Thyone by Alley96

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Artist Alley96 [gallery]
Time spent 2 hours, 6 minutes
Drawing sessions 2
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Postby Alley96 » Thu Jul 03, 2014 2:13 pm

Alley96 wrote:

Meaning Inspired Frenzy

Age (at most 400):



Thyone is very hyper a lot of the time and loves to run around and play. She has a lot of energy and it is hard to wear her down no matter what she is doing. She go on for hours without a sign of slowing down. She can be very hard to keep up with and its easy to lose her for how fast and far she can go.

Other times she can be very quiet and calm, like when she is alone or when she is thinking. She likes to focus on one task at a time, the one presented to her at that moment. She isn't distracted easily and is always intent on doing what she is suppose to.

Strong Willed
Thyone will always stand up for what is right no matter what everyone else thinks. She won't budge from her ways and won't let anyone make her either. She is strongly worded on what she believes in and won't take any other answer, except a reasonable one proven with facts.

Voicing her opinion is something Thyone will do about anything and everything. She likes to be heard when she has something to say. She isn't afraid to stand up for what she thinks is right and will always tell the truth whether the truth is bad or good.

She is very proud of what she has become, seeing how her past has been. She stands tall and speaks with confidence, and she doesn't let anything get in the way of her pride.

Being as smart as she is, it makes her a very dangerous foe to have. Her parents had taught her everything they knew at a very young age, and through all the traumatizing events she still remembers it because it was from her parents. After they died and went to live with the older Saber, she got extensive training and knowledge from him. You can ask her almost any question about the area in which they live, the past of the WAS, or pretty much anything and she will most likely know the answer

Thyone keeps her deepest emotions to herself, sorrow and love mostly. She fears that if she doesn't keep them bottled up, she will break down and be unable to recover. She never cries either, it makes her feel weak, though she feels sorry for others losses and she doesn't think of them as weak when they cry. Though when she is in the midst of weeping, she tries to feel as emotionless as possible to keep from tearing up herself.


Water Bending
Ability to control water, shape it, and send it to wherever you will. Able to get from streams/rivers/etc. or able to get from water vapor/humidity in the air, but unable to form in hot, dry air.
The harm this causes varies on how the user attacks with it. It can be used solely for attack, entertainment, or what ever other uses needed. If used for attack, it can cause much damage because the user can move and will the water to shape or do anything it wants it too.

Water Walking
Allows the water to hold the weight of the Saber wherever the paws put pressure. This can be used for one Saber or many Sabers on the water, but the more pressure on it, the more it weakens the user.
This causes almost no harm to any other Saber except for the user, it can and will slowly drain their energy away to keep themselves standing on the surface, the more surface area of water plus the weight of Saber depends on how much energy will be drained. Though it can be used to harm another Saber by willing the water to harden under the foe, leading it out to a deeper trench and then dropping it to plunge into the water.

Wave Pulse
Sends out huge pulses of water that may or may not be big enough to drown the foe. The wave size varies on how concentrated the Saber using it is. The user can also make the water in the ground flow upwards and pulse out of the ground making the dirt turn to mud, making the area a marsh.
This causes major harm, it can temporarily blind the foe or is the wave is big enough it can possibly choke or drown them. When it pulses out of the ground the foe can slip and slide and it makes it hard to keep balance, the user would have to the Water Walking ability to stay balanced and upright.

Aquatic Frenzy
Sends multiple swirling balls of water through the air in a hurricane/tornado motion. It makes a small vortex dragging the nearby Sabers in the its eye and whirling them around in the winds and water. The impact of the balls feels like millions of needles or knifes plunging into the skin, but it depends on the concentration of the user Saber.
This attack causes the most harm. Though it only inflicts pain, its not actually hurting you. (Unless you count getting wet hurting you XP.) It causes severe pain to who ever gets caught in the vortex, it doesn't cause physical wounds, even though it feels like it, only psychological wounds. The balls of water are just that, but they have intense power that makes them feel very painful to victim of the attack.

Special Ability:

Vapor Cloak

Brings out the water vapor in the air making a mist that blends in to the surroundings to cloak the user from Sabers eyes. No more than one Saber can be cloaked at a time, whether its the user or another.
This attack by itself causes no harm at all, though sequenced with one of the other attacks it can be very deadly. It allows the cloaked Saber to be able to sneak anywhere though with the chance of being heard. It doesn't muffle the sounds of voices, rapid breathing, twigs snapping, hearts pounding, or paws padding, so the user must be able to be calm, controlled, and focused while using this ability.

