Postby koegami » Sun Jun 22, 2014 3:28 am

not even a mention.....
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Re: Pseudodragon 103! • Fire

Postby Chimericect » Sun Jun 22, 2014 5:22 am

Reserve owo
I’m here mostly looking for certain closed species!

I’m active on DA and Toyhouse (same username) so feel free to hmu?
I’m pretty much only active in Kiamaras
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Re: Pseudodragon 103! • Fire

Postby guqqi » Sun Jun 22, 2014 5:50 am

Corso Rivinam


Corso does not speak to anyone, unless it means the conversation will end up giving him something in return.
He finds speaking to be a pointless act, as no one needs to know what your thoughts are, or care at all at what
you yourself have to say. Not many have heard him speak, and those who have may have been harmed some
way after it if the conversation ended up pointless in his eyes. This makes others feel intimidated, especially
when he can easily set things on fire without even trying. Though he honestly prefers not to harm others using
his element, he enjoys using decoys to let out anger or other emotions that stack up over time. He's never
stated that he'd never try burning (or other things worse) to others, though because of the silence of the subject,
people expect him to be capable of doing so.

Corso is very impatient, and dislikes wasting his time on anything or anyone. Those who bother or irritate him
will see him lash out as a warning that he would be capable of harming them if they stayed any longer to continue
their annoyance. Even when it is possible to start a conversation with him, there is a very large chance that it
will end just a few words after it starts if he sees or notices the person has an opinion that contradicts his own.
He does show mercy from time to time by just muting out the person bothering him, usually just because he's
too tired to deal with them, or he knows they'll leave soon enough on their own.

Deep Down Secret
Although it's almost the complete opposite of all his thoughts and rules he has set up in his head, Corso enjoys
the topic and/or thought of romance. Thinking about it usually bring him up to the slightest smile, though it
leaves a second after, as he shrugs off the idea, realizing he'd let his guard down if he got involved with it.
He keeps this trait a secret from all, to make sure no one knows any information about his weak spot. For him
its a goal he has, that will have to let him sacrifice his intimidating stance, which makes him feel conflicted as
he does not know if he wants to lose that, even though the loneliness gets to him once in a blue moon.

"Why does Corso despise others so much?"
When he was born, and up all the way through his teen years, Corso was unable to control his powers at all. His parents
had no idea where it came from as they both did not have it themselves, and feared being burned or severely hurt in
the process of trying to help him control it. They did set him down in a small tub of water when he spent little time with
them, but the flames from his eyes couldn't be calmed this way. Due to this, he wasn't able to spend much of his childhood
inside his home unless he was tired or absent minded, when his flames were close to nothing and couldn't really harm
them in any way. Even with the other kids around the block, they feared the young pseudo as he ran happily towards
them with determination to just have a fun time, they ran in fear of the obvious fire that was charging at them. He
didn't know for a while of the reason they were fearing him so much or called him the monster of the neighborhood,
until he heard rumors that he had burned others or their siblings, which of course they were not true in the slightest.
He was shocked that all the time he tried greeting or trying to play with the others was seen as him trying to terrorize
or harm them. He lost his determination of finding friends among his age, as everyone feared or mocked his uncontrollable
flames. This slowly grew on him as a grudge until it became part of him. As a teen, the fear people had of him followed
behind. New rumors came out every year, and others only approached him to joke about making smores or just trying to
be his fake friend in order to get information or "street cred" for even being near him. Though there was a female friend
who was new to the place, and had not heard of the rumors yet. He tried his best to keep her from them, even though he
had nothing to hide since they were all false. Sadly, around two weeks later, the others got a hold of her to tell her about
"the monster" she has befriended. As the days went by she gradually stopped coming over or speaking to Corso, making him
realize they had dragged her in with their ideas of him. The rumors slowly disappeared as he became an adult, the others
beginning their lives and not worrying over the rumored pyromaniac. This wasn't any news for Corso, as the deed was already
done, and the grudge slowly sank into him, unable to be removed. Time passed, and some of those who mocked him for most
of his childhood came to apologize for making him suffer through all the fake information about him being passed along.
Instead of being glad a few saw that their actions were incorrect and tried apologizing, it was adding fuel to the fire. He
lashed out many of the times, burning some who hurt him more than others. He slowly realized he had become those rumors
that tormented him all the way up to this point, giving into the now-facts that he's heard all his life.
Well, how did he learn to control his flames?
Shortly after reaching adulthood, Corso snapped as one of those who tortured him told him his final taunt, the response of
his anger being setting the forest he grew in on fire, hating the thought of seeing it up after all the pain he's gone threw,
from being thrown into the river by the others and being called the monster that'll soon end them all. His parents had luckily
moved from the forest and were safe from the scorching of the forest, including his childhood home. After the rampage was
over, he passed out from exhaustion, waking up and realizing what he'd done, but accepting it as he felt it was a
reasonable comeback to those who lived around here as well. Being too attached to all his memories good and bad, he stayed
there for good, only leaving to collects water from the river outside. Those who used to live there keep their mouths shut as
to how the forest was burned down, fearing the possible consequences from the pseudo they've poked at all these years.
They were shocked as to how he never retaliated all those years, and how much damage he could have done to them,
appreciating one of the only moments Corso has ever showed mercy.
Forging Metal
He enjoys melding and forging any metallic scraps he find in or near his forest, having an easy time doing so
as his own hands are what causes it to bend in whichever way he'd prefer to move it. He doesn't usually make
something out of bending metal, it's more of an activity that keeps him calm and focused on something instead
of lashing out. He can sometimes be seen with a small metal bar behind his ear, usually when he know's he's
going somewhere that will most likely cause him to grow anger.

