SCS Adopts #760-762: Munchkin Mini Bandits by ~HєуRєι~

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SCS Adopts #760-762: Munchkin Mini Bandits

Postby ~HєуRєι~ » Sat May 18, 2019 4:41 pm

Second Chance Shelter wrote:Second Chance Shelter is a dog and cat rescue where you can come to find a new member of your family. We rescue and rehabilitate dogs and cats of all shapes and sizes so they may have the chance to be placed into a caring home. All of our animals are special and deserve a chance to be happy with an owner that will care for them. The question is: are you ready to love them?

A litter of 4 munchkins was dropped off at our shelter a few days ago. One of the 4 is already taken , but these 3 were left. We aren't sure who left them here as they were dropped off in a carrier, but they've gotten into so much trouble in the short time they've been here. The reason outside their closeness that we know they are related, was a note attached to the carrier stating as such. No idea why someone would just leave them there in a carrier and not drop them off in person.

PROMPTS: You can choose between 1 of 3 of these prompts to answer for your form! However you can only enter for 2 of the 3 siblings and you MUST choose a different prompt for each cat. You can partner up and read my Extra policy if you wish to add extras (which is encouraged!) The fourth kid, the one not in the picture, is also open to be interacted with in the prompts. Pm me for details on her.
>#1 What was the biggest thing they got in trouble for? Were the other siblings involved in any way? Describe the event. Min 20 words- Max 400
>#2 What is their favorite memory with their sibling/s? Specify which sibling/s (can be all) and what the memory was. Min 20 words- Max 400 words
>#3 Which sibling do they get in trouble with the most? What kind of trouble? What is the reason? Min 20 words- Max 400 words My Extra Policy
END DATE: Friday, May 31st

#760 Munchkin

Wileyfangs wrote:

    Partner'd with Wolfiedog3 and spiritstar3

    Username: Wileyfangs
    Name: Bermuda
    Sex: Tom
    Collar: Bandana
    Personality: Being the only boy in a family full of girls is never easy. Especially when you're a tom like Bermuda. Sure Lin is pretty laid-back, Blueberry's well...Blueberry and Sarai is the brains in the operations so he really doesn't have to do much at all, but his ego is too big. After all with his sisters around, he never gets to shine the way he deserves. Not that he doesn't love them to bits, but come on! He's a growing lad! He needs some space! So maybe he likes to be dramatic and demand attention but there's nothing wrong with that! Self-confidence was the best confidence and in his mind, he's the best confidence. Wait. No...well he knows what he meant. Maybe he's not that bright, but what he lacks in brains he makes up for with charm and plenty of it!

    He especially is a lady's man and will do anything to get any female human's attention. Namely, because they're the ones who fall so easily to his charms. But despite his ego, lack of brains and shallow tendencies, Bermuda has the kindness of a saint and will help anyone out of misfortune. Even a dog! He'll even get his pelt all wet if it means helping a friend out of a jam, and he loves his fluffy pelt. One day he hopes to be a show cat and show off his stuff to the world but for now, he doesn't mind a little petty thievery. Especially if it gets him a front row seat into someone's lap to be petted and fawned over while his sisters do the actual stealing.

    Prompt (#3): Bermuda would never say who he was cahoots with when it came to thievery. He was an honorable kitten! He would not be broken down with a few measly treats! But when there was the head scritches he knew he had to think fast. He couldn't let them know who his partner in crime was! After all, she'd murder him if she knew he sold her out. No, he mustn't think that way. He mustn't!

    But the hand! The cursed hand was giving him so many great scritches! He was purring now, a weakness! A sign of giving up!
    His mind was clouded, he was doomed!
    He mustn't!
    He mustn't!

