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Postby Miss Marple » Wed May 31, 2017 10:41 am


Hello and welcome to the version 2 of DuskClan!

We are not currently accepting new members at this time! If you are from V2 and left but would like to rejoin please pm me.

We are still taking forms for cats from current members!
Rules are on the the actual roleplay!

Owner: Miss Marple Mod: Kylari



You can use your own form here!
But if you need a form there is one below
Code: Select all
Rank Wanted: (Optional)
Forbidden Mate: (if needed)
History: (optional)
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Postby Miss Marple » Wed May 31, 2017 11:40 am

Work in progress! Recoding these!



Emberkit, Emberpaw, Embergaze
She-cat of 38 Moons, Deputy of DuskClan

Sleek Black Cat w/ Warm Amber Eyes

Crush: Frozennight
Assigned: Frozennight
Forbidden: N/A
Kits: None
Kin: Frostpetal, Spiderbite - Sisters

Personality: Strict, Overbearing at Times,
Motherly, Fiercely Loyal, Stubborn,
Occasionally Withdrawn

Theme Song: --

Believes in the tradition?: No

Fears: Failing her Clan, Being like her Sister
Dreams: The Clan coming together, Having
a proper family

Embergaze was originally a firm believer in the code and in the traditions of her clan. She feared the retribution of StarClan if they were to ever stray. After falling inlove with a cat she wasn't assigned to and seeing the pain it caused her clan mates her mind was changed. She is now very vocal about her dislike of this system even if she was given her preferred mate. Though she is wary of the future she is committed to trying her best to protect her Clan and serve them as best she can. She has also taken an interest finally in trying to patch up her relationship with her sister Frostpetal, though she still remains silent on the Spiderbite matter. Refusing to speak of her and the "help" she might have given to those who were sick. She can be very strict still however, and a bit overbearing especially with younger cats but she tries her best.



Swiftkit, Swiftpaw, Swiftleap
Tom of 27 Moons, Warrior of DuskClan

Fluffy Brown Tabby w/ Yellow Eyes

Crush: Briareyes
Assigned: Briareyes
Forbidden: N/A
Kits: Volekit, Reedkit, Treekit, Squirrelkit
Kin: Cloverdapple - Mother, Swifttalon - Father,
Hawktalon - Brother, Reedpaw - Sister,
Acornkit - Niece, Walnutkit - Nephew

Personality: Friendly, Outgoing, Caring,
Righteous, Dependable, Kind

Theme Song: --

Believes in the tradition?: On the fence

Fears: Not living up to his father, letting his
family down, Not being there to save someone
Dreams: Of being a great father, becoming a
senior warrior

Swiftleap was born in DuskClan, named after his father who died before they were born. His mother gave him special treatment, something that always annoyed his siblings. He rejected this and tried his best to remain close to them, ultimately becoming closest with Hawktalon after their sister died of greencough. Though he has never agreed with assigned mates he couldn't complain much when he was given the she-cat he had a crush on and was able to have a happy normal relationship with her. Though he sympathizes with his clan mates he's not as vocal with them. More focused on his family especially after the death of one of his kits. Besides that he's still a very outgoing friendly tom who loves to host big group conversations whenever possible. He enjoys waking his brother up with him early in the morning and volunteering for any morning patrol anyone's willing to put him on. Be it the middle of green leaf or leaf bare.


Baykit, Baypaw, Bayclaw
She-cat of 34 Moons, Warrior of DuskClan

Short blue-grey fur w/ bright blue eyes

Crush: Foreststep
Assigned Mate: Foreststep
Forbidden Mate: N/A
Kits: None
Kin: Pebblepool - Mother, Greystorm - Father,
Brightstar - Aunt, Petalpelt - Sister, Rainy - Niece,
Stormyskies - Nephew

Personality: Fast Learner, Determined, Stubborn,
Proud, Quick Wit, Has a Temper,
Deeply Loyal, Protective

Theme Song: --

Dreams: Of going down in history as a
great warrior, being of wonderful mother,
of leading her clan
Fears: Falling short of her goals, Not being
smart enough, losing her family

Bayclaw is a complicated character, much like her mother she is deeply loyal to her kin before she is to her Clan. Though she doesn't have the fierce motherly side as she's never had kits herself. She is willing to lie for those she is close to and is unafraid of the consequences. Once she was told by Stormyskies about the secret her sister and mother shared she instantly kept quiet about it.
Though she isn't much help to Stormyskies when making decisions she is still very protective towards him. She is very proud of her Clan and of her ancestors though she has remained silent on the assigned mates situation. Not speaking out against it like her sister Petalpelt or speaking for it like some. Besides that she can be a sassy quick witted cat who loves to joke and play fight with her friends and clan mates.



Hawkkit, Hawkpaw, Hawktalon
Tom of 27 Moons, Warrior of DuskClan

Warm Brown Tabby with muscular build
and bright green eyes

Crush: Hiddenstorm
Assigned Mate: Hiddenstorm
Forbidden: N/A
Kits: Acornkit, Walnutkit
Kin: Cloverdapple - Mother, Swifttalon - Father,
Reedpaw - Sister, Volekit & Treekit - Nephews,
Squirrelkit & Reedkit - Nieces

Personality: Grumpy, Rebellious, Out-spoken,
Deep Thinker, Careful

Theme Song: --

Believes in tradition? No

Fears: Never being good enough, always being
in Swiftleap's shadow, losing his kin
Dreams: Of being recognized for his own
achievements, Becoming an elder

Hawktalon was born and raised in this Clan with his two siblings, Reedpaw and Swiftleap. Though he initially resented Swiftleap for being named after their father and for receiving extra attention from their Mother he begrudgingly came to love his brother, no matter how many times he wakes him up early. Hawktalon is not a morning cat, and does not like to go on morning patrols and instead prefers dusk or night patrols if anything. He can be grumpy and snippy with clan mates until you get to know him better in which case he is a pretty normal, caring tom. He is very outspoken about assigned mates and about how terrible he thinks traditions are. Though he knows when to bite his tongue and not say anything. Considering he has a lot of kin he has a lot to lose if anything goes wrong. Something that annoys him to no end, though he loves all his kin. He is very careful, preferring not to take big risks, especially after his sister Reedpaw died of greencough. He hates illnesses and always panics over them. He enjoys deep conversations but only with one or two other cats unlike his brother who prefers big groups.


Frostkit, Frostpaw, Frostpetal
She-cat of 38 Moons, Warrior of DuskClan

Fluffy Pure White w/ Pale Green Eyes

Crush: Peonydapple
Forbidden Mate: Peonydapple
Assigned Mate: TBD
Kits: None
Kin: Spiderbite, Embergaze - Sisters

Personality: Soft-spoken, Flirty,
Rebellious, Strong-willed, Hopeful

Theme Song: --

Believes in the tradition?: No

Fears: Being Forgotten, Dying Young
Dreams: Of Adventure and Romance

Frostpetal is a flighty she-cat who hates most rules and loves to see what she can get away with. Something that causes constant stress in her strict sister Embergaze. She loves flirting, though she only does it with Peonydapple now, regardless of whose around. She enjoys mentoring apprentices as she feels she's one of the better mentors since she's not afraid to still play around even if she's an adult. She is hopeful for the future of their youth, feeling they will get rid of this assigned mates rubbish before it ruins more lives. She has lived here her entire life, though she was gone for a brief period trying to figure out what happened with Spiderbite. She settled back down rather quickly, as if she'd never even left at all.


