Re: Trinity Tree Adopts #25-28

Postby Goddess Sword » Mon Jun 29, 2020 11:01 am


Username: Goddess Sword
HW cat or VOK lion?: HW cat
Link to group/pride: The Wayfarers
Explain a major change that happens to them and how it effects them:

///To live is to change. As one lives, their experiences shape them, and they grow into somebody new. When they awaken in the morning, they are different from the them of the previous dawn.
///To die is also to change. In death, all grows still. It brings with it quiet as one returns to the earth or feeds the hungry. It is a change that brings with it sadness, but also peace.
///And it is a change that feeds into perhaps the greatest change of all - That of rebirth.

///They remembered their past lives all at once.
///In the first, they were an ocelot - It was a solitary life, as most are, but it was pleasant enough despite the vague sense of loneliness that pervaded it. Hunting in the evenings and resting in the shady branches in the mornings… It was a good life, until the droughts came.
///How ironic, it would prove in hindsight, that the very cougar who took their first life would be the source of their second. They wanted to be angry at first, but… who were they to blame her? She did what she felt she needed to to protect her cubs, to eliminate competition and ensure her children… ensure that they, themselves, would survive.
///The third was quite the change; in this life they were human-owned, a pampered seal point Himalayan, the latest in a long line of their breed. Their owners brought them to shows, touted them as the best… though they never won. It was at least a nice change of pace.
///Fourth was a tiger, white with black stripes. The workers kept them well-fed, and they supposed now, with the context of their life as a show cat, they must have been at least a little famous, with cameras pointed at them so often. Still, when they watched the guests run over to feed the deer across the path, they wanted so badly to chase after.
///In the next they got their wish, a feline of the same species as the enclosure next to them in the previous: A lioness, a proud hunter who worked alongside the others of their pride to provide for them all. At least… until they crept just a bit too close to a clutch of snake eggs during their final hunt. A few bites was all it took - What antivenom could a wild lion find to save them from their fate? They tried not to dwell on it.
///They were a hunter in the sixth as well, though their prey was not so extravagant this time around. Rather than hunting antelope, they were a mouser, a Maine Coon with orange and white fur. They lived with a lobsterman, who gave them the task of ensuring no rodents made their way onto his boat. It was a good thing they were still a somewhat large cat in this life, though; they could have sworn some of the rats they drove off were nearly as long as they were tall!
///Seventh was a wildcat, though you wouldn't guess it from their size. They remembered being found by humans, caught in a trap for weasels while hunting mice in a rice field on the edge of their territory. “Kucing congkok,” the humans had called them - Leopard cat. They hadn’t felt much like a leopard, those people towering over them so.
///And then was the eighth, a life as simple as could be. They were a human’s pet, a real pet this time - Not a show cat or mouser, but just a companion. They remembered chasing strings dangled from backscratchers, napping in the sun, their human’s hands running through their cream fur, the crunch of kibble from their bowl, the mewls of their kittens. It was nice.
///They remembered all of these lives at once. And they heard a voice in their mind.
///Life, death, and rebirth are one, it said. In the past, life and death fought until both their ends. But perhaps, in this new life, you will impress me.
///They didn’t know what the voice meant. They didn’t know what anything meant. They had all of these memories now, memories of other lives, other deaths, of parents and children who weren’t their own, yet were.
///And they were terrified.
///Should the other two begin to quarrel again, said the voice, clearer this time, as if addressing them specifically, do what you can. For you are rebirth; It is you who must remind them that without life, there can be no death, and without death, life cannot begin anew.
///They wanted to scream, to cry. “What do you mean?!” they wanted to demand, “Why should it be my job?! Why should my ninth life, my last life, be one of servitude, with all of these memories of others in my heads?! I can’t do this, I’m just a...” Cat? Kitten? Which were they now?
///But no words could come.
///So instead, when the darkness at last began to fade and they awoke in the roots of a grove of tiny trees, they looked around. Felines large and small gazed with awe and expectation at them. It felt like they were seeing double.
///Why, indeed? Why were they chosen? What could they possibly do? Torn from their life - Eight lives! - with the people they loved. Thrust into a position of responsibility and power with no say of their own, expected to mediate between two forces that they only just comprehended.
///They wanted to be responsible, to fulfill their duty. And yet…
///The pressure they felt. It was so much. Too much.
///They stared at the felines watching with anticipation, and at the two by their side, still asleep. The two they were to guide, to quell.
///And then they bolted.
///They couldn’t do this. Not now, at any rate.
///Perhaps they would return someday. But there was still much growth, much change, for them to undergo.

