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[099.] viv's explore replies

Postby Vivika » Sun Apr 03, 2022 1:30 pm

    x( cinxer archive last post )

    “Hey! Wait up!”

    The gentle pitter-patter of pawsteps lingered close, soft steps rustling the flaxen swaying reeds. A reminder of a stranger that just wouldn’t leave. This cat… they had all the herbs they needed, so what more could they need?

    Tossing her head, Spidermask huffed, quickening her pace.

    A shoulder brushed against her side, gold eyes lifting to meet hers. Cinderfleck. Sunlight scintillated, catching the little twinkle caught within his gaze. A faint smile tugged at his muzzle weary, but… enigmatic. “Think we should see what they want?” He shrugged. “May be better than trying to outrun someone so… persistent.”

    Her muzzle quirked. “Might as well, huh?”

    “Ah, finally!” The stranger halted behind her, cinnamon curls awry and cheeks flushed with greenleaf’s warmth. But their lop-sided grin was unfaltering, a permanent fixture, like the rumbling laugh easing from their chest. “I just wanted to give you this! I promised something in return and well… I’d like to keep up my end of the bargain.”

    With a little flick, a silver locket rested between her paws, the charm engraved with countless swirls, dips and whorls. Delicate, intricate patterns all flowed into one seamless insignia, bearing the mark of a mute swan, silver wings stretched to the spiralling stars. (+1 common edit!)

    And like that, the stranger was gone.

    A faint cinnamon curl remained in their former place, whisked away by a fluttering breeze… and another presence.

    “Spidermask! Cinderfleck!” Tiny paws bounded up the slope, a breathless note lacing his voice. The fragrance of yarrow and earth lingered, a familiar presence. “I… the patrol━” His chest heaved. “They’re back.”

    Her brows arched, furrowing. “Mushroompaw, who’s back?”

    “I━ Snowbird and the rest found some stuff.” His head bobbed, paws shuffling. “It was in some… prey pile. There was a lot of it, too.” (+3FP squirrel, +3FP squirrel, +3FP squirrel, +3FP cottontail, +3FP cottontail, +3FP cottontail)

    His nervousness…

    Something wasn’t right.

    Her heart thrummed, settling into a rapid staccato.

    “… but we didn’t catch the prey.” His nose quivered, jade eyes darting up. “I think it’s that rogue group from before… the one that injured Hibiscusdrop? They’re here. Not trespassing or anything, but… just watching us.” He gulped. “Um, any ideas?”

    The trio of rogues has returned! While not trespassing, they do appear to be taking a peak at the territory
    from outside Roseclan's border. Does the patrol choose to confront the rogues or leave them alone?


    xx+10% hunger for certain patrol cats (patrol was fed 10FP!)
    xxxx↳ spidermask (0% hunger), cinderfleck (0% hunger),
    xxxxxxsnowbird (0% hunger), mushroompaw (0% hunger)
    xxxxxxdawnsnow (10% hunger), stormshadow (10% hunger)

    xxhealth stats
    xxxx↳ n/a

    xxxp stats (opted in for death)
    xxxx↳ +40XP for writing, +20XP for patrol sent
    xxxxxx+36XP for prey, +30XP for npc quest

    xxprey + herb finds for patrol
    xx+3FP squirrel, +3FP squirrel, +3FP squirrel
    xx+3FP cottontail, +3FP cottontail, +3FP cottontail
    xx+ no herbs </3

    xxitem finds (from fennel <3)
    xxxx↳ +1 common edit

    xxxx↳ +126XP → level 4 (130/500XP)

    notes: n/a! <33
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Re: [008] ~ Explore (Lissidom)

Postby LiLi041 » Mon Apr 04, 2022 4:24 am

Last Explore Post: here! | Last Response Received: here!
Level 3 (80/400 exp) | Death Opt-In: Yes | Predators/Prey: default

Lissi | she/her| HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: no
Maurus | he/him| HP 99% | HUP 0% | Sick: no
Petra | she/her| HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: no

Items Used
  • bugs | 1 FP | x2
  • scraps | 1 FP | x1
  • frog | 3 FP | x1

Active Quests
  • Try out for a nursey slot with another user! | Fennel | x

  • scraps | 1 FP | x4
  • vole | 2 FP | x1
  • squirrel | 3 FP | x1
  • rabbit | 4 FP | x1
  • daisy leaves | x2
  • thyme | x1
  • comfrey root | x1
  • horsetail | x1
  • parsley | x1
  • burnet | x2
  • feverfew | x1
  • ragwort | x1
  • dried oak leaves | x1
  • goldenrod | x1
Maurus's eyes widened. "Rogues? Other cats? Of course we have to meet them! Perhaps we'll get new allies!" His tail lifted a little in excitement.

"Or," Petra chipped in. "We could be getting another battle on our hands."

Maurus's tail drooped. "Another potential battle? We just had one yesterday... my heart was going to beat right out of my chest," he complained. "I hope we make friends instead."

Lissi walked over to them. She tilted her head, not completely sure about what they were talking about. "Friends?" she asked uncertainly. She had once again missed the action, off doing her own thing with Lise.

