the brightest

Postby naumachy » Sat Jul 23, 2016 6:32 am


username // naumachy
name // polaris arum bay

    polaris is the brightest star in the ursa minor constellation; commonly called the north star, it is also the fiftieth brightest star as viewed from earth. because it lies nearly directly on the line of earth's axis, it seems to not move in the sky, and is a good fixed point to use for astronomy. if you can find the north star, you're sure to find others soon. following andromeda's trend in celestial-themed names of some sort, polaris was named because of how he was always stationary as a small kit; the other three constantly seemed to be in orbit around him, or at least somewhere close. if you could find polaris, the others would for sure be close by.

    arum is a genus of flowering plants; polaris' father was the contributor of this name. whenever he visits, adonis calls him arum instead- it doesn't bother polaris, but he's not sure why he does it. polaris also chose to take andromeda's last name- after all, it was her who actually seemed to care for him over adonis, although she could get a little suffocating.

    [188 words]
gender // male

personality //
    polaris, at first glance, appears quiet and laid back; he never has any outbursts and is never considered "passionate" about things. for the most part, he sits quietly, and does what he has to; but he has that kind of aura, that mysterious pull that brings people to him. he just has the expression of someone you can trust, and an extremely calming voice- more than once, polaris has had a random stranger begin to spill their life story to him. he doesn't mind, as long as people give him space- his friends know him well and don't mind his calm/sometimes lethargic behavior.

    inside, polaris' mind is constantly whirling; a constant train of thoughts and questions. though polaris is not the brightest star in the night sky, he has an exceptionally bright mind- constantly coming up with problems and solving them just as fast. he has a strange way of being able to envision an object from all sides inside his mind, making him exceptional at fixing and inventing things. he often is not the best at conversation, due to his tornado of a brain, which can capture his focus a lot. he prefers to speak over the internet, which gives him time to think about his replies. though he is liked in person, he is often scared of messing up and driving people away.

    polaris is often frustrated with himself because of his personality- he doesn't believe that it's strong enough, or that he himself has any distinguishable features. he's not brash, or adaptable, or kind; he's not sarcastic or clever. he's just... polaris. a fixed point for conversation, pulling people into his orbit, glowing but not quite bright enough for him. a dull star in a galaxy where everyone shines bright.

    [295 words]

polaris and noxy // "you're asking me about noxy? i prefer to call her obnoxious"

    polaris and noxy's relationship is... tense, at the least. since birth they've been rivals, andromeda naturally gave more attention to her only son, and noxy hated it. she called him donut, he called her obnoxious; their personalities and wills clashed. though polaris hated attention, noxy was convinced he was stealing it from her. noxy is, of course, rather sassy and nasty towards him; polaris has no response. as much younger kits, full of energy, they were constantly competing against eachother; noxy for what she wanted and polaris just to annoy his sister. as they grew older, polaris matured fast- noxy grew to hate activity and simply threw insults at him whenever he got in her way. though they said they did, neither actually hated the other; there was always an underlying connection, a knowledge that they were blood and they had to stick together. nowadays noxy teases polaris about his nerdy nature and he still calls her obnoxious- but he can't help laughing at her sassiness.

    [178 words]

polaris and soliel // "now that kid's got some sense"

    polaris doesn't like to play favorites, but soliel is definitely his favorite sibling. not only is she a helping hand when his regrettably short legs can't quite reach something, he also loves her adventurous personality. they spent countless days traipsing through abandoned places, looking for old treasures. though most of the time they'd end up with old shoes, but sometimes they'd find little things- old polaroids and lace gloves, pressed flowers or jewelry. polaris always had a knack for knowing when soliel was being too hard on herself; she always doubted herself. one particularly bad day, polaris buried a set of reptile bones and dragged soliel from her dark mind to hunt for fossils; it made her day to find those, and polaris would never forget the look on her face. they always had a good relationship, even when polaris grew relatively cold; they'd always be there for each other, whether to rant or cry or if either of them just needed a hug. while polaris saw his other sisters as simply blood he should get along with, soliel was his true friend.

    [189 words]

polaris and fleur // "us short ones gotta stick together, yknow?"

    polaris doesn't see fleur much, but she's always his partner in crime- while soliel would refuse doing certain things that could get her in trouble, fleur was always up for the challenge. they'd sit together for hours taking apart clocks and watches and rebuilding them, polaris explaining everything about the world that she wanted to know. though he always tried hard to teach her that the world was not as kind as the thought it was, she was always so optimistic- and polaris found himself learning to be optimistic too. polaris' natural caution is thrown to the wind around fleur- her adventurous ideas bring him out of his shell. polaris can nearly always tell when she's feeling down, and tries his hardest to help her. though they don't spend enough time around each other to form a truly meaningful relationship, they still get along very well.

