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[16] ~ Explore (Lissidom)

Postby LiLi041 » Wed Nov 16, 2022 12:31 pm

Last Explore Post: here! | Last Response Received: here!
Level 6 (74/800 exp) | Death Opt-In: Yes | Predators/Prey: default

Lissi | she/her| HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: no
Hal | he/him| HP 95% | HUP 0% | Sick: no
Maurus | he/him| HP 94% | HUP 0% | Sick: no
Chachar | he/him| HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: no
Pinepaw (Pineapple) | he/him | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: no
Lily | she/her| HP 97% | HUP 0% | Sick: no

Items Used
  • squirrel | 3 FP | x1
  • minnow | 3 FP | x1
  • horsetail | x6 (used here)

Active Quests
  • n/a

  • scraps | 1 FP | x1
  • bugs | 1 FP | x3
  • vole | 2 FP | x2
  • shrew | 2 FP | x2
  • mouse | 2 FP | x3
  • daisy leaf | x3
  • thyme | x1
  • comfrey root | x1
  • parsley | x1
  • burnet | x4
  • feverfew | x1
  • ragwort | x1
  • goldenrod | x1
  • goatweed | x1
  • broom | x1
  • bright-eye | x1
  • celadine | x1
  • catchweed | x1
  • dock | x1
  • chervil | x2
  • deadly nightshade | x1
  • deathberry | x1
  • mallow leaves | x1
  • stick | x1
  • borage leaf | x1
  • tormentil | x1
Stars again. Lily glanced up furtively at her parents, still feeling timid, though slowly recovering from her earlier extreme fright. They delighted over the stars, murmuring about how good it would be to have more kits in the clan again, but she couldn't help but remember last night's stars, so bright they could even outshine the moon. Stars yesterday, stars last night, stars today. Was this another omen? What was happening? Surely... surely, this couldn't all be a coincidence.

She shivered, feeling cold still.

Pinepaw came over, and wrapped his tail around her shoulders. Some warmth blossomed in her heart again, chasing away the slightest bit of the chill that still pervaded her body. "Stars again..." she murmured to him. "Pineapple, what could this mean?" Her parents hadn't seemed to perceive her feelings at all.

Pinepaw glanced at the warriors surrounding the star geode, and patted her gently. "I'm sure it's nothing bad," he whispered. "Good tidings may be in store for us." At her doubtful glance, he doubled down on his earlier statement. "Don't worry, Lily. For sure, we'll be fine."

He kept his doubts to himself. He didn't want to show them, and further scare her, especially after the earlier scare that caused them to turn back. Perhaps, he wondered, were the other warriors all pretending to be joyous at the discovery, and secretly worried inside? He knew that Lissi and Hal had both vocalized their worries earlier, after Lily's outburst. Those worries couldn't have vanished, no matter how they talked of blessings and new kits today, talking of hope and the future.

The patrol, despite their bountiful finds, did not turn back to the woods that day. They returned to camp, and went to sleep.


The stars were as bright as ever, hanging in the night sky, twinkling and shining like the sun on the sunniest day.

Lily, as if possessed, found herself waking up and going out to stare at the stars once more. "So bright," she whispered, again. "What do you want to tell me?"

Pinepaw did not awaken to check on her, this time. As the cold wind ruffled through Lily's fur, like icy paws caressing her gently, she felt more alone than ever.


"Should we still go out today?" Lily asked, early the next morning. "I don't feel so well."

It had snowed heavily last night, and now thick blankets of snow were slipping off edges and tree branches, and landing through the thick snow layers coating the ground with a soft thud. She shook some of the snowflakes off with quick, fluid motions, but still snowflakes hung off her every strand of fur.

"You should get more sleep," Hal said, patting his daughter's head fondly. "Of course we should go. Our clan needs to eat, after all. And don't you feel better, now that you've had some time to rest?"

Lily hesitated, and looked around. Indeed, much of the tension pervading the group had disappeared now. Everyone truly seemed to be feeling better today, with rising spirits and cheerful laughter, like the snowfall last night had swept away any fear and impurities, leaving only a pure white surface glittering with sunlight in each of their hearts.

Was she the only one who still felt uneasy, thinking of yesterday and the day before and the stars?

But... she checked her feelings once more. She did feel better, with all the other cats comforting her, and her Papa appealing to her rational mind, and Pineapple smiling so encouragingly at her. He had slept soundly all night, she knew.

It was just her, she realized. And there might be some lingering unease, but she didn't feel the same dread and fear as yesterday, out in those suddenly scary woods, and today, perhaps everyone else was right. Perhaps the woods would have returned to the same welcoming woods they had always been, relaxing and inviting, full of fun critters and places to play.

"Yes," she agreed. "I guess I do. Let's go!"

[666 words]

- edit: XP totals fixed!
- registering FP and herb rewards: total: 3 FP, 3 herbs -> 1x squirrel (3 FP), 3x horsetail
- feeding all 6 cats with 1x squirrel (3 FP), 1x minnow (3 FP)

Last edited by LiLi041 on Sun Nov 20, 2022 8:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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[#005] ─✦ explore

Postby taichi » Wed Nov 16, 2022 2:36 pm

✦ | [level 1 - xp; 150/200] │ [death opt-in; no] │ [last post: x] │ [last response: x] │ [clan link] │ [active quests; n/a] |

// 𝗣𝗔𝗧𝗥𝗢𝗟 - [2/6]

ibenji - he/him
[hp 100% | hup 0%]
not sick!


ilocenhai - he/him
[hp 100% | hup 0%]
not sick!


