Re: Viscet #1790 - open!!

Postby ~Ash Wolf~ » Tue Sep 05, 2017 4:58 am


"It was January, the month of war."
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~Ash Wolf~
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Re: Viscet #1790 - open!!

Postby SpartanAmethyst » Tue Sep 05, 2017 11:51 am

Gender;; (biological required)
Extra/s;; up to 5k words and 5 art pieces

"He was the light in my life and the darkness in my life."

"I knew him as the bad boy; cool clothes, perfect hair, that knowing smirk. I knew that look. The first night I saw him, I knew exactly what kind of guy he was; or at least I thought I did.

Him talking: "She is my guiding light, my northern star; around her, I feel like I could be anyone or anything I wanted to be. But I'm terrified, dude; terrified that I'll be the one to extinguish that light..."

**she was a "conquest" that he ended up falling in love with
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Re: Viscet #1790 - open!!

Postby BananaSocks » Thu Sep 07, 2017 3:56 pm


    im electric, a romantic cliché
    heather • löded diper fanatic
    im an art student, hoping to do
    something that i like. talk to me
    about film books music anything.
    i listen to a ton of rock and indie
    bands, if you like declan mckenna
    wolf alice nothing but thieves
    lorde the strokes florence + the
    machine we are friends, it is the
    law. uh i wish i had some fish
    discord [#6740] insta spotify
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Tempest - Viscet tryout #1790

Postby Vluwu » Mon Sep 11, 2017 5:40 am


    Image "The beginning"
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus magna orci, vulputate ac est quis, rhoncus consectetur ante. Praesent sit amet neque ac augue mollis interdum. Quisque faucibus mi at libero interdum, vitae auctor neque volutpat. Sed quis tortor consectetur, pellentesque quam eu, mattis sem. In tempus massa erat, ut tristique ex volutpat dictum. Aenean eu efficitur justo. Nulla ut nisl turpis. Praesent convallis laoreet magna. Morbi tincidunt urna dapibus ex feugiat, fermentum vulputate magna iaculis. Donec efficitur tempus augue vel pulvinar. Suspendisse iaculis ut orci nec vehicula.

    Cras non libero eros. Integer scelerisque et nibh vel aliquam. Suspendisse sollicitudin, nibh eget mollis dignissim, elit enim imperdiet justo, quis malesuada urna dolor ultricies massa. Quisque sed lectus erat. Nulla convallis urna ac sem finibus viverra. Aliquam dapibus arcu arcu. Donec facilisis pharetra ipsum vitae dignissim. Duis ut feugiat magna. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc leo diam, porta et tortor sit amet, blandit blandit diam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec molestie ipsum a leo gravida molestie quis sed urna. Sed dapibus ex tellus, porttitor lacinia mi auctor a. Integer ullamcorper mi ac libero convallis, eget convallis justo maximus. Sed iaculis magna vitae ante scelerisque pharetra.

    In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum condimentum condimentum risus ut convallis. Duis ultricies sapien metus, vel bibendum tortor egestas finibus. Praesent nisl mauris, aliquet ac vestibulum sit amet, condimentum commodo orci. Fusce in porttitor erat. Proin mattis tellus id elit euismod, vel aliquet ligula vulputate. Nulla molestie dui id odio dapibus aliquam.

    Ut sed dictum orci. Aliquam mollis, risus a tincidunt rutrum, sem sapien tempor sapien, quis rhoncus dolor velit in turpis. Vestibulum feugiat facilisis tortor sit amet volutpat. Maecenas luctus tellus quis molestie blandit. Vivamus sodales euismod ipsum sit amet consectetur. Sed ut nibh risus. Nulla ultrices eleifend volutpat. Morbi nibh ex, lacinia a turpis tristique, cursus pulvinar mauris. Etiam lacinia a nisi vitae tristique.

    Integer ac urna sem. Suspendisse malesuada eros non consequat pretium. Suspendisse condimentum tincidunt quam, vitae cursus purus lacinia ac. Vivamus aliquet tristique auctor. Mauris malesuada accumsan tempus. Curabitur fringilla libero libero, non pharetra risus suscipit ut. Etiam a sapien massa.

    Vivamus viverra a tortor ac euismod. Donec luctus dui a nisl accumsan, ac ullamcorper ex dignissim. Nunc eget tellus eget orci feugiat euismod. Mauris rhoncus quis sapien at ornare. Donec non maximus sem, sed tristique risus. Ut sodales mi a elit porttitor elementum. Vestibulum congue porta mi in tincidunt. Sed enim tellus, cursus id ullamcorper at, hendrerit eu odio. Sed volutpat mauris id ipsum malesuada cursus. In tempor lorem metus, et accumsan elit lacinia id. In sollicitudin tristique nisi, eget consequat dolor euismod nec. Nunc eget mauris at turpis aliquam tincidunt quis ac purus. Duis vulputate sodales turpis vel lobortis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

    Cras sodales lacus dapibus enim tempus, iaculis ultrices neque porta. Morbi ultrices ornare orci et sagittis. Nullam lorem odio, vehicula at magna vitae, lobortis sodales nunc. Vestibulum rhoncus lacinia ligula, nec mollis lorem hendrerit ut. In nec nisl id elit lobortis ultricies nec eget mi. Aliquam et lobortis elit, non mattis arcu. Cras gravida lectus in augue porttitor porttitor. Proin efficitur non odio euismod consectetur. Nulla vitae turpis venenatis, mollis mauris at, elementum libero. Praesent ac sapien ac est blandit euismod. Suspendisse potenti. Ut tristique nunc elit, sed suscipit erat venenatis vitae. Suspendisse sollicitudin purus mi, sodales porttitor risus lobortis non. Pellentesque tortor mauris, rhoncus vel purus sit amet, facilisis luctus felis. Etiam in augue vel arcu feugiat iaculis. Phasellus imperdiet ac dui ut aliquam.

    Aenean mattis dignissim est et convallis. In malesuada auctor sapien, at rutrum augue tempus eget. Suspendisse consequat condimentum nisi, non feugiat lorem posuere eu. Phasellus nec blandit dolor. Suspendisse placerat velit ac ante scelerisque mollis. Donec id augue cursus, vestibulum odio et, volutpat orci. Pellentesque interdum nisl quis magna posuere, et viverra mauris feugiat. Duis sagittis quis nisl eget mattis. Nulla laoreet, mi sit amet faucibus pellentesque, dolor quam pulvinar nulla, nec sollicitudin dui ipsum sit amet quam. Nullam placerat eros id porttitor condimentum. Nullam eros felis, aliquet id leo vel, varius gravida metus. Pellentesque consequat dolor ex, a auctor metus eleifend id. Ut porta cursus ipsum, ut tincidunt ante ultricies nec. Mauris semper lectus a tellus pretium, sed scelerisque augue finibus. Duis et lacus eget nulla venenatis pellentesque fermentum et ligula.

    Ut efficitur, libero sed rutrum pharetra, risus tortor gravida lorem, ac bibendum mi sem id lacus. Phasellus convallis nec nisi sit amet blandit. Cras sollicitudin, mauris eu efficitur lacinia, mauris neque ultricies lorem, vel dignissim ligula erat nec leo. Vivamus ac urna vitae magna mattis vulputate. Sed in scelerisque nisi. In tempus, lectus ut suscipit ultricies, enim elit mollis dolor, at accumsan augue nibh eget leo. Suspendisse congue et quam vel dignissim. Phasellus malesuada enim ex, eu vulputate neque pretium ut. Mauris facilisis sollicitudin erat, at consequat lorem tempor sed. Morbi varius interdum imperdiet. Cras justo dui, vulputate ut sem quis, blandit posuere erat. Quisque tincidunt dolor ut gravida imperdiet. Vivamus interdum eros ac lacus luctus pellentesque. Praesent at porta lectus. Sed consectetur, sapien et maximus sodales, nibh nibh convallis tortor, in ultrices magna turpis at massa.

    Maecenas ut dolor ultrices, interdum tellus non, dignissim elit. Proin quis consectetur sapien. Mauris pellentesque at felis nec iaculis. Nulla placerat quam posuere, auctor nisi ac, tristique elit. Etiam commodo, tellus quis facilisis feugiat, erat urna accumsan nisi, at dignissim sapien nisl sit amet enim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In varius placerat vestibulum. In facilisis erat ac sapien dapibus, in rhoncus enim porttitor. Praesent accumsan lobortis arcu, et auctor arcu vulputate eget.

