Viscet #1390 - Glowing Bee winners! by jolteon

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by Corvuss

Viscet #1390 - Glowing Bee winners!

Postby jolteon » Sun Apr 23, 2017 2:26 am

Owner: sschw
Name: Clover
Gender: male
Gender for breeding purposes: male

i love this babe so much <3 hope you guys do as well!

for this one, tell me what their favorite flower is and why! you have unlimited words in this section. you can also have up to 3 optional extras, 1 extra = 500 words OR 1 piece of art. no comics/animations are allowed, but feel free to combine extras (1000 words = 2 extras)

Code: Select all
[b]Favorite flower and why:[/b]

end date is may 6th, feel free to ask for an extension ^^

Firefly tail - event rare
Antennae - event rare (roaming trait)
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Re: Viscet #1390 - Glowing Bee

Postby manta rae » Sun Apr 23, 2017 2:26 am

ooooh geez mark
no longer active, please check out my other social medias tho !! <3
art by Violenca
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Postby Corvuss » Sun Apr 23, 2017 2:40 am


Favorite Flower and Why:


Clover’s life began in a cozy tunnel in the middle of a Quaking Grass Meadow. From inside the tunnel where he was kept he would be able to occasionally smell the sweet scents that were swept in by a cool breeze, or see the occasional colorful beetle. The Briza Grass had a calm feel that helped life thrive. It allowed many flowers to grow and attracted birds that lived off those flowers. Overall his home was a pleasant place, he could tell already, although he had never seen it or smelled it clearly. He had always been surrounded in mostly earthy scents and sights, but his parents never came to him appearing scared or stressed so he knew the outside was okay. He felt perfectly happy with how things were.

Clover’s parents hadn’t allowed him to go outside yet. They feared the other visclings might be too much for him at his younger age. He had hatched much later than the others. He didn’t argue with them because he didn’t know there was anyone else, or what the outside was like. It scared him a little but he still enjoyed the occasional gifts his parents brought him from the unknown. The tokens were small items like petals, feathers, pebbles, and occasional special items. The special items were much larger and complete; his first had been when he was young. The bright color instantly caught his eye. It was round with many petals around it and smelled nice. “Clover, do you know what this is?” His mother had asked him, setting the flower in front of him as he had scrambled over. He shook his head, he was reserved even as a viscling. “This is a sunflower. They are a symbol of happiness and give you good luck,” she shifted closer to her viscling as if she were about to tell him a secret. She whispered, “Some even believe that if you eat them, you will become immortal.” Clover silently gasped and quickly shoved the flower toward his mother's face trying to get her to eat part of the flower. She laughed and picked up the small bundle of fur, and the light of his tail illuminated the tunnel around them. His mother hugged him close and he resisted, annoyed she hadn’t eaten the flower but eventually gave in. Clover’s parents were the only viscets he knew and he was extremely attached to them. He wanted them to live forever so they had to eat the sunflower at some point. His mother set him down and told him to stay put before leaving again. She had left the flower behind. He gently picked up the flower in his teeth and placed it against a wall in the back of the tunnel to keep it safe until his parents returned.


Another month passed and Clover’s parents decided he should finally be allowed outside. He was both nervous and excited. His father had nudged him forward, up through the tunnel he watched them disappear into every day. Clover was thankful for his tail, it helped him calm down as it illuminated the dark tunnel. Eventually a new light source came into view accompanied by a barrage of new scents and sounds. In his jaws he tightly held the leg of a medium sized bee plush. It was nearly his size at the time but he didn’t care. It had been given to him a few days prior. It had carried the scent of flowers and scents unknown to him, but not nearly as much as he was experienced leaving the cave.


There was another huge rush of sounds, sights, and scents as he forced himself out of the tunnel into the open. Tall blades of yellow grass were sprouted around him and small purple flowers speckled the earthy ground. More viscets as large as his parents towered over him. There were a few younger but all of them still intimidated him. Although they didn’t seem aggressive and even appeared to be acting friendly, they still terrified him. Then, in the distance something else caught his eye, the sun flowers. They faced nearly straight up in the air at the time facing the sun. Clover trudged through the tall grass ignoring the viscets around him. Something about the sunflowers drew him to them. He felt many eyes on him when he reached the flowers but ignored them. He sat back on his hind legs and tried to stretch up and touch the top of the petals until something crashed into him. “Watch out!” A small voice squeaked. Another viscling just a bit larger than him had knocked him over, and was now standing defensively facing the sunflowers as if they were about to attack him. He stood up confused and walked past the her toward the flowers, but once again the other viscling pounced to him. This time she landed next to him and held him toward the ground with a paw so it was as if he was going to sneak up on something. She turned toward him a bit. Keeping her eyes on the flowers, she whispered, “You need to be careful around sunflowers- the bees like them.” At this point Clover was mildly upset by the viscling. He burrowed his face in his bee plush he still clung to tightly until, once again he heard a small shriek. She was backing away slowly and as Clover looked up a bee landed on his nose. He smiled and slowly stood up, glancing over at his parents as if looking for approval. He was happy and amazed at what was happening. He nearly went cross eyed watching the bee crawling around on his nose before it flew off to land on the sunflower above him. “Wow,” the other viscling said in awe as she watched the bee fly away, wide eyed. “How did you do that? Bees sting everyone- especially if you try to take their honey,” she asked him as she stood up. “I-I don’t know.. I was just nice to it. We both like sunflowers,” Clover replied quietly. He was beginning to feel more comfortable and talkative. “What’s your name? I’m Clover,” he piped up and approached the other viscling, his bee plush still in his jaws. She replied cheerfully, “My name is Anise!”

