Partner kal Readopt

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Re: Partner kal Readopt

Postby imperials » Tue Feb 19, 2019 5:35 am

mark ! going for both myself <:
Username: imperials
Kal: Kalarissa / Euraline
New Name: tbd

are we allowed to make off thread forms <:?
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Re: Partner kal Readopt

Postby doubledare » Tue Feb 19, 2019 6:50 am

off thread form, will be linked when finished

Username: doubledare
Partners form: going for both!
Kal: Kalarissa & Euraline
New Name: Wendy & Yeri

current progress:
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Re: Partner kal Readopt

Postby SilhouetteStation » Tue Feb 19, 2019 7:59 am

Username: SilhouetteStation
Partners form: going solo
Kal: Kalarissa / Euraline (both)
New Name: Clarisse & Mei

Being in care at a young age, you're not really aware of what's going on. You know you live in a big house with a lot of other children – some are older, some are younger – and maybe you're not quite sure why you're there, but you are, so that's that. Kids come and go, and you don't really understand until it happens to you. Like it happened to me. One moment I'm in care and then I'm being carted off by some couple to live in their house. And suddenly, a few weeks later, I have a sister.

I was the older one, mind you, but it still didn't mean I knew where she'd come from. I didn't even know where I'd come from, let alone how I'd ended up living with these people. Where were the girls I shared a room with? The lady who put golden syrup in our porridge every morning? The boy who shoved crayons up his nose? I wondered for a little while and then I eventually forgot, as children do. I'd remember things years later, but for now, my childhood was now my parents, and my baby sister.

Now and again, she whined when she didn't get what she wanted. She could be a right moody cow when she was in a bad mood. I remembered words like 'settling' and 'adjusting' being thrown around. Sometimes I'd just stare at her, wondering why she was so loud. I think I shoved her face into a bowl of cereal at some point. Oh well. I was the oldest by two years. I felt I had that privilege.

Our birthday's were close together, only a week apart, and so our parents celebrated by having a joint party in the middle. Maybe they hoped it would help us to bond. Maybe it helped them save on party favors. I'll admit, it was quite fun sharing that moment with her, and counting down to blow out our candles. Our parents always went out of their way to try and bake us the best cake they could, what with their limited decorating expertise, but in all of the old photos they look tasty. There's one picture of us with our birthday cake – Mei was four, I was six – where she's scooped a massive chunk of cake out, there's frosting all over her face, and I'm giving her the dirtiest look possible. I probably shoved her head into that too afterwards.

Ah, sisterly love. You can't beat it. (421/500)

I think growing up, I somewhat idolized Clarisse in that 'wow look how cool my big sister is' way. Even if, yes, she did shove my head into a few things. Nowadays, I find that quite funny. It's made for a few stellar photos in the album.

I learnt to walk properly by following her around, stumbling a lot as I did so, but determined to keep up with her. My parents thought it was cute, me shadowing her. Sometimes she made out that she was annoyed by me doing this, but I knew she wasn't really. I remember when I tried to go too fast and fell over, scraping my shin on the carpet. She made such a fuss when I started crying, and made sure to kiss it better. She gave me a fairy kiss – a little nose nuzzle, that's our thing – and made me laugh again.

At school I desperately wanted to be in the same class as her, which obviously didn't happen, considering the age gap. We hung out during break times though, playing hopscotch and marbles with the other kids. I loved us being friends, it still made me feel cool, having an older sister.

I remembering crying when she went to high school, and I had to wait two years before being able to join her there. It was so much bigger, and there were so many more students, but she helped me find my way around. Even let me hang out with her friends until I made my own. Clarisse was cool in her own way; she had her ears pierced now, and wore baggy checked shirts and tight jeans. Her hair had grown long, and she styled it so well. I just thought she was great. Even when she had her moody strops as a teenager, as we all do.