With no one around, it's impossible to anger Corso. He enjoys the silence and view of his burnt up forest, along
with the noises it brings during the night such as the crickets and the few animals that have returned to the forest
even though he made most of the life there flee. Sitting on his charred porch in the morning is his favorite time of
the day, since no ones around at all, and his flames are easily hidden during this time.

Although he grew up in his forest, he wasn't able to go far from home from either being shoo'd away or fearing getting
lost. Now that the barriers are away as he has the place to himself, he enjoys walking around and finding things he didn't
know were there before. From time to time he notices other burned up homes, though he feels no guilt at all and casually
walks up to explore them as well. If he finds something interesting, he brings it back to his porch and inspects them,
finding out what they do or what they are before returning them near the place he had found them in the first place.

Those who are hyper and loud are the worst kind of people to Corso, they see life too simple which will end in
disaster as they're too childish when their childhood has ended, no excuse to act that way now. He does not
mind children, though staying around them for too long can anger or tire him out, so he prefers not to be in
areas where they are commonly seen.

Corso already dislikes speaking and being around people as stated before, and tries staying away from people
as much as he can. Finding them to be a nuisance, if they are in need of something he will most likely deny
their request. When he does agree to helping, he still does not try speaking or even looking at the person. If
help was not be able to found though, he apologizes though also rudely ask them to leave right away.

Although he does sometimes sit out in the rain when in thought, storms are a bit harsher and do harm him as
it makes the areas that can create fire sting. Anything to do with too much water harms him greatly, usually
making him unable to turn on his flames until an hour or two later. When drinking water (which he tries not
doing it so much unless it was needed), he is unable to breathe fire for up to a day, which makes him feel

•If he breathe fire for too long, he begins coughing smoke which he tries avoid doing. He uses his tail flames
to create charcoal off some of the dead trees, and chews on it for a while to regenerate his fire breath. This
rarely happens as he usually only uses it to scare off others or some creatures in the forest. Also, burnt out
or not, Corso puffs out little rings of smoke when asleep, his own little way of snoring.

•Corso keeps a straight or unamused face most of the time, his emotions are really shown much through facial
expressions. The way to notice his thoughts or emotion at the moment is through his fire. If they are hidden,
which is common when near people as he has no intention of harming them through it, then you will have to
try your best at guessing since a frown all the time isn't going to help you much. When nervous or in love
(the rarest features), the fire coming from his eyes goes stronger, and his tail fire is put out. When tired or
calm, all fire is either completely off or slightly glowing, unable to harm another unless he makes physical
contact with them, which is never. There are many patterns to his emotion that he doesn't even notice, so
bringing it up will catch him off guard.

•Corso actually has a hard time with his vision. Needing glasses is on his wishlist, though again it's not
possible as his flames would quickly melt the metal/plastic frame of them. For now, he has a hard time
recognizing people from far away, or reading anything that isn't directly in front of him. He tries his
best not to squint or show others he may need help reading or noticing something, though he fails at doing
so, as everyone knows he does have trouble at times. His eyes' fire also makes him unable to tear up, as it
doesn't matter if its on or off, the area around his eyes is always at a hot temperature, making his tears
evaporate the moment they try leaving his eyes.

Sarcella is the only living being that can approach Corso without being interrogated or scared off, she
actually act as Corso's leash, not letting him get out of hand with his anger. He dislikes being looked
out for, though secretly enjoys her company and care. She knows Corso like the back of her hand,
and stays as quiet as possible when visiting. Corso gives her the cold shoulder most of the time,
even though on the inside he's very grateful as she tries being his friend. With his memories scarring
him, he never agrees to being her friend as he fears one day she will come out as faking the friendship
all along. If not alone, he is usually seen walking along with Sarcella. If a possibility of Sarcella getting
harmed comes into play, Corso will make sure she'll stay safe, even if he has to force her not to go.

Although Corso is under Queztacoatl's rule, he tries his best to keep out of her sight to keep things
calm, as her arrogance can anger him rather quickly. Keeping in the shadows, he doesn't enjoy
meeting up with the other elements, as he himself doesn't like being an element from the trouble
its caused. If he's called up to go see the queen, he camouflages in the ashes of the forest, though
is caught when they start hosing down possible hiding spots until they see his flames come up from
being agitated. When he comes up, he does try his best to be polite, even though in his mind he's
most likely arguing about her attitude. If you don't have nothing nice to say, then don't say it, right?

