Adopts 2: Pets

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WFD 38 based on this drawing by LostHope
by LostHope @ Thu Sep 06, 2012 8:06 pm [Reply]

owned by: Lacee!(:
Name: Kat
Gender: Female

Lacee!(: @ Thu Sep 06, 2012 11:52 pm

Username: Lacee!(:
Name: Kat
Gender: Female
How'd you find it?: I found Kat one night while I was going for a walk. She was wandering through an icy forest, making small, barely audible snuffling noises. I took her home with me, to join with my growing family. I named her Kat, after my favorite type of animal.

luvarien @ Sat Sep 08, 2012 7:45 pm

Username:Scarlet Glaceon
How'd you find it?:I was browsing the adoptable forums and saw this place,wen I clicked on it this little one was the first thing I saw!

LostHope @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 1:04 am


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Vudu #24 based on this drawing by Sayna Jaye
by Folktale @ Sun Sep 02, 2012 2:54 am [Reply]

What is a Vudu?
It is an ungulate native to the jungles of Africa that now also resides in the Louisiana Bayou. They possess a five-point set of antlers, have three toes on each foot. They also have gems in their chest that are thought to be the the source of their psychic abilities.

Gender: Male
Height: 12.1 hh

Judging on interesting psychic power, and NO telepathy!

Lionblaze4000 wrote:Username: Lionblaze4000
Vudu name: Isha Doctor in Japanese
Psychic powers: Heals ingered animals because he could not save his own mother from death :( :D

Shinigami. @ Sun Sep 02, 2012 3:04 am

Username: Lionblaze4000
Vudu name: Isha Doctor in Japanese
Psychic powers: Heals ingered animals because he could not save his own mother from death :( :D

Folktale @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 11:15 am

Lionblaze4000 wrote:Username: Lionblaze4000
Vudu name: Isha Doctor in Japanese
Psychic powers: Heals ingered animals because he could not save his own mother from death :( :D

As the only entrant, he goes to you! Congratulations!

Shinigami. @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 3:29 pm

Thanks but could I please have the code of it so I could put it in my trading rules please :D :mrgreen:

JMD: #77 Custom based on this drawing by lumpinbanana
by Nyeusi @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 1:07 pm [Reply]

custom for hahahalo222! Ya niki! Your first jmd congrats, hope you like her, i just mad up the degin as i went along, i have a big plan for my next! normally i make up the designs in my head, and then do them, but not for this one! i know you like the loopy leopard like symbols, so i based her around that, the rest just went with the flow XD

EDIT: ok niki, i added a dimond nose ring, i think those r cute, then a dimond earing, i was gonna add a belly button ring, but the leg was in the way, and dun dun dun! her signatture loop necklace! that is crystal glass!

Daisy Mae @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 1:29 pm

OH. MY. GOD. i LOVE her!!!! thanks you soooo much XD can you help me make her my siggy ? thanks you sooooo much :)

Nyeusi @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 1:36 pm

yes mam

.:FarmGirlAtHeart:. @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 1:40 pm

Oh. My. Gosh! Sorry for intruding but..... ITS CARROT WOMAN!!!!! Mind if I call her that? *trembles with excitement*

Dream- ... I have to live with this.

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Skyeloric Docksen #16 based on this drawing by ~Razzle~
by Copper96 @ Sat Sep 01, 2012 2:44 pm [Reply]

Artist Entry #3
I know we are both artists now but thought i should atleast finish with my Entries. Sorry it took so long though :?

Skyeloric #16

Ƨριяιт wrote:Username: Ƨριяιт
Name: Mason
Gender: Male
Projected Height: 15.1 hh

major pb @ Mon Sep 03, 2012 5:24 pm

Username: Ƨριяιт
Name: Mason
Gender: Male
Projected Height: 15.1 hh

Copper96 @ Tue Sep 04, 2012 1:50 am

Ƨριяιт wrote:Username: Ƨριяιт
Name: Mason
Gender: Male
Projected Height: 15.1 hh

All yours! Congrats :3

major pb @ Tue Sep 04, 2012 3:22 pm

Thanks so much!!!

May I have the adult version done?

Thanks again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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JBD #143 WINNER! based on this drawing by Hiccup
by winkatuck @ Sun Apr 15, 2012 5:00 pm [Reply]

Ends When I Post September 8th!