"Fascinating indeed, prince." Locenhai crooned, he was not an avid observer of nature's delights nor whispering talents. It's creatures both docile and bold alike were nothing to him, a crippling anhedonic was the title that crawled out under poisonous purrs. Although, a slight tug on the corners of his lips twisted upward, he had forgot that the royal was only young, only excitable about the smallest of suppos'ed beauties. Geese, he debated to himself. What was so great about them to send the youngster in to a rapturous frenzy? Perhaps the plentifulness of a dawning mouth? Spring, the juvenile chittered about. Was the dappled fellow not a fan of cold winters?

Benji's whiskers twitched in pure excitement, his gaze painted over with nothing but childish bliss, complete euphoria. Geese, they were a childhood tale, a scare to make him fall asleep at night. "Lo! You know they say geese are evil?" The hazel tom laughed to himself, pawpads glazed with fiery treads. Reminiscent of those long, late nights, and the stranger who would often encompass his time.



▪ 1fp [choice]!
▪ scraps [x2]
▪ bugs [x3 1]
▪ catmint [x1]
▪ fennel [x1]
▪ chamomile [x1]
▪ goatweed [x1]
▪ wintergreen [x1]
▪ yarrow [x1]
▪ marigold [x2]
▪ comf. root [x1]

Saxe ears folded on the older tom's head "Evil?" he questioned, as if a shadow of negativity razed his former smile, the tom's mouth fell. Where have I heard that before? He wondered to himself.

Using the force of excitement embroider in his steps, Benji leapt forward, exposing his rear end to the exit of the cavern. His grin had not faltered, instead, grew larger, teeth were perking out of their chambers, he faced Locenhai and nodded. " Yeah! Evil! I had a friend tell me stories of them" In that moment, worries and concern alike washed off the young prince's coat as he was encircled in the joy of erstwhile memories.

Locenhai paused instantaneously, as the much more excited tom darted around. "Prince Benji." He growled in a stern voice, a frontage to the emotions brewing inside. "Tell me, about this friend." Could it have been? His highness by chance?


As if a crash of a thousand waves had engulfed him, Benji's mood faltered, subconsciously lowering his tail and pulling himself in to a more proud stance, his eyes briefly slithered up to meet Locenhai. "There is no point, Lo." He sighed, weights pulling down the former smile. "He is gone." Benji shook his head and allowed the cold cavern floor to meet a pirouette on his soft, dark paw pads. "So let's just, get out of here. Expired names are nothing but history, and the past is not my fellowmate. " He muttered, before trying to drown out the melodies of the ashen feathered legends.

Akin to a follower, step by step, Locenhai traced Benji's pawsteps. Had it been as his thoughts presumed? Flurries of solitude wrapped around every crevice. Life had been nothing but lonely with the shrieks of a decapitated crowned head racing against time, the time to find him. Their prince. What had once been home, became the backveld, the treasured hinterland of where exiles and castaways met had soon dissolved into the sun. There was no rhyme, reason, law or rationality amongst thieves, amongst those banished, those whose titles deceived them, and the many who were just lost. Alas, he changed that. The self-titled, self-induced monarch. Who's ascension faced a lack of objection. Society's ex-sweethearts like Locenhai himself, tipped a indiscernible respect toward the "Grand Prince", as he slaughtered ostracization and formed a sanctuary, for those from every life path. In that moment, where his eyes floated upward, he did not see the young prince, he did not see Benji. His eyes had mistaken him and painted the picture of his belated.

Locenhai shook his head, he had been caught in his thoughts once again. The image shifted from his former, back to the dappled youngster. They really were alike....and that moment was when logic struck him with a vast force. "Benji...Have you ever met your father?" Locen questioned, subtle acknowledgment of his blood had filtered through, but perhaps this journey wouldn't have been as tedious if the mysteries were unraveled. Why was the prince never raised in the grasps of his prospective followers?
Dubiety sprinkled in to Benji's eardrums, perky ears cradled the surface of his head whilst his eyes formed a indescribable glaze. A cursory moment of hesitation drew in his step, it had not been an unfamiliar term dripping off of Locenhai's tongue, moreso it was an unfamiliar concept that dwindled in to his mind. What contribution did a father have in to his life - or critically speaking, a lack of? He had his parents from a different path, his two-legged carers. Was that what he meant? No. Surely not, those were the beloved of Oliver, his past life. Locenhai must have meant otherwise. "Depends on which you mean Lo." He responded, his light airy tone flowing back into play.

Locenhai squinted, eyes adjusting themselves to be tailored for the scintillating sunshine beaming down on the exit of the cavern. Oh how he wished he could leave the ill-feeling at the entrance, but with a sigh he continued forth. "I mean, your father Benji. Not the twolegs who trapped you for years past and if I had not found you, years to come."

