Plumerian #90 - winner page 3 by bear

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Plumerian #90 - winner page 3

Postby bear » Sat Jun 07, 2014 8:29 pm

my last Plumi as a Guest Artist! ; v ;
Since this is my last Plumerian, and I really like the design, the form is going to be somewhat special! n v n

To win, fill out this form.
Code: Select all
[b]related to 89?[/b]

    *You may pretty up!
    * Plumerian 89. Do you think they look similar or not? I'll be judging highly on this part (however, if you think they're not, you can still win!). If you think they would be related, go to part A. If you think they're not, go to part B. (Explanations for form.)
    *Feel free to do as much extra as you want. No limit!

    Part A (Related)
    For that part of the form, fill out what you think they'd be (siblings, cousins, etc.) Feel free to add some extra stuff, like their relationship, how they get along, what they think of eachother or whatever you want!
    Part B (Not Related)
    Fill in why you think they're not (reasoning, etc), and you may replace that part with whatever you want!

    End Date: 20th June (Feel free to ask for extensions!)

    Feel free to ask me any questions about this Plumi or Plumi 89!
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Re: Plumerian #90

Postby Rexodus » Sat Jun 07, 2014 8:47 pm


Art by Myself.


L Lawliet


Though most may view the name as Grah-Ven, Graven's name is actually pronounced Gray-Ven.

Graven is a name that is of English origin for it came from the town of Yorkshire. The name
has no meaning, though some suggest that is could have come from the names Gray, which
means ''Gray-Haired'' which could connect to wisdom and ''Raven'' which simply means
''The Raven'' which is symbolised as either; imminent death, a messenger, or a guide. These two
names combined could mean ''The Wise Bird'', or ''The Wise Guid'' which would suit him well
since he likes to help others out and guide them towards their goals in the best way possible.


>> Gray: --
Simply a shortened version of his real name which focuses on the first syllable
of the name. He doesn't mind having this name.

>> Ray-Ray: --
A pet name, of sorts. Mostly called this by his family members such as
his mother and sometimes his sister. He is not keen on this name, and only lets those close
to him call him by it.

>> Ven:--
The favourite of all of the three nicknames in which he
has, Graven prefers to be called Ven if they decide to give him a nickname.

I can only see this beautiful Plumerian as a male. There's just something about his design which leans
towards male to me. Although he is male, he tends to have a slightly feminine personality and quirks,
though not as much as the stereotypical homosexual male would.




Graven's sexuality is homosexual - he has never had an attraction towards females in any other way
besides seeing them as a friend or family member.

Graven is a calm and collective male who has a loving heart. He will not pick or bully on others, though
he will stand up for what he believes in. When you first meet Graven, you'll see that he is someone who
is out-going, kind, and not afraid of conversation for he normally talks to anyone who will listen to his
stories. When he is happy, you'll see that Graven has a little skip to his step and will always smile -
sometimes, he will even hum if he is happy enough. When he is sad, however, he still smiles but you can
tell that it's false. He will not be as chatty as normal or whenever he is in a positive mood. Instead he will
be aloof and tend to keep to himself though f he needs to cry he will only do so on his own or with his
sister. It's best to stay away from Graven when he is angry, for he will tend to be snappy and sarcastic
and only sometimes lash out at others - though that depends on how angry he truly is. A quirk that he
tends to have when he is angry is that he will clench his jaw at somewhat random moments whilst he felt
that emotion and just like how he is when angry, he will tend to stay away from others and being aloof -
especially from Bahiti since he doesn't want to take it out on her. A jealous Graven isn't an attractive one
at that for when he is jealous he can tend to be clingy to the person, or hint at the subject matter too
much to the point he can get a little annoying. Though, an embarrassed Graven is a cute one. He's a
stutterer whenever he gets embarrassed and his cheeks tend to flare up red as he will try to make himself
as small as possible. And finally, when he is in love or has a crush he tends to spend more time around them.
He will become nervous and the stutter will come back whenever around the one he has feelings for, and
sometimes he will even giggle. Overall, Graven is a male with a kind heart who tries to comfort anyone
and everyone whenever they are down, though he is easy to get embarrassed and angry.

>> Chocolate --
Although it is considered an unhealthy and sometimes deadly food to plumerians, Graven enjoys
snacking on the food for he has a sweet tooth - though, he can only get his paws on some every
now and then and when he does he savours the taste.

>> Sunshine --
To Graven, there's nothing better than basking in the sunlight on a warm spring or summer's day.
He could lay there for hours just looking up at the sky as he watched clouds pass over him.

>> Pools of Water--
Weather is be a pond, a lake, river, or sea - Graven enjoys going to places that have large pools
of water. He enjoys swimming, or simply playing in the water.