Clover began to feel safer around Anise. The whole first year of his life she helped him feel secure in the meadow, introducing him to unknown viscets and teaching him how things worked there. She showed him her favorite spots around the meadow, where the best berries were, and even after some persuasion, the main bee hive of the meadow. This was Clover’s favorite spot. Bright sunflowers were sprouted all around a large tree on the edge of the field where the yellow grass would merge with the green foliage of the forest. The golden petals of the sunflowers complemented the Quaking Grass.


Clover lied in the tall grass at the base of the tree where the bee hive was built. He had named it the Sunflower Tree. Clover had no problem spending hours of his time there on days Anise stayed with her parents. The quiet buzz of the bees and calming scent of the honey mixed with sunflowers. His head started to droop as he drifted into sleep, but was awoken by a loud crunch. Clover jolted awake and perked his ears hoping to locate the sound. Quiet pawsteps shuffled through the grass behind him. He recognised the small pawsteps of his best friend. He stood as they approached and turned toward the source, but the light steps suddenly stopped. “Gotcha!” Anise laughed, pouncing on him. He fell over and they rolled into the forest of sunflower stems. “That's not fair! I was sleeping!” Clover complained, but his smile remained. “Pftt, yeah right! You were sleeping while standing, very understandable.” Anise backed up toward the tree preparing to pounce on him again. Moments before she backed into the tree the flowers above rattled with a thundering buzz. Anise had backed extremely close to a lower section of the hive, and the bees remembered who she was.

She had caused problems for the bees before, because she loved honey. She had told Clover the story once; it had been the first time she showed him the Sunflower Tree. The small visclings were sitting near the base of the stems. “Not too long ago actually, I got stung real bad right here. My dad was out with me talking about how to get honey from bees without disturbing them. We use honey all sorts of ways for healing, and for our tea. Anyway, he wanted me to try and get a small piece of honeycomb. Lets just say, we ended up jumping into the river in the end,” Anise looked to him to see his reaction after finishing her story and looked suprise to not see even a hint of fear in his eye. “You aren’t scared? We are at the base of their hive!” she whispered, “You just got lucky with the first bee, these would kill you if they got a chance.” Clover seemed disturbed by her last comment, killed? Then the idea struck him and the memories of the sunflower his mother brought him came flooding back. “I know you don’t like it here, but I do. Would you stay here too if the bees couldn’t kill you?” He asked her. She turned her head, puzzled by the odd question. “How would you do that?” Clover pushed his way between the sunflower stems in response, picking through them until he found a fallen sunflower and dragged it out by the stem. He set the flower down and Anise sniffed it with a confused expression. “What is this for?”
“It's a sunflower. My mom told me a secret about them when I still lived in the tunnel.”
“Really? What is it?”
“If I tell you, you need to promise to never tell anyone, ever! Or it might stop working!”
“I promise I won't ever tell anyone.”
Clover gazed around to make sure no one was within range and whispered, “If you eat a sunflower, then you can live forever!” Anise’s eyes lit up. “Wow!” She looked back to the sunflower, “have you eaten one yet?” Clover was expecting that question. “I haven’t yet, but you need to first,” he spoke as he pushed the flower toward her. He snipped the stem off with his teeth so she could have the flower part of it, which she ate gratefully. As a viscling he never suspected that it was just a myth, because to him sunflowers are magic. The flower itself was the shape of the sun, and the bright petals bloomed in layers like rays of sunlight. They seemed more alive than other flowers because they were smart. Clover thought of the sun as their leader because of the way they followed it throughout the day. When he had showed interest in sunflowers, his mother had told him many stories about them and the sun. They remained loyal to the sun no matter what the weather, and the sun always moved forward and led those who were like the sunflowers toward the future. The sunflowers gave Clover hope and the inspiration to travel one day to follow the sun and overcome anything that tried to get in his way.

A shriek snapped Clover from is memories. Anise was staring at him, bees dotting her coat and face. The fact she was still standing there told him she hadn’t been stung yet, but it could still happen if she panicked. Anise was tensing up preparing to run and the buzz grew, but Clover stopped her. “Be calm and they won’t-” he paused as a few bees started to settle on him also. He continued quieter, “show them that you don’t mean to hurt them or steal from them. If you respect them they will respect you too.” Her breathing slowed and the bees calmed down as she did. Eventually they dispersed, and the tired visclings returned home.


Clover and Anise remained very close friends throughout their childhood. He told her about his dream to be a wanderer and follow the sun like a sunflower until he found a good place to get honey, and promised to give her some later. She didn’t laugh at him like he expected, rather she told him she had a similar dream to travel the world forever to help others. She claimed the flower had worked and she was immortal now, then proceeded to force him to eat one too. She said another viscet told her that she was now, but no one believed her because there was no trace of another viscet, and she was just a viscling. Clover believed her because she was his best friend and wouldn’t lie to him, although she did occasionally tell some tall tales. They were both excited for the day they would leave, and apprehensive because that would be the day they split up for a longer time period than ever before.



