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Crowntail Equines V3 by ShadyBro

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Artist ShadyBro [gallery]
Time spent 1 hour, 36 minutes
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Crowntail Equines V3

Postby ShadyBro » Sun Nov 07, 2021 6:47 am


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Welcome to Crowntail Equines Adoption Agency! Here, you may browse our lovely selection of the infamous Crowntail, a rare and treasured equine species native to the coasts of Thailand. Lucky for you, our agency specializes in importing and breeding these beauties a little bit closer to home. These beasts are stocky and muscular, ranging from 10 to 14 hands (3 - 4 ft) at the shoulder, and can average anywhere from 900 to 1200 pounds. Despite their tranquil and elegant appearance, Crowntails are well known to be ferocious creatures, with harshly controlled dictatorship style swarms consisting of a matriarch and her offspring. In the wild these hefty equines are capable of ripping their rivals to pieces in a matter of seconds, but thankfully they are also quite tamable in captivity as they easily bond to human companions. It takes time to build a relationship with such a dangerous creature, but with lots of trust and effort they can be sweet, dorky, and ultimately lovable equines - if they choose to be.
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Species Guide

Postby ShadyBro » Sun Nov 07, 2021 6:47 am

A Crowntail looks like an average pony, ranging from 10hh-14hh, with a lean yet sturdy build full of powerful muscles, but of course they do have a few qualities that pertain to their aquatic namesake. For starters, their unnaturally colored mane and tail closely resemble betta fish fins, specifically the crowntail variety; their long flexible quill-like 'spines' are wrapped in a fine and velvety textured webbing that bobs and flutters with their body movements. Their heel feathering is also made of a fin-type webbing, though they are much thicker with sharp tipped spines, often used for fighting purposes in the wild. Equally used for dominance is their sharp wolf-teeth, something common on the average male horse, but is seen on all crowntails regardless of gender and at much larger sizes than the average equine. Their orb like eyes are equally less equine with a bioluminescent glow in the darkness due to their lack of pupils, though their eyesight is exquisite. Their body is also covered in a very thin layer of shimmery scales, with short rough fur layered overtop. In some cases Crowntails may exhibit mutations as well, though these have yet to be documented in the wild.


The colors on the species ranges, but all patterns are described as strictly equine. It is most common to see paint-type patterns, while the rarest variation known is pure black or white. The mane and tail can appear in any coloration, natural or unnatural, though they are more regularly blended color fades in shades of blue and red. Patterning on their webbing is unusual with the exception of stripping or highlight spines, but other mutations such as spotting are possible. Their eyes, inner ears, and hooves can also sometimes present with unnatural colorations, and while their eyes do not have dark pupils, seeing multiple colors is a fairly common trait.


Crowntails are known by many other names, but none so popular as the Thai Fighting Quids. This name comes with no surprise, as these creatures are naturally ferocious fighters in the wild. They lead in a dictatorship style pack, with one Crownie guiding and protecting the swarm. If any member of the swarm is out of line, or attempts to challenge the leader in any way, they will automatically fight to the death. This is especially common with masculine presenting quids or protective parental figures. It is because of this that it is very important for their caretakers to keep domestic Crownies in very large territories, and to separate aggressive individuals to their own enclosures. For these reasons, it is not encouraged to attempt to saddle or halter even the most domestic individuals.


Much like other scavengers, Crownies can eat just about anything. Their diet should be high in proteins in order to keep up the same vibrant colors in the mane and tail, however they can easily survive without meat, as most plant materials provide higher protein levels with easier digestion. It is common to find native swarms presenting their own unique food preferences, such as northern groups preferring plant roots or eastern swarms preferring aquatic algaes, but the overall consensus is the same with each; the species is VERY food motivated. In domestic groups, caretakers tend to prefer providing their swarms with grain-based diets, with the additions of raw aquatic plants such as kelp and seaweed to adhere to proper nutritional standards. Freeze dried fish or invertebrate are also encouraged, and some caretakers will even offer frozen thawed feeder rodents. Large prey items or live prey should be avoided in captivity however, as it can encourage crownies to become more food aggressive toward each other and their handlers.


