger.

For a time, they hated each other. Rightly so. Maybe they still did, deep inside, but both recognized that they needed each other. They'd both blinked through hot tears at the funeral, of anger, regret, but above all else, a profound sense of loss. It would take them years to recover what had been broken, but neither assumed it to be impossible.

Reaching the bypass took them less time than Oseron had predicted, and they face little opposition. This far away from the heart of the city, nothing could thrive. There were not enough people here to catch the interest of the demons, but it didn't mean other beings hadn't come through and destroyed everything in their wake. It simply meant there wasn't enough of interest for them to stay.

Claws and boots alike click and tap softly against the broken chunks of cement. Nature will reclaim this area before man does. Oseron kept close to his young charge, falling in at her brisk pace and hoping to reach the forest before dawn. The silence between them is tense, but it is far from hostile.

It didn't take them long to reach the next town over. But they were more than surprised to find a National Guard blockade around the city. Apparently, the siege on their hometown hadn't gone unnoticed.

"Halt! State your business!"

"I am Tabitha and this is Oseron. We are seeking shelter and security..."

"You are from the city?"


"You are, so far, the only ones to have made it out. You will surrender your weaponry at the gate and then you will be let inside for further discussion."

"... Alright." Tabitha did as requested, and approached, handing her energy rifle over to the soldier who came over to take it from her. It was a crude model. Hopefully they would not realize it was stolen. Maybe they would, but maybe they wouldn't care. If what the soldier said was true, then the situation was much dire than they ever realized. It hadn't taken very long for the city to fall, though.

Oseron stuck close at her side, eventually just giving her one of the silks draping his body to use as a 'leash' of sorts, so he knew of her movements as soon as they happened. The city was bustling, but it wasn't long before the streets cleared. It was no secret. Demons were capable of possessing man and Viscet alike, and Oseron saw dozens of pairs of eyes staring at them behind curtained windows and locked doors. He bristled, slightly.

"We have no money, Ose."

"We cannot afford anything. The only thing of value we had was the weapon, and they took it."

"I can break the lock--"

"No! We're safe. You do not need to steal and sneak and break into places anymore."

"We're not safe! We're still too close to the city!"

"Yes, we are. Do you not trust the soldiers?"

"No! I don't, Oseron! Because not even you could stop them. They-- They changed you!" He watched as tears began to roll down her speckled cheeks, and he sighed, lowering his haunches to the ground and reaching out for her. He was shoved away, though, and it only brought a heavy-hearted sigh.

"They didn't change me, Tabitha."

"They did! You attacked my dad! It's your fault the portal wasn't closed! It's your fault we couldn't do it!"

He bristled, but he was forced to glance aside. They were in a very public setting, he knew, and she was having a meltdown. Of course... Who wouldn't? He studied the dirt, a beetle that crawled over his paw, as she continued to yell. She'd dissolve into incoherence by now, but it didn't really matter. He just had to wait until she'd vented all of her anger... She would remember, soon, why they were so close. Because once she was done she would press her face against his fur and wrap her arms around him--

That wouldn't happen, not this time. He heard her turn off and run down the street, and by the time he got back onto his paws to follow her, she was already gone. He used his wings to get himself onto a nearby roof and look around, but there was no sign of his Tabitha. This worried him, deeply. She was so emotional, so prone to trouble... And she was missing, now. It took him the better part of an hour to find her, but then he understood why it had taken so long.

She'd walked right up to the guards around the wall, and had asked to join them. She was sitting at a table with a couple of them, talking about enlisting. Seriously discussing joining the military. He agreed it would be a good move, but Viscets... Were rarely classified as a combat creature. They didn't get to accompany their owners into the military, no. He approached, nonetheless, and laid down on the ground behind her, offering a soft sigh and nudging her with a wing to inform her that he was there.

"You are certain he is combat trained?"

"I lost the certification in the attack, but yes. He helped the first time the portal was breached."

"I suppose there's a first time for everything, Tabitha. We will get this paperwork sent up to General Corvus, and we will get back to you. Where are you staying?"

"Uh... We'll just be around."

"... Alright, Tabitha. Well, should all go well, we will be here to formally welcome you and Oseron into our ranks."