The day finally arrived that Clover and Anise would leave. They agreed to not follow each other because in the end they had different goals and would only hold one another back. It was strange to their pack for them to leave because most viscets there never left. They were content in their pack and had access to everything they would ever want. Some even saw Anise and Clover as greedy, wanting more than what they already had, but most were still kind to them. Clover’s parents appeared to be happy he was leaving. They had tried to convince him to stay, but after enduring their pleading without his plan wavering his mother was assured he was strong enough to make it on his own. They had a short goodbye before his father shooed him back to the crowd where Anise was. She was already prepared to leave and a crowd had gathered to watch them go. The crowd parted as Clover approached, but he heard a Wait! from behind and turned around. His mother was running after him holding a small pot with a young sunflower planted in it. As she handed the pot over she looked as if she were about to cry. Clover choked back tears, "Goodbye, mother.. I'll never forget the stories you’ve told me." He quickly turned around to avoid looking at her face any longer. He knew the sooner he left the less of a chance there would be of him ending up sobbing. Once again the crowd moved and he quickly walked to Anise. He noticed small tear stains on her face. Her parents were lost in an accident earlier that year and she had returned from visiting their grave moments before Clover met up with her in the crowd. This was way more attention than they expected, so they walked away together. They shouted their goodbyes back to the crowd and walked together until their old meadow was out of site. Anise stopped, so Clover did as well and set his sunflower down on the ground with his worn bee plush also placed safely inside. Clover glanced back at his old home before looking to where Anise was. She stared to the rising sun ahead of them. Together they stared into the brilliant mix of oranges and reds. The two viscets then met each other's gaze, as if contemplating the moment. Clover could feel a tug at his heart, and he practically tackled Anise into a hug; tears revisited his eyes as she returned the hug.

"I-I’m going to miss you," he choked the words out. He didn't want to let go, and neither did Anise. "Shut up clover," she snapped back, “We’ll see eachother again, someday.” She managed a muffled reply, crying into his fur. They both remained in the hug for a long time, before they finally let go of each other. Clover couldn't help the tears anymore, as he smiled sadly at her. “We will-” Clover pushed Anise back by her shoulders, “Hey, remember, I still owe you honey!” he forced a laugh in an attempt to lighten the mood. Anise laughed lightly, a small smile now on her face. “I’ll see you later, OK?” Anise began to back away, distancing herself from Clover. “I’ll see you later, ” he looked once again up toward the rising sun, “Take care, Anise,” he spoke softly, before turning and walking away.


Clover had traveled for nearly a year. Most parts of his travel had been fun and he enjoyed every minute of it and was happy about his choice to leave. He met many viscets and saw natural landforms he never would have thought possible. He even appreciated the occasional obstacles that he would have to overcome. His life was an adventure, although there was one obstacle he couldn’t overcome. He began to grow lonely, and once that settled in it began to affect his perspective and mood. The waterfalls he came across became dull, and he rejected the happy greetings of the viscets who would approach him in other packs or towns. He pushed everyone away. Eventually he gave up on his dream all together when he came across a field of Quaking Grass like that his home had. He used seeds from the sunflower his mother gave him to plant rows up rows of sunflowers to try to cheer himself up. In the center stood makeshift hives. They were built better than his own home. He lived in a small shack with a window and bed inside. A wobbly stool stood in front of the window where his potted sunflower could sit. The shack around his flower prevented it from following the sun.


It was a morning like any other. He woke up to tend to his bees as the sun rose. Some had moved in months ago to fill the hives he built. He is gentle with them and kind, treating them as someone would treat any other pet. They were all he had left other than the occasional visits from Anise. As he was checking the hives for honey he remembered something, Anise would be visiting soon! His mood brightened and he searched faster for the honey. Everything needed to be perfect. He scrambled to take his collected honey inside for the final processes. As he went to close the door he heard something he hated to hear, the thunder of an approaching storm. He set the honey down and dashed outside. He turned his head to the sky to see dark storm clouds rumbling closer as lightning tore through the sky. Clover’s roughly crafted hives couldn’t survive a storm like this. He grabbed a nearby pole he kept for storms and began to carry it. It was one of many supports he had to get in place in order to secure a tarp to shield his bees. He approached a deep hole in the ground where the pole could go without fear if it falling over. He hoisted the pole up into the air.


He could see nothing but light and a sound exploded around him with a force that knocked him off his feet. Nothing made sense at the time and all he knew was he couldn’t see, and his paws burned more than a bee sting ever could.


“Clover! Are you awake?” a familiar voice echoed through his mind. Clover couldn’t tell if he was dreaming or not. His fuzzy thoughts began to come together and he remembered everything from the bright flash to the burning sensation in his paws. He forced his heavy eyes open and saw a fuzzy image in front of him. It was Anise, but something was very wrong. She was blurred to the point the he might not have recognized her if it hadn’t been for her voice. Panic took over and he began to wildly search the room with his eyes and blink to clear his vision but nothing worked. He shifted his gaze to the window and felt as if he had once again been struck in the head. “Calm down, you are lucky the sunflower worked,” she paused, “You were struck by lightning.” Lightning? He couldn’t believe it. He knew it wasn’t actually the sunflowers that saved him. He wasn’t a child anymore and knew his mother had only told him that story to inspire him. “Oh thank goodness! You’ve been out for days!” Anise had taken care of him after he was struck. She rushed to reach his home when the storm was coming, but when she arrived it was chaos. The lightning had started a fire and Clover could have died from the strike itself, the flames, or smoke inhalation. His luck saved his life initially, then Anise did the rest.


As his strength and sight returned Anise allowed him to move around his house, but wouldn’t let him look out the window. She claimed it was only because the light was bad for his eyes, but he knew it was something more. Clover made his way toward the door. As he approached he got suddenly anxious, scared of what he would see. He rushed outside and the rays of light felt as if they pierced right through his eyes into his head. A dizzy sensation caused him to stumble as he forced his eyes shut. Anise helped him gain his footing with a gentle paw on the shoulder. Slowly he opened his eyes to see the fuzzy remnants of his bee hives and garden. They were little more than piles of ash and half destroyed structures. Not a single bee or standing flower was in his blurry vision. Clover trudged toward his garden of sunflowers. It appeared to be only brown and black ash, until a small spot of bright color began to approach him. He continued forward to meet it, feeling his heart drop more and more with every crunch of dead plant he heard as he walked forward. With an outstretched paw he reached the small spot. The bee landed on his hand like a bird would to its perch. Clover stared at the bee before raising his paw higher with the intent of letting it leave to find a new home and foodsource. The bee took off toward his shack. He followed it into his home where it had settled on the middle of the last sunflower. His gift was now wilted from being moved from the sun while Anise cared for him. He picked up the pot gently as if it were the most important thing in the world and carried it outside. He was amazed the bee stayed through the whole process. Then as if it were meant to be, the bee took of toward the sun. Clover understood now what he was meant to do. He returned to his dream of traveling. His flower pointed to the sun every dawn and dusk so he could watch the flower itself to see what direction to travel. His eyes never stopped being sensitive to light, but this proved helpful at night. The illumination from his tail was perfect to light the area just enough for him to travel safely. Anise had helped him along the first few days, but he convinced her to go follow her dream also. The sunflower is a symbol of hope and guidance to Clover and leads him through his life