Hiccup wrote:
What is a Jellybean Dragon?
A Jellybean Dragon is a fluffy, friendly dragon that hatches from a jellybean-like egg. Their diet consists of fruits and insects, but they also love sweets and desserts. Their fur is soft and long, usually brightly colored and it's always neat and shiny. Jellybean Dragons are gentle and happy, and love attention. Most are Great Dane-sized when they are fully grown, but some of them can grow as big as a cow. All Jellybean Dragons have pouches on their bellies, which they use to carry around food or younger JBDs.

Sooo... this little guy is up for adoption! You guys know the drill! And no, I will not be changing his gender. There is reason for this! I though I would make this more of a challenge for you guys. Basically this JBD is the younger brother of my JBD, I want you guys to show me how much this JBD either loves or hates his older brother... and why. So here's the form you have to fill out to win him!

Code: Select all
[center][b]. JBD NAME HERE .[/b] (exotic fruit name preferred.)

[b]Short Story/Art:[/b]
(Short story of him and his brother doing something together or art of them together)
(Yeah, however you wanna do this part.)[/center]

you may do multiple art but it won't count for much... you must pic one to be your main piece if you do art over a short story. If you do a short story please try to stick to Kiwaro's character when using him c: thanks! Add on's are allowed, but I will mainly be looking at the required sections above, so make sure you have them!

Hex Colors
ececec - horns
E5BC4C - orange
CDBBBB - pale pink
D672C3 - magenta
4CC2E4 - blue
A3D444 - eyes

Also, you get this colored in lineart too xD


This Guy is Back Up for Adoption! After much hesitation and thought I have decided to give others a chance for him that didn't get to before!

Will end when I get to 20 pages, then I will close for judging which should take no longer than a week after we get to 20 pages c:

Don't use the name dragon fruit, it is already taken by an owned jbd.

DecafBunny @ Sun Apr 15, 2012 5:14 pm

you can only make one

winkatuck @ Sun Apr 15, 2012 5:17 pm

Hiccup wrote:Note to artists: if you have created a JBD and it hasn't been adopted yet, please don't post another one until it is adopted (this doesn't apply to guest artists) c: Remember that a JBD's fur can be up to 4 different colors, and they always have two stripes on their tail. Dark colored JBDs or plain colored JBDs are rare c:

Note to guest artists: A new group of 4 guest artists will be accepted each week. Each will be allowed to create 2 JBD on that week, no more! The previous group of guest artists will be removed, but you can ask to be a guest artist again if you wish to (you can't be a guest artist for two consecutive weeks, though). I hope I explained myself well ^^
Also, guest artists aren't allowed to create rare JBDs (dark colored or plain colored).
Guest artists are allowed to make a JBD for themselves, as long as they don't own one yet. Please number the JBD even if you're keeping it!

I am pretty sure I am allowed to create two.

DecafBunny @ Sun Apr 15, 2012 5:24 pm

let meh finish...
You only can make one for adopt at once

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My Marble Cat based on this drawing by Andiliion
by mawsoleum @ Wed Aug 29, 2012 11:54 am [Reply]

Ahh I'm so happy to have her. <3333

I would name her Rocky, after the cat she looks like, but Rocky was a boy. So I'll name her Tenshi*, which is Japanese for Angel.
Love you Rockymans!

*Pronounced like so:
Ten is very close to english ten, shi is not like 'she', but like the shi in shingles.

In the coloured in area is her ref without wings to show her back marking, and her ref with her item. That ref also shows her tail kanji.

Poofycat @ Fri Aug 31, 2012 12:19 am

sigh. i love her, but not up for adoption.

mawsoleum @ Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:42 am

Thank you! And I'm sorry this one isn't up! If she hadn't have looked so much like my cat I wouldn't have kept her. I wanted to make both of mine public adopts. ;c;

Poofycat @ Fri Aug 31, 2012 11:30 pm

it's okay. i would have kept her, too, in your place.

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Vinca #7 based on this drawing by winkatuck
by .:Foxxy:. @ Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:41 am [Reply]

What is a Vinca Dog?

The Vinca Dog is a raccoon-sized mammal that lives in the Arctic, or in other snowy conditions. Named after the plant, Vinca, they droop in heat and warmer weather, and can die if over heated. Male Vinca Dogs are no different than female Vincas, only sometimes they have a single horn on their head. Even though it is uncommon in males, females do not grow horns. Other than that, they both have huge fluffy ears, so they can hear great distances, a long flap of fur going along their neck, and a skinny tail with fur lining it. Their feet are extremely small, and their legs short compared to their long body. Their coat colors are are mostly neon with intricate patterns, rare Vinca's with natural colors have been found to exist. They have been known to find a human and stay with that one human forever, so choose your Vinca wisely!