"Thank you, Staff Sergeant. I look forward to our next meeting."

She reached down and pressed her hand against Oseron. She was still far from relaxed, and her decision had rattled them both, but it was out of their hands, now.

"Why, Tabitha?"

"I'm tired of running, and hiding, Oseron."

"We never did that to begin with."

"I know."

Last edited by Stårry on Thu Mar 30, 2017 1:18 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Viscet #1219 - Legendary - Round 4 pg 10

Postby tiny little box » Sat Mar 25, 2017 4:38 am

kinda knew I wasn't going to make it.Great job you guys the story's were super amazing.I want offer any of my character relationships (especially Conner)
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Zeyla - Sacrificing my own Happiness

Postby ✦ nemuri » Sat Mar 25, 2017 7:26 am

    Round One Form
    Round Two Form
    Round Three Form

    Prompt - A Glimpse of Their Future:
      At first, Zeyla was confused. She wasn't in her bed where she had ought to be, and as far as she could remember, she never had any cases of sleepwalking before. However, she knew that her eyes wouldn't ever lie to her, as she stood in front of the Mirror of Inevitability. The spring nymph had never heard any good things about said mirror, and there had been tales lurking around about how the mirror had gone so far to ruin the minds of Viscets and make them go mad. That was, of course, if there was nothing pleasant in the future for that certain Viscet.
      Ready to turn back, Zeyla's eyes widened as the mirror started to glow in a faint crimson. Flinching at how the temperature of the room had seemingly dropped several degrees, the winged Viscet started to tremble as the crimson grew stronger. Such colours only reminded her of the blood that was shed due to the forces of nature. Of course, spring brought many terrors as well, but none so strong as the powers of winter and summer.
      "What in the world...?" Zeyla asked herself, as she took a step forward in confusion. She hadn't triggered the mirror to act in such ways, so there should be no way that the mirror would be active. "Oh, ah... I guess it would be intriguing to know about one's future... But would it drive me insane? The prospect of knowing what will happen to you yet being unable to change it would surely ruin someone. But wait, each and every single one of our actions hold the power of changing the future, it's just a matter of how we perceive the world, isn't it?" Giving herself a firm nod, the winged Viscet took a deep breath before laying her paw on the smooth and cold glass of the mirror. Wincing at the icy-cold touch and the prickling sensation at the base of her palm, the spring nymph was aware that the mirror drawn blood. She didn't mind though, as it was all simply part of the procedure.


      At first, she saw nothing about herself. The images were those of Viscets close to her, and they had all seemed nervous in one way or another. Suddenly, the glass fragmented and depicted an older looking Zeyla. The silver circlet that she normally wore was nowhere to be seen, and the white silks that adorned her had been replaced with golden ones, with the mark of the sun on them. Realizing that the mark was the mark of the summer nymph, Zeyla's eyebrows knitted together in confusion. What was the significance of that mark? Was there any significance of the mark at all?
      "Zeyla. There you are. Didn't I tell you to prepare for battle?" Turning around, Zeyla's eyes watched as her older self made her way in front of the summer nymph. Bowing, the other Zeyla nodded her head monotonously. At first, she didn't understand anything that was being shown to her, but now, the real Zeyla felt nothing but rage bubbling at the pit of her stomach as she realized what was going on. She was smart, she picked things up quickly, and she regretted interacting with the mirror.
      "... I'm sorry... Aelios. It won't happen again," the other Zeyla muttered, as the summer nymph bent down and stroked the Viscet's ears as Zeyla recoiled. The autumn nymph and the winter nymph where no where to be seen, and Zeyla assumed that the battle in question would be to take on the two forces of nature. Feeling bile rise up to her throat, Zeyla started to cough, her eyes wide in prospect. "It was just that... I was wondering... Did we have to go to war? Why couldn't we solve things peacefully?"
      Aelios, the summer nymph, let out a huff as he twitched his wings in irritation. Admiring the way his wings shimmered in iridescence in the pale light, he turned to face the other Zeyla with an indescribable look on his face. "That's your main flaw, Zeyla dearest. You must learn, as my apprentice, that not everything is solved by peace. Khione started this first, with taking Hisoka under her wing." Pausing, he turned away and adjusted the large cape that he had settled around his shoulders. Bowing his head, there was a certain steely texture in Aelios's eyes that the spring nymph couldn't identify. "Whatever, rush off, now. We don't have much time for idle chatter."
      The other Zeyla nodded her head before walking off, the golden silks floating with each step she took. She radiated elegance and commanded respect, a certain quality that the current Zeyla had lacked somewhat. The spring nymph twitched her wings in irritation, as she was a more headstrong type that, although thought things over, would much rather go straight into things. Shaking her head, she decided to follow after her future self. After all, curiosity was one of Zeyla's faults, and as much as her instinct told her to turn back, she had to know what would happen next.
      As Zeyla followed her older self, she blinked as the other Zeyla stepped into her room. Reaching for a mirror that Zeyla wasn't even aware that she had owned, the other Zeyla rubbed at it nervously before a face popped into view. Much to the real Zeyla's shock, Hisoka showed up. Zeyla could sense that something was off, since the other Zeyla and Hisoka were supposedly enemies now. However, the real Zeyla didn't voice her thoughts and instead simply narrowed her eyes in suspicion.
      "Look, Hisoka, I don't have much time; just know that we're going to war, alright? We're breaking ties," the other Zeyla whispered in a hushed tone, as the other Hisoka frowned and tried to speak. Without giving the other Viscet a chance to reply, the other Zeyla hurled the mirror at the wall.