Anise is owned by BluKitty53

Art is a collab done by blu and I. Blu did the lineart and color. I did the shading and background.
Last edited by Corvuss on Fri May 12, 2017 3:58 pm, edited 14 times in total.
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Re: Viscet #1390 - Glowing Bee

Postby padaleckii » Sun Apr 23, 2017 2:56 am

Username: ~Prophecy~
Gender: Male
Favorite flower and why: Zantedeschia aethiopica "Arum-lily"

-dropping- would love to figure out a friendship between viscets with his kiddo though?
Last edited by padaleckii on Mon Apr 24, 2017 3:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

      a hound chased a rabbit, but gave up after a long run.
      a shepherd who watched came up to the hound and said,
      "the rabbit is the better runner." the hound replied,
      "i only ran for dinner.
      he ran for his life."

      my: viscet storage » orb cat storage » deviantart »

      also formerly known as ~prophecy~ & elysiium but i've
      been here nine years so don't blame me for changing it.

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Postby imperials » Sun Apr 23, 2017 3:53 am

      Favorite flower and why:

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Re: Viscet #1390 - Glowing Bee

Postby madras » Sun Apr 23, 2017 4:07 am

Username: madras
Name: Dutch/Basil/Maple
Gender: male
Favorite flower and why:
As Dutch has three personalities, I will include the favorite flower for all of them. Dutch's favorite flower is the orchid. It is a beautiful flower, and comes in many different sizes and colors. He likes the varieties that have a nice smell, because the smells relax him. He plays music for them every day to help keep them healthy. Basil doesn't like many flowers. He likes carnivorous plants, like Maple. He finds them cool. But, if he had to pick a favorite flower, it would be the rose. He doesn't choose the flowering carnivorous plants because they aren't as interesting to him. He likes plants like the pitcher plants and Venus fly traps, because when they capture insects, it is cooler to him. Basil likes the rose because it fits his personality. It is strong. It has thorns and it is not afraid to defend itself, so it reminds him of himself. Maple likes carnivorous plants, so his favorite flowers are bladderworts. He read about them and thought it was amazing that plants could digest insects. While bladderworts are not his favorite plant (that would be a Venus fly trap), they are his favorite flower.
Dutch has multiple personality disorder. His main personality is named Dutch, who is very introverted, nervous, and shy. He likes stuffed animals, and being with his owner. He enjoys sleeping in the sun, and likes to play relaxing games on his owner's phone. Music calms him down, so he plays instruments often to keep himself calm. He can play piano and harp, but he usually plays harp. It is soothing to him, but also to his owner. She likes to listen to him play. Another personality, Basil, is extroverted, and a daredevil. He acts as if he is a teenager. Several times, Basil's personality has changed to Dutch or Maple, who prevented themselves from doing something idiotic. Once, Basil tried to go cliff diving. Before he jumped, his personality changed to Maple, who decided that cliff diving wasn't a smart idea. Maple is the last personality, and he is the only one of the personalities that can read and write English. Maple is extremely intelligent, and likes reading. He is introverted like Dutch, and they would probably be very good friends if they could meet. Dutch developed multiple personality disorder after his parents were hit by a car while he was still very young. He was forced to take care of himself while he was still a baby. He grew up to be small (probably because he was malnourished), reaching only about seven feet tall. He lived in fear until his owner found him, and was still terrified of her for almost two months after she found him. While young, he developed multiple personality disorder due to the stress of feeling completely alone all the time. Now, since he has bonded with his owner, he is much calmer, though he still gets panic attacks sometimes. (295 words)
Last edited by madras on Sun May 07, 2017 1:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Viscet #1390 - Glowing Bee

Postby rubixilam » Sun Apr 23, 2017 4:23 am


xxxxxxxxx𝕦𝕤𝕖𝕣 :: 𝕣𝕦𝕓𝕚𝕩𝕚𝕝𝕒𝕞
xxxxxxxxx𝕟𝕒𝕞𝕖 :: 𝕒𝕞𝕓𝕖𝕣
xxxxxxxxx𝕘𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕣 :: 𝕗𝕖𝕞𝕒𝕝𝕖
xxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