Armor Type (gold, silver or bronze):
Silver and Iron
(White and Black)


Heart pounding, paws thrashing, her rapid breathing was the only sound on this clear, starry night. The wind was still, the animals unmoving, no sound could be heard except for her. It was the dream again, the same one she had after her parents died, the same one she had been having the past few nights. Though it's her favourite dream, it's also her worst nightmare.
The three of them together again, her, her mother, and her father. They were always at her favourite spot as a child, it was a huge willow tree. The base was larger than boulders and it sprouted so high it seemed like a mountain, but it was the most beautiful sight she ever saw. The small diamond shaped leaves just turning green, the small white flowers had just bloomed, dozens of multicolored flowers littered the nearby ground. Her parents though were always doing something different though, whether it was playing or racing, talking or sleeping.
She remembers thinking how her mothers fur was the color of the soft desert sand on a cold winters day and it shone like the sun reflecting off the rambling rivers. The light brown color of barked trees in the winter marked her mothers coat in patterns she could study for hours at a time and still not remember. Her eyes were ice blue, like the frozen tundra in the cold sunny summer days, and the same color as Thyones are now.
And her father, he was the colors of storms and showers alike. His base coat was the dark greyish, blue of the sky before a great thunderstorm. The markings on top were the light greenish, blue colors of the sky after a slow peaceful rain. His eyes were as bright yellow as the flash of lightning and his voice was like the booming of thunder that always followed, whether it was the soft rumbling or loud thundering.
This was how she remembered them, this is how she had always remembered them. They were her inspiration for goodness, for everything. They were a small happy family, just the three of them. Thyone had no other siblings, her parents said she was the only that had been born. Had the others died? Or was she really just only one? She honestly didn't care though, she was happy just like this, her and her best friends, her playmates, her parents.
The dream goes on through some of her childhood, training, learning, playing, but all grainy looking and flashy, like she wasn't really there. It keeps going like that until it gets to that one day, the day she wished she could forget, the day she wished would have never happened.
It starts off as a peaceful morning, birds singing, the river trickling, the leaves rustling in the calm wind. Thyone felt alive with the breeze in her short, soft fur. 'Today is going to be a great day' she thought. She found her parents drinking calmly from the other side of the river and she ran over to them, splashing through the water on her way. The small spherical liquid drops froze in mid air and they glistened in the sunlight, sending tiny little beams of light flittering down to the earth. Thyone was amazed, she heard her father laugh and her mother slightly giggle at her mesmerized expression. She was a water Saber just like her father, she loved it no matter what.
After her father let the crystal droplets fall back to the stream, Thyone nuzzled her mother and father, then slowly drank from the clear water. "Why don't we go for a walk today?" her fathers voice boomed from the other side of stream. The small tan and blue Saber looked up quickly then pranced through the water dampening her fur. "Yes yes yes!" she cried, jumping up and down as they walked to the large Willow tree. "Today is a beautiful day, I don't see why not." her mother commented, then smiled at her daughter. The deep voice of her father replied "Let's go then."
They started off into the woods from the towering Willow tree. The sun was shining brightly through the branches and the leaves, flowering the ground in brightly colored patterns. The slightly cold forest was a wonderful place to cool down in the down, cold in the shade and warm in the sun. The three Sabers were playfully talking and horsing around, Thyone was having so much fun hanging out with her parents, this was the most fun they had in a long time. But they never expected what would happen next.
They were racing through the forest, trees flying by, wind tearing through their fur. They all skidded to a stop when a large muscular black Saber stepped out from the shadows. His eyes were a searing blood red, glowing with darkness, he had a growling snarl on his face. His voice rolled out with the sound of lightning cracking a tree in half, "Where do you think you're going? This is my territory."
"Your territory? This land belongs to my family, it always has and it always will through my daughter. She will take it when she gets older and finds a suitable mate." Her father said with undeniable pride, now standing as tall as can be and puffing out his large furry chest. Thyone was genuinely scared now, she hated when stray Sabers came into their home territory and challenged her father. Her thoughts were interrupted by the midnight colored Sabers horrid laughter, "Your territory?! This territory belongs to no one but the land itself. And you and your family should be scared for if someone, like me, came here and challenged you." he snickered the last sentence. "And what would you want with this land?" her father replied curtly."Oh, nothing in particular." he said peering around Thyones father to look at her and her mother. His grimace turned into a sly smile.