>> Flora --
Graven likes all kinds of flowers from Daisies to Primrose's, Forget-Me-Nots and even Pansies.
Though, his favourite has to be Daisies for it reminds him of the time he and his sister would
go out into the fields and woodlands and making daisy-chains for each other to wear.

>> Jewellery--
Graven likes the look of any kind of Jewellery, and tends to wear some himself. From necklaces
to bracelets, rings to hair pins- if Graven likes the look of one, he will wear it if it is in his possession, or
buy it if it is not.

>> Piercings--
Graven has a love for piercings, weather on himself or on another. He wishes he can have piercings of
his own, but he doesn't want to become addicted to them like most who have them are.

>> Reading--
Graven enjoys a good novel, and has quite a few favourite ones such as: The Fault in Our Stars by John
Green, The Seven Key's Series by Garth Nix, and the Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan. He also dabbles
in writing also.

>> Rain---
Even though Graven enjoys swimming and batheing in water, one thing he cannot stand is the rain. To him,
it just makes the world look more bleak and depressing compared to when it's warm outside.

>> Thunder ---
One thing that he cannot stand and is scared of is Thunder. He hates the loud and suddenness it's growling
roars can bring and they make him jump almost every time he hears them.

>> Lightning---
Connected to his dislike of thunder, Graven also hates lightning. Just like the suddenness of
the roar of thunder, if he were to see lightning dead on or from the corner of his eye, he will get scared almost

>> Loud Noises---
Since Graven is someone who enjoys the peace and quiet in order to read and write along side
other thingsthat require concentration, he is not pleased when there are loud noises interrupting him and his
trail of thought and shattering the silence in which he were in.

>> Dirt and Mud---
Another thing that Graven cannot stand has to be Dirt and Mud. He is someone who hates
to be dirtyand even if he gets the smallest molecule on him, he will have the urge to wash himself. He just
doesn't like being dirty and would much prefer to keep himself clean.

>> Children---
The only reason he isn't keen on Children is because he doesn't know how to react around
them. He becomesawkward when around them - not knowing what to say or do, and is scared he will hurt
the child's feelings oneway or another even though he is a sweetheart.

>> Anyone Who Hurts His Sister---
Weather it be verbally, physically, or emotionally - if anyone were to hurt his sister Bahiti
he will not sit around. He is a protective big brother and even if he wasn't present when the thing that hurt
her took place, he will go and find the person/s responsible and give them a piece of his mind.


>> Writing:--
Though he doesn't consider himself good at writing as he tends to make spelling errors often and will tend to not find the words to describe things until a later date, or is normally battling writers block, he enjoys writing anything from sonets to stories. His favourite thing to write would have to include sci-fi, horror, or romantic themed pieces.

>> Journalling:--
One thing that he loves to apply his desire for writing to are his journals. He tends to enjoy writing about his experiences as though they are some sort of time capsule that he would open when he's older just to get a flood of nostalgia.

>> Photography:--
Just like his love for Journalling, he enjoys taking photographs in order to have a visual reminder of something he had done in the past to let the memories once again flood back to him. He tends to like to look at these in order to make him smile at the good old times when in the current he may not be feeling his best.

>> Astraphobia--
Or more commonly known as the fear of thunderstorms, is one that is on the top of his
fear list. They simplystun and freak him out he will tend to get so nervous and scared he sometimes
hyperventilate and pass out.

>> Achluophobia--
Or commonly known as the fear of the dark is another near the top of Graven's fear
list. He simply getsscared whenever he is surrounded by the darkness and tends to run and hide. It's
unknonw as towhat made him like this in the first place.

>> Apiphobia--
The fear of bees. Graven has had this fear ever since he were little and he pounced on
a bee as he thoughtit was a regular fly. He yelped when he felt it's sting push it's way into his pad, and
ever since he is wary around them

Graven's health is borderline perfect besides the common cold and flu. He has brilliant
vision, his heart rate andcholesterol levels are normal, and he is on a well balanced diet (besides his
sneaky nibble of chocolate every now and then). He has never had any major health problems in the
past, weather physically or mentally. However, at one point he did have the mental illness of depression
and now, even though it sometimes scratches the inside of his skull in order to bring him down again,
he's able to ignore it and move away.


There's not much known about Graven's family, since his parents are no longer in the scene. There's
only one family member in which he knows and cares about - his sister, Bahiti. To him, she is also
classed as a friend - best friend, even. They are as close as close can be.

Graven is two years Bahiti's senior and is her older brother. They have a tight-knit bond together
as they feel free to talk about whatever bothers them and can always receive comfort from the other
if needed. Graven is protective of his sister, and will always stand in between her and anyone or
anything that could harm her - weather or not he would get injured, or worse, in the process. He loves
and cares for Bahiti with all his heart and if she were to get hurt or become upset, he will try all he can
to put a smile back onto her face.