"There's some rogues nearby," Petra informed her, catching Lissi up to date. "Do we want to confront them? Maurus wants to meet them, he thinks that they could be potential allies." She kept silent about her own reservations, knowing that Lissi would likely have already thought about the more dangerous and much more unpleasant outcome of their meeting.

Lissi mulled it over. "I think we should go," she said, "but we should be cautious. It would indeed be best if we could be friends, or just have a peaceful meeting. But if it comes to blows, we should be ready." She glanced at Maurus's unhappy face, and added, "Though it's just a possibility, it's just as possible that we can have a friendly meeting." He didn't seem particularly comforted.

She patted him. "I also hope that nothing will happen." Then, she pulled out some of their food, a fine meal consisting of bugs, scraps, and their freshly-caught frog. "Let's eat before we go? I'm sure your bellies are rumbling by now, too."

"Let's eat," Petra and Maurus agreed. They started to eat grab their own shares of food, splitting the pile of food evenly three-ways.

[split 2x bugs (1 FP each), 1x scraps (1 FP each), 1x frog (3 FP each) among Lissi, Maurus, and Petra (-20% HUP each)]

It was a quick meal, with everyone chowing down their food as fast as they could. As soon as they finished and their bellies were full, they set off at a quick run to where their noses were saying the rogues were.

Perhaps some woodland creatures smelled them coming, but there was remarkably little other creatures in their path. It felt like the woods were devoid of all animal life as they ran towards their goal.

[confront the rogues]

[402 words]

Notes: thanks for the explanation! will Maurus just heal on his own next post?
also, choosing a vole (2FP) and daisy leaves (1x herb) for my level up rewards!
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Re: [ 𓆙 .002 ]

Postby Flatterina » Mon Apr 04, 2022 6:35 am

angel bugs wrote:██ 𓆙 𝙲𝚊𝚝𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 ██

+10 XP [Patrol sent]
+25 XP [309 words written]
+0% Hunger [Free Post 2/3]

Copia blinked at Treasure, unsure how to best answer the seraph’s outburst. It seemed the other cat wasn’t expecting an answer anyway, though, instead shaking his head with a sigh and turning to continue the trek through the dense forestry. Copia had just thought of something to defend themselves when Treasure sharply raised his tail, signalling them to stop. With a pounce, the seraph vanished into the undergrowth, leaving the dominion to stare blanky at the spot where Treasure had been just now. Rolling their eyes, Copia tensed their muscles to follow their reckless leader when Treasure emerged again, holding a vole in his mouth.
[+1 Vole, +2 FP, +2 XP]
“How am I supposed to guard you if you keep doing… that?” Copia asked pointedly, broadly gesturing at Treasure with their tail. They weren’t sure, what with that critter in the seraph’s fangs, but they thought they had caught a smirk as Treasure turned away to lead the way again. Insufferable.

A short while later it was Copia’s turn to contribute something to the hunting effort. They caught a mouse, but slightly slipped while landing on its small body, straining the ankle of his left forepaw a bit. Well, no matter, that would heal. They only hoped that Treasure hadn’t seen the mishap.
[+1 Mouse, +2 FP, +2 XP, -3% Health for Copia]

It was at that point that they decided it was time to head back. On their way they found some herbs neither of them was sure they recognized, but Treasure took them with him in any case.
[+1 Sweet-Sedge, +1 XP]

“Do you smell that, too?” Copia asked Treasure as they approached the old church to stash their findings and prepare for the night. Treasure nodded curtly, the hair on the back of his neck visibly rising. “Intruder.”
“There’s the scent of blood, too. Maybe they’re hurt and have come here for shelter and help?” Copia offered. “Possible,” Treasure granted, though his hackles were still raised, the tom clearly everything but calm. “Let’s find out who they are and what they want.”
Copia nodded, their heart beating faster as they stepped closer to the centre of their camp.
[+1 Common MYO, +1 XP]

+4 FP | +1 Sweet-Sedge | +1 C MYO | +41 XP | Level 0 [95/100]
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♕ ── 005. [april explore posts] !! ))

Postby faelyn » Mon Apr 04, 2022 2:48 pm

written words exp: 75 exp
additional exp: n/a exp --
food+herb exp: 14 exp
patrol exp: 10 exp ----
death opt exp: n/a
total exp: 99 exp -----

the world was most certainly falling apart.

“hello??? bisonpaw??? what is the plan?????” clearly annoyed, marshpaw waved a paw in front of bisonpaw, whose attention and plan went ‘poof’.

“uhh..”bisonpaw frowned. “i might’ve forgotten.”

“FORGOTTEN?!?” marshpaw’s voice went up an octave… maybe two. “we literally spent all night on the plan! how could you have possibly forgotten??”

“well.. have you ever had it when you just forgot what you were going to say?” bisonpaw shrugged. “yeah.. so that happened.”

“THAT LITERALLY MAKES NO SENSE.” marshpaw’s face scrunched. “ZERO SENSE.”

“hey… marshpaw?”
“uh.. look over there.”

the sky was quite literally falling…. as well as the pieces of the exploded sun.

“AUGH!!!” marshpaw’s eyes widened to enormous sizes and he scurried behind a bush with bisonpaw at his heels.

a series of thuds followed as the glowing remains of the sun fell to the ground. but then something strange happened… one of the pieces started moving!!!

