Shugorei #55 by Mihochi

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Shugorei #55

Postby Mihochi » Fri Aug 23, 2013 1:32 am

NlKl wrote:I am from Germany so my English is. .. no so good xD
I'd really like to win, because I drow very often and this character is pretty cool and the design ... awwww ♥ I drawed Anubis 100 times, and Shugorei are such beautiful 'animals'... yes, I would draw Seth very often too ;D

NlKl, in real NLKL ;)

Shugorei Name:
Seth, this is an old ägyitan name and I have forgott what it means xD but I think it is a good name for such a pretty boy


Affinity: Pure

Seth is very manner because he has helped many generations of people and knows how to live with them. No matter what the situation, he always remains calm and composed as he seeks a solution. He may be smart , but also cunning he does not lack it . He treats people and traps like a shadow. With wise words he persuaded everyone, he is fair and very social but if someone annoys him he can annoy back. He also has a sense of humor and love to bring people to laugh while they not laugh at anyone who did not deserve it. He loves beautiful things , like green forests, sunny day and the beach where we go on the weekend. He comforts you when you cry and calms you when you get upset, when he is your friend you're never alone.
His voice sounds like the howl of the wind in the treetops , and his laugh like a midsummer night's dream. If he is angry , his light blue eyes glow like an ice cold fire.

Story of how your Shugorei came to be/how you discovered:
I'm Fee, 13 years old and I want to tell you something, a true story but it may sounds like it's a lie, cause that story is not normal.
What you have to know about me:
My parents are archaeologists and I have to travel around the world with them. That means no school, no homework and no friends. The most children's dream but my nightmare, cause I have no one to talk with. Only my parents and my little brother, but he's much junger than me ( 7 years ) and the most things he doesn't know and we don't stay more than one month in one city, so when I make new friends with the people in a city, I can't hold it. My parents are my teachers so I can speak French, Spanish, English, Latin and Italy. But at "home" we talk German. Now we are at a application in Ägypten, we have to investigate a old pyramid.
Monday, 17 of April 22.30
As we arrived at the pyramid, we were the first people there. The weather was cloudy but the half moon shines low and some little stars shine. We pitched our tents under a withered tree on , and I put my five things a sketch block, some pencils, my plushie, my only book, folder with some school things, pictures and storys in the tent. I don't need more, I would forgot more stuff also at the next random place. My mum said, that we have to sleep now and I take good care of my brother, they would wait for some more people, who have the same job. I felt in sleep after a few minutes and dreamd a rather mad dream...
Tuesday, 18 April 03. 10 am
I waked bathed in sweat up. I felt like a car was drove over me, so I stand up and put some clothes and my clock on and walked out of the tent cause I thinked that I can't sleep now. Suddenly, I heard a strange noise, like a sweet song that is singing by thousand voices. I looked around me. There were four new tents but the noise came from the pyramid.I was to curious to ignore that, it was so wonderful,so I decided to go into there...
I entried the pyramid
It was cold and in the moment as I entered,the torches began to burn with green fire.There were no spider webs or any indication that no one lives here or that this building was over 1500 years old. More as cleans someone the pyramid up every day... but this was not the last strange thing for my stay here. I walked along a long high walk but I can't see the end. On the walls were some hieroglyphs with birds and cats and people with animal heads. I konw a bit about pyramids and old temples and about old history and I was so fascinated from the wall's pictures that I forgot to look for traps, so I sudden felt into a hole in the ground, but my hand was at one pice of the cliff. I throwed me up and walked around the hole. So now I would take more care of traps... I had no idea what time it was, so I looked at the clock at my nackle. At the first moment I don't realise it, but the time was running backward ?! No. That is Strupid. Am I mad? Maybe. Than I saw the door of the corridor, it was open! That was humorous ... who has opend this door? Was that intention ? I entered the room behind the dor, and marveled . It was full of silver and blue things:gems, Chalices columns,statues. it shines and sparkeld in the moonlight,everything looked so wonderful beautiful...In the middle of the huge hall on the wall was a big throne with two silver cats on the armrests .On the hall's walls were old silver Sarcophagi , cutlery , rods, statues and many other things made of silver. In a circle in the middle of the Hall shines moonlight and the dust was dancing like little fairies on a clearing . The hall was built with sandstone, so I whirled dust on the go . I felt like a As if I would draw a magic power to the throne . So I sad down on the big silver thing and saw a little lever and pulled on this .and a big hologram appeared on the top of the hall. It showed a place, that I didn't know but I felt like I was ever there ... in this moment, a loud 'hock' interrupted my thoughts . It was the door! I looked at it, and in a language, that I didn't know, but ironically understand, stand in bloody red letters 'come in is easier as get out.' I runed to the door and tried to open it, but it was closed... I turned back, taked a silver sword and tried to open the door, but no chance. I had to find another way outside. I looked at the room one more time. The hole, from where the Moonlight shines in! I looked up to the ceiling . No way, it was 10 meters in the air and the highest column was not si high. This funeral would be my funeral too, if I had not a good plan fast. I cried, I walked in circles but it was hopeless so I sat down on the throne and tried to sleep. On one of the cats tails was a small little bracelet of silver that shines in a azure blue with a little trailer in form of a star. I decided to put this bracelet on and looked at my wrist . The bracelet closed around my wrist like a shiny silver snake. I felt like I was in a dream and suddenly a shiny silvery blue mist appeared in front of me and took in seconds , the figure of a cat -like beings to. I rubbed my teary eyes and looked right back again : It was really a kind of cat, albeit with a long tail and long ears . At its cream-colored face ,I saw that it was a male specimen. His ears had the same light gray color as the paleness on his nose and his legs were slightly darker than the rest of his cream-colored fells , like the stripes on its long tail. He was wearing a collar with a handle attached to a shimmering blue lantern, the collar had the same color as his eyes. He smiled at me like a little kid and that made me happy.
First met