One of the many reasons that this species has been dwindling down in nature is due to a plethora of health issues. Historically, crownies would produce thousands of eggs and often raise full batches of offspring as to outmaneuver their population decline when offspring presented with certain life threatening ailments. Now a days they do not breed as rapidly, yet illness is still a major problem for them. Common health concerns include bloat due to incorrect diets, skin lesions or ammonia burns due to dirty water, eye loss and blindness due to fungal infections, hoof rot due to dry climates, and fin rot due to pollution. Many of these issues can usually be avoided in captivity with proper care, so it is incredibly important for caretakers to maintain their environment diligently.


When two crowntails mate, eggs are produced by an intertwining of the tails, in which DNA from both parents of any gender combines and results in a small batch of fertilized eggs. Mating occurs only in bodies of water, where the eggs will form inbetween the spines of both parents tail fins within a few minutes of locking up. The eggs will then shed off into the water to develop over the course of a two week period. One or both parents will work tirelessly to protect the eggs, blowing foamy bubbles into the water to cradle them and furiously attacking any moving thing that comes near them. Though they may produce up to a hundred eggs, only one or two eggs will have developed far enough to hatch, and any unhatched eggs will be killed or abandoned by the parents for scavengers to feast on. Newly-hatched foals are fully capable of managing on their own from this point, though most prefer to stay with their parents or integrate into the swarm for safety. In domestic swarms, it is common practice for caretakers to create man-made hatching ponds in fenced off areas where the parents can be moved in and out of the denoted spot safely. This is so that the caretakers have the ability to check on the foal's growth, while still allowing the crownies to interact with their young naturally, without getting eaten alive by the protective parents.


Wild Crowntails are said to be native to the coasts of Thailand, living in and among the muddy rivers, lakes, and especially marshlands, though the variety we have now is more commonly known as having originated from small remote island caves along the eastern american shore. Though they do not need to live in water to breathe, they do still require large bodies of fresh or salt water in order to properly forage and breed. The most preferred water sources are bayshores with freshwater rivers and saltwater marshes connected to it. Crownies can technically live like any other equine, settled in stables and barns with large pastures to explore and feed in, however it is unhealthy for a Crownie to go long without access to submersible-deep water. To accommodate their needs when living farther inland, barns are usually fitted with saltwater misters in the ceilings, shallow freshwater pools on the floor of each stall, and of course a large lake or pond somewhere within the pasture. The more clean cycled water that is available the happier, healthier and more vibrant-looking your swarm will be!


Some crowntails have been known to show certain mutations. These are usually very rare, and they tend to affect the crownies behavior and abilities. Below is a list of all known mutations along with passing rates and how it may affect the crowntail.

Colored Scales | 60% Passing Rate | Crowntails with unnaturally colored sections of scales on their body tend to have more sensitive skin. It's important to keep them very clean and avoid salt water as this can cause sores or brittle scales. They often prefer running rivers/streams.

Slit Pupils | 50% Passing Rate | Slit pupils have little affect on behavior, but often decreases their eyesight slightly. They may be clumsier or less agile when hunting. This altered body language may also cause other crowntails to outcast them. They tend to not last long in the wilds.

Facial and/or Hoof Fluff | 40% Passing Rate | Crowntails found in cooler climates or areas with harsher winter tempatures have mutated to show extra fluff and thicker fur. This is much more commonly seen in captivity. With this thicker fur, they can sometimes overheat more easily, so cool water or good ventilation is a must.

Curled Ears | 30% Passing Rate | Curled ears, otherwise known as marwari ears, has little affect on the health or behavior of crowntails. Some offspring do have issues with hearing for the first few days unlike hatchlings with regular ears, but this goes away with adulthood.

Gills | 20% Passing Rate | In some flooded climates, a few crowntail swarms have evolved to having gills. These gills are fully functional and allow the crowntail to breath under water for extended periods of time. It also causes them to tire more easily out of water however, and makes it impossible for them to breathe well at higher altitudes. They can also be more prone to fin rot or ammonia burns, due to being waterlogged constantly and entering dirty waters out of desperation.

Fantail Fins | 10% Passing Rate | A seemingly random mutation, fantail crownies do not appear to have any major complications in young specimins. Their fins are slightly more delicate and may tear more easily, but not at a concerning rate. In some older fantail finned crownies however, it's been noted that the fins grow in length significantly and become much heavier to maneuver, which may cause them to tire more easily. Because of this, elderly crowntails with this mutation are very rarely ever seen surviving well out in the wild, and captive fantailed equines may require more regular fin trimming to help take some strain off their aging joints. Fin nipping, a common self-mutilation behavior akin to parrots plucking their feathers, may arise in some extreme cases.

