Adopts 2: Pets

  • Gallery display:

EARTHRISE F#026 based on this drawing by Archaeopteryx.
by razr @ Fri Jun 21, 2024 11:03 am [Reply]

this is a founder for Andromeda ! please post below to claim them by july 20th or they will be readopted <3

    eye color:
    phenotype: dusk dun star-speckled piebald with radioactive frog whiptail
    genotype: bb Dd Dndn Radrad Frfr Leoleo Cc wsw ll twtw + temp dilute + stars
    + notes: carries leopard, may show with no other tail markings present!
spaceside <3

EARTHRISE #002 based on this drawing by Archaeopteryx.
by Archaeopteryx. @ Fri Jun 21, 2024 5:40 am [Reply]

    A silly little raffle critter! Please only enter if you have an archive.

    This guy will be rolled for at rollover today!

    Code: Select all

    Eye Color; Of Humble Earth
    Phenotype; Fawn smoke leopard longhaired leopardtail
    Genotype; blbl dd csca Leoleo ll Cucu Ttl
    Origin; Planetside

kyeza @ Fri Jun 21, 2024 5:44 am


    Username; kyeza
    Archive; here <3

feverrr @ Fri Jun 21, 2024 5:45 am

Username; feverrr
Archive; link

Thani @ Fri Jun 21, 2024 5:46 am

omg little guy yes!!! <3 love them ; U;

Username; Thani 509675
Archive; Calidum Novus

15 replies not shown, show all

Stars #3596 based on this drawing by Swishy & Broken
by jay. @ Sat Jun 08, 2024 12:02 pm [Reply]



coat suggestion by fev on discord!

what's something mischievous this cat has done, harmful or harmless?

Ends 20th June at rollover (20th > 21st)
Ends 27th June at rollover (27th > 28th)

Code: Select all
[b]Cat Name:[/b]
[b]Clan:[/b] (Please link)
[b]Age:[/b] (1 year or above)
Description: flame mackerel lynx point with white
Edits: [nr] expression, scars
[c] whiskers, eye shape, ear placement, ear tufts, shorter tail
[uc] muzzle, short ears, heterochromia, med fur

feverrr @ Sat Jun 08, 2024 12:03 pm

mark omg the muzzle edit <3

Cat Name:
Clan: (Please link)
Age: (1 year or above)

razr @ Sat Jun 08, 2024 12:05 pm

Username: razr
Cat Name:
Clan: iron arbor (i think. or renatulus. we'll find out i have multiple ideas)
Age: ]
Prompt: he forgot his adopt me sign /silly

kyeza @ Sat Jun 08, 2024 1:15 pm

    marking so hard

13 replies not shown, show all

EARTHRISE #001 based on this drawing by Archaeopteryx.
by Archaeopteryx. @ Fri Jun 21, 2024 4:53 am [Reply]

    Hello and welcome to EARTHRISE's first real adopt! I'm so excited to be making this and can't believe the outpouring of love these silly little critters have garnered so far!

    For this first adopt, tell me a little bit about the new environment this aktego has found themselves in! Max 250 words, no extras! Ends June 28th!

    Code: Select all


    Eye Color; Alien Spider Venom
    Phenotype; Chocolate sooty cat-tracked piebald radioactive frog wasp shorthaired orbtail
    Genotype; bbr Dd Ststc Frfr leoleo wpwp radrad wsws Ll totp +cat tracks
    Origin; Planetside

Hazelfang @ Fri Jun 21, 2024 5:25 am

Username; Hazelfang
Archive; Aetheria

Prompt; wip!! 💖

.henloimmabirb. @ Fri Jun 21, 2024 6:55 am

Username; .henloimmabirb.
Archive; Here! <3


Waking from slumber, the eyes of the creature slowly begin to open as they take in the new environment that they now have found themselves in. It appears to be a large, red-colored grassland biome that is speckled with cerulean stones and pebbles that glint as the suns warm rays touch them. The contrasting colors are very appealing to the young Aktego as they continue to wander through the new and mysterious land. Large orange-tinted trees tower above them, their leaves quietly rustling as a cool breeze drifts through them.

The breeze carries soft white petals with it, they have a sweet and intriguing scent. As the Aktego looked around once again, they notice these tall plants with small white flowers. Those must be where they come from! Curiously, they approach the new plant and sniff it carefully. The petals look loose enough to where the slightest breeze could carry the away.

The cries and calls of unknown creatures surround the tops of the trees, the sounds of gentle wing beats can be heard as they land within the branches. The curious Aktego looks up towards the noise and locks eyes with one of these bird-like appears to have two eyes on both sides of its head and a long tail that helps keep it balanced on the branch it's perched on.
With a newfound curiosity, the Aktego bounds off into the unknown world...they have already seen so much already and hurry off to search for more new things!

[250 words]

Knickknacks @ Fri Jun 21, 2024 7:24 am

Username; knickknacks
Archive; Ir'alda

Prompt; [250/250]

    Life flourishes around them- all around them. Leaves large as their head drip with condensation, soaking them, and the trees, grown thick with leathery bark and creeping vines, seem to scrape the very sky. Blooms in colors they can not name, gaping wide enough to swallow them whole, hang heavy from their stems. They dare not taste the vibrant fruits they see.

    It is too warm.

    This oasis- this pocket of life- flourishes on the edge of a volcanic chasm, where heat from deep within the earth has melted the ice and enabled a garden to take root. Here the world is alive, cacophonous with droning bugs and rustling creatures they cannot see, gravitating to the warmth like a moth to an open flame.

    Away from the crevasses, though- the world is frozen. Icecapped mountains greater than the trees, winds strong enough to knock them off their feet, cutting right through their fur to the bone. No, they cannot leave this forest.

    But it is too warm here. The ground burns, feeling almost alive beneath their feet, and they know this cannot last- that fire might roar up from within the earth and destroy the very forest it gave life to.

    They want to leave, but there is something hypnotic about it- about the faint pulse of magma that can be seen, deep in the vent. They want to leave, but compared to the howling wind and sharp pain of cold, the too-hot forest feels almost like an embrace.

2 replies not shown, show all

Plate Dragons #516-524 based on this drawing by InuImori
by imabanditø @ Mon May 27, 2024 11:15 am [Reply]

A Plate Dragon is a subspecies of dragon! They have "Plates" on the side of their cheeks and on their butts! They also have scales around their bodies such as on their faces, legs, and tail! Another unique feature are the "spikes" on the end of their tails and horns that can range in many different shapes and sizes that are used for protection and battle. They usually live in jungles or forests but can be found anywhere. They are extremely venomous, and can projectile their venom when in danger! They use this tactic when feeling threatened or scared so as long as you have good intentions they wont hurt you! They are feisty but you'll be lucky to have one as your friend if it gives you its trust!

top left (1) - no one yet
top middle (2) - no one yet
top right (3) - no one yet

center left (4) - no one yet
center middle (5) - no one yet
center right (6) - no one yet

bottom left (7) - no one yet
bottom middle (8) - no one yet
bottom right (9) - no one yet

(mostly) aquatic batch time!!! it started getting a bit all over the place LOL >O< these will all be free! for the prompt based ones (every one except 4 and 8) there’s no minimum/maximum - one/few word entries are alright! art is also okay if you’d rather ^^

you can enter for as many as you’d like, but you can only win one!


#1 • top left
🐰 traits 🐰
[nr] expression, height (shorter)
[c] ear edit, tufts, colored sclera, horn edit, hair style, fang/mouth edit, tail spike edit
[uc] fur edit, eye shape edit, iris edit (none), pupil edit (none), fewer scales, tongue edit

🐰 rarity 🐰

to enter for this pd, please tell me what their favorite object is and why!

Code: Select all
[b][i]🐰 entering for #1[/i][/b]
[b]username + id:[/b]
[b]pd name:[/b]


#2 • top middle
💡 traits 💡
[nr] expression, weight
[c] hair style, tail spike edit, fang/mouth edit, claws
[uc] eye shape edit, glowing parts (tail spike + horn), fewer scales, tail edit, 1 shaped scale, 1 shaped plate, fur edit

note: this pd has a moth companion!

💡 rarity 💡

the only reason i added the companion is because i thought it’d be funny ... to enter for this pd, please tell me about their personality!

Code: Select all
[b][i]💡 entering for #2[/i][/b]
[b]username + id:[/b]
[b]pd name:[/b]


#3 • top right
🦑 traits 🦑
[nr] colored pupil
[c] ear edit, hair style, body spikes
[uc] no tail spike, tail edit, fur edit, pupil edit

🦑 rarity 🦑

to enter for this pd, please tell me what their favorite sound is and why!

