Re: Kalon #1537 -- festive rainbow

Postby GothFairy » Mon Feb 25, 2019 8:01 pm

Username: candy70045
Name: sugarpuff
Gender: female
Prompt: Rainbow sparkly glitter marshmallows, sugarpuff likes anything soft sparkly and colourful

img art by FrossetHjerte on toyhouse


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Re: Kalon #1537 -- festive rainbow

Postby SkywardtheDragon » Tue Feb 26, 2019 4:48 pm

username; Skywardthedragon
name; Iro
gender; Female
“So, I had a hell of a lot of chocolates left over from Valentines. I mean, seriously, it’s like everyone wants to date me! And flowers, damn flowers... at least chocolate tastes good, but you can’t even pass roses off to a friend without implying that you like them. And I’ve had enough Valentines this year.
“But then it got me thinking: flowers aren’t poisonous, right? Well, at least not roses. So, you could eat them, but they taste like soft lettuce. But chocolate makes everything super cool! So...
“First you’ve got to melt all of the chocolate. You can do it in one big blend, like I do. Just make sure nobody who’s eating them has any allergies whatsoever. Learned that the hard way. I put in like fifteen different kinds. Caramel filled, covered in nuts, white, dark, milk, whatever happens to be in that box. Dudes with crushes normally don’t like give you the fancy truffles, but I wouldn’t recommend melting these. It’s free ridiculously expensive chocolate. Just eat it!
“Once you’ve got it all melted, get your roses or other non-poisonous flowers and pluck off the petals. Keep them in top shape. Practically perfect, to say. No rips, no blemishes, especially no bugs unless you want extra protien in your chocolate. I’m not judging here. Get yourself a good number, and make sure they’re still soft. Place them down somewhere.
“Now, take that chocolate and spread it all over the petals! Cover one side, freeze it for a hour or so, and get the other side. If you had the patience to separate your white chocolates from the rest, paint on cool designs! Like ‘marriage sucks’ or something. Don’t be too normal. You’re trying to brush off annoying suitor gifts after all.
“Freeze for another hour, and keep them in a bowl for you to eat out of when you’re feeling jealous.”
Lights off!


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Re: Kalon #1537 -- festive rainbow

Postby Fau » Mon Mar 04, 2019 3:22 pm




Carcharius was so excited! The Spring Festival had finally arrived, she's been waiting for months to go to the Spring Festival, it was rumored that this year's Spring Festival was going to be extra special.

It was only 10 o' clock in the morning and the Spring Festival didn't start till 6 o' clock, but Carcharius was growing impatient. "Oh... what should I wear? What should I wear? No. No. Definitely not." As she searched through her wardrobe to find the perfect outfit, she was starting to panic, then she said, "aha!!! The perfect outfit!" She held a beautiful crimson red dress, that had sparkles and a few roses on it, she laid the dress down on her bed carefully.

"Now for my hair and jewelry!" She exclaimed as she looked on her dresses for her jeweled crown, as she was searching for her jeweled crown, a knock startled her as her mother came in.

"What are you doing Carcharius?" her mother asked looking a little concerned. Carcharius exclaimed, "I'm looking for my jeweled crown that's going to be apart of my Spring Festival outfit!" Her mother said nothing as she closed Carcharius's bedroom door as she continued searching, a few minutes she found the crown and set it next to her dress. She looked at her clock which said 11 o' clock, she groaned growing even more impatient.

She decided to turn on her favorite movie, The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride, as she laid down on her bed, watching the movie for about a half hour before falling asleep again since she barely got any sleep last night. Her mother came in to tell her lunch was ready, but she noticed her daughter was sleeping, so she closed the door again.

When Carcharius woke up it was 5:30 PM, she got up and took a shower, dried herself off and put her dress on. She put her hair up in a messy bun and put her jeweled crown on her head, she looked amazing. The Spring Festival was the time for the young ones to find someone special, her mother wasn't too thrilled about it because she wanted Carcharius to stay her baby forever, but she knew this day would come. Carcharius went downstairs and shouted "by mom! I'm off to the Spring Festival!" As she opened and closed the front door, her three best friends waiting outside, "you ready Car. Dang... You look amazing!" said Cherry. Her other two friends, Liliac and Luna agreed. "Thanks!" said Carcharius.