    "It was Sarai!" He meowed loudly as he butted into the hand for more. "She always has us play, Good Kitty, Bad Kitty!" Oh no! He was doomed now! The words spilled out like water as he purred up a storm, eager for the solo attention. It was so nice to finally have the spotlight all to himself. "I like playing it cuz I get to be the 'good' kitty and distract you! And she gets to play 'bad' kitty and steal all the snacks! But it's super yummy and oof she's gonna kill me!" But either the human didn't hear him or didn't care because all Bermuda could think about was those pets. He loved getting pets. He deserved em after all!

    "Who's a good kitty?" He heard them say and he grinned and rose on his hind legs eliciting a few "awws" and more pets as he rumbled happily. Oh yeah, he thought, he was doomed.


    It was a strange day for Robyn. A month in since her dog acting debut. She and her owner went on more trips than she could count to far away lands and places. When they finally went home to their little apartment though, Robyn couldn't have been happier. Hence why she found it odd that her owner had been so, dare she say it, distracted lately. Which was unlike him.

    Gerald was many things. Patient, kindly, driven by details, sure. But distracted? Robyn knew most everything about her owner and couldn't for the life of her figure out where his mind was going now. Which is why when he rushed out of the house without her, she felt odd.

    But that was only the beginning of the strange day. When he came back he'd brought back toys and food dishes, but Robyn's jewel-encrusted food dish worked just fine and the toys he'd bought were too small for her.

    She'd given them the obligatory dog sniff but besides that didn't understand her human's sudden new drive for these strange things.


    Her owner Gerald was no dummy, but goodness he had his moments. Like this.

    The creature he held in his hands was filthy. Small and squirming and if not for the pure glee on his face, Robyn wouldn't have even stepped a foot closer. But Gerald held it out to her and she blinked as suddenly she saw two bright crystal blue eyes staring up at her as the most pitiful mewling sound filled the air.

    A cat.

    Her beloved owner had done it. Being behind the camera too long had finally driven him mad. Why else would he bring this...clump of fur.

    If Robyn hadn't been so tired she'd give Gerald the business. After all, this was a one dog only home and now suddenly there was a cat?! But as it was she was exhausted from all the new screentime and learning new tricks. She gave the cretin a sniff and her owner an unimpressed look before heading back to bed.

    The Cretin, she'd come to learn, had a name.
    Bermuda. It was oddly a pretty name for such a disheveled creature but Robyn supposed it was good enough. Plus with a bit of a bath and maybe some weight, perhaps the cretin child could learn to grow into it. And so the first few days Robyn spent ignoring Bermuda with a passion.

    But the feeling was not mutual. At every opportunity it seemed, Bermuda followed Robyn at a safe distance, openly admiring the big dog. He trailed after her with awe in his blue eyes that made Robyn question whether or not he really was a cat. After all, all the cats she'd ever met were self-righteous and prideful, would never gaze so openly at anything, but here was this small cretin of fluff gazing at Robyn like she was the best toy he'd ever found.

    "Excuse me, Miss Robyn," she'd heard him squeak, one particular day she had been trying extra hard to ignore him. She'd been lying in her bed, bone at ready and eager to gnaw out some frustration with a particular trick she was learning. "Miss!" He was insistent, she'd give him that and it had surprised her enough to turn her head only to find him gazing up at her. "Hello miss Robyn!"

    The little tom had a bright, cheerful face brightened only by his blue eyes which matched his newly acquired collar. This was the first time she'd heard him actually speak.

    "Hello there...Bermuda," she murmured levelly, watching the cat warily. "What brings you here?"
    "Nothing Miss Robyn. I just thought you were pretty."

    And just like that, a cat got her tongue, because she was shaken. Robyn had never met a cat that meant to compliment her before. Belittle perhaps, tease and gesture, maybe even sympathize in a terrible kind of way, but here was a kitten barely more than a scrap of fluff with a collar complimenting her? Surely the world must be ending.

    "You do know I am a dog, right?" She asked measuredly trying to figure out this tiny squeaker's angle but the little munchkin kitten merely purred.