    Integer eu arcu ut ante laoreet semper sit amet eu odio. Mauris in mollis sapien. Mauris ultrices porta lorem, in gravida ex rutrum efficitur. Fusce justo elit, sagittis eu ipsum eget, tristique accumsan lectus. Praesent vitae arcu vitae mauris vehicula feugiat a ut quam. Nam pretium sapien nec enim sagittis suscipit quis ut libero. Vivamus. [1k words]
    Image "a time of love"
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus magna orci, vulputate ac est quis, rhoncus consectetur ante. Praesent sit amet neque ac augue mollis interdum. Quisque faucibus mi at libero interdum, vitae auctor neque volutpat. Sed quis tortor consectetur, pellentesque quam eu, mattis sem. In tempus massa erat, ut tristique ex volutpat dictum. Aenean eu efficitur justo. Nulla ut nisl turpis. Praesent convallis laoreet magna. Morbi tincidunt urna dapibus ex feugiat, fermentum vulputate magna iaculis. Donec efficitur tempus augue vel pulvinar. Suspendisse iaculis ut orci nec vehicula.

    Cras non libero eros. Integer scelerisque et nibh vel aliquam. Suspendisse sollicitudin, nibh eget mollis dignissim, elit enim imperdiet justo, quis malesuada urna dolor ultricies massa. Quisque sed lectus erat. Nulla convallis urna ac sem finibus viverra. Aliquam dapibus arcu arcu. Donec facilisis pharetra ipsum vitae dignissim. Duis ut feugiat magna. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc leo diam, porta et tortor sit amet, blandit blandit diam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec molestie ipsum a leo gravida molestie quis sed urna. Sed dapibus ex tellus, porttitor lacinia mi auctor a. Integer ullamcorper mi ac libero convallis, eget convallis justo maximus. Sed iaculis magna vitae ante scelerisque pharetra.
    In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum condimentum condimentum risus ut convallis. Duis ultricies sapien metus, vel bibendum tortor egestas finibus. Praesent nisl mauris, aliquet ac vestibulum sit amet, condimentum commodo orci. Fusce in porttitor erat. Proin mattis tellus id elit euismod, vel aliquet ligula vulputate. Nulla molestie dui id odio dapibus aliquam.

    Ut sed dictum orci. Aliquam mollis, risus a tincidunt rutrum, sem sapien tempor sapien, quis rhoncus dolor velit in turpis. Vestibulum feugiat facilisis tortor sit amet volutpat. Maecenas luctus tellus quis molestie blandit. Vivamus sodales euismod ipsum sit amet consectetur. Sed ut nibh risus. Nulla ultrices eleifend volutpat. Morbi nibh ex, lacinia a turpis tristique, cursus pulvinar mauris. Etiam lacinia a nisi vitae tristique.

    Integer ac urna sem. Suspendisse malesuada eros non consequat pretium. Suspendisse condimentum tincidunt quam, vitae cursus purus lacinia ac. Vivamus aliquet tristique auctor. Mauris malesuada accumsan tempus. Curabitur fringilla libero libero, non pharetra risus suscipit ut. Etiam a sapien massa.

    Vivamus viverra a tortor ac euismod. Donec luctus dui a nisl accumsan, ac ullamcorper ex dignissim. Nunc eget tellus eget orci feugiat euismod. Mauris rhoncus quis sapien at ornare. Donec non maximus sem, sed tristique risus. Ut sodales mi a elit porttitor elementum. Vestibulum congue porta mi in tincidunt. Sed enim tellus, cursus id ullamcorper at, hendrerit eu odio. Sed volutpat mauris id ipsum malesuada cursus. In tempor lorem metus, et accumsan elit lacinia id. In sollicitudin tristique nisi, eget consequat dolor euismod nec. Nunc eget mauris at turpis aliquam tincidunt quis ac purus. Duis vulputate sodales turpis vel lobortis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

    Cras sodales lacus dapibus enim tempus, iaculis ultrices neque porta. Morbi ultrices ornare orci et sagittis. Nullam lorem odio, vehicula at magna vitae, lobortis sodales nunc. Vestibulum rhoncus lacinia ligula, nec mollis lorem hendrerit ut. In nec nisl id elit lobortis ultricies nec eget mi. Aliquam et lobortis elit, non mattis arcu. Cras gravida lectus in augue porttitor porttitor. Proin efficitur non odio euismod consectetur. Nulla vitae turpis venenatis, mollis mauris at, elementum libero. Praesent ac sapien ac est blandit euismod. Suspendisse potenti. Ut tristique nunc elit, sed suscipit erat venenatis vitae. Suspendisse sollicitudin purus mi, sodales porttitor risus lobortis non. Pellentesque tortor mauris, rhoncus vel purus sit amet, facilisis luctus felis. Etiam in augue vel arcu feugiat iaculis. Phasellus imperdiet ac dui ut aliquam.

    Aenean mattis dignissim est et convallis. In malesuada auctor sapien, at rutrum augue tempus eget. Suspendisse consequat condimentum nisi, non feugiat lorem posuere eu. Phasellus nec blandit dolor. Suspendisse placerat velit ac ante scelerisque mollis. Donec id augue cursus, vestibulum odio et, volutpat orci. Pellentesque interdum nisl quis magna posuere, et viverra mauris feugiat. Duis sagittis quis nisl eget mattis. Nulla laoreet, mi sit amet faucibus pellentesque, dolor quam pulvinar nulla, nec sollicitudin dui ipsum sit amet quam. Nullam placerat eros id porttitor condimentum. Nullam eros felis, aliquet id leo vel, varius gravida metus. Pellentesque consequat dolor ex, a auctor metus eleifend id. Ut porta cursus ipsum, ut tincidunt ante ultricies nec. Mauris semper lectus a tellus pretium, sed scelerisque augue finibus. Duis et lacus eget nulla venenatis pellentesque fermentum et ligula.

    Ut efficitur, libero sed rutrum pharetra, risus tortor gravida lorem, ac bibendum mi sem id lacus. Phasellus convallis nec nisi sit amet blandit. Cras sollicitudin, mauris eu efficitur lacinia, mauris neque ultricies lorem, vel dignissim ligula erat nec leo. Vivamus ac urna vitae magna mattis vulputate. Sed in scelerisque nisi. In tempus, lectus ut suscipit ultricies, enim elit mollis dolor, at accumsan augue nibh eget leo. Suspendisse congue et quam vel dignissim. Phasellus malesuada enim ex, eu vulputate neque pretium ut. Mauris facilisis sollicitudin erat, at consequat lorem tempor sed. Morbi varius interdum imperdiet. Cras justo dui, vulputate ut sem quis, blandit posuere erat. Quisque tincidunt dolor ut gravida imperdiet. Vivamus interdum eros ac lacus luctus pellentesque. Praesent at porta lectus. Sed consectetur, sapien et maximus sodales, nibh nibh convallis tortor, in ultrices magna turpis at massa.

    Maecenas ut dolor ultrices, interdum tellus non, dignissim elit. Proin quis consectetur sapien. Mauris pellentesque at felis nec iaculis. Nulla placerat quam posuere, auctor nisi ac, tristique elit. Etiam commodo, tellus quis facilisis feugiat, erat urna accumsan nisi, at dignissim sapien nisl sit amet enim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In varius placerat vestibulum. In facilisis erat ac sapien dapibus, in rhoncus enim porttitor. Praesent accumsan lobortis arcu, et auctor arcu vulputate eget.

    Integer eu arcu ut ante laoreet semper sit amet eu odio. Mauris in mollis sapien. Mauris ultrices porta lorem, in gravida ex rutrum efficitur. Fusce justo elit, sagittis eu ipsum eget, tristique accumsan lectus. Praesent vitae arcu vitae mauris vehicula feugiat a ut quam. Nam pretium sapien nec enim sagittis suscipit quis ut libero. Vivamus. [1k words]
    Image "a time of fear"
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus magna orci, vulputate ac est quis, rhoncus consectetur ante. Praesent sit amet neque ac augue mollis interdum. Quisque faucibus mi at libero interdum, vitae auctor neque volutpat. Sed quis tortor consectetur, pellentesque quam eu, mattis sem. In tempus massa erat, ut tristique ex volutpat dictum. Aenean eu efficitur justo. Nulla ut nisl turpis. Praesent convallis laoreet magna. Morbi tincidunt urna dapibus ex feugiat, fermentum vulputate magna iaculis. Donec efficitur tempus augue vel pulvinar. Suspendisse iaculis ut orci nec vehicula.

    Cras non libero eros. Integer scelerisque et nibh vel aliquam. Suspendisse sollicitudin, nibh eget mollis dignissim, elit enim imperdiet justo, quis malesuada urna dolor ultricies massa. Quisque sed lectus erat. Nulla convallis urna ac sem finibus viverra. Aliquam dapibus arcu arcu. Donec facilisis pharetra ipsum vitae dignissim. Duis ut feugiat magna. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc leo diam, porta et tortor sit amet, blandit blandit diam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec molestie ipsum a leo gravida molestie quis sed urna. Sed dapibus ex tellus, porttitor lacinia mi auctor a. Integer ullamcorper mi ac libero convallis, eget convallis justo maximus. Sed iaculis magna vitae ante scelerisque pharetra.

