Comics and series

For creating comics and stories with an ongoing theme or storyline

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i've been stressed to Avernus and back recently so honestly, i need a refocusing method and this is it!

These are all the male characters in my personal (second) adventuring group, excluding the women. just the boys this time.
PLEASE do ask about them, their character relationships, favorite things, crushes?? whatever you want~!!

Feel free to suggest, nudge, influence or push, two or more characters into situations!
Confrontations, spilled secrets, arguments, interactions, anything!!

Have a character you'd like them to interact with, go ahead and post!

A little about'em, briefly!

Lupa wrote:Lupa
Huntsman, bounty-hunter, mercenary. Godslayer.
Followed by the spirit of Mother Wolf.

* Irritable
* Sentimental
* Protective

Currently in good standing with; Marothiel, Ezra
Very friendly towards; Ende
Loving toward; Faolan
"Cautious" of; Virion

Very fond of Marothiel
Not cautious of Virion at all, puts on a front. Cares deeply for the Arch Fey and just doesn't want others to see it.
Currently single

Marothiel wrote:Moth
*physically male, traditionally genderless
*physically 38
Wanderer, cleric, angel.
One of Nimue's "blessings" trapped him, the angelic spirit, within a deceased human body.

* Passive
* Empathetic
* Sullen

Currently in good standing with; Lupa
Cautious of; Ende, Virion, Faolan
Very fond of; Ezra

Considers himself potentially undateable...

Endeal wrote:Ende
*draugr (unknown, appears human)

* Apathetic
* Unpredictable
* Coy

oathbreaker, paladin, pride of Scias
Previously a paladin for Muriel, goddess of protection and sanctification. He remembers very little else.

Currently in good standing with; Lupa, Marothiel, Virion
Curious about; Faolan
Snarky with; Ezra

Finds Virion attractive
Has never dated anyone
Tears are black

Virion wrote:Virion
*age unknown
*5'10", 6'3" at hair
*Arch Fey

philosopher, archivist, scientist.
Warlock, eater of the forbidden. Intentions are unknown, but he is friendly enough.

* Cunning
* Absent-minded
* Self-conscious
* Restrained

*bad with names
*references allies with animals;
Lupa: Wolf
Ende: Crow
Marothiel: Deer
Niknax: Flea
Magister Salvia: Falcon
Evaline: Beetle, Moth, Rat (he can't decide)
Adina: Hare
Faolan: Little wolf
Ezra: Squirrel

Very friendly towards; Lupa
Intrigued by; Ende, Faolan
Dislikes; Marothiel
Frustrated by; Ezra

His appearance now may be a glamour.

Faolan wrote:Faolan
*Wyldling, appears very human

little wolf, spiritbound, vagrant.
Under the wings of Lupa, Faolan found a way to thrive and find confidence in himself. He won't stop fighting now.

* Quiet
* Watchful
* Unaffectionate

Very affectionate towards; Lupa
Cautious of; Ende, Virion
Currently in good standing with; Marothiel, Tanaris

Speaks Primordial

Tanaris wrote:Ezra

wizard, runaway, lightning rod.
Ezra is a wizard absorptive to magic. Scarred by past attempts in controlling his power, he refuses to wield his wizardry unless in dire straits.

* Compassionate
* Bashful
* Nurturing

Friendly towards; Lupa, Ende, Virion
Caring towards; Marothiel
Afraid of; Faolan (to some extent)

???? feelings towards Marothiel

These will probably be all B&W sketches, unless I get inspiration to color! ;;

rest of the group is below, you can always ask them about the girls too~
Magister Salvia

**might do a version for the ladies soon too!! see how this goes (:

Junker Queen @ Sun Feb 12, 2023 1:54 pm

moth are you and lopa more than friends yet?

Ucanthandleme @ Sun Feb 12, 2023 2:46 pm

Virion, what do you eat that is forbidden?

sputnikzero @ Mon Feb 13, 2023 8:18 am


tag yourselves perhaps 👁👁

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Ask Henry (almost) anything!
by *Willow* @ Fri Mar 17, 2023 9:25 am [Reply]

Ask Henry (almost) anything! Inspired by 0718 ~ Spooks! !