I think one of the best things about her is that she never seemed embarrassed by me, as some other people probably would. She didn't care if people watched when we gave each other fairy kisses. “This is my baby sister,” she'd introduce me proudly, and I loved that most about her.

I loved that we were like this now, but I knew that when we were younger, thing's hadn't been so smooth. (383/500)

All siblings fight. That's just a given. Anyone who makes it through their life without having a proper sibling spat is either very lucky, or a complete liar. We had our fair share of arguments growing up. When we were young it was who got to play with which doll, who got a later bedtime, who ate the last cookie without telling the other.

Petty teenage stuff, obviously. Who stole who's hairbrush. Where was the phone charger. Who said you could use my nail polish without asking. Usual stuff, unimportant stuff.

But there was one fight that took a nasty turn.

I was ten, she was eight. We'd gotten into an argument about something stupid, but both of us must have been in a bad mood, because it kept escalating even when it didn't need to. I'd accidentally embarrassed her in front of a few friends. Nothing major, but it had made her face go red even though her friends had laughed it off. At home, she had a go at me. Asking how I could do that, did I want to make her look stupid, did I want people to laugh at her.

“You don't have to worry about that, do you?” she spat. “Miss Clarisse, the popular one, the older one, the one whose so-o-o cool.”

“Why are you making such a big deal out of this?”

“You don't have to worry about people liking you, they just do! It's different for me! Not that you'd care,” she added in a sulky tone. “You with your stupid nice hair, stupid laugh, stupid-”

“Don't call me stupid!” I yelled. “Don't talk to me like that!”

“I'll talk to you how I want! It's not like you're my real sister!”

The words hung in the air for an uncomfortable amount of time. Bitter, chilling, dispersing throughout the room and settling cold on our shoulders. Tears stung my eyes. She realized what she'd said, and her hands flew up to cover her mouth.

“No, Clarisse, I didn't mean-”

I stormed out without a word. It would be a few months until we would speak again. Every time I looked at her, I heard her say it. Every time she looked at me, her eyes filled with guilt. That fight had shaken the foundation of our sisterhood, and it had taken our parents to intervene to finally make us speak again. Even then we didn't talk a lot, just hugged for a very long time, tears streaming down our cheeks. She kept saying how sorry she was, and I believed her. Looking back, in the long run, this might have even helped to strengthen our bond. (450/500)

The only good thing to come out of that fight was that I opened up to her.

I told her the truth about how I felt. Not that she wasn't my real sister, goodness no, she absolutely was. She was my family and I loved her dearly, and I knew I'd gotten incredibly lucky to end up with a sibling like her.

But there were other little things that were weighing me down. Because in truth, even as a toddler, I really felt as though I'd been in her shadow. I'd copied the way she walked, how she talked, what food she liked, the pictures she liked to draw. I'd never really gone out of my way to find my own likes and dislikes.

And then of course, I thought she was amazingly cool, and everyone else did too – but maybe I felt like I compared myself to her too much, and thought other people did too. Did my friends like me for me? Or did they just like to hang out with my older sister? Was I as cool as she was? Or did I just to try to pretend I was?

When I told her these things, she stroked my hair and wiped the tears from my cheeks and tried to soothe my insecurities. She told me she loved me, and of course I was great, but just in my own special way. Maybe I didn't look like her, or have the same interests, and who cares if she was older, what's age got to do with it? Why would I want to be like her, when I could be like myself? She told me she thought I was cool, and that she was super lucky to have such a great younger sister like me.

And from there, with everything out in the open, we rebuilt our sibling relationship on the foundation of a fresh start. She encouraged me more to try and find hobbies I liked, and that I was good at. When we hung out with friends she talked me up, which made me blush, but I still appreciated it. We told each other everything, all of our secrets, and became closer than ever.

That's why in high school she was so good to me, and why she was never embarrassed to have me around or be affectionate in public. She was just so wonderful, even after the horrible thing I'd said to her, and had said many times I never meant it. She was my sister, and I'd never have it any other way. (430/500)

After we graduated high school, instead of launching ourselves into an immediate job or student loan debt, we decided to take a gap year. We'd saved up quite a bit of money through weekend and holiday work, and so we decided to use it for the most logical thing.