    In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum condimentum condimentum risus ut convallis. Duis ultricies sapien metus, vel bibendum tortor egestas finibus. Praesent nisl mauris, aliquet ac vestibulum sit amet, condimentum commodo orci. Fusce in porttitor erat. Proin mattis tellus id elit euismod, vel aliquet ligula vulputate. Nulla molestie dui id odio dapibus aliquam.

    Ut sed dictum orci. Aliquam mollis, risus a tincidunt rutrum, sem sapien tempor sapien, quis rhoncus dolor velit in turpis. Vestibulum feugiat facilisis tortor sit amet volutpat. Maecenas luctus tellus quis molestie blandit. Vivamus sodales euismod ipsum sit amet consectetur. Sed ut nibh risus. Nulla ultrices eleifend volutpat. Morbi nibh ex, lacinia a turpis tristique, cursus pulvinar mauris. Etiam lacinia a nisi vitae tristique.

    Integer ac urna sem. Suspendisse malesuada eros non consequat pretium. Suspendisse condimentum tincidunt quam, vitae cursus purus lacinia ac. Vivamus aliquet tristique auctor. Mauris malesuada accumsan tempus. Curabitur fringilla libero libero, non pharetra risus suscipit ut. Etiam a sapien massa.

    Vivamus viverra a tortor ac euismod. Donec luctus dui a nisl accumsan, ac ullamcorper ex dignissim. Nunc eget tellus eget orci feugiat euismod. Mauris rhoncus quis sapien at ornare. Donec non maximus sem, sed tristique risus. Ut sodales mi a elit porttitor elementum. Vestibulum congue porta mi in tincidunt. Sed enim tellus, cursus id ullamcorper at, hendrerit eu odio. Sed volutpat mauris id ipsum malesuada cursus. In tempor lorem metus, et accumsan elit lacinia id. In sollicitudin tristique nisi, eget consequat dolor euismod nec. Nunc eget mauris at turpis aliquam tincidunt quis ac purus. Duis vulputate sodales turpis vel lobortis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

    Cras sodales lacus dapibus enim tempus, iaculis ultrices neque porta. Morbi ultrices ornare orci et sagittis. Nullam lorem odio, vehicula at magna vitae, lobortis sodales nunc. Vestibulum rhoncus lacinia ligula, nec mollis lorem hendrerit ut. In nec nisl id elit lobortis ultricies nec eget mi. Aliquam et lobortis elit, non mattis arcu. Cras gravida lectus in augue porttitor porttitor. Proin efficitur non odio euismod consectetur. Nulla vitae turpis venenatis, mollis mauris at, elementum libero. Praesent ac sapien ac est blandit euismod. Suspendisse potenti. Ut tristique nunc elit, sed suscipit erat venenatis vitae. Suspendisse sollicitudin purus mi, sodales porttitor risus lobortis non. Pellentesque tortor mauris, rhoncus vel purus sit amet, facilisis luctus felis. Etiam in augue vel arcu feugiat iaculis. Phasellus imperdiet ac dui ut aliquam.

    Aenean mattis dignissim est et convallis. In malesuada auctor sapien, at rutrum augue tempus eget. Suspendisse consequat condimentum nisi, non feugiat lorem posuere eu. Phasellus nec blandit dolor. Suspendisse placerat velit ac ante scelerisque mollis. Donec id augue cursus, vestibulum odio et, volutpat orci. Pellentesque interdum nisl quis magna posuere, et viverra mauris feugiat. Duis sagittis quis nisl eget mattis. Nulla laoreet, mi sit amet faucibus pellentesque, dolor quam pulvinar nulla, nec sollicitudin dui ipsum sit amet quam. Nullam placerat eros id porttitor condimentum. Nullam eros felis, aliquet id leo vel, varius gravida metus. Pellentesque consequat dolor ex, a auctor metus eleifend id. Ut porta cursus ipsum, ut tincidunt ante ultricies nec. Mauris semper lectus a tellus pretium, sed scelerisque augue finibus. Duis et lacus eget nulla venenatis pellentesque fermentum et ligula.

    Ut efficitur, libero sed rutrum pharetra, risus tortor gravida lorem, ac bibendum mi sem id lacus. Phasellus convallis nec nisi sit amet blandit. Cras sollicitudin, mauris eu efficitur lacinia, mauris neque ultricies lorem, vel dignissim ligula erat nec leo. Vivamus ac urna vitae magna mattis vulputate. Sed in scelerisque nisi. In tempus, lectus ut suscipit ultricies, enim elit mollis dolor, at accumsan augue nibh eget leo. Suspendisse congue et quam vel dignissim. Phasellus malesuada enim ex, eu vulputate neque pretium ut. Mauris facilisis sollicitudin erat, at consequat lorem tempor sed. Morbi varius interdum imperdiet. Cras justo dui, vulputate ut sem quis, blandit posuere erat. Quisque tincidunt dolor ut gravida imperdiet. Vivamus interdum eros ac lacus luctus pellentesque. Praesent at porta lectus. Sed consectetur, sapien et maximus sodales, nibh nibh convallis tortor, in ultrices magna turpis at massa.

    Maecenas ut dolor ultrices, interdum tellus non, dignissim elit. Proin quis consectetur sapien. Mauris pellentesque at felis nec iaculis. Nulla placerat quam posuere, auctor nisi ac, tristique elit. Etiam commodo, tellus quis facilisis feugiat, erat urna accumsan nisi, at dignissim sapien nisl sit amet enim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In varius placerat vestibulum. In facilisis erat ac sapien dapibus, in rhoncus enim porttitor. Praesent accumsan lobortis arcu, et auctor arcu vulputate eget.

    Integer eu arcu ut ante laoreet semper sit amet eu odio. Mauris in mollis sapien. Mauris ultrices porta lorem, in gravida ex rutrum efficitur. Fusce justo elit, sagittis eu ipsum eget, tristique accumsan lectus. Praesent vitae arcu vitae mauris vehicula feugiat a ut quam. Nam pretium sapien nec enim sagittis suscipit quis ut libero. Vivamus. [1k words]
    Image "the time she came face-to-face with perversion"
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus magna orci, vulputate ac est quis, rhoncus consectetur ante. Praesent sit amet neque ac augue mollis interdum. Quisque faucibus mi at libero interdum, vitae auctor neque volutpat. Sed quis tortor consectetur, pellentesque quam eu, mattis sem. In tempus massa erat, ut tristique ex volutpat dictum. Aenean eu efficitur justo. Nulla ut nisl turpis. Praesent convallis laoreet magna. Morbi tincidunt urna dapibus ex feugiat, fermentum vulputate magna iaculis. Donec efficitur tempus augue vel pulvinar. Suspendisse iaculis ut orci nec vehicula.

    Cras non libero eros. Integer scelerisque et nibh vel aliquam. Suspendisse sollicitudin, nibh eget mollis dignissim, elit enim imperdiet justo, quis malesuada urna dolor ultricies massa. Quisque sed lectus erat. Nulla convallis urna ac sem finibus viverra. Aliquam dapibus arcu arcu. Donec facilisis pharetra ipsum vitae dignissim. Duis ut feugiat magna. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc leo diam, porta et tortor sit amet, blandit blandit diam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec molestie ipsum a leo gravida molestie quis sed urna. Sed dapibus ex tellus, porttitor lacinia mi auctor a. Integer ullamcorper mi ac libero convallis, eget convallis justo maximus. Sed iaculis magna vitae ante scelerisque pharetra.

    In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum condimentum condimentum risus ut convallis. Duis ultricies sapien metus, vel bibendum tortor egestas finibus. Praesent nisl mauris, aliquet ac vestibulum sit amet, condimentum commodo orci. Fusce in porttitor erat. Proin mattis tellus id elit euismod, vel aliquet ligula vulputate. Nulla molestie dui id odio dapibus aliquam.

    Ut sed dictum orci. Aliquam mollis, risus a tincidunt rutrum, sem sapien tempor sapien, quis rhoncus dolor velit in turpis. Vestibulum feugiat facilisis tortor sit amet volutpat. Maecenas luctus tellus quis molestie blandit. Vivamus sodales euismod ipsum sit amet consectetur. Sed ut nibh risus. Nulla ultrices eleifend volutpat. Morbi nibh ex, lacinia a turpis tristique, cursus pulvinar mauris. Etiam lacinia a nisi vitae tristique.

    Integer ac urna sem. Suspendisse malesuada eros non consequat pretium. Suspendisse condimentum tincidunt quam, vitae cursus purus lacinia ac. Vivamus aliquet tristique auctor. Mauris malesuada accumsan tempus. Curabitur fringilla libero libero, non pharetra risus suscipit ut. Etiam a sapien massa.