Code: Select all
[b][i]🦑 entering for #3[/i][/b]
[b]username + id:[/b]
[b]pd name:[/b]


#4 • center left
❓ traits ❓
[c] body spikes, hair style
[uc] fur edit, feathers, iris shape (heart), pupil edit (heart), 1 shaped scale (heart)

❓ rarity ❓

this pd is a pyop! you can choose a palette for their colors and a nudibranch to inspire their markings (please provide a photo and credit)!

Code: Select all
[b][i]❓ entering for #4[/i][/b]
[b]username + id:[/b]
[b]pd name:[/b]


#5 • center middle
🦀 traits 🦀
[nr] colored pupil
[c] fang/mouth edit, ear edit, horn edit, body spikes, tail spike edit, claws, colored sclera
[uc] 1 shaped plate

🦀 rarity 🦀

to enter for this pd, please tell me what they’re talented at!

Code: Select all
[b][i]🦀 entering for #5[/i][/b]
[b]username + id:[/b]
[b]pd name:[/b]


#6 • center right
🌈 traits 🌈
[c] ear edit, horn edit, body spikes
[uc] iris edit (none), pupil edit (none), 1 shaped plate, tail edit, fewer scales

🌈 rarity 🌈

to enter for this pd, please tell me what their favorite color is and why!

Code: Select all
[b][i]🌈 entering for #6[/i][/b]
[b]username + id:[/b]
[b]pd name:[/b]


#7 • bottom left
🐚 traits 🐚
[c] horn edit, tail spike edit, body spikes
[uc] tail edit, pupil edit (swirl), tongue edit

🐚 rarity 🐚

ngl i just really wanted to make a snail pd and a seashell tail pd LOL . this pd will be a naming competition! feel free to add reasoning if you’d like ^^

Code: Select all
[b][i]🐚 entering for #7[/i][/b]
[b]username + id:[/b]
[b]pd name:[/b]
[b]reason:[/b] (optional)


#8 • bottom middle
🍃 traits 🍃
[nr] expression, muzzle size (longer), weight, eyelashes
[c] horn edit, fang/mouth edit, hair style, ear edit, tail spike edit, body spikes, colored sclera
[uc] feathers, fur edit, eye shape edit, iris edit, pupil edit

🍃 rarity 🍃

honestly . i can’t think of a prompt for this guy so they’ll be a raffle! i’ll take care of numbers ^^

Code: Select all
[b][i]🍃 entering for #7[/i][/b]
[b]username + id:[/b]
[b]pd name:[/b]


#9 • bottom right
🌊 traits 🌊
[nr] accessories (fishing line + hook), colored pupil
[c] hair style, horn edit
[uc] tail edit, 1 shaped scale, 1 shaped plate, fewer scales, pulil edit, fur edit

🌊 rarity 🌊

tbh at this point i had no other ideas and then thought of the horn idea so i decided to go with it LOL to enter for this pd, please tell me what the best prank this pd ever pulled was!

Code: Select all
[b][i]🌊 entering for #9[/i][/b]
[b]username + id:[/b]
[b]pd name:[/b]


all of these will end on june 3 at cs rollover (2 —> 3)!

ItsAsher0 @ Mon May 27, 2024 11:26 am

💡 entering for #2
username + id: ItsAsher0 1064384
pd name: Kyro
prompt: Kyro is pretty laid back, relaxed, and often chill. He doesn't have a care In the world.. causing him to act somewhat reckless at times.he is also adventurous- he often disappears without a trace, although you can often remember he's probably out doing something dumb. Even though he can be this way, he also can be gentle and kind to his fellow dragons. He knows when he's gone too far or been to chaotic and is quick to fix his mistakes

whimsyy @ Mon May 27, 2024 11:26 am

I love this spikey little bean sm ^^

🌈 entering for #6

Username + ID
whimsyy 443016

PD Name
Kyotve the cute^^

Kyotve's favorite color is most definitely dark blue!
He loves dark colors in general but more than that he loves the starry night sky.
this was my first time ever drawing something digitally >.<

S0undH0und @ Mon May 27, 2024 11:55 am

🐰 entering for #1
username + id: S0undH0und 1027648
pd name: Ceder
prompt: A little plant-themed bunny plush! It brings them comfort.

9 replies not shown, show all

A Plate Dragon is a subspecies of dragon! They have "Plates" on the side of their cheeks and on their butts! They also have scales around their bodies such as on their faces, legs, and tail! Another unique feature are the "spikes" on the end of their tails and horns that can range in many different shapes and sizes that are used for protection and battle. They usually live in jungles or forests but can be found anywhere. They are extremely venomous, and can projectile their venom when in danger! They use this tactic when feeling threatened or scared so as long as you have good intentions they wont hurt you! They are feisty but you'll be lucky to have one as your friend if it gives you its trust!

Join the official Plate Dragon Discord!


I've been barred from the adopts channel, so this PD is a raffle that would end at 5:00 PM EST!

[NR] Colored Pupil
[E] Bubble

Code: Select all
username + ID:[/center]

tsu-bear @ Fri Jun 21, 2024 12:45 am

username + ID: tsu-bear 874233

Plaga @ Fri Jun 21, 2024 12:46 am

username + ID:
Plaga 977187

MaroonCookie @ Fri Jun 21, 2024 12:47 am

username + ID: MaroonCookie 1014873

22 replies not shown, show all


It’s a lovely day at the waterpark today! The sun is shining, but with that comes the scorching heat. There’s no better way to beat the heat than with a splash into some nice, refreshing cold water! And what way is more fun than cooling off on an epic raft slide? None! So, you decide to take the plunge and get in line for the Deregona!

As you approach it, you look up at the large, green slide. Happy and excited shouts from Plate Dragons can be heard along with a loud splash of water as they touch down in the large pool below, sending a wave of water onto the sidewalk. Excitedly, you tap your wristband to the check-in totem, and once the Plate Dragon waves you in, you race forward and scale the many steps up the waterslide! After receiving your inner tube, you lean your head over the railing, looking at the sights below. Wow, you’re so high up here!

leonscharizard @ Wed Jun 05, 2024 7:32 am

Current Prompt & Story wrote:While in line for the Deregona, a Plateling freaks out, hops off his raft, and clings to the wall of the slide. A lifeguard sighs, taking flight with his massive wings to go find the Plateling and rescue him. Looks like this is going to hold the line up for a while, and you’re already so far up here — you’re next! to ride!

After a while, you turn to the other lifeguard working the slide. He looks absolutely done with it. “Yeah, this isn’t an uncommon occurrence, sadly. I think the last time it happened it was the same Plateling.” He rolls his eyes, a hint of a smile creeping onto his face’s visor. “Must be that supposed magic of the slide…” He mumbled, looking up to notice your puzzled look. “Hey, you haven’t heard? Yeah, well, apparently this slide is some crazy magical slide; ‘sposed to take you to some other world. However, the only magic it’s brought me is screaming kids.”

As soon as he finishes speaking, the light on the slide turns green: the Plateling has been rescued off the slide, and now it’s your turn to go! “Neato. Hop in the raft, I’ll send ya down.”

Prompt: Go down the slide! Wheee!!
What happens at the bottom of the slide/at the end of the slide will be covered in Day 2’s prompt ;)

Form wrote:Day One!
Username + ID:
Your Plate Dragon:

If you don’t have a Plate Dragon yet, you can use Biscuit or Plato to participate!

There is no minimum requirement for your prompt answer. You’re welcome to write/draw as little or as much as you’d like!
Responses that are 200 words or more OR a halfbody colored sketch or more will receive an extra prize!

Would you be in the Kala or Tai Nui clan? Take the quiz here and share your result with the form below to earn a prize!
Code: Select all
[color=#BF40FF]My Clan Result![/color]
Username + ID:
Clan Result:
Screenshot of Result:

leonscharizard @ Wed Jun 05, 2024 7:34 am


Lifeguard’s Nametag
Huh, isn’t that DedSec’s nametag? How’d that get here?
Reward: 1x Rare, 3 UC and Unlimited Under MYO + Bubble Event Trait

Flame Of Kala
Despite being a flame, it gives off a cool aura, like water! The colors of this flame burn vibrantly.
Reward: [M] Patches of Fire. If fire is multicolored, it must be in ROYGBIV order.

Bubble Puddle
Ooh, shiny! Let’s see if I can hold it— pop NOOO!
Reward: [E] Bubble

Wave Puddle
How exactly does that happen? A wave? In a puddle? Well, it’s cool looking. Just don’t slip.
Reward: [E] Soda Tail

Lost Arm Floatie
It’s really small — this must have belonged to a Plateling. Maybe it belongs to that one that just went down the slide?
Reward: [UC] Fur Edits. Fur must be sleek.