      Then, Zeyla found herself disoriented in front of the Mirror of Inevitability once again.
      [ 1000/1000 words ]
    Extra - Mistletoe, Tree of Reincarnation:
      "Connected by our destiny, two hearts together as one."

      "I've seen you around before. Zeyla, right?"
      Wings flapping slightly in shock, the pixie-winged Viscet turned around and almost immediately her hackles started to rise as she found herself face to face with the autumn nymph. "Hisoka. What business do you want with me?" Quivering slightly at the remembrance of what the Mirror of Inevitability had told her, the spring nymph decided that she would sever all ties that she had with the autumn nymph before they become unbreakable.
      "Woah, no need to get all defensive, I came to talk." Chuckling and taking a step forward, there were no signs of menace to be found on Hisoka's face. Zeyla gulped, twitching her wings nervously. Although an inner part of her had wanted to find out more about Hisoka and why her future self had decided to associate herself with him, it simply wasn't worth the risk of imminent war and the possibility of a broken heart to Zeyla.
      "Sorry, but I think not. You can hurry off towards Khione now." Letting out an annoyed huff, the female Viscet hoped that she hadn't been wrong in assuming that Hisoka was associated with the winter nymph. After all, Zeyla did have some prominent ties to the summer nymph, Aelios. Hisoka frowned at Zeyla's hostility before taking a step back. "I'm a little confused, however. Why would you want to get to know me?"
      "Why not?" the autumn nymph challenged, swishing his tail back and forth. Casting a fervent glance towards the other nymphs who were talking amongst themselves, Hisoka spoke again, although in a lower tone. "Besides, how did you know I was associated with Khione? We have never met before, much less spoken to each other. I was only aware of your existence by chance sightings and hearing rumours that passed from tongue to tongue." Pausing, a smirk made its way towards Hisoka's face as he decided to step closer still. Breath catching in her throat, Zeyla struggled to find the right words to throw back at the autumn nymph's face, but she failed to do so quickly.
      "Y-you...! The nerve!" Zeyla exclaimed, and was unable to hide the blush that blossomed on her cheeks at the two Viscets' close proximity. Hisoka grinned before stepping back again.

      "Faded wounds start to open wide as the two of us stand here side by side,"

      Screeching as she felt warm arms envelope her in a tight squeeze, Zeyla lashed her tail and tried to push the autumn nymph away from her. "What the hell Hisoka? What was that for?" Trying to will herself to fight down the heat that started to rise on her cheeks again, Zeyla rested a paw on her chest and took several deep breaths, attempting to calm her heartbeat. "Why do I even try to put up with you and your childish antics?"
      "How rude! At least greet me properly!" Pouting, Hisoka stepped back. As he did so, the winged Viscet could've sworn that she saw the faintest tint of pink on the male's cheeks as well. "I'm just expressing how close we are, considering our friendship sure is fascinating to think about! I mean, we're practically polar opposites, aren't we?"
      "The hell do you mean by practically? We are polar opposites, damn it!" Cursing, Zeyla let out a sigh. She knew that it was the wrong choice to continue speaking to Hisoka, but he was like a leech - he stuck on and he wouldn't get off no matter what Zeyla ended up doing. In the end, she just dealt with the male. After all, she would be lying to herself if she said that she didn't feel the slightly bit of attraction towards the autumn nymph.
      However, Zeyla was aware that she would only suffer later on. The Mirror of Inevitability had deemed it so.

