Postby alskcvi;junc » Thu Sep 01, 2011 10:37 pm

I agree with Wolfehh, but I am working on my form as fast and throughly as I can. I really want one of these. Alos, does traditional art count as art done by me?

I <3 Magyarország

Kez ezt a verset en tavaly majus elejen iden lett csak keszen, idean sem egeszen
Cime az volt: Eletem, s kihuztam, mert felszegen santikalt a cime, minden laba, rime.
Urjra kezdtem, s ex alatt, fel esztendo leszaladt, de az egre nezve, alig vettem eszre.
Az egen egy falho szallt, s az a felho nem is szallt, lebegett vagy allt tan, mint egy or, vert ram.
Azt a felhot neztem ein, mig e forgo ev felen, csak lehullott onnan, mint katona holtan.
Ismet kezdtem, Harboru. Lett a cime; Szazsoru. Volt az versszak, jajgatott, mint vert had.
Jaj mit is kerestem itt? Katonak holttesteit. Buvero terelte lepteimet erre.
Kutattam a tarva tart messze hajlo lathatart. Follelem, remeltem, nyitjat, minek eltem.
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Postby corgie » Thu Sep 01, 2011 10:40 pm

NatureFREAKism wrote:I agree with Wolfehh, but I am working on my form as fast and throughly as I can. I really want one of these. Alos, does traditional art count as art done by me?

I believe as long as its not a lineart anything counts .

Guys ask yourself, if you applied and didn't have enough time.. why did you apply?
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Postby Feonix » Thu Sep 01, 2011 10:57 pm

I am simply in love with these wolves! I must try out for one!

Done with my form. I may add more art images.

Number of pup: 4
Name: Avalon [av-a-lon]
Arthurian for "Island of Apples"
Gender: Male
History/short story:

"Come on Avalon! I wanna go and explore!" A sharp nip was felt in my tail as my eyes flew open. I drew air into my lungs to yelp before my sister slammed her paw over my muzzle. "Shh! I don't want Soraya to hear us!" Sitting up I swept my long tassel around so I could give the stinging flesh a quick lick. I got to my paws and as silently as I could I crept after my sister. The cool Isket night was peaceful, the distant sounds of mentors telling their charges what to do drifting to my ivory auds. The scents of the blue-green grass mingling with my sister's scent.

Snapping from my reverie, I followed my sister's scent as she led me along the dusky canyon wall of the den. We acended rapidly despite our size until we reached the top. Freezing in her tracks, my sister's auds perked forward as her long tail brushed my flank. Her ears twitched to signal our target. Spectral.

This game was one of our favorites. We enjoyed to try and lure the scouts away so we could explore and look out. If our mother, Amandahy, caught us we'd be in big trouble. But it was this that drove us. We loved the thrill of misbehaving. I merely wanted to follow my sister. I'm closer to her than any of my other siblings. She's the one who's never picked on me for my white coat and smaller size.

I nodded as I split off from my sister to creep around to the side. I spotted a loose rock as I pushed it with my paw, the rock beginning to slide before it tumbled down the canyon wall. Spectral turned his attention to the rock before he got up to go and investigate. I slipped into a bush as I grinned to myself, lowering my body flat to the ground. Though I stood out more than any of my siblings, being small had it's advantages.

Here was what I was waiting for. A glowing light began to flit about nearby as I slowly crawled towards it. Raising my tail a bit I flicked it quickly to look like one of Isket's glowing butterflys that inhabited the land. Spectral's attention turned towards the flicker of movement before he shook it off, merely dismissing it as a butterfly. I then began to make my way back to my sister as we both grinned at each other once I reached her. We stood now where Spectral had sat as we gazed out, overlooking the area. We loved this spot.

I could see the mentors and their trainees out practicing battle moves. A breeze stirred, blowing the grass, making the landscape look like a sea. I turned to my sister, my pale eyes gazing into hers as I wagged my tail. "Just think. Soon we'll be trainees."
My sister nodded before a shadow fell over us. I jumped to my paws, my ears flattening back to my head as I turned around to see an angry glint in those amber eyes. Our father stood over us as he merely pointed back to the den. We both nodded as we slunk back the way we came. Excitement still stirred me as I grinned as I thought to myself, 'Watch out Kronadors! We'll be trainees soon and you'll have a reason to stay hidden!'

Art: [x] (Made on an editable oekaki), [x digital] [x Traditional], (My own work - Still think the traditional came out better.) [x] (Free lineart from Deviantart that I used.)

I may need help with designing his armor eventually, if I win him.

[EDIT] Put in an image of armor I designed.

Likes: Trouble, sightseeing, stargazing, counting, magic

Dislikes: His size, getting scolded, containment, authority (but he listens)

Personality: Avalon is witty as well as a trouble-maker. He loves to do things with his sister such as playing games on the scouts and badgering the warriors. He is honestly terrified by the Kronadors though he puts on a brave face when they are talked about. He hopes that over time he'll get used to them and not be a crutch for the pack. He is fascinated by Igino's magic and he loves to wander into his den and watch the healer work.

Armor: I had the idea of a dragon for the armor design. This is just a basic concept image. [x]

Tell me something about the WOI stated on the official page: Only the Customs and Alfa WoI's can breed.
Last edited by Feonix on Tue Sep 06, 2011 6:12 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Postby Soriams » Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:51 am

I hope it is safe to assume that the contest ends sometime tomorrow and not like, in 2 hours... Right?
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Postby Transmute » Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:14 am

All finished with my form. Sorry for spamming, Im just so excited. XD Good luck everyone, hope everyone gets their forms finished by tomorrow!
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Postby alskcvi;junc » Fri Sep 02, 2011 11:29 am

Number of pup: 4
Name: Ermek (Pronounced as EAR-meek)
Gender(Already given): Male
History/short story: His eyes widened and his mouth opened slightly, releasing an adorable utterance that only a puppy could make. His mind filled with the colours the world had to offer, the rich hues and mind-numbing auras he just couldn't get used to. The young pup glanced towards the bright light and caught a glimpse of a small, almost unnoticeable black appendage that immediately pulled away. Ermek snorted in disgruntlement, already curious about who, or what, that could have been. Seeing that it was up to him to find out what it was, since his mother and siblings were still fast asleep, Ermek tried to stand. He was a bit wobbly at first; falling down and whimpering at his own incompetence, but soon he managed to hold himself up. But no, this wasn't enough for this little pup; he was much too ambitious to settle for something so small. He took his first step forward, swaying dramatically as his paw was lifted. Because he managed that, Ermek thought he was king, boasting to himself quietly. He continued this trend, taking one step at a time while swaying, but the further out of the den he went the more stable his treed became. By the time he reached the mouth of the den, his steps were without hesitation, surprisingly solid for a pup his age. He admired the beauty the outside world had to offer, all of the wondrous things to discover. When he tilted his head up to the sky, he saw an array of lights and celestial markings, all put together so tastefully that all he could do was stare in awe. He'd never actually looked up to the sky before; usually his focuses were on the ground, such as his siblings or his mother. But now, he gazed at the vast sky, wanting to join the twinkling balls of fire in their dance.

Ermek began walking forward, forgetting that he was supposed to stay at the den. He kept his eyes up on the stars, his tail wagging in a sort of happiness that only he would be able to describe. He continued this for a bit, but then stopped when he tripped, hitting the ground with an "ompf". His fall tore his eyes away from the sky, returning him to Earth, to pain. He chuckled at himself slightly, though he was mad at himself for falling, when he heard an odd noise coming from a nearby tree. Ermek's ear twitched as he stood up, turning his head towards the sound. An alarmed growl began in his chest, though it sounded less like a growl and more like a cat's purr. He crept up on the sound, his paws a little too loud against the ground, when suddenly a creature tore itself from the trees leaves and down onto Ermek. He yelped in surprise as the feathered animal began attacking him, pecking at him relentlessly, cawing it's head off. Ermek yelped and tried running away from it, jumping over rocks and tree roots to get away, but the avian wasn't letting up. It cawed and pecked at his sides, his ears, and his tail. It was a furious thing, and apparently Godless, for it showed no mercy on the mere pup. Ermek closed his eyes in a terrified manner as he ran, just wanting to be back at home. Then, as he was running with his tail between his legs from this creature, being a cowardly hound, something clicked inside of him.

