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Royal Guardian Cats [closed species] by Chomp

Artist Chomp [gallery]
Time spent 12 hours, 27 minutes
Drawing sessions 21
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Royal Guardian Cats [closed species]

Postby Chomp » Sat Feb 22, 2014 5:08 pm

      rules and guildeines species information affiliate archives FAQ dA



        Since you have previously shown interested in the Royal Guardian Cats, I would like to let you know that I've opened a website where I will reopen adoptions.

        Chickensmoothie as you may know has made some rules that don't allow me the freedom I would like to have with my own species; While I have tried to get this rule changed, odds are it won't work out in my favor. In the meantime, I'd like to invite you personally to my website on freeforums;

        It is perfectly child friendly, will have a lot of the rules that CS has, and will be co-owned by myself and Glomp. Depending on how many people are interested, I may end up hiring staff to help moderate and possibly an artist or two, just depending. I hope you can make it!


      "One day, long ago and on a cold night, one valiant, but very simple cat, rescued a dragon that was injured and caught in the branches of a tree. The cat warmed the dragon, brought it to shelter, and nursed it back to health.

      When the dragon could once again fly, the cat was sure he would be gone forever. But only a couple of days passed, when suddenly, a whole group of dragons found the cat and blessed him with a tiny little egg, no bigger than a marble! The news spread, and from then on, the cats were deemed as "Guardians of the Royal Family" and put at a high esteem among the dragons.

      Every year, new cats and dragons have a chance to visit the Prism City, where the dragons have established a beautiful and complex city on top of a high mountain that only the dragons and felines can enter. And every year, hundreds of cats are given the honor of becoming bodyguards and friends to the loyal and wonderful companions, the dragons."

      3/15/14: Alright, so I'm off to a bumpier start than I would have liked. My workplace was having a huge sale and at the same time I became sick with a cold, and I have barely had the time to recuperate. On top of that and some other duties, it has slowed my progress quiet a lot. Please bear with me!

      Also, I realize that I hadn't added these rules before, so I shall add them now. Please know that I have a lot of real world obligations and my time online is starting to grow more limited. So the two new rules are in the list below, "I claim the right to end any contest suddenly" etc.. and "Do not nag or otherwise ask when something is to be judged".

      Quick Rules

    • For the time being, you may only own two RGCs. This may change in the future.
    • The species is created by and is copyright to me. No claiming it as your own.
    • Please no mini-modding, I will be able to handle things like that on my own.
    • Unless given permission from me, you may only post these characters on CS.
    • Be a good sport; no begging, bribing the new owner or complaining if you lose.
    • Feel free to post questions/comments, however no re-posting them or spam.
    • I reserve the right to end any contest suddenly or extend it beyond any time.
    • I hold the right to revoke a character if any rules, biological or else, are broken.
    • Be respectful and tolerant towards mods, artists, other applicants and so on.
    • Don't ask to be a guest artist or helper. I will seek these out on my own accord!
    • Do not nag or otherwise ask when something is supposed to be judged. All of these
      things come on my own time and my judging dates are simply not always viable.

Last edited by Chomp on Fri Dec 12, 2014 1:10 pm, edited 29 times in total.
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Re: Almost there WIP

Postby Chomp » Sat Feb 22, 2014 5:11 pm


      Lineart Usage Rules

      You may use the art off-site, however you may only do so with my given permission or the permission of another moderator. This is just to keep tabs on where my art is being shown in the case of art thefts. Outside of the oekaki, my art cannot be tampered with - no removing my signature/watermark or tracing the lineart through GIMP, Paint or any other art program.

      Note that while I don't outright condone minor lineart edits, adding accessories or slightly tweaking a design, I do ask that you get my permission before doing any of these things, and should I decide I'm not comfortable with a change, I may ask you to remove it. But please don't be shy about messaging me! I don't bite. Note that I will never allow mutations such as extra tails/limbs, wings or anything that is devil esque or angel esque. Other lineart edits, such as hair, accessories, changing the expression/eyes, adding horns, will most likely be alright.

      Gifting and Re-Adoption Rules

      Gifting might come up if a user grows bored of their cat, or maybe never had as much interest in it as they thought they would. Gifting is perfectly acceptable, but you must bring it up to me beforehand so I can keep a track on where the cat is, for archiving purposes. The only exception for gifting is in the case of someone wanting to gift to a banned user. And remember, even if they're gifted, an RGC must keep it's previous mate!