Benji's eyebrows furrowed, pressure throwing itself on the bubble in his heart containing all anger. Almost like a pin hotfooting. His mood changed like a snap of a tree branch alerting prey. He gyrated, feeling the slight morning dew trickle on to his pawpads as he swiveled. Speed alike a cheetah filled in to his limbs, as he launched his hazel coat at the blue-tinged tom in front of him, and he hit the ground hard, only cushioned minorly by the fresh grass blades. Locenhai winced, although not looking as a caged fighter, or hard-hitting brawler, Benji had strength that ran past perceptions on him, he stared in to the fellow tom's olive eyes which were engulfed with the early stages of rage. "Rule number one, Locenhai" Benji spat. "Never, ever, disrespect the names of those you do not know. You hear me?" He questioned, pressing down harder on the blue tom's shoulders. For a moment he had debated whether to retaliate and throw the younger off of him, but realized that this had just been a warning. The only architect throwing pain his way was Benji's weight, the tom had not used his claws, nor any tool to deliberately leave a mark. Sheepishly, Locenhai nodded, he was not aware that Benji's twoleg former's were of such an importance. "Sorry" he choked out but it sounded more like a newborn's cry.
The weight had withered away, the coffee tinted male had moved with a tut streaming out of his jaws. Locenhai picked himself up, and with the bravery of a thousand souls he prodded once more. "So, your father? Have you met him?" The question had strung itself in a depth of an awkward silence, Benji's countenance had still been drawn up in anger, the look in his eyes if it had been evident to the fragile souled, would tangle in to their fears and strike up anxiety like a match to flame. "Is it necessary to talk about this Lo? I know nothing of him, I know nothing of what this apparent legacy I am a part of. All I know is the scraps. I would know everything if I knew him, don't you think?" He growled, spite hanging on the end of his question.

Arguments on the validity of the other tom's statements would cause an affray. Locenhai decided on a provisional admittance of defeat. "I suppose you're right prince." He hummed, before tilting his head forward, symbolizing his desire to continue forward. "Would you like me to tell you stories of him?" Locenhai questioned, perhaps this would ease the youth's heart.

Benji suspired, a sour exhale wilting amongst the leaves of the oak trees perfectly placed in the foreground. "No thank you Locen." His desire to befriend the unfamiliar songs of those tied so tightly to his skin had lessened. Now, the pressure of the heavy head which beared the crown, started scratching down in his heart. Parts of him, through this small venture were already growing tired of these monarchial expectations of a bittersweet new royal. What a sacrilege, wrapped in the claws of idolatrous faiths. Oh how he despised the idea of stringing his freedom up by the neck, becoming a murderer of the concept he so willingly gave up comfort for. Perhaps, he could take the dive and eradicate the adoring gazes of the lionizing halfwits, and end what had already begun.

Death to the monarchy, was the thought, and for an instance, that thought was not alone. Accompanied by citrine specks, from the benevolent heart that followed so silently, with the desire to reinstate themselves in to this piece of forthcoming history.
[ ─✦ ] ooc notes; 1,475 words // fifth explore post // no custom predators or prey // 2fp (bugs x2) used!
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Re: Stars V.2 • Explore

Postby SkywardtheDragon » Wed Nov 16, 2022 2:47 pm

I'm picking my own!
new prey:
Stirge, cave cricket, giant centipede | 1 FP
Lizard, gremlin, bat | 2 FP
Rat, brain mole, quipper | 3 FP
Giant rat, amphisbaena, fire beetle | 4 FP
Scavenged corpse, cocktarice, darkmantle | 5 FP
new predators:
Giant spider, quaggoth, mimic, troll
(They can encounter and fight other dungeon nasties; feel free to throw other monsters at me!)
Would you like your current inventory converted to the new prey list? N/A
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Re: Stars V.2 • Explore

Postby Beezhivez » Thu Nov 17, 2022 11:38 am

◜∘⋅ ════ 🏖️ ════ ⋅∘◝

Flinching at the sudden collapse of this new cat, it took a moment for Viper to keep from reeling from all the voices around her, Fennel's begging, the rasping of breaths from this new onec Furzetuft, was it?— Honeythorn's outcry.. She took a breath, needing to ground herself, steady her mind. It's alright, you have herb knowledge, you've done this before. Shaking the tension from her pelt, she stepped forwards, placing a gentle paw on Fennel's shoulder.

"Think you could carry her? We have herbs back at camp, it's not a far walk, and we can help if need be." She offered, smiling when Fennel nodded, scooping up their friend onto their back. The trek from the copse of planted trees near the twolegplace to the beach wasn't a long one, like Viper had said. Stepping over a few tidepools and driftwood, the group had arrived at the camp, a mass of stones both natural and not piled up against a small drop-off into the beach. Not tall enough to be a cliff, nor a headland, but enough where the stones didn't risk collapsing as the cats stepped inside. Within the camp were twisting paths and tunnels dug into the sand, strengthened by vines, seaweed, and smaller rocks within them. Viper lead the two strangers into a bigger tunnel, which opened into a wide space, sandstone walls making shelves for the herbs they had already found lining the room.