To win this Vinca you must fill out the following form, and write me a story about him. Make it CRAZY! Let your Imadgination FLY! The most creative entry wins! You will also be judged on effort. If you give me a story like

"Stripes the vinca dog was eating a purple pineapple in the middle of the ocean. He got eaten by a shark. The End."

You will NOT win. Try to get creative! Put some effort into it! But most importantly please have FUN.

If you don't win, please don't get discouraged! Their will be plenty of other oppertunities to get another beautiful Vinca. Just because your story wasn't chosen doesn't mean it wasn't a good story! I'm sure many people will come up with awesome stories, but in the end their can only be one.

Code: Select all
Vinca's Name:
Crazy Story:


Kite @ Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:44 am

Wow this is crazy awesome! Nice job ^^

winkatuck @ Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:45 am

lol, did you quote that story from a post of mine :'D?

it sounds like something I would come up with!

.:Foxxy:. @ Tue Jun 12, 2012 8:48 am

Thank you so much NeonKiwi, that means a lot! ^_^ And lol Raimundo! I was just trying to come up with a really random story! xD

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Pommie #5 based on this drawing by foreign-potato
by foreign-potato @ Wed Aug 01, 2012 9:39 am [Reply]

Pomeranian #5


See the puppy's markings with out shading: xxx, xxx

Based on: x

Owner: .:TawnyWolf:.
Name: Phoebe
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Description: Cream Sable coat with brown eyes and a dark nose.
Type: Silky
Children: None

SukarettoYanagi @ Wed Aug 01, 2012 9:43 am

Awww!!! It looks like my former neighbors pom!! <3<3<3 I might will try for it.








    Dani is very prissy and stuck-up, it's her way or the highway. She acts like she is ruler of the roost and is very sassy and spoiled. She enjoys playing but loves to win and is a very soar loser. Dani likes to lay in peoples lap and not let others near. He thurouly enjoys being treated like royalty.

Flutterlicious @ Wed Aug 01, 2012 9:54 am

My username is Flutterlicious. My previous username was Soulwish; many just call me Soul or Flutter.
Fluffball. Fluffy for short.
Fluffball is a very stick-his-nose-into-everything dog, like every other puppy. Fluffball is overly curious about everything, and he seems to be looking for new descoveries all the time. Despite his stubby little legs, this ball of fluff can hurdle himself across the yard in 10 seconds flat. {*cough*MLPReference*cough*} He enjoys chasing after things, from little jingly balls to bugs to even his own reflection. Fluffball is a good lapdog and is very good with kids, always mouthing gently and only growling when they really hurt him. He was never known to bite hard on perpose.

chupacabras @ Wed Aug 01, 2012 10:11 am

Hurricane Fluttershy
Jack is a mischievous little guy, and he loves to play. It's not easy to get his attention, and it's even harder to get him mad. He loves to play and meet new people, just like any other puppy.
Even though he is very friendly, sometimes Jack just likes to play by himself and have some alone time.

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PR #1 Yin based on this drawing by nio
by nio @ Sat Sep 08, 2012 9:36 pm [Reply]

A Panda Roo is a red panda-like creature that also has features of a kangaroo. Is has a strong, large and fluffy tail that is uses to balence on. This comes in handy when they meditate. Panda Roos are very spiritual creatures, the orb on their scarf being their soul. If the orb breaks, the Roo becomes nothing but a shell. It's mind, heart and other organs stop working. It's practically dead. The good thing is, that the orb is very hard to destruct. They never take their scarf off, and the orb doesn't come off the scarf. The orb changes color to whatever the Roo is feeling. Each scarf has a unique design, none are the same. Panda Roos only come in natural colors. Reds, browns, grays, blacks and rarely, white. They always have natural patterns, usually red panda. Both white and non-patterned are very rare, especially non-patterened white Roos. A Roos eye color can be anything, reagardless of being natural or not. Roos live in the mountains, with koi ponds, bonsai trees, cherry blossoms and temples. They usually work as sages, kung fu masters, shamans, healers, gardeners, painters or koi owners. Panda Roos are the size of normal red pandas.

