Regulus Gaunt | Pockets (please DNP) by Yuroshi

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Regulus Gaunt | Pockets (please DNP)

Postby Yuroshi » Mon Apr 08, 2019 9:41 am

Regulus Gaunt

  • Standard: Hair, Shine, and Claws
  • Common: Fur and Tail
  • Uncommon: Ears and Fur
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1 | 2 | 3
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Re: Regulus Gaunt | Pockets (please DNP)

Postby Yuroshi » Mon Apr 08, 2019 9:42 am

For reference, the AU this takes place in is a medieval monarchy with a largely magicless population. Those born with magic are very rare. Society-wise, there are lords and ladies of certain "higher class" lands, which the king which reins supreme over, and he and his royal army have declared magic illegal. Those born with magic have one of three choices- join the kings army to find and destroy other magicals, hide your powers from those around you, or rebel. Should a magical choose either of the last two, their life cannot be guaranteed- their own existence is dangerous. The Gaunt family is a noble family whose patriarch was slain due to his magic and refusal to submit to the king, but the line was not cast out due to the fact that the Gaunt Matriarch was the one with Gaunt blood, and she immediately cast out her husband upon learning of his magic and refusal to submit. In fact, this made the family gain more favor with the King. Unfortunately, he wasn't the only one to have magic.... and as always, magic comes with a price.

You’d somehow made your way into a simple tavern, more than happy to sit down and swap stories with it’s inhabitants. At some point, you’d gotten onto the topic of family, and, finishing your own tale, look toward the young man sitting beside you, ready to hear his part. You did not get quite what you expected, though. Instead of talking plainly about joked he’d played as a child, or anything similar, he got a faraway look in his eyes....
“I used to have a brother, you know,” he says as though it is a simple fact, and you notice the noise of the room drop dramatically around you as others lean in. But he ignores them, and they go back to their chatter. Yet as the young man gets up, you can tell he wants you to follow, so you do. Once outside, he turns toward you and you know you are somehow being given trust few receive. He gestures towards his eyes simply, silently. Before you know it, you look into those eyes and you are drawn in to a history you’d never have imagined.

Past wrote:
Name: Regulus Gaunt

A little boy sat alone on a hillside, drawing figures in the grass beside him. If anyone would’ve been close enough, they would hear some quiet humming, a song- obviously foreign, that few others knew. But no one was there to hear it- only the creatures of the wild hidden in the forests and fields around him.
It can be nice to be alone sometimes, the little boy thought optimistically, enjoying the peace around her... until it was shattered by a loud voice.
”REGULUS!” called a loud, forceful voice- the voice of his not so sane mother. It easily broke the peace and the silence, and the little boy- Regulus- quickly got up and began to head back toward the dark mansion behind him. It was obvious he’d been through this before. ”Young man, get inside and washed up! We must practice your etiquette, so that you may become a respected prince later! But, we must also practice your fitness and ability for combat. The Gaunts shall never be caught unprepared!” After this forceful statement, Regulus simply replied “Yes, mother,” before heading up to follow the orders. He knew, after all, it would do no good to ignore them- he’d only be punished if he did, regardless of the fact that they did this every day.

It took only a few minutes for Regulus to clean up before he swiftly traveled down the stairs, greeted by the sight of his mother sitting and already lecturing another young man about the "proper way to gain followers, and torture any who dares reject you." Regulus’s eyes lit up as he saw that the other boy sitting there was none other than his older brother Sirius. Although he didn't dare run to hug him with his mother in lecture, he couldn't resist taking Sirius's hand under the table as the two pretended to listen attentively to their mother. For a while, the two could only pretend to listen, but it wasn't long until Ms. Gaunt abruptly cut off her speech, rising and wandering off to do something the boys didn't bother trying to figure out. The moment he was out of sight, Regulus launched himself at hid sibling, giving him a tight hug before grabbing his hand once more and bringing him up the stairs, into his room.