We packed some bags into my secondhand car, and decided to take a road trip.

It was just as you'd expect it to be in one of those feel-good comedy films. The air conditioning kept breaking. We got lost more times than we could count. Sometimes we bickered over what music to play, and if we chose the radio, it went static in some areas. The cheap motels we chose had tiny rooms, so we had to squash up in one bed and ignore the streetlights glaring through the blinds.

But oh boy, did we have the time of our lives.

We visited different parks, fed the ducks, hiked through forests with less than appropriate footwear. We stopped at cheap gift shops to buy each other the worse souvenirs we could find. We slept in our car at the beach, and watched the sunrise over the still water. Everything that happened, planned or not, was brilliant because we had each other.

My favorite stop was the Grand Canyon. I drove all night with Mei snoring in the passenger seat beside me so that we could get there when the sun began to rise. I didn't even know where we were supposed to park, I just knew that I wanted to share this moment with her. Part of the sky was still dark when I parked us, and we tumbled out from the car and went to the viewing platform.

I managed to get the loveliest photo of us. Technically it's just part of my face, but you can see Mei staring out over the Canyon, hair a mess, slippers on, watching the sun rise. The sky was absolutely stunning, all red and orange and pink, like it was on fire in the best way possible. The light made the rock turn gold, and way down below, you could see this tiny glittering river snaking its way through. It was just an unforgettable moment for us, standing side my side, sharing in this breathtaking view.

This was both the best experience I've had with her, and the best photo I believe I've ever taken. Not because of the natural wonder behind us, but because it was just the two of us that got to see it. Everything we'd been through in life, and here we were. In that moment, I'd never felt a stronger connection to my sister, and I know she felt the same way. (454/500)


It's quite strange, looking back now as a grown up. We haven't grown apart in any way, I'm not sure that could ever happen, but I think in our adult worlds we don't have the opportunity to spend as much time with each other. We meet up when we can; dinner every Friday night, cafe catch ups Sunday mornings, sometimes even weekend sleepovers when we can find the time. I've never stopped loving spending time with her, and I think that's pretty special.

She'll always be my best friend. It doesn't matter who comes along, she's still the person I love most in the world. I'm immensely proud of her, and I love seeing how she's grown and blossomed over the years. I tell her this a lot, and I hope she listens. I think it must be similar to how our parents feel, watching us grow up and make our way in the big wide world. But it's different for me, of course, because I've seen this happen from a different perspective. She'll always be my baby sister, but I'm glad she's her own person now too.

We branched out into widely different careers. I threw myself into the world of photography, and I'm pleased at the small business I've managed to build for myself. Mei helps me out, because she hires me to come and take pictures of the events she organizes. It's mutually beneficial, really, promoting each other like this. Plus it means we get to see each other during business hours.

I thank my lucky stars every day that fate decided to deliver her to me as my sister, because there is absolutely no one else I would have wanted, and no one I could care for and appreciate more. (294/500)

I think there were times as a child when I didn't ever think I'd really 'spread my wings', as people put it. Part of me thought I'd cling on to Clarisse forever, following her around, doing what she did, maybe even living on her couch or something. We actually did live together for a year or so, once we were back from our road trip and decided to have a crack at moving out. It wasn't much different from living at home. We didn't fight or anything, and maybe I thought we'd be like this forever, but things change, and I suppose people do too.

I think we were all surprised when I was the one who developed such a taste for independence. With Clarisse busy with all of her photography courses, I had to go out and find my own things to do. I'd never really thought about event planning as a career, but a course opened up at Clarisse's building, and on a whim I decided to take it.

A few years later, who knew I'd enjoy the role of ordering people around so much?