*Willow* @ Wed Mar 22, 2023 10:49 am

Le boop

Cady55again @ Wed Mar 22, 2023 10:50 am

Henry would you do a little dance for me please?

Bun-Bungirl @ Fri Mar 24, 2023 8:53 am

Henry whats your fave food

Clan Gen Challege
by SonOfStarGod @ Thu Mar 23, 2023 1:06 pm [Reply]

hope this is the right forum >x< did not know where else to put it
want to get better at oekaki so yeah

The Flashy and Curious

STARLINGSTAR—a short haired, black and red, classic tortoiseshell-tabby she-cat, with hazel eyes.
POPPYSTORM—a long haired, red classic "pseudo-tabby" tom, with hazel eyes.
SOOTBLAZE—a hairless, black and red, mackerel tortoiseshell she-cat, with yellow eyes.
ROSEPELT—a red mackerel tabby tom, with long fur, and green eyes.
NIGHTFUR—a black spotted tabby she-cat, with short fur, and green eyes.
HAREFANG—a chocolate spotted tabby she-cat, with short fur, and yellow eyes.
BLACKCLOUD—a long haired, black ticked tabby she-cat, with hazel eyes.
CHANTERELLEFACE—a cream mackerel "pseudo-tabby" she-cat, with short fur, and amber eyes.
SHADOWFANG—a black and red, classic calico she-cat, with long fur, and copper eyes.
SPIDERPAW—a short haired, black mackerel tabby tom, with copper eyes.
CAMPIONPAW—a short haired, red classic tabby tom, with gold eyes.
CORMORANTPAW—a short haired, black mackerel tabby tom, with yellow eyes.
POCHARDHEART—a short haired, blue and cream, classic tortoiseshell she-cat, with amber eyes.
DAFFODILFACE—a long haired, red spotted "pseudo-tabby" she-cat, with copper eyes.
LABURNUMTAIL—a curly haired, black and red, mackerel tortoiseshell she-cat, with amber eyes.

a bunch of wild cats that live in a Japanese garden... that's it for now

Man I haven't done anything like this in a while *wheeze*

But as the title says go ahead and asky any of my characters [below] from my toyhouse! I want to try and devop their character some more and maybe just have an excuse for drawing them ehe. Feel free to ask more than one character and please keep it cs appropriate!

disclaimer: Keep in mind that I have the RIGHT to ignore/skip over a question/interactions. I have more characters that have yet to be uploaded onto my toyhouse [most of them are secret/I am very lazy to upload all of their info and stuff all on toyhouse as most of htem are story characters, so if you know me + those story characters, feel free to ask :]] so keep a look out on the front page to see who I have added <3 Also don't go snooping! I haven't properly spoiled one of my characters [Barnaby: its just for an exposed skull]. I'll try to finish these as much as I can unlike the ones down previously in the past, sometimes I just wanna be lazy <3

Code: Select all
[center][size=85]who are you asking?:

Winchester's Wolf wrote:You already know me. I don't have a link to my toyhouse...smh.

Beowulf wrote:Beowulf's info is pretty much all there, But to recap: he is a very wealthy cat with a dark side to him. he lives in a manor quite similar to the winchester mystery house. despite he is very friendly and...well lonely. so lonely that some of his staff has heard him talking to himself- or has he? what mysteries await if you prompt him with a question.

Ella wrote:Ella is still a placeholder name. I haven't thought up anything much about her as I don't know where to put her at them moment <3 but she does belong in a coven that believes in more than one higher power. she is the youngest in her coven.

Boston wrote:Boston is a Cyx based on a maned wolf. Goes by the quote of "Hi my name is Boston and he uses L'Oreal Paris Shampoo. And he has a gun.".. Gun not included in responses. He already has some human headcannons.

Twenty wrote:Twenty, another cyx, currently doesn't have anything for her yet. Her name is from Ladder 20s dalmation, that shared the same name. she might serve as something like a service animal or a toy companion for a firefighter's child- to keep them company while their parental figure is on call, or something of the sort. <3

Mongrel wrote:Mongrel currently works at a harbor. he loves fishing + well, eating said fish. What more is there to ask?

Chicoons wrote:Not all of them are there, just don't ask the ones with no names. Just specify on who you are asking.