    "I know! Dogs can be pretty though too." He blinked up at her innocently and Robyn had to take a moment to question her values for the rest of that evening. By the end of the night, she'd concluded one thing. This kitten was an idiot. There was no way a cat of all creatures would openly admit such things to any canine. That was the only thing to make sense, or perhaps she was wrong. Maybe her perception of felines was skewed in a sense that she'd never realized before. Maybe she should know better herself.

    Catching Bermuda struggling to get out of the toilet bowl he'd accidentally fallen into 5 minutes later changed that brief epiphany pretty quickly. But if he was a dumb cat, she supposed she could look out for him the way Gerald wanted. Clearly, her owner knew this cat needed someone to watch him and considering how stressed she'd been with her new role in things, maybe watching after a little kitten wouldn't be so bad. Sure beat being bored all day.

    So, she concluded to herself as she fished one soaked Bermuda out of the toilet and dropped him into a bath, she supposed he could stay. And if Gerald happened to stumble upon the two later, snuggled up in Robyn's bed fluffy and clean and took his absolute favorite picture of his pets together well no one had to know.

#761 Munchkin

Wolfiedog3 wrote:
    partners with Wiley and SpiritStar

    Username: Wolfiedog3
    Name: Linnae (Lin)
    Name Meaning: Scandinavia for Small Blue Flower
    Sex: Female
    Collar: hiking harness (only light blue not camo please) - will link to store if won
    Personality: Lin is kind of an odd little girl. When you first meet her, Lin is very shy, even when her siblings are around she is still kind of, oh I don't know how to start a conversation with you. It's all kind of just hiding herself to strangers more until she, of course, gets to know you better, cause from there on, she's going to drive you nuts. Lin can go from zero to a hundred in five seconds. She is a rambling machine, she loves to talk about anything, doesn't matter what it is, as long as it's not too bad of stuff, then she will talk about it. She's got a very high voice that when she talks it gets kind of annoying after a while, but she will just follow you around and go on and on. She loves chatting and just being around people she knows, while strangers can go away.
    However, she has a very small attention span, they think it's kind of an issue, cause she can go from one thing to another. She can be maybe talking about the sky and the pretty blue sky to her trip to the vet. She gets very off topic and can't seem to stay on one when she sees different things. They have taken her to the vet and believe it to be ADHD, which isn't too bad to deal with, but it can cause her to be, hyper and sometimes have very odd mood swings to where she just isn't herself. However, there is one topic that you can keep her talking about for hours. When her owners take her to see the canyons or mountains. She will keep on about her adventures as she loves them so much, it's really the only thing that keeps her focused. She is also working on focusing her extra energy, be it going on a walk to help get some of it out, or actually training and getting the energy out and focusing it. Once she does this, it does seem that she is calmer some and is more likely to keep something on the topic, but hey she's still her at the end of the day.
    Prompt 2: Lin loves traveling and being out in nature anywhere, so her favorite memory would, of course, be something to do with traveling or being outside. Her favorite memory would be when the siblings actually first went to the shelter.
    "Sure, it may not have been long ago that we were recused off the streets, however, it seems like a lifetime to me, well at least sometimes. We have roamed the streets for a while, my memory isn't the best of course and I didn't often think of when I first knew we were there. Still, roaming was fun, I loved the adventure with all the family, however, when we were picked up, going somewhere new, with all the different smells and feelings, I was excited. I'm sure my siblings didn't feel quite the same way as I did, but I'm not too sure since I was focused on the outside world as we were taken to the shelter.
    I love this memory, as hey, it was a new experience for all of us, and I got to be with all of my family and wonder what was next for us, sometimes I wonder if they ever felt the same way, but I'm not too sure at all. I got to enjoy the quality time with them, waiting for our new homes, while yeah, Siari got adopted before us, however, we wished her the best ever and hoped that we could all see one another, and I have a feeling that we will be able to see each other again."