" W. .. who are you?" I asked and approached to him very carefully and summed up his fur . It was quite soft and supple, he purred as I stroked him and said with a voice like the wind when it's blowing through the treetops
"My name is seth. I'm a Shugorei. We are the spirit guidans and guides uides of the humans that inhabit this world. I feel, you have many questions about me, so ask."
I answered" okay. Where did you come from?"
"I was all the time in your heart. You find me by open you heart and feel your soul."
"Can we get out of here?" I asked.
"Yes. You need my help and I need yours, I am a part of you and you are a part of me, allone we are weak but together we are strong. Imagine how we get out of here. Use your imagination! "
I covered. I imagined as the side of the wall at the other end of the hall opened and than, with the noise of falling sand, disintegrated the stones to dust. My head pained but I was very satisfied with my work and to amazed to say something. Only a "wow." Came out of my mouth. " Do you see . There is much more to you than you thought, I can help you to understand everything, but let's go out ouf here!" He said with its quiet voice. Walked through the new door and were formed on a stone platform.
The maze

Under the platform was a huge maze , it was very dark , only seth 's lantern illuminated the huge room with a ghostly light . "So here we go" he said " we have to find the right way. " I hesitated. "Can all human do things , as I have just done ?" "Yes" he answered" they only have to open their hearts. But let's go now, your parents will miss you!" We walked down from the platform and entered the maze. I said :"Why should my parents miss me? I'm here since on hour and they sleep in their beds right? " He looked at me strictly "the time here is different than the time outside. Outside the pyramid, it is the 22.April." "and... inside?" I asked and looked at the clock at my nackle: 14 of March 1456. Nice. "Here ist no time here is nothing but you and me and some illusions, this pyramid is a funeral for Egyptians and a trap for grave robbers. This is real magic, and it is stronger than the magic of any other place. The pyramid travels with the stars in the sky." He jumped on one wall of the labyrinth and looked down with his ice blue eyes to me. "Left and right and left, come on I lead you." Seth was a good navigator und after a few minutes we were out of the labyrinth and looked at the next challenge.
The bridge

