show off.

Postby lysander » Wed Jul 18, 2018 7:36 am



      username: lysander  name: tetsuo  gender: male  kamper form: here


      a walking anachronism, kris thinks.

      etched in ink red like the rising sun, robe worn lazily off the shoulder— an unorthodox biker-samurai hybrid. equal parts understated honor and untamable rebellion. kris relaxes his stance, flicks his switch blade back into its casing. false alarm: no boar here, only eyes that glimmer with some feral likeness. in his pupils kris could see a feline acuity, attuned to his surroundings, no detail going unnoticed. a stranger completely unfazed even at knifepoint— and unarmed, at that. kris half expected a katana at his waist, not a simple, innocuous canteen of water.

      who would've thought some teenaged rando'd be half a mile deep into the woods? much less a literal swordsman?

      the samurai breaks silence first. "what are you doing here?"

      "could ask you the same thing. you ain't camping here too?"

      the question illicits a grimace from the stranger's otherwise unreadable face. "so that's who's responsible for this mess."


      the reply is simple: "look."

      beyond the samurai's tattooed shoulder, kris' flashlight floods the ground. light catches on metal and plastic— soda cans, packaging, manmade debris amongst the grass and treeroots. kris makes a face in disgust as the swordsman kneels, calmly picks up a piece of garbage and stuffs it into a disposal bag at his arm. something about him is mesmerizing, as if watching a monk bent over in mantra— when all he's doing is literally picking up trash. geeze, what kris wouldn't do for an ounce of that charisma.

      "i live here," comes the stranger's voice. "every day i help the forest, observe what lives here— and what doesn't. do the others know much about nature?"

      the others. of course. people don't usually camp alone. kris makes another face, shrugging. "just 'bout as much they got in those little handbooks they give us."

      an exhale. there's a slight note of vexation in his voice. "then, i suppose i have no choice."

      "huh? what d—"

      "i will go back to camp with you."

      "wait— but why—"

      "to teach."

      "teach w—"

      "about nature."


      "because you children do not know anything."

      the samurai stands up, finishing his sentence. kris can't tell if he's hot or annoying with that vaguely condescending attitude.

      "c'mon. you didn't even give me a chance."

      "a chance for w—"

      "—to prove myself," kris interrupts. power move. "it ain't like i know jack about nature— look there. ash tree."

      the samurai glances behind, following kris' eyes. correct. "not bad. but—"

      "and growing on it? lianas. parasitic vines."

      "indeed, however—"

      "—nishikigoi. the common carp."

      at this, samurai blinks, then furrows his brows. there's no water here in sight. kris smirks, motioning to the the other's tattooed shoulder. the ace in his sleeve.

      "not here, dummy. carp ain't native to this part of the states anyway."

      with that, the stranger smiles. kris' tenacity pays off. "very well. perhaps you are no fool. would you care to sharpen that knowledge of yours?"

      kris grins. "guess i got some free time."


Last edited by lysander on Sat Jul 21, 2018 9:22 am, edited 5 times in total.


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Re: lost kamper #1 - wild boar

Postby Strange_Atoms » Wed Jul 18, 2018 7:38 am

ooooh I love him but I don't have any campers
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Postby SilentMelody » Wed Jul 18, 2018 7:51 am

    username; silentmelody || name; hóngniú (meaning "red bull" in chinese) || gender; female || kamper/roll call form; milly

    res with telling them all about the alien plants (including edible ones!!)
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Re: lost kamper #1 - wild boar

Postby NaCl » Wed Jul 18, 2018 8:00 am

username; NaCl
name; Tidal
gender; Male
kamper/roll call form; here
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Re: lost kamper #1 - wild boar

Postby 【Wildfire】 » Wed Jul 18, 2018 8:03 am

username; Sparkfall
name; Everild “boar, battle”
gender; Female
kamper/roll call form; I will link
prompt; Loading....