Stormykit, Stormypaw, Stormyskies
Tom of -- Moons, Apprentice/Warrior

Short-furred Grey Tabby with Amber Eyes

Crush: --
Forbidden Mate: --
Assigned Mate: Waterflight
Kits: None
Kin: Petalpelt - Real Mother, Bayclaw - Aunt,
Rainysplash - Sister, Pebblepool - Grandma/Adoptive Mother,
Greystorm - Grandpa,

Personality: Conflicted, Hard Working, Cold at times,
Strong willed, Loud, Headstrong

Theme Song: --

Believes in the tradition? Yes, Afraid to break it

Stormyskies is a newer warrior of DuskClan having only recently earned his warrior name. What is suppose to be a happy occasion for him has turned into a source of stress and sleepless nights. Conflicted, Torn between his feelings, belief, kin, and loyalty to his Clan. Having to come to grips with the truth that his Mother was actually Petalpelt. He now has to reevaluate himself, asking himsself if he'll take her and Rainy's side? Opposition to assigned mates. Or take the side of the traditions that his Clan has held onto for ages?Terrified of losing his Clan but still bitter about his sister leaving in protest. He wishes desperately that she was at his side to help him figure this out. Because of this he can be very cold and snappy towards his clan mates. He isn't afraid to voice his opinions when he's angry and lash out. Truly he is lost, unable to understand his place in this world. And what it means to be the son of someone who broke the rules and wanted better for her clan mates and died because of it.



Rainykit, Rainypaw, Rainy, Rainysplash?
She-cat of 14 Moons, Loner (Former Apprentice)


Mate: None
Kits: None
Kin: Petalpelt - Real Mother, Pebblepool - Adoptive Mother/Grandmother
Bayclaw - Aunt/Adoptive Sister, Stormyskies - Brother
Personality: Bubbly, Optimistic, Righteous,
Ambitious, Graceful, Loving
Theme Song: --


Rainy has been a loner for a few moons now and has become very accustom to this kind of life. Though she desperately misses her Clan and her kin she is unwilling to return and ask to rejoin. She stubbornly believes that it is better to do a silent protest of their traditions and refuse to be apart of them. She this it is barbaric and feels as though she is the perfect cat to uphold her birth mother's legacy and beliefs. She cannot understand Stormyskies inner turmoil and believes the choice is very simple. Because of this she tries to avoid him, as much as that upsets both of them. Besides that she retains her bubbly happy personality. Eager to make friends with anyone she comes in contact with, more so now that she doesn't have a large Clan to be apart of.



Treekit, Treepaw, Treewhisker
Tom of 1 Moon, Kit of DuskClan


Crush: None
Kits: Too Young
Kin: Briareyes - Mother, Swiftleap - Father,
Reedkit - Sister, Squirrelkit - Sister, Volekit - Brother,
Hawktalon - Uncle, Reedpaw - Aunt
Personality: Happy-go-lucky, becoming Full of himself, Playful,
Adventurous, Ambitious
Theme Song: --


Treekit is bothered by nothing, everything seems to slide right off his shoulders. He enjoys spending all his time with his family and anyone else who happens to accidentally walk by. He can talk and talk and never seems to grow weary. He's always up for trying to go on an adventure, though he's always caught. Slowly he's getting into bit of a bad habit of bragging about his skills and what he's going to be like "as one of the most amazing warriors ever".



Mistykit, Mistypaw, Mistyfalls
She-cat of 25 Moons, Warrior

Assigned Mate: TBD
Kits: None
Kin: Open
Forbidden Mate: Open
Personality: Sassy, Elegant, Quiet, Distrustful





Dandelionkit, Dandelionpaw, Danelion???
Tom of 6 Moons, Apprentice of DuskClan


Crush: None
Kits: Too Young
Kin: Briarheart - Mother, Desertstar - Father,
Rosepaw - Brother, Irispaw - Sister
Personality: Grumbly, Complains A lot, Loves Collecting,
Curious, Enjoys Learning
Theme Song: --


Dandelionpaw has lived in this clan his entire short life. He doesn't really have an opinion on the assigned mates as he honestly doesn't care it's not something he's worried about. He's never even thought of ever liking anyone yet anyways. He's more concerned about collecting things to show his Mother and occasionally his siblings. He doesn't like small inconveniences and those seem to be all he's concerned about. Though for as much as he grumbles he actually really enjoys learning and is extremely curious about the world around him. He's very naive however, he has no sense of danger because of this. And doesn't seem to understand things outside of the safety of camp could actually harm him.



Acornkit, Acornpaw, Acorn???
She-cat of 0 Moons, Kit


Crush: Too Young
Kits: Too Young
Kin: Hiddenstorm - Mother, Hawktalon - Father,
Walnutkit - Brother, Swiftleap - Uncle, Treekit- Cousin,
Reedkit - Cousin, Volekit - Cousin, Reedpaw - Aunt
Personality: wip
Theme Song: --





Ravenkit, Ravenpaw, Ravenwind
Tom of 30 Moons, Warrior


Assigned Mate: Mothpelt
Kits: None
Kin: Brackenfall - Brother/Open
Forbidden Mate: Open
Personality: Calm and Collected, Proper, Gentleman like,
Flirty, Loyal, Hopeless Romantic


Ravenwind is known for his proper and regal appearance and personality. He always keeps his fur well groomed, never letting it stay out of place for long. He prides himself on his manners and how he treats those he comes in contact with. He dislikes getting into arguments and tries to diffuse the situation, even if he's truly angry and believes he's right. Though he seems very cool and collected at all times, once he gets to know a cat and becomes friends with them he lets himself relax a little more and can come off as a much more friendly cat. He is a hopeless romantic and is always trying to find a new she-cat to flirt with hoping to find the right one. He doesn't care for the assigned mates much, as he believes love is much more complicated than that.



Sootkit, Sootpaw, Sootnose
She-cat of 26 Moons, Warrior


Assigned Mate: Halfthorn
Kits: Patchpaw, --paw
Kin: Shadowstep - Brother
Personality: Air-headed at times, Kindhearted, Naive,
Curious, Unsure of herself


Sootnose is an airheaded young she-cat who is curious about just about everything. She has a happy disposition and is known for accidentally getting herself into trouble. She has a bad habit of blowing things out of proportion, both the good and the bad.
She is unsure of herself, feeling nervous about her place within the clan though she is very sure about wanting to be apart of it.
She has no real feelings on the assigned mates and isn't very bothered by the whole thing. She is naive and believes everyone is as nice as they say they are and that things can always work out no matter what.



Brackenkit, Brackenpaw, Brackenfall
Tom of 30 Moons, Warrior


Assigned Mate: Open
Kits: None
Kin: Ravenwind - Brother/Open
Forbidden Mate: Open
Personality: Young at Heart, Adventurous, Flirty,
Ambitious, Playful


Brackenfall lives life to the fullest and yearns for the true thrill of adventure and romance. Though he tries to be a true gentleman like his brother he can't help but act out and be much more playful and talkative. Where as Ravenwind is a private person, Brackenfall has been known to speak his mind at the drop of a hat about anything anyone wants to know. He loves to flirt, much like his brother, but isn't as serious feeling he'll find love when he finds it. He also disagrees with the assigned mates but feels it's a battle he doesn't want to pick right now. He doesn't like fighting with his clan mates and prefers for everyone to just get along. He has a bad habit of wandering outside of clan borders and is always scolded by Ravenwind as if he was a kit still. They take on more of an older brother, younger brother relationship even though they are littermates.
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Re: DuskClan v.2 | Warriors Romance Rp | Discussion Thread

Postby Poppycorn222 » Wed May 31, 2017 11:40 am





Desertkit Desertpaw Desertleap Desertstar


39 Moons

Big Sand cat w/ brown markings and dull yellow eyes



Desertleap more of the playful type, and still sometimes acts like an apprentice. He does uphold the warrior code to heart and follows it to a tee. he does have a serious side to him,and when he gets like that, you do not want to cross him. the tom seems to have a multiple personality disorder as he swaps from being his friendly good natured playful self, so the strict, serious tom cat that takes nothing from anyone.