      "as the hands we held tightly now come undone. But even if our fate insists to continue to tear us apart,"

      As round tears slid from her eyes, she could only watch the battle in despair. She knew that it would've eventually come to this, but she made no attempt to stop her future. There were so many things that she could've done, but didn't do. "Why did it have to come to this..." Cursing at herself, Zeyla tried to tear away her eyes from the fight and instead focused on the motionless body of a familiar Viscet.
      "I'm so sorry, Hisoka... I could've prevented everything, but I didn't because of my greed. I just wanted to be with you, if not for a moment longer... But you'll never wake up now."

      "I believe, yes with all of my heart, in the day, you and I, hand in hand, will take to the sky..."
      [ 800/800 words ]
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Re: Viscet #1219 - Legendary - Round 4 pg 10

Postby milo. » Sun Mar 26, 2017 2:59 am

ᴀᴄᴛ ɪɪɪ, sᴄᴇɴᴇ ɪ: ᴛʜᴇ ꜰᴇsᴛɪᴠᴀʟ

Round One || Round Two || Round Three
------------------ { v } ------------------
ᴅᴀʏʟɪɢʜᴛ, ɪɴ ʙᴀᴅ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍs
ɪɴ ᴀ ᴄᴏᴏʟ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ ꜰᴜʟʟ ᴏꜰ ᴄʀᴜᴇʟ ᴛʜɪɴɢs
ʜᴀɴɢ ᴛɪɢʜᴛ. ᴀʟʟ ʏᴏᴜ. ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ʟɪᴋᴇ ᴀ ʙɪɢ ʙᴀᴅ ʙʀɪᴅɢᴇ
ᴛᴏ ɢᴏ ʙᴜʀɴɪɴɢ ᴛʜʀᴏᴜɢʜ
------------------ { v } ------------------

        "You are looking well, Tatania."

        The girl turns pastel purples on James gently, a small smile ghosting along her maw. Looking well could be taken in any number of different ways. Generally, when one tells you that you are looking well, they are saying you look healthy and bright. Tatania knows the smaller male well enough now to know that in this particular instance, 'you are looking well,' means that she looks like she has overcome her obstacles and won her battles. She looks tired, but triumphant. She feels refreshed. She feels like now she can provide her clan with the Queen they deserve.

        "Thank you, James. I feel well."

        The magpie male leans into her space respectfully, grazing their shoulders together to offer her subtle comfort. The woman puffs out a breath in response, ears folding back in contentment as she settles in in wait of the festival to really take off. It has been a full month now since the Queen had returned to the clan, and her loyal followers had prepared a large feast and performance in celebration of her health and wellness. Beproti Rodyti was a well enough known travelling circus - their audience was requested by James himself along with the rest of Tatania's council. Pinčiukas, the Ring Master, moves toward the center of the "stage" the clan has set up and Tatania shifts to pay more attention. His voice is gravel and rough - years of performance and projection has withered his tone and appearance, though he still seems as spry as the Visclings the Queen tends to on the daily. Her ears flick up in interest as he begins to speak.

        "Welcome, one and all." His accent is thick, and even with the gravel it still sounds melodic and lulling. "I would first like to thank you for gathering to watch our performance this afternoon. Beproti Rodyti is proud to perform for the Queen of Xantou today, and we are pleased to see such eager faces! Today, we have for you various acts that will undoubtedly astound and ensnare you. Trotytojas, our fire bender. Prigirstytis, our spiritual guide that can converse with deceased loved ones. Gardaitis, our acrobat. Keistas, our teller of fate and future - along with various other fun skits, we have plenty to show!" The male turns to smile widely at the winged Queen, dipping his head in a respectful gesture.