    Vivamus viverra a tortor ac euismod. Donec luctus dui a nisl accumsan, ac ullamcorper ex dignissim. Nunc eget tellus eget orci feugiat euismod. Mauris rhoncus quis sapien at ornare. Donec non maximus sem, sed tristique risus. Ut sodales mi a elit porttitor elementum. Vestibulum congue porta mi in tincidunt. Sed enim tellus, cursus id ullamcorper at, hendrerit eu odio. Sed volutpat mauris id ipsum malesuada cursus. In tempor lorem metus, et accumsan elit lacinia id. In sollicitudin tristique nisi, eget consequat dolor euismod nec. Nunc eget mauris at turpis aliquam tincidunt quis ac purus. Duis vulputate sodales turpis vel lobortis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

    Cras sodales lacus dapibus enim tempus, iaculis ultrices neque porta. Morbi ultrices ornare orci et sagittis. Nullam lorem odio, vehicula at magna vitae, lobortis sodales nunc. Vestibulum rhoncus lacinia ligula, nec mollis lorem hendrerit ut. In nec nisl id elit lobortis ultricies nec eget mi. Aliquam et lobortis elit, non mattis arcu. Cras gravida lectus in augue porttitor porttitor. Proin efficitur non odio euismod consectetur. Nulla vitae turpis venenatis, mollis mauris at, elementum libero. Praesent ac sapien ac est blandit euismod. Suspendisse potenti. Ut tristique nunc elit, sed suscipit erat venenatis vitae. Suspendisse sollicitudin purus mi, sodales porttitor risus lobortis non. Pellentesque tortor mauris, rhoncus vel purus sit amet, facilisis luctus felis. Etiam in augue vel arcu feugiat iaculis. Phasellus imperdiet ac dui ut aliquam.

    Aenean mattis dignissim est et convallis. In malesuada auctor sapien, at rutrum augue tempus eget. Suspendisse consequat condimentum nisi, non feugiat lorem posuere eu. Phasellus nec blandit dolor. Suspendisse placerat velit ac ante scelerisque mollis. Donec id augue cursus, vestibulum odio et, volutpat orci. Pellentesque interdum nisl quis magna posuere, et viverra mauris feugiat. Duis sagittis quis nisl eget mattis. Nulla laoreet, mi sit amet faucibus pellentesque, dolor quam pulvinar nulla, nec sollicitudin dui ipsum sit amet quam. Nullam placerat eros id porttitor condimentum. Nullam eros felis, aliquet id leo vel, varius gravida metus. Pellentesque consequat dolor ex, a auctor metus eleifend id. Ut porta cursus ipsum, ut tincidunt ante ultricies nec. Mauris semper lectus a tellus pretium, sed scelerisque augue finibus. Duis et lacus eget nulla venenatis pellentesque fermentum et ligula.

    Ut efficitur, libero sed rutrum pharetra, risus tortor gravida lorem, ac bibendum mi sem id lacus. Phasellus convallis nec nisi sit amet blandit. Cras sollicitudin, mauris eu efficitur lacinia, mauris neque ultricies lorem, vel dignissim ligula erat nec leo. Vivamus ac urna vitae magna mattis vulputate. Sed in scelerisque nisi. In tempus, lectus ut suscipit ultricies, enim elit mollis dolor, at accumsan augue nibh eget leo. Suspendisse congue et quam vel dignissim. Phasellus malesuada enim ex, eu vulputate neque pretium ut. Mauris facilisis sollicitudin erat, at consequat lorem tempor sed. Morbi varius interdum imperdiet. Cras justo dui, vulputate ut sem quis, blandit posuere erat. Quisque tincidunt dolor ut gravida imperdiet. Vivamus interdum eros ac lacus luctus pellentesque. Praesent at porta lectus. Sed consectetur, sapien et maximus sodales, nibh nibh convallis tortor, in ultrices magna turpis at massa.

    Maecenas ut dolor ultrices, interdum tellus non, dignissim elit. Proin quis consectetur sapien. Mauris pellentesque at felis nec iaculis. Nulla placerat quam posuere, auctor nisi ac, tristique elit. Etiam commodo, tellus quis facilisis feugiat, erat urna accumsan nisi, at dignissim sapien nisl sit amet enim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In varius placerat vestibulum. In facilisis erat ac sapien dapibus, in rhoncus enim porttitor. Praesent accumsan lobortis arcu, et auctor arcu vulputate eget.

    Integer eu arcu ut ante laoreet semper sit amet eu odio. Mauris in mollis sapien. Mauris ultrices porta lorem, in gravida ex rutrum efficitur. Fusce justo elit, sagittis eu ipsum eget, tristique accumsan lectus. Praesent vitae arcu vitae mauris vehicula feugiat a ut quam. Nam pretium sapien nec enim sagittis suscipit quis ut libero. Vivamus. [1k words]
    Image "A new world."
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus magna orci, vulputate ac est quis, rhoncus consectetur ante. Praesent sit amet neque ac augue mollis interdum. Quisque faucibus mi at libero interdum, vitae auctor neque volutpat. Sed quis tortor consectetur, pellentesque quam eu, mattis sem. In tempus massa erat, ut tristique ex volutpat dictum. Aenean eu efficitur justo. Nulla ut nisl turpis. Praesent convallis laoreet magna. Morbi tincidunt urna dapibus ex feugiat, fermentum vulputate magna iaculis. Donec efficitur tempus augue vel pulvinar. Suspendisse iaculis ut orci nec vehicula.

    Cras non libero eros. Integer scelerisque et nibh vel aliquam. Suspendisse sollicitudin, nibh eget mollis dignissim, elit enim imperdiet justo, quis malesuada urna dolor ultricies massa. Quisque sed lectus erat. Nulla convallis urna ac sem finibus viverra. Aliquam dapibus arcu arcu. Donec facilisis pharetra ipsum vitae dignissim. Duis ut feugiat magna. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nunc leo diam, porta et tortor sit amet, blandit blandit diam. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec molestie ipsum a leo gravida molestie quis sed urna. Sed dapibus ex tellus, porttitor lacinia mi auctor a. Integer ullamcorper mi ac libero convallis, eget convallis justo maximus. Sed iaculis magna vitae ante scelerisque pharetra.

    In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum condimentum condimentum risus ut convallis. Duis ultricies sapien metus, vel bibendum tortor egestas finibus. Praesent nisl mauris, aliquet ac vestibulum sit amet, condimentum commodo orci. Fusce in porttitor erat. Proin mattis tellus id elit euismod, vel aliquet ligula vulputate. Nulla molestie dui id odio dapibus aliquam.

    Ut sed dictum orci. Aliquam mollis, risus a tincidunt rutrum, sem sapien tempor sapien, quis rhoncus dolor velit in turpis. Vestibulum feugiat facilisis tortor sit amet volutpat. Maecenas luctus tellus quis molestie blandit. Vivamus sodales euismod ipsum sit amet consectetur. Sed ut nibh risus. Nulla ultrices eleifend volutpat. Morbi nibh ex, lacinia a turpis tristique, cursus pulvinar mauris. Etiam lacinia a nisi vitae tristique.

    Integer ac urna sem. Suspendisse malesuada eros non consequat pretium. Suspendisse condimentum tincidunt quam, vitae cursus purus lacinia ac. Vivamus aliquet tristique auctor. Mauris malesuada accumsan tempus. Curabitur fringilla libero libero, non pharetra risus suscipit ut. Etiam a sapien massa.

    Vivamus viverra a tortor ac euismod. Donec luctus dui a nisl accumsan, ac ullamcorper ex dignissim. Nunc eget tellus eget orci feugiat euismod. Mauris rhoncus quis sapien at ornare. Donec non maximus sem, sed tristique risus. Ut sodales mi a elit porttitor elementum. Vestibulum congue porta mi in tincidunt. Sed enim tellus, cursus id ullamcorper at, hendrerit eu odio. Sed volutpat mauris id ipsum malesuada cursus. In tempor lorem metus, et accumsan elit lacinia id. In sollicitudin tristique nisi, eget consequat dolor euismod nec. Nunc eget mauris at turpis aliquam tincidunt quis ac purus. Duis vulputate sodales turpis vel lobortis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

    Cras sodales lacus dapibus enim tempus, iaculis ultrices neque porta. Morbi ultrices ornare orci et sagittis. Nullam lorem odio, vehicula at magna vitae, lobortis sodales nunc. Vestibulum rhoncus lacinia ligula, nec mollis lorem hendrerit ut. In nec nisl id elit lobortis ultricies nec eget mi. Aliquam et lobortis elit, non mattis arcu. Cras gravida lectus in augue porttitor porttitor. Proin efficitur non odio euismod consectetur. Nulla vitae turpis venenatis, mollis mauris at, elementum libero. Praesent ac sapien ac est blandit euismod. Suspendisse potenti. Ut tristique nunc elit, sed suscipit erat venenatis vitae. Suspendisse sollicitudin purus mi, sodales porttitor risus lobortis non. Pellentesque tortor mauris, rhoncus vel purus sit amet, facilisis luctus felis. Etiam in augue vel arcu feugiat iaculis. Phasellus imperdiet ac dui ut aliquam.