He suddenly stopped running, instead turning to face his chaser. He snarled, his white teeth gleaming against the moon, his eyes ablaze. The bird apparently didn't notice this change, for it continued to peck and pester him, swooping high in the air. Finally, the bird came down to dig its beak into Ermek's skin one more time, but it didn't go as planned. Ermek lunged toward his attacker to meet him half-way, and then closed his muzzle around its neck, a sickening crunch to be felt between his teeth. As he landed on his feet, the bird flapped its wings frantically; trying to get away from the pup, but its fate was already decided. As soon as it went limp, Ermek dropped the creature and stared at it for a long while, waiting for it to begin moving again. He waited a very long time, staring at it with expectant eyes. When it never did move, he assumed that it was just tired from the fight, and was simply taking a nap. Ermek nodded to himself, sure of his analysis, and yawned sleepily. He was also tired from such a heroic battle, and needed his rest for his journey home. Looking around, he noticed that he was in the middle of the forest, a place that he did not recognize. Sighing, he just lied down next to his new friend. Falling into a peaceful sleep, his paw on the caw's forever silent beak, he drifted off to sleep.

The sun was barely coming up from its resting place when Ermek was suddenly lifted by an unknown source, making him yelp and thrash with surprise. It was his mother; she had been looking for him all night, fearing the worse. She sat him down and scolded him terribly, trying to convey that it was horrible for him to leave like that in the middle of the night, and how he should never do it again. She was still scolding her pup when the dead bird caught her eyes, making her look at it more closely. Her eyes widened, her face coated with shock, no words forming. The pup tiled his head, but said nothing. The she-wolf walked over to the bird, sniffing it gently, then asked her pup, “Did you kill this caw?" Ermek blinked, not understanding, just looking at her for a bit. After a second, he said, “Momma, he's just sleeping." The mother looked back at the bird, then back at her son. Making sure that he could see the bird in full-view, she gently raised her paw and placed it on the bird. She moved it side to side, as if to wake it up. No movement from the creature. The mother looked again at her pup and said solemnly,"Look, honey. He's not here anymore. He's gone." Ermek blinked once more, still not understanding, just staring. It took him a few moments, but he finally stood up and shook his head, walking over to the bird. "Momma, watch." He brushed his mother's paw away and nosed at the bird, pushing it, trying to bring him out of his slumber. No movement from the creature. Again, he tried. Still none.

Finally, the pup understood his actions. He looked up at his mother in horror, his mouth open in surprise, and his ears flat against his skull. He began to cry, tears running down his muzzle in a torrent. The she-wolf sighed sympathetically and brought her pup close, nuzzling him softly as he cried. She said to Ermek in a wise tone, “Child, everything on this Earth has a time-limit. Everything here is born, lives on, and then is taken away from the forest. You, son, have just sent this bird back to where we will all return, where we were all created. He knew it was his time to go, and you will know when it is yours. Life is a gift, and you must cherish it always, but you must not fear death. Where the crow went is peaceful; he will be happy to be there. You should not cry at death, my dear, for there is nothing sad about it. One day you will understand the balance between the two." Ermek nodded, still sniffling while tears trembled down his face. He couldn't tare his eyes away from the still bird; he couldn't stop waiting for it to take its next breath. Soon, his mother picked him up gently, taking him back to the den were his siblings and father waited. She left the crow there for any hungry animals, seeing no need to bring it back with her. The animal's ebony feathers drifted upward, dancing in the breeze with a special sort of charm, and then disappeared on the current. It left the forest, left the cities, and floated over the oceans. It was going somewhere peaceful, somewhere happy.

Art:[X] [X]
Other: Thank you for reading and viewing, I hope that I may call him mine. ^-^
Tell me something about the WOI stated on the official page:
*Warrior of Isket are Wolf cross breeds and they should stay this way! NO Humans, or Anthro, and no Normal Wolves!

*Warrior of Isket could only be used in the planned RP!NO other RP except you have a permission from the whole WoI Board (Lilian Nightshade, Neara, TheWolfsgirl90, and apache~)

*If you don´t follow the rules, you will no longer a WOI Member or Owner.

I <3 Magyarország

Kez ezt a verset en tavaly majus elejen iden lett csak keszen, idean sem egeszen
Cime az volt: Eletem, s kihuztam, mert felszegen santikalt a cime, minden laba, rime.
Urjra kezdtem, s ex alatt, fel esztendo leszaladt, de az egre nezve, alig vettem eszre.
Az egen egy falho szallt, s az a felho nem is szallt, lebegett vagy allt tan, mint egy or, vert ram.
Azt a felhot neztem ein, mig e forgo ev felen, csak lehullott onnan, mint katona holtan.
Ismet kezdtem, Harboru. Lett a cime; Szazsoru. Volt az versszak, jajgatott, mint vert had.
Jaj mit is kerestem itt? Katonak holttesteit. Buvero terelte lepteimet erre.
Kutattam a tarva tart messze hajlo lathatart. Follelem, remeltem, nyitjat, minek eltem.
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Postby Klyse » Fri Sep 02, 2011 12:50 pm

Number of pup: 6
Name: AELLA (Αελλα) --Meaning "Storm wind; whirlwind"
Gender(Already given): Female
History/short story:
Aella laughed as her brother chased her. She loved the rush it brought upon her, and she was amazed how much a little play could feel so good. Aella's black and white tail out behind her like a thin flag. She glanced behind her, her brother was still in persuit.

"Stoppit!" She yipped with a little smile. "I'm gonna tell dad!" She wasn't really going to, but she did like the attention it gave her.

He slowed just the slightest bit as she took a sharp turn. "No you won't." He raced after her once more. They continued their game of cat-and-mouse for a few more moments, only to be stopped when Aella accidentally crashed into one of their other brothers.

"Furballs." He yapped, crawling out from underneath Aella. She dipped her head appologetically, muttering her appology. She rose to her paws, giving her brother who had been in persuit of her a look that said, Now look what you did.

The brother looked shocked. "But...! I...!" He closed his mouth, looking at his sister crossly. "Fine." He padded off to play with someone else.

Aella walked over to her mother. "Hi, mum!" She smiled, exposing her little white teeth.

"You look so much like your father, you know that?" Amandahy told her.

Aella disagreed, she thought she looked more like her mother, but didn't speak her opinion. She loved her mum (and her dad), and would never want to hurt them; the same went for her siblings.
Art: Link
Tell me something about the WOI stated on the official page: There are only four types of WoI: Big Wolf with long ears and a long fluffy tail, big wolf with normal ears and a long tail, big wolf with noraml ears and a normal tail, big wolf with short ears and a curled tail.


