Week 1 Report

Postby ScarletFeather11 » Thu Jul 23, 2015 5:42 am

Week 1 Report

In the Meadow has been an exceptional young mare. She's been great her first week. We've found out some things. She's very timid and shy around new things and new people, she freaks out everything new and needs my attention to keep her calm, Ranger has taken quite a liking to her as if they know each other, and she loves being close to someone. Fawn as well has accomplished trust and her halter just as quick as Ranger did last year. She though still has a long road ahead of her which is going to be hard but we all know she can do it.
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Day 8

Postby ScarletFeather11 » Thu Jul 30, 2015 1:21 pm

Day 8
July 29th

I sat in the stables in Fawn's stall with her since it was raining outside with my laptop in my lap. I leaned against the wall, typing up my email to the people who gave me my mustangs. I wanted to figure out what happened in Fawn's past that made her so weary of things and why she was she was timid and submissive. I soon finished up my email and sent it out then looked to Fawn who nibbled on some hay, "What are you doing pretty girl?"

She perked her ears and looked over at me, whinnying out through a mouthful of hay.

I chuckled with a shake of my head as I pulled my notebook over along with a pencil as I started sketching out the look she gave me, "Why do you give me such weird looks, Fawn? You're such a crazy mare but I love you anyway."

Ranger let out a loud whinny as he passed the stall, my younger sister, Amy, leading him to his stall. Amy was fifteen so three years younger than me. Instead of the sandy/dirty blonde hair that I had, she had just simple curly brown hair down to her waist. Her eyes were the same brown like mine and amazingly we had a similar personality. Ranger squealed out once more as he stomped his hooves. I chuckled as I listened to his jealous whinny once more, "Ranger, calm down. You know I love you too."

Amy looked over at me as I peeked out the cracked stall, smiling with a laugh, "He's a big jealous baby, December. How do you put up with him?"

"I honestly have no idea. He's just a big baby but he's my pal. So what are you doing?" I laughed gently as I set my notebook down.

Amy put Ranger in his stall despite his complaints then moved to slide into Fawn's stall with me, "Nothing. I just brought Ranger in from outside. Ren had his fitting appointment for a tux with his friends so I was taking his job over for today."

"He's so busy wanting to get everything ready. I still can't even figure out the date of the wedding. I said September fifth or something around that. I'm thinking more of September twenty-fifth. What do you think?" I asked gently as Fawn plopped down in her bedding and laid her head in my lap.

"Don't know. I mean it's up to you, December. I'm not the bride," Amy chuckled as she gazed up at me while rubbing along Fawn's head gently.

I shrugged as I gave Fawn attention, "I'll think on it some more. So on a brighter note, I sent in an email to the association to see if I could get Fawn's history. I'm hoping they get back to me soon."

She gave a smile as she met my gaze, "That's awesome. They'll get back to you I'm sure. You are definitely letting me see what's up when you get that email. I should get something in return for wrangling Ranger earlier."

I let out a laugh as I hugged her, "You can see it, alright? Now let me finish drawing then I'll meet you at the house. Deal?"

Amy smiled with another nod, "Deal!"
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Day 9

Postby ScarletFeather11 » Thu Jul 30, 2015 1:23 pm

Day 9
July 30th

I sat out in the pasture with Fawn grazing right next to me while I looked through my email to see if I had heard anything from the association. I didn't see anything in my inbox. I groaned out in complaint and shut my laptop down as I laid out in the field, Fawn lifting her head to brush her velvety muzzle against my face causing me to giggle out, "Fawn, quit it. I'm trying to think pretty girl."

The mare whinnied out in play against my face before moving when my hands ran their way into her mane, "You need a hair cut. I'm taking you out to get that mane and tail trimmed tomorrow. They have too many knots."

Fawn nickered out when I mentioned cutting and moved away, prancing off towards the fence when Darkness came galloping up to it. I just rolled my eyes with a smirk, "Mares."

I got up after a while and made my way to the stables to grab Fawn's halter and lead rope so I could work on leading her around and having her understand that she wouldn't ever be quite in charge though she already knew that. I set my computer in my house then walked back out to grab the halter and lead. Once that was in my hands, I walked back outside to the pasture. Fawn was already back at the gate, whinnying out when she saw the halter and lead. I slid it over her head then walked her out after opening the gate up, "Come on pretty girl, let's go for a quick walk."