    First Hiking Trip: Lin stared out of the car window, the dogs sleeping soundly as she stood on their backs just to see out of the window in the first place. She was wondering where they were going, since they had been in the car for a few hours and typically only let out to eat and use the restroom. The views had changed from the green hills of their home to the rocky large rocks of an alien place. She jumped down off of Willa's back and moved over to where she tried but was blocked, in between the humans. She meowed loudly and rubbed on the side of the seat, hoping to get an answer, but the humans just rubbed her head and said just wait a little longer.

    A little longer seemed like forever to the small cat, turns out it was only around thirty minutes, still forever. She stood up when the car came to a stop and her owners got out of the car. She meowed loudly, wiggling her little tail as she looked out to see how high they were. Willa and Comet stood up, Willa's harness slowly coming off before her owner fixed it when the car door opened. Svyn jumped out with her spot and moved to her other owner as Lin was picked up and put a leash around. She had her harness on and was looking around, taking in all the wonderful smells, however, it was just kind of odd to see this place. Her owner sat her in Willa's harness, it was meant for carrying cats or smaller dogs, which was great since Lin had short legs and wouldn't be able to get over most things.
    "You ready for an adventure kid?" Svyn asked as she tried out her new 'leg'.
    'An adventure?" Lin's eyes widened at the words.
    Oh boy was she ready.


#762 Munchkin

Chaotic_Affection wrote:

    Username: Chaotic_Affection
    Name: Loki.
    Sex: She.
    Collar: xXx
    Name meaning: Scandinavia origins meaning "Trickster god."
    Prompt: #1 || Loki seems to be the thinker of the group, though the day the group won't forget is probably the day she wasn't thinking at all... The troublesome kittens escaped home one day, while there human wasn't home, deciding that a single day adventure wouldn't cause no harm. The felines' short limbs carried them miles; though the kittens didn't seem to realize how far from home they really were. Well, that is until they found the highway... The kittens had no clue where they were or where they were heading. With Loki in the lead she began to cross the asphalt, a car [#1] screeched to a halt; causing the car behind them to crash into the rear end of the first car. Suddenly another car [#3] swerve around the small crash, losing control the car bounced across the lanes, blocking all of them. The kittens, frozen with fear, stood and watched everything happen in front of them. The humans, one by one climbed out of there cars to check on each other; even argue with each other. Suddenly the human that was driving the first car turned and glared at the feline group, and began to stop towards them. Within seconds the kittens busted into a sprint back the way they came. At dusk the kittens finally made it home, hearts racing with adrenaline still they clambered through the open window that they escaped through. Finding a spot on the couch, that they're not suppose to be on, they piled up and went to sleep for the night.

#760 Munchkin
'Chocolate Mink w/ Half White (Dwarfism Mutation)'
#761 Munchkin
'Lavender Sepia w/ High White (Dwarfism Mutation)'
#762 Munchkin
'Blue Sepia w/ High White (Dwarfism Mutation)'
*siblings! Cannot breed with eachother!
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Re: SCS Adopts #760-762: Munchkin Mini Bandits

Postby Spiritstar3 » Sat May 18, 2019 4:46 pm

mark! pm me about partnering, pls, really want to partner up}

Username: Spiritstar3
Name: Minn
Sex: Tom
Collar: blue breakaway (i can’t link things on this stupid iPad anymore...)
Prompt: #2: Favorite memory with sibling(s); specify which sibling (can be all) and what the memory was.
His favorite memory is with Sarai. It’s from when they were younger, before they went to seperate homes...Well, it was one of the first times she coerced him into getting into mischief with her. Now, he didn’t want to get in trouble, but...Sarai told Minn about the delicious smelling food cooling on the stove, and in fact he then realized he could smell it too. Said stove had counters attached on either side of it, plus a sink attached to the right side counter, which leads to another counter, under which is the dishwasher. That’s beside the point...Sarai jumped onto an upside down box left by the counter, jumping and scrambling onto the counter.

