Re: Rise | #1765

Postby kaminari.denki » Sat May 18, 2019 1:12 pm

username: klaus.
cat's name: Themis
gender: female
age: 32 moons
rank: Corrector
clan: Cats of the Tides (for now)
"Watch where you're going, Buck!" Themis snapped as the limping, blind tom shuffled past. The male's wounds were fresh and his fur was ruffled, making it clear that a battle had just taken place and Themis wondered when the ceremony would be announced. The Buck, named Eight, paused at her words and briefly met her eyes, making a chill run down her spine before he looked away and kept moving with a muttered apology.

"Ah, Themis, don't be rude," came the voice of her best friend as the brown tabby approached from behind and draped her tail over the younger she-cat's spine. "The male has clearly had a rough day."

"Isn't everyday a rough day for a Buck? Especially for that one?"

Mazikeen snorted, turning her head to follow the injured male's journey to a far tunnel, "I suppose you're right.. didn't you have a crush on that one once?"

"Oh, for Aurora's sake.." Themis groaned, shoving Maze's shoulder. "Don't remind me!"

"Why not? It was cute!" she chuckled, wiggling her eyebrows with a smirk.

"I was a child!"

"Well, he clearly still harbours feelings for you, even if he's not allowed to participate in the Running. Still brings you any prey he catches."

"I know.. it's a little embarrassing, but I suppose if Nyx hasn't stopped him, then it's fine," she shrugged, shaking her head slightly. "And sure, it sucked to break the Buck's heart but I wasn't going to risk my status just for something as trivial as a crush!"

"Wow, brutal aren't you, The?"

"Would you risk losing your rank and becoming one of the Odium?"

"Well, no, but I also don't form kithood crushes on cats destined to be training dummies," Maze snorted. "And certainly not a blind one."

"I didn't know he was blind! He hid it from all of us!"

"Until he fell down a tunnel in progress and Nyx had to yank him out by his tail."

"She was soo mad!" Themis chuckled before lowering her head with a tiny frown. "And then created a whole new job just for him.. and took away his chances of having litters. Not wanting to spoil bloodlines and all."

"The way his whole face dropped when she told him was heartbreaking, honestly."

"I know.. I didn't want to tell Nyx but we were too short to get him out ourselves. Hardest thing I'd ever done at that age.. choosing between a crush and my training."

(409 words)

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Re: Rise | #1765

Postby Alucardigan » Tue May 21, 2019 1:06 pm

form wrote:username: Alucardigan
cat's name:
gender: dfab
clan: Valin Enclave

words, characters


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welcome to the revolution.

Postby liightning » Sat May 25, 2019 1:02 pm



    xxx"you never know your strength until being strong is the only choice you have."

    xxxgender: female
    xxxage: 52 moons
    xxxrank: queen
    xxxclan: DeltaClan

    The tiny seeds trembled in her paw. Glossy as raven feathers, they gleamed in the light.

    "Poppy seeds," the healer had explained grimly. "Just three should be enough to put him in a deeper sleep."

    Trembling from both the fear of being caught, and the anticipation of what would happen afterwards, Primrose gently slit a mouse's belly. She let the seeds roll off her paw into the belly, and then stood, drawing in shaky breaths.

    It's done, it's done, it's done.

    Paws echoed behind, and she whipped around almost guiltily, heart threatening to leap out of her chest. A sigh of relief escaped her jaws as she recognized the cat.

    "It's done, mother?" The newcomer's golden eyes flashed in the light.

    Primrose nodded slowly.

    Pyrite scooped the mouse up in her jaws, tail twining briefly with Primrose's before she bounded back outside. As an assassin, Pyrite was ranked high, and today it was her turn to hunt for the king- her father. She was clever; to any watchful eyes, it would seem as if she had gone into the den searching for him.

    The sun's rays slanted low over the trees, outlining the treetops in gold. Sundown was approaching, and the king, like the rest of the pack, would be settling down to eat. She fiddled with her nest anxiously, rearranging its shape over and over in an attempt to distract herself. Every time a cat padded by the den, she paused fearfully, expecting her mate.

    Finally, the unmistakable scrape of claws against stone alerted his approach. The pawsteps paused, and she heard Pyrite's voice. "Welcome back, father."

    A warning growl rumbled in his throat, and Pyrite added smoothly, "my king."

    "Thank you, Pyrite." His cold voice sent a chill down Primrose's spine.

    Primrose busied herself with her nest again as Mamba entered, the mouse now swinging from his jaws. He was silent as he sank into his nest. To Primrose’s relief he took huge, ravenous gulps, devouring the prey in a few bites. Satisfied that he’d eaten the seeds without noticing, Primrose curled up in her nest, tucking her muzzle beneath her paw.

