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Re: Stars V.2 • Quest Board

Postby Vinson » Sat Jan 15, 2022 9:13 am

Username: Vinson
Clan: clan of the broken night

Quest Number: 3

Crowcrawl was used to getting his way.
And he was used to getting his way when he wanted it, not a moment later.

And so, when Carrionstar so graciously offered him the position of fallback, of second in command, he took it without hesitation. He knew that the old bat would make him his second in command. There was clearly no better option - all of the other cats that Carrion had pulled off the streets and out of the parks to make his so called 'clan' were weak minded. He was the only one fit for the job, although he did have to admit that Griffonclaw had given him a run for his money at the last minute. But he saw the way that Carrion looked at Griffonclaw's son Eaglekit. He saw the hesitation in his leader's eyes and seized the opportunity. And now they ruled together.

At first, Crowcrawl had thought that Carrionstar was going to be a weak leader, one who depended on their clan too much, who couldn't take a hit without crawling back to Deathwish - Deathwish, he thought with a sigh. That old blind ghost who thought she could speak with the dead. She was old enough where she herself should be dead at this point, too, he grumbled, narrowing his eyes. If his plan were to work, he needed to find a way to get rid of her - and possibly her daughter, Whisperpromise. The two of them meant nothing but trouble for him, even though Whisperpromise had real clan blood like he did. He supposed it was because of her mother that she held such tight beliefs about her ways.

But the two of them, along with their new watch, Softstep, provided comfort to Carrionstar. And only the stars above knew just how much comfort Carrion would need in the coming moons. Crowcrawl wanted, no, needed, for this to work. There was no way it couldn't. And even though there was a small glimmer of distrust and doubt in the back of his mind, he pushed it down. This was no time to doubt himself. He knew that he had a cruel heart. It was how Serpent, his father, had raised him, and he had no regrets about that. Despite his cruelness he had still gotten two lovely mollies to fall for him, to have his kits, his beautiful daughters. And that satisfied him. His blood would live on. Carrionstar, on the other paw, had no kits. When Carrionstar fell, he thought, fangs gleaming in the low moonlight, who would be there to carry on his legacy? Nobody.

Crowcrawl surveyed the camp, looking around at each cat he could spot, trying to pick out the cats that supported him now, the cats that would need a little convincing, and the cats that were too weak to put up a fight when the inevitable happened. He narrowed his eyes, realizing with a start that his vision was growing tired. There were grey hairs on his muzzle already. But this only made Crowcrawl angrier. He had waited moons upon moons. He had bided his time, rising to Carrionstar's calls so many times, giving support where it was needed. Had he not earned what was supposed to be his? Had he not rightfully earned the title of leader? He was tired of being Crowcrawl, groveling in the shadows of his leader's paws. He was ready to be a star - one that would eclipse Carrionstar's legacy and bring the clan of the broken night together, drawing them together into a real clan, one that could rule the whole city. He huffed, turning from his post in the attic of the stuffy old building they were camped at and padding downwards, towards the rest of the cats below.

So far, his plan had worked well. He knew exactly how many lives Carrionstar had left - most of the original founding members of the clan assumed they did, but really it was just between Carrion, Deathwish, and himself. The rest of the clan did not know that Carrion had jumped in front of a car to save Jaykit when Crowcrawl had tossed the poor mewling kit up on that road himself, been the one to fetch Carrionstar quickly. The rest of the clan did not know that Carrion had died swiftly when Crowcrawl had delivered him a bird stuffed with poison. The rest of the clan did not know that Crowcrawl had been the one to lead them into a dead end alley filled with angry dogs. Crowcrawl puffed out his chest, thinking of all the lives that he had caused Carrionstar to lose - lives that he knew were meant to be his. And they would be his not just one distant day in the future - no, they would be his tonight. Carrionstar only had one life left to lose, and Crowcrawl was going to pounce on it and take it just as he had all those other lives for the past countless moons.

He had made his decision. He would not grow old without leading this clan into its future. They were destined to be great, but not with Carrionstar as a leader. He was too weak. He let mangy strays and soft kittypets into the clan without batting an eye, unworried about the clan's reputation. Crowcrawl stalked to his nest, quickly laying down and kneading his sharp claws into the blankets and moss. It was growing dark, and Crowcrawl had long ago given his orders for night guard and dawn patrol. He had made sure to put the cats he trusted, the ones who supported him, on guard tonight, and was quick to assign Carrionstar's biggest supporters to the dawn patrol so that they would retire to their nests early tonight. If all went as planned, the night guard would say they hadn't heard a peep, and the rest of the poor sleepyheads would be forced to turn to Crowcrawl as their rightful leader. If all went as planned, he would be Crowstar by the time the stars began to give way in the sky to the sun. With the stars as his only witness, Crowcrawl would swiftly and painlessly take his leader's last life in an act of mercy. The clan must move on, he would say, sadness paining his face. The clan must usher in a new era of pride and reputation. Crowcrawl fell asleep swiftly, a small grin on his face for the first time in a long time.

It was a few hours later when Serpentslither woke him from his slumber quietly, prodding him not so gently with his brutish paws. He glared up at his father for waking him roughly, but then turned his eyes away. He could not let Serpent see the glimmer of doubt in his eyes. Instead he rose, stretched, sheathed his claws so he made no noise, and padded towards Carrionstar's separate den. His heartbeat slowly sped up, ticking in his chest at a steadily rising pace. He tried to calm himself. There was no reason to be afraid. He was simply taking what was meant to be his. He narrowed his eyes, steeling himself in the dark. He knew his father was watching. He knew that Smolderingkestrel and Owllight were watching, the two young cats with so much anger and ambition and potential. But he did not look back. He could not look back now, he realized. He was about to do something so malicious and despicable that if he dared to turn his gaze over his shoulder and glance back then he would never carry through with his plan. Crowcrawl flexed his muscles, unsheathed his claws, and braced himself for what he was going to do next. When he emerged from Carrionstar's den next, he would be leader. He would make Smolderingkestrel his fallback, much to the disappointment of Serpent. But he couldn't be sure that Serpent would not, given the chance, kill him before he was to obtain his name and nine lives and simply take the title for himself. He could not let that happen. Smolder, however, wouldn't dare turn on him.

Crowcrawl entered Carrionstar's den quietly, softly, as if trying not to disturb a sleeping kit. But as he entered the separate room, he saw eyes opening in the darkness before him. Carrionstar's single blind eye still glowed, and Crowcrawl silently cursed at himself for not waiting so long outside. But he remained calm. Everything relied on him staying calm.

"Hello, Crow," Carrion murmured, sitting up in his nest. Crowcrawl practically heard his joints creaking. He padded over to his leader's nest and sat quietly.
"Hello, Carrionstar," he nodded quietly back, trying his hardest not to let his voice quiver. He could not betray his true emotions. His plan. It was beginning to fall apart in front of his eyes, however. He couldn't shake the feeling that somehow Carrion had figured it out. He tilted his head, looking at his leader curiously.
"Oh, Crowcrawl," Carrionstar puffed, blinking swiftly. "I thought I had made the right decision in choosing you. It was foolish of me," he continued, and Crowcrawl felt the beginnings of a growl in his throat. That decision was the only one to this date that Crowcrawl had fully agreed with.
"What do you mean by that?" Crow glanced curiously at Carrion, slowly sheathing his claws and praying to the stars that Carrion hadn't noticed in the first place. He winced, though. Carrion may be old and half blind, but he was not a completely unobservant fool.
"The stars told me that I would pick the right cat without their guidance. That they could not tell me who to name as my fallback. I wish they had, Crow. Maybe then we would not be where we are right now."

Crowcrawl stiffened. "You regret having me at your side all these years? We have grown old together, Carrion. You have led a successful clan. And you know that your time is coming to an end. Pass the torch, Carrion," he growled, hurt by his leader's apparent regret. Had he been nothing but loyal all this time? Sticking around in a weak clan that didn't appreciate him and his ambition? And now, now that he was trying to do the right thing and turn the tide, he was told that he didn't matter. Carrion dared to mock him to his face? Then he would not die the painless death that Crowcrawl had been planning for him. He would get what he deserved - they both would.

"No, I don't regret choosing you at first. You were the right cat for the job. You had ambition. You knew what you wanted, and you were willing to work for it. But Crow, you have fallen off that path. You have deliberately put your clan in danger. You have needlessly taken my lives. For what?" Carrionstar asked, rising out of his nest to stand and face Crowcrawl. Even though he was elderly and stiff, Carrion was still an imposing figure. But his words enraged Crowcrawl.

"You know what I've done this for, you old fool!" Crow hissed violently under his breath. He had reached his breaking point. "You have grown old as a leader, respected by your foolish soft clan, while I have waited in your shadow for my chance. I waited patiently. But here you are now, old and gray and brittle, telling me what I cannot have! I deserve this!" Crowcrawl unsheathed his claws and swiped at Carrionstar, feeling nothing but rage when Carrion sidestepped and dodged his blow. "I was going to kill you peacefully, you know. In your sleep. Not anymore, you bag of bones!" Crowcrawl pounced, his eyes alight with anger, and swiftly brought his claws down upon Carrionstar's ragged old pelt. The old cat hissed, threw him off, and struck a blow of his own. The two toms slunk to the corners of the den, circling each other, both of them full of anger - but both of them for different reasons. Carrionstar had just been betrayed by his own fallback, a cat he had once shared a name with, and Crowcrawl was relishing the roiling rage that was rolling off of Carrionstar.

The two black tabbies dove at each other in a fit, claws slashing and fangs flashing, both drawing blood. Crowcrawl fell back to his paws as Carrionstar swiped effortlessly at his soft belly, muzzle curling. But he had managed to scratch Carrion's head, and blood was dripping into his eyes, obscuring his already half blind vision. Crowcrawl knew that this was his chance. His heart raced, his vision narrowed, and all he could see was Carrion. Without making his usual battle roar, Crow dove at Carrion with all the strength he had in his body - but Carrion fought back. The two grappled, rolling around the room, landing blows and spilling blood. Crowcrawl gasped as Carrionstar's jaws tightened suddenly around his neck.

This was not how it was supposed to go. This was not the plan.

Crowcrawl jerked his head free just before Carrionstar could deliver a killing bite, flashing back around to clamp down on Carrion's leg. They scrambled away from each other, heaving, the floor painted red. "I don't want what you have," Crowcrawl growled, low in his belly. "I want to be you!" he snapped, diving at Carrionstar once more. The two of them locked into battle like it was an intricate dance, weaving around one another, striking each other with vicious claws. Crowcrawl felt Carrion's blow to his neck with a twinge in his stomach, and he dove wildly for the older tom, teeth flashing. In a rage of red, Crowcrawl saw nothing as he felt his jaws clamp down and heard something crack. He dropped Carrionstar's slowly stilling body and backed away, vision still clouded with anger, and Crowcrawl laughed. He laughed and he laughed, until finally he collapsed and fell as still and silent as Carrionstar.