(995 plain text, 5 dragonscript in art)
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Re: Trinity Tree Adopts #25-28

Postby ThatOnePython » Mon Jun 29, 2020 10:08 pm

Username: ThatOnePython
HW cat or VOK lion?: VOK
Link to group/pride: EchoLake PrideImage

Explain a major change that happens to them and how it effects them:
Rebirth wrote:Kembali was born a fairly normal lion, he didn’t have multiple heads, a plant on his back or glowing markings. However, he did have glowing yellow eyes. This was enough to scare his parents and soon after birth he was abandoned, left for dead in the cold winter months. He would have died very quickly if it weren’t for an elderly old lioness who took him into her care. She also was not completely normal. On her back sprouted long bat like scaled wings which held tucked into her side and two long horns were located on her head.

She brought him to her home in the swamps, kept him warm, fed him, washed him. Everything that a mother would do. For a few years it stayed like that, Kembali thought of her as his birth mom and she wanted to keep it that way.

When Kambali was of age he wanted to leave and explore like any other young male. His ‘mother’ was not happy with his choice and used any method to keep him with her. She would warn him it was too dangerous, and he wouldn’t survive on his own. She even said there were evil lions out there looking to kill him and he was only safe with her. He believed her, why would she lie about that?

However, over time he started to notice small changes. Firstly, he was getting sick frequently, often he would wake up with a temperature, feel lightheaded, get dizzy. Very odd for a lion. Secondly, he was starting to get pain all over his body, mainly on his back, neck and the base of his tail. It wasn’t an excruciating pain, but it was certainly a dull ache. Finally, he was starting to hear the beat of his heart and the blood flowing around his body clearer to the point where it sometimes kept him awake at night. When he brought this up to his ‘mother’ she reassured him that it was completely normal and a part of growing up. Again, he believed her as he didn’t have anyone else his age to ask.

It was during the middle of the night; struggling to sleep Kembali heard a rustling at the entrance of his den. Assuming it was just a small predator trying to scavenge their latest deer kill he decided to get up and investigate. Keeping quiet he exited the den and was mildly surprised to see his mother awake and around the kill. Her back was to him so he couldn’t see exactly what she was doing. He decided to speak up. “Mother? What are you doing?” There was a small squeal from the lioness as she was clearly shocking. Turning around quickly she took a few steps back. “Kambali! What are you doing up, you should be asleep!” She said in a stern voice. Her body was tense as she tried to cover up whatever was behind her.

Curious he ignored her and stepped to the side trying to see what she was hiding. He was surprised when she let out a growl and bared her fangs. “Go back to sleep Kambali.” She said in a dangerously low pitch. She had never shown this type of behaviour before and it scared young Kambali. With a confused expression he submitted and retreated back into his den though he couldn’t sleep. He was too curious and concerned. Waiting until it was silent once again, he left his den. Approaching the deer carcass, he couldn’t spot anything different until he noticed a bundle of herb looking plants located half buried in the soil. Digging them out he got an overwhelming scent from them. Confused he smelt the kill and noticed it was similar in scent to the herbs, suggesting they had been coated in the strange plant.

Why was his mother coating his food in the plant? And without telling him? Like a sudden realisation he came to the bone chilling conclusion that she wasn’t as nice as he had thought she was.

With this thought in his head Kembali decided he had to leave as soon as possible, not knowing what danger he was in. In a hurry Kembali grabbed anything valuable in his den and left. He didn’t know where he was going, what direction or what laid ahead, but he was ready to face whatever was ahead. Little did he know the lioness he called mother was watching him leave.