"Place her here, I think I have what she needs." Viper said gently, flicking her tail towards a nest made of dried seaweed, feathers, moss, and twine. It was comfortable, and large enough for Furzetuft to be laid into it as Viper walked to one of the shelves, grabbing an herb with a yellow head and dark green stem. Turning to Fennel, she placed the herb at their paws. "I think it'd be best if you help her, you're her friend after all." She offered, walking over to Fennel's companion.

"That herb there is coltsfoot, it works great with coughs and those who struggle with breathing. Help her eat the herb, it should help her feel better." She directed gently, watching as the cat did as she said. The herb had been eaten, the grassy smell of chewed herbs now wafting through the salty air, Viper watched as Furzetuft's breaths evened out, a relieved smile coming to her face.

"..Is she okay?" Called a voice from outside the Herb Den, making Viper glance out the entrance to see a worried Honeythorn, and an Owllight who looked faintly intrigued as well. Viper nodded, making the orange-speckled she-cat sigh a breath of relief and the older tom gave her an approving nod. The latter mouthed the words 'You did well.' and her heart swelled. She did well! She helped a cat out!

[470 Words]

notes; YIPPEE FINALLY!!! God the code was giving me an ABSOLUTE STRUGGLE BUS but I finally got it thank god— anyways, not much to say, uhh god I really wanna make a map of their territory. Viper is actually the youngest here besides being leader! Honeythorn and Owllight expect her to make mistakes but they won't hold it against her <3

◟∘⋅ ════ 🏖️ ════ ⋅∘◞

Cat 1: Viper [Founder and Leader of Wanderers of the Bay | Black solid with high white, blue eyes]
she/her | hunger: 0% | health: 100% ♡ | illness: N

Cat 2: Honeythorn [Hunter for Wanderers of the Bay | Black barred ticked torbie, amber eyes]
she/her | hunger: 0% | health: 100% ♡ | illness: N

Cat 3: Owllight [Scout for Wanderers of the Bay | Fawn mink point with high white, gold eyes]
he/him | hunger: 0% | health: 100% ♡ | illness: N

Inventory: common myo x1, 50 stardust

Status: Relieved, Happy, Approving

custom predators / prey wrote:

-- level 1

experience: 36/200

-- active quests:

quest #1 (linked)

items in inventory used wrote:
coltsfoot x1 - Furzetuft

inventory wrote:
scraps, bugs | 1 FP | x0, x2 [2fp]

crab, sand fleas, mouse | 2 FP | x2, x0, x0 [4fp]

minnow, mussel, clam | 3 FP | x0, x0, x0

seagull, tern | 4 FP | x0, x0

vulture, crane | 5 FP | x0, x0

hawkweed, goldenrod, lungwort, alderbark | x1, x1, x1, x1

coltsfoot, dock, chamomile, stinging nettle | x0, x1, x1, x1

deathberry | x1





⛈ Bee or Beezhivez
⛈ Any Neopronouns
⛈ Nonbinary
⛈ Artist
⛈ Writer

I promise I'm not scary, please interact! :]


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[0230.] viv's explore replies

Postby Vivika » Thu Nov 17, 2022 4:28 pm

    xxxxxeternaloutcxst archive last post

    He knelt before a throne.

    A throne carved from pure obsidian. The cobbled stone polished until it gleamed with a fine, cruel sheen. Like ribs from a corpse, stalagmites spiralled, cresting, before the threshold; fissures slithering across stony grounds veined with a faint, chartreuse glow. The winds nipped at his cheek, finding the small spaces between his toes. And, shivering, he dared a glance up.

    Shadows stormed him. Wild and reckless, their force like a whip crackling through his curls. It forced his head down, but he kept it up, squinting. He needed to see this. And like a nest of serpents, the shadows churned and wrestled, each vying for attention.

    The attention of the one enthroned in the shadows.

    They slumped in their throne, freckled form unfurling like iridescent scales, striking, against the caliginous cavern. But a frown twisted their brows, lips flattened, as they waved a paw. A sigh escaped them, narrowed eyes distant. Almost… bored?

    The shadows split.

    From within, a silken crow emerged. Ebony feathers drifting, bleeding, fading like a tattered silk kissed by cruel winds. The crow perched on the monarch’s paw, eyes a mirror to theirs. Crimson.

    They smiled, a fanged grin. “Go, my friend. Seek and destroy━”


    A soft thud ripped the last of the darkness from him.

    His heart thrummed, a pitter-patter in his chest, but outside the warmth of the den… was no monarch. Instead, a little basket.

    A basket brimming with the last of fall’s harvest ━ lush with intwined leaves of sere and gold, along with a pair of creatures kissed with the fragrance of pecans and chestnuts. A tiny lantern lit the woven basket with a soft glow, warm and luminous, the light emanating from an invisible source. (+3FP squirrel, +3FP squirrel, +1 elder leaves, +1 star’s blessing)

    With a tilt of his head, he managed a soft sigh. The dream was just that… a dream.

    But the muffled cough of another form whispered otherwise. A gentle insistence that perhaps there was more to this. Not just a dream, but an omen. And in the quiet darkness of the den, it was almost as if… another presence was there. The ghost of a crow with tattered feathers and crimson eyes, perched on Ferret's sleeping figure.

