Re: Kalon #1472 CYOS

Postby _silentsiren_ » Thu Oct 11, 2018 4:00 am

username: _silentsiren_
name: tojás
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egg egg
runny egg
sad egg

"what is wrong little egg?"
sad egg
drippy egg
"all of my friends left me"
lonely egg

egg egg
sad egg
"it's okay egg"
"someone loves runny eggs"

egg egg
happy egg
"you may not be their type
but you are someone's egg"

egg egg
drippy egg
happy egg
yummy egg
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Re: Kalon #1472 CYOS

Postby .summer » Thu Oct 11, 2018 4:02 am

username: midnight08
name: Isa, meaning beautiful
gender: Female
story: (353/500)
Isa used to be a model. She was very famous, so famous, she couldn't go outside her house without getting bombarded by fans and paparazzi. She did all kind of modeling, fashion, runway, swimsuit, you name it and she's done it. Then, one day, her entire career was sabotaged. A younger, prettier, slimmer kalon entered the modeling business. After a week, everyone had forgotten about Isa and had moved on to the new model. Isa was devastated, and left the modeling business after a month. She got a job at a nearby convenience store, and her life spiraled into a downwards depression. She hated herself, every hair on her beautiful body was disgusting in her eyes. She didn't go to work and got fired. She didn't pay her rent and got kicked out. She stopped caring about everything around her. She didn't eat, didn't shower, anything. It was only until her mother came to visit her and found her outside on the streets, shivering from hunger or pain. Her mother took her back to her home-town and helped her recover. She fed her, clothed her, helped her get a good job, then she helped her find an apartment. Soon enough Isa was back on her feet. But there was one thing her mother couldn't fix, her self-hatred. She may have a nice apartment, a good job, and a loving family, but she was still not good enough for herself. She put on a fake smile when at work and with her parents, but every time she looked in the mirror she wanted to punch it as hard as she possibly could. One day after work, she was feeling horrible. She decided to tell her mother about her depression, and her mother was very supportive. She texted her every day about how much she loved her, how important she is, etc. Now here Isa is, four years later. She is a thriving businesswoman, who owns a house, runs a company, and has the most supportive family ever, She might not love herself entirely yet, but she accepts who she is, no matter what happens.
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Re: Kalon #1472 CYOS

Postby hiraeth + hound » Thu Oct 11, 2018 4:14 am

        reminder that this ends in 3 days!
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Re: Kalon #1472 CYOS

Postby Peppermint mist » Thu Oct 11, 2018 5:41 am

username: Peppermint Mist
name: Tempest
gender: Female
story: (497 words)

The sky was an inky black curtain with minute white dots of starlight shining through the dark mass. The moon, completely rounded, illuminated the village below in its gentle glow and the ground was soft from the rain, long gone now, not a cloud in sight. A fog began to form near the base of the woods and in the pale moonlight, it provided an ethereal look to the trees. A gentle breeze passed, shaking some brown shrivelled leaves off the trees’ twisted branches, it was the time of the season when the leaves were no longer appealing colours and the temperature had started to drop.

The creature swished its tail in silent frustration, its stomach moaned; it couldn’t remember the last time it ate. It bounded off the tree branch it was sitting on and landed neatly on the ground, perking its ears up in interest when it heard the faintest heartbeat coming from the stream. It made its way towards the rocky shore, its thick, leathery paw pads not disturbed by the harsh stones which tried to slice through its skin. The creature darkened its headlight eyes and slowed down its movement, waiting for the right moment to strike. The fish glided towards it, gracefully unaware of its presence. The creature lengthened its claws as it suddenly sensed something coming towards it and a female kalon jumped into the stream, screeching in delight. The fish shot away and the creature spun towards the kalon as the kalon turned to face it, a tranquil look on her face. This took the creature by surprise, when it usually faced the townsfolk they’d freeze in absolute terror. The kalon splashed out of the stream and gently stroked its thick black fur. The creature sized her up, she’d be a meagre meal but it would take whatever was in front of it. It purred, relaxing its muscles, knowing that the kalon was clever and it would need to wait for her to be vulnerable. The kalon skipped across the stream and grabbed a small basket from which she pulled a huge slab of meat and threw it towards the creature with a sweet smile. It smelt delicious and the creature tore at the meat ravenously, eating every last scrap whilst the kalon lit a fire with some dry sticks she’d found. It was a shame to have to eat her so soon, it thought to itself as it drew itself up, ready to attack. All of a sudden the creature’s limbs went stiff and it collapsed to the ground, panting and groaning, the last thing it saw was the kalon’s malicious grin.