A room full of flying stones lay before us, and an endless abyss below him tiever. " I saw", I said, "that you can jump very high, but not very far. Trust me, come to my arms I'll take you over there." He jumped into my arms an together we jumped over the bridge of flying stones. One time, we nearly feld down, but fortunately I could hold me tight. "Ahhhhh" i cried, but I could still think clearly My clock was slipped until Seth's tail , he was on my right arm and the left I held on one edge. I moved my right arm to the edge so Seth could jump on the stone. I dressed up as tedious, Seth licked a small wound on his flank where a shimmering golden drops flowed out blood . "Can you die like every other creature?" I asked and touched the drop of golden blood, Was burning on my finger domes. "Yes" he returned "and no. If we hurt us but by nothing else, Neither disease or curses, or the time can kill us. If we are grown up, we can stay at eath for centuries. " I looked in Seht's ice blue eyes, giggled a little and said "how old are you really?" He looked to the Abyss beside us. " 1987 Years. A long time, when you are alone even for a Shugorei. " he walked to the abyss "the bilds telled me, how the world outside is. Beautiful and ugly they said, cold and hot, new and old , new appliances and homes, many people and many lights. They telled me from some appliances and citys but my ghost was in the big hall all the time since my last owner, a pretty Egyptian girl died and was buried there. But let's go outside, it would be hot here." The rest of the stone bridge we managed without a word , but quickly and without further slip-ups .We came to a curved pillar, behind which hid another room. Oh man, yet an examination. I let Seth down and looked at what was hidden from us, as I approached the room quietly before me, for I felt something pulsing in him. What could that be...?
A riddle

We looked in the room. It was smaller than the other rooms and On the side walls , and blue flowed golden light-shimmer sometimes whith gems in which glittered in the colors of hundred rainbows. It was so beautiful! My eyes lit up as they reflected the gloss and I walked to the wall to touch it, but as I touched it, the *room began to tremble . The lights shined in red And a big creature appeared in the room's middle. I walked straight back to seth, who was sitting there and looked at me friendly. "Awww. The greed of people still bored . As much as they have not changed in the last thousand years" he said with a whistling voice. I looked at the stature in the middle, that was hard to miss. It was s giant golden lion body, with the head of a pretty women who was wearing a ägyitan hat. In this second, she began to talk with a voice as cold as ice: " It is the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space, the beginning of the end, and the end of every space." I was confused. What could that be? Seth was confused too. "The humans?" He asked. "No." answered the golden sphinx and the door behind her closed a bit, but she would try to stop us if we go to it. I asked "the dead?" She looked at me with her shiny red eyes and said "No." I looked at seth sad, but as I wanted to touch his fluffy fur, I came up with a completely new stupid idea . It was our last attempt but it could work! At first I hesitated and Seth's suspicious -looking hit me , but then I screamed to the sphinx : "the letter 'e'!" The sphinx stepped aside . Well done , told her satisfied look and the lights were golden like before. As we left the room, I moved the stolen diamond in my hand to my pocket. It was shining blue and I asked "Seth, you said, that there is nothing that has a life, here. " he responded "Yes, a sphinx is dead. She is made of gold."
A little battle....

We walked down to the Next room. As we As we passed the narrow , dilapidated wooden door a bandaged hand was clutching my shoulder. I cried and beat on them until they withdrew. When we entered the next room, it smelled horribly of rotten meat and moldy bones, and we saw Sarcophagi on the walls of the stone space, which began to rise in the dim light of the lantern. Of them were mummies wrapped in paper , and I pressed myself closer to seth. I Distract them and you destruct them, it seems like they don't like light." Seth grew to three times its size , and was now as big as a lion. He urged the mummies back with its paws , and I imagined how the space is flooded with light and The rear wall of the pyramid toppled and the glowing light of the sun ​​mades that the mummies crumbled to dust. Seth shrank back in his usual knee - high size, and we both ran against the light. As soon as we entered the sandy ground outside the pyramid, this disappeared with a swirl of sand .
Back outside.

We were amazed , and when I turned around I could see the camp where my parents were and run to it. Seth followed me and said, " It's hotter than I thought , out here " and smiled. I looked at my clock. '25 of April' ouh, we were there longer than ut feld like... than I startet to scream : "mum mum, dad dad!" And they came out of their tent and hugged me ." Where have you been ? " Asked my mother and began to cry . "This is a long story", I responded and looked at Seth. He had the same face, but now he looked little silver - gray striped house cat . He winked at me and laughed at me. I winked back. That reminds me of something...