Code: Select all
[center][size=85]who are you asking?:

crowthefrostyfloof @ Wed Mar 22, 2023 2:31 pm

who are you asking?: you
question: what are your fav colors?

Ik I could dm you but I am silly

Ask Beast Anything!
by Sulin @ Fri Mar 17, 2023 7:30 am [Reply]

Ask Beast anything (remember cs rules, of course.) and I will draw his response!!

You can post questions, requests, or just general comments! Have Fun <3

jaybirdsong @ Fri Mar 17, 2023 7:36 am

Beastbeastbeast.. what icecreamssss do you like

Cady55again @ Fri Mar 17, 2023 7:37 am

Hey Beast do you know what when you said yes would go?

Madel @ Fri Mar 17, 2023 8:20 am


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Ask mask!! (open)
by pineapplecatman @ Mon Mar 13, 2023 2:57 pm [Reply]

Im bored and theres been a surge in asking thingys,... and i love asking thingys... yippeee

ask mask anything (under cs rules, of course.) and he will respond!!! yippee!!!!

just post questions, requests, or just general comments, have fun <3

partlysocial @ Mon Mar 13, 2023 3:43 pm

Hi mask! Just wanted to say that seeing you makes me happy <3

What do you think is the best kind of decoration to have in a bed room?

ikaroony @ Mon Mar 13, 2023 4:16 pm

hello mask
this may be weird but is there any relation to dream? he is known for masks
also what's your favorite type of weather?

pineapplecatman @ Mon Mar 13, 2023 5:26 pm

all above answered

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Ask Nerissa based on this drawing by ikaroony
by ikaroony @ Mon Mar 13, 2023 2:47 pm [Reply]

Ask Nerissa, my dnd character, anything!

BornFromAshes @ Wed Mar 15, 2023 10:00 am

What type of spellcaster are you? What type of magic do you primarily use?

ikaroony @ Wed Mar 15, 2023 2:50 pm

BornFromAshes wrote:What type of spellcaster are you? What type of magic do you primarily use?

posted! thank you for asking~

arcadia. @ Wed Mar 15, 2023 2:53 pm you like Gereld do you have a companion or a favorite companion? Also my dnd character Yule says hi.

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Ask me stuff
by arcadia. @ Fri Mar 03, 2023 4:55 am [Reply]

. literally any questions, give em to me n ill answer with a doodle
Hers some stuff about me

-I got stitches
- I have FINGERS!
- I get hurt badly in dumb ways
- I almost broke my toe. I have figured out I have toes
- I am the eldest child

SmilingKinito @ Fri Mar 03, 2023 4:56 am

how long have you been drawing?

COOLDOGOOO @ Fri Mar 03, 2023 4:57 am



MoonlitWolf2022 @ Fri Mar 03, 2023 5:04 am

How many pets do you have?

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Personal project
by GrimmRatt @ Tue Feb 21, 2023 10:54 pm [Reply]

This is gonna take,, awhile.

If you look at all of the cats descriptions and noticed i changed things,,, shh no i didnt

Anyway here are all of the kittys ill be doing

The Assertive and Proud
MURKSTAR—a short haired, blue tom, with amber eyes.
LIONSTRIPE—a cream mackerel tabby tom, with short fur, and amber eyes.
BIRCHSTRIPE—a long haired, caramel she-cat, with green eyes.
COPPERFUR—a black and red, ticked tortoiseshell she-cat, with short fur, and gold eyes.
SOOTCLAW—a short haired, black tom, with yellow eyes.
EMBERFOOT—a short haired, black and red, mackerel tortoiseshell-tabby she-cat, with yellow eyes.
WAXPAW—a red spotted "pseudo-tabby" tom, with short fur, and amber eyes.
BLUEPAW—a long haired, blue spotted tabby tom, with copper eyes.
SLUGPAW—a black tom, with short fur, and yellow eyes.
ROSEPAW—a black and red, classic tortoiseshell-tabby she-cat, with long fur, and hazel eyes.
SALMONSTREAM—a short haired, red mackerel tabby she-cat, with hazel eyes.
OWLTHROAT—a short haired, black and red, mackerel tortoiseshell she-cat, with copper eyes.
WHIMBRELCLAW—a chocolate she-cat, with short fur, and yellow eyes.
ASHCLOUD—a short haired, blue and cream, mackerel calico-tabby she-cat, with blue eyes.

