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Athena X Ichyr Breeding Prompt - 426/250 - USED

Postby -Isabella- » Sat May 01, 2021 12:21 pm

Athena was never entirely sure where she fit in with her family. She was too young to be overly important, having several older siblings who were in the spotlight. And she was more interested in books and learning than attending social functions or worrying about whom she might marry, or what she might inherit. In truth she wasn’t totally sure what she even wanted. Her siblings seemed so sure of what they wanted out of life, and she felt a bit lost more often than not.
It was no surprise really when she decided to go traveling to explore other lands. She had to have some supervision of course, her family wouldn’t let her go wandering off willy-nilly with no one to watch after her, but she didn’t mind it too much as long as they let her go at all.
Her mother had told her stories of another land where here family was from, a land where there was magic and lions with interesting looks and abilities. She thought perhaps on her journey she would find her own purpose while doing something she enjoyed. Wanting to know if the stories were true Athena tried to trace them, different stories and sightings that matched up with what her mother had said.
And that’s how she found Ichyr. He looked nothing quite like she had ever seen. At first she wasn’t sure what to make of it, part of her had clung to logic and doubted that such lions were real, and yet there he was.
In the beginning he was almost like a study to her. She asked him questions about whether he knew others like himself, if he was the only one in his family to look how he did, and where he originally came from. During this time she found that she really enjoyed listening to him and writing down what he told her, as well as exploring other legends and tales and writing them down. It went from a rewarding hobby to something she developed a true passion for, and as time passed her interest in Ichyr also grew from purely academic into something personal, at first just friends, then gradually something more. As she got to know him she realized that he was not what she might have expected, or assumed he would be. Nothing like the tales she had heard on her journeys of monsters. She wasn’t sure if her family would accept the relationship, but whether they did or not Athena had finally found something, and someone she truly wanted.
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~New Prompts~

Postby -Isabella- » Thu May 13, 2021 7:46 am

All the prompts done after this post were done when everything was converted to feathers~
Written works after this post will also be marked as canon or not depending on whether they are set events that happened in the main storyline.
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B 01: Hella's Story - 2656 Words - Canon - CLAIMED

Postby -Isabella- » Thu May 13, 2021 8:58 am

It was a cool morning by the sea. Fog rolled in making it hard to see your own paws. The main encampment wasn’t even visible anymore from where Hella stood inside the guard tower, despite being just across the way. This wasn’t such a bad place, Hella mused. Young Valerius had chosen well. The sea allowed for them to trade easily with foreigners and their access to it, as well as the more open lands beyond the encampment, allowed them some options and versatility as they chose how utilize this new land.

She liked getting up early like this, before anyone else had risen. Without the echoes of other lions’ voices it was easier than ever to imagine herself quite hidden away in this small corner of the world. She had felt similarly in the Empire, but there had been no quiet there.

No the hustle and bustle of the busy Empire had kept Hella on her toes. Sometimes she missed the grandness of it, the way she could so easily slip away in a crowd, how she could play at being anyone because there was always someone who had never seen her before and would easily fall for whatever new persona she chose.

But those days were behind her. For all of its glory and allure, the Empire had taken something very precious from her, something she might never get back now. At least here everyone accepted her as she was. She was neither peasant nor queen. Simply Hella.

A cold wind blew in through the guard tower window and Hella shivered, wishing she’d had the foresight to bring a thicker cloak. The thin fabric she was wearing was lovely to look at but not very practical. Living out here it made little sense to keep anything that didn’t have a real use, but Hella couldn’t quite bear to part with it. She could still remember the look on her son’s face when he had given it to her…..

“Mother, come see!”
“What is it?” Hella rushed to the front room of their home, fear flooding over her at the urgency in her son’s tone. But when she found him he had a grin on his face and he reached back to pull a package off of his back.

“Here, open it.” He pushed it toward her and Hella carefully pulled the paper away to reveal a square of fabric, neatly folded. At her son’s urging she lifted it carefully and it unfurled to reveal that it was a cloak with lovely green embroidery all along the edges and collar.

“It’s lovely, but-“

“It’s yours,” he cut in excitedly. “I finally found a job, now we won’t have to worry.”

Hella felt a confusing surge of relief and concern. Goodness knows they needed the money, but where had he found a job? For months he had found nothing, and she would not allow him to take a job as a fighter for entertainment like so many of the empire’s young lions.

“This is wonderful, but where?” She questioned.

“I’ll tell you all about it later,” he promised, giving her a gentle hug. “Right now I have to go.” Giving her one last smile he turned and disappeared out the door again, leaving Hella to wonder and study the cloak. It was a fine cloak, obviously well-made and something like the noble ladies wore, not a common lioness. He had known how she admired them and her heart warmed to think of him going to the trouble to find one she’d like, even remembering how she favored that shade of green. He was a good boy, her son. Hella only hoped he would be able to find happiness here and make his way like any honest, hardworking lion.


Abruptly Hella found herself jerked out of the fond memory as she remembered what had happened not long after he had given her the cloak. Not for the first time she wondered what might have happened if she had not taken him away from the life he could have been born into. Even now as she gazed out over the sea she found herself wondering where he was, and if he had exacted the revenge he had become so wrapped up in exacting. It was painful to think of the angry, revenge seeking lion her son had become. Was it her fault for hiding the truth from him? Or for bringing him to the Empire where life could be so beautiful, but so brutal? Again her mind began to drift to memories even as the cold winds blew at her face, ruffling her fur. She was so lost in it all that she barely felt a thing.


Hella had not known when she left her old life that she was expecting a cub, well, not for sure. But she had suspected. If she had only stayed he would have been raised a prince, no need to work for his meals. He would have had the best education and lived in comfort. But Hella’s worries had outweighed the pros, so she had run.

