Viscet #540 by Hail.

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Artist Hail. [gallery]
Time spent 1 hour, 7 minutes
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by _Alex_

by Hail.

Viscet #540

Postby Hail. » Sat Feb 20, 2016 7:04 pm

_Alex_ wrote:


Username - _Alex_
Name - Malyutka
{means 'little one' in russian}
Gender - Female
Let's get writing!

our story starts with an egg. a single lonely egg that sits alone in a shallow cave deep within the unexplored forests of north america. it's a simple egg. white with dark grey and blood red spots. almost entirely camouflaged against the dark rough stone of the cave. it, like all other eggs, had two parents once. but this egg, unlike most, is now an orphan. four hours ago, a group of poachers wandered into the forest, with hunting dogs on their heels and riffles on their backs. three hours ago, they found the first sign of their prey. deep gouges left in a tree by a viscets claws. two hour ago, they located their prey. a small pack of dull colored viscet's, ruled by an alpha male and his mate. one hour and fifteen minutes ago, they began their massacre, releasing their dogs and firing off their guns. one hour and fourteen minutes ago, the first of the pack died. one hour and ten minutes ago, the eggs father took his last breath, blood flowing freely from his may wounds. one hour and two minutes ago, the first poacher began to skin the first viscet, a beautiful female with a blood red coat; the eggs mother. ten minutes ago, the leading poacher pulled the last hide off of the last viscet. eight minutes ago, they began rolling up their new prizes and calling their dogs. two minutes ago, the leader took one last look around and caught sight of the cave. one minute ago, the leader decided the cave was insignificant and ordered his men to move out. now, the egg sits alone. abandoned. orphaned. its parents dead and its pack extinct. it shouldn't last a week longer.

it has been five days since the attack and still the egg lives on. beneath its fragile shell, the unborn viscling rests unmoving, unaware that fate is working against it.

one week and three days has passed since the attack. the egg is still alive. beneath its shell, the viscling squirms. the egg is getting too small. too confining. but it's not time to break free yet.

the attack took place one week and five days ago. then, it was a warm day. the weather pleasant and breezy. now though, it's cold. too cold for this time of year. instead of sun and warmth everything is dark and chilly. wind howls through the trees fast and sharp, bringing the slightest hint of frost with it. inside its cave, the egg shivers, longing for the warmth its mother is not there to provide. inside, the viscling struggles more and more with each passing moment. if it can just get free...maybe then it can find some warmth. if not, at least the movement helps too keep the cold from seeping too deeply into each limb. five... ten... fifteen... thirty... sixty... two hours pass before finally, the hatchlings claws catch on the fragile egg membrane. from there all it takes is five kicks and the baby is rolling out onto the cave floor, mane and fur wet with fluids from within the egg. she, for the viscling is female, lets out what could only be considered a chirp as she looks around the cave. searching for her mother. the mother that is now a fur coat living on the back of a human. instinctively thrown by the emptiness of the cave, she struggles to her feet, movements shaky and uncoordinated. steps unsteady and muscles shivering in the cold, she slinks around the small cave, searching for her mother. her father. anyone. when she finds now one, she collapses in a heap, head hidden beneath her tail. just hours old and already she's all alone.

two days pass before the biting chill of the cold front is replaced with the gentle warmth of spring. it is then that the viscling wanders out of her cave. only this time, her legs are shaking not from lack of use, but rather from lack of strength. in all of her life out of the egg, she has yet to eat a single morsel of food beyond the two grasshoppers who had dared to enter the cave. it is a wonder she is still alive. even if there is a constant water drip in one small corner of the cave. many lesser viscets would have already perished. when she steps out of the cave, she blinded by the bright light of the sun shining into the clearing outside the cave. for close to two minutes, she stands there, letting her eyes adjust to seeing such bright lights for the first time in her existence. and then, when she finally takes a look around, she nearly falls over in fear. around her are the mangled corpses of what should have been her pack. even having never seen a living member of her kind before, she knows deep inside her that this was her family. and that now they are dead. never to return again. so with tears in her eyes, she pushes forward. her brain keeps reminding her of one simple fact. she must find food if she wishes to survive. so she pushes into the forest, sniffing the air as she does her best to hunt. it takes two hours, but eventually, her first catch, her first kill, is a small snake no bigger than a foot in length. it's not much. but it will do for now. she with an eagerness she has never felt before, she digs into her prey, eating it all. bones and scales included. belly full and warm, she trudges back to her cave, avoiding the corpses around her. she needs to find a new home. but first, she needs to sleep.

two weeks pass before she finally makes the decision to find a new home. by now, the corpses of the murdered viscets have been picked clean by scavengers, and the bones are slowly starting to whiten in the sun. although she has grown, she is still small. still several inches shorter and smaller than what she should be. but she's lucky to be alive. she has been forging for herself, surviving on nuts and berries and the odd small rodent or lizard. burning almost as many calories as she consumes in the hunt for food. she lacks all but the thinnest layer of fat, and her tuft is hopelessly tangled. but she must move on. at night, she can hear the cougars and wolves moving ever closer to the cave. they know that the predators that once claimed this piece of land are now dead and the land is free for the taking. if she doesn't move now, she will be eaten soon. so, for one final time, she steps out of the cave she was hatched in and into the bright light. taking one last somber look at the skeletons around her, she trudges into the forest, heading east towards a river she knows lies not to far away. it takes her a good two hours to reach the river, having stopped at various points along the way to scarf down berries or rest in the shade of a tree. beneath her tiny paws, the riverbank is slick and muddy. at three separate points, she nearly slides into the river. and at five separate points, she nearly lies down and just gives up. but some way, some how, she makes it. it took her four hours worth of travel, but she has finally found a place at which to cross the river. a rotting and hollow log that lies precariously diagonally across the river. it's not ideal, but it's all that she has. moving as fast as her sore paws allow her to, she darts across the log and onto the other side of the river. from there, she takes a long drink of water before setting off into the forest once more. she is not done traveling.