"Calm down little one," Siruis said with a fond gleam in his eyes. "I know I have been away for a while, but you know how she is about this... it's either accept one of the noble's invitations, become one, or join the king's army."
"Don't call me little!" Regulus snapped out with no real venom in his voice. "I'm thirteen, Siri, only two years younger than you, and my birthday is hardly a month away! I'm just excited to see you... you know mother has been doing the same for me now. I'm 'the prime age,' she says. I can't believe her sometimes, but I know that losing father made her different... still, she can be a nightmare! Just the other day, she almost let out the truth about... you know what. It has always just been you and me against the world, and now that you're gone, I just... I- oh, drown it all!" Regulus finished in a huff.
Siri simply smiled slightly, drawing his little brother into a comforting hug.
"I know, Reggie. You were always my best friend, and you still are. We have always been here for each other, and I promise I will always do my best for you. When you're scared, I will help you face your fears. When you're sad, I will help remind you of things to be happy about. But you know you aren't defenseless anymore... you have been working on your gift, haven't you brother?

Regulus simply rolled his eyes before focusing strongly and reaching out and drawing a small chocolate seemingly out of nowhere, offering it to his brother. Of course, the chocolate didn't come out of nowhere, and Siri could see that as well- his eyes had begun to glow as his little brother focused, and he saw with a strange view of all things unnatural a small pocket dimension open at his brother’s will. Even without the sight though, he would've known about the "unnatural" aspect- after all, his brother’s hand began to look as though it was part of space as he called forth his dimension.
"Pockets, that was absolutely brilliant! You've gotten better, now only small pieces of you change to mimic space when you use your gift... I am so proud of you! Now, how about I tell you about my latest journey? It started with..."

Regulus couldn't help the proud blush that overtook him at his brother’s praise, and his use of the code name they had come up for his power. As he listened to Siri talk about all that had occurred on his month long journey, Regulus couldn't help but think back on all the times his brother had encouraged him, helped him, been there for him. Saved him. He reached in for another hug as he thought of how lucky he was to have such a wonderful brother as his very best friend.

Alias: Pockets

The next month passed in a blur for the brothers- one 13, one 16, both knowing far more than one so young should know, and both carrying the secrets of the other. When they weren't hiding from their mother, caught in one of her lessons, or practicing their forbidden magic, they did anything two best friends with access to noble households would do- they explored, they talked, and they caused mischief. All too soon, the month was up, and Regulus was finally an adult- well, as much as an 14 year old can be considered an adult, anyway.
Regulus woke up on his birthday positively glowing- he was a full adult now! And her brother was there to celebrate with him, so besides the mounds of possible lords to serve under he knew he would receive from his mother... this time, he’d actually get real presents! Regulus couldn’t keep the smile off of his face as he bounced to his feet, quickly throwing on his favorite cloaks with a silvery trim and hidden pockets, a gift from his brother when he was 10 and his silver earring from his 12th birthday. Then, he bounced out of his room and barged into Sirius’s.

Regulus’s brother jolted awake, rolling to his feet with eyes glowing as, on instinct, he activated his powers. Upon seeing it was only his overexcited brother, he slumped back down onto the bed, the glow receding as he chuckled slightly.
Happy birthday, Reggie!”
The boys took a moment to talk about what they might want to do for the day, both deciding heading out and exploring seemed like the best plan.

Neither noticed that their mother had seen Sirius’s eyes glow.
Nor did they realize as they slipped out of the building that their mother wasn’t in the house anymore.

The day passed in a blur for Sirius and Regulus. Throwing on battered cloaks to hide their appearance, they travelled through the village, happily traveling from one place to the next, getting to know the townspeople without predjudice. As the sun started to go down, the boys finally began to return home, tired but happy with their day. They stopped to sit atop Regulus’s favorite hill, and watch the sunset’s reflection on the lake behind their manor. Leaning sleepily against each other, the two brothers were more grateful than ever to have each other. Even though they’d fight sometimes, they were the best of friends to each other. With only small warning, Siruus shifted to face his brother, reaching to grab a small pouch from his belt.

