Khimaira Friesians 25# by NeriHyuga

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Khimaira Friesians 25#

Postby NeriHyuga » Wed Jul 20, 2016 11:24 pm

What are Khimaira Friesians?
Khimaira Friesians are a "normal" friesian breed with all characteristics of a friesian and a average height from 15 to 17 hands, but even 18 hands can occur. The first born Khimaira was mistaked for a chimera horse. But a genetic test showed otherwise, there wasn't a second DNA but a complete new and unknown gen. Because this gen makes the friesian look like a chimera it was named khimaira. khimaira doesn't produce a complete new dna coat and therefor it can only lighten or darken the base coat of the horse. Till now only the paint khimaira is known that makes the khimaira coloration looks like tobiano, overo, sabino or splash. But we believe that there will be more khimaira variations out there and we still try to breed them. Appaloosas are not known till now, but we have some great friesian mixed horses with appaloosa patterns, so we are sure to deliver them to you in a short amount of time.

Mother: Foundation
Father: Foundation
Show Name: Nasi Al Bayad "Nahsee ahl bay-ahd"
Origin & Meaning Arabic - Snow White
Barn Name: Snow
Gender: Mare
Age: 5
Height: 15.3 hh
Color: Classic champagne khimaira fog leopard appaloosa
Genetics: Ee/aa/Chch/KfKf/Lplp/Patn1
2. Image
BL 1.17:1/4

Native set (incomplete):
- Native Halter
- Native forelock feather bands
- Native mane feather bands
- Native tail feather bands
- Native forarm bracelet
- Native hintleg pastern bracelet

The first rare Khimaira!
This is an impress me challenge! To get her you must pimp your form. Only the best forms will get into the final and you are allowed to edit you form as many times as you want

NARANDA wrote:

[center]Owner: NARANDA

Show Name: Nasi Al Bayad "Nahsee ahl bay-ahd"
Origin & Meaning Arabic - Snow White
Barn Name: Snow
Gender: Mare
Age: 5

Halter color: Default
Beads color 1: Light Green
Beads color 2: Light Blue
Feather color: Peacock Feather

Theme Song: Something Wild - Lindsey Stirling ft. Andrew McMahon
Free Spirited | Dreamer | Imaginative

Snow is independent and hates being trapped in stalls or held back for too long. She prefers to have the freedom to run and move around as she pleases and she is much more cooperative when she is in a field instead of a stall. She is a dreamer and loves to imagine being completely free and wild, as well as just looking up to the clouds when she is alone. She also enjoys dreaming about what her life will be like in the future, the foals she may have, what it would be like to fly even. Her imagination takes her to all sorts of places, especially when she meets equines from far away places who share what they know about their home lands and the terrain.

Elegant | Proud | High-Spirited
Snow is elegant and likes to keep her head held high. She keeps on a proud look, but does not boast about it. She loves to look good for the sake of her owner and does not wish to embarrass them, so she tries to look her best at almost all times. She does enjoy being groomed and cleaned, hating the mud and dirt that clings to her from being in the field, but she puts up with it for the sake of having some freedom. She is somewhat high-spirited and works best with calm riders, too much energy in a rider causes her to want to move more quickly. She loves going fast and feeling the wind in her mane, but it can cause problems for her riders who do not know her as well, more experienced riders know they have to be calm and hold her back or she could run off with them holding on for dear life.

Playful | Fun Loving | Silly
Snow can be playful and silly when she wants to be, teasing others, especially the humans. She enjoys nudging them to see if she can get them to fall over when they are just grooming her or in the arena for a fun ride. She also enjoys knocking things over or snatching things when her rider or owner is not looking, especially brushes and hoof-picks, taking them and hiding them somewhere else in the barn, or just holding them in her mouth, way high up so they can't get it. She loves to run, and especially loves prancing and playing in the snow, flinging it up with her hooves and nose. She does, on occasion, fling snow at other Khimairas to try and get them to join her in her joy, and doesn't always realize that it sometimes annoys others.