They all walked together having a nice chat.

I'm gonna leave it as a "cliff hanger" so you can use your imagination on what happens at the Spring Festival!
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Re: Kalon #1537 -- festive rainbow

Postby apprentice_ » Wed Mar 06, 2019 5:55 pm

    username; rainichi
    name; orion [or-ee-on] kian
    gender; nb [they/them]
    prompt; yeehaw xtra art / used ruka


      claps hands. “festivals!” he nudges a bystander and the bystander growls. “scary!” he shouts in return, no regard for the people around him. “scary, and wonderful, and loud, and fun, and,” he pauses, his gaze distracted, “some more adjectives, surely.”

      ruka: dumb boy, kind of an edgy lad, and technically, legally an adult, but.
      he cuts himself off midsentence because colors distracted him, so.

      maybe he was rightfully distracted— he knew of some impressive heads of hair but not one nearly this obnoxious. and honestly? he was kind of digging it. the scene to his emo, he thought. and hey, the face under all the hair? not that bad looking.

      he checked his pockets. he had some change. enough to buy whatever this vendor sold just to get a hot minute of maybe flirting, maybe just confused friendly chatting in. and so he walked up to them.

      and boy. oh boy. did the way they turned their head seem overeager, and geez, oh lord, were those puppy dog eyes accompanied by vicious lashes. they were fast to smile — a sort of unnerving grin in the way it seemed so rehearsed — and they were even faster to speak up.

        “welcome, dear potential customer ! ! aren’t tonight’s fireworks grand? are you wearing eye shadow? it suits you well! you have lovely eyes!”

        their voice echoed in a way ruka wasn’t quite sure he liked.

        “i’m orion. interested in what i have to sell?”
      ruka. blinked. this maniac spoke at the speed of light without losing breath and easily leapt through three? four? topics in mere seconds. wild. what was going on.

        “are you gonna offer me somethin. weird?” ruka wasn’t really joking, but he cracked a smile like he might have been.

        “of course not! legally, i’m not allowed!” thanks for the clarification. they whipped out something from behind the [seemingly hastily set up] stand.

        “oh! takoyaki! yakitori?” a nervous pause while he dug through the depths of his knowledge. the vendor — orion — merely watched in what seemed like mild amusement. “ok, help me out. which is it again?”
      orion’s shoulders relaxed as they leaned into the counter. there was an unsettling air about them; something a little too excitable, a little too loud, a little too practiced. but upon having only so much as changed their posture, they seemed immediately more approachable. softer, more genuine, more inviting (despite their technicolor palette).

      this was. some sort of mind game.

        “oh, don’t worry. either way you’re wrong.” the words felt. stabby. but the playful tone deterred any mild annoyance ruka might have otherwise felt.

        he did keep his cool, despite how truthfully bizarre this interaction had so far been. “you sure? i mean… it’s got sprinkles on it, and that’s kinda wild, but it looks like… you know. normal.”

        “try it.” they offered the not-takoyaki.

        “look, i’m like, pretty convinced you’re a witch doctor and eating this might actually give me warts or something. also, im allergic to peanuts, so,” he gestured vaguely.

        “why would there be peanuts in this?”

        “to be fair, i Was implying it was frog. how much?” giving in to temptation and bad decisions, ruka’s number one skill. he settled what coins he had onto the table.

        “if you like it, it’s free.” they pocketed the coins anyway.
      hard to describe this one. confusing, mostly. yea. their essence was built on the very foundation of being wildly out of sorts. to be fair, they seemed friendly. maybe into celestial stuff, given the charms. or, you know, they were a witch. something like that.

      in the back of the stand there was a collection of items it looked like they’d won or purchased from other vendors and games. had pretty weird taste in prizes. mostly cheap stuff, like a plastic sword and star shaped sunglasses (cheesy, but maybe fitting among the other space themed items?). most notable was probably the sock monkey. very green.

      ruka looked up. if he’d lost himself in thought for a moment, orion certainly hadn’t minded. ruka took the mystery food. hesitantly took a bite, but made sure it was a big one. all or nothing babe.

      he made a face. not one of dissatisfaction, but a look that said he was pleased if not afraid.