A few hours into his travelling Kembali started to notice strange noises and the occasional shadows that were visible in the early sun rays. One-minute Kembali was walking, the next everything was black and there was a sudden silence. This only lasted a second before he felt the sensation of waking up after a long sleep. Blinking slowly, he first realised his sight was drastically improved, he had what felt like 360-degree vision. Looking around he seemed to be surrounded by trees, similar to where he was before the blackout. Standing up he had a heavy weight on his back, like a bunch of rocks were attached. He also felt more balanced. It was all a surreal feeling and he didn’t know how to explain it.

Looking behind him he saw three tails swishing in unison and in his peripherals he saw some branches attached to a log growing out of his back. What was going on?

In summary, Kembali’s stepmother had been poisoning him with a herb that caused him to grow extra limbs and glowing markings. None of these would show until he was killed and reborn. This explained what happened when the he blacked out. He doesn’t understand anything going on and is slowly figuring out how to deal with this life changing situation.
Last edited by ThatOnePython on Thu Jul 16, 2020 11:22 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Trinity Tree Adopts #25-28

Postby QueenOfWyrms » Wed Jul 08, 2020 5:37 am

Decay Bás
Username: QueenOfWyrms
HW cat or VOK lion?: VoK
Link to group/pride: Uaill Aislingean
What are they afraid of and why?:
Bás was the god of death, and of youth, though some throughout the mortal realm have referred to him as Decay; a lingering remnant of a past belief. He alone, of all the gods of Tìr nan Reultan, could enter Tìr na Nóg, for it was his domain. He was the most experienced in mortal things, even more than Ath-Bhrieth, who long ago was a mortal herself. He knew exactly what his plan was and where he wished to go when he breathed his soul into the proffered clay doll. And there he arrived, awakening on the outside of a hollow surrounded by rocks. From here, he could learn the what goings-on in the mortal realm he lacked knowledge of--within the safety of an Uaill that believed in the Aois Ùr.
Upon his awakening, however, he realized Beatha and Ath-Bhreith were not beside him. That realization broke whatever disorientation he may have had. Those two of his sisters were the most akin to real family for him, and he knew they were not ready to face the dangers of the mortal realm alone.
They did not even know they could die there.
He stood quickly, legs somewhat shaky from lack of use before that moment. His intent was to search for the two--Dagda's mission could fall into darkness for all he cared if anything were to happen to his sisters. However, he had not made it so much as two steps away from place he began when a lion, possibly some sort of sentry, spotted and hailed him.
He could not run or ignore the lion, else he might be seen as an intruder, a foe with ill intent.
Fighting his fear down his throat, Bás stopped and turned towards the lion; he stepped slowly and carefully so as not to appear threatening.
"Hark, traveller. Identify yourself." The lion spoke once they were within audible range.
Bás paused. He could not say his true name, lest he face outrage or be laughed away. Quickly he came up with something he deemed halfway decent. "Básan. I am Básan. I come from a land far from here seeking refuge."
The lion looked him over. He was clearly taking in Bás' more unusual traits. "After Bás, the god of death. Honourable." he paused, "and fitting."
Bás took the half-compliment in stride. Since he had introduced himself as a stranger too this land, he must claim ignorance.
"May i ask to whom the territory belongs that i have stumbled upon?"
The lion smiled, and beckoned with his tail for Bás to follow him, presumably around the large stones towards the entrance. "This is Uaill Aislingean--the pride of dreams. We live here in as close to paradise as can be achieved outside of Tìr na Nóg and Tìr nan Reultan. Aife is our Rìgh, i will take you to too her. It will be her decision whether you are allowed to join us."
Entering the hollow, the gazes of lions and lionesses and cuileanan followed Bás and his unusual looks. Trepidation began to flow through him. Not for the possibility of being sent away, nor fear from being under the gazes of all those mortals.
Nay, the fear that caused his blood to run colder than the was much deeper, darker than that.
He feared that somewhere beyond his reach, the young child-like Beatha, or the confident but inexperienced Ath-Bhreith, might be inches from the vices of death.
After all, the soul of a god is not meant to die. Fade, yes, become someone or something else, yes. But not to die. The soul of a deity in the body of a mortal that falls into the claws of his domain cannot enter Tìr na Nóg, where mortal souls rest, nor return even to the mighty gates of Tìr nan Reultan. That soul would fall into the deepest darkest of all darkness, where monsters abide and all goodness is rotted away until only hatred, disgust, and ugliness remain.
It is a fate Bás would not wish on his greatest enemy; save those on whom it had all ready befallen.
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Re: Trinity Tree Adopts #25-28