Fawn kicked up her hind quarters with a sweet whinny before following me out happily. I rubbed her ears gently as she pranced alongside me, looking around at some of the riders as they rode down to the arena or from it. I waved at them, leaning over to rub Night's head when he trotted up, "Hey buddy." I looked up at his rider, a little girl no older than ten, "How is he today, Stacey?"

Stacey, the little girl with bright green eyes and red ginger hair, gave off a toothy smile, "He's great! We had a good lesson. Mr. Dawson said I earned a trail ride Tuesday."

I grinned as I patted her leg gently, "Awesome, Stacey! I think I might ride with you guys. Now hose him off when you get to the barn then let him out. I need you to let Max out too while you're at it. Emily should be up there to help you. Sound good?"

"Sounds good," she replied before clucking her tongue to get the dark colored horse moving back up the path to the stables.

I looked at Fawn who was too busy watching them with curiosity. I kissed her cheek with a giggle, "Come on Miss Curious. I'm taking you for a walk in the arena even though Dad is training. He let me do it before with new horses."

Fawn whinnied out before quickly following after me when I picked up a slow jog. She trotted out beside me, enjoying the wind blowing through her mane and tail. I soon arrived at the gate to find my father sitting in the judging booth giving out advice to four riders. Victoria was maybe fourteen-fifteen with bright blonde hair and hazel eyes. She was riding Red, our Gypsy Vanner with a heart of pure gold. Trotting around the arena was seventeen-year-old Lily who had her strawberry-blonde hair held back in a ponytail underneath her helmet while her blue eyes were focused on the path in front of her. She was on our fiery horse, Burn, who was known to lash out and bite you, hard. She's bitten many of our riders before including myself. It takes a bold person to stand up to her and show her she's not in charge. Lily had done so.

The third person riding who was cantering was Anna who had blonde hair with blue ends and green eyes. She was my age, eighteen. She was riding Trenton, our race horse. He was only out for exercise. Her usual riding horse was Luck but due to the mare being sassy and ignorant this morning, we just kept her in the pasture since she kept biting at Ren and I wasn't tolerating her attitude. The last but not least person was Alexander, a boy that I grew up with so he was my age as well. He had brown hair on his head and green eyes as well. He rode Skull, our prankster stallion. The two got along pretty well so those two clicked together.

I opened hopped up the steps into the judging booth and pecked my father's cheek, 'Hey. I talked to Stacey. She said you were going to take her on a trail ride Tuesday since her lesson went so well."

My father jumped but grinned when he saw me, "Hey and yeah I did. You going to join?"

"Duh, of course. I don't think I'm busy and I want to take Fawn out on a lead rope. I'm going to ride Ranger since she's close to him. Now I have a question for you," I replied as I moved to lean against the doorway, looking over as Fawn nibbled on the grass by the bottom of the steps.

"Ask away, princess," my father answered as he looked over after telling the riders to take a break and walk.

I softly tugged on Fawn's lead to lift her head, "Can I walk Fawn around in the arena while you train? I want her to get used to the idea of horses in an enclosed space with her."

My father raised a brow as he leaned against the counter, "I don't know, December. Do you trust her not to freak out?"

I nodded as I hopped out of the booth, "Of course I do and she trusts me so can I?"

"Fine," my father answered with a sigh after several long moments of mentally debating on what to do.

I grinned out a thanks then led Fawn into the arena once Trenton and Lily passed by the gate. Instantly, Skull was whinnying out at Fawn as he strutted and high-stepped which sent my mare sheepishly lowering her head. I chuckled and led her around, rubbing her head as we walked a little ways behind Trenton who paid no mind to the new mare. He was used to new faces anymore due to his racing career and for the fact we had so many animals here on the farm. I looked over as Red walked by, nickering over at Fawn curiously which brought my mare's head up. She whinnied over at her as we walked. I patted her neck in praise to the socialization and walked her around a little more before leading her back to the pasture for the night, glad for a successful day.
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Day 10

Postby ScarletFeather11 » Thu Jul 30, 2015 1:23 pm

Day 10
July 31st

Fawn trotted around the pasture, happily tossing her head and bucking about as she had some fun. I was busy by the outdoor showering stall washing off Shell who was impatiently stomping his hooves and tugging desperately on his lead. I scrubbed my fingers through his pelt to get some mud off him before rinsing him off once more. I slid him a carrot as a treat before walking him through the stables to the back to his pasture. I let him go then walked back into the barn to chase a few curious goats out before they caused too much trouble. Once that was taken care of, I grabbed Fawn's lead rope and halter then walked out to her pasture.

