Re: Kalon #2000

Postby fish-soda » Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:59 am

— —-> Toxic WolfxxxxxxMONST☆R <—- —




Male [He/Him]
at any time? ever?



backstory +
placeholder for
art above!




Female [She/Her]
mourning, grief.



backstory +
placeholder for
art above!

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Re: Kalon #2000

Postby Takk » Fri Mar 18, 2022 12:59 pm

Domino Tricks + Takk
Life and Death


Since the beginning, there was always life and death. Ying and Yang. Push and pull.
All things were brought into the world knowing someday they were destined to leave it regardless of what they managed to accomplish in life. As the world aged, gods, deities and spiritual guides emerged to help manage the complicated ties of the mortal world. Naturally, as life expanded, so did the many mythical beings who managed it.
Two kalons, a mated pair, took on the torch to manage the heavy burden of life and death. Finding a balance in the world so fragile and easily broken, the two worked closely together, letting their love for the world, and each other, help guide their paws. For nearly a thousand years, they took pride in their work and felt a sense of belonging in the world stronger than any feeling they'd ever known. The only thing stronger, was Life's longing to create a few tiny lives of her own. With her mind made up, the two chose to raise their successors with their wisdom, love and empathy.
The firstborn was a little brown kit with a bone arm and a bone tail; small ribs poking from her side. This kit was born with the power to control death, rot and loss of this world. The second kit had a warm, red pelt with budding wing and small horns atop her head. Her bright aura felt perfect for giving life, hope and kindness to this world. The small brown kit was given the name Sundew, and her sister, Karasi.

The proud parents had every intention of joining the stars in peace once their offspring were ready to lead the next generation. It would be a daunting task, managing their new family alongside the balance of their home, but it was a challenge they felt ready for. After all, with two talented kits born with the power to take over, they felt things had lined up in the best way for them. However, as children are, the two were naturally full of surprises.


"What is the meaning of life; to you of course." Asked Life, looking down at her kits with a soft smile on her face. For several weeks now, Life and Death had been showing their little ones the world they ruled over. It's creatures, its land, it's cycle the two had managed for countless years. She felt it was important to start their official training off with one of the most difficult questions they'd need to figure out.
"To die of course. You have to give back to the earth." Grumbles Sundew, confident the petty time wasted in life wasn't worth very compared to the release of death. She thought the afterlife was much more beautiful than anything the mortal relm had to offer.
Her sister snorted an amused sound, perking up for her own answer. "To have a family and grow old! Cos life is about love, right?" Her more optimistic nature shinned brighter than the sunlight streaming through the gaps of the trees overhead. The two didn't get along very well, but tried very hard to respect each other; at least in front of their parents.
"Is that so? Love and to die?" Death echoed in a pondering tone. "I suppose you have a lot to learn, but there will be time for that. There is much more to life than falling in love or returning to our rightful place in the world." His curse left small patches of dead grass where he stepped, while Life left behind small, blooming flowers. The kits bounced around between their paws, chasing butterflies and falling petals without a care in the world.
Karasi took happily to her work as the 'New Life' with her mother. True to her thoughts, her favorite part was blessing two souls with a family. The twists and turns of love, the struggles to make it work, and the beautiful end result to their dedication to each other. The walk of life was one of Karasi's favorite things by far, but her enthusiasm wasn't without consequence...
Sundew on the other hand was easily obsessed with her job of power, judgement and in some cases, justice. Death was the final door, the last step and the ultimate payment for foolishness. There was satisfaction in taking and she had trouble working under her father to control that want. She couldn't understand that if everything died, why did it bother working so hard to live?
It wasn't uncommon for the younger deities to get into spats over what was most important about life; and their jobs. The occasional messing with one another's work, arguments and 'one upping' on their accomplishments. Life often joked that if they spent half that energy on their actual work, they'd have answered one of life's greatest questions by now. Still, at least it kept Karasi from overworking and Sundew from seeking her next target. Both parents worried how long it would be before they saw how important balance would be to their lives.
Time marched on as it always did; never stopping or reversing regardless of how many mistakes were made along the way. The once beautiful island how suffered greatly from time to time under the harsh grip the young masters held it with. There were times when the population brought a lack of food, shelter and fights broke out for resources. Those times were quickly followed by a sudden lack of life anywhere to be seen. Sundew felt if the numbers were too great for the island to handle, a heavy drop was needed to restore full balance.
Discouragement sunk deep into their hearts as the next hundred years of training seemed to bear no fruits. What was the meaning of life? If it wasn't to be happy with your family or to return to the earth, it seemed unlikely to either sister the life would even be worth living. Did life even have a meaning? Karasi found it harder and harder to bless new life when she couldn't see the silver lining behind it all. Sundew, in her own way, lost motivation as well towards her job.
Life and Death watched their children grow physically, but remained stuck in a mental pause. Death, with a heavy sigh, approached his offspring one day and waved his tail. "Follow me, there's something I'd like you to see not on this island." His voice was calm, but a little sad as he lead them to an ancient grove. Mushrooms glowed faintly in the dim light, trees so tall they blocked out most of the sunlight. Sundew felt her bony toes sink into the soft soil, following the bright light her sister gave off between the three of them.
Deeper and deeper they walked until they couldn't see any light from the sun. Death paused at the edge of a thick holly wall, turning to the two sisters. "Speak softly, or not at all. The entity that lives here is as old as time, but scares easily. Break his focus, and you shall see nothing." Their father warned, waving a paw and parting the sharp holly for them to pass under. Inside was a circular clearing with a glowing pool of water in the center; reflecting the light of the stars and moon they couldn't see.
Karasi gasped seeing the magical reflection, but quickly fell silent again recalling her fathers words. He gestured for them to sit at the edge of the pool and sat himself beside Sundew. Silence overtook the clearing for a short while, Death narrowing his head and closing his eyes. Karasi was about to speak when Death hummed quietly, "I am here to seek aid, God of the Moon, show the light of joy and tragedy in this world. Show my daughters the life of one who is not immortal, yet has a thousand stories to tell."
A moment passed before a blue figure delicately and almost without sound, moved down from the trees like a leopard ready to pounce. It blinked at them, jumping down from it's perch and sitting on the opposite end of the pool. "It's been a while, Death. I apologize I didn't attend your..." His eyes wander to the two sisters. "Your creation ceremony." Fluffing out his fur, he sits up straight as his eyes begin to glow. "A mortal with a thousand stories you say?" The water ripples, a vision coming through for the three of them to see.