Postby QueenOfWyrms » Wed Jul 08, 2020 5:37 am

Life Beatha
Username: QueenOfWyrms
HW cat or VOK lion?: VoK
Link to group/pride: Uaill Aislingean
How do they support (or not support) life around them?:
Beatha awoke in the golden-olive grasses of early summer in the Tioram. At first she was confused—
HEY! It’s MY story, I wanna to tell!!
I’m Beatha! I lived in a big place with pillows to walk on and pretty shinies made all the walls and we drank sparkly juice that makes you warm and buzzy—buzzzz buzzzzz like a bee! Hehe! Yeah and I have—um, two, three, nine, um, many brothers and sisters! Biggest brother is Dagda, he rubs noses with Brighid, but they don’t get babies from it like mor-, er, muh-, myrtles! Like Myrtles do. Wait that’s a tree, um.
Well there was a problem with the not-myrtles and Dagda said me and my brother and sister Bás and Ath-Bhreith got to come down and fix it! So we did.
He gived us pretty clay dolls and then we breathed on them and it tickled and I woke up and it was hot and I had to walk forever.
But I met a pretty lioness and she showed me how to get to the water and there were lion-foods but they ran away when we got there which was really mean, I wanted foods and what’s their job anyway besides to make the lions live. So I told them come back and they did and they lay there and the pretty lioness made them dead and we ate bunches but then she made me carry the foods back to her living place but she didn’t even have a house, just a hole in some rocks! No blankets or scratching posts or pillows—I miss pillows, they are soft.
So Somebody else was saiding they didn’t wanna go so far to have water and I thinked, well I can make some water cause Manannán has a blesseding and I talk to him all the time! So I talk to the ground and boom! Water sploshes everywhere! I get so happy I play in it and get all wet and some other small lions play with me and I reached them to play tag—can you believe they didn’t know tag? And this lion was rubbing noses with a lioness so I went over and saided if they were making the babies and they got all red under their fur it was funny but I got “shoo shoo”ed and they stopped rubbing noses so I saided why weren’t they wanna make babies, lions are supposed to make babies so life goes on and somebody got mad at me, I dunno why. But I don’t like when people get mad at me so I get mad back and I says “you don’t get to find any lion-foods cause I’m mad.” And I hmphed and—
Okay okay I think it’s time to stop talking, Beatha. It’s your nap time.
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Re: Trinity Tree Adopts #25-28

Postby QueenOfWyrms » Wed Jul 08, 2020 5:38 am

Rebirth Ath-Bhrieth
Username: QueenOfWyrms
HW cat or VOK lion?: VoK
Link to group/pride: Uaill Aislingean
Explain a major change that happens to them and how it effects them:
Dagda held out the clay figure, not-so-patiently waiting for her to take it. Confidently, Ath-Bhreith did. Whatever might happen in the transition to a mortal form, as the goddess of reincarnation and sacrifice she expected to be ready for it. After all, she was the only one of her brothers and sisters with any experience in the mortal realm--her martyr-like death there was what had changed her soul from its path to Tír na Nóg to Tír nan Reultan and made her into the goddess she was now. Once her brother and sister Bás and Beatha had accepted their figures, Dagda spoke a few words on their mission. they were to investigate the living world and solve that whole mess on Seann Lagh that kept cropping up somewhere else every time the four-walkers figured out the Aois Úr.
With that, Dadga and the three journeying gods breathed onto--and into--the three clay figures; and the world faded away.