She walked out of the other side of the forest, the night air was unsympathetic but at least she was protected from the hostile weather thanks to her new thick, black cloak. Deep in the forest behind her, the little fire had begun to grow and soon it would reach the detestable village she had left behind.
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Re: Kalon #1472 CYOS

Postby -pidge » Thu Oct 11, 2018 11:40 am

username: Systems_Down
name: Charli
gender: female
story: (500 word limit)


I sit up and open my eyes, only to see my messy apartment with all the lights still on.

Its been a week since I was diagnosed with dementia, and it a stuggle to remenber simple tasks "Ughh, this electricity bill is gonna cost a fortiune" I whine, but then I notice, a little golden box with a small letter taped to it, sitting on the window sill. I get up and herdle over the piles of cloths.

I kneel down so I was level with the box. I gracfull detach the letter and open it.
"Dear Charli,
Sorry to hear about your diagnossis,
I hope to see you soon
From Mason"

A smile speads on my face as I lift the tiny box. I remove the lid to see 2 silk gold ribbions.
I remember telling him how much I wanted them as a little girl and he would tease me that Id never get them in my wildest dreams. I feal a fat tear roll down my face.

As I tie the silk ribbons into my hair, my mind wonders. I turn to make breakfast, but Id forgotten something. Something I never wanted to forget, I dont know what ive forgotten, but something inside me is telling me I have. I squeeze my eyes and force myself to remember, then I see the ribbon dangling in my hair..

I pick up the letter and my eyes scroll down it "From Mason" "W-whos Mason" Id forgotten Mason..

Who is he? I ball my eyes out in hope to remember, even if it were just his hair colour, or how old he was, but noting. Mason... i'd never let that name go. Mason, I will remember.

1 year after calling for him, after searching every building in the city, after putting an artical about in in the newspaper, I gave up, only to find that Id had forgotten so many other things. Until theres a knock on the door. I walk foward to answer it. I pull the door wide open. "Hi, uhh whats your name?" I ask sheepishly "Mason." He smiles.
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Re: Kalon #1472 CYOS

Postby hiraeth + hound » Fri Oct 12, 2018 5:15 am

        due to request, this has been extended until Monday the 15th at 11:59 PM. this will be the only extension
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Re: Kalon #1472 CYOS

Postby Strudel » Fri Oct 12, 2018 5:46 am

username: Strudel
name: Griselda
gender: female

There was a time when destruction and chaos were all the world knew. A time when spirits roamed the Earth freely and the highest peaks of the great mountains in the distance glowed like burning embers. The earth was scorched and barren, and the denizens of this plane cowered in fear of the beasts that controlled the lands. There was one beast-- a king of beast and men-- that ruled over all. His tusks were sharp as a razor's edge, and his claws were steel daggers perfect for rending through fur and flesh alike. His growl cowed the fiercest of beasts, and his roar resounded through the lands-- driving fear into the heart of men.

No one dared to defy this wild king, and so he and his army did as they pleased. They destroyed villages, taking what they liked from his people. They cut down tribes of beasts in the wilds, taking only their strongest warriors into their ranks.

Not a thing could be done for it, he was the king of beasts, after all. He was pain, fire, blood, and brimstone all rolled into one. The people whispered, but never uttered his true name, for his name was a curse upon the land.