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Postby kishinuma » Fri Sep 02, 2011 1:05 pm

I have competions for number 4,i cant win cause my art is bad and my stories bad :(
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Postby Soriams » Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:05 pm

Number of Pup: 2 • Gender: Female • Eyes: Green with Gold Flecks
Name: Aponi
The name Aponi is of Native American origin, and it means butterfly. I thus have named this pup in honor of her parent's first meeting, and the beautiful glowing buzzy that lead Amadahy to Tevron. That first fortuitous collision as the Isket Butterfly welcomed Day home was the beginning of something beautiful, the evidence of that lies in these six striking pups. Beyond that, there is some truly fascinating symbolism associated with them. Cross cultures, the butterfly is a nearly universal symbol for the soul and transformation. The life of a warrior is one in constant flux, for one is continually confronted with the transitory nature of life. Death is not some shadowy concept, it is right there before them on every battlefield in the staring eyes of the enemy and lifeless faces of fallen comrades. Therefore, as a warrior must face death, they must be ready and willing to accept their own as just another part of life. The Japanese concept of Bushidō lays this out quite well: Life is lived in constant preparation for death, so that one might die with their honor intact. A warrior must prepare their soul throughout life, grooming it for the final transition into death.

Despite the imagery her name may invoke, Aponi is neither dainty nor sweet. The easiest way to describe her is as a rebel. This is not to say that she is particularly disobedient, not any more so than any other pup, but she feels the need to question everything. If you're going to give her an order, you better well have a reason for it beyond 'because I said so' as the inevitable 'why' comes after every statement. There quite simply must be a purpose and motivation for everything, wether it be why a particular character in a war story acted the way they did, or why she has to go to bed now and not ten minutes from now. She does love stories though, and particularly enjoys picking them apart to study their nuances. Happiness for her is reading between the lines, looking into the shades of grey that exist even in tales of great heroism and bravery. It's not good enough for her that the Kronadors are their enemies and that they have been at war forever, she wants to know why. Its not that she doesn't want to become a warrior, or is afraid to fight, she just has a mind of her own and isn't afraid to use it. Aponi is extremely curious about everything concerning the tyrant chimeras, such as where they come from and just why it is that they attack the Warriors so often. It is as though she sees the monsters as somewhat misunderstood beasts and is fascinated with learning about them, far beyond simply being taught how to kill one. Thus, there is one game she loves above all others: Warriors and Kronadors. Where as most pups would fight over who got to be the brave warrior, Aponi loves to play the Kronador.

Amongst her siblings, Aponi has a bit of a bad rep as a dirty fighter. This is because she likes to do things that are, well, unexpected. If all the pups are tussling in a play fight, she may weasel her way out and stand on the edge, waiting to pounce whoever gets tossed out. She plays rough, so the poor looser usually has quite the paw full trying to get her off. When sparring, she has the tendency to look for weaknesses and exploit them. This draws the inevitable round of 'no fair, you cheated' cries from her playmates more often than not. If they are in a race, she may deliberately fall behind and hide somewhere just to make the other's look for her. She is quite cunning in her diversions and enjoys the attention they get her. However, her actions are not random. Aponi is just a bit smaller than the rest of her siblings and will almost always loose in a 'fair' fight, so she uses such tactics to make up for her slight disadvantage. For this same reason, she can be seen as having a bit of a chip on her shoulder, she always feels the need to prove to everyone that she is just as good as they are. Despite her mischief, Aponi is fiercely loyal to her family and friends. She has a strong protective streak and it is in her nature to stand up for anyone she sees as alone or downtrodden. She is a friend to the looser, and a valiant companion and protecter to anyone in need.

While not exactly the type to seek time alone, Aponi is never distraught for lack of a companion. She is an intelligent and extremely creative little pup, and when she has time to herself will spend hours pretending to be different animals. Kronadors are of course one of her favorites, and she picks apart little snippets of information gleaned from stories to try and replicate their behavior. While she would be thrilled to see a real, live Kronador, she knows full well that it would no doubt try to kill her. There is just something about the forbidden nature of the lizards that stimulates the rebel in her, making her even more curious about them. Her imagination is also stirred by Audax and the other great birds of Isket, and she loves to imagine she can fly and hunt from the sky. Aponi is a bit fickle in her thoughts though, and she will pretend to be just about anything, from a fox to a cat or even the glowing dragonflies that light the caves. Pretty much whatever tickles her fancy at the time. Another one of her favorite pass times is spying on the adults. Not that she really understands what they are doing or the importance of what they say, it's more the challenge of sneaking up on them and remaining unseen that she enjoys.

Aponi's rebellious nature carries through into adulthood, molding her into a very independent she-wolf. Its not that she will willfully buck authority for no reason, more that she wants to figure things out for herself and form her own opinions. She is very skeptical of things that are believed to be true just because everyone has always believed them. Preferring logic to tradition causes a bit of friction amongst her elders, but she does not force the issue and thus avoids many arguments. Some might think she is shy because of this, but that is not the case. Aponi simply keeps many of her thoughts to herself, but if she happens to find someone who is interested she can really talk their ears off. She is cynical and sarcastic in many of her renditions, but they are all heartfelt and well formed ideas. By the same token, if someone tries to make her believe something she knows to not be true, they are in for a real fight. She loves to debate, and keeps score of the points she makes like a child keeps track of a game. One of the interesting side effects of such a rational mind is that she also possesses a nearly endless amount of curiosity. This trait still takes her on flights of fancy and she has learned many things though the use of her imagination combined with the world around her. She loves to learn and teach others of the things she has discovered, but only when she finds the right warrior to listen.

While not necessarily her first choice, Aponi spends quite a bit of time alone. However, she is seldom lonely, for she still has an active imagination and vivid fantasy life. Often, this will entail exploring the land of Isket in search of curiosities and interesting creatures. Most of the others find it a bit odd that she will spend an hour tracking down a rabbit and creep up on it, careful to remain unseen, then just sit there and watch what it does. Such things fascinate her though, and she uses her keen nose to find subjects to observe. Aponi also loves calm and beautiful places where she can just sit and think. Sometimes they are hidden groves deep in the forest, but more often, they are simply some common place she finds magical. Such as a pool of eddies, defying the turbulence of the river. When it is not possible to be outside, Aponi will wander the caves looking for parts of the labyrinth where she hasn't been before. This leads her to pop up in unexpected places, and give her the opportunity to occasionally indulge in a bit of eavesdropping. Oh, she would never rat someone out or spread rumors, but she does love to hold onto secrets and the little things that no one thinks she knows. In fact, Aponi prides herself on her willingness to listen and ability to hold things in confidence. There just don't seem to be too many warriors interested in the same things she is, so rather than give them up, she peruses them on her own.

Aponi is resourceful and clever, and has a bit of a flair for showing off. Her grandstanding normally involves preforming a favor. She will pick up on the fact that a warrior needs something done, or is looking for a particular item, then will take it as her own personal quest to make sure it gets done. Eavesdropping definitely helps her come up with ideas for these little surprises. In addition, her wanderings provide her with the location of all sorts of things, and chances are if she came across something unique, she will remember where it was. She also has a wealth of knowledge about the topography of the dens, which aids in completing such tasks quickly. It's not that she is particularly conceited or anything like that, she just enjoys surprising the other warriors every so often.

Aponi often holds others at arm's length, friendly of course, but never really letting them in. On the surface this can seem cold, and is often mistaken as shyness or perhaps even arrogance. But the truth is that there is something fragile deep inside that Aponi is trying to protect. For all her boasting and stoicism, she is actually quite vulnerable. When she does happen to let someone in, Aponi loves fully and unconditionally, befitting the phrase: 'to love so much it hurts.' In her eyes, those she loves can do no wrong and she will defend them fiercely against all adversity, expecting nothing in return. This is perhaps her greatest fault, as it leaves her open to exploitation. It would be easy for someone she loved, if they were cruel or harbored dark intentions, to convince her to do something she knew was wrong. This is why she so guards herself, hiding her heart like a cherished treasure.