        “what is this?” he spoke through the gooey contents in his mouth.

        “i’ve no idea!” the sheer excitement in orion’s own confusion nearly made ruka choke. “i think i’m calling it fairy pudding.”

        ruka swallowed. wiped food from his face. “like fairy bread? explains the sprinkles.” orion hesitated. “never mind.”

        “sugar… fairy?”

        “that sort of implies you’re eating a fairy, doesn’t it? i mean, i guess i get the sentiment. i’d imagine a fairy would taste about this sweet.”

        he paused. orion paused. a standstill. they were discussing eating fairies suddenly and one could tell from a mile away they were both silently mortified.

        “fairy pudding,” repeated orion.
        “fairy pudding,” confirmed ruka.

        “it’s deep fried pudding.”

        “yea, i think somewhere along the way that occured to me. but… what’s the other thing? the other flavor? it’s good, it’s frighteningly good, but i’m still not convinced there’s not somehow toad in this.” he finished the rest of the patented Fairy Pudding.



        “i’ll let you know what the secret ingredient is when i figure it out.”
        hm. the eerie vibes were sliding back in.

        “you keep doing you, man.” ruka finger gunned in fear. “you are pretty w— pretty, gh, pretty. you are pretty.” he looked about as unimpressed by his fumble as orion did. “i have to go.” panic. “my people need me.” basically began moonwalking away.
      orion perked up, at the reference or otherwise, and with sunbeam energy they waved a goodbye to a newfound friend. acquaintance. ok. stranger. the dude never introduced himself so by fairy law, orion had accomplished nothing, because the name holds all the power.

      not that that was relevant to someone who wasn’t a fairy.
      nah. just personal superstitions.


      “the secret ingredient… i can’t remember! never trust a fairy, i swear.”
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Re: Kalon #1537 -- festive rainbow