With close relationships, especially between family members and more commonly with siblings,
they go through their ups and downs. Whenever the other feels down they will try to comfort
them. Whenever one of them is angry, they try to calm them down. Though, due to their closeness
it's common for them to argue and bicker just like regular siblings and though they wont normally
admit it - they love each other dearly.He and Bahiti tend to be mischevious when together - always
playing pranks on one and other and trying to get the other one back if they happened to fall for it.
They laugh a lot and tend to enjoy each other's company. If it weren't for the fact that they looked
similar, you'd think they would just be the best of friends.

Graven has not many friends, but enough to keep him company. He isn't someone who longs to
be popular or who wants to have hundreds of people surrounding him - just a couple who are kind
and caring, genuine towards him. His friends include:

Owned by bear
Bahiti is not only Graven's little sister, but also one of his closest friends. He loves to
be in her company for she always makes him laugh even when he's down. Every morning, he
always asks how she slept and how she was feeling, followed by a kiss on the forehead before
she got on with her day. Though of course, this does not mean that they do not fight or bicker.
When they do, depending on the subject, it would either be best to just let them get on with it.
They're not one to hold grudges over each other if they do fight, but if they do they tend to not
last long enough to cause a major dent in their relationship.

Owned by Myself, L Lawliet
Terri is one of Graven's closest of friends and could even be classed as his
best friend. They grew up together in the same neighbour hood and since there wasn't many
other males around, they clicked almost instantly and grew up together. These two tend to
get up to mischief, as boys tend to do, by playing pranks either on each other or on their
other friend, and Terri's mate, Ero. Terri and Graven tend to always joke around with each
other, but Terri knows to not bring Bahiti into things for he knows that Graven can get protective
of her. The last time he did that he joked about her being ''annoying'', and Graven did not
stand for it - after all, Bahiti is Graven's baby sister who he loves dearly and would even stick
up for her even when it's against his own best friend.

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Ero is a recent friend of Graven's due to meeting him through Terri since he and Ero are mates.
When he first met Ero, he found him simply adorable and reminded him a lot of his sister -
someone who was fun to be around, kind, caring, and genuinely a joy to be around. Since
he's gotten to know him, he can talk with him for hours on end about any random thing and
never lose interest. Their relationship is still a blossoming one, but as of the current date
it seems to be flourishing into something that could lead to a great friendship.

Graven has never had any past relationships that involve the subject of love other than in a
friendly or family kind of way, though he wishes that in the future that he will one day get
a mate of his own who he would love and cherish for the rest of eternity.

Graven has a crush on another plumerian who, at current, will not be named since Graven
feels as though it is too soon to tell everyone publicly. Though, this other Plumerian has
captured his heart to the point they're almost always on their mind. He finds this person
to be kind and caring, and simply adores the fact that he can be so romantic with his words
as he is a poet of all things. One thing that Graven has valued is written words and free
verse for he is simply fascinated by the way words can describe such beautiful emotions,
weather happy or sad, and they can move you in ways you never thought possible. Another
thing he likes about this crush of his is that he finds them cute and adorable, especially
when they get embarrassed for they stutter, blush, and mumble - things which he is
attracted to. He just hopes that one day he'll be able to call them his, and hopefully to live
a long and happy life with them - and who knows, perhaps this little crush can blossom into
something magnificent.

Last edited by Rexodus on Wed Jun 11, 2014 10:41 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Plumerian #90

Postby Jaskiest » Sat Jun 07, 2014 8:49 pm

related to 89?
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Re: Plumerian #90

Postby outoforder001 » Sat Jun 07, 2014 8:49 pm

related to 89?

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Re: Plumerian #90

Postby gluue » Sat Jun 07, 2014 9:22 pm

-apologies for taking up space- ;-;
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Re: Plumerian #90

Postby endless shelter;; » Sat Jun 07, 2014 9:24 pm

user: ~WarriorsWing~
name: Mase
gender: male
related to 89? yes because they look alike and they get on really well, he doesn't mind if he's away from his sis but he does miss her a bit
extra: nope :3
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Re: Plumerian #90

Postby dogish » Sat Jun 07, 2014 10:55 pm

Pet's name: Rhys
Pet's name: Nokk
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Re: Plumerian #90

Postby LeavingCSgoodbye » Sat Jun 07, 2014 11:03 pm


"Being able to work hard is the
best talent of all."

To do list-

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Re: Plumerian #90

Postby Blackhusky » Sat Jun 07, 2014 11:49 pm

B e n j i

'I did not hit you! I just high-fived your face'

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Re: Plumerian #90

Postby Autumn Ghost » Sun Jun 08, 2014 12:48 am

user: ~LeafTail
name: Shera
gender: Female
related to 89?
I could see her having an older sister she looks almost exactly like her... she has both her parent but both look completely diffrent

extra: i dont own one yet and they're so flipping adorable!!!!!
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