She could still remember that night clearly. Back then she was Princess Hella, wife of Prince Chikondi and member of the most influential royal family for miles around. The family was growing all the time, as was their power. But with the growth of the family there was less power and riches to go around, and the fighting began to get worse and worse.
Now Hella was no stranger to fighting. She was called the Warrior Princess for her prowess in battle. But as such she knew when she was in the middle of a fight that could not be won.

Her husband’s family had all turned against each other after the death of the king, his father. Chikondi fought his own brothers and uncles in a game of wits and physical shows of power. Hella had hoped that perhaps things could be settled somewhat peacefully with some of them banding together and exiling those who did not stand with them. But instead they all stood alone, none willing to band together with the others. Slowly Hella began to see her husband turning into the same monster as his father before him, and she knew that before this thing was settled the family would destroy themselves.

When he began to suspect she was going to have a cub Hella really began to think. As Chikondi’s wife she was a target. Those who fought against him might try to harm him through her, and when they found out she was expecting a cub the threat would only be doubled. That combined with the madness she saw growing in him every day prompted her to run.
She tried her best to make it look like she had possibly been killed during one of the skirmished between the uncles and Chikondi’s siblings. Then she put as much distance between herself and the pride as she could. That was when she came across the Empire.

It was a kingdom even more magnificent than the one her husband had been trying to build. The emperor ruled with an iron paw and for those who found a good place in the Empire, life was good. Surely it had to be better than what awaited her if she went back home, so Hella quietly integrated herself into the Empire.

It was rough going at first. She had been unable to bring much from home, and what she did have for money didn’t last long. For a while she was able to make it by selling what few jewels she had been able to bring with her, but when that ran out she was forced to find a job. As a foreigner it was no easy task. Many lions were suspicious of her and reluctant to allow her into their households. But finally she found a placed with a noble lioness who was in such dire need of an attendant that she couldn’t be bothered with Hella’s foreign roots.

It was truly a lucky break for Hella. She had worried that she might lose the position once her pregnancy became obvious but her new employer didn’t seem to mind as long as she was still available for her in the evenings to help her get ready for the evening’s festivities.

During her time with the household Hella was able to learn much about the Empire from firstpaw experience. Things were very different from what she was used to. It was the first land she had seen where it was the fashion for lionesses to sport manes, done up in elaborate up-dos and braids while the lions tended to prefer to keep their manes short if they had any mane to speak of. And the parties, festivals, and politics were central to the nobility who almost always seemed to be rushing off to do the next thing. It was certainly elegant and beautiful in the noble circles, something Hella got to experience plenty of as she stayed with her lady.

But she also got to see hints of the less pleasant side of things. For instance the poorer lions often struggled to find jobs, or feed their families. Their living quarters were often not nearly as nice, and there were few opportunities for them to raise their station. The social hierarchy was strict, perhaps even more so than in her old pride. Or maybe Hella was just more aware of it now that she was on the other side of things.

But she remained lucky. Even once her son was born she was able to continue her job to provide for him. She thought that she would wait until he was grown, then perhaps they could raise their status in society, or move on to some other place.
Unfortunately things took a turn when her lady became ill and it seemed like she would not recover. All of her servants were dismissed, Hella among them, and she was left to fend for herself with her young son. It was then that she had to become cleverer with her money earning schemes. She began to go to different noble houses, advertising her abilities as a hair dresser. She may have overstated it a bit, and no one really knew that her only experience came from being one lady’s attendant. But luckily she had enough skill to make the scheme work and the noble ladies were thrilled to think they were hiring an especially talented hair dresser for whatever occasion it was they had need of her.

Briefly it occurred to Hella that she almost missed that time in her life. Life had been simple, but lovely. She had worked during the day and returned to her son later in the evening. And the noble ladies had been willing to pay well for a special look. But despite trying she couldn’t erase her old life forever. In time her son did find out. The Empire had already changed him. He wanted more.

With a soft sigh Hella turned to leave the guard tower. That was enough remembering for one day, but for all her efforts she couldn’t completely stop the trickle of memories that followed.


Hella had hear her son come into the house but before she could stand to greet him he came into the room with an exasperated sigh.
“It is useless Mother!”

“What’s wrong?” Hella studied her son’s face, alarmed by the anger she found there.

“There is no way to better yourself here, they don’t want you to! I can work and work and still get nowhere. There are always obstacles, something I can’t quite get around.”

“Then why exhaust yourself trying?” Hella questioned almost pleadingly. She could easily be content with their place here in society but her son seemed to always want more, and it worried her. Why did he have to push himself all the time when they had everything that was most important already?

“Mother, I know you are happy as we are,” he said, his tone a little gentler now as he looked at her. “But I can’t be. You deserve the best, we deserve it. It’s not fair that they make it so hard.”

“Life isn’t always fair, but we are luckier than some,” she reminded him.

With a sigh he shook his head. “You don’t understand.” Leaning down her hugged her gently with his head a moment then backed away. “You’ll see mother, I’ll make a better life than this for both of us, and they can’t stop me.”

Perhaps it was the wrong move, but in that moment, out of worry for her son, Hella was compelled to tell him the truth she had hidden. And when she decided as much it all spilled out, the whole story.

When she was done she said, “So, you see my son, we had more once. But it wasn’t worth the danger and the pain. It is better for you and I to remain unseen, unnoticed. We have a decent life here, there is no need for more.”

For several long moments her son only stared at her in disbelief before finally saying, “How could you?”

The accusation in his tone stung but Hella said calmly, “I was trying to protect us. To do what was best for our future. It was a terrible time, not a good time or place for a cub to grow up.”

Her answer only seemed to make him more upset. “I could have been raised a prince, Mother!” He shouted. “All of these noble lions who look down on me, despise me. Act so much better than me and tell me I’ll never make it, and this whole time I was just as good as any one of them!”