it is five days after crossing the log that she has her first encounter with another viscet. when she climbs over a particularly large log, she comes face to face with another pair of eyes. it is a male, with dark green fur and silver spots. unlike her, he is nearly six months old and in perfect health. he has been raised with a pack she has not. both share one common trait however, they are both alphas in their own right. she does not know this. has no clue what it means. but he does. he knows full well just what being an alpha means. and he knows that any alpha in his territory deserves to be eliminated. he makes what could only be described as a growl, low and deep in his throat, and she freezes, eyes wide with terror. he steps back, just far enough so that he can attack her properly and...she springs forward. instantly at a dead run as she darts beneath his underbelly. she's fast, but not fast enough. she screams as his claws catch on the last quarter of her tail. but she keeps running. running until her legs are dead and her vision is black around the edges. running until she collapses quite literally. he does not follow. tail still sluggishly bleeding. eyes unfocused, she brings her tail up and stares at it. the cut is deep enough she knows it will scar. before she can lick it clean though, she blacks out from over exertion.

it takes three months for her tail to heal fully. and in that time, she has already gained two other scars. one from a small panther cub that decided her paw looked like good prey. and another from a stray domestic cat that had wandered too far into the woods. that one, three uneven slashes across her muzzle, had hurt as much as her tail. now four months old, she is bigger than every before. even then, she is small for her age. her fur is rough and matted and her claws trimmed only on the bark of a tree. she lacks any substantial fat on her body. the majority of her light body weight consisting of either lean muscle or bone. she's growing though. slowly. she has learned to avoid other viscets larger than her and is now an adept hunter. foxes have quickly become her favorite meal. she has found herself a small piece of land to call her own. on the outside of a small ranch filled with cattle. she is still too young to take on a calf. she can't even stand on two legs yet. but someday she will be. and until then, she will simply stare at the cattle in longing.

her first true fight with another viscet is one she nearly loses. it comes five months after she has settled into her territory. when she is nearly a year old. she is larger now, nearly half her adult size. by now, she has mastered the art of balancing on two legs and has long abandoned the four legged walk she once favored. her territory is neatly claimed by deep gouges left into the tallest and most prominent of trees. the message is clear. stay away and stay out. or else. she unlike others of her kind knows no pack. she does not know her peoples customs. their languages. does not know anything but the loneliness that fills her day to day life. and she wants to keep it that way. sadly though, it is not to be. it is a cool spring day when the invader wanders in. a year older than she herself, he is covered in vibrant blue fur and sports a pair of twisting black horns. he is fully grown and then some. standing at eight foot three and nearly thirteen feet long. and just like her, he is an alpha. this time, it is he who stumbles upon her. head in the stomach cavity of a calf, she is feasting upon her latest kill when he enters her clearing. lured in by the scent of blood. she raises her blood soaked head and meets his eyes. almost immediately she knows this is a fight she cannot win. but it is one she will try to win. for several minutes, they stand there staring at each other. she over her kill and he just inside the clearing, making several sounds that remind her only of a fight. there is no grand gesture to start the fight. but with no warning, he lunges forward towards her. she hisses, and jumps out of the way, claws coming to rake down his side even as he turns and sinks his teeth into the top of her thigh. she screams and struggles to get free, tail flailing. he lets go and she limps back a few feet, mind fuzzy with pain. he gives her no time to catch her breath. in two quick moves, he lunges forward and swipes at her eye, one claw catching and dragging over her closed lid. then before she can scream, he's slammed his shoulder into her side, bruising her ribs and sending her flying. she never stood a chance. well aware she can fight no more, he moves forward to claim his prize. her kill and her territory. wounded in both pride and flesh alike, she struggles to her feet, her left side useless. not only is she blind in one eye, she's missing a chunk of flesh in one leg as well. mind delirious, she limps away from the fight, no idea about which direction she is traveling in. she doesn't make it far. maybe a mile, maybe less, before she collapses from pain and blood loss.

when she awakes the next morning, it's to the pain of her injuries and the cold steel of a shotgun barrel pressed to her head. half blind and delirious with pain, she doesn't think before lashing out with her claws. she feels her claws catch on the meat of a farmer's leg. and then the shotgun goes off with a loud thunderous sound. this close to the barrel, she shrieks at the loudness and the ringing in her ears. she tries to climb to her feet, but her body works against her. she has put no more than five percent of her body weight on her left leg before she topples over. knees buckling from the pain and her center of balance completely screwed from the loss of both her sight and her hearing. she doesn't see nor hear the footsteps of the approaching group of men. she doesn't know there are humans present besides the farmer until a heavy weighted net is thrown on top of her. she struggles, not at all in her right mind. there has to be some way to get free. but there isn't. she's trapped. no matter how hard she struggles, all she succeeds in doing is reopening the fragile scabs on her wounds and cutting herself on the wire of the net. her blood coats the ground and she is helpless to do anything but watch as one man shoots a dart into the side of her neck. she is bleeding out and injured and now she has been shot. she is dying. there is nothing she can do but lay there as she waits for death to come to her.

it has been three days since her capture and this is the first time she has been able to gather her thoughts. they have taken her to a facility, where everything is white walls and stainless steel. so many drugs have been pumped through her veins that she can't find the strength to move. so she simply lays in the small cage they have placed her in. belly flat against the floor and head resting atop her paws. she still can't see out of the one eye. even after all this time it is still swollen shut. the cut over her eye has been sewn shut. same for many parts of her leg. although that wound is bandaged heavily and the leg is wrapped in a cast. it seems she had sprained her ankle badly while fighting against the net. silicon sheaths have been slid onto each and every one of her claws. but worst of all, is the heavy tag that now rests in her left ear. she has been captured and tagged, bound and gagged. life now holds nothing for her. just the empty whiteness of the human building.

