Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby Scourgebane » Mon Aug 30, 2021 5:59 pm

Username + ID#: Canem Morningstar #1008448
Kalon Link: Ibuki!
Chosen Prompt: World Building | What is their world's creation history?
Prompt Response:
While running and hiding Ibuki read a lot as a means to keep occupied and keep the madness at bay. After all, there's so much running that one can do in a day. Most books are lost to time or the tales are twisted beyond the recognition of the original story as word of mouth won't do, but Ibuki is nothing if not ingenious and quick of paw to steal left behind books or scrolls. Ibuki is on the run, yes, but that doesn't mean that he will not thrive.

After all, knowledge is power, and Ibuki loves to learn despite his bitterness at being here, in this world where all is focused on hunting him. It is a beautiful and rich world and it would be a disservice to hate it just because its people don't want Ibuki here, and so he wants to know it all about this world.

While depending on religion and region there would be several stories, there was one about 5 dragons, or one about a wolf god, or even one about something called titans! And he would love to tell you all about those tales but the most common and the most popular was one about five animal gods. And it went a little bit like this:

"While everything was dark and nebulous, where there was nothing and all and disaster was in every corner, the fire roamed the land free and unburdened destroying everything in its stead. Water flowed unimpeded, sinuous as snake and cold as one drowning everything in its steps. The earth rumbled and shook like the growls of great beast making it so that nothing could live. Air sharp, crisp and fresh sliced throughout the world, there was no order to the seasons and climate was wild. Thunder bellowed in the heavens in a threatening manner, its sole focus to bring havoc. Everything was in chaos and soon, the world would be destroyed by its own volatile nature. It sent a cry for help.

And amidst this chaos, five shapes rose with a blinding light and stardust.

From the fire, a lion that roared with the flames and had embers for a mane and smoke for fur rose, Irassun, the Fire Spirit had awakened. He made the fires retreat and heed his every command, then he made it so that fire gave warm and safety. The gift of destruction and renewal.

From the water, slithering like a river, and crashing like the waves of the sea a white snake with ocean eyes rose, Orca, the Water Spirit had awakened. She, with grace and patience molded the rivers and oceans, a gift of life that had to be treated with caution because as soon it gave life, it could very easily take it back too.

From the earth, with a deep bellow and shuddering steps that made the earth tremble an ox with gems, rocks and crystals at home on his neck like mane rose, Nabuku, the Earth Spirit had awakened. He, as he walked with the steadiness of his hooves he made the earth settle and flourish, plants, trees and mountains where all shaped by him. The gift of a home, where all manner of creatures could live and, when they died they would return to.

From the air, fast and sharp like a bullet, with wings made of magic and the force of a dragon a goat headed beast rose. Switch, the Air Spirit, had awakened. With their wings, they made the air behave and heel at their command, they brought forth storms and all manners of weather for all the other things to nurture. As well as the changing seasons, as beautiful as they all were and equally as deadly in their own manner.

From the thunder, with the bellow of thunderstrike and fast as lightning, a powerful tiger rose, Atrimedes, the Thunder Spirit, had awakened. Working closely with Switch, he was made a wild god, running forth in the heavens threateningly, a cautionary tale for those who didn't want listen to the animal gods. It was made their jury and executioner, but he was made just too.

As soon everything settled when the gods finished their initial tasks they rested, happy and satisfied because the world was finally at peace. The fire didn't run wild anymore, the waters had purpose, the earth was teeming with nature, and air and thunder worked together happily and in order. But they soon felt unfulfilled, they did all that and for what? There was no reward, no worship, nothing for them. Yes, the world was beautiful and it was theirs, but it was empty and they didn't like it. Soon they reunited again and as they talked amongst themselves they asked each other, what was lacking in this world of theirs? Soon they reached a conclusion.

It needed life.

And soon, they made life, too.

Creatures beyond imagination, animals thrived, each with their manner of worship despite their simple minds. Or the rich culture of the most intelligent creatures like humans, or dragons, they knew that all they had was because of the gods and they were grateful, and it was all for them. Finally! They could finally rest.

Exhausted, they knew they couldn't do everything by themselves, so they made Lesser Gods to help with their tasks, they trained, and nurtured them to help with the world in their stead, and they happily did so and as soon that was done the animal gods disappeared to rest, leaving the world flourishing and alive with the lesser gods acting on as their messengers and waiting for their return."