    But that was impossible. Right?

    Unfortunately, Ferret has also fallen ill this leafbare season! They need three of the following herbs
    to heal: +1 elder leaves, +1 chamomile, +1 chervil, +1 parsley, +1 tansy and/or +1 thyme!



        ✦ hunger (+10% hunger for each patroller)
        xx↳ duskshadow (40% hunger), kestrelwing (40% hunger), tiny-
        xx.xsplash (50% hunger), ferret (20% hunger), sparrow (10% hunger)

        ✦ health stats
        xx↳ ferret (sick!), kestrelwing + tinysplash (not sick!)

        ✦ xp earnings (death opt in; no)
        xx↳ +55XP for writing, +10XP for patrol sent, +15XP for active quest
        xx.x+6XP for prey, +1XP for herbs, +20XP for sickness healed
        ✦ patrol's prey & herb finds
        xx↳ +3FP squirrel, +3FP squirrel
        xx.x+1 elder leaves

        ✦ item rewards (from active quest!)
        xx↳ +1 star's blessing

        ✦ levels
        xx↳ +107XP → level 4 (330/500XP)*

      xxxx✦ notes; *ahh, hello! it's always lovely to see your kitties around (even if the rng is determined to make them all sick 😭)
      xxxx─ i think it just slipped your mind this time around, but make sure to update your levels! everything else looks perfect! <3

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♕ ⊱── 008. [november explore replies] !! ))

Postby faelyn » Fri Nov 18, 2022 11:21 am

────────────── ✧

original level stats ✧ level 6 (537/800XP)
new level stats ➔ level 6 (653/800) --
• • • • • • x 10% hunger for the patrol
    it was like a wraith had fallen upon her heart, breathing in hues of midnight and nightmares.
    blighting each grain of stardust and sand with flecks of memories better forgotten. memories of waltzing demons and lavender curls stained with petals of scarlet.

    auras of feverish heat and the presence of skeletal silhouettes still lingered upon every corner of the desert… and the trickle of swollen azure streams had dwindled. dwindled to the endless wave of heat upon the land.

    rain hadn’t come in days.

    desperation was a broken songbird cooing in the evermore rush of her thoughts… such thoughts that always found their way back to the one she failed to protect. an angel marred by bandits and waltzing devils, and left upon a bed of roses and regret.

    or rather… upon the withered corpse of flora.
    (+1 dock, +1 elder leaves, +1 holly berries, +3exp)

    and now she was falling… her wandering trance ended by a cobblestone lain upon a barren blanket of stardust and sand.
    (-5hp [shoulder wound] for emberstorm </3 no herbs or posts of rest required!)

    a grunt fluttered from her lips, bitter and as salted as toiling seas.
    and as relentless as storms fathomed of dust, she stumbled to her paws, paws swollen with roses and lilies drenched with carmine.

    but she would find water… she would and she will.
writing exp ✧ 15 expxxfood exp ✧ 02 exp---
added exp ✧ 10 expxxherb exp ✧ 03 exp---
event exp ✧ 00 exp-xxpatrol exp ✧ 10 exp-
opt-in exp yes/no xtotal exp ✧ 116exp

fp earned ✧ +0fp─
items earned ✧ +0
• [n/a item earned]
herbs earned ✧ +3
• +1 dock ─────
• +1 elder leaves─
• +1 holly berries -
user ✧ ✧ ✧ whovian5eva
user's post / writer's post
+ clan's archive !! ─────
free posts left? x 0 - 1 - 2

Last edited by faelyn on Fri Nov 18, 2022 1:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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♕ ⊱── 009. [november explore replies] !! ))

Postby faelyn » Fri Nov 18, 2022 1:15 pm

────────────── ✧

original level stats ✧ level 0 (000/100)
new level stats ➔ level 3 (386/400) --
• • • • • • x 0% hunger for the patrol
    a strange… ethereal lilt in the hush - an allure of enchantment had smothered the crystalline fortress of reality. instead of adorning even the dancing shadows, it was a dark blight.. one that had tainted every beautiful nuance across the land.

    and ambrosia… they had never despised anything more.

    but delicately weaved within the secretive aura of the woods bejewelled with brambles and thistles, something surreal lingered. a freakish kiss in the midst of the cooing darkness.

    “unnatural.” dancing upon the foundations of flora, and so the witch wandered… lost in the fragrance of magic that had gone oh-so wrong.

    “...ambrosia?” tentative, with silver curls in a ruffled, dainty mess - quicksilver tottered forwards. uncertain. “where exactly are we going?”

    “to where the unnatural poision is coming from.” bejewelling the hush with a little, withering sniff, the prickle of thorns and flora beneath their toes nipped at bare skin… unfurling with a serpent of liquid roses.

    but among the brambles… there was treasure.
    (+1fp [berries], +1fp [berries], +2exp)

    letting out a soft squeak, daffodil eyes widened… ones that belonged to the one and only quicksilver. “there’s so many brambles!”

    “it’s the work of the evil forces of the world.” like softly illuminated moths, their gaze was didn’t waver from his. flickering in and out of a hazy trance. “the source is nearby.”