Horns | 5% Passing Rate | The rarest trait a crowntail can have is horns or boney growths of some form. These are always unique to the individual (custom lined) and can appear anywhere on the body in any shape. These can appear as almost anything - ramshorns, antlers, spiraled horns, unicorn horns, elbow/leg/cheek spikes, really any number of unique shapes. Horns are often used in battle and as such a horned crowntail is usually always a dominant figure, leading large swarms and securing many mates. Those keeping more aggressive or difficult crownies in their herd may seek out well trained horned crowntails to help keep everyone safe and the unruly herd members under control, so they are highly sought after and unfortunately often illegally poached from their native wild herds.

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Postby ShadyBro » Sun Nov 07, 2021 6:48 am

General Rules

- All crownies from V1 and V2 are breedable and useable in events/activities.
- You may adopt as many as you want, and as many as you like a day unless otherwise stated.
- You may trade or gift your crownies, but only one per week. To do so you must contact the archivist and the artist who originally posted your crownie to properly have the ownership information switched over.
- You may give your Crownie any gender expression; this is generally preferred for the species as it suits their species traits, though of course it is not necessary.
- You may provide a show name if desired, but it is not required. Barn names will be used for any event, archive, or breeding form.
- You may not make your own unless you have acquired an MYO token and gone through the proper channels first.
- You may not use other user's crownies unless given specific permission to do so.
- Any rudeness toward other members or staff, here or on discord, will result in a ban from the species. Always show kindness. If you have an issue with someone, please bring it up to me via PM.

Breeding Rules

- You may breed any single crownie once a month, even if they have twins.
- Any gender/sex pairing may breed, MxF / MxM / FxF / XxX / ?x?
- Inbreeding is allowed, but only second gen or up. Meaning, you cannot breeding a crownie to it's siblings, offspring, or parents, but you could breed it to it's half siblings, grandparents, cousins, etc etc. Please be sure to keep track of this as any crownies found to be too severely inbred will be sterilized.
- Each crownie has 10 breeding slots, but will gain 5 more each year. It is your job to keep track, but those caught going over the limits will have their crownie sterilized as well as any offspring created past said limits.
- Please do not specifically ask for twins. Each breeding artist may choose if they want to do twin breedings at all, and if so then each breeding will have a 25% chance of resulting in twins.
- It is the artists choice whether or not to allow trait requests, and if so it is equally their choice to deny requests. No artist is ever required to complete your trait requests - they are requests/ideas/suggestions only.
- You may always choose the gender/sex of your crownies offspring, but everything else such as their coat color, markings, eye color, finnage, ect will be determined by the breeding artist.
- A foal will be considered a full grown adult after two weeks (14 days) from the date the breeding artist posts them. They will not be breedable until after their growth date.
- You may gift, trade, or put your foal(s) up for public adoption at any point after they have been posted until those fourteen days are up. If traded or gifted, the owner must post with the foals information to properly claim them. If going up for adoption, the artist who created them will hold a public adoption through whichever method they see fit.
- Artists are not required to make changes or alterations to any created foals just because you do not like them. You may however talk to the breeding artist or message me if something went wrong or breaks the species rules.
- You may trade, gift, or sell (for C$ or art/writing/etc payments only) breeding slots from your crownies as you please.

Custom & MYO Rules

- Customs must stick to the species guidelines. Base coats need to be natural and based on horse coats. Fins can be whatever color you'd like, though there should not be any strange patterning used on them (ex; no drawing scenes, writing, ect).
- Line edits and the use of premade mutations (or custom made horns) is totally fine.
- Items, scars, body damage, etc is all allowed within reason. Per CS rules, there may be no detailed gore/open wounds.
- There is no rarity tier for customs or MYOs. Artists may charge more for more detailed designs, but there are generally no limitations to the markings as long as they are equine based. (You may be required to share a photo of a marking on a real horse if it seems too far out of the range of 'natural'.)
- Chimerics, brindles, ect are allowed without any limitation/rarity system. As long as it's believable that it could be seen on a horse, it counts as a natural coat.
- Do not ask for free customs or MYOs for any reason. You will receive a warning.
- Artists are not required to give out refunds if the custom is not what you want it to be. However in the case the artist is entirely unable to complete your custom, you are entitled to a refund. Please contact me if any issues arise with this.
- Depending on the individual artist's rules, generally you may only request changes one time. Continuing to ask for changes/alterations to your custom is not allowed. Artists reserve the right to deny changes if they want to.
- Customs/MYOs purchased for real life currency may be resold, with a notification to the artist and archivist, for the exact same cost that you paid initially. Customs/MYOs received for game currency, in trades, or for free may not be sold whatsoever.