Or at least, that was until much much later, where everything went into disaster for the Animal Gods, and this tale involved one lesser god and a human and how, they together brought down the tyrannical Animal Gods. What? You thought the Animal Gods were good? Oh no. Ibuki would love to tell you all about it, but that is a tale for another time!

Token Worth: [1004 words] [10 tokens]
Previous Responses: none
Scourgebane / [He/Him] / Tired

Howdy, y'all! My name's Theo! But you can also can call me Scourge.
Mostly interested in Closed Species and art.

English isn't my native language so I may make mistakes.
I apologize in advance if something I say sounds weird or rude, it isn't my intention.

Please, don't contact me for anything else.

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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby epilogue » Tue Aug 31, 2021 4:33 am

Username + ID#: eldritch horror 759734
Kalon Link: Trickster
Chosen Prompt: What would their secret hide out look like?
Prompt Response:


Tricky felt warm tears well up in its eyes as it raced further and further into the lush forest. He pushed past branches and bushes, scraping its legs and arms without a care. He was numb to the scratches and bruises. It pushed on deeper into the forest, harder and harder, until it came upon a familiar tree. With a grunt, Tricky began to climb up, salty tears now sliding down its flushed cheeks. Finally, with a heavy wheeze, he made his way onto a platform made of sturdy wooden planks nailed into the tree. The platform held a small shelter, barely big enough for two people. Calling it a house would be an overstatement, but it wasn’t a shed either. It was made of the same wood that was nailed to the tree trunk and its branches. An old grey blanket was draped over the opening. It was covered in holes and mud, yet it still did the job well. When inside the little shelter, the blanket blocked the light. Tricky pushed it to the side, crawling into the little house.

Inside Tricky’s shelter, it was fairly empty. There were no windows and there was no furniture. Then again, furniture would not fit in the shelter even if one tried. A rug was laid on the floor to protect the feet and butt of anyone who sat inside. It was now frizzy and had lost most of its original softness, but it was still a nice place to rest. Doodles that Trickster had drawn were hung up on the walls of the building. Spiders made their homes in the corners of the ceiling, but Tricky didn’t care enough to swat them away.

The little boy whimpered softly and pulled his knees up to its chest, sniffling as it held itself tightly. He slowly rocked back and forth in an attempt to soothe itself, but it was futile. Tricky caught his breath as it heard rustling in the woods underneath. It was followed by a slight sway in the tree and a grunt. Anxiety built up in his chest as he heard someone make their way up his tree to his clubhouse. Tricky was sure that he was going to explode.

“G-Go away!” It shouted with all its might with a strained voice. For a slim moment, Tricky felt more frustration and anger than he did sadness. It was prepared to scream at whoever wanted to come near him. A gentle knock came upon the side of the house, followed by a familiar and comforting voice that he knew all too well.

“Can I come in, little Trick?” The voice asked gently.

Tricky nodded, but quickly realized that his father could not see him. It crawled forward and pulled back the blanket for him, indicating that he was allowed inside. Astraeus shimmied in, careful not to bump his head on the roof that was a little too low for him. The little shelter was not built for someone his size, but neither Tricky nor Astra cared about that at the moment. Once Astra was fully inside, Tricky threw himself into his father’s arms, weeping loudly. Astra hushed the little one softly, stroking his hair and horns to calm down his child.

“What has gotten you so upset, my world?” Astraeus cooed sweetly, tilting his head. He hated seeing Tricky in this much distress.

“No one likes me!” Tricky exclaimed sadly. The little one looked up at Astra with big, wet eyes. Crocodile tears fell down his face as it spoke. “No one ever wants to play with me! They say I’m weird and stupid! They said I’m unlovable!”

“Oh honey…” Astra cupped its face lovingly, his eyebrows knitting into a sorrowful frown. “None of that is true, my world.”

“Yes it is,” Trickster wailed. The child’s voice shook. “They say it all the time to me, every time I want to play. They say “You’re weird!” I don’t know what I’m doing wrong! When they do play with me, they always make me be the monster! They say I’m a monster, I’m a monster!”