“hey, bisonpaw?”
“why is that thing moving?”
“i have no idea, man.”
“what is it?”
“i told you.. no idea.”
“oh! i know!” marshpaw’s eyes lit up. “it’s a bird!”
“it’s a plant!”
“no.. it’s…”

“it’s me! furzetuft!” and with that… the piece of the sun sprouted and spawned furzetuft, whose smile was as big as cliff’s mountain of christmas stuff before it vanished.

“my oh my! what happened here???” her voice went all squeaky as she peered at the mess scattered across camp. “is it christmas already? i must’ve lost track or some-”

“IT’S NOT CHRISTMAS! IT’S NOT EVEN LEAF-BARE!” marshpaw’s face contorted into a scowl.

“alright, mister… geez.” furzetuft’s gigantic smile twitched upon her lips once more. “anywho… i have like a special quest for y’all! i’m sure both of you are dying for some adventure!”


furzetuft didn’t seem to hear him and pulled a loooooooong scroll from her non-existent pockets. “here, you go!” her smile widened even more. “i hope you enjoy!!!"
(furzetuft is here with an active quest! they would like you to write an explore where your clan goes beyond their borders! please link this post in the active quest section of your explore posts as these quests may take a little longer to complete! once you’ve completed this quest, let the writer know in your post and furzetuft will be back to reward you with something!)

then, she poofed… vanishing in thin-air and leaving behind yellowish smoke.

“wait, furzetuft!” marshpaw ran blindly into the smoke, paws outstretched to keep furzetuft from leaving who already left, but then tripped over some christmas lights and landed on his tail. :(

(-5hp for marshpaw because he sprained his tail [random injury] :c no herbs or posts required)

“marshpaw!” bisonpaw ran up to marshpaw’s collapsed body, his voice lowered to a whisper. “are you alive?”

“of course i’m alive!” marshpaw’s eyes flew open as he stumbled to his feet, a scowl upon his features before fading into a more worried expression. “hey… bisonpaw?

“is my tail still there?”
“uhh… no.”
“just kidding.” bisonpaw chuckled. “i was just tricking… relax buddy.”
“oh you little…”

bisonpaw started to run and marshpaw gave chase, face flushed with anger. “i’m going to get you! i’m going to-”

“marshpaw! look over there!”
“where?” and then, a log with christmas lights spawned out of nowhere and marshpaw tripped over it, uncovering an army of beetles.
(+1fp [bugs], +1fp [bugs], +1fp [bugs], +1fp [bugs], +1fp [bugs], +1fp [bugs], +1fp [bugs], +1fp [bugs], +1fp [bugs], +1fp [bugs], +1fp [bugs], +1fp [bugs], +1fp [bugs], +1fp [bugs], +14exp)

marshpaw was very sad :(

──── ✧ ✧ note: i.. i don't know what to say (:

fp earned: 14 fpxxxherbs earned: no herbs </3 xxxx level: level 1 (85/200) -> level 1 (184/200)
items earned: n/a xxxxxxxx hunger: 10% for the entire patrol! xxxfree posts?: zero posts left!

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[0100.] viv's explore replies

Postby Vivika » Mon Apr 04, 2022 2:50 pm

    F̴̢̥͍͙̪̫̻̩̀̀̔͒̀̈́̕̕͜R̶̡̞̒͝O̸͎̅̃̿͋͐́͝S̶̥̒̀́̃̓͂̋̓̉͘T̷̖̤̞̞̣̭̥̪̺̘́͆̅̽̉C̸̨͎̠̙̗͕͙̪̥̄̀̌̐L̷̘̪̝͚͕̮̯̭̰̞̐̍͒̔̿͘̕͝A̸̖̱̟̔̋͒̐͗̓Ń̶̲̘͉͈̤͇͙̭͓̻͛͑̿̐̈́̄̓̈ !!
    x( nindroidzane archive last post )
    GreenN's POV:
    Requested transmission not found on server…

    Initiate reboot?

    I whip my head back, dashing my paw through the cold-not-cold snow. System error. Disgusting. No articles exist on the interception of mind-reading. But it should exist. Google has all the answers. Or at least it had.

    With a snort, I feel the urge to punch something or rather… someone. Repeatedly.
    And with the actual force of a thousand suns─

    “Find him on Google+?”

    That child again. Skillfully, I pivot on my paws to face her, a vision of karate moves flashing through my systems. My paw… mysteriously slips. And I punch her. Completely accidentally! Good thing I only watch karate fail complications.

    “Oww!” Turtlepaw falls back, plummeting in a puff of snow, jaws wide… obviously awed by my awesome moves. (-1% health for turtlepaw from a random injury ─ no herbs or rest needed! </3)

    To my disappointment, she doesn’t faint.


    “Why’d you do that for?” Her whine is like the screech of white static. With a lift of her chin, she draws herself to her paws, staring deeply into my eyes. She stares for exactly 3.1415 seconds. Weirdo.

    Her jaws part. “Well… do you want to know something?”

    I don’t need to know anything, because I know everything. I have Google. I access Google. I am Google with a +. Essentially. But she doesn’t know that. Hahahahahahaha! I shrug, extending a slender, robotic tail in her direction. “Yes?”