Howl lays out his rug, smoothing the edges and getting ready for the day to begin again. His long hair was tied back into several, messy buns as he started laying out potions, elixirs, crystals, stones and so on. It was easy to tell he was a merchant, a purple kalon coming to his side and nuzzling his cheek.
"Please be careful today; I don't want to keep hearing gossip about you being some witch." The kalon paused, looking away from his mate. "I'm tired of moving..." There was a look of shame in his eyes, as if saying that was wrong.
Howl simply smiled and held his paw affectionately. "Of course, I think we will be quite happy here. Magic isn't as frowned upon here, I promise." His words were calm, setting a feeling of ease.
The pool flashes suddenly, showing the two of them outside a burning cabin. Another flash shows rocks being thrown, and another shows the face of someone with evil intent. The water goes dark for a moment, then shows the two on a train, laughing, smiling. Sundew wrinkles her brow, a confused look on her face. Karashi leans so far inward, one would think she might fall in.
Another vision shows a much younger Howl wandering alone and dirty in the woods; the next scene, he's with an adult female and two other kits. Several scenes played out briefly in flashes and short glimpses; a life filled with suffering, loss and lonely roads, but also with kindness and love he created around him. The last thing the sisters saw was Howl holding two small kits with hair like his before the pools glowing aura faded.
Pulling back, the blue kalon shook his head as if waking from a bad dream. He said nothing, only looking at Death with a concerned look on his face. Death nods, turning his attention to the sisters once more. "What did you see?"
Sundew let out a sharp growl, as if father hadn't seen it himself, but Karashi piped up quickly over the grumbling. "A kalon! We got to see his whole life; up to now I think!" The story played out in her head over again, seeing the missing pieces fit together where the visions didn't directly connect. He may have grown into his own and had a family, but there was so much he learned from once being an orphan with no one to turn to.
"I think I get it..." Mutters Sundew, seeing her sister also seemed to perk up suddenly. "Life isn't about growing up or dying at all, is it?"
"It's about the memories we make and the experiences we share." Added Karashi, feeling a surge of empathy for the creatures that didn't have unlimited time in this world. Both saw the footprints each life left in the sand for their future generations to follow.
Death nods, a sad look taking over his entire face. "Live. Tell your stories and the stories of others. When life begins, it never truly ends; and that's what keeps all of us connected." His final words were warm, his form falling into stardust as he vanished for the last time. Both sisters could feel the tether of the former gods leaving their bodies, a few understanding and power replacing it.
The meaning of life isn't to have a family, to die or make legends. The meaning of life to the new giver and taker meant leaving a story to guide the future. Righting old wrongs, spreading the kindness of life's lessons and balancing the world in a way everyone could contribute to. The two now work in the footsteps of their late parents, but the stories they scribe live on forever.
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Re: Kalon #2000

Postby SpiritWish » Tue Mar 22, 2022 12:09 pm

Name: Liliana
Age: Adult
Identity: straight female (she/her)
Personality Traits:
Very outgoing
Hates confrontation
Unbelievably Naive
Sees the best in every kal
Extremely kind
Ice cream, Animals and Chocolate
Hiking (despite being clumsy lol), Sleeping
Making others laugh

Being pranked
Being made fun of at the expense of a joke
When people try to over-analyze her feelings

Liliana was a very sheltered kal, and that shows with her personality. Her parents never really let her do anything growing up in fear that “their pretty little princess” would get hurt, so when she had the freedom she went buck wild and got in a lot of trouble. She barely knows how the world works and could use some guidance.