The first ever Panda Roo! >:D

He is a very rare, an non-patterned white coated Roo.
Say I'm greedy? Noooo, he's actually based off a dream I had. He was in it, scarf and all. In my dream his name was Silver, though I thought that wasn't a good name. I've decided his name is Yin. :3

From Chinese 银 "silver", 音 "sound" or 荫 "shade".

When speaking to him in Chinese { he speaks Chinese }, feel free to call him 银. :)
He is a kung fu master. :p

glassesprotag @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 1:35 pm

So handsome! ;w; <3


XFRX #12 based on this drawing by Guest
by cakepopcat @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 8:46 am [Reply]

To adopt this XFRX, Just post name, gender, and a picture that reminds you of him/her

cakepopcat @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 1:32 pm

You may post now ;3

Xenefrex #11 based on this drawing by Guest
by Übermensch @ Mon Aug 06, 2012 7:25 am [Reply]

    What is a Xenferex?
    A Xenferex is a fluffy-dog like creature with wings and front-leg horns. They grow in any climate but do best at cold places due to their thick coating it'll be hard for them to keep cool in summer places. They are friendly to humans and can be great companions. They can have short tails or long tails, the most common length is long.

    To win just name it and give it a gender, best match wins.

cakepopcat @ Mon Aug 06, 2012 9:04 am

gender: Male
Name: Neon

albinny trancy @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 12:27 pm

Galaxia (Gal-ex-AY-Uh)

Xenferex #13 based on this drawing by Guest
by gherit @ Tue Aug 07, 2012 3:57 am [Reply]

What is a Xenferex?
A Xenferex is a fluffy-dog like creature with wings and front-leg horns. They grow in any climate but do best at cold places due to their thick coating it'll be hard for them to keep cool in summer places. They are friendly to humans and can be great companions. They can have short tails or long tails, the most common length is long.

Oh hey, look! I made the thirteenth one. xD

To adopt him/her, just fill out the form.
Code: Select all
5 words:

In the "5 words" section, you are gonna have to think of 5 words that describe his/her personality.

You may add stuff to the form, but I'm only looking for what's in the form. ^^

End date: August 24th

Have fun! c:

asdfghjkla @ Tue Aug 07, 2012 10:51 am

Name: Fame Ball (yes I ment to write Fame. not flame BL)
Gender: Female
5 words: Swift, Gorgeus, cold-hearted, mysterious, curious. :P

gherit @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 12:17 pm

Whoop, forgot about this. :P
Well anyways, Lufsta., since you were the only one that tried out, you get her! :D
Enjoy. :3

Llammel ▬ Simple based on this drawing by izauura
by izauura @ Wed Aug 08, 2012 2:53 am [Reply]

To adopt this llammel just tell me a name and a gender ends when I get to page two. C:

Taito @ Wed Aug 08, 2012 3:22 am

Name: Lemona
Gender: Female

izauura @ Wed Aug 08, 2012 3:33 am

HazyRose wrote:(OMG IT'S SO CYUTE! X3)
Name: Lemona
Gender: Female

Thank you :3

Evanna Lynch @ Wed Aug 08, 2012 4:43 am

Oro. It means Golden One and his eyes are a beautiful gold.

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Code: Select all

Code: Select all

Code: Select all

Code: Select all

TheTragicThrills @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 12:03 pm

luv it :D

Here you go, hope you like him! ^^ Let me know if there's anything you want changed. :)

Micki. @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 11:43 am

I absolutely love his coat, but would you mind changing his eyes to a colour that stands out more? Like maybe a light green or something?

TheCalicoTabby @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 11:47 am

Sure, how's that? ^^

Micki. @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 11:49 am

It's fantastic; thank you so, so much! Would you mind making a transparent with and without the shading for me? c:

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Code: Select all

(Let me know if you need the other sizes for this one!)

Vudu #25 based on this drawing by Sayna Jaye
by Folktale @ Sun Sep 02, 2012 2:55 am [Reply]

What is a Vudu?
It is an ungulate native to the jungles of Africa that now also resides in the Louisiana Bayou. They possess a five-point set of antlers, have three toes on each foot. They also have gems in their chest that are thought to be the the source of their psychic abilities.

Gender: Female
Height: 13 hh

Show me a picture of what animal this Vudu makes you think of!