    “…there’s some stuff on you.” She raises a delicate paw, brushing my back. “See? I think it’s fish eggs━”

    "No, there isn't." "Yes." "No." "Yes." "No." "Yes, there is. Look!"

    With a whirr, I jump back, but not before little, crystalline beads fall, rolling into the snow. Thousands upon thousands of prismatic little beads… slicked with some gold goop. This does not compute. My eye twitches. *twitch twitch* (+1FP eggs [x9], +1 honey)

    “Woah!” A little pause. “How many do you think there are?”

    Counting… two, four, six, eight, nine… nine million.

    Wait, that couldn’t be right.

    Alert! System overload.
    Initiating shutdown in 3…

    Shut down?? Then, that child would be able to access my mind.


    This couldn’t be happening.
    I cannot let that happen. I refuse to let that happen. I need to initiate━


    System failure.
    Sleep mode activated… initiating complete system shutdown.

    My vision darkens, joints locking. Betraying my existence. I scream into the void, a long anguished howl, surging from the depths of my circuited, robotic soul. Silently, of course.

    Shutdown initiated.

    I faint.

    I hate fainting


    xx+10% hunger for each patrol cat
    xxxx↳ robot cat (10% hunger), turtlepaw (10% hunger), goosepaw (10% hunger)
    xxxxxlittlefog (50% hunger), moon (10% hunger), minkpaw (10% hunger)

    xx-1% health for turtlepaw from a failed karate chop
    xxxx↳ turtlepaw (99% health)

    xxxp stats (opted out for death)
    xxxx↳ +40XP for writing, +10XP for patrol sent
    xxxxxx+9XP for prey, +1XP for herbs

    xxprey + herb finds for patrol
    xx+1FP (fish) eggs [x9] !!
    xx+1 honey

    xxpredator attack
    xxxxpending here ! <3

    xxxx↳ +60XP → level 4 (263/500XP)

    notes: hi, i'm so sorry for this! but your explore post genuinely made me laugh,
    ahh! it was such a joy to read! your babies are far too precious steals them /j <33

    also! a little head's up/tip from me ahh ─ make sure to feed littlepaw (just so
    she doesn't lose any health from being too hungry ^^) in your next explore post +
    link to your cats' adopt pages (not storage pages) whenever you get the chance! <3
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Re: Stars V.2 • Explore

Postby unohdettu.lupaus » Mon Apr 04, 2022 10:51 pm

right after evening spirit had given one lungwort to furzetuft, smallsheep woke up looking startled
“eveningspirit we need to wake up dawnspeck and smokeghost and start heading back to our clan right now!” smallsheep spoke as she stood up

“what is it? whats happening?” dawnspeck yawned, she was a light sleeper so she had already woken up, looking at eveningspirit

“im not sure whats happening either” eveningspirit said they turned to look at furzetuft who they had just given an lungwort to

“im sorry but we have to go,i hope the lungwort helps you with whatever you need it for” they said before walking up to smokeghost and starting to try wake them up

“mm…eveningspirit what is it?” smokeghost woke up surprisingly quick

“im not sure, smallsheep told me that we need to head back to the clan” eveningspirit said as they looked at smallsheep

“im not sure whats wrong but a starclan cat told me to wake you all up so we can all head back to the clan” she sighed before contiuning “if i understood correctly something is wrong with our clan or the clan needs our help” smallsheep said as she stretched her legs

“alright then, lets start moving” smokeghost said as they started leading the group through the forest of the mountain to get down the mountain

they group walked nearly all night, they were all getting tired but everyone of the cats was worried about what was happening to the clan for starclan to tell them to head to the clan

as the morning sun had started to rise up to the sky, the group reached the end of the mountain
it was lucky for the group to be nearly allway down the mountain when starclan told them to go to the clan

“we should rest a bit before we continue, just so we have even a little bit of energy if we run into a fox or a badger” dawnspeck suggested

“yeah, youre right, lets rest for a small while” smokeghost agreed

“but we need to reach the clan! what if-“ smallsheep was interrupted by smokeghost

“dont worry, we will reach the clan in time, and everyone will be save, but we all need rest just so we can help our clan if theres a threat, if we dont rest we wont be any help to the clan” smokeghost said as they hugged smallsheep just to calm her down

after the group had rested for a while, they all contiuned to head towards the clan camp, they all tried to walk as fast as they could but still it would probbly take the whole day time for them to reach the clans border without rest breaks, and to reach the clans camp it would take half of the night time

after walking for a long time the group decided to rest again for a small while, but they all were so tired that they all fell asleep, and they slept until it was nearly night time, once they woke up they started walking again, they even ran a few times just to catch up to the time they spent sleeping

once it was morning the rested again but this time they made sure to not fall asleep for such a long time

and after the rest they contiuned walking and running towards the clans border, soon enough they had reached it, after reaching it they kept running just so they would be at the clans camp before it was evening

once they were close enough to the camp they stopped running and started walking

“is that you smokeghost,smallsheep?” the group heard a voice which was familiar to most of them, it was cloudchaser, an healer of the clan, the voice came from near the clans camp entrance