Mewing to Minn, she watched as he jumped up as well, to the box then to the counter. They pulled at the bread, which someone had cut a piece of to check it, in fact pulling out that slice. They tore it apart, only managing some nibbles before one human showed up...Luckily, Sarai knew a hiding spot where they couldn’t be reached. That’s his favorite memory.

Username: Spiritstar3
Name: Blueberry
Sex: She
Collar: Red breakaway with white polka dotted pink bow
Prompt: #1: What was the biggest thing they got in trouble for? Were the other siblings involved? in trouble, actually, for jumping up on the counter...It was more than that, though! She saw the small plants there and, as a kitten, decided she needed to take them off the counter and chew them up...Of course, Bermuda and Linnae were involved, as they were all kittens at the time. They got in so much trouble! Yet, they felt it was worth it.
Last edited by Spiritstar3 on Tue May 21, 2019 1:53 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: SCS Adopts #760-762: Munchkin Mini Bandits

Postby Wileyfangs » Sat May 18, 2019 5:46 pm


    Partner'd with Wolfiedog3 and spiritstar3

    Username: Wileyfangs
    Name: Bermuda
    Sex: Tom
    Collar: Bandana
    Personality: Being the only boy in a family full of girls is never easy. Especially when you're a tom like Bermuda. Sure Lin is pretty laid-back, Blueberry's well...Blueberry and Sarai is the brains in the operations so he really doesn't have to do much at all, but his ego is too big. After all with his sisters around, he never gets to shine the way he deserves. Not that he doesn't love them to bits, but come on! He's a growing lad! He needs some space! So maybe he likes to be dramatic and demand attention but there's nothing wrong with that! Self-confidence was the best confidence and in his mind, he's the best confidence. Wait. No...well he knows what he meant. Maybe he's not that bright, but what he lacks in brains he makes up for with charm and plenty of it!

    He especially is a lady's man and will do anything to get any female human's attention. Namely, because they're the ones who fall so easily to his charms. But despite his ego, lack of brains and shallow tendencies, Bermuda has the kindness of a saint and will help anyone out of misfortune. Even a dog! He'll even get his pelt all wet if it means helping a friend out of a jam, and he loves his fluffy pelt. One day he hopes to be a show cat and show off his stuff to the world but for now, he doesn't mind a little petty thievery. Especially if it gets him a front row seat into someone's lap to be petted and fawned over while his sisters do the actual stealing.

    Prompt (#3): Bermuda would never say who he was cahoots with when it came to thievery. He was an honorable kitten! He would not be broken down with a few measly treats! But when there was the head scritches he knew he had to think fast. He couldn't let them know who his partner in crime was! After all, she'd murder him if she knew he sold her out. No, he mustn't think that way. He mustn't!

    But the hand! The cursed hand was giving him so many great scritches! He was purring now, a weakness! A sign of giving up!
    His mind was clouded, he was doomed!
    He mustn't!
    He mustn't!

    "It was Sarai!" He meowed loudly as he butted into the hand for more. "She always has us play, Good Kitty, Bad Kitty!" Oh no! He was doomed now! The words spilled out like water as he purred up a storm, eager for the solo attention. It was so nice to finally have the spotlight all to himself. "I like playing it cuz I get to be the 'good' kitty and distract you! And she gets to play 'bad' kitty and steal all the snacks! But it's super yummy and oof she's gonna kill me!" But either the human didn't hear him or didn't care because all Bermuda could think about was those pets. He loved getting pets. He deserved em after all!

    "Who's a good kitty?" He heard them say and he grinned and rose on his hind legs eliciting a few "awws" and more pets as he rumbled happily. Oh yeah, he thought, he was doomed.