“You don’t need the title of prince to be better than anyone,” Hella insisted. “Your courage, your patience, kindness, and loyalty are what make you stand out.”

“I can’t believe, you have let us struggle here, and this whole time, we could have had it all.” He spoke softly under his breath as if he was still processing. Hella wasn’t sure she should speak, but just when she was about to break the silence he spun around and began to walk away.

“Wait, where are you going?” Hella stood quickly, ready to follow if need be.

“To claim what is mine,” he said in a low voice, barely looking at her. “Don’t follow me Mother.”

Those were the last words Hella ever heard from her son, and even now she wondered what had happened to him. She had tried to follow him, she had searched the Empire, then beyond, asking anyone if they had seen him. But it was like he had disappeared off the earth. Hella feared he might try to find his father, if he was even still alive. But she sought out news of her old home, and there was no mention of her son in any capacity.
When she finally had to give up looking she returned to the Empire, and when word spread of Prince Valerius’s leaving and starting a new and better empire, Hella decided to join them. Despite her own life in the Empire not being so bad, she was not blind to its faults which had only grown in past years. Besides, she thought that the change might do her good. And perhaps she would even come across her son one day.

Now as she crossed the bridge that led from the guard towers to the main encampment she felt a renewed certainty that she had made the right choice. Unlike her previous homes this was a kingdom she could support and stand behind. And who knew, perhaps she wouldn’t be here forever. Perhaps she would leave again for one reason or another, but for now she was where she should be.
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A Special Day - 833 words - unclaimed 4 White feathers

Postby -Isabella- » Sun Jul 25, 2021 6:19 am

Sarai shuffled her paws nervously as her attendants bustled about the room, each intent on finding the perfect things for her to wear. They crowded in around her, draping colorful scarves over her neck to see what color best complimented her fur. Some of them brought strings of gemstones and flowers to try to accent the gauzy scarves and bring out her eyes.

“Do you prefer this one, princess? Perhaps the blue instead? Pearls or emeralds?”

Sarai scarcely heard their questions, her nerves getting the better of her as the time came closer and closer. It shouldn’t have been a big deal really; it wasn’t as if this was her first social function. But it was special.

Today she would be presented as a full-fledged princess, ready to marry and live in her own home away from her family. Somewhere in his quarters she knew her brother was being prepared as well and she found herself wishing she could see him before the ceremony.

“Come now, it’s time to go.” A gentle but still firm push from her attendant broke Sarai out of her thoughts and she blinked owlishly, catching her reflection in a mirror to her right. Unable to resist she turned her head a little to get a better look.

Even without her help her attendants had chosen well. The gauzy purple scarf was draped around her neck and had been arranged so it also covered her head, resting on top of the simple but elegant crown that the queen had sent for her to wear.
During the ceremony the scarf would be pushed back to reveal her crown to the onlookers as her place in society was solidified. The queen had almost decided to do away with the whole thing entirely, but when she realized how much Sarai had been looing forward to it she relented.

Another push from her attendant reminded Sarai that she would be late if she didn’t hurry, so she tore her gaze away from the mirror and began the trek down the passage, her guards falling beside and behind her as well as those of her attendants who would be present for the ceremony.

Upon reaching the throne room she paused, waiting to be announced before entering. As she walked in the queen was in her immediate line of sight, sitting regally atop a cracked throne that was still in need of repair from the battle that had taken place. The dark lioness was imposing, her scarlet eyes seeming to see right through everyone in the room. A single red gemstone glowed from the crown atop her head but she wore no other ornament.

Now the queen stood as Sarai approached the throne, her wings folded neatly at her sides. Sarai bowed her head respectfully, almost forgetting for a moment that this lioness was not only her queen but her older half-sister as well. Since their father’s death the queen had taken care of Sarai and Aniket, even when some had feared she might see them as a threat and try to be rid of them.
While her sister was not especially warm or affectionate, now that she knew her better Sarai could not believe that the lioness was capable of such a thing. Not where she could see that there was no real threat.

The queen even offered her a small, just noticeable smile before she straightened and began the traditional speech. She started by listing Sarai’s virtues and accomplishments. Then it was finally time to lift the scarf and fully reveal the crown on her head before proclaiming she had come of age and was ready to take her place among them as an acting princess.

As lions clapped and said their congratulations Sarai joined her sister by the throne, feeling a bit overwhelmed by all of it. The older lioness watched her quietly for several moments before she inclined her head closer long enough to say, “This is only the beginning you know. There is much more to come.” Her tone seemed to suggest she meant more than just what her words might mean on the surface, but before Sarai could question her everyone’s attention turned to the doorway where her brother Aniket was making his entrance.

Sarai waited quietly beside the queen as her brother went through the same ceremony she had just gone through before coming to stand by the queen’s other side, his expression serious but with a subtle glimmer of pride that his sister didn’t miss.
Today marked the start of new lives for the both of them, and Sarai could hardly wait to see what was in store. With that thought in mind she put on her best smile as lions came up to congratulate them both, remarking on how they had grown and what a wondrous day it was. All the excitement and anticipation of the moment welled up in her and Sarai found that she couldn’t imagine how anything could possibly go wrong from here.

833 words
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Family Issues - 1083 words - canon - unclaimed 5 white

Postby -Isabella- » Sun Jul 25, 2021 6:59 am

“Please, can’t I go.” Darina turned her pleading gaze to Thulani. He was always the easier one to win over.

“No, it’s too dangerous,” their brother Kian cut in. “A long trek across unknown lands to a treaty council is no place for you little sister.”

“Kian I am not a cub anymore!” Darina glared a little at her brother. Why did her persist in treating her like she was a newborn just learning how to walk?