Surfboard Necklace
This looks familiar. It’s hot to the touch, like the flaming spirits of the Tai Nui Plate Dragons.
Reward: [C] Body Spikes, [C] Horns, [C] Claws. Not all traits have to be used when using this item!

Yellow Hibiscus
This looks familiar. It’s cool to the touch, like the calm, cool personalities of the Kala Plate Dragons.
Reward: [UC] 1 Shaped Scale, [UC] 1 Shaped Plate. Not all traits have to be used when using this item!

Loose Change
Who brings coins with them on a waterslide? At least it isn’t dollars, and these can get wet.
Reward: 5 P$. P$ can be used in the Plate Dragon Shop!

leonscharizard @ Thu Jun 20, 2024 12:02 pm

We’re now open! < 3

23 replies not shown, show all


Welcome to Sand Dollar's Lazy River!
🐚Sand Dollar🐚
"HELLO FRIENDS! Welcome to my lazy river! Sit back, grab a floatie, and enjoy the waves!"


🐚Sand Dollar🐚

"Which color floatie will you pick today? Careful; I heard different colors do different things in the water!
Well whatever you choose, ill give you a prize when you circle back around!!"



Inflated really well, shiny and new!

Has a small hole in it... ah well it still floats!

This one moves the fastest!

This one has a chance to flip you over!

Ummm. we havent tested this one yet....



Loose Change:
Ooo its your lucky day!
Random assortment of P$

Plastic Fish:
Its still flipping its tail around!
[c] Body Spikes (Makes spikes look like fish fins!)

[b]Hair Ties:[/b]
Eww, some of them still have hair on them..
Adds Circle markings or rings around arms and legs of a PD

Palm Frond:
Very big and green! Better throw it out of the pool.
[c] Ear Edit (makes a PDs ears look like a plant!

Assorted Bugs:
Ahhh! Critters!
Adds spots and/or stripe markings anywhere on a PD

Old Goggles:
Has some wear and tear, still usable though!
Adds [uc] Eye Shape Edit, [uc] Pupil Edit, and/or [uc] Iris Edit to a PD

Toy Torpedo:
Looks kinda scary!
Adds [c] Horn Edit and [c] Tail Spike Edit to a PD

Soggy Feather:
It clings to your body as you swim by.
Adds [uc] Feathers to a PD

Swim Trunks:
Ummmm? How did that happen?
Adds [uc] Fur Edits to a PD

Expensive Sunglasses:
A shame someone lost these... You put them on! 😎
Adds [r] Sparkles/Particles to a PD

Assorted Rings:
Very nice and shiny! There all different sizes!
Adds [r] More Scales to a PD


Bubble Wand:
It makes pretty colored bubbles!
Grants you an unlimited common MYO with [EVENT] trait!

Double Floatie:
Comfortable for both you and a friend!
Grants you a mystery Plate Dragon!

[Event] Bubble:
What a large bottle! Yippeee!!
Adds [Event] Bubble Trait to any PD


InuImori @ Thu Jun 20, 2024 12:02 pm

Welcome to the Lazy River!! Let’s get this relaxation going! Which floatie are you pickin?!

Code: Select all
[u]🌊[b][color=#00BFFF]DAY 1:[/color][/b]🌊[/u]

leonscharizard @ Thu Jun 20, 2024 12:05 pm

🌊DAY 1:🌊
[Username:] leonscharizard
[ID:] 1017744

imabanditø @ Thu Jun 20, 2024 12:08 pm

🌊DAY 1:🌊
[Username:] imabanditø
[ID:] 908562
[Floatie:] rainbow
[Other:] 🌈✨🌈✨🌈✨🌈✨

31 replies not shown, show all

Range Trotters are the result of crossbreeding Orlov Trotters, Finnhorses, Welsh Cobs (section C & D) and Hanoverians. Later crosses of Quarter Horses, Paint and Appaloosas to gain color and to give a boost to their hardiness.With a height average of 13-15 hands, they're a hardy breed with characteristics for various disciplines.

Created for use as work, carriage and leisure riding horses originally, they now serve as long-distance range horses, such as work with Park Rangers and mounted officers.

Willing and eager personalities, most are quickly trained to be bombproof and therefore trusted mounts in all lines of work; some are being seen in local show jumping competitions, others are notably used in therapeutic sessions for their calm temperaments. Harness races and endurance trials are common for the breed, as they are able to sustain an extended trot without tire. Cross-Country competitions see some of the taller Trotters, but due to their cob lineage this is still uncommon.

Despite the variety of competitions and work these horses are being seen in, they are still famously skilled as endurance racers. Many competitors have chosen Range Trotters due to their tireless work ethic, as well as the ease in which they can be trained. Many have become champions in endurance trials, and they have quickly become a sought after breed for their natural ability.

    nonbinary flag inspired trotter! happy pride <3
    tell me about something that makes this trotter proud of themself.
    ends june 24

    Show Name:
    Barn Name:

    Eye Color: nonbinary [yellow/white/purple/black heterochromia]
    Phenotype: black tasa-arvo drift pollen chalkhill
    Genotype: EE aa Dfdf Polpol Chkchk +tasa-arvo

    - will always pass extension (E)
    - tasa-arvo passes at 25%
    - mane & tail dye will not pass in breedings

    Code: Select all
    [b]Show Name:[/b]
    [b]Barn Name:[/b]
    [b]Halter Color:[/b]

Spiritstar3 @ Fri Jun 21, 2024 10:33 am

Show Name:
WR Free to be Me
Barn Name:
15 hands
Halter Color:
Nonbinary flag colors, or eye color if not
Coming out was reason enough to be proud, but...they also have anxiety. They managed to overcome that as well, of course with a little help. They're so proud they managed to overcome their anxiety and come out. Anxiety was part of what was stopping them.


This booth is closed for the rest of the event!

riverotter @ Tue Jun 11, 2024 4:05 am

You arrive at the pool once more, but this time the sign is gone. And still, nobody's here--until you hear footsteps behind you and turn around to see a distraught Plate Dragon struggling to speak properly.

??? wrote:

xxxxxI'M LATE!!! Oh my GOSH. I'msodonefor I KNEW I should have--

??? wrote:

xxxxxWhy're you looking at me like that?

??? wrote:

xxxxx...I'm not actually late, am I?

You shake your head at her. The waterpark just opened like, 10 minutes ago.

??? wrote:

xxxxxW-well, YEAH. Obviously. I knew that.

??? wrote:

xxxxx...Right. Anyway.

Scylla wrote:

xxxxxThe name's Scylla. I'm in charge of hosting the water sports activities this year at the waterpark.
xxxxxNo, my name isn't familiar. No, I will not elaborate on why I just had to say that.

Scylla wrote:


They pass you a sheet of paper.

Scylla wrote:

xxxxxI have to have everyone fill out a form to 'sign up' for the eeeuhhh... activities. Right. That's the word.

The questions on the paper definitely seem a little... strange. But you decide not to say anything about it.

continue to the prompt!

riverotter @ Tue Jun 11, 2024 4:06 am

Toy Fish wrote:

- – — Toy Fish

They come in different colours... choose wisely!*
*reload the page!

Changes the eye colour of a PD. Colours of related traits (coloured sclera, pupil) may also be edited.

Bubble Wand wrote:

- – — Bubble Wand

Ooh! You should try to blow a bu-- aand it popped. Nevermind.

Adds [E] Bubble to a PD. Can be used on already existing PDs or MYOs.

Soda Bottle wrote:

- – — Soda Bottle

Look, it's a bottle of the new Sooda® flavour! And there's still some left!! Don't drink it though, I heard it's turning everyone's tails into soda...

Adds [E] Soda Tail to a PD. Can be used on already existing PDs or MYOs.

Beach Ball wrote:

- – — Beach Ball


Adds [uc] 1 Shaped Scale and [uc] 1 Shaped Plate to a PD. Not all traits must be used.

Lane Rope wrote:

- – — Lane Rope

Oops, who broke it? *cue awkward silence as everyone looks at eachother*

Adds wave-like or stripey patterns to a PD.

Depth Marker Tile wrote:

- – — Depth Marker Tile

Did you just...??? Huh?? Did you just rip a tile from the pool...???

Adds [r] Paw Edit, [r] Leg Edit, or [r] Missing Limbs to a PD. Only one edit may be used.

Nut & Bolt wrote:

- – — Nut & Bolt

I think that just fell from the waterslide above you... ...Run.

