Tolter Rehoming - 1 LEFT

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Tolter Rehoming - 1 LEFT

Postby Half Tree » Sun Sep 08, 2019 4:36 am

    I am taking over finishing the rehoming of these tolters as given permission by the owner of the tolters.


    - You may change the barn name and show name if you so choose.
    - Sex of the horse must remain the same.
    - Mateships are dissolved upon adoption.
    - I will post on the adoption page linking to the new owner's profile.
    - You may add extras to any forms with no limits.
    - Everything will end in one month from the date this is posted. [30 days]
    - There will be no extensions for horses with completed forms.
    - Forms requesting art cannot be done as a colour-in.
    - Colour-ins are only acceptable as extras.

unmated stallion
adoption page - stable page
slot info

    100-word minimum personality
    1 lined and coloured headshot

went home with
unmated mare
adoption page - stable page
slot info

    500-word min. story about the start of her issues with water
    What caused her to dislike it? Is it dislike or actual fear?

went home with
unmated mare
adoption page - stable page
slot info
    01 - Reserved for ghost queen.
    [winner must message to check for interest]
    02-10 - unused

    500-word min. about how she gets along with your herd and
    how the tolts in that herd perceive her
    *must be written in a perspective that is not her own

went home with

unmated stallion
adoption page - stable page
slot info
    01 - Reserved for PhinaWolf [void: not online since '17]
    02-10 - unused

    500-word minimum story about adventures with his sire
    lined and coloured artwork depicting their adventures

went home with
unmated mare
adoption page - stable page
slot info

    500-word min. story about getting her comfortable with trailers
    lined and coloured artwork depicting her learning about trailers

end date
    one month from now
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Re: Tolter Rehoming - OPEN

Postby Half Tree » Sun Sep 08, 2019 4:36 am


Code: Select all
[b]who are you applying for?[/b]
[b]show name:[/b]
[b]barn name:[/b]
[b]prompt response:[/b]
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Re: Tolter Rehoming - OPEN

Postby SpartanAmethyst » Sun Sep 08, 2019 4:46 am



username: SpartanAmethyst | who are you applying for? Scar

SATO Orbit of DiscoveryOppaMare


prompt response:
I remember the first day she came to the ranch; she strongly resembled me, save for our coat colors. We bore similar markings, similar attitudes, and the same brand curved along both of our necks. She was from the Roundup, that taming event some seasons ago; but she still seemed quite wild. It made me curious. From my mate Wraith's side I stepped forward, ears perked all the way forward as she was slowly and calmly herded into the high-fenced corral. I could see Amethyst struggling to calm her down, just narrowly avoiding getting bitten in the process, and I whinnied softly. I was Amethyst's pride and success from the event, even though I was still more on the wild side, so I knew exactly how the newcomer felt. Castiel, her husband, nudged her softly and motioned to me standing eagerly at the gate. Her blue eyes lit up,and quickly she came to retrieve me. I needed no lead, no halter, and she hoped that by the end of everything, neither would our newest herd member.

From that first moment I was put into the corral with her, she instantly calmed.She saw my brand and knew we were the same. I learned that her name had been Scar, but Amethyst had changed it in the transfer; now she was called "Oppa", and she tried to deny it, but in her voice I felt like she liked the sound of the new name. It was unique. Once she settled and Amethyst knew I wasn't going to be hurt, we were left alone, and I set to really getting to know her. I learned about her wild days, her previous stable, everything that went both right and wrong in her life. She was strong, tough, but... an outcast, like me. We understood each other. By the morning sun, we were best friends, a term I don't use lightly, and she'd fallen asleep leaning into my side.

With my help, her taming took no time at all, compared to mine where Amethyst had to make every inch of progress completely on her own. She'd follow us on trail rides, watch me get brushed and tacked and comfortable before Amethyst ever tried it with her. She was my same age and experiencing this all for the first time; honestly, it was a bit magical, in a way, and I felt so proud that first day Amethyst tacked her fully and was able to swing into the saddle. The only downside to me helping? She developed my attitude. Oops.

Finally when Amethyst felt she was ready, she brought Oppa with me into the main Tolter pasture, Of course, Quill and Big Man were immediately on her, flirting and trying to show off to the new mare with the pretty red coat. It was absolutely hilarious, though, when she tried to warn them to back off and they ignored her body language. She charged and tried to take a chunk out of Big Man, who happened to be closer at that moment, and I've never seen those two turn tail and run so quick, clear to the other side of the pasture. I laughed for hours, and so did the rest of the herd. Slowly I encouraged her to go and meet everybody, while I went back to cuddle up to Wraith. She was scared, that was something I could definitely see, and she wasn't so fond of being part of such a massive herd. Like me, she was not very social, but she was trying, and everybody in the herd seemed to accept her willingly. By sunset she was already family, even despite her quietness, and I even noticed that she was standing talking very intently to Blight, and I smiled. He'd been lonely for awhile, the poor little edgeboi. They'd be perfect for each other, I knew.