Tall and lean, Aponi has the build of a sprinter and is extremely fast and agile. Though these traits give her a rather fragile appearance, she is surprisingly strong as well. She also possesses keen senses and a fantastic memory. All of which, despite her childish wishes otherwise, set her firmly in the role of scout. It is true that when she was a young trainee, she was terribly disappointed to learn that she would not be a warrior. However, her love of exploration and stealthy habits suit the lifestyle of a scout perfectly. Thus she has learned to embrace her role and the part she will play in war.

As a scout, most of Aponi's tactics revolve around the gathering of intelligence. Trained by her fellows, she can move silently thought almost any terrain and still remain unseen. However, she doesn't rely solely on stealth to ensure her safety. She also exercises frequently to keep herself in top condition, running in full armor to build her strength and endurance in case her cover is blown, as is bound to happen to any scout at some point. Her keen nose can discern both the age and gender of a Kronador as well as the direction it went and how long ago it passed. In collaboration with the others, she has learned the meaning of several of the Kronador's trumpeting calls and her trained ears can easily pick them out allowing her to report on their planned movements. She is naturally observant and can remember a surprising amount of detail about something she only saw for a moment, almost as though she had an eidetic memory. However, this is not the case. Aponi is simply skilled at organizing her thoughts in such a way that recall them easily, over time they slip away and are replaced like any normal wolf's.

While it is her duty to run from a fight so that she might live to return and alert the pack to danger, Aponi has trained long and hard to become a skilled fighter. Speed and cunning are her greatest assets, as she is bound to loose a test of strength. When faced with a Kronador, she will start with a strafing attack: Running by at full speed and snapping at whatever parts look vulnerable. Next, she will dodge their counter attack, watching their movements carefully to gauge their reactions. The benefit of this is twofold, as it helps to tire out the beast as well helping her learn their fighting style and weaknesses. Her reputation as a dirty fighter is now her saving grace. After a few repetitions, Aponi will have learned enough to find an opening and get in position to make the kill. Of course, this is all assuming everything goes according to plan. If she is suddenly faced with more than one opponent, her strategy will most likely revert to a purely defensive one. She will either retreat if possible, or simply hold onto hope that the others will come to her rescue before she is overtaken.

Following orders has never really been Aponi's strong suit. Even in wartime she must fight her nature to rebel and do try to follow the directions given to her. As when she was a child, she must see the logic in what they are telling her to do or she will question them until they come up with something that makes sense. If they cannot, then she may refuse to follow them entirely. She is not traitorous or underhanded in nature, and she would rather die than see harm come to her pack because of her actions. However she isn't afraid to take matters into her own paws and do things her way, with or without the permission of her alpha. This shows most often when it is her turn to stand watch. Aponi hates watch duty because it is boring being stuck in one place and she will occasionally get distracted and wander away from her post. Oh, she still keeps an eye out for intruders, is just that she has the tendency to do it from somewhere else.

A Day Of
Aponi stepped hesitantly into the cool water. Come on now, it's just some cold water. It'll do your stinky pelt some good! She thought and forced her paws to move in deeper, wading far enough out that her back was covered. Tilting her head up to keep her nose out of the water, she breaths in the calm damp air. Though the gentle current threatens to lift her from her perch, she anchors her feet and floats in the serene pool as the water toys with her fur. Restless and unable to sleep, Aponi had awoken in the dead of night and donned her armor. Running for several miles through the blue grasses below the dens, she had finally come to a halt by the river not far from the base of the falls. Deciding that she was too hot to return, she slipped out of her armor and into the water to cool off and cleanse her fur. This was one of her favorite places, a backwater just a few hundred yards away from the falls. It's roar was still readily audible in the distance, it rumbled in harmony with the chirrups of night insects and frogs. It was now only an hour before dawn, and the moon hung huge and yellow on the western horizon, bathing the rocky riverside in amber tinged light. Cut off from the main channel by a reddish boulder, the water she now stood in was as calm as the surface of a mirror, only the occasional eddie broke the surface to send a ripple shimmering across it.

Closing her eyes, Aponi lets her mind drift. Taking in the sound of the water as it trickles past, letting the resonance of the waterfall recede into the distance as she focuses on closer sounds. Slowly opening her eyes, she is surprised to find a world much brighter than the one she had left only moments ago. The golden moon has dipped below the horizon and a rose colored pre-dawn sky winks at her from the east. Blinking as the light becomes stronger, Aponi turns and watches as the disc of the sun slowly rises, setting the fickle moonlight to shame with it's brightness. Sunrise... Has it really been four days since the last one? The cycle of dark night and days no brighter than twilight had slipped past her as one long stretch while Aponi had been wrapped up in her own little world. Thus she is a little surprised by the warm light that greets her this morning. Pushing off the bottom, she turns and paddles back to shore. Standing on the pebbles, she shakes the water from her fur and climbs up on the nearby boulder to enjoy the warmth of a new summer sun.

Once atop her new perch, Aponi stretches and yawns expansively. Her early morning activities have left her a bit sleepy and she is just about to lay down when she spots a familiar face. Scrambling down the boulder field that forms the path down from the dens to the waterfall is Iago. She would recognize those blue, black and cream markings anywhere. Smiling a bit to herself, she plops down on her haunches and waits for his approach. Aponi had always enjoyed the stalwart warrior's company, ever since they were pups. There is just something about his serious nature and matter of fact speech that amuses her to no end. It's not so much that she intends to tease him, its just that their conversations always seem to end up that way somehow.

After picking his way down from the last of the rocks, Iago wanders over to the river for a drink. Sighing, Aponi is a bit annoyed that he didn't spot her black and white pelt sitting on top of a huge red rock. Soon enough though, he looks up and notices her waiting for him. His quizzical expression makes her chuckle, his ears tip forward and he stares at her as though she were some sort of apparition attempting to possess the rock with nefarious intent. Shaking himself out of his surprise, he gathers his big paws and lopes over to her boulder.

Seeing him approach, Aponi's tail begins to wag, slapping the side of her rock wetly. "Hey! Good morning Iago! What are you up to so early?" She says in greeting, looking down at him as he comes to a stop below her.

His orange eyes open wide in his black mask, and Iago looks up at her with an almost comical expression of horror. "Aponi! What are you doing here?!"

With a bit of a harrumph, Aponi launches herself off the boulder and lands in the pebbles below. Shaking the last of the wet from her fur, she turns to him with a frown. "Now is that any way to greet a lady? I mean really, I have just as much right to be here as you do. Not to mention the fact that I got here first..."

Shaking his head irritably to rid himself of the water she splashed him with, Iago nudges Aponi to get her attention. "No Aponi, I mean what are you doing here. Today is the first sun up of summer! The Day of Initiation, why aren't you with Lydia?" His brow furrows in confusion and annoyance, the expression accentuated by the red markings on his forehead that make him look even more puzzled.

Aponi's mouth drops open in disbelief, and she stares at him with confusion in her green eyes. It had been three years since her own disappointingly uneventful initiation. She had returned successful, donning the winged armor that now lay discarded by the riverbank without ever seeing a Kronador. Now considered a full fledged scout, this was the first year she was able to become a mentor and select a trainee of her own: Lydia. The grey and white pup showed tremendous promise as a scout, and devoured her training with abandon, displaying none of the reluctance that Aponi had felt when she learned she would not be a warrior. While she delighted in teaching the lanky yearling all the ins and outs of being a scout, Aponi was almost famously scatterbrained on the matter. Often leading the pup out into the wilds just to explore, taking her to all sorts of fantastic places, and completely forgetting her training. "Wha..? You mean that is today?! Like, not tomorrow but today?!"

Igao rolls his eyes at her in a look of exasperation, and gives her a curt nod. "Yes Aponi, this today. I was just heading to the clearing to see the trainees off. Since you were already gone when I woke up, I assumed you were out with Lydia helping her prepare..." Iago had sagely decided to forego becoming a mentor this year. After all, with other Warriors available who had so much more knowledge than himself, why should he step in and accept a trainee? Best to leave such matters to wolves like Romulus and Arkhantos who had years of experience teaching pups the art of war.