Desertleap's mother, Indigoflame, and his father Valentine, were forbidden mates. Indigoflame was mates with tom cat named Poppytrot. Of course, Poppytrot thought they were his kits until he saw them.They looked nothing like him,in fact Desertleap,Desertkit at the time, was an almost carbon copy of his father Valentine, except for the eyes.his dull yellow eyes were from his mother. Indigoflame, when she was found out by the leader, was exiled for her breaking of the code,leaving Desertleap and his two brothers with Poppytrot and his newmate Lioncall. Thins weren't so bad for Desertstar,and he didn't complain. Lioncall took him in as his own, and Poppytrot didn't hold it against him that Indigoflame had cheated and such.He lived a pretty normal life .


Indigoflame (Location Unknown) {Mother ~Pretty light grey tabby she-cat with dull yellow eyes}
Valentine {Father ~Sand cat with black markings and blue eyes}
Poppytrot {Adoptive Father ~Red tabby tom w/ amber eyes}
Lioncall {Adoptive Mother ~Fluffy golden she-cat w golden eyes}
Artictrot {light silver tabby tom w/ striking blue eyes}
Foreststep {Grey tabby tom w/ green eyes}

Dandelionkit {Son~Description to me updated}
Rosekit {Son~Description to me updated}
Iriskit {Daughter~Description to me updated}



Assigned Mate/Briarheart




"New beginnings are often
disguised as painful endings"~Unknown

Moonkit MoonpawMoonpetal


35 Moons

Pure white w/ one golden yellow eye & one ice blue eye w/ a pink nose & slight ear tufts



Moonpetal is a serene cat. She doesn't like conflict, and often avoids it, trying to stop it when ever it might occur. Moonpetal adores kits, and would like some of her own one day. She is very intelligent, and loves to help cats with the issues they have. She's kinda like a therapist in a sense, or you can call her the mom of the clan, that works too.

Moonpetal was born to Shimmersoul and Kestrelwing. She lived a typical life of a clan cat. She has a brother, Sunstrike who is the bane of her existence. He teases her all the time, and on occasion will make her snap our of her calm mood to scold him


Shimmersoul {Mother~ Light silver tabby she-cat w/ bright shiny blue eyes}
Kestrelwing {Father~ Dull brown tabby tom w/ dark amber eyes}
Sunstrike {Brother~ Light Silver tabby tom w/ bright amber eyes}



Assigned Mate/Arctictrot

No Apprentice/Open



Frozenkit Frozenpaw Frozennight


38 moons

Brown Tabby tom w/ Grey Eyes



Frozennight is a bit more reserved than the average cat.He doesn't usually share his feelings with any cat unless he they interrogate him for them. He's a good hunter,but is better at fighting due to his large size. He does enjoy speaking to cats he is close to,though he still won't open up much to them. Frozennight is the type of tom to get worried over the little things, such as a tiny cough or a sneeze. There's no real reason for this, it's just a personality quirk.

Frozennight was born to a little of two,but his sister, Sunnykit, died a little after she was born, so he didn't know anything about her or what she looked like. He grew up an only kit, his parents taking caution to protect him from the harshness of diseases and such, as he was their only living kit. He understood what they were trying to do once he got older,and he didn't mind it. He often hears them now a days, talking about how he grew up to be a great cat and such. He lived a semi-normal clan life.


Ashpuddle {Mother~ Ashen grey tabby she-cat w/ dull blue eyes}
Humbleshore {Father~Brown tabby tom w/ grey eyes}
Sunnykit {Sister~ Golden she-cat with dull blue eyes}



Assigned Mate/Embergaze

No Apprentice/Open


Hiddenkit Hiddenpaw Hiddenstorm


26 moons

Light orange tabby she-cat w/ amber eyes



Hiddenstorm is, unlike her name, very bright and out going, she loves to be around other cats and has the tendency to butt in where she isn't wanted. She's a very dense she-cat,and often doesn't get the hints other cats drop at her when they want her to leave and things like that.

Hiddenstorm was born to Snowleap and Ghostsoul during the midst of a short drought. She was an only kit, but she didn't mind,and it helped shape who she is now. During her kit-hood, she was very small, due to lack of water, causing the lack of prey. She eventually began to grow,but she never grew to her full potential.


Ghostheart {Father~ Black tom with blue eyes}
Snowleap {Mother~ White she-cat w/blue eyes}
Flickerpaw {Sister~ Dark orange tabby w/ greenish amber eyes}
Sparkpaw {Orange tabby w/ -- eyes}



Assigned Mate/Hawktalon

No Apprentice/Open


"If I says 'First of All' Run away because
I have prepared research, data, charts and I will destroy you"


Rosekit Rosepaw Rose????


6 Moons

Sand cat w/ light amber eyes



Rosekit is the more down the earth kit out of his parents litter. He seems to be the voice of reason among the three,and often, will try to get them to stop their antics,but he will end up joining along {WIP}

Rosekit was named after Valentine, Desertstar's rouge father. The rose is a symbol of love, as Valentine's name eludes to love,Desertstar thought it was only fitting, especially since, according to Indigoflame Desertstar looks exactly like Valentine except the eyes, and Rosekit looks exactly like Desertstar, except the eyes.


Briarheart {Mother~Dark Warm Brown with Tabby Markings w/ Green Eyes}
Desertstar {Father~Sand cat w/ Dull Yellow Eyes}
Iriskit {Sister~ red sand cat w/ sparkling green eyes}
Dandelionkit {Brother~ Grumpy looking sand cat w/ green eyes}
Arctictrot {Uncle~White tabby with Silvery-Grey stripes/spots w/ Dull Grey-Blue Eyes}
Foreststep {Uncle~Fluffy Grey Tabby w/ Bright Green Eyes}
Valentine {Grandfather~Sand cat with black markings and blue eyes}
Indigoflame {Grandmother~Pretty light grey tabby she-cat with dull yellow eyes}


[i]"Don't rush something
you want to last forever" ~Unknown

Whitekit Whitepaw White Whitesong


12 moons

White tom-cat with gray patches



Whitesong is very skittish,and is scared by the simplest of things such as a cat moving in their nest at night,or a leaf blowing past the den entrance. He can't go out hunting or battle practicing with out getting scared at least once by something stupid. He is a very sweet tom though,and tries his best to over come his skittishness, but it's just something he can't shake, and probably won't ever shake sadly.

Whitesong was born to Goldenblaze and Hazelfrost, Hazelfrost of whom was the deputy at the time. His parents died right after his warrior ceremony,which caused his skittish behavior to increase drastically.He does have a brother, Greyfeather, who is the complete opposite of Whitesong, but more on him later. Whitesong lived a normal life, like most clan cats,except for the loss of his parents in a big fight with a dog from the farm close by. Greyfeather was the one to comfort Whitesong during this time of need.


Hazelfrost {Mother~ Hazel brown she-cat w/blue eyes}
Goldenblaze {Father~ Golden tom-cat with blazing amber eyes}
Greyfeather {Brother~ Grey tom-cat with light green eyes}




No Apprentice/Open



"I survived because the fire inside me
burned brighter than the fire around me"~Unknown


Patchedkit Patchedpaw Patchedfoot Patchedheart


28 Moons

Calico w/green eyes and white paws



Patchedheart used to be a very outgoing and adventurous cat, that was until she found out about something that changed her happy life for ever. Patchedheart, who used to be called Patchedfoot, became depressed, the environment around her became dreary, almost to the point where no cat but her kin wanted to be around her. The poor she-cat didn't know what to do with herself, she thought she would be useless to the clan,just another mouth to feed. But now, thanks to her brother she is regaining her confidence and slowly going back to her old self.

Patchedheart was born to Yellowgaze and Eaglegaze, her parents were a little older when they had them.Patchedheart had a normal apprenticeship and kithood, but once she became a warrior, things began to change, rapidly. She found out she had a heart condition from the medicine cat,and was told not to over do it while hunting or battle practicing. This caused her to spiral into a depression, not to mention the facts that the previous leader, Adderstar, changed her name to Patchedheart a few days before he lost his last life in a battle with an adder ironically,or did he die? Patchedheart was like this for moons,depressed, thinking she had no place in the clan anymore,that was until her brother, Smallpounce began to show her that she can help the clan,even with her illness.