I love listening to clients, hearing their ideas, coming up with my own, finding venues, decorations, and the like. A photographer was always easy to find, of course. But the best part by far was everything coming together, and seeing the joy on people's faces at the event we'd all pulled together.

The job helped me become more independent, and although it was odd when Clarisse and I got our own apartments – only a few streets away, mind you – I think it was good for us. Having a chance to do our own thing, and so on, even if we end up going to each others places to hang out more often than not.

Sometimes I have flashbacks to what I once said to her, and it makes me shudder and my eyes water at the thought. I know that will always be my biggest regret in life, and I'm just so thankful that she forgave me and we put things right. I just couldn't have done everything I have without her love and support.

For one of our joint birthday parties – we still have those – I got us friendship necklaces, the kind that join up to form words when you put them together. She got the moon side, and I got the sun. Together, the words read 'Soul Sisters'. Because that's what she is. She is my sister, and I love her. I couldn't have ever asked for a better sibling, or a more extraordinary best friend. (439/500)



writing x4
art x1

writing x3
art x1

total; 9 components
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Re: Partner kal Readopt

Postby Cyrano » Tue Feb 19, 2019 9:15 am

Partners form:(IM GOING SOLO! XD)
Kal: Kalarissa / Euraline(both)
New Name:I will be keeping their names :)
used to be: smith(ers) & s-simplicity| | my kalons
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Re: Partner kal Readopt

Postby lunaire » Tue Feb 19, 2019 12:36 pm

      Username: lunaire
      Kal: both
      New Name: wip!
      name ideas wrote:kalarissa
      - kehaulani
      - myriam
      - samaria
      - anabelle / anabella
      - jade
      - jasmine
      - sarah
      - cassandra "cass"

      - cora
      - katya
      - lara
      - leah
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Postby petrify » Wed Feb 20, 2019 4:20 am

big mark, going solo for them both :>
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Re: Partner kal Readopt

Postby whim » Wed Feb 20, 2019 7:17 am

    Username: whim
    Partners form:(If both please state)
    Kal: Kalarissa / Euraline(the one YOU are going for)
    New Name:

    maybe mark ;o;
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Take a chance, for a change

Postby -pidge » Wed Feb 20, 2019 7:53 am




21. female

More lost than words
" Girls like Girls "
It has always been
more than friends
atleast thats how,
~I felt~



username: aestheic-
Partners form: going on my own now
Kal: Euraline
New Name: Nadia

Its ok; Im ok; I think
There are 3 stages to a concert,
the perpetration, the performance, and
backstage; same goes with life, no one knows
whats going on back there; but you plaster on
a fake smile and everyone assumes your ok...



Dazzling Eyes

The lights blind me while im confronted by
the cheering of a crowd. It falls quiet, but
the silence is broken by the soft beats of a
drum. I fall into the spotlight, but seconds
before my lips move, my attention is stolen
by two dazzling eyes, like a shooting star
on a blue moon night. followed by a smile
that took my breath away... In those 3
seconds.Those magical 3 seconds, it felt as
if time itself had paused, I could feel them
in that moment as if we where the only ones",
but like every fairytale, time resumes, and to
my despair,I lost her in a crowed of people...




That night, I spent countless moments searching for those ocean eyes.
Just a glance, perhaps, but she never showed. It came to the final
song, but still no trace. That night I longed to see her once more,
but it was if i'd never seen her in the first place.



I awoke, yet again, as a nobody,
a lost soul that roamed through the crowded
city street, gliding swiftly though not being
touched or ever seen. They never noticed me,
but maybe that was a good thing.
However I still had that girl always crossing my mind,
the only one who really ever noticed me. Like a delicate
flower in the soft breeze the way she moved and the
way she spoke. Though we have only met once I
remembered it all, that beautiful glossy hair, and those
stunning blue eyes, Just as it was on my mind, I happened to
notice a familiar figure. The small speck was getting closer,
and I didn't have to think twice on recognizing her,
she had started to pass me, in that minute, I wasn't ready to
lose her again, I..I just couldn't! Not again! I softly tugged her
arm, and her beautiful face turned towards me, her eyes sparkling
more than ever. For the 2nd time our eyes met, I felt a small
shock like we were meant and I wondered maybe, just, maybe,
she felt that way too;


Just a conversation
It was just a conversation, starting with hello,
ended with a goodbye -But it was so much more
than words.