Clumsy | Committed | Willing | Determined
Snow does feel clumsy at times, especially when training or just attempting dressage. It is not her favorite activity, but she is always so mesmerized by the elegant movements of the other horses who do participate in it. She often tried to mimic trained horses as she watches them practice in the arena, though she has a tendency to trip over her own hooves even when trying the more simple movements. She is committed when it comes to learning and does not give up easily despite the feeling of being so clumsy, especially compared to Majesty. She is willing to learn new things as long as it does not have to do with Horse Driving, the blinders they have to wear, and the carts they have to pull. She is willing to try other competitions and activities though. She is determined, not only at competitions and training, but also when it comes to friends and relationships. She never gives up trying to be someone's friend when she likes them, and always works hard to keep that relationship or to get her friends to join in her fun.

Encouraging | Helpful | Comforting
Snow is encouraging, always willing others to do better or to not give up. She hates to see others feeling down and discouraged, especially when it comes to something that just needs practice to improve on. She tries to be helpful, especially when it comes to taking care of the foals in the herd. She enjoys spending time to watch over the foals and give their mothers a little break from their antics. She plays with the foals often and keeps them entertained enough to not event think about bugging their mothers or other herd members. She is comforting and often tries to cheer up herd members she notices are feeling upset, whether that is anger, sadness, or discouragement, she'll go up to them and try to comfort them and make them feel better.


Majesty - Friend/Sister

Being the first to welcome Snow to her new home, she felt a slight attachment to this mare as a friend, almost like a sister. She loves watching Majesty as she is practicing dressage for competitions, and is always mesmerized by the elegant. practiced movements. She loves the dignified personality of this mare and looks up to her with respect. Snow does try and copy Majesty at times, though she can never seen to get the movements right and does feel clumsy when she tries. She does wonder if the taller height of the other mare has something to do with her being more elegant and being able to move more smoothly.

Ra - Friend
Such a calm and laid-back stallion, Snow feels welcome to hang out with him at the fence. She finds his gentleman-like attitude to be quite refreshing, and is always surprised by the fact that he is not proud or dominant like the other stallions at the stable. She is glad that he is someone she can go to to talk with and he will quietly listen to her. She does feel bad for him when he is picked on by the other stallions, as well as geldings and mares. She always seems to try and get his more outgoing and fun side to sow, but it does not always work, disappointing her. She is determined though and does not give up, no matter how long it will take, even though she has already been trying for years.

Ain - Friend
Though Ain was hard to approach at first, Snow was glad she kept trying. Snow has become good friends with Ain, the once wild mare now tamed. Snow is always curious about this mare and if the lore about her was true, but she is afraid to pester the older mare. She was told so often about the mare who hid by the ocean in a cove that was there and part of the land they could wander on. She seemed so serious and cautious at first, so nervous she wasn't sure she'd be able to even get close to the other mare, but upon befriending her she found this mare to be friendly, caring and also quite loyal and protective. She is glad to have a loyal friend to hang around with when no one else wants to hang out with her.

Jewel - Enemy
Snow find Jewel too high-strung and nervous for her taste, as well as the way she looks at the other horses scares Snow away. She was curious about the mare, but after spooking her one time and nearly getting bit, she never approached the mare again. She is just glad she does not have to worry about Jewel getting close since she always stays away from the rest of the herd. Every time she does see the mare though she feels a strong urge to run away to the other end of the field or to hide in the shelter where Jewel does not go very often.

Nayazik - Friend
Snow always finds herself comforting this mare since she is so emotional and her feelings get hurt very easily. She does find her friendly and sweet though as well. Despite being very emotional she enjoys the company of this mare and finds she can often get her to join in on the fun in the snow, though she always has to warn Nayazik first before flinging snow so she does not upset the black mare. Even Ra hangs out with these two, and is another one of Nayazik's go to horses when upset. Snow does hope that with the help of this mare she can possible get Ra to play in the snow and loosen up some more as well.

Raven - Acquaintance
Snow does not know Raven very well, having only met her a few times since she arrived at the stable. She does know that Raven has a strange love for shiny things. Snow does enjoy bringing Raven shiny things she manages to snatch from the barn, even though it is normally found later. She finds this is the only way to get Raven let go of the serious attitude she normally has. Snow does hope to get to know this mare better and to possibly become her friend one day. For now she just enjoys seeing Raven's reaction when Snow brings her yet another shiny object.
Name & Theme Song Reasons:
Her name, not everyone would agree this is a suitable name, saying she is not completely white. I imagined a day where the snow was not completely covering the ground and some patches were still peaking through, like this. Her coat reminds me of a day like this, especially when the grass is dried up, or there is dirt underneath. So that is why I have chosen the name Nasi Al Bayad as her show name, and Snow as her Barn name.