Astraeus held it close while it sobbed into his shirt. He wasn’t too worried about all the snot and dried tears that the kid was getting on him. Tricky was the only thing that was important to him right now. He hushed it gently, rocking him back and forth rhythmically. Trickster pulled away from Astra for a moment to fully crawl into his lap so its father could hold it better. Hearing Astra’s heart beat and feeling his warmth soothed Tricky. His sobs began to turn into quiet sniffles and hiccups, and soon all the pair could hear was the sounds of the forest and their breathing accompanied with a stuffy nose.

“I love you, little one,” Astra said to Trickster, finally breaking the silence. “Even if no one else in this galaxy may, I do. One person loving you is enough to make you lovable. Everyone and everything is lovable. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, alright?”

“But what if they do?” Tricky sniffled, looking up at him and meeting his eyes. Astra brushed away its bangs so he could look at his son’s beautiful ruby red eyes.

“Then you tell them that I love you, and that I will always love you. I will never stop loving you either.”

Trickster snuggled closer, listening to his father’s heartbeat. It closed its eyes and just let Astra hold it. Even though the two couldn’t stay like this forever, Tricky was happy that they were like this right now. He felt safe in his arms. Astraeus was its favorite person in the whole entire world. The pair sat in silence once again, surrounded by the songs of the wilderness.

“Papa,” Trickster spoke up over the forest.

“Yes, little one?” Astra looked down at the child that he held closely in his lap.

“What about when you die?” Tricky’s voice cracked again. “Will you still love me when you’re dead?”

“Of course I will, little Trick,” His father responded, kissing him gently on the head and hugging him tighter. “I will love you for eternity. I will love you until time is no more. I will love you forever and ever, and nothing and no one could ever stop me.”

Tricky shifted in his lap to wrap its arms around him and give him a big hug. Astra happily embraced the affection from his son. Trickster held on tight, almost as if letting go meant that he would lose Astraeus forever. They stayed in the tight hug for a bit, neither of them wanting to let go.

“Let’s go home now,” Astra said gently after a while.

Token Worth: 10 tokens

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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby Rosemoon » Tue Aug 31, 2021 4:54 am

Username + ID#: Rosemoon #941592
Kalon Link: Sydney
Chosen Prompt: What was their childhood bedroom like?
Prompt Response:
Sydney grew up in a small apartment that seemed to be constantly overcrowded with her parents books and papers. The only room in the place that seemed to stay the cleanest was her bedroom, so she tended to stay there often out of comfort.
It was a small room, but big enough to fit a queen sized bed with no real frame or boxspring, and a skinny bookshelf that was so tall it touched the ceiling. She didn't have a dresser for her clothes, or a closet, so she fit everything into flat and wide storage bins that she would stack on top of each other. This also doubled as a nightstand for her drinks and snacks. She had a lightbulb hanging from a wire coming down from the ceiling as her light, and it originally had a really nice lampshade over it, but it broke and she just wasn't bothered enough to tell her parents to replace it just yet.
They tried to make the small space as comfortable for her as they could afford at the time, so this meant some of the things she had were some very nice luxuries. She had one long body pillow for her head, the case was a silver blue and said "I love you to the moon and back". The blankets were a thin silk sheet and a very large very plush quilt that was silver blue and had moons and stars on them to match her pillow. She had pictures of her old friends hanging up on her walls as well as some drawings from school. There was a crib mobile hanging overhead coming out from the wall above where her head would lay for sleep. She was embarrassed by this, but it comforted her, as the music played and the planets moved around in a swirl of lull and peace.
The walls were an off-colored white and some corners had peeling paint, but Sydney usually covered it with pictures as soon as she noticed. There was also the carpet, something shaggy and grey possibly from the 70s, covered with a more flat but still soft moon-shaped rug. Scattered around in different areas were stationary kits, pencil cases, sticker books, light teen novels, and CDs. The window was rounded at the top and had a nice sill where Sydney hung a planter containing mint leaves, and some tiny succulents behind it on the sill itself.
She had some old curtains that were a dulled gold and brown color, clashing with the rest of her room. It smelled of firewood smoke and old people even after washing it a few times. It came from her grandparents and was her favorite thing about her room as it always reminded her of visiting them over the summer and making smores.
The door creaked and squeaked when left opened as it swung from the breeze. It was loose and crooked but still closed properly and that's all Sydney cared about. Her parents had tried fixing it a few times to make sure their daughter had proper privacy, but compared to what the original state of it was (which was that there was originally no door at all when they moved in), this was they best they could do.