Something wet, sticky, and gooey clung to her fur. She could not breathe, the same substance blocked her noses and mouths from receiving the air her lungs burned and begged. Her mind raced. What was going on? Where was she? Why was she here instead of her home in Tír nan Reultan? As she fought against the substance--which some part of her that wasn't flooding with adrenaline realized must be mud, that obnoxious muck in the mortal realm--her process of thought spiraled down to one thing.
'How in this despicable world do I get out of here.'
She kicked and fought the grasp of the mud, despite the apparent futility of the act. The mud around her only became slicker as she built up a sweat. 'Sweat.'
She began to writhe wildly, moving every limb she had to make enough sweat to bead underneath her fur. The sweat would roll downwards beneath her thick fur, where the mud did not quite reach. When it was large enough, it would roll in the direction of gravity--and gravity would tell her which way "up" was. Up meant out.
She began to feel the weight of the sweat on her neck, under her chin. In a few moments, it rolled around her neck to the other side. Her faces were towards the up.
Putting power before her movements, she kicked to turn herself, struggling until her heads were close enough to upright. And she rose, pushing, clawing and kicking, like swimming but more violent. Her vision began to darken from lack of oxygen and her lungs still burned; she felt her limbs weaken as the blood flow carried less and less oxygen. Still, she pulled herself up, and up, and up. just before she thought she would never make it out, the mud shifted by her left nose and she felt the sweet coolness of air.
Finally, her trial was over. She quickly got herself halfway out of the mud and stopped to catch her breath.
She closed her eyes and let her heart beat and chest heave as realized the feeling she didn't remember losing was returning to her toes. Her heart was so loud, its bu-dump reverberating through her ears and she could feel her pulse through her entire body. She did not even notice the increasing growl until something landed on her head. A droplet. She opened her eyes, expecting to see the beginning of a nice, refreshing rain that might wash the mud out of her fur.
Instead, she found a drooling, mouth-frothing, red-and-wild-eyed lioness with bared teeth only inches from one of her faces. At first she thought she might enjoy a challenging battle to break in this new body--until she realized the lioness was at least four times her size. She must be in the body of a cub! A cub could not fight a lioness, much less a hungry, rabid one.
pulling her heads together and down to protect her vulnerable necks, she mewled and shut her eyes, hoping to the luck of her brother Goibniu that someone, anyone might be close enough to save her.

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Re: Trinity Tree Adopts #25-28

Postby AwkwardAnxiety » Wed Jul 08, 2020 5:45 am

Username: AwkwardAnxiety
HW cat or VOK lion?: VOK
Link to group/pride: Pride of Intertwining Roots
What are they afraid of and why?:

Occasus was born to a lesser lion and a lower ranked lioness. The lioness was not supposed to mate with the lesser lion but they had believed he would win the Test of Strength and figured “Why wait?” She was distressed when he was banished and did not properly care for herself during her pregnancy that she had been so excited for at first but now hated. His birth was difficult and she was weak when it was done. She only lived in the hope she would see the reflection of her beloved in her child. Instead, what states back at her was some deformed, half-dead, beast. She cast him aside with her last strength and died.

When the other lionesses came in to check on her, they were horrified to find her dead and the mongrel child alive. They nearly threw him in the oasis to drown but the First Lion admonished them for such actions as all life was sacred. He raised the child on his own as none of the lionesses could stand to look at it. He named the child Occasus, roughly meaning the passing from light to darkness, day to night, life to death.


Occasus grew up fearing the other lions. He knew he was different and that they hated him for it. He knew that somehow he had committed a great crime against them but no one would tell him what it was. When he asked his father Ignis, he would only say that the other lions were wrong about Occasus and leave it at that. Occasus hid away during the day, only coming out at night when the others were asleep so that they could not hurt him ‘by accident’. He fed on the prey that others discarded and scavenged like a common Carrion-Eater. He was ashamed of how he was forced to act by their hatred and hid himself away even more for it. If they hated him for what he could not control, would they not hate him more for what he could?