[ word count : 644 ]

before the ranch:
(( this is in no way a reflection on her actual previous owner ))
Before the roundup, Oppa had been born wild to a pregnant mare that escaped during a barn fire. In her early years, freedom was all she had initially known.

While her sire had been the most elegant, controlled dressage master in the stable, her mother was a beast made of fire and brimstone, just looking for somewhere to explode. They'd hoped to separate the filly from her mother as quickly as she was weaned and place her with her sire, so she'd hopefully pick up on his positive attributes and develop that elegance he was so famous for. But, one dark autumn evening after a heavy rainstorm, a fire broke out in the stable, presumably due to the wet hay - though some staff jokingly blame it on Oppa's dam, Rouge. It was actually Rouge, though, who was the reason all of the horses survived that fire; despite being heavily pregnant, she managed to escape her stall and kick at the main doors until the flew open. It was then up to her and her cohort, a young gelding named Domino, to break open all of the stalls and encourage the horses to run out into the yard and away from the danger. Domino and Rouge were the last out of the burning building, and they ran the farthest. In fact, they never stopped.

The two best friends and the dam's unborn foal ran far into the Heartlands, running and playing and just relishing in the feeling of finally being free. No tack, no fences, no humans; just them and the wild open plains. Even despite the dangers and the cold nights, the two Tolters never looked back, not even once.

Eventually they did group up with a herd of mustangs, as it was coming time for Rouge to foal, and that would have been far too dangerous for them to try and handle on their own, especially with the potential of wolves and cougars nearby. It took the lead stallion of the herd a lot of convincing to let Domino stay, but eventually they were welcomed into the herd, and Rouge gave birth under the safety of the lead stallion's watchful gaze. The filly born was the color of copper, bright and shiny, with darker points and a stunning cream-colored mane and tail. Silver bay, Rouge remembered it being called, a definite contrast between her rich but dark mahogany coat and the sire's raven black. Down her abdomen, white streaks lined her belly like tall grasses; if you looked carefully, they almost looked like- "Scar," the lead stallion suddenly spoke, and Rouge looked up in surprise. "It is customary for the lead stallion to name newborn foals. Though she is not mine, I will raise her as such, and I've chosen to name her Scar." He chuckled softly. "It appears as our little warrior had already survived her first cougar attack, yes?" He asked, noting the markings' resemblance to the big cat's claw marks. "Now come, let us celebrate new life!" And as he promised, the lead stallion raised Scar as his own, teaching her how to forage, to fight, and to lead. By her second year, she was practicing how to be a lead mare, searching for water and guiding the herd through the dangerous migrations between the summer and winter pastures.

When she turned three, though, her entire world was flipped upside down. Humans came in to their secluded plateau with their cowboys and their helicopters, chasing the herd and terrifying the foals that still struggled to keep their balance. One by one they were rounded up, despite Scar's best efforts to help some of them escape after the lead stallion and mare were already caught, and immediately the three Tolters were separated from the other mustangs, and the previous stable notified after the three were all branded. The owner was so relieved to have his prized mare back (though he was not happy about the brand on their necks), and was even more ecstatic to see the gorgeous mare that had become of that long awaited foal. Quickly he arranged for travel to take them back home, but that honeymoon period was short-lived. Domino and Rouge were their normal form of attitude, but they were obedient. Scar? She was so wild that they barely got her into a stall to settle into. Thousands of dollars and countless trainers later, they just couldn't seem to get the poor mare to calm down, and so the stable sold her with a heavy heart.

Her next home also had no idea how to handle the rabicano mare; she was too wild, too scared, so she bit ad kicked and thrashed with all of her might in the hoped of simply getting away from the prison of the stalls and pastures. These humans, though, were not truly familiarized with horses, and resorted to more... violent means in an attempt to control her. By the time the ASPCA had stepped in, the mare looked almost like an appaloosa with the amount of whip sores that littered her haunches. They managed to keep the mare contained until her wounds had healed, and miraculously her coat grew back in flawlessly, but her attitude... They just couldn't adopt a horse out with that kind of aggression, there was no way. So they called the one person they knew would take all of their "no hope" cases and if nothing else, let them live out their days in peace: Amethyst.

It was a long drive from Colorado to the ASPCA stable where she was held, but Amethyst made the trip without complaint, paid for the mare's adoption fee, filled out the paperwork, and stayed a few days to familiarize herself with the horse. It took almost a week, but Amethyst was able to at least get her to walk on lead. Thankfully, it was just enough to get her loaded into the trailer, home, and unloaded into the first pasture. During that long drive,a plan was formulating in Amethyst's mind, and she smiled softly. She knew just the horse to help.