Adds [c] Body Spikes, [c] Claws, and [c] Tail Spike Edit to a PD. All traits must be used.

Soggy Dollar wrote:

- – — Soggy Dollar


Worth 10 P$.

riverotter @ Tue Jun 11, 2024 4:06 am

Daily Prompt
Today's prompt is to fill out this form!

Fill it out from the perspective of one of your PDs! Not as yourself.
The PD you choose will be the one you use for the rest of the days at this booth. Pick wisely!

If you don't have your own Plate Dragon, you may use our mascot Plato! he's very skilled /j

Code: Select all
[PD Using]:

11 replies not shown, show all


As you’re exploring the lobby, a row of informational booths catch your attention. Each one is dedicated to a different helpful purpose, so you figure it’d be a good idea to check them all out before beginning your adventures.

Upon approaching one, a dark blue dragon with a plethora of bright accessories notices you and sets down her clipboard. “Welcome to the Event Kiosk, I’m Bubblegum. How may I help you?” You excitedly greeted her back and inquired about any events that’d be happening during your stay. “About that..” Bubblegum sighed, “I’m not sure yet. I was told there’s meant to be one soon, but apparently it hasn’t been planned yet. At all.”

Disappointed yet understanding, you thank her for her time and start to leave. “However, I was also told I can recruit some guests to help me plan, too. Would you like to join?” She paused before speaking again, allowing you to process everything. “Don’t worry, you can still have fun as normal. We’ll have a short meeting at the end of each day to discuss all the ideas we’ve thought of!”


welcome to bubblegum’s event kiosk! this is a prompt-based booth where you can influence the story by helping to plan the imaginary event :D

you can participate with writing and/or art, and there are no minimum requirements! responses of one/a few word(s), rough uncolored sketches, etc are 100% okay! as long as your response follows the prompt, anything you have time/motivation for is accepted ^^ feel free to be as silly, creative, etc as you want as long as all cs rules are followed!

this booth will roll over to the next day at cs rollover (0:00)!

— 📝 —

🔹 Current Task 🔹 wrote:Day 1’s prompt is…
What should the theme of the event be?

please use the following form to participate:

Code: Select all
[center][size=150][b][color=#4080FF]I have an idea[i]![/i][/color][/b][/size]
[b]username + id:[/b]
[b]participating pd:[/b]
[b]prompt response:[/b]
[color=#4080FF]— Day 1 —[/color][/center]

completing the prompt will guarantee you one prize roll! alongside that, if your response is chosen (via rng) to influence the story, you will get an additional prize roll (so you’ll win two prizes total) ^_^

if you don’t have a pd, feel free to use our mascot plato!


“To help keep track of everything, I’ve organized everything on this whiteboard.” Using her blue dry erase marker, she points to the chart she’s written out. “Feel free to come by and reference it as needed while brainstorming!”

🔹 Event Plans 🔹 wrote:Day | Task | Meeting Results | Chosen Idea

Day One | Theme | Page 0 | ???
Day Two | ??? | Page 0 | ???
Day Three | ??? | Page 0 | ???
Day Four | ??? | Page 0 | ???
Day Five | ??? | Page 0 | ???
Day Six | ??? | Page 0 | ???
Day Seven | ??? | Page 0 | ???
Day Eight | ??? | Page 0 | ???
Day Nine | ??? | Page 0 | ???
Day Ten | ??? | Page 0 | **EVENT DAY!!**

— 📝 —

here are the different prizes you can win! the exact chances for winning each one are in the second post — but to sum it up, i will first roll for which treasure chest you will get a prize from and then i will roll again for the exact prize you’ll get from that chest ^^

— Small Treasure Chest —
Small Speaker • Ear Edit [c]
Fancy Claw Polish • Claws [c]
Fancy Costume Wig • Hair Style [c]

All of these items can add the corresponding trait to a pre-existing PD or MYO!

— Medium Treasure Chest —
Shutter Shades • Eye Style Edit [uc]
Glow Stick Necklace • Glowing Parts [uc]
Totally Real Seagull Feather • Feathers [uc]

All of these items can add the corresponding trait to a pre-existing PD or MYO!

— Large Treasure Chest —
Box of Scented Crayons • Nose Edit [r]
Tube of Glitter • Sparkles/Particles [r]
Boombox • Extra Pair of Ears [r]

All of these items can add the corresponding trait to a pre-existing PD or MYO!

— Sparkly Treasure Chest —
Bubblegum’s Empty Energy Drink Can • Soda Tail [e]
Portable Water Ring Toss Game • Tank Tail [e]
Inflatable Plate Dragon • Rubber Ducky [e]

All of these items can add the corresponding trait to a pre-existing PD or MYO!

— Golden Treasure Chest —
“How to Host an Epic Party!!!” Handbook • MYO with Bubble Tail [e], 1 rare trait, + unlimited UC/C/NR traits
Bottle of Bubble Solution • Bubble Tail [e]
Gold Star Sticker • Premade PD adopt

The Bottle of Bubble Solution item can add the corresponding trait to a pre-existing PD or MYO!


“Awesome. Please fill out this sign-up sheet,” Bubblegum began as she handed you her clipboard and pen, “and let’s make this the best event ever!”


imabanditø @ Thu Jun 06, 2024 5:01 am

closing/opening post
Code: Select all
[b]📋 day 0 is now closed! 📋[/b]

[b]— Small Treasure Chest —[/b]
[quote]Small Speaker • [b]Ear Edit [c][/b][/quote]

[quote]Fancy Claw Polish • [b]Claws [c][/b][/quote]

[quote]Fancy Costume Wig • [b]Hair Style [c][/b][/quote]

[b]— 📝 —[/b]

[b]— Medium Treasure Chest —[/b]
[quote]Shutter Shades • [b]Eye Style Edit [uc][/b][/quote]

[quote]Glow Stick Necklace • [b]Glowing Parts [uc][/b][/quote]

[quote]Totally Real Seagull Feather • [b]Feathers [uc][/b][/quote]

[b]— 📝 —[/b]

[b]— Large Treasure Chest —[/b]
[quote]Box of Scented Crayons • [b]Nose Edit [r][/b][/quote]

[quote]Tube of Glitter • [b]Sparkles/Particles [r][/b][/quote]

[quote]Boombox • [b]Extra Pair of Ears [r][/b][/quote]

[b]— 📝 —[/b]

[b]— Sparkly Treasure Chest —[/b]
[quote]Bubblegum’s Empty Energy Drink Can • [b]Soda Tail [e][/b][/quote]

[quote]Portable Water Ring Toss Game • [b]Tank Tail [e][/b][/quote]

[quote]Inflatable Plate Dragon • [b]Rubber Ducky [e][/b][/quote]

[b]— 📝 —[/b]

[b]— Golden Treasure Chest —[/b]
[quote]“How to Host an Epic Party!!!” Handbook • [b]MYO with Bubble Tail [e], 1 rare trait, + unlimited UC/C/NR traits[/b][/quote]

[quote]Bottle of Bubble Solution • [b]Bubble Tail [e][/b][/quote]

[quote]Gold Star Sticker • [b]Premade PD adopt[/b][/quote]

[b]— 📝 —[/b]

[color=#4080FF]“Everyone has such cool ideas,[/color]” Bubblegum exclaimed. [color=#4080FF]“Based on our discussions, it looks like the event’s ⚠️OLD PROMPT⚠️ will be... [b]⚠️IDEA⚠️[/b]![/color]


[b]— 📝 —[/b]

⭐️ if you won a gold star sticker today, the pds to choose from are [url=LINK]here[/url]! i’ll message you when it’s your turn to pick ^^ ⭐️


[color=#4080FF]“Let’s keep this up! Based on my notes, the next aspect to plan is...[/color]

[size=150][b]⚠️NEW PROMPT?[/b][/size]


[b]📢 day 0 is now open! 📢[/b][/center]

— 📝 —

rolling guide
to make rolls faster / less confusing for me :^)

1. count number of participants + add 1 for additional roll

2. use d100 to roll for treasure chest; list results
small - roll 1-25 (25% chance)
medium - roll 26-50 (25% chance)
large - roll 51-75 (25% chance)
sparkly - roll 76-88 (13% chance)
golden - roll 89-100 (12% chance)

3. use d3 to roll for specific prize; add to list
first prize listed = 1, second = 2; third = 3

4. use d(number of participants) to see who gets the additional roll

5. organize into opening/closure form

— 📝—

all booth art was drawn by me! bubblegum is owned by me, as well <3<3 + featured in the background of the booth’s cover is inuimori’s pd plato! (drawn with permission)


imabanditø @ Thu Jun 20, 2024 12:00 pm

“Welcome to the pre-meeting! Or something like that. Based on my notes, the first aspect to plan is...