They were both found not long afterwards. Crowcrawl was frozen in time with a cruel smile on his bloodied muzzle.

Word Count: 2348 words
Last edited by Vinson on Mon Jan 24, 2022 1:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stars V.2 • Quest Board

Postby Griff » Wed Jan 19, 2022 6:44 pm

Username: Griff
Clan: ... er:2507939

Quest Number: 1

Crowcall grumped, as he bent down to lick at his paw. A sudden 'TCH!' made his stop however. Startled, he nearly jumped in place. As it was, all of his fur stood on end and his tail lashed about like a snake that had been bitten. "What was that for?" He hissed, ears laid back. Blossomcrown simply smiled in that serene way of theirs. That absolutely infuriating, serene smile.

"I told you not to mess with it, did I not?" She asked, her expression never changing. "It is bandaged, and has healing herbs on it. Licking will disrupt the healing process, and you do not want that. Do you know why?" Crowcall shook his head.

"No, but I am going to guess it is because all you medicine cat types love making stupid rules..." Blossomcrown smirked, looking briefly amused as their tail swayed idly behind them.

"Close. It is because it will take longer to heal, which means you would be stuck here longer with me. And, correct me if I am wrong, but for one such as you that might just be a fate worse than death yes?" The dark cat groaned loudly, before flopping down on the ground.

"GAH THIS SUCKS!" He replied. "What do you even do for fun 'round here anyways?"

"Well we sort herbs, try to make new concoctions to see what works, but I imagine all this so far sounds terribly dull to you doesn't it?"

"...It would to anyone..." Crowcall grumbled, lamenting his fate.

"I think I know something that might be more your speed. How does... mashing things together sound? It can make a rather large mess..."


"Mmm-hmmm. Follow me dearest Mess Maker." The medicine cat led the way, further into her lair where various liquids and herbs sat. She showed Crowcall which ones to smash together, the many ways to do so. He even created quite a few of his own methods as he worked, which made her chuckle. In this way, time passed on quickly until the week was up.

"Already?" he asked. "Er, I mean woo hoo! Freedom!" Blossomcrown had a faint smirk, before she pulled from her own crown a single pressed flower. Bright yellow in hue. a honeysuckle.

"A token of our time together. Treat it well, won't you?" Crowcall nodded, taking a bit of grass to tie it onto his paw.

"I will! And hey... you ain't so bad. For a medicine cat." She chuckled, shooing him off.

"I will take that as a compliment... and for your sake don't end up back in my place soon you hear?" She was going to miss that little stinker.

Word Count: 442

Username: Griff
Clan: ... er:2507939

Quest Number: 3

It was amazing just how much of her life Blossomcrown had devoted to her craft. From sunup to sundown, she would tirelessly combine different herbs and materials to see what worked best together. She would blend, dry out, experiment, create pastes, salves, liquids... wherever intuition led her that is what she would attempt to do. It was a credit to her clan, and the reason they were able to stay as healthy as they did.

But, it was a detriment in certain other areas.

Talltail had an eye for Blossomcrown, entranced by her beauty and keen mind. The cat had tried everything to get their attention! Stories, special herbs, exciting new components, treats, food... nothing seemed to work! Blossomcrown treated them the same way they did everyone else: with respect but little interest. "Bah! If I was a plant, they would like me more..." they grumbled. Why? Why could they not pierce that shell, get closer inside? They wanted to know more about Blossomcrown, everything! They wanted to nap beside them, share supper, tell stories all day and enjoy life! Why couldn't they be let in?

Still, they kept trying. They could not give up so easily right? Right. Keep trying and certainly their efforts would one day be well rewarded! A sprig of honeysuckle in maw, they paused as they heard voices from outside the Medicine Cat's lair. Pressing an ear in, they moved to listen. "Thank you very much Crowcall. I swear... the others misjudge you really. You went out of your way to find me this... thank you. In a few moons perhaps... you will hear me calling haha!" Talltail heard laughter, as the apprentice laughed too.

"Any time you nutter, any time!" They reply, before jogging away tail held high. Talltail hissed under their breath, dropping their flowers as their tail twitched rapidly behind them. How dare. HOW DARE THAT APPRENTICE. How did an apprentice get noticed when he had tried so hard... and nothing! NOTHING! Well, it was time to be noticed one way or another, they would make sure of it.

They waited until Blossomcrown was away, and then set to work. Vials, sprigs, every herb they could get ahold of was buried, hidden away, and made to look like it had vanished entirely. As the cat came back, the entire camp heard a hurt wail. All eyes came to the Medicine Cat lair, as they saw what had been done. "Blossomcrown, are you alright?" Talltail asked, looking far too innocent.

"No I... the herbs for everyone! They're gone! And... and the..."

"The what?"

"Crowcall had brought me something special... something to remind me of home. It was a rose blossom, a yellow one. The kind that are hard to get around here and its gone too. I just... who would do this? Why? I could never forgive them! Hnnnngh!"

"How about we get more together, hmmm?"

"I... I just..." Crowcall padded up then. peering up.

"Good thing I always bring a spare," they say, holding a yellow rose carefully in their mouth. "Just in case. Was thinking... maybe we could try planting it. You know how to plant these right? That way you have a whole bunch later!" Blossomcrown's eyes go wide, as she looks towards the apprentice.

"Thank you... we can plant them now!"

"Yeah! We'll plant you a whole buncha herbs too to replace what ya lost. Vinetail can help and- ACK!" Before anyone could stop what was coming, Talltail slammed hard into Crowcall's side.

"Why do you keep butting in where you dont belong? I will help her! I will-"

"Talltail... why do you have a rose petal stuck to your fur...?" Blossomcrown whispered, her ears flat back.

"Well I... er... that is..."

"THE TRUTH." Emberstar hissed as he stepped in, pushing the cats apart.

"I... may have hid a few things but they are all still intact! I just wanted her to... to notice me." All of the cats looked away in disgust, before Emberstar sighed.

"Fix what you did... and you can stay. But I doubt you will ever get her notice again the way you want." And, unfortunately for Talltail... he was right.

Word Count: 696
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Re: Stars V.2 • Quest Board

Postby nindroidzane » Tue Jan 25, 2022 1:47 pm

Username: nindroidzane
Clan: FrostClan

Quest Number: 1
"Ow, hey!"

Emberpaw swivelled at the sudden shriek, claws already unsheathed and... kind of buried uselessly in the snow.

Right. It was just the kits.

Forcing his fur to lay flat (and his heart to stop blaring alarm bells) he cast a sideways glance at Lily, hoping she would just deal with this one herself. He really wasn't in the mood to stand out in the open snow all day, settling pointless disputes that would've been forgotten anyway if he didn't intervene.

It still felt very unfair that he of all the cubs had been given kit duty with his second mentorship. He understood that learning new skills was important, yes, and fine, maybe some cats other than Lily and Dustmite should know how to take care of wailing, messy kits. All of that made perfect sense.

But why him? Couldn't he have picked up some extra hunting? Maybe learned to swim? Stars, he'd rather be cooped up studying herbs all day than have to constantly deal with these three.

Especially out here, where he felt so exposed, like some owl or fox or something would swoop in and snatch any of them up at any time. And then it would be his fault that the kit the same colour as the snow had gotten out of his sight five seconds long enough to be snatched up for some creature's snack. If it were up to him, they wouldn't be allowed out of camp at all.

But it wasn't up to him. Which was frustrating now, but he supposed once he became a scout he probably wouldn't even be thinking about it anymore.

So he kept his mouth shut when Lily gave him a look, stalking over to where Milkkit and Petalkit were batting at each other, claws unsheathed. They really should've known better by now - their claws were getting to be more than just prickle-sharp. Maybe they would have a talk later.

Or maybe Lily would, since it was her job and she was their mother.

"What now?" Emberpaw didn't try to keep the annoyance out of his voice, prying them apart with one paw. Petalkit looked up at him, face screwed up in anger.

"Milkkit bit my tail!" She squeaked, jabbing an accusing paw into his snout. Milkkit just stuck his tongue out in defiance, blissfully unable to hear whatever headache inducing argument was about to unfold.

"I'm sure he didn't mean to." Emberpaw sighed, though he wasn't sure of that at all. Milkkit had a habit of hunting after his sisters' tails; claws, teeth and all. It would probably save a lot of trouble to just give him some kind of actual practice - some sort of game or something. Give him some experience for the future, keep him out of Petalkit and Snowkit's fur-


Emberpaw straightened up in alarm. He hadn't seen her in ages now, and she had an awful knack for wandering off right under everybody's noses. Ignoring the yelps of protest beneath him, he stood and trotted up to Lily, fur prickling uncomfortably. He kept his ears pricked, and gave the occasional cursory glance around for a splash of grey dotting the snow - she couldn't have gone far, could she?

"Lily," He panted, not realizing he was out of breath until he heard his own voice. "Have you seen Snowkit?"

He twisted his head at the sound of the wind, hissing at himself internally when there was nothing there.

"Snowkit?" Lily blinked thoughtfully, not looking nearly concerned as Emberpaw felt. He was angry, for a second, before he realized that she probably knew better than he did, and he was being awfully pathetic about a kitten exploring a little. Lochvine would be disappointed.

"Hm. She's probably gone looking for flowers again." Lily turned to scan the area - which Emberpaw had already done about five hundred times, but he neglected to say that - and frowned softly to herself.

"I really should have a talk with her." She murmured, probably to herself. Emberpaw silently agreed, but he already knew it would be pointless since they'd already had talks with her dozens of times.

And he really doubted she'd gone back into camp, but he begrudgingly agreed to stay out and watch the other two while she went inside to check with Dustmite.

They fought again before Lily returned outside, and once more after she left to look for Snowkit. Over the exact same thing. And since his scolding slash pleading with Milkkit to just stop biting his sister on the tail was quite literally falling on deaf ears, he resorted to inventing some game to keep them distracted until Lily came back, or Dustmite came out to save him or something.

He was discreetly eyeing the spot on Petalkit's tail where it seemed that Milkkit may have torn out a clump of fur (should Sunspark look at that?) when Lily came stepping lightly over the snow, a small grey kit lagging behind her.

Feeling more relieved than he was comfortable with, he turned back to the other kits and whatever their game had devolved into. He wasn't exactly sure what the rules were, or what was even happening anymore, but they weren't killing each other, so-

A small nose burying itself in his flank nearly made him jump out of his fur. And it took a great deal of restraint not to lash out his claws at the kitten beside him (just the idea of it made him dizzy).

Instead, he forced his fur flat and turned down to look at her. She was looking up expectantly at him - well, in the general direction of his face, anyway. In her mouth, held delicately between her teeth, was a small, slightly wilted flower. Emberpaw blinked.

"Oh, um," He glanced at the other kits, but they weren't paying him any attention. "That's a very pretty flower."

