Re: #11 Khimaira Friesians - Birthday Event

Postby Copper96 » Tue Jul 25, 2017 3:40 am

Owner: Copper96
Show Name: Life Connection
Barn Name: Eywa
Name Meaning: Eywa is the equivalent to earth's Gaia (Mother of life/earth) and is represented in the 2009 movie Avatar. Eywa is the guiding force and deity of Pandora and the Na'vi. The Na'vi believe that Eywa acts to keep the ecosystem of Pandora in perfect equilibrium, she keeps the balance of life and is connected to all living things.
Gender: Mare
Halter and Pearl Colours: None? She shouldn't need one, like she can sense the desires of the rider or be lead by the mane? I think something like that would suit her more than a Halter

Favourite Place: I was not sure if these were my favorite things or her's but either way, my favorite place that i have ever been is Rome, Italy.(Images: X, X, X; Hope its ok to have more than 1, theres no way I could capture the feeling of this place with just 1) While It is a bustling city, its one you feel almost at home with, it filled me with welcoming and warm feelings despite being somewhere completely foreign to me. The reason i loved it so much could be for no other reason than the history associated with such a beautiful place. The ancient architecture of buildings like the Colosseum is absolutely breathtaking, the whole city has an ancient vibe to it and I'd like to think that a Khim like this would find a deep appreciation for such a place as well, even if its busy and crowded with people.

Aquatic Animal: Leatherback Sea Turtle - X
The largest and most adaptive of the Sea Turtles is a gentle giant that reaches up to 7ft and 2,000lbs! Thats one big turtle! They are found in all oceans except the Arctic and Antarctic. They also undertake one of the longest migrations between breeding and feeding areas of any sea turtle, averaging 3,700 miles each way! Talk about a dedicated Mother!

Rainforest Animal: Okapi - X
This rainforest dwelling cousin of the giraffe was once a creature of legend, completely undiscovered until the 1900's. They have stripes that resemble that of a zebra on the hind quarters and long black tongues similar to a giraffes. Despite these creatures being loners though they have scent glands on the bottom of their feet that allow them to keep track of their okapi neighbors and mark their territory. Isn't that neat! I've had a mild obsession with these dorky creatures from a very young age!

Desert Animal: Arabain (Dromedary) Camel - X
Camels have always been a favorite of mine, perhaps its the way they look? is it not a little derpy? Anyways, although this a very common animal to associate with deserts its my favorite nonetheless. Their humps can store up to 80lbs of fat, allowing them to travel over 100 miles across the desert without water. However, a very thirsty animal can drink 30 gallons of water in only 13 minutes! I once fed a camel a carrot at a petting zoo, theirs lips feel very funny!

Grassland Animal: White Rhino - X
This animal is practically a living tank, how isn't that cool? I've always though rhinos were super cool, but not just cause they're cute and dorky but because of how they got their name. Its theorized that the name "white rhinoceros" is a mistranslation from Dutch to English. The English word "white" is said to have been derived by mistranslation of the Dutch word "wijd", which means "wide" in English and referred to the animals wide square lips. I happen to be of dutch heritage and think that's just a hoot of back story.

Woodland Animal: Moose - X
Moose! oh how do they look both majestic and dorky at the same time?! It has to be that big ol nose of theirs, too cute! I feel like this is another under appreciated North American animal, one that I've glimpsed here and there in my back yard. They truly are breath taking animals if you ever get to see this large member of the deer family up close.

Tundra Animal: Caribou - X
Is there a theme here? or is it just me that thinks all my favorite animals have a dorky look to em? Anyways, these are what some people call reindeer and as every animal obsessed young girl who believed in Santa Claus they were the bees knees! I was, once again, obsessed with these creatures of the icy north and still am today. Did you know Caribou are the only deer in which male and females both have antlers; though only some females have them.