Postby PaintLily » Wed Mar 06, 2019 8:10 pm

Eremandzīah "Mandy"
Meaning; Loved by God before being worthy

MMIt was a slow last day at the festival, and many hours elapsed between customers. Mandy was out-of-her-mind bored, and a bit hungry, so she thought through her menu, but nothing sounded interesting. 'Nothing but your average, every day festival food.' she mumbled, and decided to dig through her stock, hoping she could make something good out of them. 'Funnel cake, popcorn, tacos, nachos, lemons... Wait, nacho tacos!' Mandy muttered.
MMWith an empty stomach, and a full mind, she got to it. In a short while, she had a pile consisting of nachos, taco meat, lettuce, diced tomatoes, and lemon slices. It was good, but it felt like something was missing. She couldn't place what it needed, however, and went home that night puzzling over it. After looking through her fridge and her pantry, and finding nothing, she finally gave up and decided to go to bed.
MMUpon walking into her bathroom to grab her hair brush, she noticed in the mirror how messy her hair was, and laughed, 'What a mess of colour.' Then her mind wandered, the red in her hair reminding her of the tomatoes, and yellow of the lemons, and green the lettuce. Mandy chuckled at herself for equating her hair to food, but then she began to think. Hmm, maybe that's what my nacho tacos need; more colour. Not food colouring, though, that's cheap, and overused. More importantly, it adds nothing to the flavour. Perhaps I can find some food items of various colours at the market tomorrow... With that in mind, Eremandzīah went to bed.
MMThe next morning Mandy got up early, excited for her quest to find new ingredients! She tied her hair back in a quick bun, snagged her money pouch, and ran down to the farmer's market to find fresh fruits and veggies for her Nacho Tacos. She browsed countless stalls, picking only the most vibrantly coloured things she could find--and she may have bought a pie or two. After nearly an hour of searching, she came home with oranges, blueberries, limes, and rhubarb. She threw together her previous concoction with the addition of her new, colourful ingredients, and raced over to her friend's house to try them with her.
MMShe banged on her door in the excitement, and waited. After what seemed like an eternity, her friend opened up, and said groggily "What are you doing here at this hour? I was asleep."
MM'Oh, I, um... made something new..' Mandy said sheepishly as she held up the nacho tacos; she had forgotten how early it was still.
MM"Interesting..." Her friend said, staring at the peculiar dish, "Well, come on in, and let's try it." Returning to her bubbly, happy self, Eremandzīah bounced into the house and headed straight for the dining table. She waited patiently for her friend to be seated and then pushed the concoction over to her. Slowly, the other kalon lifted a bite up to her mouth, and barely held back a cough as she tasted it. "It's, um..."
MMHer friend's hesitancy made Mandy wonder, so she took a bite of her own nacho taco, and immediately spit it out, 'It's terrible!' She paused in shock, then began to rant. 'Sweet and meat do not go together, and definitely not with the cheese! The sour is alright, but far too strong! What was I thinking?!'
MM"It's not all bad. The rhubarb is good, and the tomatoes, I really like the tomatoes." her friend tried to calm her. "What do you call it, anyway?"
MM'Nacho tacos.' She responded more quietly.
MM"If they're supposed to be tacos, shouldn't they have a shell, or something? Maybe you could make a nacho shell?"
MM'You're right! I'll go home and see what I can do!' Eremandzīah said, checking the time to see if there was any chance she could make it back to the farmer's market before it closed. 'Bummer, no time to make it to the market, I'll just have to go tomorrow. Byyyeee!!!' She thought she heard her friend mutter something about going back to bed as she dashed out the door, and that made her wonder Why does the farmer's market close so early?, but she brushed it off; she had enough to think about as it was.
MMIt was when she got home that realization hit Mandy, I don't know how to make tortilla chips. A hard blow it was, indeed. How am I going to make nacho taco shells if I can't make nacho chips? Frustration and near admission of defeat hit her, then her stomach growled. That explained how all over the place her emotions were, she had only had one bite of food all day--okay, let's face it, she's a bit emotionally unstable to begin with, but hunger amplifies it. 'Silly me! I forgot to eat.' Mandy giggled as she grabbed one of the pies she bought at the farmer's market, cut a slice of it, and neatly placed it on her plate.
MMWith her energy replenished by the pie, Eremandzīah set upon the task of finding a recipe for tortilla chips. She looked through her plethora of cookbooks until she found one; it was relatively simple, actually, only consisting of frying or baking cut up corn tortillas. Of course, Mandy would not be cutting her corn tortillas, she was making taco shells with them. She realized as she picked up her corn tortillas--thankfully she loves corn tortillas, so she had some on hand--that hard taco shells are always made of corn tortillas. Oh well, I'm sure they'll taste better fresh; I should've done this a long time ago!
MMMandy spread some vegetable oil an lime juice on a few tortillas, dusted them with salt, and hung them on the bars of the oven rack. She baked the for ten or so minutes, and then let them cool. Trying one, she was delighted to find them much tastier than the store bought shells she used in her stand, and felt a little silly for not thinking of this before. 'These would be perfect dipped in nacho cheese.' She mused.
MMQuickly, she fixed herself a meal, and sat down at her computer to do some research on colourful fruits and vegetables. Mandy spent many hours reading about several different things, and finally settled on trying sweet persimmon, yellow bell peppers, and green apples. Finally done with her work for the day, she settled in to bed and set her alarm for early the next morning.
MMThe next day, after Mandy had gotten home from the market with her newly chosen ingredients, her work began. She sliced the rhubarb and the green apples, then set the meat to cook and the nacho cheese to melt while she diced the persimmon, bell peppers, and tomatoes. After everything else was ready, she prepared and baked the corn tortillas, then dipped them in the nacho cheese. She filled the shells with the meat, lettuce, rhubarb, sweet persimmon, green apple, yellow bell pepper, and tomatoes, and looked at her creation. 'I just miss the blue..' she said dejectedly, wishing the blueberries had not been a flop.
MMEremandzīah set off once more for her friend's house, hoping this time to be met with success--she also came a bit later in the day this time. Her friend greeted her warmly and invited her in. They both sat down and with near perfect synchronization, each took a bite of the taco. "It's good! I'm not too big on taco meat, myself, though." Mandy's friend smiled.
MM'It is.. I just. I don't know, the lettuce doesn't fit in with all the colours, does it? But you can't have tacos without lettuce, can you? And I miss the blue from the blueberries...'
MM"Well, I can't help you with the blue, but I have some purple cabbage, if you'd like to try that instead of lettuce. I thought it looked good, but I don't have anything to put it in." her friend spoke as she walked to her kitchen. She produced a head of purple cabbage and pulled some pieces off to put in the two tacos.
MMMandy's eyes lit up with delight at the colour of it, and took a bite. 'I love it! Thank you so much!'
MM"You can have the whole head, I won't be needing it." her friend laughed. Mandy thanked her, and, after staying awhile to chat, brought the cabbage home.
MMIt wasn't until the next week, when Eremandzīah needed to go to the store to get more corn tortillas, that she decided to look for something blue to add to her nacho tacos. She decided to try blue cheese, then stumbled upon blue corn tortillas in the tortilla section. She also remembered her friend's comment about not being big on taco meat, I'm more into fish anyway, perhaps some flounder? Mandy quickly found the first flounder she could; yellow tail flounder, and went home to try it.
MMMandy marinated the flounder in a mild hot sauce, and prepared the rest of the ingredients--which, sometime in between she had traded out diced tomatoes for cherry tomatoes--and melted the blue cheese to pour on top. 'It's a win from me!' she said, finally satisfied with her nacho tacos. 'They're definitely "Nacho Average Tacos"'
MMSince then she learned about masa harina, and started making her own corn tortillas with blue corn masa harina. Nowadays, she even makes her own masa harina with dried blue corn, but it's been a long time since she came up with "Nacho Average Tacos", and she has come a long way. They are, however, still her favorite thing to make--and eat, of course.