It was true, he did find the flower very pretty - he hadn't seen too many flowers around his part of the city, and he certainly didn't see many here. But saying that out loud made his fur itch, and he caught himself turning to look at the camp entrance, as if Lochvine would be standing there, judging his every word.

"It's for you." Snowkit mumbled carefully around the flower, which came out so garbled he wasn't even sure what she'd said for a couple of heartbeats.

But then he realized…

Oh. It was for him.

He stood there for a few more heartbeats, staring down at her as if she'd told him she'd just eaten her own tail. She poked her nose into his flank eventually, as if to make sure he was still there. Right. He should probably say something.

"O-oh, ah, thank you very much, Snowkit." He stammered (he stammered; Emberpaw could practically hear what he'd think about that). He paused for another moment, then leaned down to carefully - more delicately than he'd ever done anything in his life - take the flower from her.

Another stretch of silence. He set the flower down, very gently, away from her wrestling siblings, and peered back down at her curiously.

It was probably a stupid question, kits gave cats random gifts all the time. But…

"...Why are you giving this to me?" He scraped a claw nervously against the snow (nervous in front of a kit).

Snowkit's ear twitched at the sound, and she put her little paw on top of his. She looked thoughtful for a moment - then very decisive, as though she hadn't really had much to think about at all.

"I just think you're nice." She purred, abandoning his paw to lean down and give the flower a gentle sniff. "And… you seemed like you could use a flower."

Emberpaw needed a minute to process that. And by the time he did, it seemed the other kits had abandoned their game.

Snowkit cocked her head at Petalkit's offended yelp somewhere off behind him, and she trotted over to see what all the fuss was about. Emberpaw already knew what all the fuss was going to be about, and Lily was back now, so she could deal with it.

Instead, he looked down by his side, where the flower was laying in the snow, small and fragile. It probably wouldn't last much longer, especially with the cold the clouds had been promising all day.

But it was… the flower was so beautiful against the stark white snow, with small, vibrant petals and a thin stem with the faintest dent marks a kit's teeth could make.

He couldn't remember ever getting anything so pretty, so simple, for just… just for no reason.

Just because he was nice?

He glanced back at the kits, all three of them now, playing an entirely different game, dispute apparently forgotten. He'd never really thought of them as… more than just kits. They thought he was nice? At least one of them… cared for him, even if it was only a bit?

That made him feel very strange, and the uncomfortable prick of his fur and dampness in his eyes made him look away to collect himself.

Even still… his nest felt a lot warmer that night, a small splash of purple peering up at him between the twigs and needles.

Maybe they'd chosen him for a reason, after all.


Word Count: 1,564

Quest Number: 2

Quest Number: 3
It hadn't been the most pleasant day for Blossomstrike.

Well, it hadn't been very pleasant for any cat, really. Tensions were high once again, for more reasons than Blossomstrike cared to learn, and being trapped in camp by an awful blizzard wasn't making matters any better. A dark gloom hung over the camp, drowned out only by the blaring rush of wind and snow coming from outside (and unfortunately, through) the camp entrance.

Of course, Blossomstrike didn't feel quite as trapped as some of the others seemed to - she didn't think she'd seen Stoatwhisker quit pacing back and forth by the entrance all day. But it had been hard for her to get out much lately, with the kits so young, so it didn't seem too much different than usual. The caretakers were a great deal of help, yes, but it still felt as though she couldn't get five moments to herself before one of the kits started squealing across camp for her to come back. And it didn't help that Mothspeckle never seemed to be around to help watch them - she was their mother, too, they'd surely be content to chew on her tail for a few hours.

Speaking of her mate… she'd been awfully distant lately. Going out with every patrol, hunting out on her own when there wasn't one to go with. At some point, they'd begun sleeping in separate nests - probably some excuse about 'room for the kits, when they arrive'. She'd accepted it then, but her excuses were starting to wear thin, and Blossomstrike was beginning to lose her patience.

Why wasn't she here with them now, anyway? No cat was allowed outside of camp, so she couldn't possibly have run out on a hunt this time. She had to be in camp, somewhere...

Suddenly it became very obvious just how badly Mothspeckle wanted to avoid her.

Before it could have just been… Blossomstrike's myriad of excuses on her behalf, when Mothspeckle's had stopped being good enough. She'd always been a hard worker. Maybe she's just stressed over something, and hunting clears her head. Hunting is just something she enjoys - maybe all the hunters were like that, including herself, and being away from it for a while had let her see it differently.

Obviously this had nothing to do with hunting today, though. She threw back a look at the den behind her, where Lily and Dustmite were successfully entertaining the kits; Emberglow seemed to have set up some sort of game. Satisfied that they'd be fine for the moment, she quietly stepped out into the chill wind.

A quick glance over the camp clearing didn't turn up any Mothspeckle; not that it was very surprising, if she was trying to avoid her. Stoatwhisker was still pacing back and forth, now accompanied by a somewhat concerned looking Webfur, but other than them and a handful of antsy looking cubs, it was mostly deserted. Everyone must have been in their warm nests, waiting out the blizzard. Smart of them.

She did spot Sunspark and Starsight murmuring urgently to each other as well, stopped halfway through the entrance to the medicine den - but as intriguing (and worrying) as that was, it wasn't any of her business. And she didn't particularly need to hear whatever bad news they were discussing, anyway, so she pointedly ignored them.

It took an annoyingly long time to search for her mate, given how small the camp was - it was big enough to comfortably house the Clan, of course, but it wasn't that big. And there shouldn't have been that many hiding spots, with kits always running around (she'd have to keep a close eye on her own when they were old enough; they were definitely going to be runners).

But she supposed kits wouldn't be trying as hard not to be seen. At least, not hard enough to hide in the empty cub den while they're all busy being restless in the snow.


She bristles immediately, before she even turns her head. When did it come to this? Wasn't it just yesterday they were planning their futures together?

"Mothspeckle, we need to talk."

She finally turns, and the look in her eyes makes Blossomstrike's confidence melt slightly. Anger - desperation.

She doesn't respond.


"What?" She finally hisses, ears flat - or, well… maybe they'd been like that when she walked in.

"We need to talk. About you." Blossomstrike tries to keep her voice steady, but it's hard, when her mate's looking at her like she's spoiled prey.

Mothspeckle's eyes darken.

"About me?" She spits, tail twitching. "Isn't that all ANYONE ever wants to talk about? Me?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

And she doesn't. It's been moons since anyone's spoken about Mothspeckle in a gossipping sort of way. Other than with the kits, of course, but isn't that to be expected?

It is. This can't be about the kits. She never thinks about the kits.

Mothspeckle hisses again, then stands. Then sits, lashing her tail. "Just… just get out of here, Blossomstrike."

It's spoken through gritted teeth, and her eyes fixate on a lump of snow near Blossomstrike's paws.

She wants to talk, she really does. She wants to stay and wrap her tail around Mothspeckle and hold her close until she's calmed down -

But that isn't going to happen.

So she stands and turns back towards the nursery. She doesn't look back.


Blossomstrike hadn't been able to sleep all night.

Which isn't unusual, really, it's just… something feels different about tonight. Something's… wrong.

...Maybe she should've tried harder to get through to Mothspeckle. Maybe it's just… some sort of guilt, gnawing at her gut.

Maybe she should go talk to her.

Right now.

Blossomstrike steps out of her nest carefully - the kits aren't literally hanging off her fur tonight, fortunately - and creeps quietly out from the nursery.

It's dark out. Darker than usual, thanks to the blizzard. She can hardly see, aside from the lithe figure of Starsight crossing the-

She stops with a jolt, lightly crunching the snow. Starsight? They weren't supposed to be back until tomorrow. They'd gone with Sunspark hours ago, to…

She glances around quickly, squinting in the darkness. Was Sunspark... here? Was everything alright?

Despite herself, she should probably… go see what's wrong. Maybe she could help.

She's too anxious to notice, as she trots over to Starsight, the way that they stop in the entrance to the medicine den. The tension in their muscles, and the way their fur prickles like they don't want it to rise.

She doesn't have time to notice, once her eyes meet Mothspeckle's.

For a moment, she's confused - is Mothspeckle hurt? Is she already helping with whatever happened on the medicine cats' trip?

It takes much too long for her to notice the tern laying at her mate's paws. It takes much too long for her to notice why it's stained so red, marking the snow all around it.

The hushed conversation of hissing and accusations Blossomstrike didn't know was going on around her manages to break through the sound of blood roaring in her ears.

"Mothspeckle…?" She whispers, cutting off a very angry Starsight. But she doesn't really care. She's not even sure what they were saying.

Mothspeckle turns, the rage in her eyes deflating slightly when they meet her own. Her paws are stained as red as the snow.

"What are you doing...?" She can barely bring herself to speak. It's not hard to piece it together herself.

Mothspeckle steels herself, scraping berry-stained claws through the feathers of the tern. "What does it look like?" She hisses, tail twitching jerkily.

When Blossomstrike doesn't speak (she can't), she continues. "It's what everyone wanted from me, Blossom! They wanted me to be leader, you heard them! I was so 'promising', so full of 'potential'!"

She hisses at her, at Starsight, at nothing, and lashes out at the snow. "They just- this is how-"

"Get out of my den." Starsight speaks evenly, but their eyes are glittering with anger.

Mothspeckle just hisses again, arching her back, claws bright red with berry juice-

"Mothspeckle, stop!" Blossomstrike shouts, and it's the loudest any of them have dared speak. The howling wind outside is the only sound for a moment.

"Mothspeckle," She can feel the tears coming, but right now that's the least of her worries. "You can stop this, okay? You can… go wash off in the lake and we can forget this ever happened."

Starsight looks like they want to disagree with that, but Blossomstrike hushes them quickly with a pleading look.

Mothspeckle looks unsure. She looks… distant. She doesn't even look like herself, with those wild eyes, and her tail kinked out at odd angles. Red where white fur should have been. Mothspeckle… the old Mothspeckle would have been more careful with deathberries.

Through the darkness, she can see Mothspeckle relax slightly - or at least, look less like she was going to scratch that juice deep into Starsight's fur. She thinks, maybe, she can see tears, just the same as hers. She thinks maybe everything will be okay.

But Mothspeckle's eyes meet her own again, and her heart sinks.

"...I should've... I should have known you wouldn't understand, you… you kittypet." She hisses, almost defensively.

And then she runs.

Blossomstrike startles, then blinks, and then she's gone. Out into the howling winds of the blizzard - she barely even saw her go.

Starsight is more comforting than she thought they would be, when she sobs into her fur. But they can't be forever, with deathberry-soiled prey to dispose of and attempted murders to report - not to mention how confused Sunspark must be at their sudden departure. I left him out in the middle of a blizzard, for star's sake!, they'd tried to joke, but they weren't much of a comedian, and Blossomstrike wasn't in the mood to laugh.