With that, Iago turns and trots away down a path that in the scrub oak, towards the old forest and the clearing where everyone would be gathering so see the new Warriors off. Leaving Aponi to collect her armor on her own. Dammit! Why did it have to be today? Why couldn't they do it NEXT sunrise? I mean really, what difference would it make? Struggling her way into her chest and back plates, she curses under her breath at the inconvenience of having to writhe her way into it like a snake. That is the price of owning armor, while you gain it's protection, you pay for it every day in it's upkeep and the difficulty of putting it on. Especially when you were on your own and in a hurry like Aponi was. Finally snapping on her greaves and pulling her bracers on with her teeth, she is able to don her helmet and chase after Iago about ten minutes later.

Even sprinting at top speed the entire way to the clearing, Aponi is woefully late by the time she reaches her destination. Panting and even more exhausted than when she started. Many wolves have already gathered, relaxing in the cool blue grass and enjoying the warmth of the sun. Iago is among them, apparently arriving well before her even though Aponi knows full well she is faster in a flat-out run than he is. Sitting next to his sisters, he looks up at her, giving her yet another look of disapproval. However, eyes are searching desperately for Lydia, and Aponi has no time to glare back at him. She finally spots her trainee across the clearing from her, looking completely mortified as her parents dote on her. No doubt trying to reassure her in her mentor's absence as the other yearlings prance on anxious feet and are given final advice from their teachers.

The sun has crept up higher in the sky, and sends only slightly slanted morning rays streaming across the open-space. While there are a few clouds gathering to the north, the sky overhead is a brilliant turquoise, fathomless and empty. There is an almost festival atmosphere among the gathered Warriors, and they chat happily amongst each other though they all know full well that some of the young ones may not return from their quest. Even the shaded wood seems warm and welcoming on this summers day, more like a pleasant park than the wild and unexplored wilderness it is. Swallowing her pride, Aponi steps out from the brush and into the open, feeling horribly self conscious. Not only is she late and has disappointed her student, she is also the only wolf present wearing armor. The sun glints off it's gold filigree as she walks, making her stick out like a sore thumb. A cold hard reminder of reality against the laid back attitude of the gathering. She turns a few heads, and not in a pleasant way, as she makes her way across the grass and over to Lydia.

The pup, no Lydia is no more a pup anymore than Aponi is. The young wolf catches sight of Aponi's approach and extracts herself from her parents, who look past their daughter to glare at the armored scout. "Oh look, here comes my prodigal mentor now! See, I told you that Aponi wouldn't forget about me." Though the last is said with a truly sardonic twist, her tail still wags with relief. Lydia had picked up on many of her mentor's bad habits, and her sharp tongue was one of them.

Aponi winces and ducks her head, wishing very much that the earth beneath her would open up and swallow her whole, thus saving her the embarrassment of having to explain her tardiness. "Lydia! I'm so sorry I'm late! I got up early and went for a patrol this morning and was... Detained." She explains, trying to make it sound official and what-not.

However, Lydia knows her far too well for that approach to work. The yearling steps up close to her and nips Aponi on the ear, like a parent would do to an unruly pup. Dipping her voice so the others can't hear, she looks up at her with excitement in her blue eyes. "Oh stuff it, teacher. I know you wandered off an forgot about me. You probably didn't even know what day it was." Though the words are harsh, a smile crosses the young wolf's face. "No matter though... I'm just glad you're here to get me away from them." She waves her tail at her parents, trying not to catch their attention as she grumbles. "If I hear one more time how proud they are of their little fuzzy-wuzzy puppy growing up and turning into such a big strong warrior, I'm gonna barf."

Barking out a laugh, Aponi licks Lydia's face in relief. Despite what anyone else may think of her, she is just happy with not having disappointed her trainee too badly. Aponi never really considered having pups of her own, but she has truly enjoyed the time she has spent with Lydia. She delights in teaching her and sharing all manner of discoveries with her, and they formed a close bond. They spent just about as much time commiserating on the tribulations of being a scout in a warrior's world as they did training. In all, her 'student' is the friend she never had when she was a pup herself. With one last affectionate nuzzle, she leads Lydia away to where the rest of the students and teachers are waiting.

Working her way in amongst the Warriors, Aponi receives more than one disapproving or smug look. Both of which she has seen far too regularly for her taste. No respect... Not that I deserve it this time around, but still it would be nice some times. Though in full armor, her tall, lean frame looks frail in comparison to the much heaver fighters surrounding them. Even the warriors in training are broader across the shoulders than the two scouts. Ignoring them all, Aponi pulls Lydia aside and begins to prep her for the journey to come. "Alright, so do you remember what I told you?"

Lydia nods, trying to look serious, but her growing excitement is evident. She shuffles her small paws out of anxiousness and tries to keep a straight face as she answers. "Of course I do! You're the ditz, not me!" Grinning at the irritated look Aponi shoots her, she continues: "A scout is the eyes and ears of the pack, it is my duty above all others to gather information and relay it to the rest of the Warriors. I should run before I fight, though not for fear of death, as the information I carry is more important than my life. I shall not seek glory or fame, but dedicate my life to my appointed rounds."

Pride swells within Aponi as Lydia finishes the credo, and she smiles broadly at the younger wolf. "Exactly! Remember that even though you might not be as strong as those other pups, your role is critical." Somewhere behind her, an alpha has arisen to speak, welcoming them and going on about some nonsense having to do with tradition and rites of passage. She ignored it the first time she heard it, and this time is no different as Aponi turns more serious and continues with her council. "Stick with the others, you're faster than they are so try not to run too far ahead. Like it or not, you'll need their help if you encounter any Kronadors. Also, don't bite off more than you can chew. I know you're confident, and I wouldn't doubt your skills for one second, but don't be stupid about it."

Nodding again, Lydia's attention flicks away from her teacher to the Alpha as he speaks, then off to gaze at the forest. No doubt wondering about the dangers that lurk beyond the seemingly innocuous screen of blueish leaves. Aponi knows all to well what they hide, as she has fought more than one battle, and crossed enemy lines in search of intelligence. Swallowing back the worry that rises in her throat, she knows that this is it, the defining moment that will bring all of Lydia's training to the test. Dammit pup, I hope you learned something out of all the time we spent traipsing through the woods. I just wish there was something else I could give you... Glancing around, Aponi takes in that nearly everyone in the clearing is doing the same thing, their attention either held by the speaker or wrapped up in their own thoughts. Seeing them all distracted, an idea blossoms in her mind, and though she tries to dismiss it, it grows to the point where she no longer can. Taking a chance, she turns around and sidles up to Lydia, bringing her muzzle close to the trainee's ear. "The cave lies in the oldest part of the woods, where the trees are the tallest. So keep moving towards the bigger ones, and if you see it start to thin out you'll know you've missed your mark. The land around it is rocky and hilly, with a lot of broken earth so it is kind of hard to keep on track, but near the cave is a stream that flows out from between two large stones. So find the water and follow it to it's source and you will find the cave..."

Aponi backs away and watches as the information she has given starts to sink in. She knows full well that she has broken an ancient taboo, and that every pup is supposed to find their own way to the cave. But at this point, her concern for Lydia overrides any prior respect she might have had for tradition. Even though it was years ago, the land around the cave is still fresh in her mind and she has ventured into the old wood forest many times since. So Aponi knows that with the advice she has given and Lydia's own quick wit, her trainee will have no problems finding her armor. This realization slowly comes over Lydia and a broad smile stretches across her face. Looking back at her Mentor, she silently mouths two words: "Thank you."