it has been four weeks since the day she first managed to gather her thoughts. and today is the day she will finally be moved out of her small metal cage. by now, the cut over her eye is mostly healed, just a small scab left in the top corner. she knows it will scar badly though. how could it not? three days ago her cast came off her ankle. and while her thigh is not healed completely yet, it's slowly getting there. now, she can stand on her leg with her full weight and not feel the slightest twinge of pain. assuming they have feed her her painkillers that is. today is the first day they are to release her into what shall be her new home. When they come to get her, they come in a group of seven. six males and one small dainty female that stands off to the side. she doesn't like these men. they were to one who captured her. who stole her away from her forest. her life. so she hisses, drawing back into the far corner of her cage and baring her teeth in warning. they do not listen. as soon as they get close to the cage door, she leaps forward, teeth bared as she flies through the air. she hits the bars with a loud rattling sound, her head slipping through the gap in the bars to grab at the leader. her teeth manage to slice through her shirt before a rope is being tossed over her head and tightened around her neck. she shrieks, and tries to pull her head back into the cage. it's no use. together, the five men holding the rope are stronger than she is. so fast she doesn't know what is happening, a needle is plunged into her neck. her vision blurs and the edges of the room fades as the tranquilizer takes effect. an hour later, she awakens to a long line of warmth pressed against her back. for several moments, she lies there, confused and disoriented, trying to make sense of her surroundings. it isn't until she hears a curious croon from by her ear that she springs awake. in a flailing heap of limbs, she scrambles to her feet immediately on the defensive. there laying curled up together is a pack of five viscets, the smallest of which had been pressed up against her back. shoulders raised and head down, she scuttled backwards, eyeing the pack wearily. she has to get out of here. if not, they are sure to kill her. ignoring the quick chirps, and hisses, and barks coming from the pack, she swung her head around and observed her surroundings. she was in a large enclosure made to look like a forest. and it nearly passed for a forest. the trees were tall and leafy and the ground covered in the perfect mix of dirt and leaves and grass. but the air was too dull, too dirty, too tame to belong to the wilds of the forest. plus the large glass walls and high ceiling above the enclosure gave it all away. there was a soothing trill to her left, and she swung her head around to look at the viscet standing before her. he didn't seem threatening, but there was no way she was going to risk it. letting out a long low hiss, she turned and fled, running towards the zookeeper's door that was slowly opening. most likely a human coming in to feed the pack their daily dose of meat. right as she leaped towards the door though, the zookeeper slammed it shut. hitting the heavy steel door with enough force to dent it and to painfully jar her still healing ribs, she collapsed to the ground, defeated. this was it. she was a captive now. a zoo animal.

for six months she has been held captive by the humans. to her surprise, the pack has yet to attack her. even after she has given each of them several new wounds to nurse. instead, they try and convince her that she is one of them. that she belongs with them. that she should just accept that she is one of the pack. or at least that's the impression she gets. she doesn't know the language that they speak to each other, and it's obvious they do not know hers. she is too wild, to animal like, for this tame pack to understand. she has picked up a few words in both their language and the humans. mainly words like 'food' and 'meat' and 'attack' and 'F92' which is not a word but rather what is printed on her ear tag. she hates that name. F92. it makes her seem like a wild animal that is no smarter than a log. but she's more than that. she is a genius, or so she likes to think, and she will be the first viscet to escape from the place. for five months she has been planning. the humans will never see her coming.

she makes her move five weeks later. her plan unfolds on a cloudy rainy day, when the sky is grey and the zoo runs at half staff. today is a holiday of sorts for the humans. and she plans to use that to her advantage. when they go to feed her, she lays curled up in a ball, head hidden beneath her tail. just as she once laid when she was but a mere viscling. she looks sick, miserable, close to death. immediately, alarm races through her two handlers. men both of them. of course they are foolish to fall for her ruse. they are also foolish to leave the door to the enclosure open. with no warning, she leaps forward, jumping over their heads and racing out into the hall. from there, it's two hours of running for her life down unfamiliar halls and across cobbled streets. she is close to freedom though. she won't be caught. eventually, she manages to leap over a small wall. half her journey is complete. she has made it out of the zoo. now all she has to do is to make it through the city. so, one foot in front of the other, she begins to make her way towards the wilderness. stopping only to tear the tag out of her ear. the pain and missing piece of flesh is worth the freedom.

three days later and she's in the woods, laying on her back and bleeding out as a large bear stands above her. this is it. this is her death. she managed to escape capture only to run into a mother bear and her cubs. she never stood a chance against the bear that is far larger than her. but she had had to try. and now, she lies in pain, wounds bleeding excessively. just as she closes her eyes and accepts her death, a loud gunshot rings through the air. the last thing she sees before fainting is the dead corpse of the mother bear and the delicate features of a red haired human female.

one year later, and she is fully healed. all that remains of her old wounds are her numerous scars. her life is different now. although not tame, she is not as wild as she used to be. that human, Natalia, had taken care of her. shown her just how good human females could be when compared to men. it was Natalia who had nursed her back to health. who had feed her until she could eat no more. who had crafted black plated armour in the heart of the forge for her viscet to wear. who had gone the extra mile to ensure that her viscet got the lip piercing she so well deserved. she did anything for her little Malyutka. now, she is full grown. still smaller than most viscets but in good health. now, she has a name. Malyutka. and a purpose. to find and establish her own pack. and teach them just how viscous humans can be. but also how sweet and charming they can be at the right times. so now she wanders the wilderness, searching for the perfect forest. soon, she will visit Natalia. the human she owes her life to. but for now, she hunts. taking her job as serious as her life. she's still viscous and wild, but now she is protected from danger. at least a little.

art by DemonicSoul and luvanimations. coding by me.

Whoa there friend, you have lot of scars. There must be a good story behind those... Hold on, let me grab some popcorn!

Sooo... something went wrong with my work shift that irritated me so here's one angry viscet! I want to read about it! How'd it get those scars? What about the armor? Why so serious???

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Let's get writing! c:

This is going to be a written impress me.
There is no limit for how many words you can put, but there can only be 0-2 art pieces and they MUST pertain to the story in some way.

-No word limit
-0-2 art pieces
-No Extras (Keep to explaining them and such. Likes, dislikes, etc isn't necessary for this ^^)
-Ends on 3/3 (no extensions!)

No Mutations
The torn ear cannot be passed down to offspring.
Mask, Arm and Leg Guards, Tail Armor, Lip Piercing

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Last edited by Hail. on Mon Aug 08, 2016 8:35 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Viscet #540

Postby shishou » Sat Feb 20, 2016 7:07 pm

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Let's get writing! c:

res, maybe...(first post sorry)
if i eated soap. i dont eat it bc i did. no i didnt 😝😝😝
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Re: Viscet #540

Postby maritime. » Sat Feb 20, 2016 7:14 pm

(This is what happens when I splice >.>) Some 'chapters' have been cut short or summarized to keep from dragging things out. All other mentioned characters or non-viscet ocs are of my own or adapted and changed around to fit this story towards viscets when brainstorming and being inspired by my own original backstories.
Username - EverdaleDreamers
Name - Adarian
Gender - Male
Let's get writing! c:

Pride, Honor, and Sacrifice

I was born out of curiosity by a very loving mother but a father who seemed to love me but also hate me because my blood was not of his and my mother's alone. Out of disbelief and hate for how my halfbred blood was "impure" by a mysterious third heritage he tried to cripple me but missed and instead left deep gashes on my face. My mother feared that I would not live but I did and the gashes became scars. When I grew up a bit more as a young teenage viscet a war had happened and I was forced to go and fight and was sent to a training camp. There I hardened my heart as I trained and became a renowned warrior and I only was proud to be able to bear the honor of being able to make amends with my father and join him on the front lines as a commander. One day a soothsayer had come and given us all a prophecy which meant retreat but an imminent victory. We were in high spirits and I rejoiced with my comrades but then, the soothsayer had approached me and only me then spoke unto me, another prophecy, "He who is half but not, you will not be able to see the light of day clearly and your fate will be sealed." the soothsayer had left and my comrades had become quiet then they all had translated the meaning behind the words and relayed the information to me. "Commander, you are so young but alas the fates are crude, you will die on this first match.". I was shocked on the inside and I hid it well but betrayed some concern for I said, "I have to investigate some things, I will be back soon." and left the base camp far away to a neutral cease-fire village. I bumped into an older viscet clothed in a worn out cloak and hood who asked me why someone young as me was sad. I told him of the soothsayer's prophecy and of my despair over the meaning of it and the inevitable outcome that had followed. He frowned then beckoned me to follow him to a rundown chapel. The lights from the stained glass illuminated the room. "Why have you brought me here? Are you a priest?", I asked cautiously. He gave me a slightly sad smile and the hood covering his face was lifted up a little so I could see one of his eyes then spoke, "Child, I despair with you that you would not live so long. I can give you a blessing.". My eyes narrowed and slitted slight and I stepped back a little, "I don't a blessing."

"This is no ordinary blessing little lamb, this blessing is very special. With it I can guarantee that you will not die in your first battle."

My eyes widened at the offer and before I could react I blurted out, "I do not wish to die good priest!" I was shocked to hear what I said but it was already too late for he unveiled a small bowl with a strange multi-colored glowing mixture and proceeding with blessing me. Afterwards he tousled my mane with a grin and left. Stunned I went back to my comrades and when the time came for the first battle, I was nervous and hoped that as he said, I would live and adjusted my armor then charged into battle after receiving the signal. It was total chaos afterward and I don't remember most of it but what I did know was that I went unconscious and when I had awoken I was lying on blood soaked ground and staggered up and saw that the battle was over with heavy casualties. I stumbled back to the camp and a watch guard spotted me then made a huge ruckus and I was taken to a medical tent. I was cleaned up and I was informed that I was struck at the back of the neck and died. The medic had panicked for the mortal wound that supposedly claimed my life was just a scar now. We just assumed that it was a freak incident and I was able to survive but as the battles went on I learned that I couldn't die. I wasn't really a 'living' anymore but I was more 'undead' than anything that could describe it.

The False Faces

After my success in my first war and of my position as a very skilled warrior I was often sent out to conflicts and missions concerning royals who were suspected of abduction or assassination. I was very well respected by many as well as my comrades and enemies had feared of facing me for I wasn't too kind in war when I had to get information from the captured soldiers. To children I was a hero and I took my duties very seriously. That all came to a crashing halt though. I had failed to see that some of my most trusted comrades were power lust and had plotted against me. It happened a few ticks before midnight at a grand banquet when I was lured out by news of trouble at the gates. As I approached the gates I saw cloaked figures with will-o-the-wisps floating about them and before I could react I was hit with a huge blast of magic and I was brought down by the force of impact. As I stood up I was attacked on all sides. I desperately tried to fend my assailants off to no avail. I was knocked unconscious and I awoke as I slammed into something rocky.
"So, this is the proud and honorable disgrace that hangs with Malachai and Kyrian huh? How pitiful, to be captured and sold by your own comrades. Too bad Kyrian and Malachai couldn't see this coming and rush to your aide huh?", a huge heavily armored wyvern sneered at me. He cackled as I struggled and found that I was chained and shackled and was met with raised blades. The malefic wyvern then snapped his jaws at air and whipped a nearby tree with his tail, "Take him away and lock him up, we have much work to do with him." with that the Wyvern flew off and I was dragged into the darkness where I remained enslaved for who knows how long, the only thing that kept me going was the plan to escape.

Fleeing Soul

I have found it. A way to escape this place of evil, the darkness. I have it all memorized, the layout of the land and structures, the possible cut-off areas, temporary hiding places, where patrols go through, where everyone is stationed, everything. Since it is always dark here I must make haste for everyone has partied til they were tired. As I made my way to freedom I was interrupted by a loud booming roar of anger which was the wyvern. It seems that I was spotted by one of his attendants and now everyone was notified. The chase starts now, I must hurry and get to the temple of the goddess, Systia or else face execution for attempting escape or worse is I was to be let to live. As I ran past a field I heard a sharp whistling sound and then I roared out in pain and when I was able to run into foliage I caught my reflection in a nearby pond and saw that one of my ears was torn. Most likely an arrow or a throwing blade. I continued to run and as I progressed I was met with strong underlings who I was able to defeat but not unscathed due to my haste. I made it out of the darkness but my heart began to sank as I saw that the sun was setting and focused on running. If darkness came and I didn't reach the temple I would be caught for sure. For once in a very long time I was in fear, the first I reminisced to be when I was going to my first battle. Feeling determined I continued my trek and by the time I had reached the courtyard of the temple the sun's fading light was almost gone. I knew I didn't have much time and scrambled into the shrine and dropped a delicately carved silver ear cuff with a feather accent into a bowl and I dipped my head down, "Dear Systia, goddess of wings, freedom, and healing, I offer the only thing I was able to carry with me to you. I ask for these shackles to the darkness to be shattered and my freedom granted, although I may be too unworthy of such a request at least grant me sanctuary, dear lady goddess of freedom." I shut my eyes tight and felt tears falling down my face as I could hear approaching shouts and screams. Suddenly I heard a large gust of wind and a long silence. I slowly opened my eyes and noticed that the ear cuff was gone. I shed tears and cried and for a long time, thanked Systia for her mercy and kindness. I knew that she was really a guardian deity but I couldn't help but call her the lady goddess for I valued freedom. I rested and when the sun rose I ventured out to a desert to plan what I would do next.
Vengeful Rampage

Now that I was free I remembered the torment and pain I went through and was enraged when I found out that the comrades who betrayed me had moved up in the ranks. I plotted my revenge and showed mercy to them when the time came but by that time it seemed that my anger had twisted into a blindness of bitterness and malice that had clouded my judgement and morals. Due to this I continued down a path of rampage and blood. No matter how much was destroyed it seemed to never be enough to satiate the flames of wrath. I couldn't recall everything that was lost to the chaos I unleashed nor did I feel guilty about it. Some creatures and viscets seemed to have been able to catch my attention and lure me away from the land to be sealed away but a kingdom had caught my attention instead and laid siege to it.