She asked them if, maybe, they could keep this between themselves. Her heart ached, and she could barely think at all, but if Mothspeckle decided to come back…

They'd said no, of course. And she understood why, but… it still hurt. It still made it all more real, and she wasn't sure she could handle that right now.

But maybe she'd never be able to handle it. She couldn't bear to go back to her nest right now, to go see her kits (their kits). How would she tell them their mother was gone? How could she stand to watch them grow, become cubs, warriors, become anything without her?

It hurt too much to think about. The most she could do was sit by the camp entrance and stare out into the swirling snow, wondering…

Where did it all go wrong?

Word Count: 1,809
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Re: Stars V.2 • Quest Board

Postby Whovian5EVA » Mon Jan 31, 2022 2:40 pm

Username: Whovian5eva
Clan: Craterclan

What is one of the most important gifts that a cat has received?
You may write and/or draw your response to this prompt.

The wind blew through the desert stirring up the sand and whirling it about. With all the sand and grass moving about, Blossom couldn't help but wonder, where are all the other animals, and more importantly where was that clan she'd heard all about? She keenly watched bushes nearby in case a new cat emerged, but with the wind rustling everything there wasn't much she could listen for. She tried to smell if there was anyone about, but all she could smell was was a small hopping mouse she figured she might as well take a bite to eat while she's here. She crouched down by a bush, readying herself for the hunt, but just as she was ready she heard claws hitting the earth and turned her head just in time to see a caliby leap over her head and soar towards the mouse.

Oh no these cats seem way more skilled than I could ever fit in with!


The stranger shot straight past the mouse and tumbled forwards as the mouse hopped away. "Rats!" She spat. "My feet never seem to cooperate" she laughed under her breath. She glanced at where the mouse had been, then paused as though she was bracing for an attack.

"Who is there, you don't smell like craterclan, so who are you?" She said with no harshness only curiosity. "My name's Windgaze if it helps?" 

"H-hi my name is Blossom, I've heard of your clan, and thats actually why I'm here." Blossom stood up and walked out from behind the shrubs, to show she wasn't trying to threaten this new cat. "I was hoping you I could join your clan? I'm sick of wandering from place to place and being alone all the time." 

"Nice to meet you Blossom, you seem like a good cat, but I'm not the one that decides these things. You'll have to come back to camp and meet Dawnfeather." 

Blossom kneaded the dirt as she wondered what clan life would be like, she was excited but also scared that she wouldn't fit in the clan. The two cats set off, the grass and small bushes passing by. She had always been a loner as ha most cats that lived in the crater. She thought about her parents, who passed away too soon, but had always been by her side in dreams. Would they leave when she joined the Clan? There was no way of knowing. 

"We're almost there get ready to make your first impressions,'' Windgaze playfully winked at Blossom. 

She felt as though eyes were drilling into her pelt as she entered their camp. They were watching from all sides, wondering "who is this stranger?" They entered a burrow, and then another chamber that seemed to have been dug out after the main burrow. And inside sat a pretty light brown tabby. Her golden eyes smiled as the two cats entered. "Who might you be?"

"My name is Blossom and I was wondering if I might be accepted into your clan?"

"Why do you want to become a part of Craterclan?"

"I've considered it for many moons, and I've decided I'm sick of being alone in the crater, I don't even have any living family to keep me company, they do their best coming to me in dreams, but it's not the same as the companionship of a living cat."

"I'm sorry to hear that your parents passed but I'm surprised to hear that they come to you in dreams? It must've been a special bond you had with them." Dawnfeathers thoughts ran away with her for a time, before she finally replied,  "Welcome to Craterclan. I can tell you're here with good intentions only, and with a similar reason that Snowspark and I founded the Clan." She gave that same kind smile that she gave when they'd first entered her den. "Windgaze can you please give her a tour of the burrow? And explain the formailites?"

"Yeah totally." Windgaze enthusiastically replied.

Through the start of the tour Blossom was filled in about clan life and the layout of the den.

"The roles you'll be choosing from are Healers,  who deal with herbs, helping sick or injured cats and sometimes even saving lives. Or Warriors who fight to protect our territory and our clan to make sure we can catch enough prey to keep everyone alive. Clan names tend to have two parts, a part given by the Clan and a part given by the stars. You won't receive your stars given part until you've chosen your role. Most cats who come here keep their names and that's the Clan given part. You'll probably be called Blossompaw until your choice is made. Similar to the apprentices who haven't chosen yet."

"That sounds like a lot to choose so early on in life."

"Most cats already seem to have a preference or talent one way or the other already. But if you're on the fence I guess you're right. It's getting late and the sun's already up, we should head to bed. I'll talk more at sunset,"and with a smile Windgaze and Blossom trotted towards the warriors den.

Blossom awoke to other cats stirring in the dense rolled over to see Windgaze fast asleep. She sat up and blinked the sleep from her eyes before padding out to the common area. The other cats seem to be gathering as though they're waiting forsomething. As soon as the thought crossed her mind Blossom spotted Dawnfeather emerging from her den. "Everyone, you might've noticed the cat that's new to the clan. Until she chooses her path, she shall be known as Blossompaw" 

A few moons passed from this day and Blossom was living with one paw in each role, most loners had to know something about fighting and healing because they had to do it all on their own, so she took quite well to both healing and fighting. She was somewhat forgetful when it came to where herbs were kept. But she had a good intuition for what a cat was sick with. Blossompaw was on her way to look for new herbs when she heard a cry from not too far away that was unmistakably Snowspark. She launched herself in the direction that she heard his screeching cry. Her head whipped around wildly It felt like an eternity before she finally saw his white fur, but she wasn't ready for what she saw standing opposite him. The most vicious goanna hissing and spitting at Snowspark. It's sharp claws scoring the rusty earth. As the goanna lunges forwards Snowspark narrowly dodges its mouth but gets struck by its awful hook like claws. Blossompaw winced as she saw how his right shoulder was injured, she had to get him out of there or scare off the goanna somehow. Now was her chance, Snowspark was starting to look weak. She launched herself at the goanna landing squarely on its back. Holding on for dear life, she wailed a most awful cry hoping it would bother the goanna to the point it would leave. It began to thrash wildly as it tried even harder to throw her off. With her claws slipping she searched around for Snowspark, goannas were fast, but not as fast as cats, they might be able to outrun it. "Snowspark! Try to run to camp if you can, I'll try to buy you time" she couldn't see him anymore but she could hear his footsteps as he ran away. With new determination she grabbed on even harder, the goanna stopped snapping and began to thrash extra hard kicking up dirt and filling the air with a cloud of red dust.  As Snowspark disappeared out of earshot Blossompaw decided it was time to run. She lept off and began to run as hard as she could away from the vicious lizard, being careful to lead it away from where Snowspark ran. It seems she must've tired out the goanna because it gave up the chase pretty quick. As soon as she was confident that she'd lost the goanna, she doubled back, looking for Snowspark in case he'd gotten too weak for the whole trip back.

She'd been walking for a while, weary about crossing paths with the goanna again when she finally spotted a bundle of white fur.

"Snowspark! It's me!" She spotted some cobwebs and pressed that into his injured shoulder. 

He's lost a lot of energy...

"We gotta get back to camp, here, I'll help you"

Snowspark and Blossompaw stumbled into the burrow with a 

"Snowspark! What happened!" Windgaze exclaimed.

"G- Goanna…" he breathed as he collapsed to the floor.

"It was a goanna attack, quick could you get horsetail? That'll help with the bleeding and infection" 

Blossompaw being the most well versed in healing sat up with Snowspark all day to make sure he was still breathing. His breathing seemed to strengthen as the day progressed and when the sun finally set he blinked open his eyes.

"Blossompaw… did we make it?"

"Yes we did  , we're in the healers den. How are you feeling?"

"Sore but not as weak..."

"Hungry?" She asked as she nudged a piece of freshkill towards him.

"Yes, thank you." He eagerly ate up the meal before lying down again and drifting back to sleep.

Blossompaw lied down to sleep not far from Snowspark, and quickly drifted off. 

She awoke in a lush green forest, the place that she would often see her parents. "Mum? Dad? She called."

She began to walk through the forest hoping to find them. She passed by trees and bushes with still no sign. "Please I just need help to choose what path is right for me." She began to run faster and faster. The world began to rush by. The ground disappeared from under her feet and she began to tumble through empty space.


She awoke back in the healers den, heart pounding and chest heaving. Snowspark was sQQQtill fast asleep.

Where were her parents and why didn't they greet her, even then, why didn't ANY if starclan greet her

"Dawnfeather, I need some help with something…"

Dawnfeather's advice

More moons passed by and with each day Blossompaw became more and more certain of the choice that's right for her. She couldn't keep living with one paw in each world she'd finally made up her mind. She made her way over to Dawnfeather's den to make her decision.

Just as the sun rose Dawnfeather called"Can all cats of Craterclan gather in the common area"

Cats began to move into the common area, even Snowspark sat just out from the Healers den. Dawnfeather waited for the cats to settle in to hear the announcement.

"Blossompaw please join me up here, I'd like the Clan to now call you as the stars have decided."

Blossompaw's fur bristled with excitement she had finally made it.

"Your new name will be Blossomheart"

She looked across the Clan and smiled as she saw Snowspark and Windgaze beaming great smiles her way. Her and Dawnfeather ceremoniously touched noses. As Blossomheart was about to leave the front of the common area Dawnfeather whispered "meet me in my den later, I have something for you"

All the others dissipate from the gathering Windgaze and Snowspark make their way towards Blossomheart. "Congrats! I knew you'd pick the right thing!" Windgaze said.

"Congratulations, glad to see you'll be back in the healers den, you've been helping me so much with healing this shoulder" He smiled a genuine smile glad that Blossomheart could finally stop worrying about her choice.

That night she made her way to Dawnfeather's den. "Hi Dawnfeather, you wanted to see me?"

"I did, I actually have something for you, I've been saving it for when you made your decision" and from a small pile of leaves she pulled a string wrapped around a red crystal out from the leaves and placed it over Blossomheart's neck. "It's jasper, and I hope it reminds you of your strengths and the importance of following your gut. It is how you saved Snowspark after all." She said with a wink. "I'm so grateful that you saved him, I don't know if I'd be able to look after the Clan without him."

Her chest swelled with joy. This gift was not only a sweet gesture from Dawnfeather, but it carried more weight. It symbolised her strength and her place in Craterclan.


2080 Words
Tell me something that one of your cats is really bad at!
You may only draw your response to this prompt.


Clumsiest cat of Craterclan :P
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Re: Stars V.2 • Quest Board

Postby SushiFoxx » Tue Feb 01, 2022 9:57 am

Username: SushiFoxx
Clan: ... 891?page=2

Quest Number: 1
Mousepaw wandered around the land. She knew what she wanted to find she just did not know where to find it. Mousepaw peaked her head in and out of places. She just could not find where she hid it! The apprentice huffed upset with herself. She knew she hid it in or around something stone! She just could not find out where. As grass shifted below her paws the apprentice questioned what she would do if she could not end up finding what she needed. Grass swayed under the nervous apprentices paws as she tried to remember where she hid the gift.