Then came a turn of the age, a thousand years after the wild king's army first took hold of the lands. The fire atop the mountains remained, sometimes spilling over, but the rains came. With the rains, the earth soaked up the water, and soon plants began to peek through the soil. The humans and kalons alike began to thrive, whereas the beasts of the land began to disappear.
Surely, it couldn't be the rains that had been their demise, it had been something else. Someone else. There were whispers of a champion who dealt with the beasts with a wild ferocity rivaling that of the dark king himself. He was said to be as slippery as a devil, as fast as a dragon-- and just as fierce as any warrior in the king's domain.

This champion ripped apart the army between himself and the king. When he stood proudly in front of the king's throne-- human slaves as witness-- he finally lowered his cloak to reveal that he was a she-- a female warrior with steely eyes that seemed to cut through the king.

No one had ever seen the king flinch, not in a thousand years, but in that moment the slaves swore they could see fear in his eyes. His armies had been cut to ribbons, his tribes of beasts had all been slain, and here stood one female kalon. The one that had done all this, destroyed his kingdom.

Some say the fight lasted but a minute, that as the king lifted his large halberd she struck him down in one single attack. Others say the fight lasted ten days and night. The only truth we do know is that the king was slain and the warrior was never seen again.
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Re: Kalon #1472 CYOS

Postby Marsh » Mon Oct 15, 2018 9:53 am

username: Marsh
name: Leora
gender: Female

For as long as the elders can remember, the village of Wesnor has been plagued by a creature whose name they dare not speak. A single utterance would be adequate on its own to drive the poor soul to insanity. The fear of his name is reason enough to confine the villagers to their huts from the start of the sun's setting until the first, nervous beams of morning light slide onto the horizon, marking the end of a sleepless night of terror. Then, word of devastating news dart among the villagers as they begin to mourn yet another casualty of the beast.

Where the twigs snap and the branches howl, the leaves crack their knuckles in anticipation and the rotting flowers curl away from his presence. Where each knobbed trunk bends down to cast long shadows at night and observe the foolish bravery of travellers. Where water drips eerily from the roof of a cave and into the blackness of his dwelling-place. Where the winds moan and the thick mist blankets the ground, the barren soil sinks underfoot and the moon grins sinisterly. Where not even the innocence of nature risks being citizen in his kingdom of death. There, at the end of the twisted grove, lurking where no light dares look upon his horror, he waits.

Villagers warn that you know the end is creeping up on you when you hear his song, unlike that of any human voice. It is the voice of impending doom, for once you hear it you will surely perish. Not even the most strong-willed can escape the temptation of his verse.

They say he slinks among the moss and ferns, barely shaded by the mouth of his cave through both day and night. He is found up the trees you climb, baring his yellowed teeth, or in the depths of the ravine to snatch unfortunates who might fall. Some say he has poisonous spines, others describe lengthily his canines reaching the length of a grown man's forearm. The gouged out tree bark - a telltale sign of the direction of his travel - is enough to convince all of his effortless strength as he drags his claws through the foliage. No one truly knows for there has been no one to both see him and live to tell the tale.

As soon as the sun sets, don't venture out alone. Don't go out at all. Unless, like me, your cause is to hunt monsters.

I am told slaying this beast is a man's job, I beg to differ. My studies had guided me this far and I was determined to see the beast with my own two eyes.

[ 444 words ]
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Re: Kalon #1472 CYOS

Postby mastergirl7 » Mon Oct 15, 2018 5:38 pm

Good luck everyone! Your story's are all so amazing and you all are very talented! <3

So sorry, didn't realise!
Last edited by mastergirl7 on Mon Oct 15, 2018 7:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Awesome people~

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Re: Kalon #1472 CYOS

Postby raven [烏] » Mon Oct 15, 2018 6:15 pm

good luck everyone!! i saw some really promising entries!

**rip thanks for letting me know that it hasn't even ended yet!! im so silly woop
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