Yellowgaze {Mother~Tortoiseshell she-cat w/ one yellow eye, and one black eye w/ a yellow pupil}
Eaglegaze {Father~Brown tabby tom w/slightly graying fur, white paws and muzzle & amber eyes}
Smallpounce{Brother~Small brownish-grey tabby w/ white paws & yellow eyes}



Assigned Mate/None




"Now matter how you feel,get up,dress up,
show up, and never give up" ~Unknown

Smallkit Smallpaw Smallpounce


28 Moons

Small brownish-grey tabby w/ white paws & yellow eyes



Smallpounce always seems to have a wide eyed look on his face,it's just the way he is. He is slightly skittish, but that is mostly due to his size. Smallpounce is probably the smallest warrior in Gladeclan. Smallpounce, even with his skittish nature, will still defend his clan,and try to stand up for what he believes is right,but some of the time he ends up faltering in the middle of his sentence and not continuing were he left off for fear of someone scolding him.

Smallpounce was born to Yellowgaze and Eaglegaze, along with his sister Patchedheart. Smallpounce lived a fairly normal clan life,nothing extraordinary happened during his kithood or apprenticehood, well aside for his sister Patchedheart learning from the medicine cat's she had a heart condition so she couldn't over-exert herself when hunting or practicing fighting. Smallpounce helped her learn how to keep her self doing that, showing her you didn't need to be perfect to be a good warrior, you just had to be yourself.


Yellowgaze {Mother~Tortoiseshell she-cat w/ one yellow eye, and one black eye w/ a yellow pupil}
Eaglegaze {Father~Brown tabby tom w/slightly graying fur, white paws and muzzle & amber eyes}
Patchedheart {Sister~Calico she-cat w/green eyes}







[i]"Love is just a word
until someone comes along and gives it meaning"~Unknown


Sweetkit Sweetpaw Sweetstep


19 Moons

Black & white w/ a heart shape on her chest w/ yellow eyes


BeekitBeepaw Beestripe


14 moons

Golden-orange tabby w/ brown markings on her head and tail tip



Beestripe is very energetic and enjoys playing games,and training.She's clumsy sure,and often messes up when hunting a training to fight,but she doesn't care.Her motto is that every mistake you make is a mistake you will make sure not to make again,to put it simpler,she thinks you learn from you mistakes,and embraces the fact that she makes lots of mistakes

Beestripe was born to her parents, Yarrowtounge and Flaresoul She has lived a normal clan life since then.


Yarrowtounge {Mother~ Yellow Tabby w/ dull amber eyes}
Flaresoul {Father~ Calico tom w/ half a black and half white face & green eyes}[/strike]
Wasppaw {Brother~ Brown tabby w/ blue eyes}
Halfthorn {Older Brother~ calico tom}


Forbidden Mate/N/A

Assigned Mate/

Mentor/ Needed



"To be someone's first love may be great,
but to be their last is beyond perfect


Greykit Greypaw Greydapple


27 Moons

Grey w/ pretty soft, green eyes, w/ a scar on her belly thats not noticeable



Greydapple is a soft she-cat,and will practically melt at anything cute,such as baby birds,mice, vole,and most of all kits.She loves to play with kits,and hopes one day to have kits of her own.She would make a good mother,and often will visit the nursery and give the current queens time to rest away from the kits while she takes them out into camp to play moss ball,or give them a badger ride. She's a bouncy cat,and loves everything and everyone.

Greydapple has lived a normal clan life,except for the loss of her parents,but that is fairly common among the wild cats living in clans,so like stated, a fairly normal clan life.


Dappledfur {Mother~Pretty silver classic tabby he-cat w/ green eyes & a scar on her cheek}
Steppingstone {Father~Solid grey tom w/ a scar across his side,running to his flank & many small once across his body & blue eyes}
Stormstep {Brother~Fluffy grey tabby w/ golden eyes & a scar running across his shoulder blade}
Feathersong {Sister~light grey tabby w/ darker stripes &pale blue/green eyes}







[i]"If you can't stop thinking about it,
don't stop working for it"~Unknown


Smokekit Smokepaw Smokepatch


27 Moons

Small White/light grey w/ gold eyes



Smokepatch is a very playful she-cat. She loves to play tricks,and doesn't normally take things seriously.Even though that is her main personality trait,she can still be sweet and lovely. She can come off as a jerk and rude because of the tricks she plays from time to time,but that doesn't last long,as she ends up making up for it one way or another

Normal clan history


Swiftsoul {Mother~Light grey she-cat w/ dark brown patches blue eyes}
Cloverstem {Father~Dark grey tom w/ yellow eyes & white patches}
Sootpatch {Brother~Dark grey tom w. white patches & light green eyes}


Forbidden Crush/N/A

Forbidden Mate/Dolphinsplash

Assigned Mate/TBD

No Apprentice/Open



"Remember,when you forgive you heal
and when you let go,you grow"~Unknown


Sootkit Sootpaw Sootpatch


27 Moons

Dark grey w/ white patches & green eyes



Sootpatch is the complete opposite of his sister.He's polite all the time,and tries to make every cat happy.He tries to be funny sometimes,but he often ends up failing.He wants every cat to be happy like he is and just wants to please everyone. He tries his best at hunting and fighting,but he isn't too great at either

normal clan history


Swiftsoul {Mother~Light grey she-cat w/ dark brown patches blue eyes}
Cloverstem {Father~Dark grey tom w/ yellow eyes & white patches}
Smokepatch {Sister~Small White/light grey w/ gold eyes}


Forbidden Crush/Open

Forbidden Mate/Open

Assigned Mate/TBD

No Apprentice/Open



"In the end,we only regret
the chances we didn't take"~Unknown


Lynxkit Lynxpaw Lynxheart??


7 Moons

brown caracal w/ black points & ear tufts & grey blue eyes {no tail}



{putting the basics for now}

Brave,adventurous, curious, flirty

normal history


Leopardpatch {Mother~Caracal cat}
Pantherstrike {Father~Fluffy black tom}



Assigned Mate/ too young

forbidden mate/ too young

Mentor/ Needed



Riverkit Riverpaw Rivershine???


8 Moons

tortoise shell w/ grey-blue eyes



sweet-heart smol bean, fiercely loyal, curious

normal history


family will be updated soon



Assigned mate: Too young

Forbidden Mate:Too young



Patchkit Patchpaw


7 moons

Black and white blotched tom cat w/ turquoise eyes



Patchpaw comes off as cold and unapproachable, though he is just shy. {Cliche i know} He's as shy as he is because he feels that he doesn't really fit in the clan. The apprentice is often found in the den or walking around outside alone. Patchpaw finds his job ultimately useless, in turn making him feel useless.He does enjoy his job, and tries his best,but at times his best isn't the greatest job.

Patchpaw's siblings always showed potential to be strong, great warriors, while Patchpaw himself didn't This fact made him feel like he didn't fit in anywhere in the camp,causing him to wonder what would happen to him when his apprentice ceremony came about. A few sunrises after Patchpaw and his siblings turned 6 moons, the thoughts that he wouldn't be a good warrior became set in his head,but his siblings convinced him other wise,but Once his apprenticeship began, he seemed to get the hang of things in time,but he fell back into the mindset that he did't have a set place in the clan.


Parents are in determination right now


No Crush/open

No Assigned Mate/ Too young

Mentor~ needed



Beetlekit Beetlepaw Beetleflight


34 Moons

White calico tom w/ leaf green eyes & a scar running across his left side



Beetleflight is a strong-willed ,stubborn and bold tom.He has no issue with voicing his opinion in any way.He is a sweet tom despite other aspects of his personality. He loves his clan, and will do many things for the cats in his clan.But when he has an opinion on something,and doesn't want to do it,he won't He's gotten to the point of yelling at a cat before just to get them to leave him alone about doing something,mind you it was an annoying apprentice, though this was only once.He's comfortable with most cats and likes to chat most the time, though some aspects of his personality cause some cats to stray away from him.