“I never said you were, Snowflake. You’re just not ready for this.”

The calm surety of his tone, as well as the use of her cubhood nickname only served to aggravate Darina more. “How will I ever be ready if you never let me do anything?” She demanded. “You always bring Thulani with you!”

“Thulani knows what to expect, we’ve both trained for this.”

“Oh please, you trained to walk a long distance and sit at some stuffy meeting?” Darina just barely kept herself from rolling her eyes.

“It’s not so simple. When father thinks you’re ready you can go, but not until then.”

“But he always listens to you, and he won’t let me go anywhere either. It’s not fair.” Darina couldn’t help the slight pout in her tone, and though she knew it was immature she almost hoped it might affect her brothers even a little.

“We’ll do something some other time, something you can do too,” Thulani offered.

Darina knew he was just trying to help, trying to be the peacemaker like he always was. But right now she didn’t want to be left behind again with the promise of a more ‘appropriate’ activity in the future. With a frustrated growl Darina spun around and left the room, heading down the corridor to find her parents. If her brothers wouldn’t be persuaded perhaps her parents would be.

As she burst into the study she found that her mother Nsia was there alone. At first she felt her hopes plummet, but then she thought maybe this was the perfect opportunity. Surely her mother would understand her frustration over being stuck here? Nsia herself had been made to leave her own land for a foreign place and a marriage with a lion she had never met.

“Mother, please, you have to make them see reason. I shouldn’t be left out of this trip.” Darina had intended to be more tactful, pick her words carefully so her mother would really get it. But in her frustration it all came pouring out at once.

“Darina, I know you want to go along, but your father has put his paw down,” Nsia said, her tone gentle and her gaze sympathetic.

“But it’s not fair mother! He always takes Kian and Thulani and I am always left behind. I am just as capable as either of them. Why can’t father see that?”

“It’s not that he doubts your ability Darina, he is just trying to keep you safe.”

Darina sighed. “I don’t want to be safe mother. I want to be a part of things.”

“We all have our own role to play Dar-“

“Well what is my role mother? To play princess and do nothing?”

“There is plenty you’ll be able to do here in the pride Darina.”

“Why here? Why can’t I go anywhere? Because I’m a girl? Or because none of you believe I can do it?”

“Of course not.” Nsia seemed genuinely distressed, and Darina felt a prick of guilt. She didn’t like upsetting her mother. “I’m sorry mother, I just…I don’t understand. I don’t understand why father treats me so differently.”

“He wants to keep you safe Darina. You’re his youngest, and his only daughter. He just loves you and he’s trying to do his best.”

“But I’m not happy mother. I want to do more; I want to go places. I want to see the world outside of this place.”

Nsia was quiet a moment then, her eyes searching her daughter’s pleading expression. “I’ll see what I can do,” she finally said. “But I can’t promise anything.”

“Thank you mother!” Darina leaned in to hug her mother, feeling grateful to know that she had her mother’s support.

Some time later Nsia went to find Nadir, finally finding him outside in the gardens. As she approached, he turned his head slightly in her direction.

“Looking for something?” He asked quietly.

“I was looking for you,” she replied. At his look of surprise she added, “It’s about Darina.”

“Oh. I see.” He nodded slowly.

“She wants to go with you, and her brothers tomorrow.”

“You know she can’t Nsia.”

“She could, but you don’t want her to go.”

“I’m trying to protect her. We couldn’t protect the boys, but we can protect her.”
“You’re sheltering her Nadir. She wants to have new experiences and see new things. She doesn’t like feeling stuck here.”

“It’ll pass. She’s young, one day she’ll see it’s for the best,” Nadir insisted.

“Do you really believe it’s for the best? You know how it is to feel trapped.”

Nadir flinched a little, looking away from her for a moment and Nsia softened her tone. “You have to let her go. Things are different now, and she has to make her own way. You can’t hold her back because you’re afraid history will repeat itself.”

“What if it’s not history repeating but something new? There is always danger Nsia.” His voice rose a little, taking on a frustrated edge.

“You can’t protect her from everything. Eventually she will be hurt and it could just as easily happen here as anywhere else. But if you keep holding her back, she might push and push until she ends up leaving on her own. Wouldn’t you rather let her explore the world with you and her brothers? You know Kian and Thulani will look out for her.”

Nadir was quiet or several long moments then he sighed. “I suppose you’re right.”

“So you’ll let her go?”

Nadir nodded slowly. “Yes. She can go.”

“You should tell her then.”

“I will, once I come inside.”

Nsia nodded and was about to go when Nadir said, “Wait.”

She paused and waited. She assumed he wanted to say something about Darina so was surprised when he simply said, “Thank you.”

Not sure how to respond at first she was quiet then managed an, “Of course,” before dipping her head and going back inside, not noticing that Nadir’s gaze stayed on her until she was out of sight.

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Ravi X Shirin Breeding Prompt or B 01 543 words - UNCLAIMED

Postby -Isabella- » Wed Aug 11, 2021 10:15 am

"We never really stood a chance, did we?" The lioness's voice was very soft, so soft it might've been a whisper easily carried away on the night breeze. The lion beside her was silent for what felt like ages before saying, "No, I suppose maybe we didn't after all."

Despite having expected his agreement the lioness still felt her heart plummet, hearing it said aloud. "I am still bound to it all, and you're heart is not as free as you thought, I believe."

"I'm sorry. I truly thought...I thought it might work." His tone was heavy, and truly sorrowful so she couldn't feel angry with him. She knew they both had their struggles, and it had just been more than they could overcome.

"Then, I guess this is goodbye." It came out as a question, rather than a statement as she had intended. No matter how much she had expected it, or prepared herself, she had to admit that perhaps she had not really been so ready to actually say goodbye for good. Part of her still hoped he might say no, say that it would work out. That they could make it work.