    Now, she simply had to hope the seeds would do their job.


    A hiss, barely audible, dragged her out of her slumber. She was startled to see a cat crouched before her, outlined in pale silver moonlight.


    The realization dawned upon her, chilling her to the bone. She nodded, showing she understood, and Pyrite slipped out of the den without a single sound.

    Primrose scrambled to her paws, adrenaline rushing through her veins. She breathed deeply, willing herself not to panic. Her mate was a light sleeper and would awaken at the slightest sound. If the poppy seeds didn’t work... he would be sure to find her gone sometime soon, or worse, catch her while she was sneaking out.

    She pricked her ears as she slowly rose out of her nest, eyes trained on her mate. His breathing was even, and he seemed to sleep deeply; the poppy seeds had done their job.

    She paused by the den entrance, watching sadly as his shoulders rose and fell in soft breaths. In sleep he seemed impossibly gentler- nothing like the cold and cruel dictator she had seen him become.

    I can't change him. Primrose gritted her teeth, eyes stinging with tears that she fought back. But I can change myself.

    She stepped out of the den. She was now a traitor to her mate... and a traitor to the pack. Her heart wrenched with guilt and pain, but she swallowed hard and followed her daughter.

    They were able to slip past the guards unnoticed by taking a side route out of the camp. Primrose feared her heartbeat was so loud that it would give them away, but no guards came running, and soon they were deep into the forest.

    Relief didn't quite settle her fluttering heart just yet. Pyrite had been trained to move quickly without the slightest sound, and Primrose felt herself falling behind, ever so clumsy compared to the assassin. She felt Pyrite's impatience; they were wasting valuable time.

    The forest pitch black, the dense canopy above blocking out what little light the moon offered. The shadows seemed fluid, twisting and writhing, taking shape only to melt back again. Clawed talons reached out to snag her fur; hungry jaws snapped at her feet. The leaves crowded close, whispering as she hurried on.

    Finally, Pyrite slowed, ears pricking cautiously. She seemed to pick up a scent, and let out a series of low growls in what Primrose guessed was a signal.

    "Pyrite. You brought her?" A voice drifted out of the darkness.



    The mother and daughter's gazes met. Pyrite nodded reassuringly, and Primrose nodded firmly back.

    All her life she'd been quiet and meek, always agreeable and obedient. She had never been one to speak up or defend herself, and now she realized, too late- Mamba never chose her as queen for anything more than that. It allowed Mamba to maintain power over a strong part of the pack that kept them together. She never spoke for herself, and could be easily manipulated, like a puppet on strings.

    Now, she was taking a stand; now, she was doing something that would bring change.

    She was brave. She was ready.

    They emerged into a small clearing, where the leaves parted to let in brilliant moonlight. Primrose froze, shocked; surrounding her, in a half-circle, were the familiar faces of her packmates. There was her close friend, and on the other side of the clearing was the healer, and beside him was a young trainee who had just begun his training.

    A huge calico, whom she recognized as a skilled assassin named Nightshade, leapt onto a rock in the center of the clearing. Outlined in silver moonlight, she seemed heavenly, like an angel straight from the stars.

    Her eyes flashed as she lifted her muzzle, locking eyes with Primrose.

    "My queen... welcome to the revolution."

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Re: Rise | #1765

Postby dimi. » Sat Jun 29, 2019 2:35 pm

Marking for archive reference
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Re: welcome to the revolution.

Postby denja » Sun Jul 28, 2019 4:53 am

liightning wrote:



    xxx"you never know your strength until being strong is the only choice you have."

    xxxgender: female
    xxxage: 52 moons
    xxxrank: queen
    xxxclan: DeltaClan

    The tiny seeds trembled in her paw. Glossy as raven feathers, they gleamed in the light.

    "Poppy seeds," the healer had explained grimly. "Just three should be enough to put him in a deeper sleep."

    Trembling from both the fear of being caught, and the anticipation of what would happen afterwards, Primrose gently slit a mouse's belly. She let the seeds roll off her paw into the belly, and then stood, drawing in shaky breaths.

    It's done, it's done, it's done.

    Paws echoed behind, and she whipped around almost guiltily, heart threatening to leap out of her chest. A sigh of relief escaped her jaws as she recognized the cat.

    "It's done, mother?" The newcomer's golden eyes flashed in the light.

    Primrose nodded slowly.

    Pyrite scooped the mouse up in her jaws, tail twining briefly with Primrose's before she bounded back outside. As an assassin, Pyrite was ranked high, and today it was her turn to hunt for the king- her father. She was clever; to any watchful eyes, it would seem as if she had gone into the den searching for him.