This was the begin of a friendship, between my shugorei and me.
Last edited by Mihochi on Fri Sep 06, 2013 2:47 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Shugorei #55

Postby Tea-Kat » Sat Aug 24, 2013 11:56 am

Username: Tea-Kat
Shugorei Name: Milchschatten
Gender: Male
Affinity: Pure
Story of how your Shugorei came to be/how you discovered:

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Re: Shugorei #55

Postby ZIA » Sun Aug 25, 2013 10:43 am

Hey, I think, Shugorei are very nice creatures, and this guy is very beautiful. So I want to ask for him...

Username: Limona
Shugorei Name: Fay
Gender: Male
Affinity: Pure
Personality:shy, but strong if he needs it, not very Self-conscious
Story of how your Shugorei came to be/how you discovered:
how I met my Shungorei, is a long story but I will tell it you...

For a few weeks, my father and I were on holiday with our little boat. One night, we saw big gray clouds in the deep blue sky and one minute later, it began to rain hard and lightning flashed over our heads. My father said, that he knows a small island in not far away form here, and we can stay there for the night.
When we came there, my father knotted the boat on a tree and told me, I should sleep, we go away early in the morning. But I culd'nt sleep, so I walked to the boats front an looked at the island. On the other side of the island were some blue sparkeling lights...

I wondered what that lights could be, so I decidet to go to them. Maybe they come from other people or it's the wether... It was hard, to climb the rocks of the island and on the half way up, I saw a door between the rocks. The mysterious light was there too. I climbed to the door and opend it .It was'nt locked. Inside, there was a small corridor. At the end of the corridor, I saw a shaddow, the shoddow of a I followd the shringking shaddow to the end of the corridor, where the cat was sitting. The cats ears were very long and the sriped tail too. The white fur glowed in the shine oft the cat's lantern and the eyes looked very sad. This was no normal cat! I went nearer to the cat, and saw, that he (Yes, I saw that in his face) was looking arround the island. The island was sandy and of dirt and rocks, I toutched the cat and saw in his memorys. Long ago, the island was Full of this kind of cats, but with the time, they faded. The cat beside me was the last cat on this island.

I was puzzled, but I asked, if he want to go with me, away from this stupid island, because I feeled, that there was something special with us. He didn't spoke, but said yes. He said, that I can call him Fay, if I want and that he knows everything about me. I asked myself, what my father would say to my new friend, and I was very puzzled...
At the next mornig (yes, I sleepd very well with Fay in my arms) I stand up and waked Fay up too. I heared, that my father was eating breakfast in the boat's kitchen and walked there. Fay followed me, but it seemd like for my father, he was invisible. So I did not said anything and ate my breakfast, Fay has enough to told me about his and the Shugorei (this is his species), and my father was to bussy.

So, sorry for my bad englisch, I'm from germany. I hope, you like my little story also, I have done my best :3

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Re: Shugorei #55

Postby SnowStar77 » Mon Aug 26, 2013 10:30 am


Hi! My name is HarrysGirlRiley. But you can call me Ri, Riley, RiRi, or anything else you want XD. I would live to make this simple yet dapper Shugorei my first

Shugorei Name:

After a lot of thought, I finally decided to call this boy Blitz. I love the way that name rolls off the tongue, and I would enjoy calling him this for the rest if his life.

Male, as his masculent name suggests


Blitz is an outgoing, and courageous Shugorei. He's always causing some sort of trouble to pass the time, and he never backs down. Have you ever been dared to do something? Well if you dare Blitz, he will gladly accept, and follow through with it, no matter how stupid or crazy it is. Underneath his "tough guy" attitude, Blitz is really a caring Shugorei. You just have tiger through his tough outer shell first. Blitz has looked for a female that can do this, for under all his dares, and recklessness, he has always wanted to have a loving mate and kids of his own.
Another fact about Blitz is he can be a loner if he chooses. Blitz can completely detach himself from everyone else with a good book or a movie. Especially if one of his dares didn't go as planned, or he's just plain frustrated. He can get completely absorbed in a good book, and not talk to anyone for hours, which usually seems to calm him down enough.
There are lots of things Blitz likes to do for fun. Dares first of all. As we all know by know, Blitz loves to give and take dares. No matter what it is, he'll take it, and he'll follow through with it. Another one of Blitz's favorite activities is skate boarding! He enjoys hopping on his skate board and grabbing on to the back of a truck for a secret joy ride. Sometimes, when Blitz is feeling worn out, he will curl up in his room with a good book, or a movie, and usually he will fall asleep.
Blitz is a tough "don't mess with me" kind of guy. But he secretly likes to do quiet things like read, and write. This is something he will only share with his true love, once he finds her. Blitz has a journal that he carries with him everywhere he can. Some would call it a diary, but Blitz will quickly correct you by saying: " no no, it's definitely not a diary, it's a journal." Everything that happens to him, he writes in this journal. And he swears, that no other Shugorei will ever get their paws on it.