Token Worth: [544 Words] 5 Tokens
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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby epilogue » Tue Aug 31, 2021 4:59 am

Username + ID#: eldritch horror 759734
Kalon Link: Trickster
Chosen Prompt: Are they afraid of death?
Prompt Response:


Is Tricky afraid of death? Absolutely not. Tricky has died over ten times now, or at least that’s how many times he can recall. There could very well be multiple other deaths that it doesn’t remember. Despite not being afraid of it, it still tries to avoid it at all costs as every time it dies, it loses more of its memory.

When Tricky dies, it’s body will go into a state of dormancy and repair itself. Unfortunately, it muddles his memories every time because its brain is working so hard. Trickster isn’t quite sure why it can’t stay dead, but it isn’t really complaining. The only issue it really has is losing its memories. Tricky is afraid that one day he may forget his family.

The first time Tricky died was when it was a child. It was purely an accident, and no one was at fault. He was being a typical child, playing around in the woods, when he slipped on mossy rocks and hit his head. It fell into the stream and was discovered hours later. His fathers were distraught, and as they brought it back home, he began to wake up. This absolutely terrified both of them, as they were sure that he didn’t have a pulse or anything! But sure enough, their baby boy was up and alive, and only complained of a headache.

There was a large gap between the first and second time that Trickster died. The second time Tricky died was no accident. Sadly, he cannot remember exactly what happened, but he knew foul play was involved. The second death was when he ended up being separated from its fathers. Someone had done it with force, and they were completely unaware that Tricky would come back. After he woke up though, it fled the area, not wanting to get hurt again.

After this, Tricky was on its own for a while. It didn’t know how to properly take care of itself. He was left on the streets, cold and hungry. Trickster’s inability to get proper care and shelter was the cause of many of his other deaths. It doesn’t like to count these, as they seem to “not do him justice.” He hates talking about this part of its life because it was one of his lowest. No one can get much out of him about it, partially because it was so traumatic and partially because he doesn’t remember.

That time period ended once Tricky met Hades, his adoptive father and business associate. Hades took it in and gave it shelter and food. At first, they were just partners, but then they grew into a found family. The first time Hades saw Tricky die was the first time Tricky saw Hades genuinely cry. When Trickster came back to life, Hades swatted him over the head and told him to never do it again. Fortunately, Hades grew accustomed to Tricky dying, and learned to keep his body safe for when it came back to life.

Token Worth: 5 tokens

Previous Responses:
How would this kal draw/describe themselves?
Do they have any pets?
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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby epilogue » Tue Aug 31, 2021 5:02 am

Username + ID#: eldritch horror 759734
Kalon Link: Kismet
Chosen Prompt: What's their dream home like?
Prompt Response:


January 25th

“I was daydreaming today during my break. I thought about what my dream home would be like. What would my dream home be like? Well… I’d have to think hard about that. What would my dream home be like, huh? Well for starters, I wouldn’t want anything big, really. I’m a big fan of smaller spaces and small homes. Maybe a little summer cottage in a place that’s always warm? I absolutely despise the cold. Perhaps the cottage would be in a field surrounded by long, soft grass, and dotted with lovely white flowers that faced up towards the sun. That would be so nice.. I want to settle down in a place like that. I’ve never been one for a fast paced life, unlike Astra’s husband, Hades.. I think that’s his name..? Oh well. I know Astra would like a place like that as well but… enough about him, this is about me. What would I have in this dream home? That’s a good question. I think it would be furnished very nicely with flowers and plants in every corner and a warm brick fireplace for when the nights get chilly. The cottage would certainly have at least one large window with a seat next to it, maybe a sofa, because I love having the sun shine down on me. I think I would have a stack of books next to the window seat as well so I could read.. I love reading. That could be another good decoration in my little cottage, books. Books that I’ve read before, books that I’ve found, books that are so old that they’re practically falling apart. They would make the place seem more.. comforting and inviting, I think. Maybe there would be ivy growing on the walls, maybe even around the fireplace. That would freshen things up quite a bit! Maybe there would be a couch in front of the fireplace for me and Astra as well. Another perfect place to read. My bedroom would be simple because I am a simple man, I don’t need much. Just a bed and a night stand.. a nice little lamp would go well with it too! I could have a shelf for all of my journals and my books. The kitchen… oh the kitchen. I have such a love-hate relationship with cooking. A big stove would be great, and a fridge to keep food.. maybe keep fresh vegetables and fruit from a garden outside? Sounds like a good idea. Cabinets below and up top would be very useful as well. I wouldn’t need a dining room since it would just be me and Astra, so just a simple table and four chairs in the kitchen would be just enough to fit. That’s all I can really think of.. it really isn’t much but it sounds nice to me. It would work even better if it was secluded where no one could find me. I wish that this dream could be real. I want to be alone.”