Salvation of Spirit

As I fled from the kingdom where many were in hot pursuit I was enraged that I received mortal wounds from such people but needed to run and recuperate and allow my wounds to heal. I ran for what seemed to be a long time until I collapsed at a mountainous region. It was winter which was to my distaste but when I was scaling the slop up hoping to get past the mountain to a new region where I couldn't be found a blizzard struck and rendered my sight and sense of direction useless. I collapsed from exhaustion and the lack of warmth. Since my wounds were still open my blood was freezing as I continued to bled out, during the fight my curse was sealed rendering me mortal. Then I saw my life flash before my eyes then a wave of emotion filled me. Pain. Regret. Sadness. I screamed as loud as I could as I felt my heart ache and the tears had streamed out from my eyes. My sight began to fade and I saw a brilliant stream of blue in the air and saw what seemed to be a ghost. "Do you have the will to live? Do you have the wish to survive?" I heard a gentle voice seem to echo in my ears. I gazed up and the ghost looked like a viscet when then seemed to have a heavenly glow. My soul screamed at me to seek salvation. Listening to it I tried to speak "....-es......Spirit.........wish" My voice croaked out and I saw the viscet dip it's head in a bow and my vision faded to black.

Redemption and Repentance

I felt as if I had passed on to the afterlife but it was warm and chilly which made me realize that I was miraculously alive. I opened my eyes slowly and looked around. I was lying in a hot spring and my wounds seemed to have scabbed over. The viscet padded over to me and my eyes widened a little as I realized that they were not a spirit but a real living viscet. "How are you feeling, does anything hurt?", they asked. I shook my head and replied, "No, thanks to you." They lowered their head and looked at me in the eyes "Do you remember anything?" their eyes seemed sad for some reason then everything flooded back to me: except this time, there was no bitterness, anger, or hate. Instead sadness and regret plagued me to the point where my soul quivered. "Yes, I do.......", I said quietly looking down at the water in defeat. The viscet stood there quietly then said, "What will you do now?". I recalled everything that had happened up til now to them. "You bear a heavy burden", their voice was very quiet but song-like and a bit soothing. "Is there any way that I can repent for all that I have done out of cold blood and chaos?.......", my voice quivered and threatened to crack. They studied me for a while again, "Rise dear warrior.", they said helping me stand, "I do not know of how to go down the path of forgiveness with something as you have done but I believe that you will find a way. Come with me now, those who do not work do not get to laze about and feast on the fruits of their labour in this small band." They said walking away. I followed them over to a very small makeshift campsite where a ghost like viscet with a bushy tail was hopping about and my mind wandered off wondering what I could do to relieve my blood stained paws.

These Scars of Time

My time with the two viscets was very pleasant. I found that the ghostly one was named Hollow and was rather goofy and silly and his hopping had baffled me. As for the viscet who healed my wounds as I had laid in the snow dying and freezing was a she named Wynsdrrawr. She was graceful like gentle falling snow and mysterious. She was able to take me to a place where my seal was broken making me undead again because I decided that as an undead it would give me the time I needed to strive towards repentance and reshape myself to be a changed person. My injuries had healed but some became scars, Wynsdrrawr had offered to make an ointment to help my fur grow back and to rid of the scar tissue but I shook my head and said that I wanted them to stay so that I could be reminded of all that I have been through and what I would need to do in order to change.


One day a eerie cloaked figure had approached me after I had a devastating fall and was rendered immobile. Before the fall I was traveling with Wynsdrrawr and Hollow to find a hard to reach and secluded place to be set up as a sanctuary in case they had to flee from overwhelming danger. The cloaked figure had taken me with them and later I learned that they were a reaper and he was supposed to harvest my soul but I could not die so he could not do so. He had not wanted me to be left there so he took me to the camp were other reapers had resided. It took me a whole year to be able to recover and walk around normally. During this time period I became fascinated with how the reapers worked and the arbiters. I had also found a new home with the reaper viscet who took me in and soon I was adopted. When he had passed on I was offered to take his place as a reaper but I shook my head and asked to be an arbiter. I was given black armor to wear since I had refused to don a cloak and continue to judge souls based on the darkness of their soul and their morals. Sometimes I go to see Wynsdrrawr and Hollow when there is nothing to do but I feel like by being an arbiter I can kind of help some souls to the afterlife and forgive myself for what I've done. Slowly, but surely.
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Re: Viscet #540

Postby Tart » Sat Feb 20, 2016 8:38 pm

Username - Tart
Name - Called Ragnarok
But birth name is Tierm
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Re: Viscet #540

Postby Lillybear » Sun Feb 21, 2016 12:27 am

user. Lillybear | gender. male
name. Griffith ❝strong warrior❞


I was born to the Alpha pair.
I was meant to be the leader.
I was raised to be powerful.
I was taught to be strong.
But they were wrong.

They didn't teach me we weren't liked.
They lied, they said I was looked up to.
Pack said I was a disgrace. Parents said
I was a blessing. Pack said I'd fallen into
the wrong paws. Parents said I was a boy
of promising heart. Pack said I was a bad
boy destined to be the downfall of them.
I didn't know who to believe.

But I was determined to find out the truth.

I'd gotten my first scars after fights with the pack.
It was painful to try to uncover my parent's secrets.

But then I found out the truth.
They'd been using me as their puppet.
Waiting for me to come of age before striking.

They had bad blood in them from their ancestors.
They were born to be the Alphas, but they'd been
born to disgrace their pack, break their own rules
and be nasty thieves, a danger to other packs and
humans. And that's when it hit me. Being their son
meant I had their blood in me, too, that same bad
blood and that hunger for being cruel in me, too...