But he did none of those things, only saying, "Goodbye Shirin. I wish you well, truly. I hope you find happiness." And with that he turned away and left her alone, staring out at the night's first stars.

Shirin felt all of her regret and hurt welling up in her at once, but she pushed it down. She had known from the beginning it was ill fated, it had been silly to think it might turn out any other way. And yet somehow it hurt no less. But even now she knew that someday, in weeks, months, perhaps years, she would be able to look back and recall the happier moments as well as the sad ones. It was not all bad, and she couldn't regret having at least tried. But she did think for a moment that she might not find another lion like Ravi in her lifetime, and perhaps one day she would come to think she had not tried quite hard enough.

Her mind drifted to when they had first met. She had been visiting a foreign king, trying to help her niece gain some footing as she tried to salvage her place as princess of her own kingdom. She had been fully focused on helping her niece, not expecting to meet anyone. But then there he was, such a gentleman and so handsome, in her eyes. With her being a disgraced princess, and he a guard they didn't really seem so far apart in status.

But she had her niece and kingdom to care for, she couldn't really afford distraction or scandal. And she soon came to realize that his heart wasn't as free to be given as she had hoped, or as he had thought it might be.

Yet there had been that blissful time, before they realized the realities of their situation, when they had been able to just enjoy each others company and friendship without such a shadow looming over them. In days to come Shirin would treasure the memory of those days, even as it might also cause her pain.
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VOK 2021 Sea & Sky Event - Day 4 Prompts 12 AC

Postby -Isabella- » Mon Sep 06, 2021 9:26 am

Sky Prompt 4C - Hair on Head:

Aniket sighed, blinking against the brightness of the sky. Beside him his sister, Sarai, was keeping her head down, both to keep her footing and keep the light out of her eyes.

“I still can’t believe she let us go,” Aniket commented, glancing downward then quickly back up as he saw how high up they had already come as they headed to the city in the sky.

“Well she has plenty of other things to occupy her,” Sarai responded, yelping a little as she nearly slipped. “Watch it,” her brother warned. “I don’t want to have to tell everyone you fell off the path and went splat.”

“Such brotherly concern,” Sarai said dryly. “Do you suppose there really is a city up there?” She cast her gaze upward again, squinting against the sun to see the rock that hovered in the sky above them.

“I mean, there is a big rock floating in the middle of nothing.”

“But do you think other beings really live there? Up in the sky like that?” Sarai was a little nervous what kind of kingdom they might encounter up there. Would they even be able to survive properly? Before they left their queen (also their aunt) had made sure they had all the information they could possibly get, which wasn’t much. She had even supplied them with some magical charms meant to aid them in adjusting to being so high up if need be. “What I really needed was a balance charm,” Sarai muttered to herself as her paw slipped on the stone again when she wandered too close to the edge of the path.

“Even a charm couldn’t help you be more graceful,” her brother teased as he skipped up the path a few steps, prompting Sarai to stick her tongue out at him with an indignant expression. “I am plenty graceful thank you very much. I’m just not used to having so much space between me and solid ground.”

“If only we had our aunt’s wings,” Aniket mused. “I bet she would’ve loved to fly up here herself if she could have.”

“I’m sure,” Sarai agreed. “It’s a shame she’s so busy trying to rebuild.”

“Well, I guess we’ll just have to give her the most detailed report we can. Oh look, we’re almost there.” Aniket sped up a little along the last leg of the path. “Aniket,” Sarai cautioned nervously, only for her brother to spin around and give her a cheeky grin before continuing on his way while she made slower progress.

By the time they both finally reached the floating city Sarai felt sure she would be sick, and Aniket just seemed to be in awe. It was just as Maristela had said, a world not so unlike their own, except for you know, the floating and all the clouds and such. But still, it was a fully functioning city, just hovering here in the sky where no one would have ever known had they not been told.

“It is big,” Sarai breathed, her violet eyes wide with wonder.

Aniket was just as awed, but quickly remembered how important their mission was. Their queen had entrusted them to seek allies here, and they had to prove they were up to the task. Now what was it Maristela had said? Was it the white building with blue trim, or did she say blue with white trim? Before he could remember an armored lion, presumably a guard, approached them. “What is your business here?”

“We, that is my sister and I, we come to seek help,” Aniket replied, trying to sound as confident as he could manage.

“We haven’t seen land creatures here in quite some time,” the guard said, studying them appraisingly. After what felt like ages he finally said, “Very well, come this way young land lions, perhaps we can help you after all.”

With a quick glance at his sister Aniket fell in behind the guard, ignoring the mostly curious stares of the citizens that they passed by. Ahead of them loomed the largest structures in the city, and Aniket found himself wondering what exactly they had gotten themselves into.

692 words

Land Prompt 4C - Horns on Head:
As time passed Maristela became increasingly more curious of what she was seeing on land. Some of it was just as she had been told it would be, and some of it didn’t seem quite like the stories she had been told.

But who would she ask? Young Aniket and Sarai had been most kind and helpful during her visit, but she somehow got the feeling that things had happened before they were even born, things that had shaped this kingdom’s fate. As she mulled over the question of who to ask her gaze came to rest on the queen. The winged lioness was not exactly the most companionable, having a tendency to be a bit…brusque. But she was the queen, and even more than that Maristela just got a sense that the lioness had a lot of stories and secrets that she didn’t share.

Her staring seemed to have caught the queen’s attention anyway as the lioness stopped what she was doing to pad over to where Maristela stood. “Is there anything I can help you with, Maristela?” Her tone was formal but polite.

“Well yes, actually. I had wondered if you might tell me something of your history? The history of your pride, or, kingdom?”

For a heartbeat Maristela thought that the queen might not say anything as she stood quietly, her thoughts no clearer than ever. After what seemed like an eternity she spoke. “Come, let’s find someplace quiet.”