She swiftly dusted a leaf that had softly landed
on her shoulders. And in the next moment,
she giggled and put out her hand saying "Hey!-
I'm koraline!"
Koraline- such a beautiful name, I thought as
I placed my hand in hers as they shook.
"I'm Nadia," I said,
With that, we said our goodbyes, and I made my way
with my heart thumping out of my chest.




A few long weeks had passed and there was no trace of Koraline.
That changed one day, while I was walking to work I heard the faint sound
of an angelic voice followed by the soft strumming of a guitar. I was instantly
intreaged and entered the building where the sound was coming from. I
stopped dead, to see before me, Koraline! Boy that girl had talent! That way
she bowed her head as she strummed that guitar effortlessly.
And that way the words flowed without her having to take a single breath.
I stood there. Just stood. I didn't know how long I was there for but I didn't
care. This was a moment I refuse to miss. Finally, she head lifted as she
twined the final strings, and that smile, that beautiful smile lit up the room.
She placed her guitar in its case and approached me. "Hey," I said softly.
You've got alot of talent, would you be intrested in joining a band?" Seconds
after processing what I just said she covered her mouth and looked astonished.
"Seriously??" She cried " Seriously" I smiled.

During the time I was watching her I had recorded a few seconds of it, and
sent it to the other band members, and they were more keen to get her
in then I was, so with that, Koraline was part of it all.



Nadia; The band and I are heading out
for dinner tonight , sorta celebrating your arrival
in the band! --Can you make it?



Koraline; Awesome! Thanks for
the invite!! No plans, can't wait to
see you and the rest of the band!



Cool! :) cya @ 6 then!!
- Its tradition we head to the Bristro,
( Fern st, )



Love it! Thanks!-



The Bistro

I was accompanied by the other band members and could feel their excitement through the atmosphere of the room. I saw her enter the room, just as beautiful as I had recalled. I stood, as it was only polite, and tried to make her as comfortable as possible. The night went on, and I deeply enjoyed the conversation we were having. Jane soon mentioned a movie that had recently been released. I made a comment on how I saw it at the cinema, Koraline smiled and said: " Oh yes, I saw that movie with my boyfriend!" I felt I had been kicked in the guts and my stomach had flipped. I felt my eyes begin to water and my cheeks were slowly heating up. I softly excessed myself and told them I didn't feel that well." I ran out of the Bistro, feeling my entire face go tomato red and fat tears rolling down my inflamed, puffy cheeks. I drove home, and threw myself under the covers and wouldn't stop crying, it felt as if she snapped my heart in two.

I felt lost, lost in this massive
city as a very small person. Though, I couldn't blame
Koraline for anything, she didn't do anything wrong.
I just had to stick on my feet and act ok. But before
I could actually talk myself into commiting intp the
idea, I get a text from Koraline--


Hey! - Are you ok?
I got concerned about
you last night. Wanna
come to my place?
Ive got something I
want to show you!