What should the theme of the event be?


📢 day 1 is now open! 📢

Myskx @ Thu Jun 20, 2024 12:14 pm

I have an idea!
username + id: Myskx 875503
participating pd: Mako
prompt response: Mako considered the question, his finned tail swaying idly behind him. "Hm.. what would be a good theme?" He muttered under his breath, some words audible, most not, for a few minutes, lingering on the question for far longer than the typical Plate Dragon would. Finally, his muttering became more audible, and he looked back up at Bubblegum with a smile. "Well, I like the water.. and I have fins, like a shark!" He'd waggle his finned tail to bring attention to it before continuing. "So how about an Under the Sea themed event? There could even be sharks incorporated into it somehow!" Mako excited himself with his idea, eventually prancing off to explore the other activities with a large, goofy grin.
— Day 1 —

19 replies not shown, show all

Range Trotter #JUN035 based on this drawing by HowlingHooves
by Pandapop @ Fri Jun 21, 2024 9:26 am [Reply]

Range Trotters are the result of crossbreeding Orlov Trotters, Finnhorses, Welsh Cobs (section C & D) and Hanoverians. Later crosses of Quarter Horses, Paint and Appaloosas to gain color and to give a boost to their hardiness.With a height average of 13-15 hands, they're a hardy breed with characteristics for various disciplines.

Created for use as work, carriage and leisure riding horses originally, they now serve as long-distance range horses, such as work with Park Rangers and mounted officers.

Willing and eager personalities, most are quickly trained to be bombproof and therefore trusted mounts in all lines of work; some are being seen in local show jumping competitions, others are notably used in therapeutic sessions for their calm temperaments. Harness races and endurance trials are common for the breed, as they are able to sustain an extended trot without tire. Cross-Country competitions see some of the taller Trotters, but due to their cob lineage this is still uncommon.

Despite the variety of competitions and work these horses are being seen in, they are still famously skilled as endurance racers. Many competitors have chosen Range Trotters due to their tireless work ethic, as well as the ease in which they can be trained. Many have become champions in endurance trials, and they have quickly become a sought after breed for their natural ability.

This Junicorn is willing to make a trade with you.
Something shiny and fancy in exchange for their companionship. Totally not a scam or anything.
What is your offer?
(Credit any image sources please!)
End Date: 6/25/24

Show Name:
Barn Name:
Eye Color: Moon Glow
Phenotype: Black Smoke Badger Grey Drift Mist w/Birdcatcher Stars + Eye Glow
Genotype: EE aa Bgbg DfDf + smoke + mist + bc stars + eye glow
    - Dominant for extension [E_]
    - Will always pass drift [Df_]
    - Horn, mane, and beard may pass at artist's discretion
    - Tail may only pass to immediate offspring at artist's discretion

Code: Select all
[b]Show Name:[/b]
[b]Barn Name:[/b]
[b]Halter Color:[/b]

Spiritstar3 @ Fri Jun 21, 2024 10:29 am

Show Name:
WR The Moon on the Stones
Barn Name:
15 hands
Halter Color:
Same as eyes
I'd get him an intricate pendant, with a blue moon butterfly as the charm part. I'd have the jewelry make do something so it would be shiny and glow in the dark.

Range Trotter #JUN034 based on this drawing by HowlingHooves
by Pandapop @ Fri Jun 21, 2024 8:53 am [Reply]

Range Trotters are the result of crossbreeding Orlov Trotters, Finnhorses, Welsh Cobs (section C & D) and Hanoverians. Later crosses of Quarter Horses, Paint and Appaloosas to gain color and to give a boost to their hardiness.With a height average of 13-15 hands, they're a hardy breed with characteristics for various disciplines.

Created for use as work, carriage and leisure riding horses originally, they now serve as long-distance range horses, such as work with Park Rangers and mounted officers.

Willing and eager personalities, most are quickly trained to be bombproof and therefore trusted mounts in all lines of work; some are being seen in local show jumping competitions, others are notably used in therapeutic sessions for their calm temperaments. Harness races and endurance trials are common for the breed, as they are able to sustain an extended trot without tire. Cross-Country competitions see some of the taller Trotters, but due to their cob lineage this is still uncommon.

Despite the variety of competitions and work these horses are being seen in, they are still famously skilled as endurance racers. Many competitors have chosen Range Trotters due to their tireless work ethic, as well as the ease in which they can be trained. Many have become champions in endurance trials, and they have quickly become a sought after breed for their natural ability.

This Junicorn wants to know how well you've been paying attention to them.
List 5 interests and 5 dislikes they have, as well as give them 3 personality traits.
End Date: 6/25/24

Show Name:
Barn Name:
Eye Color: Prismatic [rainbow heterochromia]
Phenotype: Palomino Parantua Roan Junicorn Irish Tobiano w/Birdcatcher Spots
Genotype: ee aa Crcr Rnrn JuJu ItoIto + parantua + bc spots
    - Will always pass junicorn [Ju_] and irish tobiano [Ito_]
    - Horn, mane, and beard may pass at artist's discretion
    - Tail may only pass to immediate offspring at artist's discretion

Code: Select all
[b]Show Name:[/b]
[b]Barn Name:[/b]
[b]Halter Color:[/b]

Queen Vivane @ Fri Jun 21, 2024 9:44 am

Username: Queen Vivane
Show Name: Unexpected
Barn Name: Iron
Gender: Stallion
Height: 15hh
Halter Color: Match eyes


Bell Peppers
Plastic Bottles

Personality Traits:

Taxidea @ Fri Jun 21, 2024 10:07 am

Username: Taxidea
Show Name: TT Known Heart
Barn Name: Cora
Gender: Mare
Height: 13.2hh
Halter Color: Purple
Interests: medieval history, young adult fantasy romance books, magnolia trees, dragons (especially when they are referred to as wyrms), the ability to see ultraviolet
Dislikes: spicy food, horror films, being cold, coming inside to grab something and immediately forgetting what she was looking for, disingenuous people/horses
Personality Traits: curious, easily awestruck, slow to forgive

Spiritstar3 @ Fri Jun 21, 2024 10:28 am

Show Name:
WR Cream and Country
(Like queen and country lol)
Barn Name:
15 hands
Halter Color:
Same as eyes
Interests are playing games, hearing stories, food, flowers, and art.
Dislikes corn, bullies, bad guys, loud noises, and bees...
Personality is soft spoken, kind hearted, but strong willed.

Estimated Growth Date: October 12th - October 17th
Breeding Date: October 26th

rolled positive for blixt

Owner: Paopu
Name: Rumour
Adult Height: 18in
Adult Weight: 31 lbs
Color: Black Blixt minimal white Rainfall
Genotype: awas BB cece Dd Emge hh II KbxKbx mm Ssi TsrTsr UU lclc

Candid x Phantom

Breeder: Paopu
Co-Breeder: certified

Breeding notes: This collie may only produce a maximum of two puppies per litter due to its genetics.

paopu @ Mon Nov 21, 2022 11:06 am

finally naming this darling Rumour <3

paopu @ Fri Jun 21, 2024 10:01 am

Now belongs to envious!

envious. @ Fri Jun 21, 2024 10:25 am

      confirming! <33

      Name: Desert Harbor's Fear Me Not|| La'an
      Gender: Female

    Estimated Growth Date: autogrown
    Breeding Date: May 4th

    Code: Select all
    [b]Owner:[/b] NoodleDOOT

    Adult Height: 18 in
    Adult Weight: 36 lbs
    Color: Black Based Freckled Silver Eryth Blixt Rainfall
    Genotype: apa Bb cchce Dd efer hh ii KbxKbx mm SS TsrTsr UU lclc

    Breeding Notes: Due to their genetics, this collie can only produce up to two puppies per litter.

    Nilak x Kumo
    Breeder: paradise,
    Co-breeder: NoodleDOOT

NoodleDOOT @ Sun Apr 14, 2024 9:11 am

chaos child <333 thankkk youuu hehe

Owner: NoodleDOOT
Name: Tetsu
Gender: male

NoodleDOOT @ Fri Jun 21, 2024 9:58 am

traded to envious. :3

envious. @ Fri Jun 21, 2024 10:25 am

      confirming! <3

      Name: Desert Harbor's To Fix What Is Broken || Hemmer

Range Trotter #JUN033 based on this drawing by HowlingHooves
by ShadyBro @ Fri Jun 21, 2024 2:00 am [Reply]

Range Trotters are the result of crossbreeding Orlov Trotters, Finnhorses, Welsh Cobs (section C & D) and Hanoverians. Later crosses of Quarter Horses, Paint and Appaloosas to gain color and to give a boost to their hardiness.With a height average of 13-15 hands, they're a hardy breed with characteristics for various disciplines.