Maristela didn’t question the queen, only following as she was led to a quiet, shady place beneath a tree. From here they could see village lions going about their jobs, their cubs playing nearby. There was something peaceful about it and for a moment Maristela let herself get lost in that feeling. Without fully realizing she was speaking out loud Maristela said, “It’s so peaceful, has it always been this way?”

When the queen didn’t answer right away Maristela looked over at her, and for a moment feared she had offended her. The lioness’s expression was somewhat strained, and perhaps, sad?

“No, it was not,” she finally said softly. “This peace was hard earned.”

“What was it like before then?” Maristela ventured.

With a sigh the queen then began her tale. “Obviously our ancestors discovered more advanced ways of living, employing new methods of agriculture, building, and politics. But even as they learned of these things and advanced before other prides, they never could quite leave behind some of their more…violent tendencies. Leadership and rank systems were determined by who was the strongest, and that was determined through fighting. Lionesses were barred from competing, and the strongest got everything, and the weak very little or nothing. The king who ruled before me did not break that cycle. He earned his rule by eliminating all obstacles, and under his leadership many suffered.” The queen paused there, seeming to need to gather her thoughts. “I inherited a broken kingdom, and I have spent my whole rule so far trying to put it all back together again and make it better than before.”

Maristela nodded slowly, everything suddenly making sense. No wonder this queen seemed so tired and burdened at times, she was trying to fix years of pain and damage. She didn’t even think before asking, “How did you ever earn your place as queen then, if lionesses were not allowed to inherit?”

Instantly the young lion realized that might have been the wrong question to ask. The queen stiffened, her gaze flashing with an anger that Maristela had not seen up until now. “I took it,” she said, her tone suddenly icy. Maristela only nodded, sensing she should not question the queen further on that subject.

“if you’ll excuse me, I do have work to do,” the queen said, standing and dipping her head politely to Maristela before rejoining the working lions, leaving Maristela to wonder just how much pain, how many dark secretes, this pride might be hiding.

660 words

Sea Prompt 4C - Leg fins:
“This is fascinating!” Maristela stared, a little wide eyed, at the lions gathered before her, some clustered around the scrolls or books on the tables and others paired off to practice their magic. “I’ve never seen a school for magic before.”

She hadn’t been in this land kingdom for too long, but needing something to do with her spare time when she wasn’t fighting Maristela had quickly found the school to be her favorite place. Not the ordinary school, the magic school. Apparently, it was a fairly new establishment, set up by the queen to help magically gifted individuals learn more about magic as a whole and hone their unique abilities at the same time. After having come a few times Maristela volunteered to teach them what she could about magic where she came from, how it was perceived or how it worked. It would be her first time being there while an actual class was taking place.

“I’m sure the students will love to hear a new perspective,” the instructor who served as her guide said. “And they’d be happy to show you what they’ve studied so far, so feel free to walk around and interact with the students as you wish.”

Maristela didn’t need to be told twice. She wandered around the room, noting that there were maps on the wall and that different locations on the map had notes written by them concerning what kinds of magic had been observed in those areas or whether or not there was a high rate of magical individuals originating there.

There were also charts that listed the main types of magic and their subcategories. She was almost surprised to find that the information they had seemed pretty extensive, and now that she thought of it she didn’t remember seeing that many magical individuals since arriving. Even now there weren’t many students in the school, making her wonder how they had access to so much knowledge on the varieties of magic and their inner workings.

“If I may ask, where did all this information come from?” Maristela asked the instructor, keeping her voice low so she wouldn’t disturb the students who were studying.

“Or our queen gathered much of it, and some of her nieces and her mother contributed to it as well.”

“I confess, I don’t know much about magic here,” Maristela told the instructor. “We don’t have many stories about the origins or types of land magic, it’s been so long…”

“Well if you have any questions I’m sure I or one of the students could give you an answer, or at least point you to the book or scroll that contains the answers you might be looking for.”

“I’ll be happy to help out as much as I can in return for such information,” Maristela told the instructor. “And if there is anything else I can do to help out as well, just let me know.”

The instructor seemed to think a moment then said, “Well, now that you mention it there may actually be something. We don’t have anything in this school, or any other, that has any details of the world you come from. While you’re here perhaps you could write down anything you are willing to share? Stories, or something about your magic, politics, or agricultural practices? Anything really to give the students in our schools something to start with.”

“Oh I’d be happy to! I could write down our history, our stories, ooh, and perhaps I could make some maps? I’m not very good exactly, but perhaps if you already have mapmakers I could just give them a paw?”

“I’m sure they would be happy for the help.” The instructor beamed at her and Maristela smiled, happy to think that she had found another way to be useful, and that even after she was gone from here she would have left something of herself behind to be remembered by.

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VOK 2021 Sea & Sky Event - Day 5 Prompts 6 AC

Postby -Isabella- » Tue Sep 07, 2021 6:56 am

Land Prompt 5C - Full Mane/Custom Mane Edit & 4 AC:
Maristela barely stifled a yawn as she headed up the path back toward the pride. She had left with Sarai and some other lions from the pride to go explore the borders and make sure there were no signs of immediate threat.

“I can hardly wait to eat and then sleep for the next week,” Sarai declared as she dodged around some rocks that rested in the middle of the path. The trip to the borders alone had been complicated as the territory changed with the effects of their current predicament. Paths were blocked, or seemed to have been moved, making it hard to navigate as they never knew what might pop up where it hadn’t been before. And Sarai didn’t often go out like this so it had been no easy thing for her to begin with, walking so far when her body wasn’t use to it.

“I’m right with you,” Maristela said, her yawn escaping a little as she spoke. Despite being more used to walking such distances even the young hero was getting tired with the effort of trying to help the pride and also keep tabs on what kind of effect the titan issue was having on this land.