The apprentice groaned with annoyance "Oh C'mon! The one time I try and be sneaky!" Mousepaw complained aloud. She huffed with anger for herself. "C'mon! Where did I hide that mouse brained thing?" Mousepaw asked herself confused and upset with the fact she could not find the gift she was looking for. The apprentice complained to herself as she continued to look behind rocks. She sighed to herself and tried to stop her freaking out session that she was having. Mousepaw took in a deep and thoughtful breath as she attempted to clear her mind to remember where she hid the gift.

Grass moved under her paws as she cleared to mind. The wind ran against her fur and she sighed. Mousepaw knew she was in the right place, she knew that for sure. It was the place of the object that was throwing her off. She sighed and looked right at her paws. Wind blew around her and she let her memory guide her to the object. She closed her eyes and once she stopped she was at the object. Mousepaw smiled proud of herself for gathering herself to find the gift so she did not freak out.

She purred loudly, very proud of herself. Mousepaw picked up the gift and blew off the dirt. She decided to clean it off in the river in hopes that would get the rest of that pesky dirt off. The apprentice hopped off towards the river. She sat down by it and let out a loud sigh. The gift was held in her mouth, careful to not drop it in the dirt again. Mousepaw cleaned it off in the river making sure everything was off of the gift. The apprentice kept going at the gift, she wanted to make sure it was all clear.

Once she was done with cleaning the gift she knew she had to leave it to dry. Mousepaw was just nervous that it would take to long to dry off and she didn't want to miss the chance that she was going to give her gift to the cat! That would be the worst case to Mousepaw and she wanted to best case. Sometimes, though you can't make the best case happen but Mousepaw was determined to to make the best case scenario happen. She huffed and held the gift in her mouth hoping she could make this happen.

Mousepaw looked around and ran around the river with the gift hoping that this would make the gift dry faster. "C'mon! Dry faster!" Mousepaw pleaded to the gift as she ran around. The wind picked up and snapped the gift from her mouth as quickly as a leopard running at her. Mousepaw panicked "COME BACK!" Mousepaw pleaded "Nononono! Come back! Bring it back wind! Please bring the gift back! I really need it, please give it back wind!" Mousepaw begged to the wind as she ran after the gift as fast as she was able to run.

The wind picked up as Mousepaw ran after the gift. Mousepaw cried out to the wind frantically. She had wanted The gift to dry off but not like this! She wanted to still have control of it! Mousepaw ran after the gift as fast as the tiny apprentice could muster as she tried to catch the gift and make sure she did not have to wash it again. "Please come back! Please wind, bring the gift back! I need it right now, I really need it right now! I don't want to miss the time I have to give it to them!" Mousepaw pleaded upset.

As the wind fought the apprentice Mousepaw continued to run after the gift. It felt as though she was just going in circles though and she did not know why. Mousepaw finally stopped running after the mouse brained wind that was just dragging her around in circles. The apprentice fell to the ground in defeat and tired after all that running. The wind did circles around Mousepaw while dragging the precious item Mousepaw had been after that entire time. She sighed as it seemed like the wind had been teasing her that entire time after she had given up.

Mousepaw watched the wind as it circled her and she grumbled to herself. The wind finally dropped the gift at her paws and made a noise within the trees that made it sound happy and like it was smiling at her. This confused the apprentice deeply as she could not understand why the wind would have returned it to her as it seemed like it was just teasing her moments ago. The apprentice tilted her head but did not complain as the gift was now completely dried off. She decided to not ask any questions and merely smiled.

The apprentice picked up the gift gingerly in her mouth. She was ready to give this to the special cat after all that trouble she had ended up having while chasing it all around due to the stubborn wind. Mousepaw was ready now and very excited to finally hand this over to its recipient. She proudly skipped back to camp holding her head high while she carried the gift in her mouth. She felt like this would be a special moments and she was very excited to be finally done with all the trouble that this had caused her.

The lilac cat held her head high and purred as she walked high. She padded into the deadly quiet camp and she was almost nervous she missed it. Mousepaw quickly looked around and let out a sigh of relief when she had figured out everybody was just either in their dens or on a patrol. Mousepaw padded into the silent apprentice den and started preparing the gift she had gone through so much for to obtain again. The apprentice sighed and she waited for some of the cats to return from what they had been previously doing when she finally arrived back.

Mousepaw smiled as she saw the cat finally show up from the front of camp, holding some prey in their mouth. Mousepaw picked up the cats gift and padded over excitedly. "Moonpaw! Come here, I have something for you!" Mousepaw chirped excitedly. Moonpaw tilted their head confused and dropped their prey in the pile. "What do you have Mousepaw?" Moonpaw asked her friend confused. "I have brought you a gift Moonpaw! Do you like it?" Mousepaw asked curiously "I have not opened it yet but I'm sure I will" Moonpaw purred and chuckled with how excited her friend was.

Moonpaw took the gift gingerly in her mouth and smiled as she carefully opened it up. She curiously peaked inside the covering Mousepaw had put over the gift. Moonpaw tilted her head and finished opening the gift up. She pealed away the covering over the gift and purred looking at the gift that Mousepaw had presented to her. Moonpaw smiled softly and looked back up to Mousepaw to see them watching Moonpaw eagerly really hoping she enjoyed the gift she had worked so hard to get her. Mousepaw watched her eagerly to see her reaction to the gift.

The gift was a ribbon. A lovely purple ribbon that Mousepaw had tried so hard obtain to get her best friend. "I love it Mousepaw, thank you so much for the gift, it is truly amazing" Moonpaw purred and smiled looking at her friend. Moonpaw put on the ribbon and purred enjoying the gift. Moonpaw would even say this was the best gift she had ever gotten! But that was just her opinion with how much she loved the gift and how much thought was put into the gift that had been given to her. Mousepaw smiled excitedly happy to see how much her friend liked the gift.
Word Count: 1,408

Username: SushiFoxx
Clan: ... 891?page=2

Quest Number: 2
Response: Image
Word Count: (If applicable)

Username: SushiFoxx
Clan: ... 891?page=2

Quest Number: 3
Response: Cheesekit was having a "dream again" When this happened they could talk to other cats not in the clan! It was so cool and they loved being able to talk to the new cats. All the new cats were unique and special all in their own ways that Cheesekit treasured dearly. All so special and different! All the cats had different homes and living quarters too. Some lived in trees, some lived in the clouds, some in water and one group of cats that Cheesekit could never tell where they lived sadly. These cats were all so understanding and helpful!

Her closest friend was Pumpkinpaw who always loved to talk to Cheesekit and Cheesekit loved to learn about the other groups that Pumpkinpaw would tell them about. Though sometimes she visits other groups and its so cool to learn about their life. Cheesekit took in a deep breath it was so relaxing to visit the other places and escape from everything going on inside the clans camp. Cheesekit looked around for some cat to talk to and ended up talking to Cloudstar and smiled joyfully. They talked for awhile and Cheesekit ended up getting a warning from the wise Cloud kingdom leader.

The leader clears her throat "Cheesekit, my dear, Cometflame is not to be trusted, they are spying on your clan and have a plan to destroy it, for the Fire kingdom" Cloudstar warned softly to the kit, trying to not overload to poor confused kit who had no clue on what was going on outside of their beloved camp. Just because this kit had been blessed with the power to see the other kingdoms did not mean they should feel the brunt of the pain going on in secret beneath the cover for their camp. Cheesekit was very confused but merely nodded to the leader.

Cheesekit paused as Cloudstar showed them how Cometflame was not to be trusted at all. Cloudstar showed the kit how much Cometflame would overload the warriors with work and how they would always leave camp at night to go somewhere when every single cat was asleep. Cheesekit was caught very off guard buy this and then nodded, still confused but understanding. The small kit had learned to trust these other cats more than most of the cats in the clan. Cheesekit paused and nodded listening to the leader and smiled softly "Thanks Cloudstar" Cheesekit told the leader.

Cloudstar dipped her head to the kit "be weary, my kit, I wish you the best of luck with this information, you are free to go talk to other cats now that we are done" Cloudstar finished and dismissed the kit smiling softly. "Thanks again Cloudstar, I am glad you have told me this now" Cheesekit thanked the leader smiling softly. Both of the cats dipped their heads to each other and Cheesekit padded away already thinking about the issue that Cloudstar had told them. Cheesekit thought to themself and nodded, they were just going to talk to other cats.

The small kit awoke and paused looking around the camp. They had felt well rested while they had ended up thinking about what to do about this. Cheesekit looked around for the deputy and finally found them, over working warriors like Cloudstar said she had been doing. Cheesekit shook her head disappointed in the previously trust worthy deputy that the leader had loved. Cheesekit was not excited for when Echostar would have to learn about this, learn that her previously very trust worthy deputy turned out to not be trust worthy at all. The terrible truth that Cheesekit found out.

Cheesekit bounced over to Cometflame looking innocent and curious. "What are you doing Cometflame?" Cheesekit asked in false curiosity. "I'm sending out patrols kit." Cometflame replied shortly and obviously unimpressed with the kits question to her. Cometflame shook her head disappointed with the kit. "Now go away you kit." Cometflame replied firmly to Cheesekit. Her voice was cold and unforgiving to the small kit. "Hey" Cheesekit hissed upset at the deputy. "Don't you hiss at me you fool of a kit!" Cometflame growled angrily at the kit. Cheesekit bared her teeth upset with the deputy who had done so much wrong.

The kit growled at the deputy. "Don't you growl at me you pesky kit! You have nothing to be doing it here" Cometflame hissed and growled at Cheesekit. "You're not a good deputy!" Cheesekit hissed at the deputy upset. This caught Cometflame off guard and she blinked and finally gathered herself again "You. YOU KIT. YOU CANNOT TELL ME I AM A BAD DEPUTY" Cometflame hissed to Cheesekit. Cheesekit barred her teeth and flattened her ears to the deputy very upset about what they had been doing behind the whole clans back, the fact that they were out for the whole clan.

Cheesekit growled "I HATE YOU I HATE YOU I HATE YOU!" Cheesekit hissed "YOU'RE A HORRIBLE DEPUTY! WHY ARE YOU STILL THE DEPUTY?" Cheesekit shouted upset, tears welled in her eyes as she shouted at the deputy "WHY DO YOU DO THIS? WHY ARE YOU OUT FOR THE CLAN?" Cheesekit asked and shouted continuously at the deputy. "COME ON! I THOUGHT YOU WERE BETTER THAN THIS COMETFLAME, OVER WORKING THE WARRIORS AND BEING RUDE TO KITS WHO HAVE DONE NOTHING TO HURT YOU" Cheesekit yelled and hissed upset, her ears still pinned with pure anger.