    Aenean mattis dignissim est et convallis. In malesuada auctor sapien, at rutrum augue tempus eget. Suspendisse consequat condimentum nisi, non feugiat lorem posuere eu. Phasellus nec blandit dolor. Suspendisse placerat velit ac ante scelerisque mollis. Donec id augue cursus, vestibulum odio et, volutpat orci. Pellentesque interdum nisl quis magna posuere, et viverra mauris feugiat. Duis sagittis quis nisl eget mattis. Nulla laoreet, mi sit amet faucibus pellentesque, dolor quam pulvinar nulla, nec sollicitudin dui ipsum sit amet quam. Nullam placerat eros id porttitor condimentum. Nullam eros felis, aliquet id leo vel, varius gravida metus. Pellentesque consequat dolor ex, a auctor metus eleifend id. Ut porta cursus ipsum, ut tincidunt ante ultricies nec. Mauris semper lectus a tellus pretium, sed scelerisque augue finibus. Duis et lacus eget nulla venenatis pellentesque fermentum et ligula.

    Ut efficitur, libero sed rutrum pharetra, risus tortor gravida lorem, ac bibendum mi sem id lacus. Phasellus convallis nec nisi sit amet blandit. Cras sollicitudin, mauris eu efficitur lacinia, mauris neque ultricies lorem, vel dignissim ligula erat nec leo. Vivamus ac urna vitae magna mattis vulputate. Sed in scelerisque nisi. In tempus, lectus ut suscipit ultricies, enim elit mollis dolor, at accumsan augue nibh eget leo. Suspendisse congue et quam vel dignissim. Phasellus malesuada enim ex, eu vulputate neque pretium ut. Mauris facilisis sollicitudin erat, at consequat lorem tempor sed. Morbi varius interdum imperdiet. Cras justo dui, vulputate ut sem quis, blandit posuere erat. Quisque tincidunt dolor ut gravida imperdiet. Vivamus interdum eros ac lacus luctus pellentesque. Praesent at porta lectus. Sed consectetur, sapien et maximus sodales, nibh nibh convallis tortor, in ultrices magna turpis at massa.

    Maecenas ut dolor ultrices, interdum tellus non, dignissim elit. Proin quis consectetur sapien. Mauris pellentesque at felis nec iaculis. Nulla placerat quam posuere, auctor nisi ac, tristique elit. Etiam commodo, tellus quis facilisis feugiat, erat urna accumsan nisi, at dignissim sapien nisl sit amet enim. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In varius placerat vestibulum. In facilisis erat ac sapien dapibus, in rhoncus enim porttitor. Praesent accumsan lobortis arcu, et auctor arcu vulputate eget.

    Integer eu arcu ut ante laoreet semper sit amet eu odio. Mauris in mollis sapien. Mauris ultrices porta lorem, in gravida ex rutrum efficitur. Fusce justo elit, sagittis eu ipsum eget, tristique accumsan lectus. Praesent vitae arcu vitae mauris vehicula feugiat a ut quam. Nam pretium sapien nec enim sagittis suscipit quis ut libero. Vivamus. [1k words]

    Image Extra p1.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam facilisis venenatis magna, eu mollis metus maximus eget. Aliquam sagittis nulla mauris, eu tempus tortor suscipit ut. Duis pellentesque sem vitae magna rutrum, at consequat libero vulputate. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Maecenas sit amet gravida erat. Pellentesque hendrerit lobortis sapien sit amet hendrerit. Proin in dolor vel eros fermentum dapibus at quis purus.

    Proin eu malesuada tortor. Etiam venenatis cursus dolor vitae dictum. Duis a porta arcu. Aenean nec sem ac magna aliquam dictum. Suspendisse consequat efficitur luctus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed mauris dui, sagittis et egestas quis, feugiat vel metus. Curabitur dictum, nisl nec consequat hendrerit, nibh erat condimentum est, vel volutpat justo libero a ante.

    Sed eget justo nibh. Ut vel purus felis. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi fringilla velit in nunc finibus, nec rhoncus lacus gravida. Quisque varius porttitor varius. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nam eget massa in mi finibus sollicitudin ac nec enim. Donec lectus massa, bibendum lacinia nunc ac, lobortis feugiat mi. Fusce maximus suscipit tortor ac vulputate. Phasellus gravida posuere euismod. Nam condimentum ex nunc, a convallis nisi euismod nec. Duis hendrerit in eros nec volutpat. Sed commodo dolor et fermentum pulvinar.

    In nec laoreet ligula, a commodo nisl. Praesent tincidunt odio lectus. Vivamus euismod ornare vestibulum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin vestibulum sollicitudin felis a ultricies. Curabitur massa quam, fermentum at maximus a, hendrerit eu lacus. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque molestie iaculis felis ac laoreet. Vestibulum vel dui quis libero mollis mattis et vel neque. Sed libero lacus, pharetra ac orci vel, convallis suscipit ante. Aliquam consequat, augue et semper commodo, nisi nulla luctus odio, non lobortis ipsum arcu et risus. Praesent non nunc ipsum.

    Cras metus ligula, sagittis ac ipsum a, aliquet elementum orci. Nam vitae mi sit amet odio iaculis pharetra. Donec egestas, ligula in maximus finibus, justo ex rhoncus lacus, ac porttitor nibh augue nec sem. Proin volutpat sapien augue, non condimentum eros imperdiet nec. Sed scelerisque commodo consectetur. Nunc accumsan luctus sem, in lobortis nisi viverra ut. Maecenas id mollis urna. Duis ultricies nulla sed lacus ultrices vulputate. Nulla id tellus aliquet, hendrerit sem id, mollis elit. Sed eget dui justo. Praesent nunc eros, gravida vel semper eu, lobortis tempus tortor. Nullam et urna quis lacus egestas placerat.

    Vivamus ut convallis odio. Nam vel eros ac libero tempor posuere. Sed sagittis est quis magna vulputate consequat. Pellentesque sed nisl vel tellus ornare porta. In elementum varius nulla vitae facilisis. Praesent aliquam lacus varius velit pharetra laoreet. Donec a nisl pretium, pulvinar felis vel, fringilla metus. Suspendisse pretium, ex sit amet euismod fermentum, lacus ex sodales quam, nec consectetur eros nulla porta risus. Donec quam elit, condimentum et volutpat non, vestibulum in tellus. Morbi ac nibh ex. Etiam sollicitudin dapibus magna, eget mollis elit ultrices fringilla. Ut ac odio fringilla, efficitur elit condimentum, pellentesque nulla. Nulla dapibus viverra justo at tempor. In aliquam, mi eu elementum.[500k words]

    Image Extra p2.
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam facilisis venenatis magna, eu mollis metus maximus eget. Aliquam sagittis nulla mauris, eu tempus tortor suscipit ut. Duis pellentesque sem vitae magna rutrum, at consequat libero vulputate. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Maecenas sit amet gravida erat. Pellentesque hendrerit lobortis sapien sit amet hendrerit. Proin in dolor vel eros fermentum dapibus at quis purus.

    Proin eu malesuada tortor. Etiam venenatis cursus dolor vitae dictum. Duis a porta arcu. Aenean nec sem ac magna aliquam dictum. Suspendisse consequat efficitur luctus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed mauris dui, sagittis et egestas quis, feugiat vel metus. Curabitur dictum, nisl nec consequat hendrerit, nibh erat condimentum est, vel volutpat justo libero a ante.

    Sed eget justo nibh. Ut vel purus felis. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi fringilla velit in nunc finibus, nec rhoncus lacus gravida. Quisque varius porttitor varius. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nam eget massa in mi finibus sollicitudin ac nec enim. Donec lectus massa, bibendum lacinia nunc ac, lobortis feugiat mi. Fusce maximus suscipit tortor ac vulputate. Phasellus gravida posuere euismod. Nam condimentum ex nunc, a convallis nisi euismod nec. Duis hendrerit in eros nec volutpat. Sed commodo dolor et fermentum pulvinar.

    In nec laoreet ligula, a commodo nisl. Praesent tincidunt odio lectus. Vivamus euismod ornare vestibulum. Aliquam erat volutpat. Proin vestibulum sollicitudin felis a ultricies. Curabitur massa quam, fermentum at maximus a, hendrerit eu lacus. Suspendisse potenti. Pellentesque molestie iaculis felis ac laoreet. Vestibulum vel dui quis libero mollis mattis et vel neque. Sed libero lacus, pharetra ac orci vel, convallis suscipit ante. Aliquam consequat, augue et semper commodo, nisi nulla luctus odio, non lobortis ipsum arcu et risus. Praesent non nunc ipsum.