Name: Kreese
Age: young adult
Identity: bisexual man (he/him)
Personality Traits:
Deeply Loyal
Family Orientated
Slightly Competitive
Kind and Sensitive
Anxious deep down
His family, although he would never admit it
The outdoors, rock music, dogs

People and socializing
Being babied and embarrassed by his family

Kreese was born as the youngest sibling in a family with seven children. Growing up in a small rural town, when he first moved to the city to study agriculture - in hopes of taking on the family farm with his siblings - it was quite a shock to him how lively it was, surrounded by more kalons then he ever really had been around.

ImageWhat is the meaning of life?Image

Such a vague question. Kreese supposes the only purpose in life that there truly is to pay taxes, have kids, then die, but when he said that everyone always laughed at him for being so melodramatic. The idea of that being the meaning of life made Kreese’s stomach flip a bit, so he liked to imagine that life was what you made it - to Kreese, it was his family. They were the whole reason he was going to the city to study agriculture, to help out on the family farm, despite hating the crowded and rowdy nature of the city. God, Kreese spent too much time thinking about the meaning of life for a young guy like himself.

Kreese walked with purpose - he always did, when in the city, not wanting anyone to stop him to chat. He was heading towards his favourite coffee shop, a quiet little place, to knock out some homework. As he opens the door to the shop, chimes ringing in announcement, a flurry rushes towards him and knocks into him. A scalding drink - it smells like… hot chocolate? - is spilt across his fur, and the kalon carrying the drink drops it and lets out a screech of surprise.

“Oh gosh! I'm so sorry! Let me help you here-” The kalon dashes over to the cafe counter, where she grabs a large stack of napkins that she seems to just throw at Kreese, furiously dabbing up the spilt drink while her voice races a mile a minute. Kreese isn’t listening to her, his brow furrowed as he attempts to catch up with whatever happened - let’s just say that he did not expect this to happen and it had left him frozen.

As Kreese’s mind tries to catch up with the rambling kalon, who is unsuccessfully trying to mop up the mess on Kreese and the floor while rambling about something, he assesses the scene. His fur is ruined, but his laptop and bag are dry. He is definitely not in the mood for schoolwork anymore - he’ll go home to clean up and figure out something from there. The kalon who spilled on him has long curly hair with a similar tail, and her wings are flapping a mile a minute while… is she still talking? Man, she could talk.

“-ould be really cool if we could have a drink together, just so I could make it up to you. I promise I won’t spill that one on you! I could get you a hot chocolate! Oh, aren’t they just the best-”

“Thanks for the drink.”

Kreese jerks himself out of his almost frozen state and turns himself out of the coffee shop, walking with the same purpose he had before towards his dorm. He wanted to get out of there, hoping that the drink spilled across his wasn’t too obvious.

He wants to slam his head. Thanks for the drink? Poor kalon might have been a pain and ruined his plans, but that was definitely not what he meant to say. Oh well, whatever. Like he’d see that kalon again.

The next day Kreese found himself back at the coffee shop - his homework wasn’t going to do itself and he would be lying if he said he didn’t miss being at the café yesterday. He had found a quiet corner to sit in. Just as he settled in, opening up his laptop, he was interrupted.

A kalon with long, curly hair and a matching tail waved and called at him. Her horns, which were adorned with snapdragons, framed her face. Her wings on her back beat softly. Oh no, it was the kalon who yesterday ruined Kreese’s plans for a quiet study at the café. Now she was back, with a sympathetic expression on her face, to ruin his plans today. So much for getting any work done. Kreese sighed as she approached.

“You’re the kalon from yesterday! Here, let me make it up to you with a hot chocolate!” She smiles with genuine kindness at Kreese. Awe man, now he just feels bad for ignoring her. Not bad enough to pretend he didn’t know her - it seemed like the nicer option than just telling her to leave him be.

“Who are you?” Kreese says tentatively, clearly caught in a lie.

“Me? Liliana? From yesterday? I totally spilt my drink all over you when you weren’t looking!”

“Hey!” Kreese bites back. “I was looking!”

“Sure, sure, but seriously I insist, let me get you a drink!”

