Write a Letter you Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

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Re: Write a Letter you Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby oodles » Sat Jan 10, 2015 4:23 pm

h -
what happened to our friendship? what happened to you calling me every weekend, wanting me to come over? what happened to our crazy adventures? what happened to you? the last time i saw you was at my birthday, and you were only there for a mere 10 minutes... i told you i wanted to come over and you said yes. i called you that night i was supposed to go to your house, but you never answered. i realize that we go to different high schools, and we have totally different lives, but what about what we had? we've known each other since early 2nd grade. i came over to your house everyday after school, the weekends, and vacations. i called your mom my mom, too. i know everything about you, and so do you. i completely understand that you have other friends, too. i respect that. but i have been there by your side for almost 10 years now. i barely, barely see you. i see you having fun with your friends on twitter, and it makes me sad because that used to be us. we used to be the ones going on vacations together, having crazy 3 am adventures, and countless other things. i have cried about you, because i honestly think you don't think of me as your friend anymore. the next time you try talking to me again, make it count. don't play my feelings by talking to me for a little bit, then totally ditching me for your other friends that probably won't even be there for you in the next 5 years. but i'll be here, waiting for you to come back and apologize. except this time, i'll be the one to leave you, so you can know exactly how i feel. i honestly don't know how long this friendship will last.

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Re: Write a Letter you Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby Nanashi » Sat Jan 10, 2015 4:37 pm

Dear ----

I am not sure if you would see this letter but I am sorry that I cause you trouble all the time. I am sleepy but never able to sleep even now as I am writing this quite late after staying up late for the past week. Anyways I am sorry that I am weak and you have to carry my issues. I'm sorry that I am ill that makes me worried about my health a lot. I'm sorry I am messed up, it makes me sick too. I'm sorry that I am pathetic and depressed all of the time sorry about everything. Most of all sorry if I am making you feel bad, I feel as if I am messing up everything but then again I am not sure about my own thoughts anymore. Well I am going to attempt to sleep this headache away...

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Re: Write a Letter you Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby iHolli » Sat Jan 10, 2015 6:18 pm

Dear Lawrence...
You know what it's like. Internalizing. Keeping everything you feel locked away inside so you don't get yourself in trouble or end up being a burden. You know how hard it is to pretend everything is okay when it's not. You know how to act.
Haven't you figured out that I'm doing the same thing now? Don't you understand how lost and broken I really am? How hard it is to pretend day in and day out?
I don't think you realize, but I was being honest when I said I don't hold it against you. Yeah, you said it, but it was my fault you had to. You only went there because you thought it was best for us both.
Or did you?
We've talked very briefly only twice since that night almost two weeks ago. I can tell that it's at least a little hard for you, judging at least from how bad you say you feel about it. Yet here I am, not wanting to tell you how much I'm hurting or even talk to you at all just because I don't want to risk making you feel worse.
I promise you I only want you to be happy. If I was preventing that, then things are better this way. I know that loving someone sometimes means letting them go.
I don't know if you even miss me at all now...but I do. I miss you more than I should. Suddenly everything's a reminder that I can't shut out.
It's killing me.
But what can I do? I'm only able to pretend I'm fine. I can only wonder if things could ever return to normal, or even come close.
So...are you happy now?
I'm sorry I messed up...and I'm sorry I don't know how to be something you miss.
Funny how a song can describe life.

It's stupid, but I still love you...

Dear ___,
I'm sorry...
We finally chatted for the first time in two years. It seems you haven't changed too much. That's all right. I liked you when we were best friends.
But things are different...just...what happened?
I don't know. I mean, yeah, our friendship was kinda fizzling out, but...it just ended. Just like that. I thought you'd stopped talking to me because of school, but now I see that you still talked to me even afterward. Was it actually me that stopped talking? Have I been wrong this whole time?
Everyone says I'm better off without you...but am I really? I miss the old days of you and me in all our hyperness. It was fun. Now I just miss it.
I miss my best friend. What can I say?
If only things hadn't come to this.

That girl who used to be your BFF,
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Re: Write a Letter you Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby Syla Delaney » Sat Jan 10, 2015 7:37 pm

Hey you, reading this right now,

You aren't weird. There's no such thing. You might be old, young, taller or shorter than average, good at one thing or another, terrible at a different something or other, appear one way or some other way of your choosing, love someone who does not reciprocate or love no one but yourself.
You are not weird.
There is no such thing as 'weird.'
Saying so measures you only by your differences from those around you.
The only thing I can for sure call you is 'beautiful.'
You are beautiful regardless of gender or lack thereof.
You are beautiful regardless of who you love.
You take up space and you glimmer and gleam and breathe and shout and feel and speak and make what you consider mistakes.
But no.
There are no mistakes.
There are decisions and events outside of your control but no mistakes.
There are moments that hurt yourself and others but there are no mistakes.
Hold your head up and look forward.
Decide on your next course of action and step onward.
Nothing is hopeless, and to call yourself without worth is an insult. To call yourself anything less than a human deserving of love and all you can experience is worse than a crime.
There are no mistakes, and you. You. YOU EXIST. You must continue to do so as long as you can.
You aren't weird. You cannot be measured by your differences.
Continue to think and to breathe and to wonder and to experience and yes, to even do things that may hurt, as that is how you grow. That is the way of the world.
-Syla Delaney
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Re: Write a Letter you Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby Julia » Sun Jan 11, 2015 2:46 am


thank you for keeping my hopes high. You could have said one sentence that you love someone else and I would have left your life without saying a word. Thank you. I never want to see you again ever. But then again, you wouldn't want to see ME anyway haha.
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Re: Write a Letter you Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby van Wolf » Sun Jan 11, 2015 7:40 am