[ word count : 1,018 ]



username: SpartanAmethyst | who are you applying for? MooMoo

ARR No Bones About ItBonesStallion


prompt response:
[x] "Dad. Dad. Come on dad. Dad!! Grr...." Suddenly the young colt took a few steps back and charged, slamming into the larger stallion with as much force as his tiny body could create. The older stallion, a paint by the name of MewMew, stirred from his slumber with a groan. "Dad, you promised you'd take me on the trails today! Come on, I want to explore. The humans will be up soon!"

"Alright, Bones," MewMew yawned, grumbling to himself. Bos chuckled from the far side of the pasture, the massive bull already awake before the morning sun. "Alright, alright, I'm up," the overweight stallion hauled himself into a standing position, shaking out his patched coat. The young colt's tail wagged almost like a dog's, Bones bounding quickly over to the gate and unlatching it just like he'd seen other horses do.

"Dad, can we go to the forest trail?? We haven't done that one yet!"

MewMew chuckled. "Sure kiddo. I'll show you what berries and greens that are safe to eat, too." He was starving, and if he was having to be active to satisfy his son's adventurous spirit, well then he was definitely going to do some munching along the way. As father and son walked, the dark star-studded sky shifted into the bright reds and oranges of sunrise. They talked and laughed and joked, MewMew watching his little mini me flit happily back and forth across the trail. He loved his children immensely, but there was something about Bones... Suddenly the little one took off into the underbrush, and in seconds was out of MewMew's sight. The stallion panicked and bolted after him, stumbling and trying to fight his way through the dense brush - how the hell was he that fast?!

Chest heaving, MewMew finally broke through the brush and found a small meadow, where Bones had found a doe and her twin fawns. They seemed to have made fast friends, as the doe was cleaning Bones as if he were one of hers. MewMew almost collapsed in relief, and Bones grinned sheepishly. "Sorry dad... I got excited. I won't run off again."

"Please don't," MewMew struggled to catch his breath. "Your old man is too old and too heavy to run like that. And your dam would definitely kill me if something happened to you." After a few minuted socializing (and MewMew finally caught his breath), father and son bid the cervine family goodbye and ambled their way back to Snowy Elk Stables. The sun was just finishing its ascent over the horizon, bathing the farm in its bright morning light. "The humans will be checking Bos' pasture soon, let's hurry and get back," he said, picking up the pace into a heavy trot. Bones followed alongside him, leaping and bucking, and even legitimately running circles around his sire. They made it back just in the nick of time, and within a few minutes, MewMew had opened the pasture gate and gotten them both inside, and settled them in his favorite spot underneath the shade trees. The humans would never be the wiser.

[ word count : 516 ]


I felt really back for MooMoo not having a form for him, and I have slightly grown attached to the cutie ;x;
But if I'm only allowed to win one, Scar/Oppa is my priority.
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Re: Tolter Rehoming - OPEN

Postby Rescue2001 » Sun Sep 08, 2019 7:12 am

    username: Rescue2001
    who are you applying for? Dynamite
    show name: Show Bound
    barn name: Denver
    gender: stallion
    promt response: Denver is a very adventurous boy, he just loves exploring. Denver is a pretty mellow horse but wouldn't put him as a kids or beginners horse though, he only really acts good when he knows he is being ridden by someone who knows what they are doing. He also likes being kinda by himself, like he likes other horses but not all the time he actually kinda gets annoyed being by others all the time. He can also be kind of a smart alic ( I think I spelt that wrong ) but is not good at it. He is usually pretty hard to win over too unless you have treats. (113 words)


    He and my boy Aquaman are the bestest of friends. Sense they both love adventures they always go out together even if only one of them is being ridden.
Last edited by Rescue2001 on Sun Nov 24, 2019 5:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tolter Rehoming - OPEN

Postby OutdatedBoombox » Sun Sep 08, 2019 7:26 am

Mark to transfer my forms
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Re: Tolter Rehoming - OPEN

Postby Cinxer » Sun Nov 24, 2019 9:15 am

who are you applying for? bio
show name: sweet apple cider
barn name: honey
prompt response: wip 500 min
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Re: Tolter Rehoming - OPEN

Postby Half Tree » Sun Nov 24, 2019 10:10 am

Congrats SpartanAmethyst you've won both Scar and MooMoo! I am confident they will be going to a loving home together. <33

Dynamite, Bio, and Mockingbird are all lacking a qualifying form so I encourage people to enter for them! c:

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...........................................................kalons - tolters - collies


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Re: Tolter Rehoming - OPEN

Postby SpartanAmethyst » Sun Nov 24, 2019 2:36 pm

Ahhh thank you so much Tree! I'm still waiting to get my laptop back from the repair shop so I didn't get to submit my art for her, but expect to see it in the fan club <3 I'm so excited to develop her more alongside Saber!