    It was a strange day for Robyn. A month in since her dog acting debut. She and her owner went on more trips than she could count to far away lands and places. When they finally went home to their little apartment though, Robyn couldn't have been happier. Hence why she found it odd that her owner had been so, dare she say it, distracted lately. Which was unlike him.

    Gerald was many things. Patient, kindly, driven by details, sure. But distracted? Robyn knew most everything about her owner and couldn't for the life of her figure out where his mind was going now. Which is why when he rushed out of the house without her, she felt odd.

    But that was only the beginning of the strange day. When he came back he'd brought back toys and food dishes, but Robyn's jewel-encrusted food dish worked just fine and the toys he'd bought were too small for her.

    She'd given them the obligatory dog sniff but besides that didn't understand her human's sudden new drive for these strange things.


    Her owner Gerald was no dummy, but goodness he had his moments. Like this.

    The creature he held in his hands was filthy. Small and squirming and if not for the pure glee on his face, Robyn wouldn't have even stepped a foot closer. But Gerald held it out to her and she blinked as suddenly she saw two bright crystal blue eyes staring up at her as the most pitiful mewling sound filled the air.

    A cat.

    Her beloved owner had done it. Being behind the camera too long had finally driven him mad. Why else would he bring this...clump of fur.

    If Robyn hadn't been so tired she'd give Gerald the business. After all, this was a one dog only home and now suddenly there was a cat?! But as it was she was exhausted from all the new screentime and learning new tricks. She gave the cretin a sniff and her owner an unimpressed look before heading back to bed.

    The Cretin, she'd come to learn, had a name.
    Bermuda. It was oddly a pretty name for such a disheveled creature but Robyn supposed it was good enough. Plus with a bit of a bath and maybe some weight, perhaps the cretin child could learn to grow into it. And so the first few days Robyn spent ignoring Bermuda with a passion.

    But the feeling was not mutual. At every opportunity it seemed, Bermuda followed Robyn at a safe distance, openly admiring the big dog. He trailed after her with awe in his blue eyes that made Robyn question whether or not he really was a cat. After all, all the cats she'd ever met were self-righteous and prideful, would never gaze so openly at anything, but here was this small cretin of fluff gazing at Robyn like she was the best toy he'd ever found.

    "Excuse me, Miss Robyn," she'd heard him squeak, one particular day she had been trying extra hard to ignore him. She'd been lying in her bed, bone at ready and eager to gnaw out some frustration with a particular trick she was learning. "Miss!" He was insistent, she'd give him that and it had surprised her enough to turn her head only to find him gazing up at her. "Hello miss Robyn!"

    The little tom had a bright, cheerful face brightened only by his blue eyes which matched his newly acquired collar. This was the first time she'd heard him actually speak.

    "Hello there...Bermuda," she murmured levelly, watching the cat warily. "What brings you here?"
    "Nothing Miss Robyn. I just thought you were pretty."

    And just like that, a cat got her tongue, because she was shaken. Robyn had never met a cat that meant to compliment her before. Belittle perhaps, tease and gesture, maybe even sympathize in a terrible kind of way, but here was a kitten barely more than a scrap of fluff with a collar complimenting her? Surely the world must be ending.

    "You do know I am a dog, right?" She asked measuredly trying to figure out this tiny squeaker's angle but the little munchkin kitten merely purred.

    "I know! Dogs can be pretty though too." He blinked up at her innocently and Robyn had to take a moment to question her values for the rest of that evening. By the end of the night, she'd concluded one thing. This kitten was an idiot. There was no way a cat of all creatures would openly admit such things to any canine. That was the only thing to make sense, or perhaps she was wrong. Maybe her perception of felines was skewed in a sense that she'd never realized before. Maybe she should know better herself.

    Catching Bermuda struggling to get out of the toilet bowl he'd accidentally fallen into 5 minutes later changed that brief epiphany pretty quickly. But if he was a dumb cat, she supposed she could look out for him the way Gerald wanted. Clearly, her owner knew this cat needed someone to watch him and considering how stressed she'd been with her new role in things, maybe watching after a little kitten wouldn't be so bad. Sure beat being bored all day.