Nacho Average Tacos Ingredients

Homemade blue corn tortilla taco shell dipped in nacho cheese,
Yellow tail flounder marinated in mild hot-sauce,
Cherry tomatoes,
Diced Sweet Persimmon,
Diced Yellow Bell Peppers
Sliced Green Apples,
Sliced Rhubarb,
Purple Cabbage,
Melted Blue cheese
Last edited by PaintLily on Thur Feb 34, 1492 2:18 am, edited 567 times in total.

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Re: Kalon #1537 -- festive rainbow

Postby Creme Eggs » Thu Mar 07, 2019 10:43 pm

username; Creme Eggs
name; playa (beach in spanish)
gender; non-binary (they/them/there)
prompt; veggie ham ice cream w/chocolate slices on top. they created this ice cream because they love, LOVE ice cream and ham but they are vegetarian so they cant eat ham so they got veggie ham and made it into ice cream simple! the chocolate on top is just for decoration. well thats what they say its actually because they love chocolate.
hi! she/her please
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Re: Kalon #1537 -- festive rainbow

Postby Schnuffel Bunny » Tue Mar 12, 2019 3:14 pm

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Re: Kalon #1537 -- festive rainbow -- winner pg.5!

Postby sillies » Tue Mar 12, 2019 3:19 pm

    congrats! ty for the hm <3
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Re: Kalon #1537 -- festive rainbow -- winner pg.5!

Postby SilhouetteStation » Tue Mar 12, 2019 3:34 pm

congrats! and thanks for the hm <3
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Re: Kalon #1537 -- festive rainbow -- winner pg.5!

Postby lumilys » Tue Mar 12, 2019 3:50 pm

omg ty so much for the hm and congrats to ps4 kid!! <33
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