Created for use as work, carriage and leisure riding horses originally, they now serve as long-distance range horses, such as work with Park Rangers and mounted officers.

Willing and eager personalities, most are quickly trained to be bombproof and therefore trusted mounts in all lines of work; some are being seen in local show jumping competitions, others are notably used in therapeutic sessions for their calm temperaments. Harness races and endurance trials are common for the breed, as they are able to sustain an extended trot without tire. Cross-Country competitions see some of the taller Trotters, but due to their cob lineage this is still uncommon.

Despite the variety of competitions and work these horses are being seen in, they are still famously skilled as endurance racers. Many competitors have chosen Range Trotters due to their tireless work ethic, as well as the ease in which they can be trained. Many have become champions in endurance trials, and they have quickly become a sought after breed for their natural ability.

Hi hello Shady is back.. yall could not possibly keep me away from a gay unicorn event lets be real <3

To enter this lil raffle, spit some positive and kind words at any member of the trotter community you'd like.

It can be anyone, and it can be any sentiment - just a nice lil 'hey youre neat!' works fine. Try to pick someone who hasnt yet been mentioned if possible!

(New to the community/don't know anyone yet? Feel free to say something kind or encouraging about what you've seen of the trotter breed so far instead <3)

End Date: 6/25

    Show Name:
    Barn Name:

    Eye Color: Teal We Meet Again
    Phenotype: Silver Black Taika Caribou Paleo Spot Chalkhill W/ Birdcatcher Spots
    Genotype: EE/aa/ZZ/CbCb/PsPs/Ckck +Taika +BC Spots

      - Horn, mane, and beard edits pass at artist's discretion.
      Tail edit may only pass to immediate offspring at artist's discretion.

    Code: Select all
    [b]Show Name:[/b]
    [b]Barn Name:[/b]
    [b]Halter Color:[/b]

strangetales @ Fri Jun 21, 2024 2:08 am

    Username: strangetales
    Show Name: tbd
    Barn Name: tbd
    Gender: tbd
    Height: 15.2hh
    Halter Color: artist's choice
    Prompt: you, shady!! i love your artistry and creativity and always enjoy seeing the rescues whenever you post the silly creatures in any of the discord channels. i'm happy you're back in trotters and i look forward to seeing more trotters made by you <3

Melatonins @ Fri Jun 21, 2024 2:23 am

Username: Melatonins
Show Name: Fair Words
Barn Name: Line
Gender: Stallion
Height: 15 hh
Halter Color: artist’s choice!
I’ll have to say heyheygirl101 was such a great help when I was super fresh settling in!! (Still new! I appreciate everyone’s patience with me!)

kyeza @ Fri Jun 21, 2024 3:35 am

    Username: kyeza
    Show Name: Vanished Beyond Recall
    Barn Name: Veritas
    Gender: stallion
    Height: 14.3hh
    Halter Color: something matchy!
    Prompt: court!! i can't compliment you too much or it'll go to your head, but you really are one of the closest friends i've made on cs. i don't even know where i'd be without you, so thank you for your silliness and for being stupid with me and the gang <3 and thank you for finally getting me into trotters even if i was nervous at first 😭

2 replies not shown, show all

Range Trotter #JUN032 based on this drawing by HowlingHooves
by coaliev @ Fri Jun 21, 2024 12:58 am [Reply]

Range Trotters are the result of crossbreeding Orlov Trotters, Finnhorses, Welsh Cobs (section C & D) and Hanoverians. Later crosses of Quarter Horses, Paint and Appaloosas to gain color and to give a boost to their hardiness.With a height average of 13-15 hands, they're a hardy breed with characteristics for various disciplines.

Created for use as work, carriage and leisure riding horses originally, they now serve as long-distance range horses, such as work with Park Rangers and mounted officers.

Willing and eager personalities, most are quickly trained to be bombproof and therefore trusted mounts in all lines of work; some are being seen in local show jumping competitions, others are notably used in therapeutic sessions for their calm temperaments. Harness races and endurance trials are common for the breed, as they are able to sustain an extended trot without tire. Cross-Country competitions see some of the taller Trotters, but due to their cob lineage this is still uncommon.

Despite the variety of competitions and work these horses are being seen in, they are still famously skilled as endurance racers. Many competitors have chosen Range Trotters due to their tireless work ethic, as well as the ease in which they can be trained. Many have become champions in endurance trials, and they have quickly become a sought after breed for their natural ability.

    Give this junicorn some personality! To win them, list three (3) positive and three (3) negative traits they have.
    End Date: June 25th

    Show Name:
    Barn Name:

    Eye Color: Pink Bite
    Phenotype: Slated Spiced Cremello Sukupuoli Tortoiseshell Snowcap
    Genotype: ee Aa CrCr Sltslt Spcspc Tshtsh LpLp +Sukupuoli

      - will always pass cream [Cr] & leopard complex [Lp]
      - sukupuoli passes at 25%
      - horn and mane pass at artist's discretion
      - tail may only pass to immediate offspring at artist's discretion

    Code: Select all
        [b]Show Name:[/b]
        [b]Barn Name:[/b]
        [b]Halter Color:[/b]

Melatonins @ Fri Jun 21, 2024 2:09 am

Username: Melatonins
Show Name: Strike Me Clear
Barn Name: Adira
Gender: Mare
Height: 15 hh
Halter Color: black
Adira is a confident Junicorn who often shows compassion in her day-to-day deeds! She’s well known for her caring nature, as well as staying truthful and honest.
In saying this, Adira is also quite impulsive! She tends to act on a whim with sudden ideas, and rarely commit to long term plans!
This Junicorn is a bit vain, fully aware of how gorgeous her coat is, she is not afraid to excessively flaunt it!
Adira sometimes struggles with her ill-temper, finding herself at the end of a short fuse when approached with so much as a minor inconvenience.

More or less, she’s a good-spirited Junicorn with a little bit of spice!

ShadyBro @ Fri Jun 21, 2024 2:33 am

    Username: ShadyBro
    Show Name: NVR Wading Through The Lillies
    Barn Name: Koia
    Gender: Mare
    Height: 13hh
    Halter Color: Pink

    Openhanded - Koia is always willing to offer what she can to others, whether that be sharing feed or offering her spare time to babysit her friends foals, shes just happy to help!
    Demure - While not introverted by any means, Koia is certainly a bit shy, and quite modest in nature. She is often politely reserved with her anecdotes and body language.
    Amiable - There is certainly not another trotter around as kind and pleasant to talk to as Koia. Her mannerisms and soft smile put everyone at ease, even if its just a passing exchange.

    Diffident - Despite her positivity, Koia can certainly be a bit too timid and pessimistic about her fears at times. She tends to lack much self-confidence, and it usually comes out in unfavorable ways.
    Maladroit - Try as she might, Koia cannot escape her clumsiness. It's like she was born with four left hooves!
    Distrait - Small details seem to go right over Koia's head unfortunately. She doesn't mean to be so distracted all the time honestly, she wants to do her best, but information really does just go in one ear and out the other sometimes.

Starwindrider @ Fri Jun 21, 2024 3:51 am

Username: Starwindrider
Show Name: NAS Histology Mosaic
Barn Name: Neuron
Gender: Stallion
Height: 15hh
Halter Color: Eye colour
(+) Creative: Neuron doesn't just think out of the box, he lives outside of it. His ideas are always novel and intriguing. He's the trotter version of a creative genius.
(+) Daring: If there's a challenge to be overcome, Neuron will face it head-on and with a lot of enthusiasm. He doesn't fear challenges, challenges fear him.
(+) Passionate: A fire burns in Neuron for all the things he loves. It's usually puzzles, new challenges and competitions.
(-) Stubborn: One thing Neuron hates the most is giving way. If he has his sights set on one method of doing things, making him choose another method will be harder than moving the entire Himalayan mountain range.
(-) Isolated: Neuron tries to take other trotters into account, but he's very bad at it. He's not good at communicating with other trotters, making them dislike him too.
(-) Eccentric: Neuron's ideas are often out-of-the-ordinary, marking him as an oddball amongst the other "common" horses.

All in all, Neuron is very intelligent and creative, but his lack of communication and empathy makes integrating with other herdmates rather difficult. But if someone out there can appreciate his creative genius, perhaps he can make the first step to making more friends!