    Cras metus ligula, sagittis ac ipsum a, aliquet elementum orci. Nam vitae mi sit amet odio iaculis pharetra. Donec egestas, ligula in maximus finibus, justo ex rhoncus lacus, ac porttitor nibh augue nec sem. Proin volutpat sapien augue, non condimentum eros imperdiet nec. Sed scelerisque commodo consectetur. Nunc accumsan luctus sem, in lobortis nisi viverra ut. Maecenas id mollis urna. Duis ultricies nulla sed lacus ultrices vulputate. Nulla id tellus aliquet, hendrerit sem id, mollis elit. Sed eget dui justo. Praesent nunc eros, gravida vel semper eu, lobortis tempus tortor. Nullam et urna quis lacus egestas placerat.

    Vivamus ut convallis odio. Nam vel eros ac libero tempor posuere. Sed sagittis est quis magna vulputate consequat. Pellentesque sed nisl vel tellus ornare porta. In elementum varius nulla vitae facilisis. Praesent aliquam lacus varius velit pharetra laoreet. Donec a nisl pretium, pulvinar felis vel, fringilla metus. Suspendisse pretium, ex sit amet euismod fermentum, lacus ex sodales quam, nec consectetur eros nulla porta risus. Donec quam elit, condimentum et volutpat non, vestibulum in tellus. Morbi ac nibh ex. Etiam sollicitudin dapibus magna, eget mollis elit ultrices fringilla. Ut ac odio fringilla, efficitur elit condimentum, pellentesque nulla. Nulla dapibus viverra justo at tempor. In aliquam, mi eu elementum.[500k words]
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This is a story about the galaxy breathing...

Postby Hail. » Sun Sep 17, 2017 6:57 am

(Formerly known as Chiro)
Gender: male

Quietly, the child slipped from his home and crept through the grass padded ground to the old oak tree which marked the place where he met with her. The soft grass crackled slightly beneath his weight as he slowed to a stop beside the oak. His eyes scanned the area, searching for her anxiously. It was dark, and though his mother was asleep, he knew that the chance still stood for his absence to be noticed. He fidgeted where he stood as he looked for her, and after a while, he began to slowly move from his place to return home. A soft creaking stopped him in his tracks and he turned to look up at the oak's branches. There, in the safety of the tree, his aunt smiled down with luminous amber eyes. With a graceful movement, she dropped from the branches and landed gently in the grass below. “I see you are as patient as ever, Libra.” The child’s eyes illuminated at the mention of the name given to him by his aunt.
“Ah, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be impatient, it’s just that-” His eyes flickered to and fro while a small smile played on his lips. He was digging for a way to tell her the truth without upsetting her, and was failing miserably.
His aunt smiled gently at him, though sadness touched her eyes. “Are your siblings causing you grief again?”
“No, not them this time…” His eyes dropped to the grass.
Her frown deepened and she lowered herself to the ground before patting the grass beside her with a paw. “Well now, you’re safe here. Come over and tell me what you want to hear tonight.”
Excited, he sprinted forward and dove into his aunt's’ side where he nestled up and looked up at the stars with wide and eager eyes. He looked up to her after a moment and gave her a large grin.
She laughed cheerfully and gently shook her head. “That one, again?”
“Uh-huh!” He nodded eagerly, his eyes sparkling.
With a gentle sigh, she caved easily and nodded. “Well, I guess I can’t say no to that face. Now. Where does it begin?”
“How rare and beautiful!”
She laughed and looked down at the grinning child. “Now why am I telling it when you know how it goes?”
“You tell it so much better, though!”
She playfully rolled her eyes and chuckled as she returned her gaze to the stars above. “Have you ever
thought about how rare and beautiful it is that we are alive and here? There are millions of species and millions of creatures within each, and yet we just so happened to become the same species and in the same family. Have you ever thought about how amazing it is that we are not just something which is here to live and die? Our light carries on endlessly, even after these bodies fail us. We are infinite and numerous in the most amazing ways.” She spread her paws across the stars, getting caught into her own tale. Beside her, he gazed with huge eyes at the stars, absorbing her words and sealing them deep within his heart. She talked for most of the night until her breath came out in shallow pants, but her smile never faded. As the moon began to rise above her head, she turned to him and smiled. “The universe and everything within it, it was all made to be seen by your eyes.” She gently touched his nose with her paw, and he gazed up at her in wonder. They stayed like that for a moment, the magic of the tale still drifting around them. “Okay, I think I have kept you up late enough. Be careful going back home, and have sweet dreams.” She gave a gentle kiss on the top of his head and gave him a gentle nudge to encourage him. He got up and began to return, but stopped in his steps and turned to face her with a question.
“Auntie, if we are so rare to be able to be in the same family, why am I not your child?”
She gave him a half-hearted smile. “The universe is strange. It takes certain things from others and gives them new things in exchange, but everything it does is for a reason. That is all I can say now, but perhaps when you’re older, you will understand. Now, hurry home and catch some shut eye.”
“Good night, auntie.” He smiled broadly at her before turning and scampering back along the path to return to his home. Behind him, his aunt released a gentle sigh and looked up at the distant twinkling stars solemnly.

His morning started with a shout, something that was no longer unusual. “Chiro! Get up!”
He jolted to wake and fumbled out of his bed. Above his small den, he could hear the thudding of steps as his family started up their day. He quickly rushed out, stretching his legs as he moved. The piercing light forced his eyes to squint and he raised a paw to shield them. After a moment a shadow cast over him and he lowered his paw to gaze up at the disapproving glare of his mother. Her mouth was twisted into a scowl and her eyes glowered down at him from a lifted snout. “Lazy. You always wake up so late! Since you thought you could get away from chores by sleeping in, you will have to do Mirya’s as well. Get to it!” She turned away and snapped her tail. Behind him, he could hear the snickers of his siblings, but he did nothing against it and instead got to work.
Life had always been this way for Chiro. Days were filled with work and chores and nights were filled with wonder and magic. If he had the choice, he would have run off to live with his aunt ages ago, but she never allowed him to. Everytime he brought up the idea, she would frantically dismiss it and promise him that things would get better. He clung to her words with all his might, and now they were the only things holding him together. As he went through the chores of the day beneath the burning sun, he recited her tales under his breath and found joy within his work. When remembering her stories, he saw the universe in a new light. Everything around him was so pristine and pure, rare in every way. The impossibility of everything existing in the way it does was great, and yet here it all is, shining before him in the midday light. With these thoughts in mind, his chores didn’t seem that terrible anymore.
“Chiro, where were you last night?” The child turned to face his brother as he approached. His body was stocky and his legs were more bulky than toned. His head was slightly larger than normal and the size was only emphasized by the smaller than normal ears which pricked and flicked in an overconfident attempt at intimidation. He flashed his teeth in a sneer and Chiro gazed blankly at the dark gold patches on his fangs. He did not care for his mouth, and Chiro could see him in the future with cracked and missing teeth. “I noticed you were gone from your bed. You know mom won’t be happy to hear that you’ve been sneaking off into the darkness.”
“Yeah, I wonder what kind of punishment she would give if she knew about your insubordination, Chiro.” Mirya jogged over, her head swaying from side to side as she jeered at him. She was an awkwardly small viscet with a stomach that was so thin that Chiro could wrap his paws around it. Her chest feathers were choppy in size after a scuffle with her older brother and one feather from the crest on her back stuck out sharply to the side in a way that made Chiro want to pluck it to be rid of it. Pin feathers poked through along her cheek, head, and neck giving her an awkward and pointed appearance. Her paws were small for her legs and she often struggled to balance, but what her paws lacked for in size her broad tail made up for in width.
“I wasn’t out anywhere, I just fell asleep in the corner. You guys just didn’t look hard enough.” Chiro kept his tone calm, trying his best not to give them what they wanted. They had approached him to see him squirm and grovel at their paws, begging for them to not tell mother, but he would not. Mother did not care for his safety. The only thing she would be upset about upon hearing that he had snuck out at night would be the risk to her reputation with that male she had been flirting with.
“Oh really, now? You wanna know something?” His brother drew closer to him, and Chiro’s feathers stiffened as his brother threw a bulky arm over his shoulder and leaned into his ear. “Mom hates you. It’s true. She talks about getting rid of you at night. She wants to sell you to the wolf pack nearby in exchange for a few scraps of hare, because that is all you’re worth. You are nothing but a stack of meat for trade. We would have eaten you ages ago if we could stomach the wretched odor you have.”
Chiro held still and focused heavily on keeping his breathing level as his brother spoke. After he was done, his brother spat on his face and shoved Chiro away with a sharp cackle. He and his sister turned away and left to play while Chiro pulled himself from the ground. His eyes burned, but he forced himself to keep control and not give them the satisfaction of his tears. He finished the rest of his chores in silence, and as night fell, he curled up in his bed and listened, waiting for the signs of his families slumber.