Beetleflight was born into the clan,and lived a fairly normal life.He has a sister, Turtlestep whom he's been close to for a while, that was until she ended up falling hard for a loner and ran off with him, Now they're not so close. When they were young, they;d do everything together, hunting, play fighting, everything. Their parents, Mothflutter and Fishleap, thought they had struck gold when it came to the two siblings, as most the time siblings fight and squabble. Once they became warriors, things changed. the two siblings even got into a fight over it, ending in Turtlestep calling Beetleflight a fox-heart and telling him that no cat liked him and then running off never to be seen again.


Fishleap {Mother~Short furred brown tabby she-cat w/ jade green eyes}
Mothflutter {Father~ Mottled grey tabby tom w/dark brow eyes}
Turtlestep {Sister~Swirled brown and cream she-cat w/light blue almost grey eyes}


No Crush/Open

No Assigned Mate Mate/Needed

No Forbidden Mate/Open

No Apprentice/Open



Silverkit Silverpaw Silverfrost


27 moons

Silver-black tabby she-cat w/ jade green mixed with gold eyes and a pink nose



Silverfrost is very out going, and loves attention. She's not as selfish as some might think though. Just because she likes to be payed attention to, doesn't mean she wants all the attention on her,which she doesn't. She likes to have a one or two cats attention as she loves to talk. It's like her favorite thing to do. She always has something to say or a story to tell. though hse may be pretty, she's not centered around that aspect of her self.Silverfrost is still trying to figure out who she really is and what she is meant to do.

Silverfrost was born in a litter of three. She was born along with her sister Goldenwinds and her brother Blackpaw. Blackpaw died of white cough {very ironically i may add}, and it put a toll on Goldenwinds and Silverfrost. Silverfrost was especially distraught, but she soon got over it,figuring out that her brother wouldn't want to her sulk about his death,he would want her to go on and do her best. And that she did. She then became a warrior, and is now still trying to work hard for him,though she does get distracted, a lot


Bluewhisper {Mother~Blue she-cat w/ green eyes and a white paw}
Yellowsoul {Father~ Black tom w/ bright amber eyes}
Blackpaw {Brother~Black tom w/ blue eyes}
Goldenwinds {Sister~Golden she-cat w/ amber eyes and white paws}


No Crush/Open

No Assigned Mate/TBD

No Apprentice/Open



Tawnykit Tawnypaw Tawnydust


27 moons

Brown tabby she-cat w/ patches of red and light green eyes



Tawnydust keeps to herself, not wanting to interact with any other cats. When she leaves camp,she does her best to leave quietly and unnoticed. When she does interact with others, she barely says anything,even if a question is directed towards her. She comes off as rude, but it's more of a personality type. She's very introverted and prefers time by herself then with others.

Tawnydust was born as an only kit,to her parents Stripeheart and Adderbite. Being an only kit, she as given all the attention from her parents as a kit, and it just didn't suit her personality type. Eventually her parents noticed this and gave her a little less attention, though it was still a lot. They made a big deal out of both her warrior and apprentice ceremonies,which Tawnydust thought were just parts of life,at they were.When she began to get a little older,her parents began to let her do her own thing,but they still treat her like their kit on occasion


Stripeheart {Mother~ Spotted brown she-cat w/bright golden eyes}
Adderbite {Father~ Red tabby tom w/ green eyes}


No Crush/Open

No Assigned Mate/TBD

No Apprentice/Open


Halfkit Halfpaw Halfthorn

26 moons

Calico tom w/ half a black and half white face & green eyes



Halfthorn is very self-conscious of his looks,and often day-dreams about looking more normal like other cats in his clan. He has been told my his parents that his pelt is special,and he looks almost exactly like his father.He's semi-shy,and this comes out in aggression and rudeness. He doesn't enjoy much contact with other cats, even the ones in the clan. He only tolerates them because he knew that's what his parents would want him to do, and he doesn't want to let them down even if they aren't here anymore.

Halfthorn has lived a normal clan life, having both his parents around for the majority of his life, up until recently. They both died in a fight with the rouge group that lives round. He mourned them for a while, before deciding to be brave and be the cat they wanted him to be.


Yarrowtounge {Mother~ Yellow Tabby w/ dull amber eyes}
Flaresoul {Father~ Calico tom w/ half a black and half white face & green eyes}[/strike]
Beestripe {Younger Sister~ Golden Tabby w/ black markings on her head and tail & yellow eyes}


Assigned Mate/ Sootnose

Crush/Not Open

Apprentice/ Open



Patchkit Patchpaw Patchfur


34 Moons

White/dark brown/orange w/leaf green eyes



Patchfur is a calm and patient tom.He knows that it takes time for cats to learn new things,and tries his best to teach any apprentice he has that,and to teach them how they learn,not just how he wants to teach. He's a well respected tom,and is often come to for help and advice with things,even though he isn't the oldest or wisest cat in the clan. He does have a tendency to get too caught up in trying to get his apprentice to understand and doesn't notice when they have it down already.

Patchfur has had a normal clan history so far.


Splotchedheart {Mother~Calico she-cat w/ green eyes}
Berrytooth {Father~Orange & dark brown tom w/ leaf green eyes}
Patternsoul {Brother~Patterned black,white and orange tom w/ green eyes}
Streameyes { Sister~White w/grey w/ watery blue eyes}
Lakemuzzle { Brother~Dark brown w/ blue eyes}


Forbidden Crush/Open

Forbidden Mate/Open

Assigned Mate/TBD

No Apprentice/Open



Streamkit Streampaw Streameyes


25 Moons

White w/ grey patches w/ watery blue eyes


Streameyes is a very cautious and wary of others.It's hard for her to get to trust other cats,and she often just goes out by her self and stuff.She doesn't seem to have the concept of love, and she only shows little emotion. Her whole life she has been like this,none of her siblings can explain it,and neither could her parents.

Normal clan history.


Splotchedheart {Mother~Calico she-cat w/ green eyes}
Berrytooth {Father~Orange & dark brown tom w/ leaf green eyes}
Patternsoul {Brother~Patterned black,white and orange tom w/ green eyes}
Patchfur {Brother~White/dark brown/orange w/leaf green eyes}
Lakemuzzle { Brother~Dark brown w/ blue eyes}


Forbidden Crush/Open

Forbidden Mate/Open

Assigned Mate/TBD

No Apprentice/Open



Lilykit Lilypaw Lily???


6 Moons

Dark brown w/ lighter brown mixed in & greenish-yellow eyes



Scatter-brained, ditsy, often distracted, really enjoys insects

See Tulippaw's history until i'm not lazy anymore lol


Finchfire {Mother~Long-furred pale brown with a white chest and pretty green eyes}
Pantherstrike {Father~Black/grey tabby w/ brown eyes}
Tulippaw {Sister~Fluffy dark grey w/ amber eyes}
Nettlepaw {Brother~ pale brown tabby}

Turtledawn {Grandmother {finchfire's mother} ~ Long-furred Persian calico with blue eyes}
Lightpelt {Grandfather {Finchfire's father}~ Unknown}

Leopardsplash {Grandfather~Pantherstrike's father} spotted brown w/ blue eyes}
Cheetahhope {Grandmother~ Pantherstrike's mother} black she-cat w/ green eyes}



Assigned Mate/Too young

Forbidden Mate/Too young




Walnutkit Walnutpaw Walnut??



brown & orange tabby w/ dark amber eyes



Personality is a wip

history is normal


I'll update family soon


relationships to be updated



"Sorry for the



Harekit Harepaw Harepounce


calico tabby tom w/ striking yellow eyes



Harepounce is a very sarcastic cat.Most the time,he isn't ever being serious.He is also very grumpy and sassy.He refuses to be pushed around by anyone,and does the opposite of what someone asks him to do.Most cats have figured this out by now,and often ask him to do the opposite of what they want him to do,but he is slowly catching on to this,and not doing anything at all for them.Unless he actually likes them,that's a different story.