”Happy Birthday,” Siri said once more to his little brother, ”to the best friend I have ever had, and the best brotherI could ever ask for.” With that, Sirius opened the bag, pulling out two bracelets- one a graceful moonsilver with a pouncing dog, and the other a gentle silver with a proudly standing lion pendent. Regulus was shocked speechless as his brother reached forward and clasped the sirius dog around his wrist, putting the regulus lion one around his own.
”They’re enchanted, see? To others, they will always look tarnished unless we deem them trustworthy, and... and they’ll connect us. You know I can see the magic in non-living things, right? Well, these have a line connecting them. With these, I will always, always make my way back to you. I- ”
Whatever Sirius planned to say was cut off as Regulus cut him off with a heartfelt thank you and a hug so tight he could hardly breathe. The two boys stayed there until the stars began to appear in the sky once more, talking about nothing and everything at the same time. But finally, it was time for them to head inside, so the boys did.

Power: Pocket Dimensions

As they stepped inside, they immediately wished they hadn’t.

”Halt!” called a forceful voice. ”You, the eldest! We have heard that you have magic. By law of our Gracious Majesty, you must either hand yourself over, or face immediate consequences!”
The two could only stand shocked, before glancing at their mother pacing behind the man that spoke. It came to them quickly- this was the Magicals Suppresion Guard. Their own mother had somehow seen them, and turned them in. Regulus spun to look at his brother, drawing his hand away in the process, pure shock still written on his face from this sudden change of events. Before he could speak, his brother cut him off.
”So you’ve finally realized, have you? It’s foolish that it took you this long!” he cackled menacingly. ”I will never submit to you, mongrel, nor your scum you call king!” Sirius turned to Regulus here, and his menacing grin was taken over by a sad, broken smile as he looked at her little brother. And suddenly, Regulus understood. Siri was doing this to protect him. Because if he fought back, and pretended that Regulus didn’t know... no one would bother checking to see if Reggie was magic as well.
”You are the only one, little brother, that I will regret deceiving. So much potential, if only you had magic... Mongrels! You’ll never be able to take me!”
And with one last look at his little brother, he mouthed “always,” tapped his bracelet, and took off, leaving a shell-shocked family and Royal Guard behind. As Regulus’s mind finally caught up to what happened, it took everything he had to not break down sobbing. As it was, a small cry made it’s way from him as he watched his brother disappear into the tree line.

”I am sorry for the ways the Magical made you suffer. You will be rewarded for your loyalty to His Gracious Majesty,” the monster who caused his brother to leave said, attempting to comfort the broken boy and his broken mother. ”Men, move out!”
As Regulus watched the men flow out and into the forest to chase after his brother, he found himself going numb. His mother, in a show of kindness completely unlike her, patted him gently on the shoulder. Mindlessly, Regulus walked up, passing his e own room to sit in his brother’s bed.

Hours passed as he sat numbly, before finally looking down at his wrist, and the bracelet on it. His brother’s words echoed in her head. ’I will always, always make my way back to you...’
The boy felt nothing like the adult he was said to be in that moment, and pulled his brother’s blanket over him. Screwing his eyes tightly closed, he began to sing in a quiet voice, broken only by the sobs that wracked his body.
Happy Birthday to me....
And with that, he sunk into the oblivion of a dreamless sleep, and began to wait for the day his brother would return.

Abruptly, your connection with this stranger- Regulus- and his past snap closed. And suddenly you understand why he chose to trust you with his secret, for it must’ve been a burden for him to bear for these past years... four or five, maybe, for he looks somewhere from 18 to 20. And you start to feel pity for a moment, but it subsided when you notice the fierce look in the young man’s eyes.
”I used to have a brother, and I still do,” he growls out, eyes fixed up towards the stars- no doubt on Sirius- as he absently rubs his fingers upon what looks like a tarnished silver bracelet.
And I think it’s about time I go to find him. We Gaunt’s aren’t known for our patience.. but we never fail in a task. My brother is simply taking a bit longer than usual.”
With those parting thoughts, spoken more to himself than you, he turns with a dangerous grace and begins to walk off, leaving you behind with only a shocked expression on your face as you wonder what just happened, and how much of it was real. But right before he turns a corner, you see his fingertip glow black, and a small dagger emerges from... nowhere, it seems. And you know, then, that all of it was real.
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