“yes its us! we brought a new member to join our clan!” smokeghost answered as they started trotting towards the clan entrance

“smokeghost wait!” eveningspirit meowed after smokeghost who stopped and turned towards them instantly

“what is it eveninspirit?” smokeghost asked

“something doesnt seem right, why would cloudchaser be outside the clan entrance with out a warrior?” eveningspirit asked

everyone in the group fell silent, they started trying to think of a reason but nobody of them would think of the right answer

cloudchaser walked up to the group, from the front, his face told everyone of the group that something had happened to someone in the clan

“who is it?” smokeghost asked wishing in their mind that it wasnt their brother mistbreeze

“its your mother, sootstar, she- she has joined starclan” cloudchaser said looking down to the ground “ a fox found our camp, she killed it but at the cost of her life” he said
“we have already buried her and currently ottercreek is traveling to starclans tree to receive his nine lives,his leader name and an answer from starclan to who should be the next deputy” cloudchaser continued

everyone in the group was shocked to hear those terrible news

smokeghost and smallsheep were shown where their mother was buried and theyboth stayed there for a long while mourning their mothers death, dawnspeck and eveningspirit went inside the camp just so they could give smokeghost and smallsheep their much needed space

eveningspirit introduced dawnspeck to everyone who was currently in the camp

after a few days, ottercreek returned, he was renamed otterstar and smokeghost was made deputy

[ 902 words]

-- cats on patrol

Dawnspeck | she/her| HP 100% | HUP 10% | Sick: N

Smallsheep | she/her| HP 100% | HUP 20% | Sick: N

Eveningspirit | they/them| HP 100% | HUP10% | Sick: N

Smokeghost | they/them | HP 91% | HUP 40% | Sick: N

-- custom predators / prey
-- level 2
-- items in inventory used
1 lungwort (giving to furzetuft)

-- active quests:

-- opted in to death?
-- inventory
scraps | 1 FP | x4
Bugs| 1 FP | x3
Mouse | 2 FP | x5
small fish | 2 FP | x1
Squirrel | 3 FP | x3
Rabbit | 3 FP | x1
prey | 4 FP | x0

ragwort | x1
mallow leaves | x1
chickweed| x1
Blackberry leaves| x1
Honey| x1
Chamomile| x1
catchweed| x1
Daisy leaf| x1
wild garlic| x1
Catmint| x1
holly berries | x1
Borage leaves| x1
Lungwort | x2 (giving 1 of these to furzetuft)
Dandelion | x2

- Coyote / Unohdettu -
- He/They -
- Discord: thistlecoyote -
- Toyhouse -
- Oekaki artshop
- Instagram -

A certain darkness
is needed
to see the stars
·:*¨༺ ★ ༻¨*:·.


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Re: Stars V.2 • Explore

Postby Knickknacks » Wed Apr 06, 2022 4:53 pm

last explore post: xxx | last response received: xxx

"Remind me why I had to come along again?" Haze asked, gaze darting from side to side nervously. "I don't know much about herbs, I'm afraid."

"Rookstar's orders," Dawngaze said, a bit primly, his tail held high. "He felt it'd be best for you to get out for some fresh air, while you're still recovering. Familiarize yourself with the territory, and whatnot."

"Isn't it great to be out?" Sagespot exclaimed, bounding up beside Haze. "It's a beautiful day, and you're healing so well!"

The smaller cat shrank back a bit in the face of the white molly's enthusiasm, but managed a weak smile.

"I suppose so," she conceded, earning herself a bright grin from Sagespot. Though Haze still wasn't entirely sure what to think of this odd crowd of 'clan' cats, Sagespot especially had been kind to her, and diligent in taking care of her. She'd even started to think of the chipper molly as something like a friend. Dawngaze was nice enough, but he could be oddly aloof toward her at times- and she wasn't sure quite why. And the third healer of the clan, Dragonbloom...

Haze glanced behind them, to where the third healer was trailing almost aimlessly, a wide-eyed expression on her face as she surveyed the woods. It was as though she'd never seen her own clan's territory before.

"Does she get out much?" Haze murmured to Sagespot, nodding in the tortoiseshell tabby. Sagespot blinked in faint puzzlement, her smile becoming a bit smaller and more thoughtful now.

"I wouldn't worry too much about it," she said blithely, though lowering her voice a bit so that Dragonbloom couldn't hear. "She's always been a bit of an odd character, but knows her way around well enough. Has an excellent memory, which is part of makes her so good with medicines."

"Hmm," Haze said noncommittally, trying to reconcile this information with the seeming airheadedness of the cat she was watching. "I'll take your word for it." Dragonbloom had been friendly enough when the two of them had spoken, but something about her made Haze feel... off, somehow. She wasn't so sure that was a cat she'd want treating her injuries, and suddenly found herself even more grateful for Sagespot and even Dawngaze's careful attentions.