I took a deep breath, replied
and made my way to Koraline's house, checking
endlessly it didn't look like I had been crying
for the past 5 hours. I neatened myself up
and hesitantly pushed the doorbell.
The door swung open to reveal Koraline
with her usual happy and bright face.
"Come in," she stood aside from the door.
I gave a weak smile a finally took a step.
" So um, about last night did I say something
or-" I quickly interrupted, " no-no, you
didn't do a thing!" I continued trying to sound
normal. " I think it was something I ate,
soon realizing our meals hadn't been brought to
us before I left. Koraline nodded, and
there was a brief moment of silence.
Soon she looked up as if shed remembered
something. She took my hand and guided
me outside the house. Still holding hands,
we walked down a dusty track, and
the further we walked, the fewer buildings
were viewed among the horizon. Soon
There were no buildings in sight, and we
stood in front of a lush meadow. We
had a wide view of the city behind us,
and it was like we could touch the sun.
As we watched the last clouds sail away
and the last butterflies fluttered passed,
we stood and watched the sky turn
a blazing orange, as if the world was
on fire. It was nothing less of a breath
taking view. We locked eyes, and could tell
she and I were in this magical moment together.
The wind gave a soft breeze and felt the air
twine through my hair. Koraline spoke
"I'm glad I have you," and as I turned
to look at her, my lips were attached
to hers. It felt as if I was touched by
an angle, and I felt a small tear of
happiness glissin in my eye.

After we stood in silence for a moment more, embracing the last moments of sun, I told Koraline something on my mind. "What would you say if we left the city, left our troublesome worlds behind us, and start new?" I glanced at Koraline, still staring long into the distance, but I noticed a smile crept onto her face, " That would be nice, " She said, looking behind her, at the huge city, and smoke above it, then looked ahead of her, at the hidden sun, the new moon and the earth beneath her feet. " I'll take the risk, with you," It felt as if I was waiting to hear those words for a long time.

3x 500 words 1x Art (mood-board)



22 . female

What have I gotten myself into??
" Girls like Girls "
is it fair to say
Ive been inlove
with 2 people..
~at once?
~I felt~



username: aestheic-
Partners form: going on my own now, ahh
Kal: Kalrissa
New Name: Koraline


Id never been the type to find myself washed over by 1million other individuals.
But alas I find myself here, and about to see one of the ost sucsessful local bands
I know of. It was a moment of silence, which seemed impossible, when the curtains
opened. It was dark but still made out darker silhouettes of the people among me.
after a little more cheering and applauding, a beam of light strikes the stage.
The crowd goes crazy once again. But suddenly, im a flah of time, I could of swore
I made eye contact with the singer; but knowing me, it was probably a figure of my


Weeks had past and soon I thought nothing of it, it was nothing more than a figment of the imagination. I was mistaken when I felt a soft tug of my fur. And charming voice leads me to a pair of piercing eyes as if they were reflecting the sunset. She greeted herself, and I did the same. Though I will admit, I was a little confused about why I was talking to a complete stranger. Though it was like we already met, her voice was somewhat familiar. Suddenly it clicked, Nadia, she was the singer, surely not! I give I quick spin to reassure myself I was correct, but the had vanished in the crowds of people.

I couldn't get over my encounter, though I reassured myself I was getting overdramatic, and it could've easily been a look alike. I soon decided to shake it off, I was clearly going crazy! I sat myself down, underneath my favorite tree, just far enough so most couldn't see or more importantly hear me. I'm a perfectionist, and, let's say, my performance is far from perfect. I start with a song I wrote, quite some time ago, but, it was little of what I was proud of. I slowly strummed the guitar and began to softly sing. I was caught in a moment only music could give, so I didn't notice, she was standing, and no doubtfully listening right before me. I jump a little. "H-hi" I stammered, still slightly shocked. " Hey " she spoke, in a soft voice, and was gesturing she wished to continue speaking. " Remember me? " " Of course, " I insisted. "Your very talented, " she continues as I feel my cheeks go a soft pink. " Would you be interested in joining the band? " She someway burst out, as if she were taking a ton of bricks off her shoulder. It takes me a moment to process what came out of her lips. My heart skips a beat. "SERIOUSLY!?" I bust out, with enthusiasm I didn't think I had in me. Obviously, I couldn't refuse. So with that, I was soon on my way to becoming a star. Though, I still had doubt and fear about my ability and was sure I didn't have what I took.

The next day, as I was tuning my guitar, my phone buzzed. I checked it, and to my surprise, it was from exactly who I was hoping for.