Kreese sighs. It seemed a bit of an overkill apology, but this kalon was insisting.

“Yeah, sure.”

Liliana smiles wide. “Perfect!” She scrambles off to the barista to order the drink and Kreese snorts. He only wishes that he had her energy.

Kreese watches her order the drink - and one for herself - and hears the barista call her name for the order. Liliana comes back to the table, holding the large hot chocolates, looking expectantly at Kreese.

“What? Are you… going to give me the drink?” He wasn’t particularly attracted to the drink before, but Liliana’s insistence had piqued his interest. She smiles at him widely.

“Well… I would like to know your name first!”

“Kreese,” he mumbles out.

“What? Sorry I didn’t hear you!” She smiles even wider.


“Well hello Kreese!” She hands him his drink and sits beside him, taking in her own drink with child-like glee.

Kreese grabs his drink and takes a long sip from it - it truly is a good hot chocolate, topped with whipped cream and the perfect temperature. He lets out a small smile and his eyes connect with Liliana, she smiles and laughs at Kreese as he furrows his brows.

Liliana’s simple ask for Kreese’s name devolved into dozens of questions about Kreese’s life. His major, his family, what he was doing last weekend, everything. It was stunted at first, Kreese fighting Liliana’s attempts to get him to talk, but it became easy - Liliana was truly an outgoing kalon and seemed to enjoy talking with Kreese, despite his awkwardness. It was nice, Kreese found, to talk about himself. Not in a selfish way, but in a “it’s nice to talk to someone about my life” type of way.

Liliana wasn’t afraid to chime in with her own answers as well. Kreese quickly found out that she was an incredibly sheltered kalon with overbearing parents, although perhaps she was too naïve to realize it herself. She liked chocolate and cute animals and making others happy. She was so genuinely kind and friendly that Kreese felt bad that she was so unsure of how the real world works, due to being babied a bit too much.

Kreese found himself getting no work done again and when it was time for Liliana to leave - her parents wanted her back home for lunch - he found himself exchanging numbers with her. Perhaps he was a bit too introspective, but when Kreese found himself texting Liliana sometime later and thinking back to their meeting, he couldn’t help but think it meant… more. Maybe it was all the fantasy books he used to read to pass time as a kid, but he clicked with Liliana better than he had with anyone, really. A once in a lifetime chance meeting, a truly special moment.

Perhaps the meaning of our lives are nothing grand, but simply to enjoy life together and show each
other another side to the world we wouldn’t have known of otherwise.
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Re: Kalon #2000

Postby ✧ airplane. » Sun Mar 27, 2022 5:15 am

    The end date for this competition has been extended!

    The new end date is now May 7th @ 11:59 PM EST!
[ Red he/they queer tired ]
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[ Kalons TH ] [ Adopts TH ]

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wanna make a bet?

Postby elf_of_the_hollow » Fri Apr 15, 2022 6:02 am

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                  read| the |journal..?

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Postby parker; » Sun May 01, 2022 3:08 pm

this fire eats fire
and the fires in you
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|| for what reason do you live?

Postby FluffyBirdie » Tue May 03, 2022 1:05 am



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Re: Kalon #2000

Postby ✧ airplane. » Tue May 03, 2022 10:52 am

    I was asked for another extension to this comp, so I am granting the request! There will be no more extensions after this however, so please take note of the new end date!

    The new end date for this competition is May 21st @11:59 PM EST!
[ Red he/they queer tired ]
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too much coffee & not enough sleep ✦ an ding peak lord

"my king—!"

[ Kalons TH ] [ Adopts TH ]

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Re: Kalon #2000

Postby Cyrano » Sun May 22, 2022 4:19 am


Form Linked Below
Username: Lex.|959439
Kalon: Life
Name Vie
Username: s-simplicity|887402
Kalon: Death
Name: Sidney E. Poutier

Form: Enter the Glen for a Game>>

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used to be: smith(ers) & s-simplicity| | my kalons
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Re: Kalon #2000

Postby Gasparluna844 » Sun May 22, 2022 6:57 am

How about we dig up some old skeletons?
(Canine skeleton by: Unknown-Artist99 on DA)
Hello there! You can call me Gabs, Gabi or, as most prefer, Luna
I'm Portuguese so English is my secondary language
My pronouns are she/her but they/them is also good if you prefer ^^

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TH (I'm active in closed species so... check it out if you're interested!)

Mostly here for closed species shenanigans nowdays, but if you wanna trade or talk to me then you're welcome to do so! c:

Anyways, have a good day/night!

(I'm also looking for any halloween pets on my wishlist, i love their designs so much!!!)

Btw mods me and lunarblackberry are friends so we sometimes gift eachother or trade unfairly if we need or want anything, thanks for listening

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