Write a Letter you Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

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Re: Write a Letter you Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby sagan » Thu Jan 08, 2015 1:06 pm

dear "friend" who seems to have let me go,

i can't bring up the courage to talk to you. i don't feel like i know you anymore.
believe me, i would if i could. you know how it is. i'm sorry i've been such a bad person. last year was terrible for me, and i don't know how i managed to keep myself from slipping off the brink. it was probably, most likely, definitely you, and that's what hurts the most. when i came back, i had my high hopes that everything would resume like normal, that we'd be friends and we could continue like nothing had happened.

that was a mistake. i should have let you go while i was gone. that was another huge mistake; i made a lot of those. this is the first step in the right direction. i need to come forth and say i've been in love with you for a while. i understand that you don't, that you will never, love me back. that's okay. i don't have much to offer and i don't know why i'd ever question if one day maybe we could be together. i'd like that so much. but the truth is, i can't be your friend right now. i think this is the end. i can't handle it.

when did you stop talking to me? i'm sorry i'm not on the same social scale as you. i shouldn't be sorry, but i am. i'm sorry i expected anything out of you. i shouldn't have done that, either. i'm tired of being ignored by you. i'm tired of you expecting things from me when you will not put your own foot down first and be a friend when i need you. i'm not doing this any more. i'm refusing to listen to anything that troubles you, eating out of the palm of your hand, doing everything and anything for you because you know i will. i am done with you in general because you're worse than i am.

i hope this upsets you as much as it upsets me. don't ever write me back, don't talk to me, and don't give me your empty, worthless apologies and words. i'm done with everything you've offered me, but when i need it, tore it down and acted like you didn't know i existed.

the person who isn't waiting for you to leave her behind
sagan ♬ any pronouns ♬ adult
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Re: Write a Letter you Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby Krycifer » Thu Jan 08, 2015 1:12 pm

Dear... A friend,

I'm sorry if I seem obnoxious and pathetic. I feel like you don't really want me around as often. You know, I kinda wanna talk to you but meh I don't knowww. >->
So many things have happened in these last two days, and I do kinda wanna talk about them with you, but I just.. It's difficult to explain. I don't know. But, perhaps right now would be a bad time, as you've stated you're in a really pissy mood and you don't want anyone to even think or talk to you. Heh... believe it or not, that kinda makes me wanna avoid you more. Like, I just don't know. This could be just a random odd phase I'm having, but I'm suddenly feeling a... a feeling that I should probably be leaving you alone or something.
I guess my best bet at this is letting you message me when you want, instead of me pathetically PMing you all the time and being obnoxious. And I will happily reply. But I won't annoy you. I guess... I guess I'll just say.. I'll pack my bags and see you around, eh?
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Re: Write a Letter you Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby punkster301 » Thu Jan 08, 2015 1:55 pm

Dear people at school,
Yes, I'm a bisexual. Yes, I believe we should get married. Stop hating about it!!! Maybe, straight people should not be allowed to get married because so many bad people were straight!1! Stop teasing me because my beliefs are different from yours!
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Re: Write a Letter you Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby waverly, » Thu Jan 08, 2015 2:06 pm

to hope,

i don't want to leave this world without my name or my stories being leafed though history books. i don't want to die a lonely death, and though i know that end is inevitable, i would feel better knowing that i changed views, minds, and opened up a door that no one has attempted to twist the handle of before, but are glad that i did. i do want to leave this world with every heart i touched to collapse in on themselves again and again, yet burst outward at the end of each line when the mic drops. i want to make something of myself in a way that poets, artists, and philosophers can.

for my senior year i've decided that i want to present spoken/slam poetry in front of an audience who's seats are filled in every direction. i want to watch their eyes look curiously at the girl who they never heard or listened to, and discover that wow. she made an impression on me. i want to give my classmates hope, because you never know who needs it most and by never leaving a piece of myself how will i ever get to them all?

i want to open my wings someday.
hanging around collecting butterfly wolves
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Re: Write a Letter you Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby city of angels; » Thu Jan 08, 2015 3:07 pm

dear mark,
You've been on my mind 24/7 today. Please talk to me.


dear ------,
When I catch your eye in class, I panic so badly because I don't want you to think that I like you. I mean, you're gosh darn adorable and I'll admit I stare at you sometimes because you're just so cute. But you have a girlfriend. Please don't think I'm trying to sabotage your relationship with her.

the girl in your second hour
Chickensmoothie has become a distraction to me and I can't fall behind in school work any more. I will no longer be active here.Thank you to all of those who have made my stay here wonderful. I'll miss you. Don't forget me! ^-^
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Re: Write a Letter you Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby ↫mars↬ » Thu Jan 08, 2015 3:13 pm

    If I could tell you, I would.
    If I could have changed something, I would.
    If I could have been better, I would've.
    If I could be what you wanted, I would.
    If I could stop crying about it, I would.
    If I could forget everything, I would.
    If I could start over, I would.
    If I could stop loving you, I wouldn't.
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Write a Letter you Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby J-Hope » Thu Jan 08, 2015 3:27 pm

Dear not really honest or loyal friend,

I don't see why I bother to help you out so much when
all your gonna do is ignore me when I ask you what pages our HW is on.
You clearly saw all my texts & opened all of my snaps.
Whatever, to hell with that.
I'm not gonna help you out next time.
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→ T H E ←
I don't know
what to put
here lmao.
Please do
not PM me
If I haven't
PM'ed you
before. Thank.