      You also have an option to put them up for re-adoption, so another user can have a chance at winning them!

      However, know that I will never, for any reason (except extreme abuse of the species/repeatedly breaking my rules) revoke your cat from your ownership. Should you break the rules repeatedly or abuse the species in any way, your cat will be "suspended" - meaning they will not be adopted out but you can't use them either. You can write an appeal to me for a chance to earn them back, if you prove yourself worthy!

      Token Adoptions

      What are token adoptions? Every 5th adoptable that I release will not be a standard adoption - meaning there won't be a forum to fill out. While it will be required that you name the character for archiving purposes, nothing else is required.

      The catch is that these adoptables will be auctioned of via Deviantart. I know this isn't completely fair to the users who can't afford to pay, but to put it in perspective, I will be releasing four adoptables for every one that I put up for auction. All of the auction rules and pricing will be available in my Deviantart journal. And of course, there are added benefits to owning a Token Adoptable!

    • These adoptions will not count towards your total of owned cats (the current limit is 2)
    • They will be able to breed one time more than the other cats for a total of three breedings
    • The chance of twins in this breeding will be much higher - 75% as opposed to 50%

      How to Adopt & Applying Rules

      For the sake of the other users, for you, and for myself, I like to try to keep the application process pretty straight forward. The application forum will be on the page of each adoptable cat, and usually require of you to do (but is not restricted to) one or a combination of any of the following: picking a name for the cat, writing a story about them, giving me a personality description, choosing their likes/dislikes.

      I am a huge fan of characters that are rounded, well thought out and not overly generic but I do judge on a sort of point based system - that however, is for me to know. But I will let you know this; something that is never required and completely optional is art. I don't think it's fair to require people to create art as it gives some a very unfair advantage over others, especially if you're not big on drawing and you can't afford to buy art. It's the same thing with pretty forums; organization is worth brownie points, but making it sparkle is not necessary.

      If you shouldn't win, don't be too discouraged. There will be more adoptables, and surely I would love to see you apply for another! But no messages that would cause the new owner any guilt - for example, "oh, I really wanted to win.." or "I tried so hard!". Instead, congratulate the new owner or in some situations perhaps it's best that you refrain from posting.

      Staff Positions + Mini Modding

      It is best to automatically assume, unless I say otherwise, that staff positions, be they artist, mods, archivists and so on, are not open. I prefer to find staff internally - that is, through friends or relatives who I can fully trust rather than strangers. Please don't ask about these positions unless I have failed to make a certain detail clear. You can read more about my reasoning behind this in the FAQ towards the bottom of the page.

      As for mini modding, I do know you have a good intent and I appreciate that, but I'd really rather not see any sort of mini modding going on. I do read all of the posts made on a thread of mine - if I see something out of place, I'll address this situation on my own accord.


      Besides the main rules addressed here, please be sure to look over the species information for more details regarding breeding, mating, offspring and other defining as well as unchangeable characteristics of the species.
Last edited by Chomp on Tue Feb 25, 2014 2:21 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: Almost there WIP

Postby Chomp » Sat Feb 22, 2014 5:11 pm


      Size and Build

      The first thing that you should know is that there are two basic categories of RGC's - the "dwarf lion" species and the standard species.

      The largest dwarf lion can reach up to 3 1/2 feet at the head, which is just larger than a Great Dane, while the smaller gets to be the size of a large domestic cat. Unlike with real lions, a male or female can be a dwarf lion, though males are more common (about 75% are male).

      For the standard species, the size ranges from about that of a German Shepherd dog to the size of a small house cat or Chihuahua. For both species, there are very rare extreme mutations that can make them either smaller or larger than the standard sizes.

      The dragons however, will always remain consistently the same size with the exception of hatchlings - about 1 1/2 feet in length and, standing on their forelegs, three inches high. They have small, slender bodies that are often twisted or curled. The dragons have no known gender, and don't require a mate to lay an egg, but they can only lay one egg in their lifetime and usually only do so if their own life is in some sort of danger. In rare occasions, they will lay one without a cause or will lay one for a kitten of their guardian.

      These cats are very animated, and have mastered a variety of tasks, including music playing and standing on their hind legs for short periods of time. Some of them can even walking on their hind legs for a short while.