Claudie wrote:Username: Claudie
Vudu Name: Athena
Psychic Power: Able to read auras.
Link to Image: xx

The Gifting Queen @ Sun Sep 02, 2012 3:13 am

User: Ƙικι_Ѵɛиσм罗丽塔

Vudu name: Persephone

Physic Power: Illusion: the power to shape- shift...which makes her hard to catch. :)

Link To Image: ... 0HkpRjv2EM: ... gyu-6A2WcM:

All these images .... Nature, the tiniest lady bug could be of great importance, to a sturdy mountain... This is what I vision when you say vudu.

Soph6297 @ Sun Sep 02, 2012 6:12 am

Username: Soph6297
Vudu Name: Kathrine
Psychic Power: She can talk to animals. C:
Link to Image: ***

Claudie @ Sun Sep 02, 2012 11:09 am

Username: Claudie
Vudu Name: Athena
Psychic Power: Able to read auras.
Link to Image: xx

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WFD #25 based on this drawing by LostHope
by Anima @ Sun Sep 02, 2012 1:16 pm [Reply]

Anima x AvatarRoku Offspring #1

Owner: Anima OR AvatarRoku (Choosing)
Mother: Rye
Father: Griffen
Brother: Not named (Making)

Candor @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 9:00 am

Did you give her a name yet?

Anima @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 11:23 am

Not yet. ^^;

Vudu #23 Cookies n Cream based on this drawing by Sayna Jaye
by Folktale @ Sun Sep 02, 2012 2:43 am [Reply]

What is a Vudu?
It is an ungulate native to the jungles of Africa that now also resides in the Louisiana Bayou. They possess a five-point set of antlers, have three toes on each foot. They also have gems in their chest that are thought to be the the source of their psychic abilities.

Gender: Male
Height: 10.3 hh

Tell me about his personality in three sentences!

-3B- wrote:Username: -3B-
Vudu Name: Celio
Psychic Power: The power to make air dense - useful when needing to cross chasms or create barriers.
Personality: Celio is slightly paranoid, always checking behind him for no reason other than he thinks that someone, somewhere, is watching him. He has a fear of heights as well; When using his power to climb, he has to look straight up and murmur to himself, because if he looks down, he breaks concentration and will fall. In his moments of calm, he's a very cuddly creature, often ending up irritating his fellow vudus with his need for snuggles.

Shinigami. @ Sun Sep 02, 2012 3:08 am

Username: Lionblaze4000
Vudu name: Shourai
Psychic powers: Can see the futur
Personality: He loves talking with females he protects other vudus from being hunted by the two legs because he can see there futur and prevent the bad from happening :D

Desmond @ Sun Sep 02, 2012 4:01 am

Username: -3B-
Vudu Name: Celio
Psychic Power: The power to make air dense - useful when needing to cross chasms or create barriers.
Personality: Celio is slightly paranoid, always checking behind him for no reason other than he thinks that someone, somewhere, is watching him. He has a fear of heights as well; When using his power to climb, he has to look straight up and murmur to himself, because if he looks down, he breaks concentration and will fall. In his moments of calm, he's a very cuddly creature, often ending up irritating his fellow vudus with his need for snuggles.

MC mango @ Mon Sep 03, 2012 4:05 am

.u.s.e.r.n.a.m.e.::.. Cammie.
.v.u.d.u.::..n.a.m.e.::.. Kamil (Kam-eel)
.p.s.y.c.h.i.c.::..p.o.w.e.r.::.. water bending
.p.e.r.s.o.n.a.l.i.t.y.::.. He's a total ladies man, he loves charming the females;
because of this, he doesn't talk to males much.
He's all talk; he says he's a big threat, when, secretly, he isn't.
And he's willing to do anything to help out anyone in need, though.

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♫ʙʟɪᴢᴢᴀʀᴅ-♫ wrote:Uesername: ♫ʙʟɪᴢᴢᴀʀᴅ-♫
BK's name: Ardentes, "Burning" in Latin. Arden for Short
Gender: Male
Hight: 17hh

When you try your best but you don't succeed
When you get what you want but not what you need
When you feel so tired but you can't sleep
Stuck in reverse

And the tears come streaming down your face
When you lose something you can't replace
When you love someone but it goes to waste
Could it be worse?