Rabbitglare {Mother~Cream w/ orange spots & pale yellow eyes,often had a scowl on her face}
Mintshine {Father~blue & white w/ yellow eyes}
Whiskersnare {Brother~Blue w/ greenish yellow eyes}
Cauliflowerpaw {Younger sister~Calico tabby w/ pale yellow eyes}
Rootpaw {Younger brother~brown/blue w/ yellow eyes}






accurate things
I said"~Unknown




"My secret is... I don't have
a real friend.I have
plenty of friends but no one who



Cauliflowerkit Cauliflowerpaw Cauliflower???


Calico tabby w/ pale yellow eyes



Cauliflowerpaw is the almost the exact opposite of her brother Harepounce. She's bright a bubbly,and always has a reason to smile.She's like the sun peeking out of the clouds on a rainy day,an icecream cone on a hot summers day,and all the other metaphors about stuff like that. She's a bright ray of sunshine and loves everything and everyone.



Rabbitglare {Mother~Cream w/ orange spots & pale yellow eyes,often had a scowl on her face}
Mintshine {Father~blue & white w/ yellow eyes}
Whiskersnare {Older Brother~Blue w/ greenish yellow eyes}
Harepounce {Older Brother~calico tabby tom w/ striking yellow eyes}
Rootpaw {Brother~brown/blue w/ yellow eyes}



Mate/Too young



would drop everything
and be there for me
if I needed it"~Unknown




What is a legacy?





Brown tabby w/ear tufts, a white chest & belly, & yellow eyes



Alexander is a very persistent cat,and when he puts his mind to do,or get something,he won't stop until it's done. He is a very flirty tom,and will often get she-cats whom actually come up and flirt with him.The tom fights for what he believes in,and won't quit until he either,A} gets what he wants, or B} knows if he continues,he'll end up getting roasted even more. He does this all the time,even if what he believes in isn't right,and that's most of the time. . .-cough- Don't tell him i said that. Anyway!If you couldn't tell already,he is a very loyal cat,and once he becomes friends with you,you'll be in safe hands. He can fight like a warrior,and with all the scuffles he gets into,he is often called a 'decorated war veteran' due to all the scars he has.

Alexander was born a kittypet,into a litter of two,himself,and his brother Jackson.They lived a perfectly normal life until his mother got sick,and ended up having to be put down.His father was taken back to his original owners as soon as his mother fell ill. Luckily for Alexander,even though he did get sick,he survived.He was soon put up for adoption by the two-legs who owned him,he was around 9 moons at this time,but he and his brother got out of the house one day,and just didn't come back. They had no real reason to go back.Soon,at the age of 14 moons, his brother split off from him,and he was a loner. No one to care for him,no one to care for.And that's how it's been ever since. He does not know of his half-brother,Christopher,and likely never will.


Delilah {Mother~ warm brown tabby w white paws & green eyes}
Justin {Father~ dark brown tabby w/ dark amber eyes}
Christopher {Half-Brother~tan tabby w/ green eyes}
Jackson {Brother~brown tabby w/ green eyes}





It's planting seeds in a
garden you never get to see" ~Alexander Hamilton {Hamilton:An American Musical}




"If you can love
the wrong person that much



Hiddenkit Hiddenpaw Hiddensun


28 Moons

light grey w/pale orange patches that peak out like the sun on a cloudy day & green eyes



Hiddensun is a soft spoken and quiet tom.He doesn't often speak his mind,and more communicates with his body language then words themselves. He has a hard time getting to know others because of this,and most cats choose to avoid him. The tom doesn't much understand that he can't hide away in his little shell forever if he ever wants to make friends and be happy like everyone around him is,no matter how hard his siblings try to explain this to him,he still doesn't understand.

Hiddensun had a mate before,her name was Distantstep. She was a gorgeous, dark brown cat,and had dark amber eyes that blazed like the setting sun. He was deeply in love with her,and he thought she felt the same about him. It turns out he was wrong,dead wrong, and the cat he loved with all his heart was only using him and was in love with another. He only found out after she told him,which was about a moon after she lied about expecting his kits. Maybe this is why he's even more shut off from the world than he was before,who knows. {i'll write more later i'm lazy lol}


Jackalopedust {Mother~light grey w/ blue eyes}
Tremblingwhisker {Father~Orange tabby w/ one black whisker that stands out & golden eyes}
Gentlebreeze {Sister~Soft white w/ a few grey splotches & green eyes}
Hopefeather {Sister~Dark orange tabby w/ golden eyes}

Distantstep {Former mate~dark brown w/ dark amber eyes}






imagine how much
you can love the right one" ~Unknown


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Re: DuskClan v.2 | Warriors Romance Rp | Discussion Thread

Postby Kylari » Wed May 31, 2017 12:02 pm



Tom of Twenty-Two Moons, Warrior of DuskClan

Forbidden Mate: Open
Assigned Mate: Needed
Kits: None
Kin: Unknown
Apprentice: Open

Personality: Admirable, Arrogant, Charismatic, Daring, Intelligent

Dappledclaw is a cat that had been destined to become a great warrior at a young age. He arrived at DuskClan at the age of seven moons, and was thought to be nothing more than crow's food due to his condition. The clan took a risk, allowing the frail kitten into their home, but the young cat fought through many fever plagued nights and grew stronger each passing day. Despite the scare number of clan members that believed in the young kitten, he managed to pull through and survive his poor conditions. He was given the name Dapplepaw, for his coat was undecided in it's colouring, and from there on he was taken under the guidance of a clan mentor and soon found himself to be a full fledged warrior. He dares not speak of what had occurred previous to his arrival at DuskClan, and for this reason alone a few older members of the clan tend to avoid him. He is also loved by many who can
accept his playful arrogance, knowing that he means well when all is over and the sun dips below the horizon. He has gone without a mate for many moons, though that is not to say he is without affection. Many she cats have fallen for the young warrior before, and while he had no problem playing around, in the end he had chosen not to return their gestures. Many members of the clan will go to him should they be in need of someone to simply listen, and can trust that he will hold their secrets safe.



She-cat of Twenty-Seven Moons, Warrior of DuskClan

Forbidden Mate: Open
Assigned Mate: Needed
Kits: None
Kin: PM me if you'd like to be apart of her family! Clan born.
Apprentice: Open

Personality: Defiant, Determined, Fearless, Outspoken, Strong-willed, Tough.

Briarheart has been a difficult cat from the moment she was born. She always believed it was her way or no way, up until getting pushed around by her mentor. She holds no resentment towards him, however, for she knows that the tom had only encouraged her to be her best, and to realize that she was not as invincible as she liked to think. She had grown into her position as a highly respected warrior, having taken down many predators with her team of warriors at her side. She does not agree with Desertstar's choice of ruling, though she has said nothing to the leader, as she respects his position far too much to speak against him.


Forbidden Mate: Open
Assigned Mate: Moonpetal
Kits: None
Kin: Desertstar, Foreststep
Apprentice: Open

Personality: Admirable, Calm, Charismatic, Obedient, Playful

(Will write little blurbs for them when I get to try out their characters more. Artictrot respects his brothers rules, so he probably would not take a forbidden mate and would end up sticking with the assigned one. He is easy going when it comes to everything else, and a lot of cats in the clan admire him as he is the leader's brother.)



Forbidden Mate: Open
Assigned Mate: Needed
Kits: None
Kin: Desertstar, Foreststep
Apprentice: Open

Personality: Admirable, Adventurous, Charming, Playful, Rebellious

(Will write more for him as well, but Forest is much more of a rebellious cat than his two brothers. He likes to test the limits, though he's a rather intelligent cat and knows when to hang back. He once had a forbidden mate, but when his brother took the role of clan leader, he decided to part ways and did not speak of it again. While he still enjoys having fun and annoying his brothers, he still respects the rules and tries not to do anything that will drive their family apart. Literally lives to tease Desertstar about Briarheart.)