xxx Ambers nose blew out small puffs of air, steaming the cold winter wind. Her arms were held around her chest, and she shivered quite violently. She looked up at her mother, who she was huddled practically underneath. “This isn’t good for me. I want to go back home,” Her mother turned her head down to face Amber. “You need to get out more to get used to the weather. You’re never going to come to like this weather if you’re never in it.”
xxx“It’s so cold though,” Amber whined as she slumped down on a part of the ground barren of snow. Amber had never liked the snow since she first came in contact with it. Pretty much all of her herd said she’d grow out of it; after all, it did snow quite a bit where they were and everyone else loved it. Amber knew they were wrong, and that she’d never grow out of it. It was awful! It was too cold to touch or play in or do ANYTHING with. And she was a really active viscling too. She did like the visuals of it and liked to admire its sparkle, if at a distance inside the house. It especially looked nice when it would frost the trees and dead bushes, and icicles would hang and glisten-oh why did it have to be so cold right now!
xxx “Amber, stand back up.”
xxx “No...”
xxx Her mother sighed and lied on the ground next to her. Amber was bored, her nose was running, and she was sleepy. She was sleepy all the time in winter. She pulled her scarf closer around her. Amber’s mother looked around the melting snow, and saw some small green stems poking through the white blanket a bit away.
xxxShe smiled. “Amber, here, get up. There’s something over there,” Amber’s mother stood, shaking off the bit of snow from her side. Amber dragged herself to her feet and trudged after her mother. She perked up a bit when she saw what they were heading to however. Delicate, white, drooping petals hung from a thin green stem pushing through the snow. A snowdrop.
xxx“Oh! Oooh! Look at it!” Amber seemed to forget that she had been absolutely miserable, and crouched down to look at the flower. “Spring is here!” She always got so excited when she saw those flowers sticking out of the ground. It was one of the first signals that it was finally warming up. They were one of her favorite flowers. After the snowdrops bloom the trees bloom, the honeysuckles bloom, everything blooms! And all the bugs come back too! Particularly the bees and the butterflies. She preferred carpenter bees over honey bees just a bit, if just for their clumsy behavior. And the butterflies were nice because they were just so pretty to look at. They were nice to listen to while napping in the sun or were just fun to chase around and catch. Oh! And fruit comes out too. Like blueberries and strawberries and apples...
xxxA sudden cold gust of wind blew her over into a pile of snow, snapping her out of her daze. She let out a loud whine with a pitiful expression. Her mother sighed, wondering how on earth Amber would ever grow used to the cold weather. She huddled close to her mother again, and her mother ran her paw along the top of her mane.
xxx“Want to head home?” She asked with a smile. Amber looked up and nodded quickly.
(583 words)


xxx“Amber! C’mon, you promised me you’d go on a hike with me today!” Amber stuck her tongue out at the large viscet pacing in front of her, his paws waving around exasperated.
xxx“It’s such a lazy day though! I didn’t know it’d be so sunny! It’s gonna be too hot to go walking. I want to sleep. I’m so tired Igna.” She finished her sentence with a begging pout, eyes wide and lips stuck out. She had stayed up extra late the night before to run around with the fireflies. She had left Igna snoring away and went to the large field near their home. It was always bursting with fireflies, and she visited often. Igna swooped closer, an even bigger pout on his face. He stepped right in her face.
xxx“You. Promised.” He raised his eyebrows. She let out a loud sigh and pulled herself up. He smiled and skipped a bit.
xxx“I’m coming because I remembered I needed something for a project I’m working on” She stuck her snout up in the air and trotted out in the sunlight. Igna excitedly followed after her, bouncing his head up and down slightly. Amber let out a yawn, pretending to be more agitated than she actually was. A breeze hit her face and a smile broke out. The went out on a trail they had worn out over time, talking and laughing as they headed to the river together. Upon seeing the fresh and large blueberries sprouting from the bushes along the riverbed edge, Amber seemed to completely forget that she was tired at all and bounded over to them excitedly. She saw Igna head to the shallow area out of the corner of her eye.
xxx“You should come at least put your feet in. It is very warm today,” She turned her head, mouth full of berries, to Igna wading through the shallow area of the river. He was careful to hold his tail up above the water with his arms, but didn’t seem bothered to get anything else wet.
xxx“You know I don’t like water much.” She grabbed a pawful of more berries before bouncing over to him, climbing up and resting down on a boulder sticking up above the water. She chucked a berry at his head and he looked up at her with a squint. Turning her head up, she looked at the leaves high above their heads and closed her eyes, breathing in deeply. Igna shoved his head underwater and seemed preoccupied. It was silent for a moment. She didn’t notice Igna sneaking up behind her until there was a sudden splash of cold on her back, and she jumped up with a yelp.
xxx“Did you spit water on me?!” Her eyes widened when he started laughing, and she ran and barreled into him, sending the two of them tumbling down the boulder onto the dirt. The two laughed and messed around for awhile and headed back home for the rest of the day.
(500 words)

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Re: Viscet #1390 - Glowing Bee

Postby DragonCave » Sun Apr 23, 2017 5:15 am

Definite reserve <33

As much as I wish I could I can't compete with you guys ^^" Decided to focus on another
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Postby Lioashu » Sun Apr 23, 2017 6:00 am

All my art goes to winner! c:


Main Info wrote:Username: humerussin
Name: Alani
Gender: Female



(1567 w)


Favorite Flower And Why wrote:Alani stared, wide-eyed at the expanding garden around her. She had felt dwarfed, surrounded by various shades of each hue of the rainbow. Her father nudged her encouragingly along. “It’s alright,” she glanced up frantically to him, only earning a warm smile in return. “I know you’ll do great. Just follow me,” he picked up a hefty watering can, and slowly began to sprinkle a patch of flowers with water. “Just make sure you watch how much you pour, and take care,” he finished off hydrating the soil around some white and purple daisies. Alani watched with immense interest and concentration, taking note of exactly what he did. Her father merely laughed light-heartedly. “Don’t take it too seriously, now. Here, you try,” he passed her the can, and with imbalance, she attempted to take it. Alani wobbled precariously as she approached a flower pot full of marigolds, her father gently guiding her on her feet.

With as much care as she could muster, she gradually tipped the watering can, water lightly raining down onto the vibrant yellow blossoms. Her eyes were squinted in concentration, never taking them off the water. Her father watched in amusement, as she straightened the can and looked back up to him for approval. “You did phenomenal.” He picked the watering can from her and placed it aside, examining the state of the marigolds. There was a moment of silence before he broke it. “Alani,” he sought her attention and she gave it. “Did you know flowers can mean different things?” She tilted her head in confusion. “Well,” he continued, “marigold has a few meanings. Mostly, they’re used to remember the dead, and for grief over the loss of love. Theirs is dark, but powerful.” He suddenly seemed caught up in looking over the flowers in front of them, losing himself in his thoughts.