That Triangle Guy! Valentine Edition
by pleroma @ Mon Feb 13, 2023 7:12 pm [Reply]

:!: Happy Valen-TIMES Day :idea:
(Just... don't tell the TVA OK?!) ^.^

<3 We love you :3

Ask Goose Anything!
by arcadia. @ Thu Feb 02, 2023 11:47 am [Reply]

Whooo boy
Goose is sad because no one knows anything about him!
Would you like to ask him a question?

Please follow all cs rules and ask family friendly questions pleas
Never done this before so its going to be interesting lol

sweathie @ Thu Feb 02, 2023 11:48 am

goose, what's your favorite color?

Bleachedbones @ Thu Feb 02, 2023 11:48 am

How does Goose feel about geese?

Cattail @ Thu Feb 02, 2023 12:04 pm

What is your favorite plant goose?

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let me see!
by Silver Pandorica @ Sat Feb 04, 2023 10:19 am [Reply]

i despise this but forced myself to finish it anyway qq

appleschloss @ Sat Feb 04, 2023 10:27 am

i think its so adorable!

Silver Pandorica @ Sat Feb 04, 2023 10:33 am

appleschloss wrote:i think its so adorable!

aaa thank you :')

sputnikzero @ Sat Feb 04, 2023 11:32 am

Are you making a webcomic?! This is adorable <3333 I love your chars and your panelling sm

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W✪RDGIRL: rewritten!
by vampz @ Sun Jan 29, 2023 6:07 pm [Reply]

    here's a new silly little project of mine!
    i'm like.. REALLY invested in the lore wordgirl hinted at throughout its show, but never got further into (yk, seeing as it was for younger kids). but i always thought its potential was great so i decided to delve into it myself!!
    this first installment will be fun hopefully. thanks if you check it out!


badass skeleton @ Sun Jan 29, 2023 6:37 pm

I can't wait for this like actually

vampz @ Tue Jan 31, 2023 12:28 pm

banned user @ Tue Jan 31, 2023 10:25 pm

vampz wrote:
    here's a new silly little project of mine!
    i'm like.. REALLY invested in the lore wordgirl hinted at throughout its show, but never got further into (yk, seeing as it was for younger kids). but i always thought its potential was great so i decided to delve into it myself!!
    this first installment will be fun hopefully. thanks if you check it out!


ooooooh i wanna readit

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ask eevee and dratini ! (2023)
by POSTAL 2 @ Fri Jan 27, 2023 7:58 pm [Reply]

modern day revival of an old pokemon ask comic i made back in like 2016 :-) ask these guys anything u want and theyll answer to the best of their abilities 🫶🫶

murder drones @ Sat Jan 28, 2023 1:35 am

do they enjoy going down to south park

um.... in da bag
by thenullchrysalis @ Thu Jan 26, 2023 2:23 pm [Reply]

trying to make a short comic response to uh. Something. Prowl is in a bag

thenullchrysalis @ Fri Jan 27, 2023 3:28 pm

posting this here for archival purposes. another response to said insane thread... Prowl in da bag what will she do? (slowly break free, that's what)


Clan gen challenge!!
by blkberry @ Tue Jan 24, 2023 10:36 am [Reply]

im doing the challenge, feel free to mark! the link to the generator

the clan i got:

Nebelung @ Tue Jan 24, 2023 11:08 am

!!! mark!! owo

Wretched.Felidae @ Tue Jan 24, 2023 11:51 am

Mark! Been thinking about doing this myself tbh!

snailshoes @ Tue Jan 24, 2023 12:33 pm

mark! I love seeing your funky lil cat designs!!