This caught the deputy obviously off guard who had not expected a mere kit to yell at her, and call out her foul moves that she had been doing. Cometflame quickly shut her mouth at the kits yelling. She paused "Go back now Cheesekit." Cometflame told the kit. "I still hate you, you foul piece of fox dung who should be exiled from the clan" Cheesekit told the deputy firmly as she turned around and walked away her head spinning from the hurtful words she had told the deputy. She didn't feel bad anymore after all that hurt Cometflame had caused previously.
Word Count: 1,004
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Re: Stars V.2 • Quest Board

Postby wildsight » Tue Feb 01, 2022 11:45 am

      Username: wildsight
      Clan: kingdom of khafra

      Quest Number: 3

      Yells, screams, cries and yowls. It tore through the tranquility of the night like a blade. Such noise might've seemed odd to the occasional newcomer, but to those among the Kingdom of Khafra, the last thing it was was odd. a matter of fact, it had become quite common as of late, much to the displeasure of many of the Kingdom's inhabitants. Especially those who lived among the House of Alsayaadin.

      "Enough! How many times do I have to tell you not to disturb me when I'm working!?" Came the irritable cry of Breezefrost, blue gaze poised upon two young felines as she rounded on them. The two were quite young - nearly six moons of age, though they had lived with the lynx-point for a majority of their lives. They turned to return her gaze, eyes wide with fright. Though it only lasted for a moment, before the young molly's gaze narrowed upon the larger feline; a huff sounded from her.
      XXXX "Why must you always ruin our fun? It's not fair!" she cried, stomping a paw upon the den's floor. Breezefrost gazed at her for a long moment, though in the end she turned away - she hadn't felt like replying to the kitten- a waste of her time. Instead, the lynx-point returned to her duties - which was mending a worn-down weapon. Usually, the crafters took care of these things, but she hadn't felt like taking it to them. With the way the Kingdom looked at her these days, she preferred to stay within the confinements of her den - for better or worse. The only thing that'd make things better would be if these nuisances would silence themselves.
      XXXX "Jeez, I hope we become soldiers. I hear they make a lot of noise, so we'd probably be great soldiers." The tom-kit said to his sister, turning toward her with a mischievous gaze. "Oh yes, we most certainly would. Do you think that's why Breezefrost is so angry all the time? Because she thinks she's a soldier?"

      The kitten's chatter went on behind her, though Breezefrost's mind had latched onto the molly's sentence. Blue eyes narrowed slightly as she stared at the weapon before her. Unbeknownst to the kits, they'd hit a rather touchy spot without meaning to. The lynx-point had always dreamed of becoming a soldier, but instead had been given the life of a hunter. She was undoubtedly skilled in her role, but it hadn't been something she desired. She despised it even - though she'd never admit it to herself. Even so, the mere statement caused the lynx-point's fur to bristle angrily and within moments she found herself towering over the young felines.
      XXXX "Enough." She hissed, kicking away their plaything before glaring at the two - the molly especially. She stood there for a long, tense moment until finally, she stepped back. "If I hear you mention soldiers again..." her voice trailed off and with a final glance between the two, she turned away. For the rest of the night, the kits were silent.

      Another thing that was common knowledge among those of Alsayaadin was that Breezefrost and her 'kits' had a...particularly complicated relationship. The trio were always bickering among themselves, never once seeming to obtain a peaceful day for the family. One way or another, something would tick Breezefrost or the kits off and everything would erupt into chaos once more. Night after night, their heated arguments could be heard into the waking hours of the morning. Some nights were far worse than others, but in the end, it was clear that they harbored quite a distaste for the other. And it didn't seem like things would change anytime soon - actually, it seemed like things would merely worsen further.

      Lo and behold, such a thing would come to pass during a time where things seemed to be looking up for the infamous trio. Breezefrost had spoken to her friend about the kits - now novices - many times before and recently, the tom had suggested that she take them on a family outing - getting away from the Kingdom for a bit. At first, the lynx-point had hesitated with such an idea. But in the end, she decided that either way, she'd get away from the judgmental faces at the very least. If things went as they should, then perhaps the constant complaints would cease as well...and if that was a possibility then she was willing to give it a shot.
      XXXX "Come on, then! You're no longer kits, so hurry up, will you?" she called over her shoulder as she continued onward. The two had fallen a good few tail-lengths behind her, much to Breezefrost's annoyance. She was currently leading them toward one of Skyskip's - their mother's - favorite places. She'd often find the late molly among this very spot - usually thinking about various things that she never understood. Like family, for an example. She seemed overjoyed at the idea of raising her young, watching them grow and being so proud of them. Breezefrost, personally, despised such an idea - though she hadn't interferred with the molly's wishes. Maybe she should have. Then perhaps, she wouldn't be stuck with those two-
      XXXX "Wait-" Things had become awfully quiet all of the sudden. Breezefrost turned to glance behind her - nothing. She paused for a long moment - forcing her thoughts together before she lost it. She had no idea why - the usual conflict, she assumed. Nonetheless, the lynx-point slowly began to turn, scanning her surroundings. Nothing...nothing...and then - there. Oh n-

      "Get away from there!" she cried, bolting toward the two young felines. The novices were currently playing with a particularly large lizard. A rather dangerous lizard at that. They'd bat at its head, snout and shoulders before leaping away - sometimes barely missing that powerful jaw latching onto one of their paws. Breezefrost's yowl briefly caught their attention - they turned to look her way - but then they disregarded her, continuing on in their little game. The opposing creature was more than irritated by now - ready to take the novices on. A warning sounded from it. She had to move quickly.
      XXXX "I said, get AWAY!" Now, she was nearly upon them. She knocked the novices away, bowling into them with her side. They squealed as they slid across the golden sand below them, turning their gaze toward the hunter in question. "How could you-" the molly began, but Breezefrost paid her no mind. And besides - even if she had, she wouldn't have been able to respond - because moments later, something clamped down on her tail - and a yowl of pain came from her.

      By the time they returned home, Breezefrost was in quite a bit of pain. A grimace rested upon her face as she stumbled into the Kingdom's walls, urging the novices to leave at once. As they skittered off, Breezefrost made it to one of the healer's dens - which happened to be her least favorite. Fadedhaze.
      XXXX "S-So you got bit by one of those lizards? Oh, you m-must be in quite a bit of pain then." The pointed tom replied nervously, gathering some herbs together. The lynx-point glared at the healer, tail lashing irritably. "Those little rats...I try to help them and they do nothing but cause trouble for me. And then, they have the audacity to blame everything on me...nothing pleases them."

      And so, Breezefrost reported the event. The novices were given a punishment for their actions, risking their lives and their adoptive mother's. They were not to leave the Kingdom walls for a half a moon, and aid those around the Kingdom until further notice. The lynx-point however worsened things herself - forbidding the two to leave the den for extended periods of time. This, of course, caused more disruption than the initial punishment.

      And it only worsened. The arguments seemed to grow even more heated, becoming more common and more tense. At times, it'd become so bad that others believed things would become violent - but nothing happened. The events had begun to worry the opposing hunters so much, they came together one night to discuss the family - but with no one willing to step in and potentially aid the trio, they merely watched from the shadows. All they could do was hope. Unfortunately, hope wouldn't be enough.
      XXXX The fateful night arrived when the novices had had enough of their "adoptive mother." Her rules and attitude had irritated them enough - and for the final time. The two decided that they would sneak off before the moon rose - giving them plenty of time to escape before the Kingdom awoke and better yet, Breezefrost. They doubted she'd miss them anyway...perhaps she would finally be happy without them. And so, they waited...and waited. Until, the time presented itself and they made a break for it, fleeing into the evening light.
      XXXX Alas, when Breezefrost awoke once the moon had risen, she hardly noticed the disappearance of the two young felines. She continued on without much thought concerning the two, tending to weapons and various other hunter duties. But when she noticed how quiet the den had become after a while...she suspected something was up. At first, she believed it to be a trick of sorts. But as the silence continued to draw out, she began to doubt her theory. She started to search among their typical hiding places - and that which wasn't so typical - and found nothing. Anger was quick to rise among the lynx-point.

      The hunter bursted out of her den, turning to her fellow members of Alsayaadin in hopes they'd seen the two. When they denied such, she knew bad had become worse. The two must've fled the camp.
      XXXX Breezefrost wasted no time in hurrying after the novices, charging out of the Kingdom without a second thought. As she suspected, she found little clues here and there that aided in her theory, unlike her prior one. The hunter trekked onward through the sandy terrain, blue optics searching for the two wayward felines. It seemed like they'd gotten quite the headstart because it wasn't until a long while later that her gaze fell upon two silhouettes atop a rocky incline. They were small...but it wasn't just due to the distance between them.

      "I've had it with you!" Came the wheezing cry of the huntress as she arrived at the ledge the novices were on, blue hues narrowed and shooting daggers at the two felines. At once, they froze in their little game, gazing at the lynx-point as if she'd grown two heads. Breezefrost stalked toward them, her tail lashing behind her as she towered over the two. "Explain yourselves."
      XXXX "What for? Why should we explain anything to you, of all cats? You're the last cat that deserves such a thing." the tom replied first, with a huff. His sister nodded in agreement, returning the hunter's glare. "You've only been mean to us for as long as we can remember! All we wanna do is have fun lives, but you make ours miserable!"
      XXXX "I make YOUR lives miserable? Ridiculous!" Breezefrost cried, waving a paw dismissively. "You make MY life miserable. All you do is complain and cause trouble for me. You've done nothing but bring me problems and as soon as I try to fix things, you have something to say about that. I've done too many things for you to be dealt with in such a is highly disrespectful and makes me think you are the mean ones."

      "Us? Aren't you supposed to be our 'mother?' Adoptive, of course. Our real mother was never this way, so I hear...she was nice to others, unlike you. It makes me wonder...did she really tell you of all cats to care for us?" The young tom pressed onward, which caused the opposing felines eyes to widen. His sister gaze at Breezefrost expectantly, a look of suspicion clear upon her features.
      XXXX In moments, the molly had the tom pinned beneath her. "Take it back. Take it back now." she snarled at him, fangs bared. The tom gazed up at her with wide, fearful eyes. Suddenly, a new voice broke through the tense moments. "I knew it, I knew it! You're nothing but a liar!" The tom's sister cried, biting at Breezefrost's hind legs. The molly whirled, kicking the tom aside to face her newfound opponent, a wildfire among her eyes. "What did you just call me?! You little-" Before she could finish her sentence, a cry broke out. Both mollies turned to see the young tom grappling onto the edge of the ledge desperately. "Help me!" he cried.

