Beaumont Collie #780 - Adopted by Chanceuxcat

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Time spent 41 minutes
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Beaumont Collie #780 - Adopted

Postby Chanceuxcat » Mon Feb 12, 2024 4:34 pm


    Username: coaliev
    Name: Know Who You Are | Thaddeus
    Gender: Male
    Height: 18 in
    Weight: 40 lbs
    Color: Minimally Masked Lilac and Tan Blanket Piebald
    Genotype: asat bb cchcch dd EmE hh Ii kyky mm spsp tt UU LL

    Based on a discord suggestion by Boghound!

    Quick Raffle! To enter, please give me some comp ideas for some near future comps related to friendship/family/Valentine's day, solo and partner! You get one "entry" for each different prompt, a total of two raffle entries if you suggest both a solo and a partner comp idea!

    Ends sometime after page 2 or 2/13 at rollover (13->14)
Last edited by Chanceuxcat on Sun Feb 18, 2024 7:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Beaumont Collie #780 - Open!

Postby clouds-move-on » Mon Feb 12, 2024 4:40 pm

Username: clouds-move-on
Name: Ebenezer
Gender: male
draw this dog and their best friend buT with your left hand [suffering]
what gift would these dogs give eachother?
A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.
By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.

- John 13:34-35

I am no longer active on CS.
- I am keeping all my characters that I haven't readopted out myself, dont ask about em.
- If you want to transfer designs by me out of chicken smoothie closed species from before 8/2/20, YES, you may! Be free. uwu ❤️
- You may also transfer them into other species/groups/arpgs!
- Do not contact me here unless I contacted you first.
- Feel free to send me trades, but you may be waiting awhile.
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Re: Beaumont Collie #780 - Open!

Postby DuskzeHedgie » Mon Feb 12, 2024 5:00 pm

Username: DuskzeHedgie
Name: Yarrow
Gender: Male
Prompt: What would this collie cook/bake for their friends and family on valentines day?
Two collies want to write poems for each other. <33 (I think it would be cute if they agreed on a theme so the poems would go together)
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Re: Beaumont Collie #780 - Open!

Postby wolfhaunt » Mon Feb 12, 2024 6:56 pm

Username: wolfhaunt
Name: WH All That Glitters Isn’t Gold / Citrine
Gender: DFAB

Solo: Which classic sweetheart/conversation heart best represents this collie/their feelings about love?
Partner: Collab with another user to draw two collies (one from each person) recreating a scene from a classic romance movie/show. (for example, user 1 draws their collie and sends the file to user 2, who draws theirs interacting with user 1’s collie. maybe it’s a scene recreation from Lady & The Tramp and the 2 collies are eating spaghetti!)


hi I'm haunt!
feel free to pm me if you share any interests of mine!


please send me trades -- I have almost 1k doubles/extras!

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Re: Beaumont Collie #780 - Open!

Postby vanilla bean. » Mon Feb 12, 2024 9:14 pm

    Username: vanilla bean.
    Name: JVK True and Mutual Love // Besitos
    Gender: Male
    Solo Competition- Create a haiku about their feelings on/surrounding Valentine’s Day.
    Partner Competition- How does each of them tell the story about how they first met one another?

hey there, i'm abi!
lesbian - she / they - adopt storage
pms are always open, feel free to drop in <3

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Postby coaliev » Mon Feb 12, 2024 10:52 pm

    Username: coaliev
    Name: Know Who You Are | Thaddeus
    Gender: male
    Prompt: solo: what kind of card would this collie give to their crush? | partner: write a secret love letter for each other
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Re: Beaumont Collie #780 - Open!

Postby Kadayah » Tue Feb 13, 2024 3:55 am

Username: Kadayah
Name: Vixy
Gender: female
Prompt: What is this collie’s love language?
| INFJ | Virgo | Adult | 🔒 | Animal mom |

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Re: Beaumont Collie #780 - Open!

Postby Rescue2001 » Tue Feb 13, 2024 5:50 am

Username: rescue2001
Name: Diam
Gender: female
design a valentine card?? Like the little ones kids give to each other at school lol

Who is this collie asking to be thier valentine and how do they go about asking it?
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Re: Beaumont Collie #780 - Open!

Postby green. » Tue Feb 13, 2024 7:57 am

Username: green.
Name: RWK You're Gonna Go Far || Lason
Gender: Male
Prompt: 1. What is this collies opinion about valentines day
2. design a card for this collie to give to their crush
3. what collie of yours loves this holiday and which one doesnt
4. what is in this collies valentines basket
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Re: Beaumont Collie #780 - Open!

Postby HowlToTheWind » Tue Feb 13, 2024 8:13 am

Username: HowlToTheWind
Name: MLS Be Mine // Val
Gender: Female
Prompt: What's this collie's favorite valentine's candy?
Who does this collie spend valentine's day with when they don't have a valentine?
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