“Auntie, you said everything happens for a reason, right?”
His aunt looked down at him and gave a gentle nod, wondering why he seemed so distant.
“What about bad things? Why do heros die, then?”
His aunt turned her head to the stars and pondered her next words. “Well, that is hard to answer because I don’t know.” Beside her, his head snapped to face her and the child stared up with wide, confused eyes. “But that does not mean my belief wavers. There are infinite things we do not know and may never know in this life, but that does not mean that what we does not know is not true.” She turned to the boy and placed a paw over the soft feathers resting above his heart. “It is called faith. One day, after this life has come to a close, I have faith that I will understand why everything that has happened to me happened, be it good or bad. I will understand everything and nothing will be hidden from darkness. So, I do believe that everything happens for a reason, even though I cannot always identify the particular reason.”
Slowly, the child turned his head away and to the ground and his eyes honed in on a pale blade of grass. “What if you’re wrong?” His aunt tilted her head, and he continued. “What if, when we die, it is nothing. What if the bad things never do have a purpose, and what if everything I do here is all for nothing. Then what?”
“Well, that is another thing I cannot answer. I suppose that time will reveal all of our answers only when it is ready.”
The child furrowed his brows for a minute, but eventually relaxed and gave out a gentle sigh which was followed by a somber nod. “I guess that is true… Could you tell me the story again?”
His aunt chuckled and pulled him close in a hug. “Of course, anything for you.”

The years passed in a constant pattern for Chiro. The days were filled with work and torment, and the nights were filled with questions and wonder. As he grew and progressed, Chiro became physically fit from his tasks and mentally strong from his constant pondering. He had gained control over himself, and the jeering of his siblings, though they never eased, were less and less of a challenge to bear each day. Each day brought new challenges, but Chiro was always prepared for them and faced them with confidence, no matter how great or complicated, and they were surly great challenges. His mother’s anger towards him grew each day as she saw him grow into a handsome and powerful viscet while his siblings grew in a slightly different way. His brothers muscle had faded and the bulk was now the source of eating too many creatures while lacking chores. He lacked discipline and responsibility, and went through his days with intimidation alone. His head and ears never leveled out, and his tail had gotten a crick in it from unknown causes. His sister was in no better shape. She was unhealthily thin and appeared to be as frail as glass. Her pin feathers had become full feathers, but new ones still remained on her face, and that one crooked feather never went away. When placed beside them, Chiro made his siblings look ill, and his mother hated it.
“I’m already working on it.” The typical shout from his mother was met by a calm statement. In the soft orange light of morning, chiro pulled the rusted tool which tilled the ground. They never did plant anything, and tilling the ground was a useless task, but Chiro never complained and completed his chores without question. He pulled the tool in silence as his siblings awoke from their slumber and his mother pulled herself from her den. “Breakfast is ready.”
His mother glared at him from the entrance to her den. “A good morning would be appreciated, Chiro.”
“Good morning, mother.” His mother let out a scoff and turned away to eat. She approached the food and touched it with a paw before yanking her paw back with a sharp snarl.
“Are you trying to kill us, Chiro!? This is too cold! Heat it up!”
Chiro gave her a stoic stare for a moment before taking off the tool and picking up a stick. “I’ll be back soon.”
“You’d better!”
Chiro turned away and jogged off into the woods. Once he was far enough from her, he gave an extravagant eyeroll. He stopped at a small pile of dried shrubbery and set to work. After some effort, a fire sparked to life and he lit the ends of the stick before stomping out the flames on the ground and heading back. He moved quickly and with purpose to reach the food before the fire reached him or burned out. Once home, he moved quickly to the food and placed the burning stick beneath it. After several moments, he swiped the stick out from beneath the food and dropped it on the ground before smothering the flames. His mother approached the food and touched it with a paw. She hesitated for a moment before giving him a slight glare. “Good enough. Get back to work.”

Chiro turned away and returned to his morning chores, happy to be away from her. He spent most of the day working, and as noon rolled around, a strange scent began to fill the air. Chiro stopped his chores and turned to survey the skies. There, above the trees and growing closer, he noticed black smoke streaking into the skies. His blood shot cold and he stood frozen, staring at the forest. Behind him, he heard his mother shout at him and then the remarks of his family as they noticed the smoke, but their voices were distant. Without hesitation, he took off into the woods, racing along the familiar paths which would be filled with wonder at night. He sprinted past trees and lept over rows of bushes, a single thought in his mind. He stopped at the oak tree and sniffed the grass where he and his aunt would sit. He quickly found her scent and lifted his snout into the air where he searched. In the distance, though faint, he caught her trail and took off running. He rushed through the forest and entered the burning part. Golden embers shined from within trees and on the ground, and flames crested the branches of trees and bushes. He blasted past the burning plant life, following the growing scent of his aunt. She was close, and his heart began to pick up in pace. He broke through a burning bush and took a moment to pat the flames from his leg. As he did, he noticed a familiar color. His head shot up and he stared at his aunt as she carried a fox. Her fur was darkened by soot and ash and her eyes were dark and red from the heat and smoke. She set the fox down and turned as if to go back into the flames. From his position, Chiro called out to her and her head snapped to face him. She called out to him, though he could not hear her words through the crackling fire. Chiro started to call to her, telling her to come close, but as he did she turned away and ran deeper into the woods. Without hesitation, Chiro rushed after her, intent on bringing her out of the woods in one piece. He followed her scent and paw prints until he finally saw her once more. He called out to her, and as he did, a tree fell. In a rush of sparks and ash, it collapsed, and Chiros vision was clouded by the ash. A scream erupted from him and he sprinted forward and searched around the log. He froze at the sight of a familiar feather, painted with blood.

Chiro’s movements were slow and heavy. His paws trailed long marks in the mud as he pulled himself into the clearing which marked his home. He did not remember what spurred him back, nor did he know why he left. He was empty, now. After all of these years, he had finally broken.
Above, the sky was painted a different shade of night by smoke and ash. The sun was blocked out and the luminous blues turned hazy and grim. Beneath the dark light, those Chiro resided by scrambled to and fro to pack everything. Upon noticing him, the dictator turned to face him and shouted with a savage voice. “This is all your fault, Chiro! Now help us pack!” She turned away and rushed to gather more things, and, for the first time, Chiro did not move. The fat male who was helping the scrawny female hoist up a package of meat turned to him and bared his rotting fangs. He approached Chiro swiftly, savagery leaking from his breath. “Did you not hear her?! Get to work, runt!” Chiro did not blink. “Are you deaf?!” Chiro remained still, but within him something began to stir to life. “Help us pack or die in the fire you useless little pest!” The male shoved Chiro with all his might, his forepaws connecting fiercely with Chiro’s chest. Chiro rocked back from the force and one leg stepped back, however, in the blink of an eye, that which had awoken within Chiro roared to life. His foot moved forward and his right paw stretched out and flexed. Claws met flesh in an array of red and the fat viscet fell to the ground, a series of gurgles and sputters coming from his mouth. The scrawny viscet and the dictator turned and stared with large eyes at the scene before them. Without a word, Chiro wiped red from himself and his golden eyes turned to those who had held him down. The scrawny one stepped back, fear shimmering in her pale eyes, and the dictators mouth twisted abnormally as she stared at Chiro with complete hatred. “Chir-”
“Don’t call me that.” His head whipped to face the dictator and her feathers rose from the burning look in his eyes. “My name is not Chiro. It never was.” Around his paws, something strange began to happen. Smoke from the fire was pulled from the heavens and began to spiral and warp itself around him. The beast which had awoken snarled and his eyes narrowed. “It’s Libra.” With a swift movement of his paw, the shadows rushed in two pillars and consumed the scrawny tormentor and the foul dictator.

Libra gazed quietly from his balcony at the glittering stars above. The night sky was brilliant array of soft blues and rich purples and the sight pulled him back to the memory of the tales his aunt gifted him every night. A soft sigh escaped his nose and he ran a paw along the railing. After the slaughter of his family, he approached a nearby town and allowed this new awakening to run free and take its tole. Word of him spread like a wildfire and in almost no time, Libra took over and his reign began. It started with a city, then a state, then a continent, then two, and gradually, the world. Now, we was at the top of the chain, and everyone was trapped below him.
A sound pulled Libra from his mind and he turned back to gaze at a servant who had entered. “Sir, I apologize for the disturbance-”
“Get to the point.”
“There is a revolt in the town of Kestiro.”
Libra turned back to his view of the sky and pondered. Kestiro was not far, in fact, it was practically a one hour walk.
“Shall I send the soldiers to smother it?”
“Don’t bother.”
Libra pushed himself from the railing and turned. He walked with a cold gleam in his eye towards the door. “I will go myself. It seems that the world has forgotten who they are dealing with, so I will show them.”
The servant scrambled behind him and worked hard to keep pace. “Yes sir.”