My reason for the theme song is because I could almost imagine her saying the words in that song. I feel she is someone who would encourage others when they are down, and also because I feel she is a little wild at heart with her playful antics, tendency to daydreaming, and her free-spirited attitude. I imagine that she feel called by the freedom of the wild, well, more like the freedom of a large field.
  • Running
  • Freedom
  • Dreaming
  • Grassy Fields
  • Hiding Things
  • Wind
  • Snowy Days
  • Snow Fights
  • Grooming
  • Bareback Riding
  • Feathers
  • Trail Rides
  • Mountains
  • Some Jumping

  • Stalls
  • Muddy Pens
  • Being Held Back
  • Really Hot Days
  • Rain/Mud
  • Heavy Saddles
  • Bits/Bridles
  • Nervous Horses
  • Horse Driving
  • Being Alone
  • Blinders
  • Snow's most obvious habit it her habit of flinging snow around, whether that is up in the air or flung at another herd member. It is a habit that can annoy others very much in winter, especially her targets who normally end up soaked from the snow by the time she is done.
  • Her second most obvious habit is her running, she always desires to run and will run in the field, race other horses, run off on her rider, and sometimes gets over excited in training or competitions and runs off on her rider.
  • Snow enjoys messing with riders in the barn, knocking over buckets they have close enough to her, moving brushes and hoof picks they have left within reach, and even hiding things in strange places when she manages to get the lead rope loose.
  • One little quirk of hers is playing with her feather. When she gets bored of teasing the humans she tends to play with the feather on her halter. She watches it swing back and forth and will blow on it when it starts to slow down or nearly stop it's pendulum motion.
  • Snow tends to dream a lot and can often be found staring up at the clouds, but she does not do this very quietly. She tends to talk to herself out loud when she is daydreaming, pretty much telling the world what she dreams about, so it is not a secret what she is thinking most of the times.
  • Snow hates small muddy pens the most above any other pen, even a small warm barn stall is nicer, but not ideal. When it comes to small muddy pens, she won't even step into them, instead she will sit down right in front of the gate and refuse to get up as long as the person holding the lead shank is trying to head into the pen.
  • When she is being scratched and she is enjoying herself, she tends to stomp one of her back hooves. She continues to stomp her hoof until the person stops scratching her or they move their hand to a spot she does not like being scratched as much.
  • Snow does not allow many people to touch her hooves, only a few trusted people can get her to cooperate when hoof picking. When someone she does not know or trust tries to lift her hoof to hoof pick, she tries to lay down, normally resulting in them letting go. As soon as they let go she gets back up.


First Snow:
Snow padded around the small paddock, looking up at the grey clouds that covered the sky from view. She had just been recently separated from her dam who was still in the field with the few other horses that lived there. Her pen was next to the small stable, along with two other pens. The second one, right next to hers, was completely empty, while the third one held an older mare who was peacefully eating the grass in the pen. Snow tried to look over the fence separating her pen from the empty one, trying to look into the field behind the stables to see her dam. She could not see the rest of the herd with the stable where it was, only allowing her to see a small portion of the field. She nickered, trying to get the attention of the others, but no one responded, too far away to hear her.
It was as she was staring across the fence that the cold white specks floated down from the clouds above. She stared into the field until she saw the flakes, lots of them, floating down and one eventually landing on her nose. She shook her head as the cold startled her, and she jumped back from the fence. She finally finished her shaking and looked up to find even more of the white flakes were coming down from the sky. She watched in awe as the snow tinted the green-cold grass silver, and eventually started to bury it. It was the first time she had ever seen snow, and she was not sure what to make of it. It was strangely beautiful, yet chilling as the melted flakes soaked through her hair and soaked her skin. She pranced into the small shelter that was provided, and watched the snow fall around her. She watched for some time, laying down on the ground covered in straw just for her, and closing her eyes as she drifted to sleep.