"Enough gossipping," Sagespot said decisively, nudging her shoulder. "We've almost let Dawngaze get away!" Breaking into a trot, she picked up speed to catch up to her denmate, bounding to his side with a happy exclamation. Dawngaze jumped in surprise, giving her a fond look once he realized who it was. Haze rolled her eyes as she trotted to keep up, but she was smiling. One thing she had certainly noticed during her stay with Knollclan was the obvious crush that the two healers had on each other. Something of an odd couple, she thought, though admittedly they did work well together when treating patients. Sometimes it almost seemed that they could read each others' minds, flawlessly carrying out treatments for their clanmates in need.

Now if only they'd actually realize their feelings instead of dancing around each other. Haze sighed. She wasn't one to meddle, but the lingering glances and subtle shows of affection were beginning to get unbearable. Perhaps she could list someone's help in getting those two together.

"They're lovely, aren't they?" A dreamy voice sounded in her ear, and Haze yelped in shock. Dragonbloom had appeared next to her, seemingly out of nowhere.

"Oh- uh?" She sputtered, trying to figure out what she had just been asked. "Dawngaze and Sagespot?"

"No," Dragonbloom murmured, nodding in a different direction. "Those."

Following the other healer's gaze, Haze spotted a few brightly colored butterflies flitting through the sunbeams between the trees.

"Uh- yeah," she agreed. "They're pretty, I suppose."

"You know," Dragonbloom mused, "Some butterflies are actually attracted to the scent of death. Odd, that something so pretty might be seen alongside something so terrible."

Haze shivered at those words. That wasn't ominous at all. Was that a veiled threat? She glanced about, but Sagespot and Dawngaze had vanished farther up ahead, out of earshot. A fearful glance back to Dragonbloom- and the tortoiseshell tabby was smiling peaceably, as though she had just shared a lovely and entertaining fact with Haze.

"I suppose so," she said again, unsure of how to respond. Haze picked up her pace, walking a bit faster, so that she might catch up to the others again. No footsteps moved to follow her, and when she glanced back, she saw Dragonbloom standing in the same spot, piercing eyes fixed upon her. She shivered.

That... was weird.

[ 767 words ]

-- cats on patrol
Dawngaze | he/him | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N
Sagespot | she/her | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N
Dragonbloom | she/her | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N
Haze | she/her | HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: N

-- level 0
experience: 92
-- items in inventory used
-- active quests:
-- opted in to death?
-- inventory
--1 coltsfoot
--1 minnow (3fp)
-2 small fish (2fp)
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[0139.] viv's explore replies

Postby Vivika » Fri Apr 08, 2022 2:24 pm

    x( lili041 archive last post )

    It was like the world was at a standstill. Like an hourglass had tilted on its side, faint traces of gold sand trickling, choked by a narrow, ungiving neck… determined to bend time to its will. And perhaps it succeeded.

    The woods were silent. Too silent.

    Not even a lone songbird’s call, nor the rustle of crumpled leaves. Nothing. Just the beating of his own heart thrumming in his chest and the warm breath easing from his jaws.

    Until a new song broke loose.

    Sheltered under the interlocking boughs of a crooked tree lay a little angel. Gold curls ruffled, little scraggly tufts crowning her head, as she danced along the soft earth in perfect tango with a moth, crystalline wings streaked with silver and gold. A giggle bubbled as the winged creature escaped, disappearing in a blink. And the angel was alone. A maiden cradled in flora and fauna.

    “Hey.” With a glance over his shoulder, Maurus ambled close, offering a little smile. “Are you lost? I’m Maurus. And these are my friends…”

    “Oh!” Wide eyes gazed up at him, a soft smile tugging… tentative. She fiddled with a loose curl. "I'm actually here with my father. He's… he's somewhere around. I guess I must have wandered a little. Have you seen him maybe?”

    “Well, um…” Good question. Where was her father? His paw traced an idle circle, along the dirt. “I don’t know. But maybe… maybe my friends and I can help you look for h━”

    A swinging force struck.

    A slick, dripping, foul force that sent him staggering back, careening into the others. His cheek stung, prickling with fresh heat and the kiss of a new bruise. An apology faltered on his tongue as silver eyes snared his. Unflinching. (-5% health for maurus ━ no herbs or rest needed for initial injury!)

    “Get away from my daughter.” A hiss, dripping with poison, mingled with fierce ire. Protectiveness. Broad shoulders squared, rough paws standing in the space between him… and the angel tucked behind. Within his jaw, a hanging fish, tautly wielded. “I swear. You touch her━”

    “Wait!” With a little squeak, Petra eased forward, a nervous smile breaking loose. “Sir, this is just a huge misunderstanding.”

    “Yes. We don’t wish to harm your daughter.” Soft and smooth, a flowing cadence true to a gentle soul. Lissi. “We mean well. Your daughter was alone… and we thought she was lost.” Her tail flicked lightly. “Maurus just tried to help.”

    A moment ticked by, then two.

    The rogue’s shoulders relaxed, although those silver eyes never lost its sharp edge. Wariness lingered, cynicism clinging to his frame.

    With a reluctant grunt, he bowed his head. “I apologize. It’s hard in these places and I assumed the worst.” His nose nestled along the little angel’s curls. “Here. It’s not much, but consider it a peace offering.” (+1 goatweed, +3FP minnow, +3FP minnow)

    The rogue cleared his throat. “Now, we should get going. Ro?”