As I aged, it became incredibly and painfully hard
not to follow these horrible instincts. My parents'd
seen this as their opportunity to lure me in to their
side. I've done some unforgivable things in my past,
and it's all because of them. But thanks to the help
of one of my friends, I stood up against them, and
I made them leave the pack, leaving me as leader.
And though I've been feeling much better with my
parents gone, there's still this feeling inside me I
can't ignore, and I'm afraid it'll be the downfall
of me and my pack someday, but I can only
hold out hope. (Oh, and if you're wondering
about my armor? It's something I stole.)
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Re: Viscet #540

Postby Fox, » Sun Feb 21, 2016 2:42 am

mark to watcg, this'll be a fun one ;w;


im fox, and im not on too often at all.
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Re: Viscet #540

Postby Xelinator » Sun Feb 21, 2016 2:57 am

Hrrm, I may give this a go if I find inspiration <3

hello !! i'm a little dead rn,
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Re: Viscet #540

Postby QueenAxolotl » Sun Feb 21, 2016 3:36 am

Mark! My fiance really like this one so I'm gonna try to win this for him
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Re: Viscet #540

Postby finifugal ✨ » Sun Feb 21, 2016 4:15 am

and i'll survive; paranoid

Full Name:
Kuolema Soturi
- kuo, lem, so
- finnish for "death warrior"



Kuo is quite the odd viscet to behold. In fact, one might frightened by his appearance, or even concerned as to why he is so scarred. He was not always like this, although life has worn down his appearance. Be his scars from reckless adventuring or real battles, they are a reminder to him. His scars are his memorabilia of his past, the good and the bad.

Kuolema is rather different compared to most other viscets- at least, appearance wise he is. He is covered head to toe in scars, and doesn't exactly wear a grin on his face all day long like some others do, which makes him a bit intimidating when you first meet him. Kuo isn't exactly a big softy at his core, although he most certainly doesn't possess a mean spirit at all times either. Rather, he lies somewhere in-between that spectrum, more as a weary warrior than anything. Throughout his life he has gathered and earned himself scars, and honestly he's quite proud of most of them. His scars are his memories, his souvenirs, his reminders of his past years. They are, for better or for worse, his life stories, and he believes it's better to be proud of your past and respect it rather than be ashamed and dwell on your mistakes for the rest of your life.

i have lost the will to change
Torn Ear:
This was Kuo's first scar, and he received it when he was quite young, only four or five years old. He had been playing around with his best friend, Pietro, like normal, when things started to get little rough. Before either of them knew it, Pietro had ripped a chunk out of Kuo's ear, an event that marked a rift through their friendship.

Small Scar on Ear:
This scar isn't extremely important to Kuo, simply for the reason that he has no clue how he got it. He didn't notice it for quite some while, and when he did, Kuo didn't really worry about it too much. Just one more scar to add to his collection, right?

Scar Over Eye:
This scar was received in his first real fight. There isn't too much of a story behind this one, Kuo simply mouthed off to the wrong viscet at the wrong time, and had to pay for it. Luckily, he was quick enough on his feet to avoid any serious injuries, and soon after scratching his face the other viscet gave up.

Scar on Muzzle:
This scar is a bit more recent than most, and came from a petty duel. Really, it wasn't a duel- more like Kuo trying to blow off some steam, and it got to be a bit more than sparring. Of course, Kuo gave the other guy a few wounds to tend to in return for his nice new scratch just above his nose. Lucky it didn't hit his nose itself, honestly.

Scar on Neck (Left):
Now, this one has a real story behind it. For quite some time, Kuo sold his services in combat to many different people, for many different jobs. Sometimes he was hired as a bodyguard, maybe some extra muscle. This job, however, was different- he was going in to assassinate a another viscet. The viscet in question was a small-time political office holder, and Kuo had been hired by a rival of his. The fight was quick, the odds on Kuo's side since the beginning, although he did put up a decent fight, slashing Kuo on the neck.

Scar on Neck (Right):
Although the scar on the opposite side of his neck is from a real fight, resulting in a real death, this one is not so much. This one was the work of a friendly spar between two acquaintances. Kuo attends a fight club every so often, and thus far, this is the only scar he has received from his time there. At first he was rather disappointed in himself for letting him get a scar in such a way, but by now he has grown used to it, and embraced it as a reminder of his time at the club.

Scar on Shoulder:
This was the result of his first failed mission. Sent in with a team consisting of a few other tough viscets, they were supposed to escort envoy across a small mountain range. The expedition failed right off the bat, as they were attacked before even reaching the mountains. He was slashed across the shoulder while attempting to distract their attackers to allow some of the others to get away. All in all, they lost three members of their party of ten, while the attackers lost four out of a party of twelve.

Scar on Front Toe:
Now, this scar is a rather embarrassing tale, and the second scar he ever received. While his parents had been out, young Kuo had been running around the house, getting into things he shouldn't be. The viscling had been rooting around in his parent's room when he had discovered an old ring. Not knowing any better, he had shoved it all the way onto his toe, thinking it looked nice. He became a bit nervous when it wouldn't slide off, and all out panicked when he realized it was stuck. In his fear, he had slashed violently at his foot, cutting himself, before being able to yank it off when his paw grew slick enough from a mixture of blood and soap.

and i'm not proud, cold-blooded fake

Username - IheartNightWings
Name - Kuolema Soturi
Gender - Male
Let's get writing! c:
ohhhh res!

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Re: Viscet #540

Postby Razors » Sun Feb 21, 2016 5:44 am


Username - Razors
Name Cyrus
Gender - Male

You want to know why I am so angry? Well...let me just tell you a little story...

I recently got a retail job, I was pretty excited about it, actually. I'd been eager to work for the longest time. Who doesn't want their own bit of money they can use to spend on whatever they want? Though given that Christmas was coming, I was probably going to be spending it all on presents for the family, anyway. I didn't mind, of course. My mom told me that if I worked hard enough the job that I had just gotten as a seasonal position, might very well become permanent. Wanting so badly to prove my worth, I volunteered to work on Black Friday. I never paid much attention to Black Friday, so, being ignorant of just what it meant, took a position at the front line. I remember my mom telling me to be careful, that people got a bit crazy on Black Friday, and that I might want to invest in a little bit of protection. Thinking she was just kidding, I shrugged off the suggestion and awaited the night of opening! It was time! Time to prove myself to the manager and all my fellow coworkers!

Those of us who were working the Black Friday opening were told to get there early, about ten-ish, considering they close the store at ten so that they can lock up and pull out all the 'bargain' items to line the halls with. When I arrived I found a hilarious sight, people were already lined up out front! It was a good thing I walked, cause there literally was no where to park for, probably, about five blocks. There were people who had pitched tents and watching us eagerly as we enter, some even yelling out "What kind of deals will there be? How many 60 inch T.V.'s will there be?" Some even trying to bribe me with money! If I hid one of the new curved t.v.'s behind the pillows, one female said she'd give me one hundred bucks! Seriously!?