Dear J
How dare you treat L like that! He thinks your his friend, and yet you betray his trust by mocking him behind his back. You make me sick! I feel sick when I see you together and you act like you're the best of friends. If he knew just what you were saying. I know you are just jealous that I happen to care for L alot. You are just pathetic, you bully those who seem weaker than you, but it's you who is the weak one. I was mad to even think about giving you a second chance. When I saw you after those years, I thought you had changed, while haha, I was wrong. You and your fellow morons make my life misery, but I am used to it. L acted like he couldn't believe what you did to me. I would say I hate you, but I won't because I am not like you, I want to be a better person.

Dear L
I'm not sure what you see in J but I know you deserve better. I love you and don't want you to get hurt. I hope you know that I'm always there for you if you need me.
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Re: Write a Letter you Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby Fawkes-Rinzler » Sun Jan 11, 2015 10:40 am

To whom this may concern:

It has come to my attention that you fail to grasp my lack of response in your current email chain. It is obvious that you are misreading my silence as acceptance, when it reality it is denial. So allow me to take this time to clarify what I have been unable to properly specify previously.

I have no interest in hanging out with you or your female companion. You are both unnecessary individuals in my life. You are not my friends. You are simply humans that hold no interest to me. Do not attempt to make further contact with me. Delete me from your contacts and pretend I do no exist, as I am already doing that to you. If you attempt to contact me again, you will be met with far less kind words.

It is not personal. It is simply the fact that you are incapable of understanding the concept of social connection. You are human. I have no interest in an interaction with your particular group of humans. Thank you for your time, Do not speak to me again, and any attempt to do so will be met with aggression and violent words.
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Re: Write a Letter you Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby Munin » Sun Jan 11, 2015 5:25 pm

    To all my friends,
    thank you so much
    thank you for just saying those two words, happy birthday.
    You don't know how much it means to me, to know that my birthday has meaning.
    I love all of you guys. I really, truly do. Thank you for everything.
    With all the love in my heart,
    your friend, whom you made cry tears of happiness.
i promise you with all my heart
you'll be okay

if no one else, i'm proud of you

listen, I wish you so much happiness because you deserve it
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Re: Write a Letter you Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby apollo. » Sun Jan 11, 2015 5:58 pm

Dear ____,
Hey. I just wanted to thank you. I didn't even know you before this year, and honestly I still don't, we've only talked a few times, but you seem awesome. Despite the fact I barely know you, you seem to follow me around and catch my screw ups before it's too late. I forgot my backpack in the class, like who does that? My stupidity knows no bounds. But you reminded me before I got out the hallway. Seriously thanks, that would have been really embarrassing. your not the kind of person who spazzes out on every little mistake I make, you seem to just know when I'm about to make a big one and how to sort it out. I don't really know you, but I just want to say you're awesome, and thanks, really, you stopped me from doing lots of stupid stuff. I'm forgetful and have almost no filter, so it's awesome when you stick around me. Really hope we have more classes together.
Love, that girl who you frequently save from embarrassment

Dear other guy,
Hey. I really miss talking to you. We had a nice thing going, you talked to me all the time and instead of doing work you would joke and amuse me. But you moved on to her which really sucks... I mean not for you, and I'm really happy for you both. She needs a friend a lot more than I do, and well I guess she makes you happier, and you should do whatever makes you happy. I'm really sorry for whatever I did to make you dislike me. And stay with your old friends ok? One of them really needs you right now, and the other one will keep you grounded. Frankly I should have been the one keeping you grounded, but we were never quite that close. Anyway, this may not be the best timing, but I have a crush on you. Like a major one. It's ok though, it was on your old personality. I guess that side of you is gone? I'm really going to miss you. Oh and I really think you should ask her out, you know she wants you to and you guys would make a really cute couple. Ok that's it thanks.
Love, apollo.
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Re: Write a Letter you Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby Shiny Sylveon » Sun Jan 11, 2015 6:06 pm

Dear ex best friend,

I miss talking to you. You were my only friend. Now that you have a boyfriend and plenty of friends, I'm once again that loner at the back of the class. I miss actually having a reason to talk...now if I dare speak, people think I'm crazy or talk to myself...not that both aren't true or anything, as they clearly are. I wonder if you're still one of the good people at my school, or if you've became like the rest of them.

Your old best friend...
"If I make another move,
if I take another step,
then it all will fall apart,
there'll be nothing of me left.
If I'm crying in the wind,
if I'm crying in the night,
will there ever be a way?
Will my heart return to white?"
-Christina Lee (Bad Apple)


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