      And, like real cats, they are omnivores. They'll eat a range of foods, from fish to insects and berries to human foods as well. They aren't too terribly picky!


      Breeding, Mates, Aging and Timelines

      It is only physically possible for the species to be attracted to the opposite gender - when the guardians court and then take a mate, they do so with the intention to rear a family and continue their lineage. When the species takes a mate, they mate for life! I don't encourage taking a mate for your cat within a week of meeting them, and while I do encourage your cat wanting to have children, please do not adopt them and marry them off right away for the sole purpose of having kittens.

      Should the user who owns your cats mate quit or go inactive, before doing so they can choose to "entrust" their cat to you; basically meaning that you get full ownership until they come back (if they do come back). Regardless of whether they do or don't, I grant anybody permission to use the mate in roleplays/art and so on as long as you're not changing the character drastically. And again, if the user comes back, you will cease any use of their character unless they say otherwise.

      Like in the real world, there are four seasons. Seasons span roughly one week each. That means over the course of a month, all four seasons will have passed. Breeding season only spans over spring and summer (the first two weeks of the month). They can breed up to two times in their life, and they give birth to one two three kittens; the chances of having two or one being half and half, and the chances of having three being rare.

      Your adult cat can be aged however you like - if you want to make it old, that's your choice to do so. You also have the freedom to do "flashback" roleplays, roleplays where your cat is a child or teenager.

      If you get a young cat or a kitten, you can take however long you'd like aging them to an adult. Given that you receive a kitten, you have the option to skip over the adolescent stage and move onto adulthood. However, if you do decide to age them, you must wait two weeks (fourteen days) before aging a kitten or child to an adult. Should you desire to roleplay babies as children, adults, or roleplay children as adults, you also have the freedom to do that. However, unless you intend to age them soon after, they can't take a mate or even dawdle too far in romance in this setting.


      Territory, Colonies and Interaction with Humans

      You have the freedom to choose, depending on your tastes, whether or not your cat interacts with humans and if so whether or not they can speak to them or not. But I will warn you now - I absolutely refuse to see any human bashing coming from the species. As a human myself, it does bother me. Please, no "humans are destroying the world/humans are evil" mentalities within the species. There are good humans and bad humans, and these cats will judge them on a personal level, not as a whole.

      You also have the freedom, if it's not against any rules of the other species, to have the cats interact with any other species that you'd like. However, they may not fall in love outside of their own species, and there will be no exceptions - it's simply not part of their physiology (in other words, impossible).

      As for living situations, these cats are highly adaptable and can live anywhere from deserts to cold icy terrain, given they have the right shelter. They can and will make their homes virtually anywhere. In some places, colonies of cats have developed their own miniature (and obviously natural) versions of villages.

      And of course, you have your loners and those who prefer to live in vast colonies. Colonies can range from as few as six cats to as many as twenty five cats and twenty five dragons!

      Different members in colonies are assigned different tasks. Depending on the size of the colony, there's one or two overseers who make sure everything is running smoothly. There's a messenger assigned to deliver messages to other colonies or cats. There are those who keep guard for danger (usually males). Then there are gatherers and those who watch the kittens and so on.
Last edited by Chomp on Sat Dec 06, 2014 2:45 pm, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Almost there WIP

Postby Chomp » Sat Feb 22, 2014 5:12 pm


      Here are some links to other adoptable species made by awesome and talented artists around Chickensmoothie!
      If you'd like to affiliate with me, feel free to send me a message! I will also make you a simple stamp if you don't have one.

      Code: Select all

      Image ImageImage Image Image Image
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Re: Almost there WIP

Postby Chomp » Sat Feb 22, 2014 5:14 pm


      This is where you'll find all of the RGCs in the order they were created, along with links to their current owners.
      Currently unowned Guardians will have "Up for Adoption" in place of a name, along with a link to their thread and
      the end date for the application process.

      In order to keep everything organized, customs and nursery beans will have a separate list. If you notice anything
      out of place, feel free to message me and I will fix it as soon as I get the chance!


      1) Up for Adoption (march 13th) ♀
      2) Up for Adoption (march 13th) ♂
      3) Up for Adoption (march 13th) ♀
Last edited by Chomp on Sun Dec 07, 2014 3:40 pm, edited 22 times in total.
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Re: Almost there WIP

Postby Chomp » Sat Feb 22, 2014 5:14 pm


      This section (also called a Q & A or FAQ) will be for questions that aren't addressed or aren't completely addressed in the species information or rules. Please feel free to post or message me any questions! If they aren't already answered and I find them to be useful and constructive, I may put them here.