Aside from the tents, another thing I found hilarious was the fact that there was a massive truck in front of the store, heavy steel gates being unloaded so that they could form a barrier and pathway, both inside, and outside of the store. Once the shifts had changed and everyone who was going home had left, and everyone who was coming in had arrived, the doors were closed and sealed and even a large metal gate lowered over the glass doors. I couldn't help but think all of this was crazy. All this preparation for a few sales. This is why I didn't deal with society much, I supposed. Pitched tents and metal gates...all over a silly sale, just after a holiday that was supposed to be about being together with your family...Oh well, not my concern. I was here to work.

I helped prepare the store, putting the steel gates in place and helping pull out the merchandise. I remember being in the back room working on a pallet when the manager ran in, out of breath, and demanded that everyone get to the front. It was five minutes to opening time and the people were already trying to force their way inside the store. Shaking my head and heaving a sigh, I followed the others quickly to the front, where I was met with...the most ridiculous scene I had ever in my life laid eyes upon. The metal gate that had been lowered over the glass doors bulged and heaved, like some breathing creature. It made me think of a horror movie. We were trapped inside and those outside were all zombies, trying to get in and rip us apart. "To the gate!" Our Manager yelled, like some war seasoned commander ordering his troops to protect the front gate of the castle. I rush forward with the others, pressing my body against the cold steel and attempting to push back against those outside.


The numbers of those outside far outweighed those of us inside, and the bottom of the metal gate began to rise. I could see claws reaching underneath and shoving their way forward, reaching for anything and anyone. So shocked was I that I didn't realize that one of those clawed paws was reaching right for my left foot. "Hey! Hey!" I was surprised as I was grabbed, but that soon became panic as the grasp on my leg tighten. " Hey! Ow! HEY!" I step back, trying to pry my leg free, only to have the hand tug backwards, pulling me up against the metal. " Help!" I cried out, finding panic gripping my very soul. I was going to really be killed because of this stupid Sale?! "HELP ME!" I remember the manager yelling, two of my fellow coworkers grabbing at me and trying to pull me back. I cry out once more as the paw lost its grip, but not going away empty handed, as I ended up with a pretty nasty set of gashes along my left foot, by the ankle.

"Put a bandage on it and get back here!" The manager yelled. I was rushed to the side and a sloppy bandage applied before I was shoved back out onto the floor. By this time there were people slipping inside from under the spot where I had been grabbed. They didn't seem to care that they were slipping on blood...Disgusted and irritated by these idiotic shoppers, I move to the nearest female and block her path. " The store isn't open y..." before I could finish, she hit me square in the head with her purse, which probably was filled with rocks or bricks or something, cause I was knocked clear off of my feet. I could feel a trickle of blood along my neck. AGAIN!? Something on the females purse had scraped a large chunk of my neck on the left side. "It's 12:02!" screamed the female as she ran past me, not caring that she might have just killed me!

"RUUUUUN!" Screamed the manager, just as the broken gate gave a loud screech. They hadn't opened the store due to the fact that these people had broken the gate! The pushing and shoving had caused it to be unable to rise to let them in! I remember sitting up, holding my head and watching through tunnel vision as my coworkers fled around me. Pelts of all colors shove their way under the gate, the opening widening as they force it up and away from them. Broken glass from the doors they had shattered being kicked too and fro. I couldn't believe it! A female in front fell, unable to keep up with the speed of those around her. Her body fell and she was trampled by passing viscets....the same Viscets that were heading right for me. "Stop! Stop!" I screamed. Undeterred, the Viscets kept coming. Rolling over, I curl up, trying to protect my head with my paws.

I remember being trampled, shoved this way and that. I could feel their claws raking against my tail, back, and my paws as they ran. A steady flow that seemed never-ending. It was my manager that was my savior. The large viscet shoved his way through the throng of stampeding viscets, right to me. Grasping my tail, he pulled me right along the floor and to the side of the stampede. I was picked up and shoved over the side of the gates, my manager following me. " Snap out of it, boy! We need you out there! Isn't this what you volunteered for!?" He yelled, again, making me think of some knight giving a pep talk to his fellow soldier. In a daze I shook my head. No! No this isn't what I signed up for! Why would anyone want to be out here in this!? Ignoring my bleeding body, he shoved me to the side. " Give him some bandages and protection and get him back out there!

My poor tail...I could tell the gashes on them were going to scar...and my arms and legs too. It was horrible! Requesting protection for my limbs and tail, I let myself be, once more, sloppily bandaged, then put on the 'guards' or 'armor' they gave me. Once again I was pushed out of the 'medibay' area and into the fray. Looking to my 'Commander'(Manager) for guidance, he shoved me forward and pointed towards the kitchen area. " We need support in kitchenwares! Go!"

Yet again I couldn't help but imagine this situation in the form of me being a soldier, heading out onto the battlefield to protect my kingdom. Shoving my way through the people, I could hear the sound of screams and arguing. Great...already, someone was starting something. And would you believe? I turn the corner and three females were shoving each other and screaming over...a blender. Originally 24.99, it was on sale currently for 9.99. Moving towards the group, I try my best to muster all the courage I could. " Hey now! No need to F..." Again! They didn't let me finish! I was reaching for the female who currently held the blender, only to have her spin around and slash me right on the nose! " AHH!" I screamed, stumbling backwards. " What the heck is wrong with you people!?" I shouted, the female with the blender attempting to run. So angry with the way my night was going, I allow my fury to lash out. I use my tail to sweep the females feet right out from under her. What I wasn't expecting, though, was the other two to follow. As the blender female fell, so did the other two. Right on top of me all three went. I could feel the jab of a blender in my chest....and soon...a sharp pain in my hind end. "AHH!" I screamed in pain. " OH MY GOD YOU BIT ME!" One of the females had just taken a chunk right out of my butt!

Ignoring me, the females continue to fumble with the blender. Two were up, chasing after one in the front with the blender. I let them go...clutching one paw to my nose and the other to my rump. I...hated...this job....and it was barely an hour into the night! Oh dear lord please save me!
I wanted to go hide somewhere, but there was no where to hide that wasn't being picked clean by deal craving viscets.