He soon found that he had a connection to the dead. He saw the ghosts of the dead leaving their bodies and climbing to the heavens to meet the Weaver. He even spoke with one once. He longed to join them, to be free of his mortal confines but the ghost told him to wait until his own time, to follow the Weaver’s path and he’d surely be rewarded at the end. So he lived in fear of the living and played at night with the dead.
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Re: Trinity Tree Adopts #25-28

Postby AwkwardAnxiety » Wed Jul 08, 2020 3:42 pm

Username: AwkwardAnxiety
HW cat or VOK lion?: VOK
Link to group/pride: ^
How do they support (or not support) life around them?:

Aranea looked fairly normal for a lion, other than her antlers. Sure, her ears were a little long, she had a strange mane yet had none of the side effects of maned females, and had a very fluffy tail, but small oddities such as these were not unheard of. What was strange about her was her Sight.

Early on they discovered her ability to See life threads. At first, most of the lions were frightened. What kind of strange thing occurred that gave her this ability? But they soon embraced her ability as they realized it's potential. She was able to tell when threads were weakening, when a lion neared the end of their life regardless of their age or seeming health. If a lion allowed her to touch them over their heart for an extended period of time, she could even tell them some of the patterns they'd be weaved in, essentially telling parts of their future.


She was very popular among the older lions, although the other cubs her age were jealous of her ability and the attention she received from the adults. She tried to play with them and tell them stories of their lives but cubs don't care about the future and their jealousy caused them to shun her. She was saddened by this but felt in her heart that in the future they would regret their current decisions.

Her biggest difficulty was that she could not be a Hunter, the preferred position in the tribe for lionesses (except in rare cases) due to her Sight. She could See the life threads of the other animals just like the lions and she could not bear to be the one to snap them. She was too in tune with life to cause death. She was up front with the older lionesses about this when they tried to train her for hunting and declared that she would be a Caretaker instead, a decision few made this early in life, so she could nurture life and not end it.
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Re: Trinity Tree Adopts #25-28

Postby AwkwardAnxiety » Wed Jul 08, 2020 3:42 pm

Username: AwkwardAnxiety
HW cat or VOK lion?: VOK
Link to group/pride: ^
Explain a major change that happens to them and how it effects them:


Maculosus could see time.

Well, not exactly “time” per se, but if they chose, they could see into the past or into the future. Their right head could see the past and their left could see the future.

They were a child but remembered that he had not always been. They had been something else and become mortal, skipping birth and the awkward newborn phases of life. They gained a body that reflected their past time as Other but they could not remember what they had been or why they sent themself down to this world of want, disease, and death. They could not See their past or See their own future. This frightened them greatly, nearly as much as their appearance frightened the local pride they had chosen to reside with.

The lions in the pride referred to them as he and him and named them Maculosus. They thought this was fitting for their male body but referred to themself in the plural as their two heads had two minds and two is plural. The other lions thought this too was strange and did not understand their logic but they paid them little mind.

They had a Quest to find out who they were and why they were now mortal. They could feel the weakness of their current form in comparison to their past that they could not recall and so they worked hard to regain some of it. They helped the lionesses hunt, which was frowned upon by the Pride but who were mere lions to stop what they thought of as a demigod. They practiced fighting with the other males, even ones much larger than they. They usually lost but didn’t mind much. They kept going through their self imposed training, determined to make themself strong enough to search for their past. They only hoped they would finish before the time came to return their life thread.
Last edited by AwkwardAnxiety on Wed Jul 15, 2020 10:38 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Trinity Tree Adopts #25-28

Postby MySpoons » Fri Jul 10, 2020 12:31 pm

    Username: MySpoons
    HW cat or VOK lion?: VOK Lion
    Link to group/pride: The New Guard



DECAY is inevitably linked to dying and death. It is the state of something once-living losing its vitality and spiraling endlessly towards death from the first instance of vitality. Any and everything with life in it will hit the point of decay, either nearing the end of life or a point soon after death. Only the nonliving things are exempt from the reach of DECAY.