    So, she concluded to herself as she fished one soaked Bermuda out of the toilet and dropped him into a bath, she supposed he could stay. And if Gerald happened to stumble upon the two later, snuggled up in Robyn's bed fluffy and clean and took his absolute favorite picture of his pets together well no one had to know.

Last edited by Wileyfangs on Sat Jun 01, 2019 12:39 am, edited 13 times in total.
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Re: SCS Adopts #760-762: Munchkin Mini Bandits

Postby jupiter, » Sat May 18, 2019 8:11 pm

    Username: \OwO/
    Name: Lavendar
    Sex: Female
    Collar: leather collar
    Prompt: Lavendars favourite memory is the time when her and her siblings went outside for the first time. They were all so confused at the surroundings. Lavendar was the calmest out of them all, whereas her brother, Trouble, was attacking everything that moved. Lavendar loves this day and it was the day where she discovered her favourutes spot in the garden, the shed.

    Username: \OwO/
    Name: Trouble
    Sex: Male
    Collar: red snap
    Prompt: The biggest thing he ever got in trouble for was (gimme 10 mins)
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Re: SCS Adopts #760-762: Munchkin Mini Bandits

Postby conversett » Sat May 18, 2019 9:36 pm

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Re: SCS Adopts #760-762: Munchkin Mini Bandits

Postby Wolfiedog3 » Sun May 19, 2019 12:28 am

    partners with Wiley and SpiritStar

    Username: Wolfiedog3
    Name: Linnae (Lin)
    Name Meaning: Scandinavia for Small Blue Flower
    Sex: Female
    Collar: hiking harness (only light blue not camo please) - will link to store if won
    Personality: Lin is kind of an odd little girl. When you first meet her, Lin is very shy, even when her siblings are around she is still kind of, oh I don't know how to start a conversation with you. It's all kind of just hiding herself to strangers more until she, of course, gets to know you better, cause from there on, she's going to drive you nuts. Lin can go from zero to a hundred in five seconds. She is a rambling machine, she loves to talk about anything, doesn't matter what it is, as long as it's not too bad of stuff, then she will talk about it. She's got a very high voice that when she talks it gets kind of annoying after a while, but she will just follow you around and go on and on. She loves chatting and just being around people she knows, while strangers can go away.
    However, she has a very small attention span, they think it's kind of an issue, cause she can go from one thing to another. She can be maybe talking about the sky and the pretty blue sky to her trip to the vet. She gets very off topic and can't seem to stay on one when she sees different things. They have taken her to the vet and believe it to be ADHD, which isn't too bad to deal with, but it can cause her to be, hyper and sometimes have very odd mood swings to where she just isn't herself. However, there is one topic that you can keep her talking about for hours. When her owners take her to see the canyons or mountains. She will keep on about her adventures as she loves them so much, it's really the only thing that keeps her focused. She is also working on focusing her extra energy, be it going on a walk to help get some of it out, or actually training and getting the energy out and focusing it. Once she does this, it does seem that she is calmer some and is more likely to keep something on the topic, but hey she's still her at the end of the day.
    Prompt 2: Lin loves traveling and being out in nature anywhere, so her favorite memory would, of course, be something to do with traveling or being outside. Her favorite memory would be when the siblings actually first went to the shelter.
    "Sure, it may not have been long ago that we were recused off the streets, however, it seems like a lifetime to me, well at least sometimes. We have roamed the streets for a while, my memory isn't the best of course and I didn't often think of when I first knew we were there. Still, roaming was fun, I loved the adventure with all the family, however, when we were picked up, going somewhere new, with all the different smells and feelings, I was excited. I'm sure my siblings didn't feel quite the same way as I did, but I'm not too sure since I was focused on the outside world as we were taken to the shelter.
    I love this memory, as hey, it was a new experience for all of us, and I got to be with all of my family and wonder what was next for us, sometimes I wonder if they ever felt the same way, but I'm not too sure at all. I got to enjoy the quality time with them, waiting for our new homes, while yeah, Siari got adopted before us, however, we wished her the best ever and hoped that we could all see one another, and I have a feeling that we will be able to see each other again."