1 replies not shown, show all

Range Trotters are the result of crossbreeding Orlov Trotters, Finnhorses, Welsh Cobs (section C & D) and Hanoverians. Later crosses of Quarter Horses, Paint and Appaloosas to gain color and to give a boost to their hardiness.With a height average of 13-15 hands, they're a hardy breed with characteristics for various disciplines.

Created for use as work, carriage and leisure riding horses originally, they now serve as long-distance range horses, such as work with Park Rangers and mounted officers.

Willing and eager personalities, most are quickly trained to be bombproof and therefore trusted mounts in all lines of work; some are being seen in local show jumping competitions, others are notably used in therapeutic sessions for their calm temperaments. Harness races and endurance trials are common for the breed, as they are able to sustain an extended trot without tire. Cross-Country competitions see some of the taller Trotters, but due to their cob lineage this is still uncommon.

Despite the variety of competitions and work these horses are being seen in, they are still famously skilled as endurance racers. Many competitors have chosen Range Trotters due to their tireless work ethic, as well as the ease in which they can be trained. Many have become champions in endurance trials, and they have quickly become a sought after breed for their natural ability.

This Junicorn's favourite season of summer, they can't get enough of the sun.
What summer activity are you doing with this Junicorn to win them over?

End Date: June 22

Show Name:
Barn Name:

Eye Color: Blood Orange
Phenotype: Cremello Aurinko Piraiba Tobiano
Genotype: ee/aa/CrCr/Pipi/ToTo +Aurinko

- Horn & mane may pass at artist's discretion.
- Tail may only pass to immediate offspring at artist's discretion.

Code: Select all
[b]Show Name:[/b]
[b]Barn Name:[/b]
[b]Halter Color:[/b]

Melatonins @ Thu Jun 20, 2024 8:11 pm

Username: Melatonins
Show Name: Fun In The Sun
Barn Name: Citrine
Gender: Mare
Height: 15 hh
Halter Color: same ombré as the text, with sparkles!
Water balloon fight!!! Completely spook-proof, she enjoys the balloons bursting with water, providing a fun way to cool off in the summer sun!

Spiritstar3 @ Fri Jun 21, 2024 10:19 am

Show Name:
WR Water and Wind
Barn Name:
14.2 hands
Halter Color:
Eye color
We're swimming in the water, because swimming and water are good for many things. I take her to a clean and clear, cool lake. There, she can drink the water if she wants, watch the fishes, swim around herself. She can also go over to the waterfall, because there's a small waterfall.

Concession stand! based on this drawing by InuImori
by tsu-bear @ Wed Jun 05, 2024 4:09 am [Reply]

Zarya wrote:Hey! Welcome to the concession stand! here's the menu,
let me know when you're ready to order!

‣ Hamburger XXXXXX‣ Fries XXXXXXXXXXX‣ Slushie - Mango, Grape,
‣ Hotdog XXXXXXXXX‣ Chips XXXXXXXXXXx‣ Water

‣ Corndog XXXXXXXX‣ Pretzels XXXXXXXXi ‣ Soda

Pick a Main, Side and a Drink! If you pick Slushie, make sure you specify what flavor!
Depending on what you pick, you will get a prize! mix and match every day to get something new!

Rare and Event traits are special prizes and will be under a different order every day.
Every day there will be ONE special order, first person to order it will win something super cool

Code: Select all
[color=#40BFFF][b][u]Day One![/u][/b][/color]
[b]Username + UID:[/b]

imabanditø @ Thu Jun 20, 2024 12:32 pm

Day One!
Username + UID: imabanditø 908562
Main: hamburger
Side: fries
Drink: soda

LittleWolf666 @ Thu Jun 20, 2024 12:33 pm

Day One!
Username + UID:LittleWolf666 1081574
Drink:mango slushy

Reki. @ Thu Jun 20, 2024 12:34 pm

Day One!
Username + UID: Reki. 758592
Main: Hotdog
Side: Chips
Drink: Apple Slushie

30 replies not shown, show all

Range Trotter #JUN001 based on this drawing by HowlingHooves
by Taxidea @ Sun Jun 16, 2024 11:27 pm [Reply]

Range Trotters are the result of crossbreeding Orlov Trotters, Finnhorses, Welsh Cobs (section C & D) and Hanoverians. Later crosses of Quarter Horses, Paint and Appaloosas to gain color and to give a boost to their hardiness.With a height average of 13-15 hands, they're a hardy breed with characteristics for various disciplines.

Created for use as work, carriage and leisure riding horses originally, they now serve as long-distance range horses, such as work with Park Rangers and mounted officers.

Willing and eager personalities, most are quickly trained to be bombproof and therefore trusted mounts in all lines of work; some are being seen in local show jumping competitions, others are notably used in therapeutic sessions for their calm temperaments. Harness races and endurance trials are common for the breed, as they are able to sustain an extended trot without tire. Cross-Country competitions see some of the taller Trotters, but due to their cob lineage this is still uncommon.

Despite the variety of competitions and work these horses are being seen in, they are still famously skilled as endurance racers. Many competitors have chosen Range Trotters due to their tireless work ethic, as well as the ease in which they can be trained. Many have become champions in endurance trials, and they have quickly become a sought after breed for their natural ability.

Junicorn #1 is showcasing a new marking: Junicorn!
Junicorn (JuJu / Juju) is a rare marking that creates a 7-colored rainbow on the lower legs. The marking never shows above the knees or hocks and is always faded at the top. Each color has a specific hex code that must be used. All seven colors must always be present and their order cannot be changed.

The junicorn marking will be showcased on some Junicorn adopts. After the event, it will only be available through Explore finds and breedings.

This first trotter Junicorn is a raffle because it showcases the new marking!
End Date: 20 June 2024

Username: fruitbat
Show Name: True Colours
Barn Name: Nova

Gender: Mare
Height: 15hh
Eye Color: Rainbow Dreaming (Rainbow Heterochromia)
Phenotype: Grullo Junicorn Colobus Monkey Ringed Snake Minimal Blanket Appaloosa
Genotype: EE aa DD JuJu Cmcm Rsrs Lplp
- Horn, mane, and beard may pass at artist's discretion
- Tail may only pass to immediate offspring at artist's discretion

Melatonins @ Sun Jun 16, 2024 11:38 pm

Username: Melatonins
Show Name: Taste The Rainbow
Barn Name: Skittles
Gender: Stallion
Height: 15 hh
Halter Color: Artist’s choice!
Prompt: raffle #1

allybrad @ Sun Jun 16, 2024 11:45 pm

Username: allybrad
Show Name: ABF Lovers, Dreamers, and Me
Barn Name: Niji
Gender: stallion
Height: 15.1 hh
Halter Color: muted rainbow
Prompt: #2! these guys are awesome!!

MazBourne @ Mon Jun 17, 2024 12:15 am

Username: MazBourne
Show Name: SR
Barn Name:
Halter Color:
Prompt: 3

Wip as phones dying oop

28 replies not shown, show all

Stars MYO #1208 based on this drawing by Swishy & Broken
by Kazin @ Mon Dec 04, 2023 2:15 pm [Reply]

This is a Secret Santa gift cat!
This cat is for: Thani
Coat description: cinnamon tortoiseshell (carries mackerel tabby) with white spotting
Edits: [nr] accessories (flowers), expression
[c] shorter tail, min fur, whiskers

flowerless version will also be provided!

Thani @ Sun Dec 31, 2023 10:23 am

I finished my Secret Santa cat and am claiming my gift!
Username: Thani
Clan Link: Clan clan
Gift cat you finished for your user: Here!
they are so cute aaaaaaaaaa

I Like Bees @ Tue Jan 16, 2024 1:05 pm

Approved and archived!

Thani @ Fri Jun 21, 2024 10:13 am

This cat has been Gifted to canadianhowl

Stars MYO #1241 based on this drawing by Swishy & Broken
by Lokisaurus @ Thu Dec 21, 2023 10:45 am [Reply]

Code: Select all
username: thani
clan: (link please)
myo/items using:
coat description: abyssal (genetically black smoke) classic ghost tabby
[list][nr] expression, claws, accessories (vines)
[c] ear placement, ear tufts, pupil edit, sclera color, eye shape, teeth, pointed ears
[uc] long tail, unnatural eye color
[r] max fur (half hairless, half fluffy), unusual coloring[/list]
obtained how?: (trade, bought, found in explore, etc.)