Might enter :0

Oh, I accidentally posted twice.
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Re: lost kamper #1 - wild boar

Postby oriole » Wed Jul 18, 2018 8:11 am

    username; rootgroves
    name; Amphion
    gender; Agender
    kamper/roll call form; X
    prompt; 500/500

    It seemed like a good idea then. Sneaking out after lightsout, ribbons, jar, guidebook and flashlight in tow, what could possibly go wrong? It was only until the sun had gone down when Calypso realised that she had forgotten the flashlight on her bed. The air was chilly for a summer night. It was now too dark to see the scarlet ribbons -- leftovers from Badgemaking -- she tied around certain trees to mark her way back. Calypso couldn't admit her state to herself -- she was lost.

    Glowworms, the casual name for bioluminescent larvae. Calypso had felt a jolt of inspiration while reading the passage about them in the guidebook. The thought of any animal naturally /glowing/ astounded her -- she had to see them for real. Were they more like...fairy lights, or embers? Instead, darkness blanketed the forest.

    Her heart skipped a beat when a sliver of moonlight fell...on something red! With relief, she held the ribbon in her palm -- only, it was silkier than she remembered. Longer, too. And when she looked carefully, not actually attached to the tree, but to a rising mountain of ivory fur. The creature's knifelike tusks were not shadowed.

    She froze. The glass jar slipped from her hand, shattering upon impact. She remembered horror stories of boar maulings floating among the older Kampers.

    But this wasn’t one. Their eyes told of a conscious being, rather than the cold gaze of an instinct-driven animal. As Calypso remained petrified, it picked up the shards in their mouth, and bounded away.

    Seconds or minutes passed -- time seemed to stretch -- before they returned, an angelic figure emerging from darkness. In its mouth was an intact glass jar, albeit a bit smudged with dirt. Calypso couldn’t help but break into a goofy grin.

    The creature gently pawed at the soil. She gasped. The pocket was aglow with green pinpoints. Glow-worms, of all kinds, were emerging. The creature scooped soil and insects into the jar, and presented them to her with flourish. Among the black earth, they looked like moving stars.

    “I…” she began, but the words caught in her throat. The creature’s expression changed into what looked like a smile. They then spoke, barely audible, with an unplaceable accent.

    Is that even English?

    The majestic figure turned, silver markings glinting like starlight, and disappeared. While leaving, they glanced back at the lone Kamper one last time.

    She stood, astonished, before snapping out of her daze. She looked down. The jar was in her hands; a soft light emanated from it but there were no wildtracks to be seen. A familiar ribbon was tied to the tree -- the one that she had tied. Calypso yawned, and rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

    It was late, I really ought to be back by now.

    The clouds parted enough for the moon to shine down, and in the distance, she spotted a second red ribbon. She cradled her new, miraculous specimens and headed back to camp.
bamboo lantern - neko-slay (dA) / flashing bullet - gasara (dA)
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Re: lost kamper #1 - wild boar