    The sun's rays slanted low over the trees, outlining the treetops in gold. Sundown was approaching, and the king, like the rest of the pack, would be settling down to eat. She fiddled with her nest anxiously, rearranging its shape over and over in an attempt to distract herself. Every time a cat padded by the den, she paused fearfully, expecting her mate.

    Finally, the unmistakable scrape of claws against stone alerted his approach. The pawsteps paused, and she heard Pyrite's voice. "Welcome back, father."

    A warning growl rumbled in his throat, and Pyrite added smoothly, "my king."

    "Thank you, Pyrite." His cold voice sent a chill down Primrose's spine.

    Primrose busied herself with her nest again as Mamba entered, the mouse now swinging from his jaws. He was silent as he sank into his nest. To Primrose’s relief he took huge, ravenous gulps, devouring the prey in a few bites. Satisfied that he’d eaten the seeds without noticing, Primrose curled up in her nest, tucking her muzzle beneath her paw.

    Now, she simply had to hope the seeds would do their job.


    A hiss, barely audible, dragged her out of her slumber. She was startled to see a cat crouched before her, outlined in pale silver moonlight.


    The realization dawned upon her, chilling her to the bone. She nodded, showing she understood, and Pyrite slipped out of the den without a single sound.

    Primrose scrambled to her paws, adrenaline rushing through her veins. She breathed deeply, willing herself not to panic. Her mate was a light sleeper and would awaken at the slightest sound. If the poppy seeds didn’t work... he would be sure to find her gone sometime soon, or worse, catch her while she was sneaking out.

    She pricked her ears as she slowly rose out of her nest, eyes trained on her mate. His breathing was even, and he seemed to sleep deeply; the poppy seeds had done their job.

    She paused by the den entrance, watching sadly as his shoulders rose and fell in soft breaths. In sleep he seemed impossibly gentler- nothing like the cold and cruel dictator she had seen him become.

    I can't change him. Primrose gritted her teeth, eyes stinging with tears that she fought back. But I can change myself.

    She stepped out of the den. She was now a traitor to her mate... and a traitor to the pack. Her heart wrenched with guilt and pain, but she swallowed hard and followed her daughter.

    They were able to slip past the guards unnoticed by taking a side route out of the camp. Primrose feared her heartbeat was so loud that it would give them away, but no guards came running, and soon they were deep into the forest.

    Relief didn't quite settle her fluttering heart just yet. Pyrite had been trained to move quickly without the slightest sound, and Primrose felt herself falling behind, ever so clumsy compared to the assassin. She felt Pyrite's impatience; they were wasting valuable time.

    The forest pitch black, the dense canopy above blocking out what little light the moon offered. The shadows seemed fluid, twisting and writhing, taking shape only to melt back again. Clawed talons reached out to snag her fur; hungry jaws snapped at her feet. The leaves crowded close, whispering as she hurried on.

    Finally, Pyrite slowed, ears pricking cautiously. She seemed to pick up a scent, and let out a series of low growls in what Primrose guessed was a signal.

    "Pyrite. You brought her?" A voice drifted out of the darkness.



    The mother and daughter's gazes met. Pyrite nodded reassuringly, and Primrose nodded firmly back.

    All her life she'd been quiet and meek, always agreeable and obedient. She had never been one to speak up or defend herself, and now she realized, too late- Mamba never chose her as queen for anything more than that. It allowed Mamba to maintain power over a strong part of the pack that kept them together. She never spoke for herself, and could be easily manipulated, like a puppet on strings.

    Now, she was taking a stand; now, she was doing something that would bring change.

    She was brave. She was ready.

    They emerged into a small clearing, where the leaves parted to let in brilliant moonlight. Primrose froze, shocked; surrounding her, in a half-circle, were the familiar faces of her packmates. There was her close friend, and on the other side of the clearing was the healer, and beside him was a young trainee who had just begun his training.

    A huge calico, whom she recognized as a skilled assassin named Nightshade, leapt onto a rock in the center of the clearing. Outlined in silver moonlight, she seemed heavenly, like an angel straight from the stars.

    Her eyes flashed as she lifted her muzzle, locking eyes with Primrose.

    "My queen... welcome to the revolution."

hm goes to WolfTales!
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Re: Rise | #1765

Postby liightning » Sun Jul 28, 2019 5:26 am

    aah thank you so much!! <3

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Re: Rise | #1765

Postby WolfTales » Tue Aug 06, 2019 2:24 pm

very late but thank you for the HM and congrats liightning .o.

you can keep the art if you want <3

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