      Without hesitating, his sister raced over to the ledge, latching onto the tom's scruff. She attempted to back away, craning her neck about in hopes of pulling him up - but his weight was too much for her. For a few long moments, the duo struggled to attempt to help the other - the tom trying to raise himself up, while his sister pulled, but nothing changed. If anything, the grip the molly had on the tom was loosening. When she nearly lost her balance, that was when the pleas began.
      XXXX "Breezefrost, help! Help!" The two cried, their gazes wide with fear. "I'm sorry for the things I said, Breezefrost! Just please- help us!" the tom cried, his sister following suit with a similar apology and request. But their cries for help more or less fell upon deaf ears. The lynx-point merely watched them with a blank stare, something between a harsh bark of laughter and a wheeze sounding from her. "So now I'm needed? Am I not the mean one here, making your lives miserable anymore? The one you wanted nothing to do with?"
      XXXX "Breezefrost, please! We're sorry...just- just help us, please!" The tearful cry came. The lynx-point watched them for a tad longer, their cries echoing out into the night. She stood there, waiting and waiting and waiting...contemplating her actions and then...alas, she moved. Slowly but surely, Breezefrost clamped down upon the molly's scruff. A relieved breath escaped the young molly as she did so. She pulled once, twice - and then, heaved with all her might. Perhaps she shouldn't have, because as she did so, the lynx-point let go. Which threw her off-balance, ultimately causing the novice to tumble off the ledge - taking her brother with her. And they plummeted...down, down, down into the darkness below. The huntress gazed down into the shadowy pit for a long moment before turning away - leaving the scene behind her without a second thought.

      In the following days, the Kingdom searched for the missing novices...yet they found nothing. It was a popular subject among the Kingdom for quite a while. The hunters finally came together to speak with Breezefrost concerning the recent event - but the lynx-point ultimately refused to speak with anyone, not even daring to leave her den. This went on for some time, until a few hunters barged into the den, regardless of her prior wishes...only to find her missing. And by the scent of the den, she'd been gone for at least a few days.
      Breezefrost had left them. Had left the Kingdom. Had left everything behind. She had no idea what had happened that night...and neither would anyone else.

      Word Count: 2,545
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Re: Stars V.2 • Quest Board

Postby I Like Bees » Tue Feb 01, 2022 11:50 am

Username: I Like Bees
Clan: The Travelers

Quest Number: 1
    What is one of the most important gifts that a cat has received?
    Dragonfly's gift isn't a physical gift, but rather a skill type of gift. She's well-known in the group for her incredible sense of direction, which has allowed her to navigate everything from mazes to dark caves. Her gift isn't important just for your typical navigational issues though; when you live in a world that's totally different every morning, being able to quickly adapt to your new surroundings and find your way from place to place is critical for survival. In the case of Dragonfly, as leader of the group, it's important for her survival and the survival of everyone else. No one is quite sure if Dragonfly has always had this skill, or if it's somehow a new gift she's gained from living in the Travelers' strange world.
Word Count: 128 words
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stars quest board - february quests!!

Postby sunny-skies » Tue Feb 01, 2022 3:06 pm

[ Start of Round ]

Hana wrote:"thank you everyone for your replies, I loved hearing about your clans!"

January Quests

Quest #1

coffee.berry -- +40 xp
Griff -- +30 xp
nindroidzane -- +115 xp
Whovian5EVA -- +135 xp
SushiFoxx -- +80 xp
I Like Bees -- +15 xp

Quest #2

nindroidzane -- +35 xp
Whovian5EVA -- +35 xp
SushiFoxx -- +35 xp

Quest #3

Vinson -- +125 xp
Griff -- +40 xp
nindroidzane -- +100 xp
SushiFoxx -- +60 xp
wildsight -- +135 xp

Please remember to link to this post in your next explore post to use your exp!

Hana wrote:"I wanted to give something extra to some of you for your extra effort, you can use this to buy some cool things in starclan's shop!"

Griff -- +140 stardust
nindroidzane -- +500 stardust
Whovian5EVA -- +340 stardust
SushiFoxx -- +350 stardust
Vinson -- +250 stardust
wildsight -- +270 stardust

Hana wrote:"while I enjoyed everyone's entries, these ones were my favorites!"

Quest #1: nindroidzane and Griff
+1r myo

Quest #2: Whovian5EVA and SushiFoxx
+1uc myo

Quest #3: Vinson and wildsight
+ur myo

Hana wrote:"wait, don't leave yet! I have a few more questions."

A new round has begun!

how does your cat process grief over losing a loved one?
you may write and/or draw your response to this prompt.

what is a goal that one of your cats hopes to achieve in their life?
you may only draw your response to this prompt.

what was a time when one of your cats was rejected? how did they handle it?
you may only write your response to this prompt.
Last edited by sunny-skies on Wed Feb 23, 2022 2:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stars V.2 • Quest Board

Postby coffee.berry » Sat Feb 05, 2022 11:14 pm

Username: coffee.berry
Clan: (Please link)

How does your cat process grief over losing a loved one?
You may write and/or draw your response to this prompt.


Glow wasn't there.

Moss looked for him everywhere. Her trainer.. where had he gone? The one who was like a father to her. Where, oh where had he gone?
Word Count: (If applicable)

What is a goal that one of your cats hopes to achieve in their life?
You may only draw your response to this prompt.

Word Count: (If applicable)

What was a time when one of your cats was rejected? how did they handle it?
You may only write your response to this prompt.

Word Count: (If applicable)
Last edited by coffee.berry on Thu Feb 24, 2022 2:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

    hii! i'm aya/vai <3 feel free to shoot me a pm, i don't bite!!
    status: really busy in real life so if i respond late, sorry <3
    © ~ she/her ~ toyhouse
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Re: Stars V.2 • Quest Board

Postby Whovian5EVA » Thu Feb 10, 2022 8:21 pm

Username: Whovian5eva
Clan: Craterclan

How does your cat process grief over losing a loved one?
You may write and/or draw your response to this prompt.

Long before Craterclan had come into existence one cat had to face a great loss. A young cat ran through the spinifex, darting in and out of the bundles of grasses. It's long strands effortlessly concealing her as she was still only small. Her light brown fur blending with the pale yellow grass, making her almost totally unseen. A reddish brown fur followed not far behind, her mother was a beautiful tabby, a strong and powerful loner. 

"Look there! At that bird! This is how you hunt birds." Her mother began to creep towards the small bird, not a single sound coming from her pawsteps. She crouched down as low as she could, hiding amongst the spinifex, she sniffed the air. She was still upwind, and moving silently she pounced on the small bird. She purred with delight as she proudly trotted back to her daughter.
"I-I don't know… it seems hard…"
"You were watching weren't you? I'm sure you'll be fine!" 
"Uh- okay… I guess..."
"C'mon let's head back to the tree."
The two cats wandered back to the tree in no particular rush. It's cool shade would envelop them as the sun rose, protecting them from the sun beaming down heating the earth to be far too hot. Her mum placed the bird down and the two began to eat. Her food melted in her mouth. The flavours of her meal filled her mouth and were so good she found it hard to not purr the whole time she ate. 
After their surprisingly good meal, the two settled in for the night, and curled up to sleep.
"Mum…? I love you…" she curled in closer to her mother.
"I- I love you too" she hesitated.
The dawn faded away from the two cats as they both fell deeper into their sleep.
The sun was setting as the younger cat began to stir. The sun warming her fawn pelt, she stretched and sighed. She looked over at her mother, she was the only cat she'd known  she was so strong and a great hunter. Yet something swirled inside the young cat, longing for something else…
She shook her head trying to shoo the emotion away. She was always fed and protected, she had a great mother, so who was she to want more?
Her mother rolled over as she shook her head, she'd accidentally woken her mother.
"Good morning mum!" She purred excited for the day ahead.
"Good morning…" her mum mumbled back.
The two cats slowly ready themselves for the night.
"Today's your first day of hunting on your own, are you ready?"
"Uh aren't I a bit young?"
"Nah you'll be fine" her mum gave her a quick lick on her head before cleaning her own paw.
The young cat clawed at the earth, nervous for the hunting ahead. She listened to see if she could even ear anything nearby… Nothing.
"Let's go, what are you waiting for? I'll see you here at sunrise" And with that her mum ran off in search of her own prey.
"Uh okay…" she held back an "I love you" her mother never seemed eager to say those words…
After missing a bird or two, she finally caught a small hopping mouse as the sun was coming up. As much as her mother might say she can, she was definitely a bit too young to be hunting for herself now, but her mum was just trying to prepare her for later… right?
The sun rose but her mother was nowhere to be seen. She curled further under the tree, knowing that she'd never be able to defend herself against anything bigger than a mouse. She struggled to fall asleep right away, for fear she'd be attacked. However, eventually sleep did come, and the dawn faded away.
She spent the whole following day searching for her mum, she wasn't sure she could sleep alone again. She decided to look for a little while longer. Then she saw it. Her mother, but it wasn't good…
"D-dingoes…" She whispered under her breath, horrified by what she'd seen. Fear and grief gripped her heart, she was almost going to be sick. There's no way she could possibly be alive…

Tears welled in her eyes, and panic gripped her throat. She can't be gone, no I can't do this…

Please this can't be real. She begged.

A voice echoed in her mind "I love you, and I'm sorry…" it was her mother's voice.

She began to wail uncontrollably, the grief filled her body and she had to let it out. She begged for it to not be true, she was shocked and now grieving.

I'm still just a kit! How could I possibly do this on my own!

These thoughts swirled around in her head, threatening to wash her away. She looked back over to where her mother lied, she desperately wanted to do nothing other than stay here with her. It felt as though if she left her mother here, she was abandoning her, but she had to move on, other Dingoes might smell her and make a meal of the both of them. She walked over to her mother's head, she gazed at her face. She looked peaceful at least. She bent down and gently licked her forehead one last time. "Goodbye mum I'll miss you" she did her best to not sob and wail again but there wasn't much she could do to hold it back.

As she made her way back to the tree a cold wind blew over the earth chilling her and making her wish even more than she wouldn't have to spend this night alone. I can't even hunt birds. How could I possibly survive on my own... She kicked the earth trying to cover her hurt with anger, because at least anger made sense to her. She almost couldn't believe that she was gone, it's like she was still searching for her mum. Each tree she'd pass she'd want to check the base to see if it was her mum underneath. But she also knew what she'd seen, and there's no way her mum was alive. Grief gripper her heart again and she began to sob again, "It's not fair!" She wailed, "why me!" 

"It doesn't feel real…" She whispered.

In the following days, she became more confident that she could hide of a night, and she could catch some small mice to get by. She was still only young, not even a year old and now shes out on her own. She was mostly a scavenger, eating whatever scraps of meat she could find. She was just doing what she had to to survive, she didn't get a choice. However nothing scared her more than the thought of running into another cat, while she was still so small and weak with grief. If another cat saw how small she was, they'd drive her out in a heartbeat.