“Once we get around this next bend we’re so close,” another lion in their party said, sounding just as tired as the hero and the princess.

Feeling a certain relief Maristela quickened her pace to get around the bend, only to be greeted by plants, a lot of plants, blocking the path entirely. Her mouth fell open a little in shock. None of that had been there before.
Behind her Sarai and the other lions came to a halt, just as confused to find their path blocked.

“But we came this way only hours ago!” Sarai exclaimed.

“Well, this territory may keep changing at an increasingly quicker pace as things progress,” Maristela remarked, half to herself really as she got closer to study the twisting bushes and vines. She could see no easy way through, no gap that they might squeeze through, and it extended far enough off of the path that going around might take them twice as long as going through it.

“What do we do?” One lion asked, seeming concerned.

“Is there any way through?” Sarai asked Maristela, getting closer to examine the thicket.

Maristela tried to think. None of the lions with them were winged and could take a look ahead to see how far this newly grown jungle stretched on for. No one had the tools or claws to slice these vines and they’d have to be lucky to clear a path in the right direction anyway without being able to be sure which way they were going.

“I can go.” Maristela and Sarai both looked up at the voice, and standing behind them found a cat whose name they didn’t know. The clan were recent allies of the queen, cats that no one knew too much about yet except for the queen herself. The visiting hero knew well enough that the two different species didn’t seem to fully trust each other yet, even Sarai seemed suspicious. But Maristela, having no reason to doubt the intentions of these cats, said, “If you could fit through and scout ahead for us, that would be helpful.”

With a nod the cat squeezed her way between the bushes in a spot too low for any lion to comfortably fit. The group waited on the path for some time before eventually the bushes rustled and the cat made her way through once more, some small mammal in her jaws.

“It’s not too far to where the path is clear again,” she told them as she set down her catch. “If you’ll use your size and claws to clear the way I can lead you along the right path.”

Maristela calculated for a moment before deciding that if they knew exactly where to push back the jungle it just might work. “Come, there’s even prey to be caught if you desire,” the cat told them, disappearing a few pawsteps into the brush with her prey in her mouth once more.

The lions glanced at each other, their uncertainty about trusting the cat clear on their faces for a moment before it was replaced by resolve. If it would get them home safely they could risk trusting her, and as Maristela watched the lions working together with the cat she wondered if the two species might end up being a powerful alliance after all.
756 Words

Sky Prompt 5A - Dark Purple Color - 2 AC:
Maristela walked along the path, relieved to find that so far she hadn’t seen anything unusual. After the swift plant growth and the floating flowers the other day she had been worried, but now as she went to meet the lions she was going to train all seemed peaceful. Almost too peaceful really.

The thought had barely crossed her mind when suddenly she found herself lifting off the ground. With a screech the lioness desperately tried to paddle her paws as if it might somehow help her touch the ground once more. In the end all it did was cause her to tilt forward until she was nearly upside down.

“Come on!” She screeched indignantly, trying to move her paws in a swimming-like motion to move through the air to where gravity still had a hold.

It was a few moments before she heard snickers nearby. “Who’s there?” She demanded grumpily. The bushes rustled but she got no reply. It was several long moments later when the gravity returned to normal and she fell to the ground in a heap.

Maristela stood quickly, shaking the dust off and trying to smooth her ruffled fur. Muttering under her breath she headed back up the path, knowing that by now she was several minutes late and the other lions were probably beginning to think she wouldn’t show up. Hopefully none of them had seen her rather embarrassing scene.

To her relief as she reached their meeting spot not one lion in the clearing mentioned a thing or so much as looked at her strangely. She continued on with the training lesson and by the end everyone was tired and Maristela more than ready to head back.

“We’ll stay out a little longer and cool down by the stream,” one lion told her.

“See you later,” Maristela said with a slight wave of her tail before she began to head back down the path.

“Oh Mari?”

“Yes?” She turned to face the speaker and the lion grinned impishly. “Watch out for those no-gravity spots.” No sooner had he spoken than the rest of the lions burst out laughing and Maristela felt a flush climbing into her ears.

“Why you!” Maristela growled and flung herself at the lion who had spoken, bawling him over. He only laughed harder and she had to fight off the laughter herself as she pinned him down, trying to look threatening. It was embarrassing, no laughing matter! And yet, she couldn’t quite help snickering just a little herself.

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Sky Prompt 8 - Large/Major Wings & 2 AC

Postby -Isabella- » Sat Sep 11, 2021 2:44 am

Maristela felt almost numb as she headed down the path to meet the others. Lorena was her enemy? This was certainly a surprising turn. She’d had so many guesses and thoughts on who she might be battling, but somehow she had fallen just short every time.

Someone would have to find her, someone who could track her. Maristela could go…but then who would help everyone prepare here? But wasn’t finding the traitor more important?
Feeling overwhelmed with the weight of these decisions Maristela decided to speak to the queen about it. Perhaps she would have ideas, or some wisdom to share.

As it turned out the queen wasn’t too surprised by what Maristela told her. “Your enemies are often the ones you least expect, or those closest to you,” she told Maristela. The hero could tell the queen knew this fact very well, and for a moment Maristela felt quite naïve. Maybe she wasn’t as wise to the world as she had thought after all?

“We must decide who will find here, and how we will fight her once we do,” Maristela told the queen. “She is so old, ancient really. She’s had decades, centuries to perfect her abilities. I don’t know if there are any who are up to the task of defeating her. As impressive as the students of the school of magic are, I don’t know that even they possess the abilities needed to help us.”

“Don’t worry about that,” the queen said, “I may have some ideas for how to fight her. But first, we must find her. Whom do you think might be the best trackers among the lions you’ve been training with?”