The morning sun glistened off the blanket of snow now covering the ground, adding an extra brightness to the snowy morning. Snow opened her eyes and blinked as the bright light seemed to blind her for but a moment. She adjusted and stood up, shaking herself off before looking out the entrance of the shelter to see the land had turned white. Her eyes went wide in awe, and she scanned the place around her before stepping out into the open. The snow around her legs was cold, but she kept moving forward out of curiosity, flinging it upwards as she trudged through the blanket to the fence.
She saw the old mare who had perked her head at the sight of the young filly. "This is what you were named after." she told the filly, having to call quite loudly to be heard from two pens over and over the slight wind. "This is snow?" the filly was surprised and she bent her neck down to take another look at the white fluff that covered the ground. She touched it with her nose, leaving and indent in the clean white sheet, and her head bolted up from the cold. The old mare seemed to smile as she watched the filly learn, for the first time, about snow.

Snow was hesitant at first about the strange substance, but she soon started to enjoy it, finding it could provide a great pass time while she was in the pen. She flung the snow in the air with her legs and nose, jumping through it, and even rolling in it, though she quickly returned to her little shelter after a good roll. The snow became her constant companion whenever she was in the pen, especially when she was by herself. When another Khimaira, only two years older, was put in the pen with her, she did not hesitate to fling snow in her direction. The snow hit the other filly right in the face, surprising her and making her squeal in shock. Snow laughed at first, then watched as the other filly did not seem amused. She walked over, a little worried and regretful, but soon found snow in her own face, the other filly was after payback. Her first snow fight, and she loved it. Snow was something that brought her companionship, and winter had become her favorite season, for she always remembers the snow and how it brought her company during her first winter.
Last edited by NeriHyuga on Sun Jan 15, 2017 11:09 pm, edited 17 times in total.
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Re: Khimaira Friesians 25#

Postby Dedaccount » Thu Jul 21, 2016 1:54 am


Owner: Invictus
Show Name: a simple obsession
Barn Name: Soraya
Gender: Mare
Age: 8
Halter color: #8A6842
Beads color 1: #00C6B5
Beads color 2: #FFFFFF
Feather color: white fading to black
Mate: N/A


Soraya comes across
As a very wise and
Independant mare. As
Cold hearted as she may
Seem at first she is one Of
the most down to earth,
Sweet natured, and creative
Mares you'll ever meet once
You get to know her. She's
Not too keen on new people
or species she's never seen or
Met before.
Dont depend on anyone too much
In this world because even your
Shadow leaves you in


Acrostic Poem:

1. Sugar Cubes
2. Feathers
3. Roaming Free
4. Her stall

1. Leather Halters
2. Being ridden
3. Strangers
4. Minty Treats

Last edited by Dedaccount on Wed Jul 27, 2016 2:25 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Khimaira Friesians 25#

Postby feverrr » Thu Jul 21, 2016 2:27 am

    possible reserve. c:
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Re: Khimaira Friesians 25#

Postby Queen Vivane » Thu Jul 21, 2016 2:38 am

Very pretty but I suck at appies, so wishing everyone luck! <3
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Yes my characters are not actively developed, I place all the blame on hyperfixations not lining up with them.
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Re: Khimaira Friesians 25#

Postby INTERFECTOR » Thu Jul 21, 2016 3:00 am




➼ Show Name: | ➼ Barn Name: | ➼ Gender: | ➼ Age:
➼ Straight As An Arrow | ➼ "Arrow" | ➼ Mare | ➼ Six Years Old


Halter Color: | ➼Bead Color 1: | Bead Color 2: | Feather Color:
Silver | ➼ Aqua Blue | ➼ Charcoal | ➼ Inspired By This~


Arrow is calm, cool, and collected when under stress or pressure. She's creative when it comes to tough decisions or problems, and never gives up. Arrow is also curious, and sometimes her curiosity wins out against her will to flee when danger appears. Overall, she is a well-rounded mare. Her gaits are free and relaxed, and her mind moves even quicker. Preferring to be out under the stars, she spends most of her time out in fields and plains, where she's most comfortable. Suspicious at first, you must gain her trust and respect before she'll allow you to approach. She has a great dislike for storms and rain, for it means she must come in and sit in a stall until it blows over, much to her distaste.