I've also made a lovely little niche for MooMoo, since he was a last minute addition <3 <3

For the last 3, if you want a free headshot for your form, drop me a PM with who you're applying for! Let's get these babies adopted!!
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Re: Tolter Rehoming - OPEN

Postby skip » Sun Nov 24, 2019 3:03 pm

username: Skip
who are you applying for? Bio
show name: The Enchanting Trance
barn name: Maybelle
prompt response:
Water. Maybelle had never been a fan of water, the fear was something that was caused by an event in her life that left her shaken with terror. Most of her friends never really got why she hated it so much as she never told them why. The event was a secret memory she kept locked away to herself. As much as she tried to push it back, it always resurfaced once she saw that awful h2o. The horror all began when she was just a foal, only a few weeks old. She had enjoyed exploring around the pasture and stable where she stayed with her mother but once day she decided to get a bit more adventurous. She decided to be sneaky and escape from the pasture by sneaking through a broken section of the fence. Filled with excitement and wonder, she happily bounded out and into the surrounding area of the farm. Oh what sights to see and things to explore! She eagerly dashed around sniffing flowers, tasting grass, and rolling in the dirt. This was amazing to her little soul! With happiness filling every ounce of her body she was getting farther and farther from the safe pasture. Maybelle didn't realize that since she was so distracted by the butterflies and bunnies, she didn't see the pond laying a few feet away. The pond was a spot on the farm that few animals went near as it was dangerously deep. The murky waters could be filled with great horrors and you couldn't see what may lay in it's depths. She got closer, and closer to the pond. With a bound after a bird seen flying ahead, Maybelle fell into the pond. The ice cold water hit her with a sharp blast kicking her into the realization that she was in trouble. She kicked and kicked but kept falling back under the water. When she was able to bring her head above she cried and cried for help. Water rushed through her mouth and nose as she struggled for air. Fighting with every ounce of strength in her body to get to the surface became harder and harder, she sank and sank. Was this how she was going to die? Becoming trapped in water's cold embrace? The water was pulling her deeper and deeper with no escape. When it felt like everything had left her and her consciousness faded, she felt something begin to move her up and out of the pond. Trying to realize what was happening to her she fought to stay awake. Her eyes fluttered and next thing she knew she was laying next to the pond coughing and hacking as her mother worriedly nudged her. This water had tried to take her from her mother. It tried to steal away her life and all she knew. It was a monster. It frightened every bone in her small body. She vowed never to step foot in water again as it couldn't win this battle. It wouldn't take her away and she would be sure of it. At the sight of water her mind flickers back to the horror of feeling so helpless. Water would never fight with her again on her watch.

username: Skip
who are you applying for? Dynamite
show name: Apple Bottom Jeans
barn name: Ackerson
prompt response: Ackerson is one of the goofiest horses you will ever find. He loves to play and joke around, it's hard for him to take anything seriously. He always tries to cheer fellow horses that feel down by telling jokes or just giving them a silly smile. If he were a human and went to school you will bet he's the class clown. As long as he lives Ackerson vows that no horse will go unhappy. He wishes that he could make everyone in the world smile and it's become his lifelong goal. He knows that with enough determination and laughs it will be possible, don't tell him otherwise or he'll call ya crazy.
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Re: Tolter Rehoming - OPEN

Postby Rescue2001 » Sun Nov 24, 2019 5:55 pm

    username: Rescue2001
    who are you applying for? Dynamite
    show name: Show Bound
    barn name: Denver
    gender: stallion
    promt response: Denver is a very adventurous boy, he just loves exploring. Denver is a pretty mellow horse by all means, but I wouldn't put him as a kids or beginners horse though. He only really acts good when he knows he is being ridden by someone who knows what they are doing, otherwise he just does what he wants to do. He also likes being kinda by himself. Like he likes other horses but not all the time, he actually kinda gets annoyed being by others all the time. He can also be kind of a smart alic( I think I spelt that wrong ), but he really isnt. He is usually pretty hard to win over too unless you have treats, he loves treats. (128 words)


    He and my boy Aquaman are the bestest of friends. Sense they both love adventures they always go out together even if only one of them is being ridden, one just follows right behind the other. Aquaman is the only one who Denver can stand all day for the simple fact that Aquaman knows when to just leave him alone, this is the time when he usually takes a nap or eats.


    reposting hope thats ok
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