    “are you certain-”

    “hush, quicksilver… deep breaths.” swan tresses delicately pressed against silver ones… like a lullaby, crepe’s murmur was soft. a lilt breathed like a gentle zephyr.
    “let’s follow ambrosia… let them do whatever they need to do” she winked. “...and maybe we’ll catch something.”

    and beyond the brambles… there was no treasure. just darkness.

    and the lyrical melody of an angel calling.
    “hello? is anyone there?”

    “who was that?” dainty ears perked and silver silhouette tense, quicksilver’s gaze faltered for just a moment from the inked onyx barriers of darkness.

    and a moment later… starry eyes blossomed among those once starless barriers. startling.
    “s-sweet pringles!” breaths uneven, he stumbled back from the petite figure of flora and stardust. eyes as wide as ever. “who are you?”

    “i-i need your help… please.” the angel emerged from the darkness, starry eyes pleading with dark halos beneath them. “there’s someone messing with the forest and… and-”
    they were already here.
    (furzetuft has arrived… with a quest! she needs the patrol to convince a cat to stop messing around the forest!)

    and like a villain from a fairytale, they were here.
    grin malicious as their crimson gaze settled upon the trio… monsters flanking their side as they danced with the shadows.

    a word away from unleashing the monsters upon the breathless angel.

    👀👀👀 our first spooky npc quest
    you levelled up! a special thank you to our one and only math gal viv <3 you earned +1fp [of your choice], +50sd, +1fp [of your choice], + 1herb [of your choice], +1 common edit, +2fp [of your choice], +1 herb [of your choice], +1 nrmyo,
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Postby elliott. » Fri Nov 18, 2022 6:20 pm

level 2 [190/300] last explore last response prey/predator list death: yes

    xxxIt seemed like it had only been moments since Frost started healing before Furzetuft's friend was all patched up and ready to go. The patrol watched almost silently as the two strangers interacted, sharing glances with each other. Tinypebble and Cloudbelly were more confused than anything, while Frost and Root shared a look of urgency to get them off of the territory. As friendly as they seemed, they weren't apart of the tribe, and the tribe cats didn't know much about them, either. Just that they were friends, and travelling somewhere, and the cat they didn't know of the name of somehow ended up injured.

    When the stranger finally came about and let them know of the bear's findings, Root dipped his head in a small sign of respect. The tom could've taken the prey for himself and Furzetuft, and instead he paid back the cats for the healing. That was a respectful act.

    And then the odd pair was gone, disappearing in the dense underbrush of the redwood forest almost as quickly as they had arrived, and the patrol only had a moment to regain their mental footing before deciding to follow where they had been pointed to. Tinypebble couldn't help but let out an excited squeak at the remains laying on the bank of the river, moving to dig holes and bury them so no other predators could get to it before they brought it back home.

    While Tinypebble worked on burying the prey, Root did a hefty sniff around to make sure the bear that had originally hunted there had actually left, and Frost and Cloudbelly ended up finding a few herbs to take home, including chamomile and dock, which felt like double the reward for the price they had to pay of the wintergreen.

    The second part of their patrol was going well. Until it wasn't.

    Tinypebble noticed the branch before anybody did, and her gut immediately dropped as she kicked into protective overdrive. Her legs pushed her as fast as she could towards her sister, soaring through the air just in time for the branch to hit her, ignoring the pain that seared in her leg as she immediately exhaled. "Cloudbelly? Cloudbelly, are you okay?"

    And then the branch was being lifted, the prey-hunter taking her time to sit up and shaking off the bark that had splintered it's way onto her fur. Frost immediately sniffed over her daughters, motherly worries taking way, her nose wrinkling as the foul scent of sickness hit her.

    "I'm sorry." Cloudbelly apologized as she sat up herself, her face contorting into one of worry as she glanced at her sister. "I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

    "Just a scratch. You gave me worse wounds when we were to-bes." Tinypebble reassured, leaning over to touch her nose to her sister's ear. "But you owe me the best spot in the den. I took a branch for you," she added, an ear flicking almost playfully as she gave Cloudbelly a look.

    Frost simply rolled her eyes, sniffing at her temporary herb storage. "Both of you, sit. Let me bandage up your wounds and ail you, and then you two can take some scraps, have a meal and head home, got it? You obviously need to rest up before you go out again." And then she got to work, bandaging up the flank wound Cloudbelly had suffered from a blunder through the bushes and the cut on Tinypebble's leg, before finally giving her sick daughter another herb that would hopefully heal her sickness.

    After her work was done, the sisters grabbed a scrap each from the amount of prey they had gathered from the patrol, bidding their goodbyes and promising to rest to their mother and uncle before setting off back to camp.

    The two leaders gave each other a look once the younger cats had disappeared, letting out a deep sigh. "What are we going to do with them?" Frost murmured, shaking her head as she started to gather up her herbs into a neat leaf-wrap to carry back home.

    Root let a purr rumble deep in his throat, before starting on his own wrap, even slicing up some of the larger prey pieces to carry more, although he left the eagle for somebody to pick up later. It would be simply impractical to try and carry it himself. "They're your kits." He responded.