Lights will guide you home
And ignite your bones
And I will try to fix you


anomaly. @ Mon Sep 03, 2012 2:02 pm

Uesername: xXPartyRockerXx
BK's name: Titanium
Gender: male
Hight: 17hh
Titanium by david guetta ft. sia
You shout it loud, but I can't hear a word you say
I'm talking loud, not saying much
I'm criticized, but all your bullets ricochet
you shoot me down, but I get up

I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose
fire away, fire away
ricochet, you take your aim
fire away, fire away
you shoot me down, but I won't fall
I am titanium
you shoot me down, but I won't fall
I am titanium
Gunna make it.fancy.

stabbrielle @ Mon Sep 03, 2012 2:09 pm

Uesername:ℓιℓℓιαи ɢαℓɛ cℓαяκɛ
BK's name: Apostolos
Gender: male
Hight: 17hh
So come out of your cave
walking on your hands
and see the world hanging upside down.

You can understand dependence
when you see the makers smile.
So make your sirens call
and sing all you want
I will not hear what you have to say.

Cause I will hold hope and
I won't let you choke
on the noose around your neck.
And I'll find strength in pain.
And I will change my ways.
I'll know my name as its called again.

The Cave by Mumford and Sons

Kimi-Goldenwing @ Mon Sep 03, 2012 2:11 pm

I just have to try for this beauty!!

"Why do I have to fly
Over every town up and down the line?
I'll die in the the clouds above
And you that I defend, I do not love"

That's the first piece of the song 'Bad Dream', by Keane~

I picked it because the song means a lot to me, and the words in that part ('clouds', 'line', 'fly') reminded me of his markings. The melody of the song is a bit harsh, but also dreamy - like this stallion's sharp horns and soft eyes and markings.

If I get him, I'd love to name him either Mazin (rain clouds) or Perun (thunder) X3

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JMD #75 - Mint based on this drawing by lumpinbanana
by Tiger111 @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 5:10 am [Reply]

What is a Jewl Mane Dragon?
A Jewl Mane Dragon is a large creature with jewls on their forehead and tail.They eat mostly small mamals such as birds, squirels, and rabbits. The fur on their back,hind, and front legs feel like silk and is very short. The fur around their neck (Their 'mane') and tail is very soft, fluffy, and long. Jewl mane Dragons mostly keep to themselves but when they find someone they like the grow very attached, loyal, and talkitive. They're all slightly bigger than a mustang but some grow to be as large as a elephant. All Jewl Mane Dragons have jewls at the end of their tail and on their forehead. The jewl on their tail is used as a weapon in combat and hunting. The jewl on their forehead is used during mating season to atract females.

Sorry guys, my custom JMD, Mint<3

Mint is looking for a mate o3o
I'm not. >:

lumpinbanana @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 5:11 am

Peeeerty :D

Tiger111 @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 5:15 am

Thank you<3

Tiger111 @ Sun Sep 09, 2012 5:28 am

I added accessories o3o

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JBD #180 based on this drawing by Hiccup
by Ivara @ Wed May 23, 2012 3:40 pm [Reply]

What is a Jellybean Dragon?
A Jellybean Dragon is a fluffy, friendly dragon that hatches from a jellybean-like egg. Their diet consists of fruits and insects, but they also love sweets and desserts. Their fur is soft and long, usually brightly colored and it's always neat and shiny. Jellybean Dragons are gentle and happy, and love attention. Most are Great Dane-sized when they are fully grown, but some of them can grow as big as a cow. All Jellybean Dragons have pouches on their bellies, which they use to carry around food or younger JBDs.

This little JBD is based off a chili-dog and their horns are spotted in case you happened not to notice. To win this beautiful Jellybean Dragon, all you've got to do is give them a name, favorite food (Not chili dogs please! Be more creative, think outside the box.), and a personality. The rest of what you want to add to your form is up to you! This will end and be judged on June 4th

Hex Codes:
'Hot dog' brown - #c4846d
'Cheese' yellow-orange - #f4c56e
'Sauce' red-brown - #d06646
'Bun' cream - #fff2b3

cocoa @ Wed May 23, 2012 3:46 pm

OH MYyustaoifgftoagtiuayvgi8a9yfpafafaf
afafafafafa JUST ayufhakjlfafc78iahnfmafa :OOOOOOOOOOO
you should know what that means ^
I'm gonna try out for him.