A tender nudge brought him back, and he looked down to his side to see her looking up worriedly at him. “Ah, it’s nothing dear. We really should finish watering the garden. C’mon,” he sauntered with her over to various parts of their backyard. They’d switch off watering the flowers, although most of the time it was her father.

“Alright, honey,” her father sighed as they finished off the last flower pot. “I think it’s time for some dinner.” Alani and her father headed back inside their mediocre home, the scent of bread wafting through the air. Excitedly, Alani raced into the small kitchen. The house was miniscule in comparison to the others in their village; her father was a doctor, but even then he only made so much on his own. Alani had offered to help, saying she would start her own flower shop. “That’s very sweet of you, dear, but dad has us covered.” Her father did wish he made more; they were much more stable years ago. But when Alani’s mother left, they were left behind in the rubble.

After that conflict, the house became run-down. Alani’s father turned desperate and started a garden in their backyard, hoping to recover. “It’ll liven the place up a little,” he had murmured, admiring his handiwork. Everyday, he’d go out to water each and every sprout. He was watchful for weeds or dying shrubs. One day, Alani followed him outside, curious and fascinated by the twisting and lush forest right out their back door.

Alani eagerly climbed onto a stiff wooden stool as her father served them dinner. Life was so simple, at least to her. Months passed, every day feeling the same. Her father would do chores around the house, being tailed by little Alani. She tried her best to help in whatever ways she could. Once she was around nine months of age, her father was called to a neighboring house for an emergency.

A vicious disease had developed within the village. Alani’s father jumped on the case, using his skills to stop the spread and treat the infected. He was greatly praised for his workmanship, but it came at a cost.

Her father laid in his bed, covered in soft and silky blankets, on his back. He was incredibly pale, weak and in poor shape. His mane was matted and tangled due to being bed-ridden. Alani was propped up on a creaky oak stool, holding his paw with her own. She watched him with wide eyes, frightened by the sight.

Her father gently squeezed one of her paws with his, fixing his gaze with hers. He could feel and see her fear, and it broke his heart. “It’s just a cold,” he managed, breaking into a coughing fit as he spoke. When he met eyes with her again, he knew she didn’t believe his words. He lowered his gaze, and sighed quietly. “I’m sorry, Alani. I should’ve given you a better home. You deserved so much more,” he wheezed and sputtered. Alani held his paw tighter. “It’s okay,” she could see him dying right in front of her eyes. “You did your best for us both when momma left. I couldn’t ask for a better father.”

Alani’s eyes began to cloud with tears, but she still smiled at him. Her father’s mouth turned up into a crooked smile, “I love you so much, Alani.” His eyelids were drooping, exhausted and feeble. She knew what was going to happen, but she wanted so desperately to stop it—why her father? He was the kindest viscet she knew, and she doesn’t even know what to do when she’ll be alone. Tears now were streaming down her face, and she held his paw up to her cheek. “P-please,” her father’s voice was cracking, low and shaky. “Stay strong for me.” He reached with his other arm using all of his strength towards her, holding a marigold flower. Alani took it with her paws, sniffling. “Thank you, dad.”

Her father beamed, but then his eyes closed, and his head gently lolled to the side. His body went limp, and cold overcame him. Alani set the marigold flower on a bedside table and leaned over, sobbing into the blanket next to him. “Why…” she whined quietly, “why him? He never deserved it...” Her breathing was heavier as she cried, wishing he would just come back. Wishing he would come back to life, hug her in his arms, and life could go back to normal. But she very well knew it wouldn’t. She was on her own now.

And she lost both of her parents.


A few months had passed since the death of her father. Alani took her best care of the garden he so lovingly grew, looking over each blossom and examining them. But still, her world seemed so much more dull now with him gone. She felt isolated from the rest of the village, abandoned and hurt. She didn’t know where to turn now, as she was overwhelmed with emotions. Every morning she’d wake up, looking forward to seeing her father—but then she’d just remember what happen, and her heart would break more.

Alani exited her empty house into the backyard garden, somber eyes looking over the plants. She felt empty, too, disconnected from everyone. She no longer felt she belonged there. Alani’s eyes watered again, but this time she ran out of the garden and into the forest. She ran with all of her might, legs aching; she sprinted until she was out of breath, and she skid to a halt. Panting, she collapsed against a medium-sized tree, and quietly cried. I can’t take this anymore.

A rather close rustling startled her, but she was too exhausted to move. Weakly, she watched suspiciously in it’s direction—a orange, yellow, black and white viscet appeared from the foliage, a grim look on his face. He noticed her slouched, and blinked for a moment. “What exactly are you doing here?” Alani was aghast, unsure of how to approach him. She’d never talked to anyone before besides her father, so she remained quiet.

“You don’t seem to talk much,” he commented, and sat in the small clearing, keeping his distance. He looked over her for a moment, then something in his mind seemed to change. “..Aren’t you that doctor’s daughter?” Feebly, Alani nodded, her face depressed and still wet with tears. “I’m sorry,” he murmured, “that must be really hard on you. I only recognized you because he used to talk about you all the time while he worked. He was so proud of you,” the viscet looked down somberly. Alani sniffled and sat up straight, moving a little away from the tree she had leaned on. “He did?” The viscet nodded, and met her gaze.