Token Worth: 5 tokens

Previous Responses:
How would this kal draw/describe themselves?
Do they have any pets?
What's their favorite accessory?
What's their dream companion?
Who do they admire most?
What's their favorite scent/Your character's favorite snack
How did they meet their lover?
What would their secret hideout look like?
Are they afraid of death?
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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby mehrak » Tue Aug 31, 2021 8:27 am

username + ID: xyrsin + 999649
kalon link: astraeus
chosen prompt: how did he meet his lover?
prompt response:
1,124 words | xyrsin wrote:Astra remembers everything vividly, despite all these years.

The two had been with each other since the beginning, and have stuck together since. The couple was quite inseparable even after all of this time. Wherever Astra was, Kismet wouldn't be too far away. They'd play out side for hours all day as kits. Astra took the time to carefully watch over Kismet every time, as his friend tended to get injured often. However, sometimes, he did miss it at times.
"Ow!" Kismet whispers to itself, and Astra almost instantly turns. Without saying another word, he walks over, grabbing Kismet's right paw to check for any injuries. Upon glancing at its right paw, he spots some dots of blood and lets out a soft noise. Kismet seems upset, but he's silent. "Again? You really must be more careful, silly!" Astra whispers, reaching for his friend's paw. "I'm sorry," Kismet whispers through a small whine, the contact with his paw stung a bit. "You don't have to apologize to me, I love you lots silly!" Astra gives a smile, continuing once the slightly injured kalon seemed calmer. "It's just.. Kismet, This is the seventh time it's happened in just this week! I do tend to worry, you know.. what if I wasn't able to be here?" Kismet is quiet, so the smaller kalon gets up, pulling his friend with him. "Come on Kis, let's go!" Astra skitters to go find his father in the backyard, and his friend travels shortly behind, unable to hide a smile as Astra runs across the grass.
When they begin to grow, Kismet is the one running around, late at night. They tread quietly, constantly looking around incase someone were to see them. But there's nobody, nobody but Astra, and when Kismet reaches him, Astra pulls him into a gentle hug. "Thank the heavens, you got here safe..." His friend purrs, nuzzling into his neck. "I've missed you! I'm so happy, so happy.." Kismet hums quietly, preparing what he wants to say. "I was here last night... But I missed you too. Have you been okay, Astraeus?" Astra pulls away, a big smile on his face.
"There's no need to be formal," He giggles out, and Kismet grows a soft smile. They were always fond of Astra's softer side. "Well- To answer your question, I have been alright, Kismet! It gets lonely during the day, though.. I really think you should find a way to come when it's earlier so we get more time together-" "You know I can't. I try, Astraeus, I just don't know how to.. I can't make time nowadays, and..." Kismet's mumbling eventually trails off.

For once, he doesn't know what to say. When his smile begins to fade, so does Astra's. "Oh, darling, it's okay. I- I know I shouldn't push. It just doesn't feel fair. What if you were to get caught now?" Astra's ears twitch, and he lowers his head, looking up at his closest friend. "I won't," The kalon concludes, closing his eyes so he can focus on his words. "I wouldn't risk that. I'd love to see you more, but for now, this will be enough, right..?" Kismet sounds nervous. Astraeus can read it like a book. "Hey, look at me." Astra brings a paw to Kismet's face, and they lean into the touch. "Don't sound so sad, Kis, I love you! I know we both want more time! It's going to get better, don't you think?" His best friend nods, and Astra begins to purr. "See! We'll fix it in time silly! Some day, we'll live together, on our own, and we won't have to worry about any of this."
On their own? When did they both establish that? Astra seems to get flustered by his own words, but he could tell Kismet was too. "I think... I think I'd like that, Astra." The small Kalon seems shocked by the nickname, and pulls Kismet into another hug to hide his face. "Then it's settled, yeah? Let's get you inside, We have to get you back out of here by the morning."
With Kismet visiting nightly, Astra spent days taking longer naps. When his parents asked him why, he simply said he'd been getting a bit more tired recently. It was the truth after all, staying up so late every night took a toll on his sleep schedule. Despite this, they worked through it, and the time passed.