Ivara @ Wed May 23, 2012 3:54 pm

Hex Codes are up! Glad to hear you like him Darkbraken~ Can't wait to see that form c:

boots @ Wed May 23, 2012 4:21 pm

My Baby Cinnabon wrote:

This beautiful Jellybean Dragon, I would name her Cinnabon. Her colors contrast so perfectly and just remind me of something gentle and soothing, but also fun and silly. So I considered the names Cinnamon, Bon - Bon, and Apple Spice. I was messing around and then I thought of "Cinna Bon-Bon". I was like = . = So I decided to name her Cinnabon, after Cinnamon; Sweet but just a little spicy.

Yes, you're probably like "If MY name was Cinnabon, I would want to be caled by my full name!" But as much as Cinnabon loves her name, she also likes to be called something shorter. She is commonly called Cin or Cinna, but can also be called Bon or Bon - Bon{{Though "Bon - Bon" is usually limited to best friends and family.}}.

I'm truly positive that Cin would be willing to show you her gender, but to avoid and steer clear of some awkward memories, I'll just let you know that she is FEMALE. You're welcome ^^"""

Yes, everyone needs a birthday, right? Well, since Cin is part of everyone, she'd like you to know that her Birthday is on June 14, flag day and also the day that the weather gets hot in the forest. She loves to spend her birthdays with friends and swimming in the lake.

Cin is happy to let you know that she is a great - dane sized Jellybean Dragon. She likes to scare the great danes that belong to the rich neighbors out of their paws! They bark and run and -- she just loves it c: It's part of her 'Spicy' mood swing <3


Little Cinnabon always makes sure she's not giving you false information. She doesn't believe in lying, because you're just going to get in even more trouble for it in the end. So she always tells the truth; to both get the consequences over with and to make sure she maintains her closest friendships. She also believes that every time you lie, is another payment for you to have to pay later.

Anything can be trusted with Cin. She likes to know that people cam trust her with their secrets, and she likes to hear them. She knows that gossiping is equally bad to lying, so she doesn't ever tell anybody anyone else's secrets. She enjoys being trusted enough to be trusted with their secrets, and she doesn't want to ruin that.

Hey, Ivara c: Really nice JBD. Just wanted to let you know that my form is a WIP and may not be finished for a couple days. YOU ROCK, SISTA!

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JBD Adopt 54 based on this drawing by Hiccup
by sodafarts @ Sat Dec 31, 2011 11:13 am [Reply]


Click the colored in version to try out! (When I put it up ^^)

Hex Codes:
dark green/body: 00a808
teal blue: 00cff6
light green: 4dff53
bluish mint green: 00ff6e
yellow eye: feee17
purple eye: a371ff

mochii_ @ Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:18 pm

Art: Wip
Theme song:Tonight Tonight by Hot Chille Ray

zima. @ Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:25 pm

Aww, I love her! Too bad you need art :/

Bip @ Sat Dec 31, 2011 12:28 pm

Nice!She's not for me,though.Good luck to everyone who tries out!

118 replies not shown, show all

WFD 37 based on this drawing by LostHope
by LostHope @ Thu Sep 06, 2012 5:40 pm [Reply]

Owner: Leista
Name: Kaze
Gender: Male

ki-neko animura @ Thu Sep 06, 2012 5:58 pm

Username: ki-neko animura
Name: Cougior (Coug)
Gender: male
Guess it's eye color: blue

LostHope @ Thu Sep 06, 2012 6:09 pm

Not quite :) Thanks for trying though <3

luvarien @ Thu Sep 06, 2012 7:35 pm

Username: Scarlet Glaceon
Name: Grey Star
Gender: female
Guess it's eye color: Black-ish grey

15 replies not shown, show all

Winner Posted! based on this drawing by NinthWolf
by Chasing Dreams @ Sun May 20, 2012 5:50 am [Reply]

This is a first come first serve, if we are allowed to have those xD
You have to get the form right though, and no edits!

Code: Select all
[b]How many pets do I have total?:[/b]

Galaxier wrote:Username:Galaxier
How many pets do I have total?:1817

Vespur @ Sun May 20, 2012 6:33 am

How many pets do I have total?:1817

Vespur @ Sun May 20, 2012 6:34 am

I hope you ment pets you own on your account, because thats what I did. lol

Chasing Dreams @ Sun May 20, 2012 7:00 am

Galaxier wrote:
I hope you ment pets you own on your account, because thats what I did. lol

Oh I'm sorry, I meant pets in real life, but since you worked hard to count I'll give it to you :}

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