The travel was faster than he had thought. In forty-five minutes, Libra had arrived to the town of Kestiro to see creatures huddled in the square shouting as one stood on a platform, spewing words of hope and fables of courage. Libra walked into the town without any announcement or reinforcements. At first, no one recognized him. The excitement of the revolt was burning in all of their hearts and minds, and one had even been insane enough to offer him to join in with them. “Tonight we lift our paws in revolution! We will change our fate and free our people! We will restore our lands, rebuild our power, and make a bright path for our heirs!”
“Words can be a rather dangerous thing.” The crowd turned quiet and every eye turned to him. At first, they were filled with annoyance and anger, but a wash of fear rapidly flooded over them. “They can spur others to battle, sure, but how often are they nothing more than hollow twigs? This, is why I believe actions to be better. Here is an example: I will punish all of you. Fearful? Yes. Effective? No. No one here is punished, are they? Here is how you are supposed to do it, and do take notes.” A rush of black energy erupted from the ground and began to fly wildly through the town. Buildings crumbled into fragments of stone and wood and screams erupted from the crowd. “You see? Actions are greater than words. Too bad you won’t be able to share this lesson.” Libra turned away and began to walk back to his castle. “Farewell.” At the word, darkness broke from beneath the crowd and swallowed them in the sound of screams and the stench of copper. As he walked away, the darkness ripping the town apart behind him, Libra’s eyes flicked up to the night sky. “You were right. It is truly rare and beautiful that we exist.”

(4,049/5,000 words)

Theme Songs

Saturn - Sleeping at Last
space This song is a strong part of his younger years, and some quotes from it are powerful quotes in his life. The song is meant for his aunt and the care she gave for him. To him, she was all he would ever need in life and all he would ever need to achieve. Her knowledge was infinite in his eyes and her words were ever true. He viewed her as a mystical creature with a mind as vast as the night sky. When she died, everything shattered. He tried his best to recall her words, but they always slipped away. He longed for her voice, her words. He wished for that dreamy eyed look to come back as she spoke of the stars and their mysteries. In the end, he realized that those dreamy eyes were forever gone, and that he would never hear her speak of the infinite again. He clung to the words he remembered and he pressed on with his life, swallowing his sadness as he did.

Little Pistol - Mother Mother
space This song depicts what happened after the loss of his aunt. In the beginning, he was grim and hesitant. He began to view the world in a whole new way. The way it makes others feel afraid, the way others climb and topple over each other. It was then that he realized the opportunity before him. All of a sudden, he wanted brimstone and burning roses, in other words, he wanted chaos. For him, the best part was to climb, and to climb, he needed chaos and fear. So, he set out. City by city, pack by pack. He was unopposed until one brave knight rode in and thought to strike him. It was the first time since he was a child that he had ever been attacked, and it broke the final part of him. Shadows erupted from the ground as his full potential was unleashed and entire countries were smothered. At the end, as he stood atop his castle and gazed out at the world he now owned, he felt a strange feeling of empty peace.


spaceLibra is skilled in both physical and psychological matters, viewing challenges and creatures more as a chess game than life. He is quick-thinking and elaborate, but rarely plans ahead. He acts on impulse and enjoys having things take him by surprise. He isn't much of a joker, and his words are to be taken very seriously. Threats will be spoken as though they are part of a casual conversation and commands will be announced with an equal demeanor. He does not raise or lower his voice, but he is not monotone. His voice is smooth and calm, but holds a dark eerie aura to it. It is the voice which would slip into a dark room and send chills down the spine of a fearful creature.

Libra is extroverted and does actively seek social interaction, but for the wrong reasons. He goes out looking for one who may challenge or attempt to strike him, and his expression seems almost taunting, like a child daring another. He does not speak much to even those he has allowed within his circle, and interactions are almost always brief, with the exception being when one challenges him in a way that catches his attention. He is a solitary creature who dwells mostly within his own mind, and even those who he has allowed to rise to the top of his forces view him as an unpredictable mystery.


spaceLibra's magic is quite complicated. It's physical form is one of a grainy, sand-like shadow with hard particle which whip about wildly and are able to chip away at granite. It takes on a plasma state of matter and moves similar to a column of fire, though the front and back ends of it are typically sharpened into a spire. It swims through the air and is able to plow through buildings and structures with ease and without hesitance. When an object is touched by it, it is pulled apart in large chunks at first, then those chunks are ripped apart atom by atom until nothing remains. Those scared by it bear black marks which do not go away save for several layers of thick paint. The magic was always with Libra, sealed inside by his fascination with his aunts tales, but when his heart was broken, the seal was shattered and he was given his first emblem of power.


Libra has a tendency to mutter and talk to himself. He says strange things that most do not understand the meaning of, and this often causes those around him to become nervous. This muttering is his final hang onto sanity. He speaks to himself, the only being he knows will not have to die, and reassures and contemplates with himself from time to time. He often mutters about decisions he will have to make, riots in the lands below, and profit of lands. However, his most common seems to be about the stars and universe. They are short thoughts and do not live long, but they are there; old fragments of his past self.

Libra hums to himself quite often. After destruction, before destruction, when he is bored, when he is contemplating. His lips will often be pressed together in a straight line and his eyes will become focused on something he cannot see as the melodies flow from his trachea. They are often low and heavy, but there are the few occasions where a gentle tune will slip from his snout as he walks to his next task.



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**Note: When copying for the word count, the extras have transparent words within them. There are six of these in the text.
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Re: Viscet #1790 - open!!

Postby Soll » Sun Sep 17, 2017 7:05 am

Username;; Soll
Name;; Teine
Gender;; Male
Prompt;; Such a disturbing time, this time of disbelief and wars among the gods.

agh super late, time to wriiiiite
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Re: Viscet #1790 - open!!

Postby ArtGirl » Wed Sep 20, 2017 4:55 pm

I'd like to ask for an extension. I'm not sure I'll be able to finish my last piece in time in between work. :P
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Re: Viscet #1790 - open!!

Postby SilverSamurai » Sat Sep 23, 2017 1:57 am

There have been a few people PMing be about extensions- because enough people are requesting one, I will oblige.

This contest is extended for 5 days - Now ending on Wednesday, November 27th at 1pm est.

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Re: Viscet #1790 - open!!

Postby SilverSamurai » Sun Oct 01, 2017 1:44 pm

Sorry for being a bit late, but this is officially closed! Should be judged within the next week or so!
Please do not bump this thread unnecessarily for it to be judged

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Re: Viscet #1790 - winner!

Postby SilverSamurai » Sat Oct 07, 2017 9:30 am

Sorry for the wait on this one! Been busy with midterms, but now that they’re over, I’ve come with the results! As with my other heavy contests, I will be giving feedback for each form that qualifies. If your form is not on this list, then you did not meet the requirements of the competition. Without further ado;

Mareep - ;o; I really loved where you were going with your idea, I would have loved to read through his character!

XxpawlinexX - interesting concept, but I am very confused at where you were trying to go with your story.

manymangoes - I really enjoyed how it was layed out as if I were reading a letter Ro wrote. It made it unique and gave it a charming perspective. I would have loved learning more of his backstory, and I also love that you wrote a statement of sorts about his personality and functioning capabilities I’m a psychology major so it’s cool to have things to think about in deeper meaning and possibly research further.

chanyeol. – while short, you really captured the world and setting well! It did not feel rushed, and it was very sweet I’m always a sucker for love and tragedy stories gosh I wish there was more information about Sparta so I could get to know him a bit more, and possibly about his friendship with Laelia. But overall it was solid and sweet!

HowlingHooves - That was… intense, but so well written. I can’t say I fancy the direction you took, but you really captured the character that Ren is what her wants and goals are. While short, it was very well written and I could feel the emotion in the story.

ArtGirl - right off the bat, I suggest you spell check and read through your form/story. While it was cute and thought out, I feel like it could have been better with simple spelling/grammar checks. Very wonderful art though! They really captured the moments and pulled me into the scene.

BluKitty53 – I was super confused at your form, you got me excited with the art and I was excited to read the relating story, but from the… Latin? I take it that it is not finished. EDIT- I checked with staff and they say it’s just a placeholder

Howlingtothestars – the art in your form was gorgeous and well placed, and really added to the story. The character you had built really shined through and I really got a feel for his background and the hardships he went though, and am happy that Libra finally got away from it! I also enjoyed how you took the time to explain a bit more of his personality and about his magic, and the songs were a perfect addition to the form and character as a whole.

gosh that took longer than I expected. Great forms!!

First, I would like to award manymangoes with an HM stub! To claim your ticket, please contact Razors!

Without further ado, I'm excited to announce the winner as Howlingtothestars! The art was gorgeous and really flowed with the form and added to it, and I see so much potential development in Libra. The story was very well written and really showed the character you have built. Take care of him!

But, this was a hard decision for me and I would love to offer a RU to ArtGirl. I could grasp the kind of character you were creating, and the art really gave the moments meaning. PM me for more information if you're interested!

As always, thank you everyone who had an interest in this viscet and tried out, and keep trying out and doing your best! Have a wonderful day <3

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