A sudden stir of excitement runs through the gathered trainees and Aponi turns her attention back to the speaking alpha. " you go, remember that you leave all that you were behind: Your puppyhood, your mentors and all trappings of your former life. You will return a full fledged member of this, the Central Pack, a true Warrior of Isket!" A little cry of applause issues from the assembled, and the mentors all take this for their cue to step forward. Aponi follows suit, and ushers Lydia up to the center of the clearing as well. There are but a scant few moments for a final goodbye, then, with a barked command from the alpha, the pups turn and sprint off into the forest. Lydia takes one last look at Aponi, her eyes practically glowing with anticipation, then she too turns and disappears into the woods.

A Question
Long after most of the others have left, Aponi remains, laying in the shade of a small shrub. I should have done more... Spent more time with her in the south woods to give her more experience. And more combat training! I should have taught her more tactics... Her thoughts are interrupted by a sudden rumble of thunder and she lifts her head in surprise. The clouds to the north have condensed into a large, dark mass that now towers over the blue plains. The sun too has journeyed well past it's zenith and does nothing to fend off the chill wind the blows in from the nearing storm. For a long moment she stares vacantly at the blue grass as the wind blows it in waves around her, soon enough becoming once again lost in thought.

She is distracted once more when a rather amused giggle reaches her ears. Curious, Aponi looks up in time to see a staunchly resolute Iago take the brunt of whatever joke Celandia has cooked up. With a huge grin, his sister prances off in the direction of the dens and he lets out a heavy sigh as his nose dip towards the ground in defeat. The exchange brings the a shadow of a smile to Apnoi's face, intruding on her brooding uncertainty. Poor Iago... I've got to remember to give the poor guy a break sometimes, it seems as though I'm not the only one who enjoys tormenting him. A second later, he seems to realize he is being watched and walks over to her. Stopping a half pace away, Aponi stares down at his black and cyan paw, almost half a size larger than her own, for a long moment before she looks up to meet his orange eyes.

Steadfast as always, he smiles to her kindly, and sinks to the ground next to her. "I know it must be hard, watching her go like that... But it's out of our paws now, Aponi. You're the best scout I know and I have no doubt you trained her well. If any of them will be alright, it will be Lydia."

Though his words are meant to be kind, an unexpected surge of anger rises up in her and she glares at him. Oh really how would you know? From what I hear, I'm the only scout you know... Thankfully though, Aponi is a master at keeping her thoughts to herself and the snippy retort never leaves her lips. She quashes her anger and simply nods sadly, turning her gaze back to the Old Forest.

With yet another sigh, a what seems to be perpetually exasperated Iago gets up and stretches beside her. "It looks like we might be in for some rain so I'm going to head back to the dens now, and you should too. There's nothing more we can do." He states in a gentle tone. Aponi knows that he means well and is trying to comfort her somehow, but just isn't in the proper state of mind to receive his council. So for his effort, he receives nothing, not even a shrug of her shoulders to indicate that she heard him.

Seeming to admit defeat, Iago turns and heads back home without a second glance. Either he has completely given up on convincing her to return, or he assumes she will follow in her own time. Unfortunately, their brief conversation has turned Aponi's mind away from her solum brooding and onto something much more surreptitious. Nothing we can do... Nothing... Iago, you're wrong! There is something more I can do and I should have thought of it sooner... Her thoughts making her anxious, she looks over her shoulder to see that he has indeed retreated back to the dens before slowly rising to her feet. It has nothing to do with tradition, or meddling... It's simply a matter of honor! It is my duty to see to her well-being, and I plan to do just that. Besides, what can it hurt just to check up on her? Her mind made up in a matter of moments, Aponi leaves the shade of her wooden companion and lopes off towards the forest. Nose to the ground, she easily picks up Lydia's scent and follows the trail, disappearing into the undergrowth.

A Cold And
Rain gently falls, wetting the soft earth and mulch that comprises the floor of the old wood forest. The dense canopy shields Aponi from the worst of the storm, but the drops inevitably make their way between the branches and fall to the ground below. Like everything around her, she is soaked, but that is not the worst part. As the rain falls it spatters against her helmet, causing a sort of drumming noise that echos through her head and rings in her ears. I'll be lucky if I'm not deaf by the end of this... Shaking in an ineffectual attempt to dry her coat, she pauses to take in her surroundings. The trees have been growing steadily larger as she makes her way deeper into the forest, still following Lydia's trail. This gives her some small amount of satisfaction as she knows that her trainee listened to her at least that much. The questing pups had stuck together for a good distance before they started splitting off in pairs, apparently old allegiances die hard and some siblings had decided to go it alone. Lydia however, had stayed with the largest group, making her trail easy to follow. Thus, Aponi feels as though she is making good time and perhaps even gaining on the group a bit.

With that thought, she picks up the pace a bit though it is difficult to track at any kind of speed and not risk running into something substantial in the thick woodland.Picking her way around a few large hemlock and alders, the rain begins to ease and Aponi lets out a sigh of relief. Good, at least this shower will be over with soon, and I might be able to hear myself think. Still following the trail, she slowly becomes aware of a screen of thin willows to her left. Where there are willow trees, there is undoubtably water... The stream must be close by. Not long after that, Lydia must have realized what that meant as well, because her trail veers off in that direction.

Following it upstream and eventually across the little brook, Aponi is just starting to feel confident that the pups must have reached the cave when she comes across something that stops her dead in her tracks. The fresher smell of a male Kronador crosses the older trail of the pups at a right angle. Picking her head up, she looks around her as worry once again starts to grow in her gut. Continuing with a bit more caution, Aponi tries not to think about what the track means. Just a few yards further on, the Kronador's scent loops back around and over the trail again, but this time it turns to run parallel. Oh no... It picked up their trail and is following them! Almost against her will, the scene plays out in her head: The pups finally find the stream and begin to follow it, but a few moments later, a Kronador stumbles upon their trail and begins to follow. Attacked from behind... They will be so focused on finding the cave that... Her heart begins to beat faster she runs ahead following the sandy bank of the stream.

About a hundred or so yards later, Aponi is so preoccupied with the ramifications, that she very nearly looses the trail she is following. Skidding to a halt, she turns a circle and sniffs at the wet earth. Three pups, where once Lydia had made four... And no Kronador. Puzzled, she retraces her steps and finds that Lydia's scent makes a sudden right turn and breaks away from the others, back across the stream. As does the Kronador's. Her blood runs cold, and staring off in the direction the trail takes, she can now pick up the outline of hoof-prints in the sand on the other side of the water. Oh little one... What have you done? Gripped with fear, she rushes after them.

The rain has finally stopped, and the warm earth throws back the rainwater as a slowly rising mist, making the air heavy and humid. Her damp fur clings to her skin in clumps beneath her armor, rubbing painfully in spots, but Aponi is barely aware of the discomfort as she races onward. Suddenly, the forest opens up in front of her and she finds herself in a sunny meadow. Close by, a huge, red stone has broken through the ground to push the tees aside, creating an oasis of light in the dark woods. Decorated with a smattering of wildflowers, the sun tilts in a low angle and lights the fog with an yellow fire. If she were not so preoccupied with looking for any sign of Lydia, it was just the sort of place Aponi would treasure. She is about to move on when a gentle breeze stirs up the fog, and she catches sight of a patch of grey fur nestled in the tall blue grass. "Lydia!" She yips, calling out the pups name as she bounds over to the spot, only to pull up short a few paces away. Lydia lies there, her form gently cradled in the soft embrace of Isket grasses. Her eyes are closed as though asleep. There is not a mark on her, but as she draws near Aponi knows immediately that there is something terribly wrong. Where once there had been a joyous young life, so full of eagerness and hope, Lydia now lies unmoving. A horrible, absolute stillness descends and steals Aponi's breath away at the sight. Chocking back tears, she slowly closes the gap and buries her nose in the soft fur. Life gone, the lonesome body has already grown cold.