        "With your permission, your Highness, I wish to start with our teller."

        The female smiles in return, feeling for the first time in a long while her heart thudding with excitement. She nods, and the Ring Master releases a sharp whistle. The troupe disbands where they had gathered behind him, some doing acrobatics and clownish actions to get the crowd riled up. The clan shifts on their paws happily, eyes turning on the pastel Queen with adoration.

        It was good to have her back.

        ENTER KEISTAS, STAGE RIGHT. A dark female with striking swirls situates herself in the middle of the makeshift stage, inky and curious eyes gazing at each face in turn. She motions toward an older male quietly, smiling gently and beckoning him closer. He acquiesces, approaching her slowly. She begins with some small events that lead him to where he is today - his mate and children, and their untimely passing. She tells him of what lies ahead. All the beauty in his world, all the love he will feel, all the family he will have. He seems skeptical at first, though as his interest grows... so does Tatania's. Welcoming the unknown had failed her in the past, but the Queen feels a new confidence within as Keistas turns dark eyes
        on her.

        "I wish to see her after this," The Queen offers to James in a hushed tone, and he merely nods in confirmation.

ᴀᴄᴛ ɪɪɪ, sᴄᴇɴᴇ ɪɪ: sᴇᴇᴋɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰᴜᴛᴜʀᴇ

------------------ { v } ------------------
it took a little dark to see those lights
blood on my hands, sweat in my eyes
walk me down the tunnel, but know that i
i know, i know this is no ordinary life
------------------ { v } ------------------

        "So, Queen of Xantou wishes to hear her future?" Keistas stalks around the pixie Queen slowly, observing her and sizing her up-- she seems to be collecting information, with her slight nods and tsks. This female's accent is thicker, her English broken, so Tatania has to lean close in order to catch all her words.

        "I do." the Queen admits hesitantly, wings shivering behind her in anticipation.

        Keistas finally seats herself next to a fire set ablaze earlier with the help of the troupe's fire bender. "Before we begin, let me show you true prophecy. You have not heard true prophecy before."


        This was miraculously true and Tatania doesn't hide her surprise. She was raised with sugar-coated sneak peeks - all extraordinary had been told to her by ordinary parents, and through all the years of being passed down through generations, it had turned into an exaggerated game of 'telephone'. Tatania had been spared the unnerving details, and Keistas knows this simply will not do.


        Tatania nearly reels back when she's released from a world of white and eerie calm-- the audible gasp that escapes her alerts James and Sebastian, who had been hovering nearby to stand guard. Sebastian's snarl of warning has Keistas merely chuckling deeply, dark form shifting to lean against the Queen in support. "Look closer, Laumė. You miss best part."

        Shaking her head to clear the fog, she stares unblinking into the fire once more.


        She sees herself with a large following of clan members. Her regalia is replaced with battle armor. Familiar sunset hues, and feathers. Baphomet, her greatest battle before this one.

        She is stronger than ever now. A proper Queen.

        The one the prophecy promised.


( 1000/1000 including the comic )
art credit:
1 | collab between myself and howlingtothestars
2 | collab between myself and howlingtothestars
3 | collab between myself and howlingtothestars
4 | james.
Laumė: meaning 'pixie' in Lithuanian
Last edited by milo. on Sun Apr 02, 2017 9:59 am, edited 21 times in total.
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Re: Viscet #1219 - Legendary - Round 4 pg 10

Postby Virixin » Sun Mar 26, 2017 12:53 pm


Round One Form | Round Two Form | Round Three Form



    Prompt // A Glimpse of Their Future ;;

    A gentle wind rustled the emerald green grass, pushing the marshmallow clouds along the vibrant sky. The sun was smiling from behind one of the large, fluffy clouds. The birds were singing their sweet music, dotting the sky in all sorts of colors. Sudden laughing, pure and warm, echoed from a distance. Then, the form of a Viscet darted through the grass, a smile parting her lips. Her tail streamed behind her, her claws ripping up a clump of the soft grass every now and then. A shadow rushed behind her, fainter than her own. Above flickered the body of another Viscet, this one was adorned with far more silver and cloth, and a pair of pixie wings.