Alani sighed. “I don’t know what to do now without him... I’m so lost. I try to take care of the garden we had, for him, but it’s like I have no purpose.” Her words stumbled over each other, and she looked down at the ground. The viscet blinked bleakly, “if he was here, he’d want you to do what you feel is right. Have you ever wanted to do anything?” Alani shook her head. “When I was younger, I talked about my own flower shop, but...I don’t feel that’s right for me.” She shrugged. The viscet pondered for a moment, “you could always help the village like he did. How you go about doing so is up to you.”


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Light Staff wrote:( 489 / 500 w )

Alani’s light staff is a large, shaped branch with two orbs of light on each end; various patches of flowers sprout over it. Much like her tail, fireflies are attracted to the ends of the staff, and often cloud around her. She created it sometime after her father’s death, when she found her purpose. The staff emits a scent that relaxes all those around her, which can often be crucial in certain situations of stress and anxiety.

In fact, she has used it in such a situation before. She had been ambling through her home village when she heard the cries of a young viscling. She found the source of the sound, which was a lost viscling, early on in their childhood. Alani had kept her staff with her, and held it near her and the viscling. The scent wafted through the air, and she could see the viscling visibly relax. “It’s okay,” she murmured, “what’s the matter?” It looked up towards her with a sniffle, tears staining it’s cheeks. “I lost my mommy,” It whined, wiping one of it’s eyes. “Here, I’ll help you,” she guided the viscling around town, watching for it’s mother. Eventually, a panicked viscet approached her. “Oh my goodness! You found my daughter! Thank you so much, Alani,” she stooped down to scoop up the now cheerful viscling in her arms.

The two viscets sauntered off on their way, and Alani continued heading around the village.

Another time she used her staff, was when a wild doe was found injured a little ways into the forest. A viscet had come up and told her about it, and immediately she set on her way. The doe was in a small clearing, curled up with a wounded back leg. Alani knew she would be alarmed once she felt threatened, so she held her staff near herself while she calmly approached the doe. She had raised her head, and almost jumped up to escape, but once the scent reached her, she relaxed and remained on the grass. Alani kneeled down, cleaning the wound and gently bandaging the leg.

She stepped back, admiring her handiwork. She beamed at the doe who only blinked gratefully in return. Wobbling, she stood back up, cautious with her repaired leg; then, she bounded off.

Alani was proud of herself, that she could help others. Sure, she couldn’t help them quite like her father helps, but she tried her best to honor him. The staff sometimes sprouts marigolds, which will cause her to reminisce about the ones in her father’s garden. She had watched those flowers the most out of all of them, feeling like they were the last physical connection she had to him. They meant the world to her, and were a daily reminder that he’ll always be there, even if he isn’t physically there. Words echoed in her mind as she examined them again.

“Stay strong for me.”

CREDITS / EXTRAS wrote:Extras;
x1 writing (500 w)
x2 art (chibi + fullbody with kindle)

Kindle belongs to me. All art was made by me.
Winner, please pm before taking art!

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Re: Viscet #1390 - Glowing Bee

Postby Mint Chip » Sun Apr 23, 2017 6:17 am

    Username: Mint Chip
    Name: Freesia
      goes by "Free" often

    Gender: female
    Favorite flower and why: The Daffodil
    There is a very personal reason why Freesia's favorite flower is the common little daffodil.

    Freesia hatched in a harsh and unforgiving winter that had come early. The only world she knew was the dreary and dead landscape that was often blanketed in blinding snow. Her first steps taken while the sky furiously flurried down the powdery flakes, and her first words spoken as the cold wind still howled its seasonal song. Everything from those times seemed bleak, so much so that even her young mind could comprehend how dark the future appeared. The winter lasted longer than it should have as well, pressing on into March before there was any reprieve. By then it was too late for her mother, who had come down with illness after illness, during the cruel storms of the winter. She was too weak and all her energies had been exhausted to keep young Freesia alive. All the food she had managed to find she fed to her young daughter without hesitation, even knowing that it could cost her life. But such was the mother's love for her child and that strong desire to see that she survived no matter the price.

    Freesia was alone when she found her first glimpses of spring. She was still yet young, not much more than five months of age when she cautiously took her first real steps out into a different world, one without the blanket of snow and ice. Her first breath that didn't sting her throat and fill her lungs with a sharp coldness. Her eyes seeing her world change even more drastically than it had in the last several days as her mother lost the battle over her health. The snow was melting, and beneath it, blades of grass and soft earth that stuck to her small paws as she walked out into it. She didn't know how wondrous the world was beneath all that sorrow and cruelty that the dead season had been. It was as if her world had been born anew, the old world still clinging to the branches of trees and patches of the rolling hills. But this was a battle that would not be lost to the winter, not as Freesia's mother had been.

    Freesia wandered further from the cave, her steps slow at first and cautious. Was it really possible that the winter had ended and that the world would be reborn anew like this? She didn't know for certain but her mother had told her this day would come. A day when the earth would come back to life. As Freesia cautiously ventured further out, she found herself in a large field. Most of the snow was reduced to nothing more than icy puddles that the ground was hungrily soaking up. It was there that her mother's words truly came to life as if it was the first time Freesia truly believed them. There in this seemingly empty field was the most beautiful sight she had ever seen in her young life. Small yellow flowers were blooming, not just one but many all standing next to one another. Their vibrant color drawing Freesia's eyes to them as she stepped closer to them. They looked so strong and proud there in that field, their petals outstretched and looking much like small suns as they bloomed. Freesia began to look around and she found even more in this place. Their determination and will to live apparent even in these conditions. It was then that she remembered something her mother had told her as her health had continued to fail in the past months. Her mother had spoken much of spring and the beauty that it held, promising Freesia that she'd see it one day. That they just needed to hold on a while longer. Freesia had asked her how she'd know that spring was here and her mother told her a story as a response. She told her a legend of small, vibrantly yellow flowers that symbolized rebirth and new beginnings. That these seemingly delicate flowers were the bringers and sign that spring was truly here. Her mother had called these flowers daffodils.