    "And yet they couldn't be more like their uncle." She quipped back, giving her brother a look before picking up her wrap.

█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █

    Despite the bounties that had come from Frost, Root, Tinypebble and Cloudbelly's patrol lasting them awhile, the borders still needed to be checked, especially with the scents of the skunk, bear and strangers, and more prey would always be needed, especially because of the announcement of Frost and Walnutwhisker's second litter.

    Frost called upon Bearleaf, Wolfprowl and Robincall, two cave-guards and one prey-hunter. Bearleaf and Wolfprowl were to simply just scent out any disturbances in the redwood forest, while Robincall would scout ahead and potentially even catch enough prey for the cats to feast on.

    Bearleaf and Robincall almost immediately trotted at the front of the patrol, chattering excitedly about almost everything, including but not limited to that announcement of new kits in the nursery and just how big the tribe was starting to become. Although Bearleaf and Robincall had not been apart of the original group that formed the tribe, they were still fascinated with the history of it and what was to come for the future.

    While the two happily chirped in the front, Wolfprowl's face stayed stoic and stern as his nose constantly twitched, scenting everything around them. Every once in a while, he would break away from the group to track a scent as far as he could before it became stale, but he always made his way back to the duo that seemed to work fine together, even despite their chatty and aloof natures.

    "Where do you keep disappearing to?" Bearleaf questioned around the third time Wolfprowl returned.

    The black and red tom simply grunted. "Doing what we came out here to do." It was an almost snarky reply, cut short with the cat barreling forward to start to lead the patrol. In response, Robincall and Bearleaf gave each other a look, before going separate ways to continue what they had set out to do.

    Robincall sniffed along the roots of one of the redwoods, ears flicking at any slight sound as he listened out for any noises of prey making it's way through the forest. Meanwhile, Bearleaf and Wolfprowl stood only a few foxlengths away, nearing in closer to the border.

tl;dr Frost takes her time in healing Cloudbelly and Tinypebble, sending her daughters back to camp with bandaged wounds and some scraps to rest up after the eventful day. Later that day, Bearleaf, Wolfprowl and Robincall head out for a simple border patrol. While Bearleaf and Wolfprowl work on remarking the borders and making sure the territory is free of predators, Robincall sniffs around for some more prey.

word count 1111 words

notes i hope the split between the two patrols isn't too confusing! if whoever claims this would like to dm for more info, please let me know!

cats on patrol [BEFORE]
FROST| SHE/HER | HUP 10% | HP 100% | SICK: N
ROOT| HE/HIM | HUP 10% | HP 100% | SICK: N
TINYPEBBLE| SHE/HER | HUP 10% -> 0% | HP 95% -> 100% | SICK: N
CLOUDBELLY| SHE/HER | HUP 10% -> 0%| HP 95% -> 100% | SICK: Y [N AFTER PATROL]

cats on patrol [AFTER]

    active quests:
    items used:
    - wild garlic [x1] to heal CLOUDBELLY scratch
    - cobwebs [x1] to heal CLOUDBELLY sickness
    - dock [x1] to heal TINYPEBBLE wound
    - scraps [x1] to feed CLOUDBELLY
    - scraps [x1] to feed TINYPEBBLE
    herb inventory:
    - rush | bind broken bones | x1
    - blackberry leaves | eases pain of bee stings | x1
    - willow bark | eases pain | x1
    - coltsfoot | eases breathing / soothes pads | x1
    - chamomile | gives strength / soothes mind | x1
    - stinging nettle | soothes wounds,
    fights infection, heals broken bones w comfrey | x1
    prey inventory:
    - scraps | 1 FP | x2
    - fish | 2 FP | x2
    - chipmunk | 2 FP | x1
    - trout | 3 FP | x1
    - eagle | 5 FP | x1
    all inventories are set for AFTER patrol counts.
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[0231.] viv's explore replies

Postby Vivika » Sat Nov 19, 2022 5:14 pm

    xstrawberrymwilk archive last post

    But there was no sign of the little dreamer.

    Her heart swelled, a low hum rising to an erratic staccato, as she lifted her gaze. The meadows unfurled before her, wild and tumbling like salty seas, fronds sweeping as if ribbons of kelp. But… Citlalli wasn't there.

    Not within the flowing bluegrass entwined with petals of bluebells and daisies. Nor beside the trickling laughter of a distant brook. Or held in the embrace of a lost, wandering wind.

    "They could be in trouble." The words weighed heavy, bitter as lead, on Aeron's tongue. Her laugh seemed distant, a lifeless tolling bell, even to herself. "You know how they walk like they have one eye in another realm. And the territory… they aren’t familiar─"

    "Shhhh." Adelaide. Sunlight freckled her cheeks and the tip of her nose as she waved her tail, a faint smile upon her features. Hopeful. "Over there. I think I saw… something."

    Amongst the ribbons of flaxen reeds, something moved. A little scuttle, breaking through the waves of grasses, before a dark head crested the surface. Leaflets and petals dusted the top of its head almost as if a laurel wreath braided from the troves of the meadows.