    Selene was laughing, throwing her head back, letting the wind dance with her mane. Zeltia grinned, her gaze pinpointing the female below as they raced. She drew in a little more, her wings parting the winds with clean flaps. Selene smirked, breathing in deeply before she arched to pass Zeltia's creeping shadow. Zeltia snapped her gaze up to watch the ground race beneath her, the grass shivering in the direction they were leaving. Her eyes suddenly shot wide, her heart dropping. This is where everything would change drastically for the two Viscets.

    "Selene! Watch out!"

    She managed to cry from above, her form screeching to a halt as if slamming into a wall. Selene yelped, struggling to maintain her speed, and she fell forward with a thud. She skidded over the dry ground, eyes clenched shut as she drew to a stop. Nearby, Zeltia thumped to the ground and ran to her, ears arched forward.

    "Selene? Are you okay?"

    She reached out a paw, helping the stunned female up. Selene made an incoherent sound, her jaw working. Her throat was dry, and she panted hard. Zeltia took a step back away, turning her form to face what had startled her so badly. She sucked in a deep breath, startling Selene even more. The other female turned, and her heart dropped to her stomach like a stone thrown in a lake.

    Before them was the crash site of something big. A massive crater had eaten away a large portion of the earth, leaving a hole gaping to the sky. Smoke curled in black clouds, pouring from a further corner of the crater. Drawing in courage, Zeltia slowly eased herself down in, her paws dragging against the jagged walls. Selene took a few moments to respond, and hesitantly followed Zeltia's lead. The rock and dirt beneath their paws was creating an unusual warmth. The air within the crater seemed far more dense then the rest, clinging tightly to their forms, as if it wanted to suffocate them.

    The center cradled a sort of orb, shattered and belching curling black smoke. This was quite odd, something never could say they had seen before. Zeltia gulped, glancing at Selene quickly before turning her gaze back.

    "What do you think caused this?"

    She spoke nervously, ears twitching in the direction of this orb. It was massive, yet had been shattered at contact. There was no trail to this crater, just one massive hole. Selene was unable to respond, her voice sticking in her throat with a faint squeak. Instead, she whacked Zeltia on the side with her tail, urging her to investigate more. Zeltia gave her a look, ears drawing back. With a gulp, she gathered her courage to move forward.

    Each step was painful. She drew closer and closer, Selene watching from where she stood frozen in fear. As she drew closer, Zeltia's gaze fell to the symbol etched into the material of the orb. Her heart stopped and her body went numb. It was the sign of the gods, reflecting the sunlight in a gentle shimmer. That's when she noticed the form of a much larger Viscet emerging from the debris.

    "Zeltia of Aelliosia, the Almighty Himself has sent me to give you his mess-"

    "I do not wish to hear it. Now, return to your world, and to your buffoon king."

    Zeltia snapped, a bit impatiently. The other looked stunned, his head snapping back as if he had been struck. Her chest puffed up, and she straightened herself to seem even bigger. The other wouldn't have any of this. He stammered a moment, before he managed to plead.

    "Lady Zeltia, you do not understand. He would like me to give you the offering of returning and accepting your place as the wind goddess. You do not want to upset Him, yes? He is bein-"

    "No! I do understand. He's only doing this so He can play with my head again! I do not want to be part of the court anymore. After all, who wants a defective goddess?"

    She spat, her words cutting like a steel blade. The Viscet fell silent, and he racked his brain for the right words. Slowly, he nodded. He did not lift his gaze back to her's, his tail dragging in the dirt as if made of concrete.

    "As you wish, Lady Zeltia.. I will return to Ubiothis to tell our Almighty of your decision. I.. wish you a plentiful and well life here. Good day, Zeltia of... Earth"

    His voice was solemn, he dipped his head to her. Zeltia continued to glare him down, her teeth barred slightly. With a sigh, he disappeared back into the rubble. Once he was gone from sight, Zeltia turned on stiff legs. She approached Selene, her body rigid in anger. Selene was stunned, her ears straining forward.

    "You turned down his offer?"

    Selene peered at Zeltia in surprise. The other only nodded with a huff, turning her gaze away. She knew what would have happened if she had said yes. Zeltia would have been ushered away from Earth back to Ubiothis, and would have been forced to never see Selene again. She didn't want that. She wanted to be with her only friend, Selene; especially after everything they had gone through.