Extra Info:
Birthday: November 12th
Horoscope: Scorpio
"The Scorpio may not speak volumes or show emotions readily, yet rest assured
there's an enormous amount of activity happening beneath the surface. Excellent
leaders, Scorpions are always aware. When it comes to resourcefulness, this sign
comes out ahead."

Sexuality: Demisexual
"Does not experience sexual attraction unless they form
a strong emotional connection with someone."

Why Do You Want Him?:
To be honest, I'm usually not attracted to fire characters since I have a hard time drawing fire, but something with
this boy clicked and I just had to try out! As I began to make art of him I've learned how to make it (partially, I'm
still rusty xux) and how to do little paintings. The more I worked on my form the more I wasn't afraid to experiment
when it cam to the art portion. As for the writing, I've always had this character set in point, though I never realized
that if they had fire charges it'll add to the experience. So even though my memory is terrible, I almost got caught by
the end date when I realized I haven't even updated my form with the work I've done. I have so many ideas for this guy,
and so much love to give him!

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aka BlueAuraz/Baloo.

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Inferno's Corner

Postby ~Static~ » Sun Jun 22, 2014 5:54 am


Inferno • Male • Pansexual
Cool & calm mostly, but
quick to anger, he was
created by a forest fire. He
isn't mean usually, but his
temper rises quickly. He
can only use his powers when
he's angered fiercly, and as
of yet can't control them. He
doesn't really have a defined
gender, and is attracted to
pseudos of all sexual

The dragon emerged from the ashes, turning his head to observe his surroundings. He was shrouded with a thin layer of ash, which rested even on his eyelids. He flicked his tongue, and discovered that much of the ash was still floating. He could tell the fire had been recent. He crawled under the fallen tree trunks, slithering between the burning coals as though he had been doing it all his life. Now that he thought about it, he couldn't remember much of his life. In fact, his earliest memory was emerging from a tree trunk many moons ago, when the forest was lush, green, and full of life. He'd decided to leave when the fire started. He had little to no memory of his parents. He could vaguely see two shadowy shapes couched next to him. If he concentrated, he could make out their expressions- incredibly worried. Then they slunk away, leaving him hidden deep within the brush. He felt resentment towards them for leaving him- no, more than that. Anger. His eyes clouded with flames.


✘ Children
✔ Sleeping
✘ Excitement
✔ Sugary things
✘ Vegetables
✔ Fire
✘ Heights
✔ Drawing with charcoal
✘ Falling
✔ Dreams
✘ Has an irrational fear of
crickets born of a bad
childhood experience.

His Queen wrote:Inferno resents his queen incredibly,
mostly because he hates being ruled
over and resent has grown to be his
most prominent trait. However, he
is partly irritated by her arrogance,
and how she hardly ever talks to
anyone, including him. He tries to
find loopholes in every command,
but never being openly disobedient
as he knows she punishes her
subjects harshly. However, below
all of this he admires her strength
to continue leading after her horrible
past and resentment towards her
subjects which has slowly deteriorated.
Personality wrote:Inferno can be arrogant when he is
angered, but generally is friendly
towards most. He may have a
vicious temper, but it doesn't
normally show. He is tricky and
clever, and fiercely defends his
kingdom, no matter how annoyed
he is with it's queen. He envisions
himself as a much better leader,
although this is not necessarily
true do to his not reacting well under
pressure and tending to "blow up"
at those around him. Truthfully he
likes it better when someone else
Last edited by ~Static~ on Sun Aug 10, 2014 9:53 am, edited 20 times in total.
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Re: Pseudodragon 103! • Fire

Postby Valesfer » Sun Jun 22, 2014 3:06 pm

reserve :3


If you ever need anything please don't be afraid to message me!
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Re: Pseudodragon 103! • Fire

Postby 'ye » Fri Jun 27, 2014 9:45 am

my stocking ❤ - neopets - she/her pronouns - trying for bean 209 and pseudo 103 - say hi


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Re: Pseudodragon 103! • Fire

Postby ToastingCinnamon » Sat Jul 05, 2014 12:13 am


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Re: Pseudodragon 103! • Fire

Postby ToastingCinnamon » Wed Jul 09, 2014 3:55 am

extending the deadline to the 20th because I rather get back from vacation to judge this. ;v;

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Re: Pseudodragon 103! • Fire

Postby pidgeoncat » Wed Jul 09, 2014 4:05 am

markkk omg
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Re: Pseudodragon 103! • Fire

Postby Hobbit Geek » Thu Jul 17, 2014 4:13 am

Reserved <3


To do list;
1. Finish 2 lineless headshots for PK
2. Art trade with ~soul~

-Avatar by Dragoncool97
-Heashot in sig by me
-Pixel by Pengu.
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