Likes + Dislikes
+ Freedom | The stars | Sunny days | Apples | Melody of singing birds
- Stalls | Closed in spaces | Loud people | Strangers | Rain

Last edited by INTERFECTOR on Tue Aug 09, 2016 3:44 am, edited 9 times in total.

      vaks || mama

      | UTSB | WH |
      | MW | KF | MC |

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      of your lies and your deceit,
      I see you for who you are
      and all I can possibly say is
      'sorry' '

      - me, somewhere in my feels

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Re: Khimaira Friesians 25#

Postby Half Tree » Thu Jul 21, 2016 3:03 pm

Marking to see the lovely. c:

....................................................INFP - she/her - critical role fan

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Re: Khimaira Friesians 25#

Postby Baby bunnies! » Thu Jul 21, 2016 6:55 pm

Owner: Baby bunnies!
Show Name: Mourning Dove
Barn Name: Shikoba
Gender: Mare
Age: 4 years
Halter color: Black
Beads color 1: Gold
Beads color 2: White
Feather color: Pale golden yellow, black, and white

More to come. :)
Last edited by Baby bunnies! on Fri Jul 22, 2016 5:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Status/sayings: Life being consumed by rabbits and dancing.
Hi I am Baby bunnies! but you can call me BB
I love to do art. Before December 2014 all art that I did was with a mouse. I now work with a Bamboo tablet. Also please note that I expect something in return for customs, I put time into every piece.
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Re: Khimaira Friesians 25#

Postby Marsh » Fri Jul 22, 2016 3:41 am

art by lavender towns

thxxxxcoding shopxxxxda

nice people alert
senti nilla snow teri lethal


hey everyone! i'm slowly attempting to
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Re: Khimaira Friesians 25#

Postby -wild- » Fri Jul 22, 2016 3:53 am

Much much reserve o-v-o <3
// use to be wildhorse027 //
-may be slow to reply to things as my irl can be hectic <3-


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|| a wistful note from out the sky ||

Postby iBrevity » Fri Jul 22, 2016 3:56 am


Owner: iBrevity
Show Name: A Flash of Eager Wing
Barn Name: Hera
Gender: Mare
Age: 7 years old
Halter color: a pale silver
Beads color 1: lavender
Beads color 2: ivory
Feather color: peacock

indomitable || vain || elusive || pensive
Hera was named for the queen of the gods in the Greek pantheon and she was named well. At first it was simply due to her interest in peacocks; the stable where she was born kept a small flock of them and Hera was the only horse they would allow in their presence. She would lay with them some long afternoons, her legs tucked up beside her, her eyes drifting closed to the lullaby of their quiet noises; and the stable hands called her Hera because the goddess was always associated with the birds as well. She grew into a headstrong filly that became an aggressive mare; she was wild to the people who approached her, liable to bite and lunge. She kept to herself and preferred the company of the birds, any sort of birds, could be spied idling beside the fence with a sparrow perched on her shoulder or a robin tugging strands of hair for her nest from Hera's mane. For these little creatures she bore endless patience and stepped carefully about them, but for humans she was on the verge of cruel. When her teeth met skin she never released until her mouth filled with blood, no matter how the human yelled. Hera disliked their touches, their words. She disliked them altogether, actually.

She is kept at the stable still for her beautiful coat and carriage but she is unable to be ridden or groomed without proper coaxing. Hera dismisses the other horses who approach her for conversation; she is friends singularly with the birds, and a few of the other species that populate the stables. As she is their only Khimaira Friesian she is something of their crown jewel and often shown off to visitors, but they respect the space she requires. There's a sign nailed to the boards of her fence that cautions people about getting too close, in fact. Hera is constantly seized with wanderlust and challenges herself to overcome the fences that keep her captive to better explore the nearby lands; but she always returns to her paddock when she escapes. She understands that the humans treat her well, and she tolerates their brushes because she enjoys how it makes her coat shine when she prances. She is rather arrogant and even after a short jog along the trees that line Clovercliff property edge she will return to the stable in anticipation of a ranchhand cleaning the mud off her strong, muscular legs. Only when she is dirty or her mane and tail tangled she will tolerate a human's touch.

[The only other horses Hera will allow in her space are the gypsies. Perhaps it is their size, or the general menial calm of their personalities; whatever it is, when the humans feel she has been alone for too long they will select a gypsy or two to place with her. Most frequently chosen is Osso, who accompanies Hera on her walks through the woods, and Kenai, as the mare is a close friend of the dark stallion and Hera tolerates her well. She does however appear to prefer Osso.]