    [153 words]

polaris and his mother //
    from the day he first opened his eyes, andromeda has fussed over polaris; he was the only boy and she treated him quite differently from his sisters. it wasn't in a bad way, not at all- but she spent more time with him and fussed over him a lot, perhaps wanting to make up for the things he would've experienced if adonis had been there for him. he truly loves his mother, and admires her- she has accepted his fear of her beloved stars [albeit a little disappointed]. polaris likes her strong personality, and the image she projects, and often wishes he could be like her. polaris appreciates her love for her kits and how she helps them with things they enjoy doing; like she'd gladly look at soliel's fossils, andromeda would play "guess the emotion," with polaris, which aided to his future occupation. though as he grew up polaris mellowed out greatly and never really experienced the typical teenage angst or kept his competitive edge, he has retained his relationship with andromeda and loves her dearly.

    [177 words]

polaris and his father //
    polaris' relationship with his father is rocky at least. despite their innate similarities, they've never really gotten along. polaris does not like how adonis doesn't visit his kits often. being used to andromeda's love for him, adonis is a stark contrast. adonis often feels uneasy around polaris, how he seems to look right into his mind and know exactly what he's feeling. polaris does not visit often, typically only to see fleur; during the time that he visits, there is a constant tension between them. what polaris dislikes most of all is that adonis reminds him greatly of himself- but he can't help it.

    [104 words]

interests and hobbies //
    polaris has a lot of free time, and enjoys many things- having witty conversations with noxy, hunting for treasures with soliel, having daring adventures or building things with fleur, even spending time with andromeda. his attention flits from one thing to another often; one day he'll be interested in origami, the next marine biology. he has stuck with several hobbies throughout his childhood- one being spelling. it may not really count as a hobby, but polaris in an exceptional speller and can be found often rolling complex words off of his tongue, spelling them out backwards and forwards. it calms him down in a way, giving his mind something to focus on.

    another interest of polaris' that he has kept is being absolutely amazing at board games and chess- due to his extensive memory and psychology skills, he is very good at telling what the other person's moves are going to be and how to set them back. even in games involving luck, polaris reigns supreme, and is always up for a friendly challenge.

    [174 words]

phobias and dislikes //
    of course, out of all sensible phobias, polaris was branded with astrophobia; the fear of celestial objects, space, and his namesake. just the concept of standing on a rapidly spinning sphere, the only thing keeping him from floating off into an infinite abyss an invisible force- it's terrifying. he freezes at the thought of the sun expanding to swallow the solar system, and how a blast from afar could incinerate his family in the blink of an eye. as a child, he was always expected to love the night sky, but couldn't help wanting to stay inside.

    aside from his phobia, polaris doesn't have many dislikes; he's not a fan of sad people, and will try his best to cheer them up, but he doesn't dislike them. in fact, as far as dislikes go, he's pretty laid back about everything.

    [140 words]

future occupation //
    polaris, for as long as he can remember, has had a strange ability to just understand what people are thinking, how they are feeling. for a while, he thought about becoming a therapist, but realized that he didn't have the social skills to do so- he eventually settled on psychology. he is extremely good at it, as he is at most things- polaris is always coming up with new tests, solving problems and producing new questions. outside of his work life, polaris is still constantly evaluating the world around him. as a child he was very vocal about his skill, always practicing noting expressions and telling people what he thought they were feeling. he'd also try his best to help them if they were sad. as he grew up he mellowed and became quiet, and has never used his words to his advantage- though it can be a little frustrating, polaris truly loves what he does.