At dusk she awoke and began to wander, her sleep never settled all the way, tossing and turning every night, since her mum passed. She didn't care where she was going right now, she just needed to go somewhere. The world passed by but she didn't care to notice she just had to go. Her paws took her to the salt lake that was a large part of the crater, she wasn't sure why she'd been drawn here, but at least it's beauty distracted her for just a moment. The crystals on the lake glittered in the moonlight, as though the stars themselves had fallen from the sky to fill this expanse. She sighed, she felt at peace. Then it all came flooding back, what she'd seen and everything. Loneliness suddenly gripped her, her mother should have been here with her. Tears welled in her eyes, she looked to the stars hoping that her mother was up there somewhere.

She continued to visit the lake almost every moon.  As many moons passed, she grew bigger and  stronger, but the loneliness never left her. Something continued to draw her back to the salt lake, it seemed so calm and helped her feel a little less lonely. She carried on with life, because that's all she could do, she had to continue to survive. She lived an empty life, just barely surviving.

Seasons passed by and eventually, she found Snowspark, and Craterclan was born, she found a new sense of belonging, that not only washed away the loneliness she'd been carrying all those years but also began to finally heal her grief. She stopped visiting the salt lake when she was lonely, and instead visited when she needed to talk to starclan. There will always be a part of her that misses her mum, but now she had found family, she was finally at peace.

That night she fell asleep with the sun rising on her and her friends. She let the day fade away with something that was almost relief filling her chest as the night faded away.

She awoke in the same green forest she would sometimes see as she slept. However the energy was different here, more familiar than usual. She looked up at the thin cover of leaves, the stars just peering through. Here eyes followed the trunks of the brown barked trees, unlike the white trees she saw during her waking time. "It's been too long…" she spun around and saw something she wasn't expecting. It wasn't the usual faded ghost cat that was a blend of all her ancestors reaching out to her, it was, a strong, beautiful bright cinnamon and white cat. "Mum...? Is ti really you?"

"It is, my dear. I'm here to say sorry, properly… I-I know I wasn't a great mum, I didn't really know what I was doing, my mum passed too early and my heart broke for you, knowing I'd doomed you to the same fate."

"It was hard, but it wasn't your fault mum. I knew, even back then, that you were doing your best." Dawnfeather smiled at her mother. Her mum stroked her cheek with her tail, "I'm so proud of how far you've come, and I could've never asked for a better daughter. As much as I used to say names are silly, I like yours. I love you Dawnfeather."

"I love you to mum." The two nuzzled each other for the first time in a very long time.

"I'm sorry but I must go now Dawnfeather, but I'll always be by your side, from the stars."


1765 Words

What is a goal that one of your cats hopes to achieve in their life?
You may only draw your response to this prompt.

Oakkit dreams of being powerful and the leader of the strongest clan!

What was a time when one of your cats was rejected? how did they handle it?
You may only write your response to this prompt.

The stars glittered over head, and the wind swept across the red dirt of the crater. Long before either of the clan's had been born. The moonlight reflected off white fur, wandering about the desert. Moon looked around and sniffed the air, hoping to notice some prey. No luck. However, she did smell something different, instantly she ducked down tail lashing as she tried to determine where the scent was coming from. Not a dingo, or some other predator, not any prey she knew… another cat! She glanced around to see where the stranger might be, but when she finally turned to face upwind, she saw them. A beautiful brown cat sitting proudly upwind of her their body was patterned with the rosettes of leopards. She sat there, staring, frozen by the sight of this stranger. Their neck decorated with a beautiful red collar. An eternity passed before she finally took a step away. This cat was beautiful but she didn't know if they were hostile. She stuck away and began to wander home, and no matter what she did she just couldn't get that stranger off her mind.
The sun rose as she settled in for sleep, the subtle warmth washing away the night.
The sun set the following evening and Moon rolled over, stretching and slowly blinking the sleepiness from her eyes. She slowly stood up and sniffed the air for any prey that was near. She decided to set out on an early hunt, she might get lucky and catch some sort of day creature. But before long she found herself back where she'd first seen the stranger.
It's definitely because I like the hunting here…
She ducked down, still unsure about whether this new cat would be hostile. Then she noticed that they hadn't moved since yesterday. She decided to creep forwards little closer. As she crept closer she could finally see that He was even more beautiful close up. His patterning so much more delicate than she had originally thought. She crept closer and finally made her decision, she was going to do this, she was gonna talk to him.
"Oi! What are you doing creeping about like that?!"
Rats, what a great first impression. "I just wanted to see if you were okay… I noticed you hadn't moved since yesterday." She gingerly replied.
"Hmm, how can I trust you?" He inquired a little less suspicion in his voice.
"I can offer you some food I got yesterday? A peace offering so to speak?"
He narrowed his eyes,"Alright, I'll take it."
Moon rushed off to where she'd buried her meal, to save it for later. Her speed was field partially because she wanted to impress the stranger but also joy that she'd finally spoken to him. She almost leaped with joy at the thought of that. Eventually she found the rock she'd buried the food next to, she carefully dug it up. She gently grabbed it with her mouth, trying to keep it as perfect as possible for her new crush. She raced back to see him again, however this time she noticed something more. His back leg was awfully hurt. She dropped the food within paws reach so he could still get it without standing. She urgently asked "Are you okay? That looks real bad!"
He was far to busy devouring his meal to answer, he clearly hadn't eaten for a while.
"I'm guessing that's why you haven't moved? So I'd say no," she tried to guess. He eagerly nodded as he continued to inhale his meal. "Let me get you something that I think can help…" she raced off to see if she could spot the right herbs for this, leaving him to finish his meal.
Bingo! This'll work great
She chewed up the leaves and began to run them back to the stranger. She dropped them for just a moment. "This will prevent infection and ease the pain. Can I place it on your sore leg?"
"Yeah, sorry I was so mad before. I think I'm like that when I'm hungry"
She froze for a second, she wasn't expecting him to be nice all of a sudden, she also wasn't complaining. She leant down and picked up the leaves and placed them on his wound. Nearly instantly he relaxed, as though all the pain had been washed from his body. He looked in her eyes and thanked her. Brushing his tail along her cheek.
"It's all good! I'd be happy to keep helping you heal... if you'd want me to?"
"I'd love it if a beautiful cat like you could help me," with withheld glint in her eye 0he smiled at her a grin greater than any other she'd seen. She grinned back and began to settle in for the day, he'd need Wsomeone to protect him somewhat while he was healing too.
Is this my first real chance at romance? Is this really happening?
She fell asleep with her heart racing and her mind full or possibilities. In the following nights, Moon worked all night doing what she could to help the ex-kittypet heal and be comfortable, etc. He was very friendly with Moon, she still got butterflies everytime she returned to him. But he also seemed to return the energy, smiling greatly whenever he saw her, thanking he profusely every time she did anything for him. Before long he was back on his feet.
"Hey, I uh actually wanted to ask something?" She readied herself for what she might say next, "I… uh… really like you? Would you… uh wanna…"
"What? Oh did you really think…? Wow." He said with surprise turning to a wicked grin. "I never wanted to be with you."
"W-what?" Shock struck her, almost knocking her off her feet.11

"I was just using you for the free hunting. Survival of the fittest, or most cunning I guess." The wicked glint in his eyes pierced her chest.
Moon dropped into a sit, absolutely floored by what was unfolding.
"You really think a cat like me would want to be with a cat like you" his tone absolutely scathing.
Moon couldn't get out a single word, all she could do was run.
"Yeah that's right. Run off to cry about it, right?" He yelled. Sitting proud, proud of how he'd tricked the young cat.
She continued to run across the crater trying to run from what'd just happened. Tears began to well up in her eyes. Once she was far away from himself collapsed and began to sob, her whole body collapsed to the ground. She was shattered not only by the betrayal, but also how oblivious she was to it all. She felt hurt and used. She felt as though there was a void in her chest. She'd been helping him for almost a moon and that was her thanks? She wasn't expecting a yes, not at all, but she also wasn't expecting this manipulation. Her heart sunk as she thought about the cruelty in his eyes as he revealedhis plan. That's it, I'm not letting this happen again. I'm not getting close to some cat like this ever again. They're gonna have to show they care first. Her sad expression turned to a frown as she slowly turned bitter about the whole situation, she was determined to not be tricked like this again. Many seasons passed but her determination never faded, she was not getting close to anyone unless they proved themselves. As lonely as she was, she was drawn to Craterclan, occasionally using small harmless tricks to bother them but she didn't realise she was also using that to get close to these new cats. As much as she would deny it, she liked the Clan.
"Foolish cats. Trusting everyone so openly," she muttered under her breath as she watched them begin to go about their day. "Hiya!. I brought this over just in case you wanted some." The warm brown and orange tortie placed a piece of food in front of Moon, with an inviting smile.
"I'll eat it because I don't want it wasted, but you know you don't have to, right?" Moon's tone was harsh as though she was mad at Sunfoot. "You clan cats are foolish for trusting so many cats, no one looks out for anyone but themselves," Moon bitterly continued.
"I hope the food was nice," Sunfoot replied,changing the subject, she knew Moon well enough to know that there was no use arguing.
"It was okay… I need to go now, the suns rising." Moon flicked her tail towards the sunrise before running off to her tree, leaving Sunfoot stood on the edge of the clan's camp alone. Sunfoot smiled to herself, something about this cat. Made her so happy even though she was so bitter.
As Moon ran back to her tree, she couldn't help but feel guilty about the way she'd spoken to Sunfoot. As much as she couldn't bring herself to trust you stranger ever again, Sunfoot was beginning to feel a little less like a stranger. She shook the thought from her mind. Not again. She thought about it for a while longer but her guilt didn't fade, she didn't trust the clan cats, but she didn't feel right about being mean to someone who has only offered kindness. She decided she had to apologise. She slowly drifted off that morning, the guilt still floating about in her mind. As the sun rose, there was only one thing on her mind, she had to find Sunfoot. After a short while of searching, she eventually found Sunfoot in her favourite hunting location. Moon was doing her best to talk herself into talking to Sunfoot nicely when-
"Hiya Moon! What are you doing out here?"
"None of your-" she caught herself mid sentence. "I uh- actually wanted to find you? I wanted to apologise about yesterday…"
"What? Why? You're just being your usual hangry self" Sunfoot giggled light-heartedly.
Moon took a step backwards. Am I always that mean? She shook herself back to the here and now. "I feel like I took it too far yesterday, and I'm sorry." She said with a frown as though she was mad about Sunfoot's bright attitude.
"Moon, you forget how much I really like you. I really want to be your friend."
Moon sighed, she didn't forget, she just didn't believe it could be true.
"Nothing more, you don't have to do anything for me. I just like it when you visit sometimes."
Moon hesitated, she didn't feel like she should trust anyone, but Sunfoot was making that very hard. Indecision swirled about in her mind. She thought back to the stranger from all those seasons back, but then she considered the cat standing in front of her... "I think I'd like that…" she whispered.

1802 Words

Last edited by Whovian5EVA on Tue Mar 01, 2022 11:41 am, edited 2 times in total.
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