Osso ;; Standing at 18.1 hh Osso is bigger than even Kenai and thus far taller than Hera. She at first disliked him for his size alone but she grew to be affectionate towards the stallion; he is so very quiet, and so very in love with the woods. He is rather intimidating to look at it, what with his size and the patterning on his dark coat, but Hera now likes him for it. She is constantly being underestimated for her pretty coat and flouncing hair; she is envious sometimes of Osso's skeleton markings and the leering eyes of his skull mask. Still, she enjoys walking through the woods with him as Osso is well-versed in the plants that grow there and share things with her that she might otherwise never know. These include which plants are poisonous, which Hera finds of particular interest; she memorizes them very carefully and gives them little nicknames in her head. Perhaps one day they will be of service to her.

Kenai ;; Kenai is actually bigger than Hera, but she is far gentler than the latter. She uses her bulk to her advantage in terms of manipulating her size to motivate others; when Hera is in a slump Kenai can easily rouse her from it. She is quick to laugh and although when they first met they nearly fought (Kenai is terribly, painfully shy and Hera mistook her stumbling introduction as arrogance) they are rather good friends now. Kenai is a quiet companion to her which Hera appreciates, and she is not afraid of the peacocks as some of the other horses are. She is also very bright, and can memorize very quickly the lay of the land. When she goes out into the woods with Hera she always leads the way back, for she is never lost. She is calm and submissive so she complements Hera very well. When Hera is in a Mood, Kenai simply rolls over for her, and that ends any arguments that a sharp rebuttal could have begun.

[Clovercliff Stables is predominantly populated by Tolters, although Hera generally dislikes them intruding in her paddock. There are two exceptions among them, and that is Starling and Cernunnos. They are both noted for being similar to her in their appreciation for birds; Cernunnos has always got a chickadee and robin in tow and has even named the little beasts, and Starling is often accompanied by a flock of her namesake. Hera appreciates them because they appreciate the peacocks as she does, and understand her devotion to them.]

Starling ;; Starling babies the birds. Hera was surprised by this at first, as Starling challenged her the first time she was ushered into Hera's paddock, but she lost interest in the fight when she saw her peacocks. She is incredibly maternal to birds, and like Cernunnos often has a visitor or two with her. Unlike him she generally entertains larger birds, hawks that circle twice as if they spy a meal before they land between her hooves, enormous ravens who take shelter in the shadow of her belly. She appreciates the peacocks' personalities then, the loud males and the quick nips they offer to those that annoy them, but she also genuinely likes Hera. She finds the mare's introverted personality appealing, and they always have plenty to talk about, which is something Starling does not find often among the tolters. Hera also allows Starling to be as blunt as she likes, which is another things the tolters do not appreciate from her.

Cernunnos ;; Cernunnos is very, very weird, formal, absent-minded, stiff. He is thin and built light; he is much quicker than Hera but also much smaller. She did not trust him until she saw him whispering quietly to her peacocks one afternoon, and then all of a sudden a friendship rushed in. Cernunnos always has a bird with him, the most frequent visitors being a chickadee and a robin, but an enormous group of birds come and go as they please. Sometimes he is practically doused in them, dozens of birds shuffling for room along the curve of his spine; sometimes if Hera sidles in close they will sit on her as well. The peacocks genuinely like him and his birds which is uncommon enough that Hera allows him to stay. He has an affinity for all the animals they encounter, even the wild ones in the woods, and he is always so painfully polite to Hera that she cannot help but like him.

Short Story:
Spring comes to Clovercliff in a burst of birdsong.

Hera wakes one morning in her stall and smiles. The stablehands long ago built her a solitary lean-to that she occupies alone; but her peacocks sleep tucked close against her and their warm feathers tickle her sides. She wakes up with the sudden knowledge that it has become spring and that soon the woods will be full of birds, and shortly thereafter full of nestlings. When Hera carefully steps over the peacocks who shuffle in their sleep she walks into a morning that is soft with sunlight and full of song. A muscle loosens in her back she did not realize was tight and she sighs in the utmost of pleasure. Spring is Hera's season.

Last edited by iBrevity on Thu Aug 18, 2016 1:01 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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