Story of how your Shugorei came to be/how you discovered:

"There there.... Don't cry.." The mother said to her newborn baby. She lifted her tail weakly to wipe the tears from the baby's face. Her eyes were dull and she looked tired. The baby Shugorei smiled and crawled up to his mothers side. The mother smiled, knowing this would be the last time she saw her baby. " it's okay..." She said, wincing as she got weaker by the moment. The baby crawled into her matted fur, whimpering slightly. The mother Shugorei ushered the frightened baby out from under her. She took the pastel blue infinity scarf from around her head and draped it over the baby's shoulders. " it's okay Blitz... Here, let's talk.." She said dying to draw the baby's mind from the current events. " what do you want to do when you get big?" The mother asked. She was fadin fast and she knew she had little time left. Little Blitz thought hard, but the mother never got her answer. She was too weak, too tired. And soon after she asked, she closed her eyes, forever.
Blitz stopped in his tracks. " m-momma?" He whispered, tears filling his eyes. He placed his small paws on his mothers flank, trying desperately to wake her up. " momma please.." He tried to say. Thunder crashed and rain poured. The now alone baby Shugorei walked outside. Rain drenched his fluffy pelt and he walked, his mothers pastel blue infinity scarf still draped around his shoulders. It dragged on the ground and tripped him a few times but he kept walking. Soon he reached what his mother had explained to them as "the city." Blitz blinked. His blue eyes wide. He had never been in a city before, and it was much different than his cave back in the woods. He went to turn around, but a smell caught his nose through the rain. This smell was sweet, and doughy. Blitz realized for the first time since his mother died how hungry he was. He began to follow the scent across the busy street, and to a small cart on the corner where a person was selling funnel cakes. The lady was a tall lady, maybe about 6 ft, with dark brown hair and blazing blue eyes. She was skinny enough for running a funnel cake stand. Blitz blinked up at Her with round blue eyes. Practically begging her for just a small bite. The lady took pity on him, sweeping him up in her arms. Blitz tensed at first. What was she doing to him? Then, the lady started stroking his back in such a soothing manner. Blitz couldn't help but relax and smile.
After the lady brought him home, she adopted him! Blitz didn't know what that meant, but e was happy I feel like he had a home again! He had a great bond with the lady, but he spent most of his time with her daughter. A short girl, which was surprising for her mothers great height, with medium length brown hair and brown eyes. They spent lots of time together over the years and formed a bond that could never be broken. Blitz finally felt like he had a home again.
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Re: Shugorei #55

Postby PerfectWorld » Wed Aug 28, 2013 1:29 am

Shugorei Name:
Gender: Male
Affinity: Pure
Story of how your Shugorei came to be/how you discovered:
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Re: Shugorei #55

Postby NlKl » Thu Aug 29, 2013 12:49 am

I am from Germany so my English is. .. no so good xD
I'd really like to win, because I drow very often and this character is pretty cool and the design ... awwww ♥ I drawed Anubis 100 times, and Shugorei are such beautiful 'animals'... yes, I would draw Seth very often too ;D

NlKl, in real NLKL ;)

Shugorei Name:
Seth, this is an old ägyitan name and I have forgott what it means xD but I think it is a good name for such a pretty boy


Affinity: Pure

Seth is very manner because he has helped many generations of people and knows how to live with them. No matter what the situation, he always remains calm and composed as he seeks a solution. He may be smart , but also cunning he does not lack it . He treats people and traps like a shadow. With wise words he persuaded everyone, he is fair and very social but if someone annoys him he can annoy back. He also has a sense of humor and love to bring people to laugh while they not laugh at anyone who did not deserve it. He loves beautiful things , like green forests, sunny day and the beach where we go on the weekend. He comforts you when you cry and calms you when you get upset, when he is your friend you're never alone.
His voice sounds like the howl of the wind in the treetops , and his laugh like a midsummer night's dream. If he is angry , his light blue eyes glow like an ice cold fire.