The band and I are heading out
for dinner tonight , sorta celebrating your arrival
in the band! --Can you make it?



Koraline; Awesome! Thanks for
the invite!! No plans, can't wait to
see you and the rest of the band!



Cool! :) cya @ 6 then!!
- Its tradition we head to the Bristro,
( Fern st, )



Love it! Thanks!-


My Fault?

I regained myself and began to act as my normal self. I entered the bistro to find 4 smiling faces accompanied by Nadia. I approached them, shaking my bangs out of my face. Nadia stood, introduced me, and sat me down. I wish I could be as genuine as she was. I deeply thanked her and ordered myself a drink, although Nadia insisted on getting me one instead. I soon felt at ease with the other girls and managed to enjoy myself for once. All was going fine until Nadia started to go pale. Less than a millisecond later excusing herself, following through running out of the Bristo. I had this feeling it was something I said, but I can recall saying anything wrong, did I?


I still felt bad, and was sure it was
because of me. So, I text her, making
sure she's ok.
In a way Nadia always made me feel better,
and I wanted to do the same for her.
I know we're still kinda new to each other,
but Nadia, shes something.
I soon get a reply saying, "I'm fine.
On my way" and a few minutes later
the doorbell rings. I quickly get to my
feet and swing the door open. "Hey!"
I welcomed her, " come in!" it seemed
Nadia was perhaps daydreaming, or
just tired, but it took her a while to respond,
then walking inside a little dazzled. I
sat her down and offered her a warm
drink, but she politely refused

I asked about last night and her
expression changed dramatically
like she was trying to avoid the
question. " Oh uh, I think it was
something I ate." I knew she was
lying, as we hadn't even eaten
before she felt sick. I thought better
of going into it and shrugged the
conversation off with a smile.

I felt the awkwardness awaking in the room, but at the same time, I remembered something. I looked up at the clock, if we hurried, we could see it. I took Nadia's paw, that was softer than a silk blanket, and darted out the door, her hand safe in my possession I took her along the dirt path, away from the business and confusion. I wanted to show her my world. As fewer and fewer buildings came to view I saw the awe I Nadia's expression grow. Soon I came to a halt, and we stood before my world. I held my heart she loved it just as much as I did, and by the look of amazement on her face, she did. While I stood beside Nadia, I couldn't help compare her to my boyfriend. Then my mind wandered to last night, and tried to recall it, all I remember is saying I had watched a movie with my--- Soon everything hit me, like a wave crashing over me. I looked at Nadia's soft face. I almost collapsed. I was so confused about my feelings. How, no, we're just friends, at least that's what I was forcing myself to think. Nadia grabbed both my hand and looked me in the eye. I suddenly gave in. I was in love with her, but to hide it or not, I was still unsure of. I began to shake. But her smile calmed me, and I knew what I was going to do. I leaned forward and kissed her. I had a fear, that I had gotten it wrong. What if she didn't like me? What if I ruined our friendship? But those questions ran away and Nadia wrapped her hands around my shoulders. I suddenly knew that it was going to be ok. My life, my relationship, it was if the sun had wished it upon me, and I was living in a fairytale. Nadia leaned back and began to speak. "What would you say if we left the city, left our troublesome worlds behind us, and start new?" I looked behind me, and reflected on my life, and looked forward to the magical scene, and knew what I wanted. "That would be nice," I whispered as smooth as the wind, " I'll take the risk with you" For a moment it was like we were seaking without words, and together, we walked to the sun.

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Re: Partner kal Readopt

Postby ellipses » Wed Feb 20, 2019 6:11 pm

USERNAME, jester ;;
WHICH ONE?, Both! I'm going solo qwq
huge wip!!!
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Re: Partner kal Readopt

Postby Thani » Thu Feb 21, 2019 12:53 pm

Last edited by Thani on Mon Mar 25, 2019 5:46 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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