    [ 999 / 1000 ]


    Extra ;;

    Something in the distance rustled the bushes. The silver moon hung in the sky, surrounding by millions and millions of twinkling stars. The air was eerily quiet, causing the hackles of both females to raise. Selene stayed back, peering at Zeltia from where she was hunkered down. Her eyes broke away, surveying the area closely, to help keep Zeltia safe. The winged female eased her form through the grass, her eyes locked onto the waving bushes. A soft noise, one of distress and fear, rattled the ear drums of both females.

    Blinking, Zeltia eased up, tilting her head. A worried expression melted over her other, and she crept forward, reaching her paws out to push away the tangled mess of the bush. She hadn't had much time to react; a slim creature lunged out from the confine of the branches, teeth barred and tail lashing. Scrambling backwards, Zeltia found herself nose to nose with a vicious wolf. It's hind quarters were lifted, and it lunged to latch onto her side; aggressively attempting to whip it's head back and forth. Its paws attempted to wrap around her ankle, digging in and ripping off tufts of fur.

    With a cry, Zeltia flailed to kick the beast away, her side now oozing blood where the canine's jaws had locked on. Selene sprang forward, her own ears curling back as rage wrapped her in its grasp. The wolf whirled to turn on Selene, jaws agape as it pounced towards her. Zeltia shook her form, and rammed her body against that of the wolf's. It tore its muzzle from Selene's hind leg, and a mess of snarling and growling left its throat. Both females came side to side, their forms lowering in unison as they barred their teeth. Zeltia made quite the snarl, and went to lunge forward. The wolf turned tail, scampering off, not without a whack to its flank from Zeltia's razor sharp claws.

    With a snort, the winged female fell back into the cool grass, sighing. Despite being nothing but a small scat, it really winded her. Selene turned, hobbling over before leaning her head down to sniff at the bites that marred Zeltia's side. Tia shifted around, wincing as she moved her body in a way that pained the wounds. She lifted her gaze to peer up at Selene.

    "No, don't worry about me.. Are you alright?"

    She questioned worriedly, lifting her paw to cup the back of her friend's injured leg. Selene sucked in air, and nodded slowly, twisting her head around to peer at the blood oozing bites.

    "Yeah.. I'm fine, Tia. I've been through worse, trust me."

    Selene spoke with a sigh, and eased down into the grass beside her. Zeltia shifted around once more to face her, her eyes flooded with worry.

    "Are you sure?"

    Zeltia searched the other's face, her own visage nothing but pure concern. Selene pained a smile, nodding to her winged friend. Tia gave her a look, before relaxing into a position comfortable for the wounds that would hinder her for a while. Curse that dumb wolf. They had been trying to investigate the source of pained whines, and when they went to help, the wolf was the one who resorted to being aggressive after receiving their help. Scowling, Zeltia laid her head against the grass, shifting as it tickled her jaw. Selene peered at her worriedly, before she slowly settled plopped into the grass. She gave a happy sound, relief filling her aching bones. A few moments of silence passed, before Selene broke it.

    "So, in the morning, I'm helping you with those injuries."

    Tia went to argue, but Selene slapped her paw over her mouth. She gave her a look, shaking her head. Zeltia gave her a dark look, but fell silent.

    "You don't want those to get infected, Tia.. And plus, it'll help with the pain. You'll actually be able to relax. Then, you'll have to help me with my injuries. Because curse the moon it hurts."

    Zeltia couldn't help but snort hearing Selene. She laid her head back, and huffed. She nodded solemnly in agreement, almost pouting now. She didn't exactly want Selene's help, but she would do anything to make sure the other was content and happy.

    "And maybe, in the morning, try not to wrestle anymore wolves."

    The Moon Princess teased, peering at Tia with amusement gleaming in her pale white eyes. Zeltia grinned, twisting around to face her, ignoring the burning pain in her side.

    "Right. And next time, don't let me."

    Both broke into laughing, falling back into the caressing grass with grins etched on their faces. The moon winked down at them, hiding behind thin clouds. The stars seemed to dance playfully as both females started to doze off, despite their aching wounds.

    [ 799 / 800 ]

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