Thani @ Fri Dec 22, 2023 6:28 am

username: thani
clan: Central Realms
myo/items using: 1x 1 Rare MYO + 1x Rare edit
coat description: abyssal (genetically black smoke) classic ghost tabby

    [nr] expression, claws, accessories (vines)
    [c] ear placement, ear tufts, pupil edit, sclera color, eye shape, teeth, pointed ears
    [uc] long tail, unnatural eye color
    [r] max fur (half hairless, half fluffy), unusual coloring
obtained how?: Bought

I Like Bees @ Tue Jan 02, 2024 6:26 am

Please change this thread title to MYO #1241 and add smoke to the coat description

You traded this UN MYO ticket here and there is not another in your bank. Additionally, the rare edit you linked was deleted to account for that same trade using one of the rare edit items from this form and then I DMed you notifying you which rare edit I deleted as a replacement (one of these). Please adjust your items and ensure they are not pending usage elsewhere

Thani @ Thu Feb 08, 2024 4:53 pm

I Like Bees wrote:
Please change this thread title to MYO #1241 and add smoke to the coat description

You traded this UN MYO ticket here and there is not another in your bank. Additionally, the rare edit you linked was deleted to account for that same trade using one of the rare edit items from this form and then I DMed you notifying you which rare edit I deleted as a replacement (one of these). Please adjust your items and ensure they are not pending usage elsewhere

Sorry for the long wait! Just fixed c:

2 replies not shown, show all

Left wrote:Name:
Description: cinnamon broken mackerel tabby with low white
Edits: [NR] expression, claws
[C] tongue, whiskers, eye shape, eyelashes, fangs, sclera, short tail, pointed ears
[UC] muzzle, unnatural eye color, med fur
Right wrote:Name:
Description: cinnamon classic tabby with mid white
Edits: [NR] expression
[C] tongue, whiskers, eye shape, fangs, sclera, short tail, pointed ears
[R] max fur
These kittens may grow on 3/24. Eye colors may change as they grow.

canadianhowl @ Sat Feb 11, 2023 1:21 pm


You stumble upon two little kittens who look up at you curiously. Their parents dont seem to be around anywhere.
Hmm... seems like they need a home!
Will your clan be their new home?

Each kit has their own prompt so make sure you're answering the right one.
These kitten's dont have to have lore tying back to their parents but you are free to do so if you wish.

top left
Make a moodboard for this cat! Please make sure to credit images.

top right
Make a short story about anything for this cat! Max of 300 words.

Art is okay too for either adopts!

Ends February 22nd at 11:59pm MST
You may enter for as many kits as you want, but you can only win one.

Code: Select all
[b]Which kit?:[/b]
[b]Cat Name:[/b]
[b]Clan:[/b] (Please link)

riverotter @ Sat Feb 11, 2023 2:03 pm


Beezhivez @ Sun Feb 12, 2023 8:26 am

Which kit?: Left
Username: Beezhivez
Cat Name: Lychee
Gender: Demi-girl
Rank: Young One; future tbd
Clan: Wanderers of the Bay
Age: 4 moons
Not my best, moodboard made on Canva, all images sourced from Stock Images!

Which kit?: Right
Username: Beezhivez
Cat Name: Wyvern
Gender: Jack (they/them)
Rank: Young One; future tbd
Clan: Wanderers of the Bay
Age: 4 moons

The sea waves crashed against a cliff, a similar sound came from above. A creature of scales and wings landing into a cave. The dragon peered around, making sure no one uninvited was hiding within their home. Once they were sure they were secure, they relaxed, their form flickering, and soon fading away.. revealing a cat.

Gentle pawsteps echoed through the cave, walking further in, stopping in a deeper room. The sound of running water echoed around, the smell of mosses and herbs floating around the air. Glowing herbs dotted the cave, and from the darkness, gave the look of a night sky. The cat approached a nest in the back, laying down. They picked up something from the nest. It shimmered, the color rivaling the sun itself. The piece of gold was smooth, once an imprinted coin run down into a small, golden plate. Hugging it to their chest, they sighed.

"Color of blazes and flame, I wish for company in my name." They mumbled, making the wish on their one prized possession.

What they didn't expect, was for them to be heard. As when morning came, a cat had washed upon the shore...


7 replies not shown, show all

Stars MYO #1411 based on this drawing by Swishy & Broken
by Adamented @ Sun Mar 24, 2024 3:21 am [Reply]

MYO commission for Wretched.Felidae!

Code: Select all
[b]clan:[/b] (link please)
[b]myo/items using:[/b]
[b]coat description:[/b] blue silver shaded charcoal braided tabby tortie with low white
[b]edits:[/b] [list][b][nr][/b] accessories, claws
[c] teeth, whiskers, eyelashes, ear tufts
[b][uc][/b] medium fur
[b]obtained how?:[/b] (trade, bought, found in explore, etc.)

Let me know if any of the info needs an edit!

Wretched.Felidae @ Wed Mar 27, 2024 6:17 am

username: Wretched.Felidae
clan: Zenith
myo/items using: UC MYO + R Edit
coat description: blue silver shaded charcoal braided tabby tortie with low white

    [nr] accessories, claws
    [c] teeth, whiskers, eyelashes, ear tufts
    [uc] medium fur
obtained how?: traded!

(for me later: Name - Hiraya)

I Like Bees @ Wed Apr 24, 2024 6:39 pm

Hello! This would currently be max fur (head [0.5] + chest [0.5] + front legs [1] + half back legs [0.5] + half belly [0.25] + half tail [0.5] = 3.25 [max]). Since the front box is almost fully edited (and definitely more than half edited) I would consider that a full box. If you adjust the edits so that the fur edit covers less than 3 boxes (see here) they'll be good for mid fur! Otherwise you'll need to adjust the myo ticket / edit items to account for the rare edit

Please also add some sort of clear accessory attachment to the halos (at least on the head) ^^ I can see the bracelet / nose ring vibes but the ones on the ear / head don't feel like they'd sit there naturally and look more like unnatural halos rather than passing as jewelry

Please lmk when that's been updated!

Adamented @ Thu Apr 25, 2024 4:55 pm

Def can fix the jewelry no problem, For the fur edits... hm. I don't know how I manage to calculate those edits so poorly, could have sworn I asked for help for this one too TwT I'll throw an R edit Wretched's way for it!

3 replies not shown, show all

Tell me a night activity this shepherd enjoys! - Ends in 5 days.

Code: Select all
[b]Name meaning:[/b] (Optional)
[b]Pride Paint:[/b] (Optional)

Phenotype: Masked black and cream agouti
Genotype: awaw BB cece DD EmE hh kyky ll mm SS tt UU
Health: Healthy
Height: 29 in
Weight: 61 lbs
Equipment: None
Distracted (-5 to Obedience Trials)
Athletic (+5 to sports and SAR)

Based on a discord suggestion by ►Athena◄.

SSS: Unknown
SSD: Unknown
SDS: Unknown
SDD: Unknown
SS: Unknown
SD: Unknown
Sire: Unknown
DSS: Unknown
DSD: Unknown
DDS: Unknown
DDD: Unknown
DS: Unknown
DD: Unknown
Dam: Unknown

NoodleDOOT @ Mon Jun 17, 2024 3:33 am

big mark 👀

CaptainLea @ Tue Jun 18, 2024 7:21 am

User: CaptainLea
Name: ES Sand Viper "Coal"
Gender: male
Name meaning: (Optional)
Prompt: I would say that he really likes sleeping. Since day that he cames home, his kingdom was bed. Anyone else can't get here, when Coal is already in bed. Not just he takes so much place because of his size and his superpower to sleep in weirdy positions, but also he doesn't like to sleep next to another dog. Simply, he just want to be alone with his human, that can pet him. He feels safe and happy. And also sleeps whole night to morning.
Pride Paint: (Optional)

Baobabel @ Fri Jun 21, 2024 9:41 am

User: Baobabel
Name: Flashes in the Dark // Fireflight
Gender: Male
Name meaning: n/a
Prompt: Fireflight's favorite nighttime activity only happens during a certain time of year. Once the seasons turn, he begins his evening watch, waiting for the first flash of the year. Fireflights absolute favorite thing is... fireflies! He loves the brightly flashing lightning bugs. An evening doesn't feel complete without seeing those fleeting flashes in the night. There's something so whimsical and ephemeral about it. As a pup he would chase and try to catch them. He succeeded once, accidently squishing it in his overeager mouth. As he saw the glow slowly fade, he felt so bad, he never harmed a single one again. He will still chase and leap for them but he's always careful to not touch them roughly. Most nights, he'll just lay in the yard, watching the gentle light show drift all around him until he floats off to sleep.
Pride Paint: MLM flag!


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