She-cat of Zero Moons, Kit of DuskClan

Forbidden Mate: N/A
Assigned Mate: N/A
Kits: N/A
Kin: Desertstar {father} , Briarheart {mother}, Dandelionkit {brother} , Rosekit {brother}
Apprentice: N/A

Personality: A tiny smol who refuses to be pushed around by her brothers.



She-cat of Twenty-Three Moons, Medicine Cat of DuskClan

Forbidden Mate: Open
Assigned Mate: Needed
Kits: None
Kin: Unknown
Apprentice: Open

Personality: Calm, Humble, Kind, Quick-witted

Back story here, soon o7
Last edited by Kylari on Tue Jun 06, 2017 6:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.

ky ~ she/her



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Re: DuskClan v.2 | Warriors Romance Rp | Discussion Thread

Postby believe-hwu » Wed May 31, 2017 1:26 pm

` ` Be somebody who makes everyone feel like a somebody. ` `


name;; Peonydapple

age;; 35 Moons

gender;; She-cat

rank;; Warrior

desired rank;; Achieved


appearance;; Mostly dark tortoiseshell with sharp yellow/green eyes

personality;; Peonydapple is a true sweetheart, a bit oblivious at times though. She has a tendency to always be doing something to help someone, even if it's something simple like cleaning out nests.

history;; Peonydapple was born outside of the clan to a loner named Wisteria. But, one day she left and joined DuskClan as a kit. She didn't think of her family much until she was a warrior, and her siblings had joined the clan in search of her. But, her sister had gotten the sickness and died very quickly from it. Her brother began to overwork himself, along with not eating. He soon died of starvation, and she was left without family.


sexuality;; Pansexual

assigned mate;; TBA

forbidden mate;; Frostpetal

offspring;; None yet

kindred;; Wisteria (Mother), Unknown (Father), Tulipthorn (Sister, died from sickness), Lilyfang (Brother, died from starvation)

others;; None


` ` long/short quote here ` `


name;; Sage (Sagebriar)

age;; 24 Moons

gender;; She-cat

rank;; Loner

desired rank;; Questioning


appearance;; Long-furred solid gray cat with yellow eyes

personality;; Sage is pretty blunt most of the time, usually choosing to apathetic with a lot of things than feel it. Other than that, she's pretty sarcastic most of the time. When she actually does let her guard down, she's mostly calm.

history;; Sage was actually born to Cliffleg and Dustfang, a forbidden couple. The secret hadn't stayed long and they were exiled. Her father was accepted back in, but Sage was no where to be found. She was out exploring, and had lost Harepaw and Cliffleg, her sister and mother.


sexuality;; Pansexual

romantic interest;; Open

mate;; None

offspring;; None

kindred;; Cliffleg (Mother), Dustfang (Father), Cedarclaw (Brother), Harepaw (Sister), Falconkit (Sister)

others;; None


` ` long/short quote here ` `


name;; Swancloud

age;; 28 Moons

gender;; Tom

rank;; Warrior

desired rank;; Achieved


appearance;; Long-furred, pure white tom with blue eyes

personality;; Swancloud is such a sweetheart, but as sweet as he is, he's so oblivious. He's a bit of a ditz sometimes, but he's a good guy. He tends to not be so serious, like his brother.

history;; Being one of the few kits of Briarstep's to live to be a warrior, he was doted on quite a bit, along with his brother. Some cats thought he wouldn't even be a warrior, due to his right ear. But he did. Due to both of his parents passing away recently, he's a little off-kilter at the moment.


sexuality;; Pansexual

romantic interest;; Open

assigned mate;; TBA

forbidden mate;; None

offspring;; None

kindred;; Briarstep (Mother), Dawnwatcher (Father), Dusklight (Brother), Featherpaw (Sister), Leafkit (Sister), Lionkit (Brother), Larkkit (Sister), Sparkkit (Sister)

others;; He's actually deaf in his right ear


` ` long/short quote here ` `


name;; Dusklight

age;; 28 Moons

gender;; Tom

rank;; Warrior

desired rank;; Achieved


appearance;; Long-furred brown tabby with green eyes

personality;; Dusklight is a lot more serious than Swancloud, tending to get frustrated more easily. Ironically enough, he's just a big furball. He tends to avoid the nursery for some reason, maybe one of these days, some kits could tackle him and ask him why.

history;; Dusklight was one of Briarstep's few kits to live past apprenticehood, along with Swancloud. He was doted on quite a bit, but wound up a wonderful warrior. Due to both Briarstep and Dawnwatcher passing recently, Dusklight is more of a grouch lately.


sexuality;; Pansexual

romantic interest;; Open

assigned mate;; TBA

forbidden mate;; None

offspring;; None

kindred;; Briarstep (Mother), Dawnwatcher (Father), Swancloud (Brother), Featherpaw (Sister), Leafkit (Sister), Lionkit (Brother), Larkkit (Sister), Sparkkit(Sister)

others;; None

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Re: DuskClan v.2 | Warriors Romance Rp | Discussion Thread

Postby WafflesTheCat » Wed May 31, 2017 11:40 pm

Would I have to redo my sheet for both of my previous members?
I have decided that I want to start fresh :).

Description: small, ruddy she-cat with bushy tail and striking eyes. Image
Name: Finchkit Finchpaw Finchwing
Gender: female
Age: 14 moons
Rank: warrior
Rank Wanted: (Optional)achieved
Personality: Pros: Quiet, thoughtful, intelligent. Cons: Stubborn, a bit head-in-the-clouds type
Crush: Dusklight
Mate: Too be assigned
Forbidden Mate: (if needed)
Kin: {-----}
Apprentice/Mentor: {-----}
History: (optional)[/i][/size]

Image/Description: pretty tortioshell she-cat with green eyes. Image
Name: Cloverkit Cloverpaw
Gender: female
Age: 9/10 moons
Rank: apprentice
Rank Wanted: (Optional)none at current moment
Personality: Pros: gentle, fast-learner, quick. Cons: likes having her idea first, naive
Crush: maybe Timberheart
Mate: too young
Forbidden Mate: (if needed)too young
Kin: {----}
Apprentice/Mentor: to be assigned
History: (optional)
Last edited by WafflesTheCat on Sat Jun 03, 2017 12:13 am, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: DuskClan v.2 | Warriors Romance Rp | Discussion Thread

Postby Miss Marple » Thu Jun 01, 2017 12:50 am

I'll have all my forms up and updated today after I get home
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Re: DuskClan v.2 | Warriors Romance Rp | Discussion Thread

Postby Swishy & Broken » Thu Jun 01, 2017 3:11 am

    Well, timberpaw is more than happy to be timberheart now, the brand new medicine cat ^w^

    dustfang [ 68 moons tom, senior warrior]

    family -- sterlingtail [assigned mate], cliffleg [forbidden mate], harepaw [daughter, first litter], sagepaw [daughter, first litter], falconkit [daughter, second litter], cedarclaw [son, second litter], OPEN FOR MORE KITTENS IN SECOND LITTER (15 moons, cedarclaw and falconkit's sibling)
    [[ strike = dead. red strike = unknown, people may chose to play these cats if they wish. just remember harepaw should be about 24ish moons. cliffleg is a black (oldish) shecat if you do infact chose to roleplay her.

    dustfang was a spunky young tom, quite the lady's man in his time. he had many shecats who had liked him, but when he got his assigned mate, he wasn't pleased. sterlingtail was one of the cats who didn't like him, she was snappy and extremely independent. dustfang attempted to woo the shecat but, in the end, he fell in love with a small black tabby shecat by the name of cliffleg. they had a litter of kittens, his first litter. the secret didn't last long and brightstar had the four exiled.
    dustfang was welcomed back, but just hardly as he persuaded brightstar that he had realized what he did was wrong. sterlingtail had a litter of kittens with him soon after, since he proved to her that he did infact like her to some degree. falconkit died in their sleep one day, and a sad sterlingtail drowned while out on a walk another day.
    moons and moons later cedarclaw was a new warrior and managed to barrel right into a fox's den, and was killed before help could come to save him. dustfang is still heart broken over his son, the only family member he had left.

    dustfang has grown attatched to the warrior code and assigning mates, he strongly believes it is the only way to be truly happy and act as a clan. he refuses to go anywhere near the river, for obvious reasons. he's an extremely talented fighter, which is how he got the suffix -fang. dustfang does not accept outsiders and believes it will ruin the clan's loyaltys. some other words to describe the tom are: blunt, brave, and observant.