Astra felt a stronger and stronger connection as the time flew. He couldn't place a paw on it even if he tried. Were they always like this? Kismet began to use nicknames instead of his full name recently, and it kept him with a constantly fluttery stomach. But it felt nice. He'd read romance stories, and he'd looked at the way his parents loved, and hoped one day he could do that with Kismet.
If he'd known the difference between a normal kind of love, and this love, why hadn't he spoken sooner? Did his friend ever feel the same?
Today, when Astra woke up from his afternoon nap, he paced around. For the rest of the day. And he thought. He thought hard, and when night came, he sleepily trudged outside over to Kismet. He lazily laid next to Kismet, looking up at the stars.

For once in what he believed was forever, Kismet rambled. Astra wasn't paying full attention, and he did feel bad about that, but he did try to listen. It was harder when his thoughts began to fill. Astra nuzzled into Kismet's horns. It seemed to snap Kismet out of his ramble session, so the taller kalon whined out a small apology, an "I'm sorry for talking so much. I simply missed you very much, Astra". And Kismet knows what Astra will say, but they usually do. It's easy to read each other with this much closeness. "There's no need to apologize to me, I've told you this since we were little, moonlight."
The butterflies in Astra's stomach return, and he concludes that maybe his thoughts are right.
That maybe, his small "I love you"s through the years meant more. And when he says it this time, it counts, and they both know what it means. "Kismet, you know I love you more than anyone, right?" It feels too intimate.

And for that moment Kismet pauses to collect his thoughts, Astra is nervous. His thoughts mush again, and he feels fuzzy.

"Don't sound so sad, Astra," His friend's voice snaps him out of his thoughts, and when he listens, he feels embarrassed.
"I love you too. You're my favorite." Kismet gives him a soft lick across his cheek.
And that seemed to indicate enough for the both of them.

token worth: 10 tokens
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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby epilogue » Tue Aug 31, 2021 10:07 am

Username + ID#: eldritch horror 759734
Kalon Link: Kismet
Chosen Prompt: What flower would they use to describe themself as?
Prompt Response:

Orchids, which stand for strength.


Token Worth: 9 tokens
+4 full body
+2 shading bonus
+3 color bonus

Previous Responses:


How would this kal draw/describe themselves?
Do they have any pets?
What's their favorite accessory?
What's their dream companion?
Who do they admire most?
What's their favorite scent/Your character's favorite snack
How did they meet their lover?
What would their secret hideout look like?
Are they afraid of death?


What's their dream home like?
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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby Ucanthandleme » Tue Aug 31, 2021 12:18 pm

Username + ID#: Ucanthandleme + 809102
Kalon Link: System + Haemal
Chosen Prompt: "If they were an ice cream flavour, what flavour would they be?"
Prompt Response:
System's just weird, he'd be mustard ice-cream with bugs. Haemal is more normal, being double chocolate swirl

Token Worth:
Fullbody (4) - Colour (3) - Extra Character (5) - Pixel (2) - Total= 11 tokens

Previous Responses:
"How do they feel about their family?" (19)
"What’s your character's ideal date like?" (19)
"If they were stuck on an island, what three things would they bring?" (14)
"What was it like for them growing up?" (19)
"What was their childhood bedroom like?" (19)
"What was their favourite childhood toy?" (14)

"Do they have any pets?" (19)
"Your character’s favourite snack" (19)
"What makes them feel loved?" (14)

Pile design (2)
Pile design (2)
"If they had to wear one colour for the rest of their life, what would it be?" (9)

::180 total tokens::
65 tokens ;; first myo achieved
85 tokens ;; second myo achieved

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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby mehrak » Tue Aug 31, 2021 2:33 pm

username + ID: xyrsin + 999649
kalon link: astraeus
chosen prompt: what's his favorite accessory?
prompt response:
bust (3), shading (2), color (3), animation (5) | xyrsin wrote:Image
a soft, red scarf from childhood..

token worth: 13 tokens
previous responses: one
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