For The
Angry, bitter tears burn her eyes and Aponi is forced to close them, blocking out the sight. While this is far from the first death she has experienced, the pain of loosing Lydia cuts deeper than any of the others. It has pushed her back, torn and broken, into the darkness and sorrow looms over her in a threat to overwhelm her. She remembers standing with Igino in the medicine den, surrounded by sharp smelling herbs and poultices, as she waited for news of a fallen warrior. The old shaman knew death well, having seen so many breath their last. His words drift up to her now, though they offer little comfort:

Death is no stranger, it greets us as we open our eyes in the whelping den and is our constant companion as we grow. Unwelcome and denied, still it follows us with immaculate patience waiting for the day we will see it for the steadfast friend that it has always been. Though we fight tooth and nail against that welcoming embrace, every creature goes willingly in the end. What pain may have been, what strife, anger and fear, all ebbs away, leaving the door to our earthly prison empty. It is then that we find freedom, no matter how unwanted a gift it is. To float away from these bounds as a breeze lifts a butterfly, forever leaving the ground on silken wings.

Aponi opens her eyes to find the world a darker place. The sun has begun to set, and the warm glow that once lit the mist has vanished, replaced by the dark shadows of trees that rim the meadow. As though on cue, the glowing insects that inhabit the land of Isket slowly begin to appear. Crawling from their hiding places, their lights winking into existence one by one. Moving like ghost-lanterns through the trees, the growing darkness acts as a stage for a veritable host of tiny performers in all shapes as colors. However, there is but one of these that catches Aponi's attention, her eyes lock onto it and she stares as though afraid the sight would be lost if she were to blink. Leaving the trees and entering the meadow in gently undulating flight, a pure white light drifts towards her. An Isket butterfly, like the one that had bid her mother and father to find each other. It's glow is somewhat brighter than the others, making them seem dim in comparison. Approaching at an unhurried pace, it gently alights on the damp grey fur of Lydia's brow. Aponi looks on in wonder as the creature turns to face her, impossibly slender antenna waving as though in greeting. A second later, it flexes it's luminous wings and is gone. Tilting up her head to watch it leave, she stares into the deep blue sky after it, long after its afterglow has gone from her eyes.

Once More
Unto The
Somewhere nearby, a quiet nicker sounds and snaps Aponi out of her trance-like state. In an instant, all of her previously overwhelming sorrow disappears and is replaced with something else. A grim sort of determination clouds her green eyes and she rises to her feet, looking in the direction of the sound as her mind immediately identifies it. A mare calling her foal... There are more Kronadors nearby. Though every bone in her body aches, and her armor seems to weigh her down like the entire wold presses on her shoulders, Aponi slips silently from the meadow. Not even glancing back as she leaves what will now be Lydia's final resting place.

The twilight forest offers her ample cover with a dense underbrush of ferns and clinging vines as she stalks the source of the noise. The glowing insects are now the only light as the dense canopy blocks out both stars and moon, but a true creature of Isket, this does not phase Aponi. She knows that while it may hide things unseen, it also conceals her form as well. The tracks of the male Kronador are everywhere, as though he has stalked this area for weeks beforehand, but the scent her sensitive nose now follows is much newer. A female and her child, the pair's path straight as an arrow where his meanders in every-which direction. Nervous... I can't blame them. A rouge stallion will kill a foal just so he can break her and bring her into his herd. Her almost childish fascination with the vicious creatures has led Aponi to make many observations on their behavior and habits, and they now help her as she stalks the pair.

Reaching a hedge of stunted willows, a joyous squeal sounds from the other side and bids her to stop and lift her head. Her black ears perk forward and she listens intently for a moment before stepping forward to gently slide into the trees. Parting the thin trunks with her nose, she lets each slide along the length of her body, praying that they will not catch on her armor and betray her approach. Finally reaching the end, she peers into the small clearing beyond. Far different from the cozy meadow she had just left, the ground here is stony and broken with large red rocks. Trees still try to find purchase in the barren soil, but they are small and stunted in comparison to the old growth elsewhere in the forest. Directly across from her, there is a large pair of standing stones and little burbling brook cuts it's way between them and over to the willow burrow in which she hides. Mother and child stand about half-way between her and the monoliths, illuminated by dappled moonlight as it filters in from somewhere near the horizon. Their scaly, blueish hides blend in perfectly with the foliage around them, even the light hair of their manes shimmering like the moonbeams that reflect in the stream beyond.

Crouching low to the ground, Aponi watches as the young one stretches his neck to the ground, sniffing about in the dirt. Suddenly, he raises his head with a jerk and lets out a snort before bucking playfully away from his mother's side. The scene brings a sad smile to her face, as his youthful exuberance reminds her somehow of Lydia. So young! I don't think I've ever seen a Kronador so small! His mother pays no heed to his antics, as her head is also dipped low to the ground and she breathes deeply, tracking in much the same way Aponi had followed the trail of the pups. Hunting... Is that what brought them into the male's territory? The desperate nature of the mother's actions tears at her, to be so far from her herd and its safety, yet still willing to provide food to her newborn.

It is only then that she notices the shadow of a much larger creature hiding next to one of the river stones. It takes her eyes a few moments to adjust, but eventually Aponi can make out what it is: the male Kronador. Several shades darker than the female, he is practically ancient, and truly massive as though every year of his life had added mass to his girth. Simply put, the geezer Kronador is fat, his stomach hanging below his ribs, and one of his horns is broken off half way up making him look even more decrepit. He knows that the young mother has no idea he is there, and what little light there is glints off his cruel teeth as he curls his lips back in a pleased sneer. Suddenly, in much the same way as a tiny pebble can start a massive landslide, everything clicks into place in Aponi's mind: The old stallion, most likely a band leader for many years, was driven from his herd by a younger and stronger opponent. Disgraced and too weak to overtake the upstart, he became a rouge. Wandering the old forest alone, and killing anything that crossed his path for the pure pleasure of watching it die while he waited for a chance to size power once again. Now before him stands exactly what he needs to rebuild his herd and his reputation, a lovely young female. The only thing in his way is one young colt.

Aponi grits her teeth, clenching them together as fury burns through her body. Oh no old man... You've ended one young life already today, I'll not let you take another. Crouching close to the ground she stifles a growl that rises in her throat as the stallion readies himself as well, digging his hooves into the soft ground. A long moment passes where nothing moves, not even the wind, as though time itself has stopped. Then everything lurches forward, moving in slow motion as the Kronador leaps from his hiding place. The heads of the other two chimera's snap up and Aponi knows that he will be on them in two more strides. Letting out a bleat of terror, the foal is just starting to turn as he takes his second. Confused, the mare barely has time to rear before the stallion crouches on his third pace, throwing himself into the air to pounce on the helpless youngster. That was exactly the moment she was waiting for and Aponi lurches into action. Bursting from cover at the same moment, she takes one pace then launches herself at him with teeth bared. He never sees her coming, and the two collide in mid air. Flipping end over end from the force of impact, the combatants fall to the ground a few feet away and time snaps back into place.