Fawn swiftly turned her trot into a gallop when she saw me. She ran up to the fence and leaned her head into my hands to let me put the halter onto her for her daily exercise of a walk through the farm. She enjoyed prancing around the arena while watching the horses. While doing so, I usually chatted with the riders walking next to us if my father gave them a break. I rubbed her head then had her follow me to the gate. I opened it up then walked her out and down to the arena. In the arena today were the beginners so the ones who only trotted and walked.

The largest horse inside was Bo, our Clydesdale - despite his size he's honestly a great children's horse. He doesn't spook and he's a wonderful listener. The other horses were Liberty and Topaz. Only three for this lesson. I didn't know the children as well. I knew their older siblings though so they knew me from that way. Fawn swiftly took a liking to Bo and walked beside him, nipping at his shoulder since she couldn't really reach his ears due to his height. Bo just let her do what she wanted, whinnying every now and then. He was just a big softy. He wouldn't hurt a fly and as well he loved attention from mares.

I walked Fawn around a few laps before taking her back to the pasture, stopping her every few feet to memorize 'whoa' in her mind so she knew the word meant stop. When we'd get ready to move, I'd cluck my tongue and say walk to familiarize her with those words as well so she'd know that those meant to go. Once at the pasture I let her go then moved to turn in for the evening.
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Day 11

Postby ScarletFeather11 » Thu Jul 30, 2015 1:23 pm

Day 11
August 1st

During the night, Fawn had gotten loose due to one of my cousins unlocking her gate and chasing her out. She ended up injuring her right front leg during her chase to catch her. I called the vet earlier and have an appointment set up for her in the morning. For now I have her in her stall with her leg wrapped. She won't put pressure on it so I know something is wrong with it. I sat in the stall, rubbing her head softly as she laid out inside. I braided her mane every now and then while she flicked her tail, her ears twitching to the noises around her.

"Is she alright?" Ren asked as he leaned against the stall door gently.

I shrugged my shoulders as I patted her neck, "I hope she only has a fracture. If it's broken, I don't know what we're going to do. She can put a little pressure on it now so I know it's not severely injured. I've been pressing my fingers around where it's swelled. She tenses and whinnies out but not like a full out scream."

"When is the vet coming?" he asked after nodding to my words.

"Tomorrow afternoon," I replied as I got up to brush my jeans off. "I'm keeping her in here until after she's checked on and made sure everything is alright."

Ren nodded and let me out of the stall, "I'll be here to help you with her."

I nodded as I checked the time, "Sounds good. Now I'm going to head out to grab some treats for her and some grain. We're out of the kind I give Ranger, Darkness, Calla, and Fawn. I want my mustangs eating that great brand I've been buying."

"I'll keep an eye on Fawn for you then. I'll see you later. I love you," he nodded before kissing my cheek.

I kissed his cheek in return with a nod, "Thanks and I love you too."

I grabbed my keys off the small portable table outside Fawn's stall and jogged out of the barn to my truck. I slid inside, started it up, then drove off down the road to the store.
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Day 12

Postby ScarletFeather11 » Thu Jul 30, 2015 1:24 pm

Day 12
August 2nd

I ruffled my sandy-colored hair as I stood with Fawn in her stall as the vet checked her over. I had to keep Fawn still since each time the vet came near her, she'd shimmy the opposite way with a loud whinny. Now she was finally calm after two hours of fidgeting. I rubbed Fawn's head gently as she lowered it, snorting out in discomfort. I sighed softly and checked the time on my phone before looking to the vet as she finished up, "How is she?"

"It's sprained. I prefer that she stays in her stall every night and absolutely no running or such for a week. I'll come back and see how she is then. If she's healed up, she's good to go. If not then we're going to give her another week. Sound good?" the vet concluded as she packed her things up once Fawn's leg was wrapped up.

I sighed softly but nodded as I let her out, "Sounds good. I'll make sure she's put in the small paddock for the week. Thank you."

"You're welcome, December. I'll see you next Sunday on the ninth. Keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn't worsen," she answered before walking off.

I nodded as I called out, "I will!"

I then looked to Fawn and slid her halter off, "You're staying in here for now. I'll take you out to graze tomorrow. Be careful and stay off that leg."