The large blue head of her father turned around to face them and he said, "Get back to the cave! Now! At that moment the black male pounced, crashing into the blue with a large thump. The two tumbled across the ground clawing, growling, wrestling. Thyone and her mother were mystified, astonished that their loved one hadn't taken down the foe yet. He had always outmatched the challenger, but this time they were equal opponents. Her father now had purple splotches all over his body, blood was dripping from large gashes all over his body. She couldn't see the black Saber, it was like he disappeared in to thin air. "GO! NOW!" yelled her father.
A ferocious growl emanated from behind him, then the black Saber jumped on his back and took her father down. *SNAP* Thyone flinched at the loud sound, when she looked back to her father, expecting to see him standing over the body of the smokey Saber. Instead there he was, laying on the ground, lifeless between the foes front legs. She and her mother both gasped at the horrible sight. "Who's next?" he growled in a hoarse voice.
A blurry figure the color of sand flashed in front of Thyones face, her mother attacked the male and rolled. She got up and ran away from her daughter, turning back to frantically yell "Get out of here my daughter, just know I love you no matter what Thyone!" then she ran off with a black shape pursuing her.
Thyone was frozen, it felt as if all time had stopped, all she could hear was her rapid breathing and her heart pounding. The forest seemed so dark now, no sunlight, black shadows, and most of all no life. She slowly walked over to her father, tears started to roll down her light blue cheeks disappearing into her golden tan fur. "Today was supposed to be a good day, Daddy." she whispered to her stilled father.
The cracking sound of a breaking branch came from behind her, she quickly whipped around ready to see her mother or fight for her life. Instead a dark grey Saber came out from behind the trees, "It's ok little one, I will not hurt you. I am here to help." As he neared her, she noticed the white that tinted his fur with the sign of old. She actually believed him, so she slowly and quietly walked towards him, her head hanging low. 'Where is my mother?' she thought. A moment after she heard what sounded like a million rocks tumbling down a cliff side, and a feminine roar echo through the forest. "Come on little one, we must go before he gets back." said the old male in a rough but gentle voice.
Thyone glanced back one more time before going with him. 'I love you Daddy.' she said to herself. Then pursued the old Saber. They walked for what seemed like hours, then they appeared in front of a large rock pile at the base of a large cliff that looked rough and rugged like a rock slide had just happened. Which is what had just occured moments ago, for the dust was still floating around the air in misty waves of brown. A lone tan paw stuck out from under one of the rocks, she would have never noticed it for if the old Saber hadn't lowered his head to look at it. He silently weeped for female he never knew, but Thyone of devastated. Both of her parents gone, both of them killed in the same day, both of them never to see her ever again.
The grey male sighed and walked back to Thyone and looked at her with sad eyes and said "I am sorry for your loss, this must be very painful for you to go through. Come with me, I will raise you, little one, for you have lost your parents... and I have lost my son, but no matter I will help you heal, guide you in knowledge and fighting, and care for you as if you were my own." he quieted near the part about his son, but then got louder after it had passed. She nodded and looked at the pile of brownish, red rocks returning her late reply she thought to herself 'I love you too, no matter what.' Then she followed the stiff legged old Saber our of the woods, to her new home, looking back with tears in her eyes as she knew she would never see her beloved parents ever again.

Thyone startled awake, sending dirt flying through the air. She glanced around, only to see her familiar surroundings, an open space filled with grass and dirt, one tree in the middle of the clearing, her mentor off in the distance sleeping on his own. She sighed and layed back down on cold dirt ground under her. Resting her head on her forepaws, she looked up at the stars feeling a sense of loss and home. Soon after she slowly crept back to sleep, not dreaming of anything but a peaceful black space.

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Re: Thyone

Postby KaiKenNatsuki » Thu Jul 03, 2014 2:37 pm

awww she's a cutie!
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Re: Thyone

Postby Alley96 » Fri Jul 04, 2014 12:25 pm

thank you ^^
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