The youngster runs to his mother's side, letting out a miniature version of a trumpeting Kronador alert call before both they vanish into the trees. Aponi rolls for a moment before coming to a sliding halt in the mud that completely covers that half of her body with sticky brown muck. Breath rasping in her chest, she immediately kicks to her feet in time to see an outraged, if somewhat bewildered male Kronador do the same. Mouth slightly ajar, he advances on her slowly as though in no hurry to attack. Seeing this as an opportunity, Aponi rushes the beast, leaping deftly to the side as he raises a clawed fore-limb to attack. Running by him, she manages to strike a glancing blow as she passes, tearing a chunk of scaly flesh from his flank. He spins to face her again, unfazed by the injury, the stallion doesn't make a sound as he readies himself for her next attack. Head low and snarling, Aponi watches the way he moves, with slow and deliberate actions. This time, she bolts to the left, easily out maneuvering the beast in an attempt to attack the same spot. Charging him from the side, she leaps at his wounded flank... The next thing she knows the wind has been knocked out of her, a massive blow speckles her vision with stars, and the scout flys though the air coming to a jolting halt on the soft earth.

With age comes experience, and the old bastard had seen her attack coming. Instead of turning to face her, he had spun in the opposite direction and struck a direct blow with his heavy tail. He is on her in seconds as Aponi lies in the mud gasping for breath. An long, evil sounding hiss slips his throat as he stands over her: the Kronador equivalent of laughter. Still taking his time, he rears up and crashes down on her exposed side, using his weight to press her into the mud. Her armor gives way with a metallic groan and crumples, the enamel from her pauldron shatters sending a cascade of twinkling light falling around her. The air pushed from her lungs, it is now painfully obvious how Lydia died. Beneath the claws of this stallion as he stood over her, waiting for her to draw her final breath. The world in front of her narrows, blackness intruding on her vision until all she can see is a small shaft of moonlight directly in front of her nose. Slowly sinking deeper into the mud, the only thing Aponi is aware of is the sound of her own heart as it pounds in her ears before the darkness overtakes her.

Aponi can feel herself lift free of her battered body. Confused and lost, she hovers in utter and complete darkness for a moment before a tiny spark appears in the distance, wavering like a blinking star it beckons her. She drifts towards it with an empty mind, for the first time in her life unquestioning of what she sees. She feels peaceful and empty, ready for what is to come.

The perfection of that dark tunnel is suddenly broken with a deafening crash somewhere above her. Almost as if it were far off in the distance she can hear a Kronador roar in fury. The air rushes painfully back into her lungs and she burns as though she had swallowed fire. Legs flailing in an ineffectual attempt to right herself, she is overcome with a coughing fit and sputters in an attempt to rid herself of the thick muck that has been pushed into her nose. The sounds of battle rage around her and she blinks, trying to clear her vision. Her eyes slowly come into focus and reveal a new monster: A great horned beast, it's form clasped in copper colored talons as it circles the stallion. Dodging a clumsy attack, it counters and sinks it's teeth into his side only to be knocked back as the chimera twists in pain beneath it. Apparently made of much heaver stuff than Aponi, it is not thrown far and lands gracefully on it's wide paws. Growling in a deep voice, it immediately rebounds from the throw and crashes into the Kronador with enough force to knock him off his feet. Falling to the ground next to her, the stallion doesn't even have time to kick before the monster is at his throat and Aponi finds herself nose to nose with her would-be murderer. Staring into it's eyes, she watches as it gurgles and thrashes in an uncoordinated frenzy to get free of her savior's jaws. Eventually, his neon green eyes go dull, and haunting death rattle leaves his lips as he ceases his struggle.

Pulling herself into an more upright position, Aponi surveys the scene with wide eyed horror. Straightening up from over the corpse, the copper colored beast spits out a bitter hunk of flesh and turns to face her. Deep within it's hollow eyes, a second pair fiery orange eyes take her in, and where it's snout ends, a fuzzy blue muzzle with delicately swirling white and tan markings continues. A wave of recognition washes over her and she tries to speak but her voice comes out as a rasping whisper: "Iago?"

Iago is immediately at her side, eyes wide with concern. "Apnoi! Thank goodness you are alive! I was... I was afraid I was too late." He says the last with a heaviness that Aponi has never heard in his voice.

With his help, she slowly makes her way to her feet, though still leaning heavily on his side for support. Her mind is swirling with questions, all fighting to be the first asked. However her chest aches terribly and she feels so woozy that she can only manage to form one word. "How?"

Shaking his head, he cranes his neck so that he can meet her emerald eyes. "When you didn't return to the dens, I figured you must have gone after Lydia. You never were one to follow advice, even when it makes good sense." Frowning a bit, he continues. "Honestly, I never knew you could move so fast. I was on your trail only a half hour or so since you left, but have been loosing ground ever since. Even running at full speed it still took me all this time just to catch up with you." Thankfully, he makes no mention of the circumstances in which he found her when they finally did meet.

Helping her take a slow step forward, he watches her movements carefully, making sure nothing is broken as Aponi moves. Hesitantly, she pushes off of him and is able to stand on her own wobbly legs after a moment. Seeming to study her, his head tilts slightly to the right as though he contemplates some great puzzle. Aponi is just about to ask him what he is looking at when he speaks again.

"You know... There is a group of pups back there calling you a hero. Apparently that fat old Kronador had them pinned down in a cave just beyond those rocks. If it hadn't been for you it is unlikely they would have been able to escape alive."

It is then Aponi's turn to stare in wonder. A... Hero? I saved them? But the foal... Mind swimming with the impossibly of circumstance, she can only shake her head in amazement. Stepping forward she licks Iago on the chin, just about the only part of him not covered by armor. "Thank you Iago..." She says in a wispy voice and he smiles at her with a truly endearing befuddled look. Returning it as best she can in her mud covered state, she takes a few more steps and looks back at him over her shoulder. "Come on, lets go home."

Aponi In Armor


Aponi's armor is meant to resemble the insect that is her namesake. Envisioned as a type of titanium with gold filagree, the 'gems' are not actually stones but rather enamel. Her bracers and back plate are of a studded leather type, padded with a soft, lambskin wool. Overall, it should be very light and highly flexible but still offer a decent amount of protection.

Aponi Without Armor

Another version of the same illustration, showing her beautiful markings as designed by the talented Neara.


Iris By Goo Goo Dolls

Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome.
Isaac Asimov (1920 - 1992)

The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough.
Rabindranath Tagore (1861 - 1941)

[size=65(Note: I take large liberties with the stated WOI lore and facts, using them as my own creation. This story was a different take on what seems to be the tired theme of a pup earning it's armor, a different sort of 'rite of passage.' Iago belongs to Verdanda, and is used with her consent. Lydia is my fabrication and is not meant to resemble any existing WOI, though if someone wants to use the name, I place no claim of ownership on it.)

(Commentary: This is my third application and I seek to improve this in any way I can. I, of course, hope that this one is better than my last two and seek any advice anyone can give me. So please feel free to contact me via PM if you have and advice before the contest closes. Also, I know that Aponi is a bit of an unconventional personality for a WOI but I have put a tremendous amount of work into her. My previous attempts were a bit childish in my opinion, and I think the complexity of her character and the theme of the story represents an evolution in thought. I know it's long, but the judges (and anyone else brave enough to read it) have my sincerest gratitude for taking the time to work their way through it.)

Tidbit from the WOI official page:
Perhaps my favorite thing from the WOI Official Page is the new drawing of the male Kronador. Some info from that picture: Males have horns and neon green eyes, as well as a dark coloration. Females lack horns and have yellow eyes with a lighter colored skin than the males. Both genders always have light colored manes. Also of note, they have hooves on their back feet and claws in the front.
Last edited by Soriams on Sat Sep 03, 2011 7:28 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby amarula » Sat Sep 03, 2011 2:49 am

HollowedAngel wrote:
It all ready ended a while ago Sunset ^^'

That doesn't matter, what happened wasn't allowed, and from this point on, Ambyroo, you are not allowed to adopt a pup from this litter. You are disqaulified for your actions. Your from won't count.
And I don't want anything said about what's happened, no more on this topic.

Art above by the talented Anouki and Zailune <3
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