    “I’m sorry about your cheek.” Gold curls scampered close, pressing a nose against his. “Does it hurt? I think my father's sorry, too.” She snuck a look over her shoulder, voice dropping to a hush. “Even if he doesn’t say so.”

    “Ro?” The rogue lifted a tail. “Come on, let's go.”

    The pair disappeared, a protective guard flanked by an angel, drifting into the embrace of the woods. And time resumed, the frost broken, flora and fauna arising in new song, roused from their slumber.

    xx+10% hunger for each patrol cat
    xxxx↳ lissi (10% hunger), maurus (10% hunger), petra (10% hunger)

    xx-5% health for marcus
    xxxx↳ maurus (94% health)

    xxxp stats (opted in for death)
    xxxx↳ +60XP for writing, +20XP for patrol sent
    xxxxxx+12XP for prey, +2XP for herbs, +10XP for skirmish

    xxprey + herb finds for patrol
    xx+3FP minnow, +3FP minnow
    xx+1 goatweed

    xxitem finds
    xxxx↳ n/a

    xxxx↳ +104XP → level 3 (184/400XP)

    notes: hello! to answer your question, maurus has to stay back at camp (taken off patrol) for one explore post with one herb (any) to regain health! if you're curious, the healing section of explore’s front page also provides more info [screenshot for your convenience]! to maximize herb use (since 1 herb = +10% health), i recommend waiting until maurus is at 90% health before healing him, but it’s ultimately up to you! ^^

    my pms are also always open, if you have further questions at all! <33
Last edited by Vivika on Sat Apr 09, 2022 3:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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[0140.] viv's explore replies

Postby Vivika » Sat Apr 09, 2022 11:40 am

    x( eternaloutcxst archive last post )

    And the world was spiralling, falling too fast and too hard, the ground beneath their paws like shockwaves rippling with every step. Stars danced, igniting wherever they set paw, the galaxies like a crushing weight upon their chest, forcing whatever breath was left into a churning void.

    Sometimes, it was just so hard to breathe.

    She was gone. Plummeting like the fizzling spark of a bright, burning shooting star. Their mother. A hero, braving the crooked, ivory fangs of a fox… and defending her clan with her final breath. A hero. One he hadn't had the chance to thank… or say good-bye to.

    Their heart squeezed.

    And now so much had changed. They were deputy. Deputy. A lofty title that left a bitter aftertaste, one that never seemed to leave. It was a title with so much weight. Responsibility and authority. Power. A title that seemed almost… stolen. Pilfered from a trampled grave.

    If she was still here…

    “Smokeghost?” Deep verdant eyes caught theirs, a tentative falter in her step. “You okay? I…”

    Their head snapped up. “Smallsheep? Something wrong?”

    “It’s just… someone’s here to see you. I think you’ll recognize her.”

    Delicate gold and bronze curls tiptoed across the soft grass, ducking under the boughs of a low-hanging tree. Furzetuft. Cheeks flushed with the sun’s glow, her smile was hesitant as she neared. With a small dip of her head and an elegant flourish, she set a little basket down, intricately woven with pale flaxen and sage strands, nosing it to them.

    “Is this━”

    “For you, yes. I know times are hard and well…” Her smile dwindled. “I can’t imagine what you and the clan are going through. So here, my part of our earlier trade and a little gift from me.” (+1 common edit, +4FP rabbit, +4FP rabbit, +4FP rabbit, +1 cobwebs, +1 catchweed)

    “I━ thank you.” They cleared their throat. “This is really generous. Is there… was there anything else you needed?”

    Oh! Well…” Soft curls fell in waves as the breeze kissed the curled ends. “I can’t. Really, you’ve already done so much━”

    They straightened. “No, please. Go on.”

    Her chuckle was strained. “Remember, Gorcegorge? Well… I haven’t seen him for abit. I fear he’s lost again.” Gold eyes brightened a touch… hopeful. “You wouldn’t… happen to have seen him around again, have you?”

    Furzetuft is searching for her friend once more! Does the patrol aid her or turn her down?


    xx+10% hunger for each patrol cat
    xxxx↳ dawnspeck (20% hunger), smallsheep (30% hunger)
    xxxxxeveningspirit (20% hunger), smokeghost (50% hunger)

    xxhealth stats
    xxxx↳ n/a

    xxxp stats (opted out for death)
    xxxx↳ +55XP for writing, +10XP for patrol sent
    xxxxxx+12XP for prey, +2XP for herbs, +15XP for npc quest

    xxprey + herb finds for patrol
    xx+4FP rabbit, +4FP rabbit, +4FP rabbit
    xx+1 cobwebs, +1 catchweed

    xxitem finds (from furzetuft!)
    xxxx↳ +1 common edit

    xxxx↳ +94XP → level 2 (311/300XP) → level 3 (11/400XP)

    xxImagecongrats! you've reached level three and received an additional +2FP, +1 herb (of your choice) and +1 nr myo!
    notes: n/a, but it's incredibly neat to watch how your plot/clan arch progresses, ahh! rest in peace sootstar </3
    also! feel free to use the 'herb of choice' from this level-up and convert it to an herb that can heal mistbreeze! ^^
Last edited by Vivika on Sat Jun 04, 2022 12:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[009] ~ Explore (Lissidom)