Story of how your Shugorei came to be/how you discovered:
I'm Fee, 13 years old and I want to tell you something, a true story but it may sounds like it's a lie, cause that story is not normal.
What you have to know about me:
My parents are archaeologists and I have to travel around the world with them. That means no school, no homework and no friends. The most children's dream but my nightmare, cause I have no one to talk with. Only my parents and my little brother, but he's much junger than me ( 7 years ) and the most things he doesn't know and we don't stay more than one month in one city, so when I make new friends with the people in a city, I can't hold it. My parents are my teachers so I can speak French, Spanish, English, Latin and Italy. But at "home" we talk German. Now we are at a application in Ägypten, we have to investigate a old pyramid.
Monday, 17 of April 22.30
As we arrived at the pyramid, we were the first people there. The weather was cloudy but the half moon shines low and some little stars shine. We pitched our tents under a withered tree on , and I put my five things a sketch block, some pencils, my plushie, my only book, folder with some school things, pictures and storys in the tent. I don't need more, I would forgot more stuff also at the next random place. My mum said, that we have to sleep now and I take good care of my brother, they would wait for some more people, who have the same job. I felt in sleep after a few minutes and dreamd a rather mad dream...
Tuesday, 18 April 03. 10 am
I waked bathed in sweat up. I felt like a car was drove over me, so I stand up and put some clothes and my clock on and walked out of the tent cause I thinked that I can't sleep now. Suddenly, I heard a strange noise, like a sweet song that is singing by thousand voices. I looked around me. There were four new tents but the noise came from the pyramid.I was to curious to ignore that, it was so wonderful,so I decided to go into there...
I entried the pyramid
It was cold and in the moment as I entered,the torches began to burn with green fire.There were no spider webs or any indication that no one lives here or that this building was over 1500 years old. More as cleans someone the pyramid up every day... but this was not the last strange thing for my stay here. I walked along a long high walk but I can't see the end. On the walls were some hieroglyphs with birds and cats and people with animal heads. I konw a bit about pyramids and old temples and about old history and I was so fascinated from the wall's pictures that I forgot to look for traps, so I sudden felt into a hole in the ground, but my hand was at one pice of the cliff. I throwed me up and walked around the hole. So now I would take more care of traps... I had no idea what time it was, so I looked at the clock at my nackle. At the first moment I don't realise it, but the time was running backward ?! No. That is Strupid. Am I mad? Maybe. Than I saw the door of the corridor, it was open! That was humorous ... who has opend this door? Was that intention ? I entered the room behind the dor, and marveled . It was full of silver and blue things:gems, Chalices columns,statues. it shines and sparkeld in the moonlight,everything looked so wonderful beautiful...In the middle of the huge hall on the wall was a big throne with two silver cats on the armrests .On the hall's walls were old silver Sarcophagi , cutlery , rods, statues and many other things made of silver. In a circle in the middle of the Hall shines moonlight and the dust was dancing like little fairies on a clearing . The hall was built with sandstone, so I whirled dust on the go . I felt like a As if I would draw a magic power to the throne . So I sad down on the big silver thing and saw a little lever and pulled on this .and a big hologram appeared on the top of the hall. It showed a place, that I didn't know but I felt like I was ever there ... in this moment, a loud 'hock' interrupted my thoughts . It was the door! I looked at it, and in a language, that I didn't know, but ironically understand, stand in bloody red letters 'come in is easier as get out.' I runed to the door and tried to open it, but it was closed... I turned back, taked a silver sword and tried to open the door, but no chance. I had to find another way outside. I looked at the room one more time. The hole, from where the Moonlight shines in! I looked up to the ceiling . No way, it was 10 meters in the air and the highest column was not si high. This funeral would be my funeral too, if I had not a good plan fast. I cried, I walked in circles but it was hopeless so I sat down on the throne and tried to sleep. On one of the cats tails was a small little bracelet of silver that shines in a azure blue with a little trailer in form of a star. I decided to put this bracelet on and looked at my wrist . The bracelet closed around my wrist like a shiny silver snake. I felt like I was in a dream and suddenly a shiny silvery blue mist appeared in front of me and took in seconds , the figure of a cat -like beings to. I rubbed my teary eyes and looked right back again : It was really a kind of cat, albeit with a long tail and long ears . At its cream-colored face ,I saw that it was a male specimen. His ears had the same light gray color as the paleness on his nose and his legs were slightly darker than the rest of his cream-colored fells , like the stripes on its long tail. He was wearing a collar with a handle attached to a shimmering blue lantern, the collar had the same color as his eyes. He smiled at me like a little kid and that made me happy.
First met