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by DiopsideDove @ Thu Jan 26, 2023 11:56 am [Reply]

silly little cat comic that I plan on drawing sometimes. planned to have a plot in the background, but mostly still planned to just be about weird cats doing weird things. thread/art is currently in the process of being revamped

episode list
episode one - void [posted 1/27/2023]
episode two - test comic [posted 1/28/2023]


mods, if this is the wrong forum, then please move this!! I read the rules and I thought it would fit, but if it doesn't, then please move it to animals/creatures or wherever. sorry for the inconvenience

DiopsideDove @ Thu Jan 26, 2023 2:25 pm


cjust an average cat, to the best of their knowledge. they have
coabsolutely no idea who apostrophe is, or why apostrophe is
now following them, or just about what is happening in general,
comhonestly. they are very confused. they are very annoyed.
cothey do not find apostrophe's pranks funny. they do not like
coapostrophe. they do not know where apostrophe came from.
commacommacommasomeone help them.



apvery much so not an average cat, though they don't seem to
apirealize this. they don't really know who comma is, but they
aifeel strangely compelled to follow them regardless. they don't
aporeally know what's happening, but they're enjoying causing
problems regardless. they love pranking comma. they think it is
avery funny. comma disagrees. they do not seem to realize this.

The dangers of hot chocolate
by Tamaranth @ Fri Jan 20, 2023 2:18 pm [Reply]

Well, only the now. The "Then" is buried with the rest of my art from over a decade ago. Tried redrawing it to practice with the new tablet. The old one was better proportioned, I ran out of space for everything. In the original, they did indeed get their cup of cocoa before heading back to work.

by KaiTutor_YT @ Mon Jan 16, 2023 6:18 am [Reply]


The Car's In Reverse
by Alkene @ Mon Jan 09, 2023 1:16 pm [Reply]

I'm gripping the wheel
I'm back between villages

And everything's still

Silver Pandorica @ Mon Jan 09, 2023 1:18 pm

This is so cool!! Love this sm :0

Alkene @ Mon Jan 09, 2023 1:20 pm

Silver Pandorica wrote:This is so cool!! Love this sm :0

Thank you so much! : D First attempt at something "comic-ey"

Edit: Currently on hiatus!
[AMMA] - Ask Me Mostly Anything
Some general stuff before asking, I guess?
Uh.. stick to Chickensmoothie rules... may not answer everything if not comfy w/ doing so..

General interests of mine include.. uhhh.. well, i do have them??? idk really these days...
this may be an info-dump?? so CW I guess if you don't have time for that
traditional sketches, watching sb play interesting video games (would play them if I didn't absolutely suck w/ hand-eye coordination during intense scenes), fantasy-inspired creatures or hybrids, horror? sometimes? (i can stand analogue + eldritch gods, "no" to psychological)... other stuff you might mention I may have a general idea of, however I am not an expert in any way, shape or form on that

Why [this thread]?
Been thinking about making this type of thread for.. well, since 2018! Moreover nope, too essay-like
I also wondered if this could.. i dunno, help me loosen up a little? I've kept myself couped up for too long from the community (+any sort of interaction) bcuz of the fear of rejection... and it's been driving me nuts lol

Are you going to finish [drawing]? What about [project], are you still working on it?
Most of the things I create on oekaki are... very much impulsive and not very well thought out (despite me pondering about what to write in the desc of them for pretty long periods of time; don't want to strike sb's nerves, if that makes sense). I very much apologise for letting anyone down for more often than not just.. abandoning them.

Can you draw [your character] in the response?
dsdgfgs... no promises
And even if I do so, it may not be high-quality enough to put in the [storage space]

Bridgy1234 @ Wed Jan 04, 2023 1:06 pm

Lol this wording will be awful but how do you do freestyle art so well? Like where do you get the motivation or inspiration to draw such a fantastic array of artistic artworks?

Cassini @ Wed Jan 04, 2023 4:01 pm

Hi c: I have a few questions if you don't mind, feel free to answer any number of them if they take your fancy. I won't take it personally if you pass either

- Favourite drawing you've done so far?
- Are there any particular things or people that inspire you artistically?
- I've noticed the little creature in your profile picture popping up in your drawings a lot, do you have anything you'd like to share about them?
- Or any original characters you'd like to share, more generally?

67Phlox @ Thu Jan 05, 2023 7:39 am

Bridgy1234 wrote:Lol this wording will be awful but how do you do freestyle art so well? Like where do you get the motivation or inspiration to draw such a fantastic array of artistic artworks?