→ S T A R ←
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[kpop club]
I am actually
trash you
will regret
with me

this is an
old sig I
made lmao

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Re: Write a Letter you Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby Jaaay » Fri Jan 09, 2015 12:50 pm

Dear my ex,
Yes I still love you. I know about you and Maria. You say there is nothing between you and her but you talk to her more than you ever talked to me. I miss you. You have ruined your chances with me. You have lied to my face, you have lied to your family, and my family. I don't want to be with you anymore. I have finally moved on. No I haven't found anyone new, but I'm not going back to you. I'm finally taking everyone's advice on leaving you and finding someone better, which won't be hard because there is so much better out there than a lying, arrogant *** hole. Everyone is right, I deserve better than you. You used me, you lied to me so many times... Why did you hurt me like you did, I loved you.. You meant the world to me and I risked everything for you. You turn around and dumped me on New Year's Eve without a reason which makes me believe you cheated on me.. I mean how rude can you be. I hope you suffer and hurt like I did. When you come crawling back to me because your new friends leave you because they don't care about you like I did, you can kiss me goodbye because I'm not giving you another chance. When I said I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you, I meant it. I really did love you. But you've ruined it. Also I want you to know because of you, I got my car taken because I stood up for you, I lost my parents trust because I stoop up for you, and the bunnies you gave me I have to get rid of them because my parents wont let me keep them.. I have lost everything because of you... What did I do to deserve this pain and suffering.. I mean Im already watching my grandmother die Infront of me, then I lose you, my bunnies, and my goats because I cant take them to my house. Thanks for the pain and suffering, I thought you loved me.
Your ex fiancé.
Last edited by Jaaay on Fri Jan 09, 2015 1:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Write a Letter you Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby monochrome. » Fri Jan 09, 2015 12:58 pm

Dear Bay,
I know you're just a dog. And I know you're an ugly mutt and that I shouldn't worry so much about you and that none of this is my fault.

But I love you so much... You're the only constant I've had for the last three years. You're my best friend. You're always there for me. You're so happy every time I come home, so eager to see me. You're always around when I'm upset, always there for me to cry with and talk to. You're the only thing I loved when I thought I would never love again. When I'm in my darkest hour and I can't even love myself, you're the only one there. No matter how many times I want to be alone and I lock you out, you're there pawing at the door, your sweet little black nose poking through.

I grew up with you. and I know this is the worst part of owning a pet, but it's way too soon for you. I don't want you to be a "guardian angel". I don't want other people to keep you in their prayers. I don't want my dad to refuse to take you to the vet because of the bills.

I want you to be okay.

I will do whatever it takes. Even if that means another long night of holding you in my lap, hand feeding you ice cubes and cleaning up your mess. If it means cleaning up the milk you spilled, the food you refused to eat, the water you won't drink. Please just stick around for a bit longer.

I love you so much, B, even if you're just a dog. Please, my dear, don't leave me. You're all I have left.

Dear Dad,
I hate you. And killing the one thing on this planet that I love is not helping.

Dear Universe,

Please stop taking away the few things I have left.

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    pretty much offline for crew season!
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    even then, please be patient with me.
    thank you!

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Re: Write a Letter you Cannot Send (Read the Rules!)

Postby prisms » Fri Jan 09, 2015 1:56 pm

Dear "friends"

I wear a smile on my face everyday to school.
You never see me with a frown.
I would never actually want to dampen your moods.
I try to be the best friend I can.
But maybe that isn't enough.

Is there something wrong with me?
Is it because I'm too dumb? or ugly?
Too unpopular? Too touchy? Too.. me?

I may seem very weird. Very... unique.
I may seem like a ghost to you, maybe invisible.
It may seem like I don't care.
It may seem like I just laugh it off.
It may seem like I don't get hurt.
but I do.
Even if you can't see it.
I do have feelings.
And feelings can be broken.

I go along with whatever the group says.
I don't try to speak up.
I try to go along.
I don't argue.
but I want to have a say.
But I'm too shy- too afraid of what would happen
if I say my opinion.

And you know what?
The thing I despise the most, is one of the things that happens the most.
I get ignored, being pushed into the background.
You talk to me until you see your other friend
then you walk away with them.
Like I never existed.
Sometimes you tell me you want to talk to them.
I'll shrug, tell you its fine, that we'll talk later

I try to be the best friend I can.
I try to talk a lot.
I try to smile.
But maybe it isn't enough.


Sorry. Had to get this off my chest.
It's been building up for the past years ;3;

prisms | she/they | adult

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