    These vibrant flowers must be the spring bringers, the daffodils that her mother had spoken of. And it was the sight of these small flowers that brought a new wave of strength to Freesia. A strength that she had never known but one that she recognized her mother must have had. "She was fighting for this." Even her young mind understood that as her chest swelled with a new feeling. A feeling of hope that coursed throughout her entire small body. She tore her gaze from the daffodils and turned it towards the sky, thinking of her mother as she felt tears form in her bright, young eyes. "Mother... Mother, I will be strong." And she would be strong but more importantly, she would be hopeful. As hopeful as these beautiful daffodils that stood proudly as a sign that spring was on its way.

    Since that day Freesia has grown, strong and wild like those daffodils. Those flowers will always hold a special place in her heart, and will forever signify the rebirth of the world after the desolation of winter. They remind her of her mother, and the hope she held that her daughter would survive to see the beauty of spring and all the seasons to follow. There is no flower that compares in beauty, sentiment or symbolism than that of the daffodil, at least in Freesia's mind.
    (924 words total)

    (story - a helpful stranger)

    Freesia spent a lot of time traveling on her own, after all being so young when she lost her mother left her at mother nature's mercies. Considering her age though, Freesia did surprisingly well against the hardships. She learned many things during her wandering, some learned from watching but most learned from trial and error. She learned to scavenge for berries, nuts, and plants. Learning the hard way just how sick some of those plants could make her that weren't meant for consumption. It was during one of these spells when it had been storming hard in the late summer and little time could be spent on scavenging for better food that she consumed some very gnarly berries. These berries left Freesia in bad shape, unable to gather her strength to walk and leaving her too weak-stomached to keep anything down either. Her body fighting with its all just to get the poison of the berries from her stomach. It was days of this, and she grew weaker by the day, even the light of her tail had dimmed to not much more than a faint glow.

    Everything had been dark when Freesia felt like her body was moving. It wasn't actually moving, but rather being moved by something. Since she was too weak by the poison to open her eyes she could only assume that it was a predator carrying her off as easy prey. She felt hopeless for the first time in over four months since she had first seen the daffodils of spring and decided she had to fight to survive. She didn't think she had the strength to fight, especially with her sight failing her, but she decided she had to at least try. She mustered up as much strength as she could manage and kicked out with her hindpaws, thrashing about until the creature that had a hold of her dropped her. The ground was hard and the sharp pain from being dropped made Freesia suck in a sharp breath. She felt paws try to grab her again and she shrieked as she struggled away. It took all the energy she had in her body to put distance between her and the creature. She was trying to force her eyes to work, blinking furiously until the shadows began to fade and she could see what had been holding her.

    Freesia's ears perked forward and then dropped, it had been another viscet. A strange viscet with a unique pattern with an even more bizarre mane. It flowed upward to the sky and resembled smoke, is this a ghost? She thought fearful, maybe an angel or demon to take me away, her mind swimming with similar thoughts as those. The viscet tried to move towards her and Freesia backed further from it. The viscet spoke cautiously, his voice kind and smooth even if it was a bit deeper. "It's okay, I'm not going to hurt you. I want to help you."

    Whether it was something about his voice or his kind gaze, Freesia didn't flinch or flee when he approached this time. The male was much larger than she was currently, but he was full grown unlike her. She watched as he leaned down and picked her up into his arms and began carrying her again. Now that she had seen who was carrying her and heard his voice, she felt a comfort she couldn't explain. This viscet was the only other one she had ever seen aside from her own mother, and although her mind told her she should be warier she couldn't find the strength to fight or worry about where they were going. The viscet seemed purposed driven and something about that made her feel she could trust him completely.

    During the traveling Freesia had lost consciousness again, so when she awoke again inside of an earthy den in a nest crafted of feathers, leaves, and branches she felt confused. She didn't know where she was at all but at least it was warm and dry here. She started to look around but noticed a large leaf with something odd on it beside her. It looked like crushed herbs but she didn't recognize anything that was in it. Her stomach was still doing flips and looking at the herbs made her feel sicker. As her gaze was fixated on the herbal mix, she didn't notice the viscet wiggling his way back into the den and stepping up beside her. "Eat it." He said calmly but even calmly Freesia jumped, whipping her head around to look at him. "What do you mean eat it?" She looked back to the herbs, making a face. "That looks disgusting." She heard an odd sound and looked back to the viscet, he was laughing at her. "What are you laughing at?" She frowned. The male shook his head, motioning with his paw to the herbs. "Eat it, it'll calm your stomach. I learned this remedy from a traveling alchemist. He told me this remedy heals ill stomachs and helps with regaining strength."

    Freesia looked back to the herbal mix, still making a face but she needed to be strong again. She was weak still and if she couldn't get strong again then she knew she'd die. She lowered her head and begrudgingly ate the herbal remedy. It tasted as horrible as it looked but surprisingly it didn't make her feel sick. She laid her head on her paws, not looking back to the male. "See now, that wasn't so bad, was it?" He smiled, "So viscling, what's your name?" He asked as he stepped away from her and over to a pool of water, the rain was coming in through a large hole in the ceiling. He sat down by it but didn't drink any, instead he turned his gaze upward to look at the sky. Freesia watched him curiously before answering. "My name is Freesia. What's yours?" He kept his gaze still to the sky, "Caelum."

    (1000 words total)

    1 art (by me) & 1000 words
    Caelum belongs to me.
resss big time ;; this babe stole my heart ;;
Last edited by Mint Chip on Sat May 27, 2017 3:49 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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