The mare only whinnied in complaint as she carefully laid down in her bedding, snorting in complaint as well as she flicked her tail. I sighed softly and walked out of the stall, shutting it up before walking off to do some of my chores before going upstairs to my home for dinner and bed.
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Day 13

Postby ScarletFeather11 » Thu Jul 30, 2015 1:24 pm

Day 13
August 3rd

I walked through the aisle of the barn, walking Fawn slowly and carefully to give her a dose of her much needed daily exercise before being put up back in her stall. The poor girl was absolutely hating her stall now. She'd whinny out in complaint and stomp her hind hooves before finally giving in each time. I had to stash carrots in my pocket so she'd follow me into it half the time. I felt bad but she wasn't aloud out in the pasture. I knew exactly what she'd do. She'd run and buck and jump. She did each time I let her out before her accident.

Fawn whinnied out in complaint once more when I walked to her stall and carefully pulled her in for the night. I checked her leg out to make sure the swelling hadn't worsened then gave her a dose of her medicine before disappearing to work on last minute chores then head to bed.
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Day 14

Postby ScarletFeather11 » Thu Jul 30, 2015 1:25 pm

Day 14
August 4th

I sat on the fence, watching Fawn limp around the small round up pen that held a grassy flooring so she could graze a little. I tapped my fingers on the metal fence, watching her nibble the grass in silence with loneliness written all over her face. I sighed softly and slid off the fence into the arena to walk over to her. I laid my arms on her back and laid my head on them soon after. When I saw the loneliness creeping up through her dull eyes, I'd try my best to give her companionship. She lifted her head softly and whinnied out gently before going back to grazing.

Around eight, I hooked her lead back up, walked her around a few laps before leading her back into the stable. She didn't complain or do any non-sense. She only slid inside and carefully laid down in her bedding. I slid her halter off then made my way out of the stall. I locked it up before disappearing down the aisle to my home for the night.
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Week 2 Report

Postby ScarletFeather11 » Thu Jul 30, 2015 1:25 pm

Week 2 Report

Though she is a brilliant and bright horse, Fawn has her faults. She has an injured leg which will take a week to heal. She shows loneliness when away from pasture mates for long periods of time. It's not an issue but it depresses the little mare. Maybe a little farm critter could liven up her to take that loneliness away.
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Day 15

Postby ScarletFeather11 » Sun Aug 09, 2015 5:03 pm

Day 15
August 5th

I sat in Fawn's stall with her nibbling on her oats while I sat on the floor with my laptop in my lap as I checked my email to see if the association had replied yet. I scrolled through it all but stopped when I came to the one marked important with the association's name on it. I grinned and quickly opened it an began reading, hoping and praying I had Fawn's complete history at my fingertips. I leaned back against the wall and continued reading.

Dear December,

I'm so glad you asked for your horse's past on the open range! We're delighted to tell you what we've found on your mare, Fawn. She's a hardy young horse for her age and she has had it rough on the wild side. She was born in 2009 on March 18th into a large herd. Her dam mothered her for three years which ended with her sire kicking them out of the herd. She wandered the ranges with her dam until things took a wrong turn. Her dam was very old and she ended up passing on from a simple fall. Fawn was alone and she was snaked into a herd by a stallion who was a very arrogant horse. We had released him back into the wild after fixing a wound up. She stayed away from him and she fell into a very low rank in the herd. The lead mare would bully her around and the others wouldn't socialize with her very often. She mainly stayed with the yearlings until she was separated.

Fawn was four years old. She wandered for a month alone until she found a bachelor stallion trotting around. He happens to be your gelding; Ranger. Ranger took her under his wing and we saw a bond like no other form between a mare and stallion. He treated her like a sibling and he didn't try anything to test her boundaries. He taught her right from wrong and they stayed tight together. Unfortunately though, the mare and stallion were separated from each other during the round ups. Ranger was taken and put in your care. She wandered for another month until another stallion courted her into the herd. She though was low-ranked again and was soon captured. Fawn was put in your care after.

We don't have any foal records on her. She stayed away from the stallions as much as she could. Fawn is very submissive as you can see and it is from her low-rank, the way stallions treated her, and the way her dam raised her. If you have anymore questions about your mare's history don't be afraid to email us! I hope we've answered your question and I hope you have a wonderful night!

I read the email over once more, looking back at Fawn. I rubbed her leg gently as she swished her tail, not realizing how badly my mare had taken in on the range. I shut my laptop and got up, rubbing her side gently as I spent quality time with her.
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