Tearing up a little at my situation, I found my anger rising once more. These idiotic shoppers were going to kill someone. I should probably try and do something about it...Turning a corner and heading down the isle with the kitchen utensils, I watch people shoving pile after pile of silverware into their baskets, and one...attempting to shove a pretty expensive set of kitchen knives into her purse. "Hey! You have to pay for th..." I was stopped dead in my run by a knife right across my face. Right over my eye, to boot! I swear! I was ready to kill someone! The female with the knife turn, clearly ready to run. " NO YOU DON'T!" I screamed, pure rage coursing through my body. I charged forward, turning my head and using every bit of force I had to shove myself right into the female. I tackled her back, sending her body stumbling right into a shelf of display knives. She screamed, calling for help. LIKE I WAS THE ONE WHO HAD ASSAULTED HER! " You tried to kill me!" I screamed, attempting to pin the struggling female under me. She was apparently better at wrestling than I was...cause she managed to get herself free, grasping a fork and shoving me over, only to use the fork to stab right into my ear as I lay on the floor, and rip off a healthy serving.

I swear...things had gone from bad to worse. Here I was, laying on the floor of some random store, having been bitten, tackled, trampled, MY EAR TORN OFF, and almost blinded by these crazy customers. Trembling with rage and pain, I pick myself up, grabbing the female by the tail as she attempt to flee, just like she had before. She turn, aiming the fork at me again. I tilt my body to the side, the fork stabbing my neck just slightly. Grasping one of those wood blocks that hold the display knives, I rip it clear off the stand and swung it right at the customers head. It made contact, sending the woman tumbling to the floor and unconscious. I'm not saying I did, or didn't...but onlookers claim I gave the female a few kicks to the stomach and started screaming obscenities.

Heading back to the front, towards the Medibay, I sat myself down and ignore the shouts around me. Things were no more calm now than they had been when everything had started, but I was tired. Ignoring the questions from my 'Commander'(Manager), I request a face guard this time, figuring I needed one in case anyone else decided to STAB ME! Once I was fully tended to and all my armor was donned, I...sadly....was forced back to the battlefield. I really didn't know how much more I could take of this mess. My shift was six hours long, and I had barely gotten through the first and second hour. My body was a mess, and I was missing an ear. (Apparently that was not enough to send me home, though...I mean, whats my life versus this stupid store getting trashed and vandalized?)

I thought about requesting a less violent position, maybe a register? As I look towards the registers, though, I saw two people at each one. One to scan and one to bag. Some were struggling with angry customers who didn't understand that the discount didn't count in store because you had to mail in something to get the discount. Some items were discounted with coupons only. One female at the register was crying heavily as a man shout curses and insults at her. Deterred from my path towards kitchenwares and trying to ease the situation for the cashier, I force a smile on my beaten and weary face and approach the male. "Hey there! Is everything o..." Apparently customers didn't like you to speak, because, yet again, I was interrupted. This time by a sudden tail lash to my chin. The male had spun around and clocked me real good in my chin, causing my head to snap upward and my lower jaw snap closed, me biting my tongue in the process. Spitting blood, I stagger backwards into another customer. From there things escalated.

Apparently my tension was not the only one high at that point, despite trying to diffuse the situation. The customer I bumped into was shoved against a shelf, which fell over and on top of yet another customer. Screams rang out and people took advantage of the chaos, snatching things from the two fallen Viscets buggies and running clear out of the store. Seeing how easy it was for the few to escape with merchandise, everyone took this as a sign to do the same. " GRAB YOUR STUFF AND RUN!' shout one of the customers, some idiot teen screaming 'KOWABUNGA!!" as he shoulder slam one of the employees trying to block the exit. People were yet again trampling over each other to get to items that they could steal and run out of the store.

It was the male whom had been screaming at the female cashier whom kicking me several times in my leg, the second time he kicked me his claws dug deep into my knee and rip yet another chunk clear out of me. I curl up, unmoving as the flurry of customers around us took everything we had to offer. We were almost picked clean as I lay, quivering in a pile of bleeding fury. I had tried to make a situation better, only to have it escalate into some buzzing mass of violence and thievery. What was this? This was not a holiday! This was horrible!

I lay until there for a good thirty of forty five minutes, letting everything quiet down around me. It was then that the crying female poke her head out from behind her cash register, looking to me with lowered ears and the fur of her face streaked with tears. " o...okay?" She whispered. Uncurling, I lay myself out, limp on the ground. "Do I look okay...?" I said, taking my anger out on her, feeling instant regret the moment she began sobbing and tuck herself back behind her counter. I wasn't the only one having a bad night, clearly. But she can't say hers was as bad as I rationalized things anyway.

I could hear sirens outside, and soon after the sound of squeeking wheels and people entering the picked clean store. In time I was found and placed upon a stretcher, carried off to an ambulance and whisked to a hospital. I needed a great deal of stitches, my ear could not be repaired or even made to look any better than the ragged mess it was now....(My brother made the comment that I seriously got 'forked up'. He's lucky I didn't slug him...) After I got patched up, I left for home, not sure if I wanted to return to work the next day or not.

Lucky me, I didn't even have to go in to work. My Commander(Boss) decided to give me, not just the day off, but the rest of my life, off, as well! I was fired....It seemed the woman whom I had struck with the knife display, was suing the company. Not like she had tried to STAB ME or anything, nah. It's all good. I get stabbed often, it's my favorite past time! I LOVE BEING TRAMPLED AND STABBED. Oh, hey, not only was she suing the company, but she was suing me as well! Yippee! I didn't know how this could happen. I mean...I had just been doing my job, she was trying to steal, after all, and when I approached her, she attacked me! But the theft part wasn't seen by the camera. Apparently the woman had positioned herself just right so that the camera hadn't caught her theft attempt. She claimed, with everyone being so violent, the way I approached her had startled her and she had thought herself in danger.

So...yeah. I lost my job, and now I am being taken to court. I have hospital bills up the wazoo, and now I look like I've been through a brutal war or spent a great deal of my time scrapping. Which, I've never fought in my life, I'll have you know. You think chicks would find these scars appealing? Think I could think up a cool story to tell them about how I got them? Want me to be a liar? Most everyone knows how I got them, I mean, my face was on the news...I am known as the guy who assaulted some poor woman during Black Friday, after all. No one wants to hire me life sucks. All because of one little night. Black Friday has come and gone, and I'm still unemployed, so I can't pay off my bills, I still have to deal with court, and no one wants to be around me because of the reputation I received.....

So yeah...I'm just a tiny bit angry...but at least now, some of you know why....

Last edited by Razors on Wed Feb 24, 2016 1:20 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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