    Not Citlalli, but perhaps not all hope was lost. (+4FP american pine marten, +1 catchweed, +1 lamb’s ear, +1 sweet-sedge, +1 parsley)


        ✦ hunger (+0% hunger for each; no free posts left!)
        xx↳ aeron (0% hunger), adelaide (0% hunger), aurora (0% hun-
        xx.xger), vespera (0% hunger), citlalli (0% hunger)

        ✦ xp earnings (death opt in; no)
        xx↳ +15XP for writing, +10XP for patrol sent
        xx.x+4XP for prey, +4XP for herbs

        ✦ patrol's prey & herb finds
        xx↳ +4FP american pine marten, +1 catchweed,
        xx.x+1 lamb's ear, +1 parsley, +1 sweet-sedge

        ✦ levels
        xx↳ +33XP → level 0 (79/100XP)

      xxxx✦ notes; n/a! <3

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~ 16 • Explore ~

Postby Whovian5EVA » Sat Nov 19, 2022 10:31 pm

EXPLORE TITLE: ~ 16 • Explore ~

Last Explore Post|Last Response Received

═ ═══ ═
Emberstorm groaned as she continued to make her way across the rolling desert sands. She knew she had to get water one way or another. She smelled the air searching for even a hint of moisture parting her jaws she took in the scent of her desert. The warm earthy smells tangled with the the scent of dusty plants. She sighed hoping that she would maybe catch even a slight scent of water on the air out of her jaws again taking in one last breath of air. At last she's found what she was looking for, a hint of the sweet liquid that opal flight needed so desperately. She made her way towards the scent her shoulder still aked but she knew she had to do this. At last she arrived at her destination she couldn't see the water but this is where the smell is strongest. She looked about and eventually spotted exactly what she was looking for, a small burrow that had just so happened to capture water at the foot of a bush. It had been sheltered and off by the shade so the water hadn't yet evaporated. Now Emberstorm realised her next challenge how would she get this water to Opalflight. She looked at the horizon, the sun was beginning to rise… She had travelled quite a way but maybe she could manage to bring Opalflight to the water… Maybe the rest at the burrow would be enough recovery to make it to the puddle Emberstorm had found. She began her journey back home to her pale gumtree almost dancing in the middle of the desert. Buried away in the hollow her only friend, Opalflight slept. Emberstorm crept into the hollow and curled up next to Opalflight allowing sleep to consume her after last night’s search.

That day dreams of the clans that Furzetuft had spoken of filled her mind. The stories of that distant clan danced about in her mind enchanting her heart. How the kit's played amongst a collection of adults… and then a dark shadow began to drift across the clan. Misery rained down upon them, Opalflight was nowhere to be seen…
She jolted awake disoriented she searched the hollow for Opalflight, finding her right there in the hollow next to her. She breathed a sigh of relief and drifted back to sleep.

As the sun began to set the two cats stirred, awoken by the sunlight casting their hollow in a golden glow. Emberstorm nudged Opalflight’s face with her nose “Opalflight? How are you feeling this morning?”
“I’m feeling a lot better tonight,” she paused. “Thank you Emberstorm,” She purred. Opalflight stretched letting the sleepiness float from her limbs. “I am still feeling a little under the weather, though…”
“I know just the remedy for that” Emberstorm smiled. “I found a small burrow filled with water, I was hoping you’d be well enough to make it?”

Shortly, when the sky was still glowing slightly, the two had a small meal before leaving. Emberstorm ate a dunnart (-20 HUP for Emberstorm)and Opalflight had some scraps(-10 HUP for Opalflight). They set out again towards the pool. Since their encounter with the rogues, the desert felt different. Despite the glowing sky, the desert was cloaked in a heavy darkness, intertwined amongst the spinifex and the trees. Creeping through the darkness Emberstorm and Opalfight made their way towards the small pool. After what felt like an eternity at last they made it.
“Here we are, under that bush, there’s a small burrow, it must have just so happened to fill up last rainfall, and it was enough that it hasn’t dried out yet.“
Opalflight crouched down at the pools edge and began to lap up the water she so desperately needed.
However, now that they’d made it, the night had deepened, and the shadows hung heavier. Now they had to make it home…

═ ═══ ═
626 words
═ ═══ ═

Emberstorm |she/her | HP 82% | HUP 20% | Sick: N
Opalflight |she/her | HP 100% | HUP 10% | Sick: N
Image Image

633/800 EXP


scraps | 1FP | x6
bugs | 1FP | x5
dunnart | 2FP | x3
plains mouse | 2FP | x1
bearded dragon | 3FP | x1
desert skink | 3FP | x1
bush stone curlew | 4FP | x1
wallaby | 5FP | x2
blackberry leaves | x1
borage leaves | x1
bright eye | x1
broom | x1
burdock root | x1
burnet | x1
catmint | x2
celandine | x2
chamomile | x1
coltsfoot | x1
daisy leaves | x2
dock | x1
elder leaves | x1
fennel | x1
hawkweed | x1
horsetail | x1
mallow leaves | x1
ragwort leaves | x1
ragwort | x2
rush | x1
stick | x1
stinging nettle | x1
holly berries | x1
scraps | 1FP | x1 (Eaten by Opalflight)
dunnart | 2FP | x1 (Eaten by Emberstorm)
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