Postby LiLi041 » Sat Apr 09, 2022 2:32 pm

Last Explore Post: here! | Last Response Received: here!
Level 3 (224/400 exp) | Death Opt-In: Yes | Predators/Prey: default

Lissi | she/her| HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: no
Maurus | he/him| HP 94% | HUP 0% | Sick: no
Petra | she/her| HP 100% | HUP 0% | Sick: no

Items Used
  • minnow | 3 FP | x1

Active Quests
  • Try out for a nursey slot with another user! | Fennel | x

  • scraps | 1 FP | x4
  • vole | 2 FP | x1
  • squirrel | 3 FP | x1
  • minnow | 3 FP | x1
  • rabbit | 4 FP | x1
  • daisy leaves | x2
  • thyme | x1
  • comfrey root | x1
  • horsetail | x1
  • parsley | x1
  • burnet | x2
  • feverfew | x1
  • ragwort | x1
  • dried oak leaves | x1
  • goldenrod | x1
  • goatweed | x1
"Ro," Maurus repeated, dazed. That was the name of the angel. He had really just met a real angel, one who had descended from the heavens, wrapped in gold and silver. Even now, he was replaying the scene where they met, his eyes full of light and wonder. Even the pain from her father's hit seemed to fade away as he stared blankly at the last point he saw her.

"Earth to Maurus," called Petra, waving her tail in his face. When that didn't work, she swiped her paw at him lightly, taking care not to touch his new wounds, from both this incident and the one before, where he fell through the ground. Maurus was such an unlucky cat, the unluckiest cat in this whole patrol.

That finally yanked him out of his reverie. "Ah... yes?" his eyes focused on her.

"We need to get going," Petra said, picking up one of the minnows. She beckoned to Lissi, so that Lissi could help pick up the other.

Maurus looked like he fell into another daze again at those words. "But... what about Ro?"

"What about Ro?" Petra asked, her tail swishing in confusion.

"Are we ever going to meet her again?" Maurus asked. "I think I fell in love. That was the most angelic being I've ever met in my life."

Petra rolled her eyes. "Maurus, how many times is this? Third? Fourth? You fall in love so easily."

Maurus turned his head away, indignant, and his ears flattened a little. "Maybe it is, but I'm really in love! I can't help it, it feels like my heart's pounding and about to burst out of my chest any second."

Lissi patted him on the head comfortingly as Petra picked up the second minnow as well. "We understand, Maurus." This definitely wasn't the first, second, third, or even fourth time. The sixth time at least, by Maurus's own recounting. A cat named Choko he'd never forget, who he'd had a date with on a dark hill as the sun set, dusting the red and orange hues of a brilliant sunset across their fur. A nameless she-cat he had met one day as he wandered through the woods, on his way to Lissidom. The daughter of his mother's friend's friend, whom he had seen once when she came over for a playdate in his youth. And so many more, perhaps even some that he hadn't told them about yet. These were all cats he'd fallen in love with at first sight, being the terribly easy romantic he was. Even now, he had confessed to Lissi and Petra as they stayed up late at night, even now, he was still searching for love. His perfect mate, and his dreams of having kits and starting a family, despite being only 20 moons now. Maurus loved kittens, and would play with them no matter the time, indulging all of their little hearts' desires.

Maurus calmed slightly. "I know... I'm sorry for getting upset. It's just..." he hesitated. Then, he switched subjects. "Can we go look for her? Maybe bring her some food? After all," he glanced at the minnows in Petra's mouth, "he gave us those minnows and some goatweed, that couldn't have been easy to give up even if it is greenleaf now. It'd only be polite to give back as well, and I want to be on good terms with our fellow cats as well."

Lissi hesitated. "Well... that might not be the best idea? They are rogues, after all, and this peace offering also doubled as an apology for hitting you. But I don't think they would be excited at the thought of fraternizing with us any more than that, he seemed quite overprotective of his young daughter." Maurus set his jaw stubbornly, and before he could say anything, she continued, amending her stance slightly, "But if we see them again, we can definitely give them some of our catches, as a thank you."

This was the best he was going to get, and Maurus knew it. "Alright," he agreed. "That's good."

"And," Lissi announced. "Maybe we can all share one of these minnows for a quick snack? I'm sure we could all use a quick meal after that encounter," she declared. "To another crisis averted!"

"To another crisis averted!" echoed Petra and Maurus. It was good that they hadn't had to fight, after all. They each grabbed a bite of the peace offering that resulted from their confrontation.

[split 1x minnow (3 FP) among Lissi, Maurus, and Petra (-10% HUP each)]

After the snack, they got ready to continue on their patrol.

As they headed onwards, Maurus's mind started to wander again, thinking of Ro. Petra's calls for him to catch up as they kept moving forward on their patrol faded into the background the further they went, and he was left once again to his imagination.

[817 words]

Notes: omg poor Maurus XD but thank you for the explanation, I'll wait until he's lost 10% health!! ^^
Also, is Maurus ever gonna meet Ro again? or can they only meet if I make her through an MYO and add her to the clan?

Quests: +40 exp from quest 2
Please credit my Toyhouse @LiLi041 for all designs!
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