Postby liightning » Wed Jul 18, 2018 8:12 am

    username; salty.sweet
    name; Cyprinus (the genus of koi fish !) "Cy" Kohaku (a variation of Japanese koi) - sometimes affectionately called 'Ko' by close friends
    gender; male
    kamper/roll call form; Prince
    prompt; yEssSs 498/500 words
    Prince was on the outskirts of kamp.
    out here it was... peaceful. when he put aside the fear and worry of breaking rules and being on his own, he could actually enjoy it. no splitting headaches from the business of camp.
    his nose twitched. was that really... "goji?" he wondered aloud.
    brushing aside some loose undergrowth, he revealed a tall bush. bright red berries clustered on the long, thin branches that swooped low to the ground - he was not mistaken.
    these will certainly be interesting to study - not to mention they're delicious...
    Prince reached up and plucked a pawful of goji berries when an outraged cry rang through the trees, sending flocks of birds in the treetops scattering.
    startled, Prince spun around, dropping the berries.
    a heavyset kalon of white, red, and silver crouched a few tail-lengths from him. frazzled hair surrounded his face. two long, tusks curled upward from the corners of his mouth. a growl rumbled from deep inside his chest, blood-red eyes ablaze with fury.
    with a snarl the kalon hurtled at him, sending tremors through the ground - and Prince's very limbs. Prince couldn't move; his paws were frozen to the ground.
    the kalon skidded to a stop before him. it took Prince a moment to register that he was unharmed. for now.
    "who are you? why are you stealing my goji berries?" the boar-like kalon thundered.
    "P-Prince," the kit gasped. "I'm sorry, I didn't know they were yours, I was just interested in the medicinal properties of them, I mean no harm, I only wanted to take a few, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!" words tumbled out of him, desperate to save him from danger.
    the kalon scowled at Prince. "you don't - wouldn't - understand." pain flashed in his eyes and he suddenly looked away, voice breaking. "no one understands. no one!" his growl dropped to a whimper and then rose to anguished howling. he collapsed, burying his muzzle under his paws, shoulders shaking with emotion.
    "you- you can tell me about it, if you don't mind," he tried, tentatively placing a paw on his shoulder.
    the kalon drew in a few muffled gasps for air. he lifted his head and wearily began, "I grew up with my mother."
    "she looked out for me, took care of me. was proud of everything I did, no matter what it was."
    his shoulders shook with another sob. "she died when I was seven."
    Prince gasped, his heart breaking.
    "goji berries were her favorite," he continued, glancing the bush. "she would always make goji tea for me. her fur was the color of goji berries."
    "I'm sorry," Prince murmured. he reached over and gathered the fallen berries. seven. the age that this kalon was when his life fell apart. he handed them to the kalon. "if you'd like, I can make you some tea. back at camp."
    a ghost of a smile flickered across his face. "I'd like that," he whispered.

    quick explanation:
    this was inspired by my mom’s usage of goji in many desserts! not to mention tea c;
    Cy ran away from camp because he didn't want the other kampers see him cry; being at kamp reminds him of when his mother brought him there, many years ago when he still had her.
    he found this goji bush and it's really, really special to him, which is why he's so frenzied when he sees Prince picking from it. it's kind of an instinct to protect it.
    but he soon breaks down again, and Prince, being naturally compassionate, comforts him. ready to face kamp again, Cy goes back with Prince and enjoys some goji tea (my mom makes that sometimes and it's really delicious :>). they eventually become friends and Prince helps Cy deal with anxiety attacks and breaking down and such.
Last edited by liightning on Sun Jul 22, 2018 2:19 pm, edited 14 times in total.

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Re: lost kamper #1 - wild boar

Postby Dancing.cinnamon~ » Wed Jul 18, 2018 8:12 am

username; Dancing.cinnamon~
name; Red
gender; Male
kamper/roll call form; c:
prompt; "Ah, I'm lost..." Red said softly to his self. "Can anyone hear me?" He yelled out in the middle of no where, no one replied. "Well, I've got no idea what to do anymore. I've tried everything." He said to himself. He found a near by lake and had a drink from the lake. The water looked clear and he saw a fish and had fish for dinner for the night. He had no idea what to do before someone came to rescue him. He became to panic but he remembered his mom saying before he went off to camp "Don't panic. I gave you a bag of food and some water in a back pack for you." A voice in his head said. "Well, maybe that voice was right? Let me look.." He said to himself again. He looked in his bag and saw some water in his bag, along with some apples and sand witches. He began to walk to see if he could find his way back, but he didn't have much luck..

A few hours later, he saw a sign "Kamp this way!" He followed that sign to the Kamp, and saw a camp fire, a warm and fun camp fire. He walked over to the fire and sat down on a log and finished his apple in his hand.

The end c:
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Re: lost kamper #1 - wild boar

Postby VoidRinkusu » Wed Jul 18, 2018 8:14 am

Res with my username (VoidRinkusu)
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Re: lost kamper #1 - wild boar

Postby Rissyy » Wed Jul 18, 2018 8:15 am

username; Ediluna.
gender; Male
kamper/roll call form; Atlas

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