" W. .. who are you?" I asked and approached to him very carefully and summed up his fur . It was quite soft and supple, he purred as I stroked him and said with a voice like the wind when it's blowing through the treetops
"My name is seth. I'm a Shugorei. We are the spirit guidans and guides uides of the humans that inhabit this world. I feel, you have many questions about me, so ask."
I answered" okay. Where did you come from?"
"I was all the time in your heart. You find me by open you heart and feel your soul."
"Can we get out of here?" I asked.
"Yes. You need my help and I need yours, I am a part of you and you are a part of me, allone we are weak but together we are strong. Imagine how we get out of here. Use your imagination! "
I covered. I imagined as the side of the wall at the other end of the hall opened and than, with the noise of falling sand, disintegrated the stones to dust. My head pained but I was very satisfied with my work and to amazed to say something. Only a "wow." Came out of my mouth. " Do you see . There is much more to you than you thought, I can help you to understand everything, but let's go out ouf here!" He said with its quiet voice. Walked through the new door and were formed on a stone platform.
The maze

Under the platform was a huge maze , it was very dark , only seth 's lantern illuminated the huge room with a ghostly light . "So here we go" he said " we have to find the right way. " I hesitated. "Can all human do things , as I have just done ?" "Yes" he answered" they only have to open their hearts. But let's go now, your parents will miss you!" We walked down from the platform and entered the maze. I said :"Why should my parents miss me? I'm here since on hour and they sleep in their beds right? " He looked at me strictly "the time here is different than the time outside. Outside the pyramid, it is the 22.April." "and... inside?" I asked and looked at the clock at my nackle: 14 of March 1456. Nice. "Here ist no time here is nothing but you and me and some illusions, this pyramid is a funeral for Egyptians and a trap for grave robbers. This is real magic, and it is stronger than the magic of any other place. The pyramid travels with the stars in the sky." He jumped on one wall of the labyrinth and looked down with his ice blue eyes to me. "Left and right and left, come on I lead you." Seth was a good navigator und after a few minutes we were out of the labyrinth and looked at the next challenge.
The bridge

A room full of flying stones lay before us, and an endless abyss below him tiever. " I saw", I said, "that you can jump very high, but not very far. Trust me, come to my arms I'll take you over there." He jumped into my arms an together we jumped over the bridge of flying stones. One time, we nearly feld down, but fortunately I could hold me tight. "Ahhhhh" i cried, but I could still think clearly My clock was slipped until Seth's tail , he was on my right arm and the left I held on one edge. I moved my right arm to the edge so Seth could jump on the stone. I dressed up as tedious, Seth licked a small wound on his flank where a shimmering golden drops flowed out blood . "Can you die like every other creature?" I asked and touched the drop of golden blood, Was burning on my finger domes. "Yes" he returned "and no. If we hurt us but by nothing else, Neither disease or curses, or the time can kill us. If we are grown up, we can stay at eath for centuries. " I looked in Seht's ice blue eyes, giggled a little and said "how old are you really?" He looked to the Abyss beside us. " 1987 Years. A long time, when you are alone even for a Shugorei. " he walked to the abyss "the bilds telled me, how the world outside is. Beautiful and ugly they said, cold and hot, new and old , new appliances and homes, many people and many lights. They telled me from some appliances and citys but my ghost was in the big hall all the time since my last owner, a pretty Egyptian girl died and was buried there. But let's go outside, it would be hot here." The rest of the stone bridge we managed without a word , but quickly and without further slip-ups .We came to a curved pillar, behind which hid another room. Oh man, yet an examination. I let Seth down and looked at what was hidden from us, as I approached the room quietly before me, for I felt something pulsing in him. What could that be...?
A riddle