Last edited by Copper96 on Tue Jul 25, 2017 12:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: #11 Khimaira Friesians - Birthday Event

Postby Echo Revna » Tue Jul 25, 2017 4:09 am

Owner: Jamonsgirl
Show Name: Nature's True Guardian
Barn Name: Epona
Name Meaning: Epona (Celtic Goddess) Protector of horses, donkeys, and mules. Epona's Goddess name comes from the Gaulish word epos meaning "great mare."
Gender: Mare
Halter and Pearl Colours: horns and bird on horns
Favourite Place: By a woodland waterfall, it's so peaceful and quite and you can think and relax.
Aquatic Animal: Spinner dolphin, known for their spectacular acrobatic spins when they porpoise.
Rainforest Animal: Bengal Tiger, probably my favorite animal of all time, the tiger is the largest cat breed, and the Bengal is the most numerous of the Tiger but that isn't saying a lot because as of 2010 their was only an estimated 2,500 left in the wild.
Desert Animal: Caracal, I just can't get over their ears!
Grassland Animal:Cheetah, the fastest land mammal, tear streaks are unique to the cheetah
Woodland Animal: Wolves, have to be some of the most gorgeous animals ever is all I can say
Tundra Animal: Ermine, goes by many other names that is just my favorite, when startled it releases a powerful musk smell.
Echo Revna

Re: #11 Khimaira Friesians - Birthday Event

Postby Rescue2001 » Tue Jul 25, 2017 10:15 am

Owner: Rescue2001
Show Name: battle of the elements
Barn Name: zentangle
Name Meaning: zentangle is a forum of art where you do multiple patterns to make up the picture and I just thought she kinda reminded me of that :)
Gender: Mare
Halter and Pearl Colours: surprise me
Favourite Place:
Providence state park in Georgia
Also known as the little grand canyon such a beautiful and peaceful place too be
For some info go here XXX
Aquatic Animal:
The seahorse, they are just so cool did you know that the male seahorses actually are the ones who hold the babies tell they hatch

Rainforest Animal:
The Okapi, strange but cool they are a giraffe zebra hybred but I have no idea how they got brown lol

Desert Animal:
Of course the little big eared fennec fox so cute but can brave through the mightiest sand storms

Grassland Animal:
The beautiful icon of the west the wild mustang such beautiful yet powerful creatures

Woodland Animal:
The beautiful majestic wolf so beautiful but hated by too many

Tundra Animal:
The pika one of the cutest rodents I have ever seen it gets super fluffy for the harsh winters and below freezing temps
Last edited by Rescue2001 on Sat Aug 12, 2017 1:01 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: #11 Khimaira Friesians - Birthday Event

Postby shanne » Fri Aug 04, 2017 10:26 pm

    Owner: shanne
    Show Name: Astral Eye
    Barn Name: Cassiopeia
    Name Meaning: The story of Cassiopeia was that she turned into a constellation and was placed in the northern sky after she died. I chose this name for her because I feel like she is the watcher or guardian over nature; she may not be around everywhere at any given time, but she is definitely watching, like the stars in the sky. What makes her 'magical' is that she doesn't only watch over nature, but also takes care of it. She loves to interact with nature, and deeply wishes that no one would hurt or destroy it. However, she will not exercise her powers over anyone, because she does not want to subdue anyone into submission, and nature is for all to enjoy.
    Gender: Mare
    Halter and Pearl Colours: surprise me please c:


    Favourite Place: Changi Beach, Singapore. I basically spent most of my childhood there. My family always goes there for staycations or just to relax at the beach. I love it so much, I always begged my dad to bring us there every holiday. At that point of time, I wasn't very close to my siblings (because they're only a year apart, but I'm a few years younger than them), so I would either cling to my mum or my dad would show me cool stuff. My dad would walk me down the beach looking for antlions, and then we would squat there pushing ants into its pit of death and watch the antlion capture its snack. Oh my, getting nostalgic here x:

    Aquatic Animal: Orca whales. I'm just so amazed with them. They're like, dolphin and penguin combined, but whale version. I think they're really really cute, but the fact that they are deadly creatures just make me even more impressed with them. It really saddens me to see how they're tamed and put on animal shows, and you hear things about the trainers not taking care of their wellbeing etc., and it just breaks my heart how such a beautiful creature can be mistreated.

    Rainforest Animal: White-tailed Deer. Absolutely stunning animals. I love how nimble they are on their feet, and they always look so graceful no matter what they're doing. I mean, they can just be standing around and they look so pretty already. I kind of want to be like them too; to be a little more aware of my surroundings, or at least to not be so indifferent to what is happening around me. (although I don't think I can be as pretty as them, ha.)