@Cassini All of them are fine :D Might answer one of them tomorrow

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Ask Box Open
by ...Huh? @ Wed Dec 28, 2022 5:57 am [Reply]

Guess who's still alive! Lol
It's been two years since i last posted anything here... wow, is there anyone whos still watches me? Or even remembers me??
Thought i'd get back here since it's a nice community to pass the time, and now that i'm going to a new school far from my friends i could try to grow my circle of nice people to talk to ^^
Also thought it'd be nice to open an ask box, so much has happened in the last two years ":0

HamLikesHam @ Wed Dec 28, 2022 5:57 am

Why’d you go away for so long :0

...Huh? @ Wed Dec 28, 2022 10:35 am


Roleplayer123 @ Wed Dec 28, 2022 6:40 pm

Not a question, but great to see you back! I remember you from awhile back; loving the art still! ^^

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kunu just vibin there, dont mind her

But ask me ANYTHING!
this is mostly for my followers wanting to ask me questions but not on certain forums/posts/topics <3
you dont have to be following me to ask obviously nwn

LittleSpud @ Thu Dec 29, 2022 11:10 pm

I got two questions if that is alright. What inspired your art style? And how did you learn to make backgrounds? The ones I saw were very good ^^

Kemaistro @ Fri Dec 30, 2022 10:47 am

LittleSpud wrote:I got two questions if that is alright. What inspired your art style? And how did you learn to make backgrounds? The ones I saw were very good ^^

a1: Im very much inspired by the kawaii/chibi artstyles! But im also very much interested in realism, so I guess, majorly, im inspired off of semi-realism! ^^
( Im very sure I am inspired from that style. I like it alot, mainly cause realism would be abit too complicated for each artwork I do so, yeah! )

a2: I have no idea. Im guessing for myself its just the experience with other subjects and then just seeing other people make backgrounds. I mainly say this cause I havent watched a single video of how to make better backgrounds from what I remember. :p
Lighting in backgrounds are a major thing too! So hope that helps alittle more. :)

LittleSpud @ Sat Dec 31, 2022 11:51 am

a1: Im very much inspired by the kawaii/chibi artstyles! But im also very much interested in realism, so I guess, majorly, im inspired off of semi-realism! ^^
( Im very sure I am inspired from that style. I like it alot, mainly cause realism would be abit too complicated for each artwork I do so, yeah! )

a2: I have no idea. Im guessing for myself its just the experience with other subjects and then just seeing other people make backgrounds. I mainly say this cause I havent watched a single video of how to make better backgrounds from what I remember. :p
Lighting in backgrounds are a major thing too! So hope that helps alittle more. :)

Oh! That's interesting, I had a similar experience with drawing eyes, it just came natural to me as well. Thank you for answering my questions! ^^

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comic doodles
by ninethirtynine_pm @ Fri Dec 30, 2022 5:05 am [Reply]

sketches of potential comic characters

Welcome welcome! WIP But you can explore

This is Choose Your Own Adventure Turtle Edition!

It's not realistic completely; for instance, you take care of yours eggs not leave them (if that's what you choose anyway ;) )

What kind of turtle?

Sea Turtle. Pet Turtle. Wild Turtle

Sea Turtle:

You are born in
the ocean depths,
Searching for food
in your watery home.
Getting older, you may
have eggs. Keep them
safe from hungry
predators. After they
hatch, keep them alive
by hunting food for them.

(Dangers: Sharks, Ships, Egg stealers)

Pet Turtle:

You have it pretty easy,
But boring. Born in a tank,
Live in a tank. Until...

Dangers: (Unknown...)

Wild Turtle:


Born by a flowing
River, you are on
your own. Searching
for food, you eventually
get old enough for eggs.
Gaurd your eggs from
predators, and when they hatch, feed them.

(Dangers: humans, Crocodiles, reptiles, birds)

Rock Slabs:

Born on sunny rocks,
you live alone, hunting
what food you can. Soon you
can have eggs.But
watch out! Dangerous
Predators hunt here!

(Dangers: humans, Snakes, Reptiles, Birds)


Hatching in a cool, wet leafy area,
you hunt your food. Starvation is near
with so many predators! It's not wise
to have eggs here...

(Dangers: Humans, Felines, Snakes, bears)

LunarTheCat2047d1f @ Mon Dec 26, 2022 10:37 am


LunarTheCat2047d1f @ Mon Dec 26, 2022 10:38 am


LunarTheCat2047d1f @ Mon Dec 26, 2022 10:38 am


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