We looked in the room. It was smaller than the other rooms and On the side walls , and blue flowed golden light-shimmer sometimes whith gems in which glittered in the colors of hundred rainbows. It was so beautiful! My eyes lit up as they reflected the gloss and I walked to the wall to touch it, but as I touched it, the *room began to tremble . The lights shined in red And a big creature appeared in the room's middle. I walked straight back to seth, who was sitting there and looked at me friendly. "Awww. The greed of people still bored . As much as they have not changed in the last thousand years" he said with a whistling voice. I looked at the stature in the middle, that was hard to miss. It was s giant golden lion body, with the head of a pretty women who was wearing a ägyitan hat. In this second, she began to talk with a voice as cold as ice: " It is the beginning of eternity, the end of time and space, the beginning of the end, and the end of every space." I was confused. What could that be? Seth was confused too. "The humans?" He asked. "No." answered the golden sphinx and the door behind her closed a bit, but she would try to stop us if we go to it. I asked "the dead?" She looked at me with her shiny red eyes and said "No." I looked at seth sad, but as I wanted to touch his fluffy fur, I came up with a completely new stupid idea . It was our last attempt but it could work! At first I hesitated and Seth's suspicious -looking hit me , but then I screamed to the sphinx : "the letter 'e'!" The sphinx stepped aside . Well done , told her satisfied look and the lights were golden like before. As we left the room, I moved the stolen diamond in my hand to my pocket. It was shining blue and I asked "Seth, you said, that there is nothing that has a life, here. " he responded "Yes, a sphinx is dead. She is made of gold."
A little battle....

We walked down to the Next room. As we As we passed the narrow , dilapidated wooden door a bandaged hand was clutching my shoulder. I cried and beat on them until they withdrew. When we entered the next room, it smelled horribly of rotten meat and moldy bones, and we saw Sarcophagi on the walls of the stone space, which began to rise in the dim light of the lantern. Of them were mummies wrapped in paper , and I pressed myself closer to seth. I Distract them and you destruct them, it seems like they don't like light." Seth grew to three times its size , and was now as big as a lion. He urged the mummies back with its paws , and I imagined how the space is flooded with light and The rear wall of the pyramid toppled and the glowing light of the sun ​​mades that the mummies crumbled to dust. Seth shrank back in his usual knee - high size, and we both ran against the light. As soon as we entered the sandy ground outside the pyramid, this disappeared with a swirl of sand .
Back outside.

We were amazed , and when I turned around I could see the camp where my parents were and run to it. Seth followed me and said, " It's hotter than I thought , out here " and smiled. I looked at my clock. '25 of April' ouh, we were there longer than ut feld like... than I startet to scream : "mum mum, dad dad!" And they came out of their tent and hugged me ." Where have you been ? " Asked my mother and began to cry . "This is a long story", I responded and looked at Seth. He had the same face, but now he looked little silver - gray striped house cat . He winked at me and laughed at me. I winked back. That reminds me of something...

This was the begin of a friendship, between my shugorei and me.

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Re: Shugorei #55

Postby Mihochi » Fri Sep 06, 2013 2:46 am

NlKl wrote:I am from Germany so my English is. .. no so good xD
I'd really like to win, because I drow very often and this character is pretty cool and the design ... awwww ♥ I drawed Anubis 100 times, and Shugorei are such beautiful 'animals'... yes, I would draw Seth very often too ;D

NlKl, in real NLKL ;)


This was the begin of a friendship, between my shugorei and me.

There were some wonderful forms so thank you guys, however NlKl your form impressed me the most, I love the story behind it and the format it was written in :) Congratulations.
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Re: Shugorei #55

Postby ZIA » Fri Sep 06, 2013 6:08 am

Congratulations, Niki

*envious peep* O_o
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Re: Shugorei #55

Postby NlKl » Fri Sep 06, 2013 6:57 am

Oh my goodness *-*

I can not believe that I won!
Seth ( hehe ) is so beautiful and you liked my story
Thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks!
I am so happy :D I can't stop smieling *-*

The happy NlKl :D

Awwwwww <3

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Re: Shugorei #55

Postby Mihochi » Fri Sep 06, 2013 10:09 am

I'm glad you are happy :)
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