    Desert Animal: Fennec Fox. There's something mysterious about these tiny creatures. They're like a cat, and a dog, but not at all. I've always wondered how it would be like to have them as pets, because they're like a little companion that could just follow you everywhere you go; a little guardian! But I think the thing that I like most about them is their giant ears. I feel like no sound would escape from them, which makes it a bit intimidating. I'm sure these feisty little creatures will be able to put up a good fight!

    Grassland Animal: Oh, definitely the Zebra, hands down, no questions asked. Aside from horses, I've loved zebras from the beginning. Their stripes are so trippy, and definitely striking. I love how dangerous they are, despite seemingly looking like a harmless, friendly 'horse'; their kicks are simply amazing. When I watch documentaries about the animals in the wilderness, they always feature a chase scene between a big cat (whether lion, leopard or cheetah) and a zebra. And often times, they almost always feature the signature, jaw-breaking kick of a zebra. I love it! They're such unique animals <3

    Woodland Animal: Hawks! They're such majestic creatures and their feathers are really pretty. I haven't really seen a wild one up close before but I sure wish I could! I'm so impressed by their vision and how fast they can catch their prey, even though they're so high up and their snack is all the way down. Isn't that a little disconcerting, to know that there is something all the way up there that is able to see you here on the ground? And that accuracy when they dive down... I mean, I don't even get 100% of my paper balls into the bin, so that's pretty badass amiright?

    Tundra Animal: I would have said Arctic Fox but they're basically foxes (and I've already mentioned fennec foxes) so...I'll go with the Musk Ox. They're such amazing creatures and they're really scary, perhaps even more terrifying than a lion. I mean, look at those mean horns. I love how protective they are of their herd; they won't let anyone stray, and they would fight off any predators that even try to touch the weak, ill or injured. They're such family-creatures. I really respect how they have confidence in their strength, and their strength in numbers.
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Re: #11 Khimaira Friesians - Birthday Event

Postby jaques » Sun Aug 06, 2017 8:33 am


Show Name:
Hooves and Keystrokes

Barn Name:

Name Meaning:
Hooves and Keystrokes was chosen for her ivory coat and reminded me of the ivory keys of a piano.
And Marisol is the name of my late Aunt who taught me piano as a kid and who recently passed away.


Halter and Pearl Colours:
shimmering gold

Favourite Place:
Joe Pool Lake in the morning. I've been there personally to witness this remarkable sunrise.

Aquatic Animal:
Sea Turtles are one of my all time favourite animals!

Rainforest Animal:
Scarlet Macaw, like all of our parrot children, and precious.

Desert Animal:
The Fennec Fox! I studied them briefly during my school and I got attached to them!

Grassland Animal:
These are our domesticated ferret's wild counterparts- the black footed ferret. They're just as cute as they are in the wild.

Woodland Animal:
Deer. No doubt about it!

Tundra Animal:
Tundra/Arctic Wolf!
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Re: #11 Khimaira Friesians - Birthday Event

Postby Rescue2001 » Sun Aug 06, 2017 9:15 am

Is there anyway to get an extension
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Re: #11 Khimaira Friesians - Birthday Event

Postby Marsh » Fri Aug 11, 2017 7:49 am

This has been extended until a week today, the 17th. Make sure to finish your forms if you haven't already ^^
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Re: #11 Khimaira Friesians - Birthday Event

Postby NeriHyuga » Mon Aug 21, 2017 3:36 am

this needs to be judged ^^
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Re: #11 Khimaira Friesians - Birthday Event

Postby L.V.L » Mon Aug 28, 2017 2:28 pm

    Before I totally out-do myself with starting a forum, can I still enter?
    If I can, I'd have the forum done by the 1st.
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Re: #11 Khimaira Friesians - Birthday Event

Postby Marsh » Tue Aug 29, 2017 5:53 am

Apologies for the delay in judging this contest, it will hopefully be judged by the end of this week so starting on Sunday and probably onto Monday as well. Whatever happens, this will definitely be judged within the next two weeks. Feel free to edit your forms until Sunday, and I'm happy for other entries if there is anyone that missed the previous deadline.
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