    First Hiking Trip: Lin stared out of the car window, the dogs sleeping soundly as she stood on their backs just to see out of the window in the first place. She was wondering where they were going, since they had been in the car for a few hours and typically only let out to eat and use the restroom. The views had changed from the green hills of their home to the rocky large rocks of an alien place. She jumped down off of Willa's back and moved over to where she tried but was blocked, in between the humans. She meowed loudly and rubbed on the side of the seat, hoping to get an answer, but the humans just rubbed her head and said just wait a little longer.

    A little longer seemed like forever to the small cat, turns out it was only around thirty minutes, still forever. She stood up when the car came to a stop and her owners got out of the car. She meowed loudly, wiggling her little tail as she looked out to see how high they were. Willa and Comet stood up, Willa's harness slowly coming off before her owner fixed it when the car door opened. Svyn jumped out with her spot and moved to her other owner as Lin was picked up and put a leash around. She had her harness on and was looking around, taking in all the wonderful smells, however, it was just kind of odd to see this place. Her owner sat her in Willa's harness, it was meant for carrying cats or smaller dogs, which was great since Lin had short legs and wouldn't be able to get over most things.
    "You ready for an adventure kid?" Svyn asked as she tried out her new 'leg'.
    'An adventure?" Lin's eyes widened at the words.
    Oh boy was she ready.

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Re: SCS Adopts #760-762: Munchkin Mini Bandits

Postby skip » Sun May 19, 2019 2:55 am

Name: Tardar Sauce
Sex: Female
Collar: Red

Username: ➷.River.➷
Name: Milo
Sex: Male
Collar: Blue
Last edited by skip on Sun May 19, 2019 1:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SCS Adopts #760-762: Munchkin Mini Bandits

Postby Cutieduckpie » Sun May 19, 2019 3:54 am

lil legs<3

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Re: SCS Adopts #760-762: Munchkin Mini Bandits

Postby Chaotic_Affection » Sun May 19, 2019 4:04 am

    Username: Chaotic_Affection
    Name: Loki.
    Sex: She.
    Collar: xXx
    Name meaning: Scandinavia origins meaning "Trickster god."
    Prompt: #1 || Loki seems to be the thinker of the group, though the day the group won't forget is probably the day she wasn't thinking at all... The troublesome kittens escaped home one day, while there human wasn't home, deciding that a single day adventure wouldn't cause no harm. The felines' short limbs carried them miles; though the kittens didn't seem to realize how far from home they really were. Well, that is until they found the highway... The kittens had no clue where they were or where they were heading. With Loki in the lead she began to cross the asphalt, a car [#1] screeched to a halt; causing the car behind them to crash into the rear end of the first car. Suddenly another car [#3] swerve around the small crash, losing control the car bounced across the lanes, blocking all of them. The kittens, frozen with fear, stood and watched everything happen in front of them. The humans, one by one climbed out of there cars to check on each other; even argue with each other. Suddenly the human that was driving the first car turned and glared at the feline group, and began to stop towards them. Within seconds the kittens busted into a sprint back the way they came. At dusk the kittens finally made it home, hearts racing with adrenaline still they clambered through the open window that they escaped through. Finding a spot on the couch, that they're not suppose to be on, they piled up and went to sleep for the night.
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Re: SCS Adopts #760-762: Munchkin Mini Bandits

Postby /Aster/ » Sun May 19, 2019 4:44 am

Finals have drained me of all my energy best of luck to the participants!
Last edited by /Aster/ on Sat Jun 01, 2019 11:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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