Seen as a god. Perhaps. More like a force of nature, the herald of passing time to all living things. All growing weaker, colder... rotting. Forever moving towards the state to bring them within DECAY's folds.

Death is a permanent state, the end of all living things. DECAY is the reigning deity of those who have died and pass into decay. There, they receive new power-- external power from him, gifted to all those who die to continue on in a way that is not quite life, but close enough to bring all kinds of creatures towards him, seeking the only form of immortality that they know of in their final moments. DECAY welcomes them, nurtures them in the only way DECAY is able to-- with the continuation of existence after all lifeblood has been lost.

Those who come to DECAY are always there, growing DECAY's sphere of influence with every passing day. If not for DECAY, then the world would overcrowd and the dead would still roam as undead, unable to pass on to the next phase of the afterlife. Even of those who scorn death and other gods related to the end of life... they, too, have the option of joining DECAY and accepting a new form of existence.

The only counter to DECAY is the deities of life. Those that take the energy DECAY puts into their eternal devotees and sucks the necrotic energy out, twisting it to bring new life back into the world to replace what was lost. DECAY could have been the high ruler of all realms, overpowered by the inevitable death of all living things... but the power is forever balanced, sucking away all DECAY surrounds itself with, sending souls to eternal rest in order to borrow energy from the aether for new life.

No matter how much power DECAY holds, they are not able to reverse such life-giving power. Decay can only happen to those rotting, dying... life is impossible to squash alone. Nothing can take hold if life is unwilling to give in. DECAY lashes out, sends as much power as they can through the realm, claiming entire forests. Pushing so much intent and desperation into the raw display of divine might, DECAY creates non-living monsters. Golems of rock and stone to protect the edges of DECAY's influence.

LIFE was a threat seeking to erase DECAY from the realm at all costs. It is why DECAY had to do what they did-- LIFE would have destroyed them if DECAY hadn't fought back.


DECAY's biggest fear in the war against LIFE was losing all those who had chosen to stay with DECAY. A deity such as DECAY had no experience with loss-- for it was the endpoint of most souls, choosing to partially exist in the same realm they were born into. Even though DECAY's power did not maintain the same level of personality and intelligence in those DECAY cared for and provided power to, it was still better than nothing. DECAY was not death, not darkness. Nothing was unfathomable, terrifying. No-- DECAY had to keep the decayed with them, no matter the cost.

Balancing the power spread through DECAY's army was difficult. Too much and the decayed would be easily coaxed to permanent death if damaged. Too little, and the army was not strong enough to fight LIFE's forces. LIFE was the biggest threat, the only threat. The living could do so much more damage than DECAY ever could... the war was heavily one-sided for years. DECAY losing influence, power, respect...

Unable to do more than watch as their forces crumbled and faded away, retreating until the forest was mostly dead, leaving a rotting old tree as the last haven of DECAY's presence in this realm. To see the fallen soldiers serve LIFE in death by fertilizing the ground, turning DECAY's power into energy LIFE could use was too much. DECAY thought it was the end. LIFE would choke herself out and send her realm into chaos, overpopulated. Where sudden death reigned as the only limiting factor, instead of the peaceful transition of the decaying to heal the land and provide peace and rest.

DECAY feared they would face death, too. Death was the unknown, the most feared power in the universe to a god of decay. DECAY always straddled the line of living and death, a perpetuated limbo of energy storage, allowing souls to linger in the mortal plane and energy to stay without feeding into the cycle of the universe right away. All was almost lost that night then the two trees burned, only saved by the wiser, older deity of the dragon... who could only help DECAY and LIFE when they had all but destroyed each other, the realm they resided in, and the mortals who had helped and harmed them.


***if i am fortunate enough to be considered for the top entries, I would rather win an RU than the actual god
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Re: Trinity Tree Adopts #25-28

Postby faelyn » Mon Jul 13, 2020 9:35 am



goddess of life // faelyn // hw cat // The Isles // entry <3xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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