^ If this cat is reassigned a mate, the mate MUST be at least have an age difference of 20 moons or less ^

Swishy & Broken wrote:
female // warrior // 20 moons
briareyes is a soft cat, she's extremely timid and doesn't like
voicing her own opinions. she listens to instructions and tries
to follow them as closely as possible, though she tends to
forget things easily and ask dumb questions. she has a tendency
to hide in the shadows, away from attention. briareyes is
devoted to starclan as much as possible, adhering
to their rules and avoiding any instance that might bring their
wrath onto her.
briareyes grew up with her sister and brother in the clan, with
very happy unnamed parents. they always taught her that
starclan meant for the clan to live as it did. she was a rather
normal apprentice, with an affinity for hunting ground prey.
she never stepped out of place in her morals (the code), though
she made plenty of rather stupid mistakes any cat could have
made. she received her assigned mate without complaint, and
never rose her voice in protest of the process of being made a warrior.

^ Mother to 4 kittens, though 1 died at birth ^

Swishy & Broken wrote:
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxmale // medicine cat // 13 moons
timberpaw is very logical and perseverant. he tries to memorize everything,
which leads to him getting snappy and stressed when his memory fails or
he's interrupted (even in small situations). he doesn't want a mate, but
hasn't publicly said anything about it. he trusts starclan, though questions
their ways to get things done. [ie assigning mates, he thinks starclan means
for the cats to get together but he questions why they should be assigned
rather than found out on their own]. he's been rather thoughtful his entire
life, always being a little secretive with any information he may know.

no real deviation from normal life of a cat in the clan, just showed a mute
interest in herbs as a kitten and was chosen to be part of the medicine cat's
training. if dark forest is brought up, timberheart would more than likely
be in it, as his trust of starclan would lead him to believe he'd be doing not-
hing wrong.

^ When this cat is assigned a mate, any gender will do ^

Swishy & Broken wrote:
    Image (c) me. [Here's a more realistic picture, just imagine shorter fur (not by much) and little more brownish.]
    squirrelkit // unborn shekit
    briareyes [mom], swiftleap [dad], -- [sibling]
    squirrelkit is a lovable young girl. she has a very curious bone that leads her to trouble quite a bit. she's extremely
    playful and warm, but also very sensitive. she doesn't lash out very often, if at all. squirrelkit gets discouraged ea-
    sily. het favorite cat is the deputy, and she, one day, wants to be the deputy too. one of her favorite prey is actu-
    ally, funny enough, a trout. it seems one of her favorite things to do is listen to stories, though she still loves playing.
    and she dies literally right away, so yea.

    volekit // newborn tomkit
    briareyes [mom], swiftleap [dad], squirrelkit + ... [sibling]
    volekit is authoritative, even for his small size (he's born weak due to his mother's sickness but gets better). he has a strong sense of justice and right/wrong. he believes the warrior code is the only real way to live like a warrior. his favorite activity, as a kitten, is chasing butterflies. he also has an incredible affinity for fishing, which will be discovered once he's not a kitten. he's protective, and will take on any challenger that threatens his family (eventually -- clan). however, volekit does tend to not think through his actions completely and would probably march right into a badger's den if his mother weren't around.

^ These are kittens, I have no real notes other than please be gentle with mentioning Squirrelkit around this family ^
Last edited by Swishy & Broken on Fri Nov 03, 2017 4:01 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: DuskClan v.2 | Warriors Romance Rp | Discussion Thread

Postby niko. » Thu Jun 01, 2017 7:49 am

Res Spottedwhisper
May or may not edit original to pretty it up lol
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Re: DuskClan v.2 | Warriors Romance Rp | Discussion Thread

Postby Mist » Thu Jun 01, 2017 9:40 am

Image/Description: Spotted silver tabby she-cat with blue eyes
Name: Mist (Mistfur)
Gender: She-cat
Age: 14 moons
Rank: Loner/Warrior
Rank Wanted:Warrior
Personality: Mistfur is a very good climber, and is quite gentle and caring. She is sweet and very happy to help all the time. She is a carefree she-cat, and will do anything she wants. She is quite protective over her family and friends, and is very intelligent. She only pretends to be ditzy.
Crush: Open
Mate: TBD
Forbidden Mate: Open
Kin: Ashstrike (Littermate, Brother), Ivypaw (Younger sister), Nettlepaw (Younger Brother)
Apprentice/Mentor: None
History: Mistfur was born a rouge alongside her brother Ashstrike. She lived a happy life with her family until they became separated after running into a vicious fox. She and her younger brother Nettle have been searching for their missing siblings ever since.

Image/Description: Dark gray tom with a white splotch on his back and icy blue eyes.
Name:Nettle (Nettlepaw)
Gender: Tom
Age: 6 moons
Rank: Rouge/Apprentice
Rank Wanted: Leader
Personality: Nettlepaw is a very outgoing tom who loves going on adventures. He's also very protective of his littermate, Ivypaw, and extremely ambitious.
Crush: Open
Mate: None
Forbidden Mate: None
Kin: Ashstirke (Older Brother), Mistfur (Older Sister), Ivypaw (Littermate, Sister)
Apprentice/Mentor: TBD
History: He was a born a rouge alongside his sister Ivypaw. When his family ran into a vicious fox he was separated from her and his older brother, Ashstirke. He and his older sister Mist have been searching for them ever sense.

Image/Description: Light gray tom with ashen gray specks and blue eyes
Name: Ashstrike
Gender: Tom
Age: 14 moons
Rank: Warrior
Rank Wanted: Deputy someday
Personality: He is very proud, yet easily influenced. A quick-thinker and light on his paws.
Crush: Open
Mate: Open
Forbidden Mate: Open
Kin: Ivypaw (Younger Sister)
Apprentice/Mentor: None
History: Ashstrike was born a rouge and joined the Clan only a moon ago with his younger sister.

Image/Description: Light gray she-cat with dark gray flecks and dark green eyes
Name: Ivypaw
Gender: She-cat
Age: 6 moons
Rank: Apprentice
Rank Wanted: Warrior/Queen
Personality: Ivypaw is a quiet and shy young she-cat who hates needless fighting but likes coming up with new ways to hunt
Crush: Open
Mate: None
Forbidden Mate: None
Kin: Ashstrike (Older brother)
Apprentice/Mentor: Open
History: Ivypaw was born a rouge who joined the Clan a moon ago with her older brother.

Image/Description: A dark grey tom cat with a black muzzle and pale orange patches. His eye color are blue green.
Name: Sootfur
Gender: Tom
Age: 22 moons
Rank Wanted: Warrior
Personality: He is Clever, sneaky, bashful, and curious.
Crush: Open
Mate: Open
Forbidden Mate: Open
Kin: None
Apprentice/Mentor: None
History: He was born into the Clan and has had a normal life so far

Image/Description: bluish-silver she-cat with a fluffy tail; amber eyes with pale orange flecks
Name: Ottertalon
Gender: She-cat
Age: 12 moons
Rank: Warrior
Rank Wanted: Warrior
Personality: Ottertalon is a she-cat who prefers to keep to herself or a few close friends. She is a skilled tree climber.
Crush: Open
Mate: Open
Forbidden Mate: Open
Kin: None
Apprentice/Mentor: None
History: Ottertalon was born into the Clan and has had a normal life so far.
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