      Q: Will I be able to make a custom/will you make me a custom?
      A: Short answer, no, and maybe. To be honest, when it comes to designs I am a little nitpicky and I kind of want to aim for a semi consistent quality in designs. But, while I'll never allow the general public to make customs, I do think that at some point I will have customs that you can buy with real money (obviously a process that will take place via Deviantart like the auctions).

      Q: Will 2nd, 3rd, 4th gens and so on, be able to breed?
      A: And the short answer is yes. It may take a little longer and I may make slightly longer time restrictions on the mating and breeding of later generations, but I don't want to limit the process entirely! I think as RGCs age they should be able to have every function that a first generation does. Plus, babies (especially kitties) are awesome hehehe :D!

      Q: Why don't you ever hire moderators/artists for your species?
      A: There really isn't an easy answer for this one. For the artist part, it kind of goes with the first question - that I really like to see a consistent style and a quality in designs (not that my designs are high quality by any means). So when I do start introducing new artists, they are going to be selected internally, meaning that I know them personally and I can trust them to make designs that I think will suit the species and keep consistent with my personal standard (they're not high, just, specific).

      As for the moderator bit, as you might know I have never really gotten "off the ground" with any of my species, and so, they've never been fully developed and such. So, if I personally haven't even worked out all of the kinks to a species, then how can I trust somebody who knows even less tell other people about them? And then this is more personal opinion to me, but even in little species on sites like Chickensmoothie, I do like to see moderators who are a little older, wiser and just better rounded emotionally. I'm not accusing anybody of not having these qualities! But again, this is something that I don't want to entrust to just anybody. I think this job is best suited for people who I know and have talked to a lot or who I just have a lot of experience with, because especially with something I'm dedicated to, I have to entrust these people with what I feel is a little part of myself.

      Q: If you quit this species, will it die or go under new management?
      A: Another complicated question, but I think it does need addressing. Admittedly, I have always been very possessive over my thoughts and ieas. Ask anybody who knows me, oh boy! So, while I currently can't see myself leaving this species, if that does come up in the future, obviously they will only go to someone who is really close to me, who I know will respect my wishes and what I have set for this species.

      And I should have you know now, that, regardless of who this species goes to, I would like all of the rules and the biological facts of this species to stay exactly the same. Any changes to my species that you will see under a new management would be directly authorized by me, because while I may leave the species, I will not leave a new owner to fend for themselves regarding these things. Which is another reason the new owner will probably know me IRL, so even if I'm not active on CS, they can still come to me regarding these matters.

Last edited by Chomp on Tue Feb 25, 2014 2:05 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Almost there WIP

Postby Chomp » Mon Feb 24, 2014 2:37 pm

          (this section is a reserved post for other tidbits, possible future events and so on!)

          And I'm open for posting! I still have a huge to do list of roughly 15 things
          that need to be done before I will open officially, but feedback is appreciated!

          If you do plan on giving any sort of feedback I would appreciate that you take a
          quick glance over some of the things I've already put down just to be sure (:.

          And no, I have not abandon the Griffons for anybody who is wondering!
          Well, more or less. I have decided to pass them on to my closest friend, Glomp, to take care of.
          Don't worry, they're in good hands and she'll probably do more with them than I did! Anyway, send
          some encouragement and well wishes her way! She's very talented and this is her first species.
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Re: Royal Guardian Cats (WIP)

Postby Zwallow » Mon Feb 24, 2014 2:43 pm

      First Post :'D
      These look epic wow <3
      I can't wait for them to be up and running!
      Such an amazing concept I love it ;u;
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if you're waiting for something for me, feel free to cancel <3
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Re: Royal Guardian Cats (WIP)

Postby PurpleKakashi » Mon Feb 24, 2014 3:26 pm

These look amazing <3

Edit;; Thank you. So much for advertising The Axis<3 It means a lot!
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Re: Royal Guardian Cats (WIP)

Postby finoodle » Mon Feb 24, 2014 4:44 pm

Okay, this is probably going to be like my favorite species. CHOMP whayyyyyy you make so good lines! These are amazing.
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