Artist Rules

- Adopts should be titled #000 - TBN | TBD when first posted. When they have been adopted, TBN should be changed to the crownies barn name, and TBD should be changed to the username of the new owner.
- Regularly check the archive (if actively being updated) to ensure the adopt numbering is correct. If you notice a mistake, please PM me or post in the staff chat section of the discord.
- Please use the correct adopt template when posting. Do not alter the coding/formatting unless you are making a personalized form for event adopts.
- You may release as many Crownies a day as you wish, but try to keep quality over quantity.
- Feel free to come and go as you wish, you will not be removed for being inactive unless you leave CS for over six months.
- Always stick to species guidelines. If you're unsure, ask before posting.
- Minor line edits are perfectly fine, and you may use mutations as you wish (as long as rarer ones are not overly common, and try to be reasonable about making mutations of any rarity very very infrequently - we want to keep them special!)
- Do not give them dark pupils. You may do eye markings such as heterochromia or add colors of a slighty different shade to the pupil area, but nothing resembling harsh/black pupils.
- While crownies must have an equine based coat, you do have some creative liberty with this, as coat colors/genetics are not a requirement of the species. Do avoid making designs that look painted on however, and try to keep them relatively natural.
- I encourage you to play around with the highlights and shading, both in color and opacity. The same goes for the lineart. Adjust as needed to suit your design. Fin highlights and shading can be any color you'd like to get the desired effect.
- Cellophane fins are not a mutation. Feel free to adjust or alter the fin color opacity as you please.
- If you alter the fin transparency in any way, be sure to create a color-in image with the original background titled 'Cellophane Reference' so that the transparency level is easily viewable. This makes breedings much easier (otherwise, we might assume the fins are white and produce white finned babies by mistake - oops!)
- Semicustom adopt contests are allowed, but only for either fins or base coat, not both. Meaning you must either design the base coat and let users pick the fin colors/patterns, or you must design the fins and let users pick the base coat colors/patterns. Full semicustom adopt contests or full custom adopt contests are reserved for special events only. When doing this, you MUST add me to the image (ShadyBro) in case you are unable to judge/complete the design for any reason.
- You may gift anyone you wish, and make as many customs as you like, all within reason.
- If you want to do breedings, go ahead and make a post in the breeding hub. You do not need to ask permission and there are no limitations outside of the normal rules on how you do your breedings.
- If you want to do customs, go ahead and make a post in the customs hub. You do not need to ask permission and there are no limitations outside of the normal rules on how you do your customs.
- Try to be punctual about judging, or I can judge them for you if need be (just ask ^^).

Adopt Form [Artist Use Only]
Code: Select all


[b]End Date:[/b]

[quote][b]Owner:[/b] [url=X]X[/url]

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Giftline Masterlist

Postby ShadyBro » Sun Nov 07, 2021 6:48 am

Last edited by ShadyBro on Wed Dec 01, 2021 8:21 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Crowntail Equines V3

Postby Marabella » Sun Nov 07, 2021 6:50 am

M a r k

European player.

Editable avatar above made by Ember, design was made by me. The signature is there though it appears to be smaller due to the avatar size.

Xau, beijinhos ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎

I haven’t been in the best mood lately, apologies if I sound unfriendly.
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Re: Crowntail Equines V3

Postby 24Beaver01 » Sun Nov 07, 2021 6:52 am

Hi, you can call me Beaver. Stuff about me: Female, Ohio, I am shy and a very awkward person lol.

Currently not very active..
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Re: Crowntail Equines V3

Postby Viridian Dragonkoi » Sun Nov 07, 2021 6:53 am

What's not to love? :D
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Re: Crowntail Equines V3

Postby DuskzeHedgie » Sun Nov 07, 2021 6:57 am

holy heck mark 👀
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Re: Crowntail Equines V3

Postby Junker Queen » Sun Nov 07, 2021 7:16 am

Autism|Lesbian|9/22|Memory Loss pfp by Vidapup
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Re: Crowntail Equines V3

Postby razzberry » Sun Nov 07, 2021 8:01 am

    marking! glad these are coming back <3
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