Stars #2200 RU2 by Swishy & Broken

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Artist Swishy & Broken [gallery]
Time spent 41 minutes
Drawing sessions 2
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Stars #2200 RU2

Postby Swishy & Broken » Fri Dec 02, 2022 2:34 pm

For arc :3c

dom white
genetically golden red mackerel tabby
[nr] accessories
[c] eyelashes, longer whiskers, pointy ears, sleek tail, scelra color
[r] max fur edit
Image Image Image

xxxxx Images Pixabay button Chipakers coding 0Zero0

Want some art?
Currently: drawing cats

❀ ✿ ❀
you can call me swishy, i use she/her
pronouns. i work full time at a senior
living facility and live a quiet, content
life with my fiancée and two cats. i
check cs every day, so don't feel shy
about giving me a poke <3 !!

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