Maristela had to pause and give that some thought. There were several suitable lions and cats, Prince Aniket among them, but she wasn’t sure the queen would want to send her own younger brother after the traitor. Then there were the queen’s young niece and nephew, Ava and Quill. The duo together could certainly be a formidable pair. And that ghosty old cat who always seemed to pop up when you least expected it…

“Why don’t we ask them first, see who is willing to undertake the task before we choose?” The queen suggested.

That seemed sensible to Maristela so she followed the queen further along the path to where the rest of the lions and cats waited. As the hero and the queen approached the conversations that had been going on died down and all eyes turned to focus on them.

Maristela looked at the queen, thinking perhaps it was only right to let her tell them since this was her kingdom and her subjects after all. But the queen gave her a nod, permission to tell them what she had learned. So Maristela launched into her explanation.

Once she had told the story of the traitorous sorceress and what it would take to defeat her everyone seemed shocked, and perhaps a little overwhelmed like she had been.

“But, it would surely take a great magic to overcome her,” Prince Aniket said, his blue gaze calculating.

“We must worry first about finding her,” Quill put in.

“Well I wouldn’t mind going,” Ava said.

“But it will be dangerous.” A lioness’s voice cut in and Maristela recognized the speaker as queen’s niece, mother to Ava and Quill and a princess both here and in her birth land. What was her name…Chloe, Selena...Celeste…No Celestia! It was so difficult to keep all of the royal family’s names and relationships to each other straight. It was clear the lioness was worried for her daughter, but before Maristela could speak up the queen did.

“I understand your fears. But the fact is someone will have to go, we cannot risk not doing anything. It is dangerous, but it will be just as dangerous to those who stay behind, and more dangerous even to send no one at all. Your daughter is one of the most talented trackers Maristela has trained during her time with us, and if you would allow it she could be exactly who we need to catch this traitor and bring us closer to ending this fight. She would not go alone either, we will send no less than two trackers and lions who are capable of fighting to defend them should the need arise.”

Celestia still seemed uncertain, her stubborn streak warring with her instinct to do the most sensible thing. Finally she bowed her head slightly, conceding her daughter’s right to go if she wished.

“I’ll go too.” Maristela was not at all surprised when the young lioness’s brother spoke up.

“Excellent, can we have some volunteers to escort them please?” The queen looked over the crowd and several lions and cats stepped forward. “Excellent, I thank you all for volunteering for this mission. Those who remain behind will be preparing for the fight to come. Finding the sorceress is only half of the battle.”

“Where will you be?” Celestia asked. From anyone else the question might have been considered impertinent, but the queen was very close to her niece and didn’t seem all offended as she said, “I will be rallying help for the magical side of this battle. My magic will not be enough alone, and we will need some magic users to be defending our home not just fighting the sorceress. While I am gone I leave everything in the capable paws of our hero, Maristela, Prince Aniket, Princess Sarai, and Princess Celestia. I trust you all will heed their orders.”

Everyone nodded in agreement and the group split up to go their separate ways, the trackers leaving immediately once Maristela gave them information to help them find their quarry. Watching everyone settle into their jobs and prepare for the coming fight, Maristela felt a sense of hope. If anyone could help her defeat this threat, it was the friends she had made during her time here. Together they would be victorious.

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The Festival of the Princes

Postby -Isabella- » Tue Sep 14, 2021 11:33 am

It was that time of year again, the celebration of the birth of the brothers.
Thanks to their birth the immortal god didn't need to worry for his domain, he had two fine sons to take over his rule. And yet, as he watched them he knew in his heart that they had more growing to do.

They were handsome, strong young lions. But immature, vain, and self-centered. They were the saviors of their court from infancy, the ones who would keep things going and assure that their father could one day retire and have his deserved rest. They were like heroes, kings already in the eyes of their people, and they knew it.

Today as their father watched the young males regaled the festival goers with tales of their might and wit. They flirted and smiled their way through the crowd. They charmed everyone with ease, with such ease that even their most selfish requests were met with no scorn or anger. The whole court was lost in the spell they had cast with their words and smiles.

As he watched them the king listened to some of the festival goers speak.

"Are they not handsome?" One lioness asked her companion.

"And so very charming, with such lovely eyes." The young lions gushed over them, each eager to be a friend or lover to one of the young princes.

"In my day even royalty was not so charming," an older lion remarked, subtler but no less in awe than the younger lions were.

Lions had already begun to bring gifts to the dais where the brothers would receive the gifts and well wishes of the entire court. Some lions hung around the dais, just hoping to be noticed by even one of the princes. Bright ribbons and streamers stretched from tree to tree, and from the trees to the dais. A low table was covered in all the foods and drink that the young princes loved best.

In another corner young lions played games, nearly squealing with glee when one of the princes so much as spoke a word to them, whether it was encouraging or not.

The festival was beautiful, and impressive, but the more the king observed all of his court, and his sons, the more he realized what a dangerous thing it had become. What a dangerous thing his sons had become. He began to wonder if perhaps the spell they had cast over everyone was not only a result of charm after all...but surely they would not abuse their powers in such a way, and yet...

Later that day, after the festival, the king did confront them. He questioned them on the blind obedience and adoration of the court, and though at first they denied it, they eventually admitted shamelessly to having used their abilities to sway the feelings of the court.

The king was angry but his sons didn't seem at all repentant, arrogant as ever. So he made a hard decision. On the day of the very festival meant to celebrate them, the king cast his sons out of his court to the land of mortals where their powers would be much reduced and he hoped they would learn some hard lessons. Only once they proved themselves would he allow them back into his court, and in the years that passed while they were gone the festival became a sad, sometimes angry time, as the court would dwell on the dishonor of the princes and their parents would yearn for their eventual redemption and return.

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