    [157 words]

    have i seduced you with my bad writing yet thank you for reading my form! hopefully i didn't bore you with my lack of coding and wall of text. i really enjoyed getting to put together polaris' character and relationships with his family, and i've really fallen in love with him! i wish the best of luck to everyone and to the judge <3

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Re: NB #158

Postby PopcornBush » Mon Aug 01, 2016 3:17 am

Dropping out :(
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Re: NB #158

Postby Checkinder » Fri Aug 05, 2016 11:15 am

Small reminder that this'll be ending soon <3
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Re: NB #158

Postby naumachy » Sat Aug 06, 2016 9:54 am

ah i won't be on when this closes so an early good luck to all! ;w;
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Re: NB #158

Postby tigressa » Sat Aug 06, 2016 11:26 am

Extending this to tomorrow
August 6th 11:59 pm ^^

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Re: NB #158

Postby Hemalily » Sun Aug 07, 2016 4:18 pm

Username: -Yumi-
Name: Iolanthe Lyra Bay "Io"
Gender: Female
Personality: Beautiful, bright and loyal to a fault, Io is a great friend to have. Her small body holds a deep love for her family and she finds creative ways to express her love. Smiles, laughter, small gifts, flowers and even "stolen" chores are some of the sweet and simple ways that she expresses her adoration of those close to her. One of her most noticeable features, however, is the permeating silence that follows her. Sweet, kind Io is mute and no one has ever heard her mutter a word. This doesn't stop her though, her silence just allows her to express herself through music and writing.
Relationship to Andromeda: Io is a little intimidated by her powerful mother, but knows how much Andy cares about her. She will gladly listen to her mother talk about space and maps; Io enjoys the informative lectures. Most of all, Io likes snuggling up with Andy at night and falling asleep as a family.
Relationship to Adonis: Io and Adonis get along amazingly, their silence is comforting and soothing. She likes helping him with his plants when she visits and imitates his special brand of tender loving care.
Relationship to Soleil: Io adores Sol, following her everywhere and trying to help. She loves how Sol helps her with tall objects and treats her like a goddess. Io tries to make sure that Sol feels appreciated and included in their family of midgets, understanding what it's like to be the odd one out.
Relationship to Noxy: Noxy is the dominant sibling, but it doesn't bother Io at all. Io views Noxy as a curiosity, small in stature but larger than life. Their differences may seem divisive but the two are decently close and enjoy snuggles with each other. Noxy stand up for Io when needed and Io will forever be grateful to the chubby ball of sass.
Rekationship to Fleur: Io relates to the kind-hearted, lively Fleur almost as much as she does to her daddy. The two are alike in their love for life and people and can often be found scheming ways to brighten other kalon's days. Io can usually sense when Fleur doesn't feel well and tries her best to cheer her up. Whenever Fleur visits, Io is always the first to greet her, smiling and carrying a small bunch of dandelions.
Interests/Hobbies: This small gal loves scrap-booking and making tie dye t-shirts! She crafts everything with a specific kalon in mind and then gifts them the fruit of her work. Io is really skilled with her hands and loves to experiment with different mediums. As a bonus, these activities can be done sitting down, and won't wear out her little legs.
Dislikes/Phobias: Io, like most other children, is sensitive about her height, but the main fear she has is when people make fun of her muteness. She can't understand why such a small thing could cause ridicule and pain. Her loving soul makes insults extra piercing and she will hide away for hours at a time to regain her sense of face. Besides that, Io generally dislikes hate, crimes, sadness, and bullying. Her unlikely fears include Popsicle sticks, doctors and small boats.
Growing up/Future Occupation: Io wants to work as a therapist or a teacher at a school for deaf and blind children. She thinks she would enjoy helping young kalons learn and grow as their own unique self. Being able to show those with impairments that they are full of light and potential brings joy and happiness to her heart.
School, a special place that most young kits find themselves wishing desperately that it would disappear. Io is not most kits. Her loving and social attitude is well fit for school, even if her silence can complicate things.
- - - -
A rugged kit towered over her, teeth flashing. "Hey donut tail" he growled. His cronies snickered behind their paws. Eyes tearing up Io ran to Soleil who had heard everything. "There there" she whispered. "Whats so wrong with donut tail? Donuts are pretty and sweet just like you." From that day on, Io embraced her donutness.

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Re: NB #158

Postby smol ken » Mon Aug 08, 2016 5:17 am

I wish everyone the best of luck c:
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Re: NB #158

Postby Chippitty » Fri Aug 12, 2016 8:12 pm

Hi! Just wanna drop by and say good luck! I certainly saw a lot of beautiful forms with amazing stories, this might be hard ^^
Big congrats to the winner!
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Re: NB #158

Postby naumachy » Sun Aug 21, 2016 4:14 am

itty bitty bump, i don't mean to be rude! :0
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Re: NB #158

Postby Checkinder » Thu Aug 25, 2016 1:37 pm

Sorry for the delay I completely forgot I was going to post the winner for this! ;o;

The winner is Lady Lightwing!

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