Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby Ucanthandleme » Mon Aug 23, 2021 1:03 pm

Username + ID#: Ucanthandleme + 809102
Kalon Link: System + Haemal
Chosen Prompt: "If they had to wear one color for the rest of their life, what would it be?"
Prompt Response:
System would wear white, Haemal would wear black.

Token Worth:
Fullbody (4) - Colour (3) - Extra Character (5) - Total= 9 tokens

Previous Responses:
"How do they feel about their family?" (19)
"What’s your character's ideal date like?" (19)
"If they were stuck on an island, what three things would they bring?" (14)
"What was it like for them growing up?" (19)
"What was their childhood bedroom like?" (19)
"What was their favorite childhood toy?" (14)

"Do they have any pets?" (19)
"Your character’s favorite snack" (19)
"What makes them feel loved?" (14)

Pile design (2)

::167 total tokens::
65 tokens ;; first myo achieved
85 tokens ;; second myo achieved

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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby Sadcat » Mon Aug 23, 2021 1:58 pm

Username + ID#: CatOwU 1004338
Kalon Link: Denye
Chosen Prompt: They found a lost child crying, what do they do?
Prompt Response:
Comfort it, if the parents are nowhere to be found in some hours... the child is now theirs until proven otherwise. Image
Token Worth: Fullbody - 4 Pixel - 2 Shading - 2 Color - 3 Background - 5 Multi Character - 5 = 21 tokens
Previous Responses: 1
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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby Tanjiro » Mon Aug 23, 2021 6:40 pm

      Username + ID#: Tanjiro #977226
      Kalon Link: Maju
      Chosen Prompt: What is one thing they have a passionate opinion about?
      Prompt Response:Maju always felt like she was one with the Earth. The ground below kept the fire in her heart alive and nature replenished her soul. Nothing beat her passion for digging in the garden, searching vigorously for earthworms. A sudden turn of events shifted Maju's perspective on the world. The world was no longer welcoming, and the coldness stiffened out the fire in her heart.
      As a teenager, Maju hated nature. Nature was boring and she felt like she could not connect with it anymore. The ground below made her soles disgustingly dirty, and nature's bug bites kept her away from being outside in general.
      Hikes were a dread, especially on a hot day. Maju did not appreciate the sweat and being out of breath. Nature looked the same to her. Trees, shrubs, some flowers if she was lucky. That's a pine tree over there, and there, and practically everywhere. The only things the younger, impatient Maju wanted to explore were her newest video games. How foolish and ignorant she was, only finding comfort in the darkness of her room. She hated her stem major the first 3 years of college. Maju fell behind in her classes as she couldn't quite get things as fast as her fellow classmates.
      By a stroke of luck (or perhaps the fate of the universe), Maju enrolled in a herbal medicine class. The class didn't seem too interesting at first as it consisted of hikes and plant identification, but eventually, Maju learned how to appreciate nature. Unlike her previous classes that consisted of confusing equations and failed exams, everything came naturally to her in this class. She was quickly able to identify plants after one glance.
      Maju isn't the type to make sudden decisions (most of the time), so the sudden switch of majors 3 years was a surprise to everyone. Of course, this wasn't an easy decision to make, she had to take a lot of classes to catch up, but she couldn't have been happier. Her life clicked back into place the moment she found the flame within her. Maju was able to graduate in time of course, as she excelled in this area. By the time she was finished, her counters were filled with honey-filled elixirs and whatnot.
      Maju's body and mind healed along the way. She discovered that hikes were rather refreshing. When she wasn't going about happily identifying plants she would sit back and try to take it all in. Nature was easily overlooked if she didn't give it much thought. Cameras could not capture what Maju saw so on some days she would go out and sit under the trees and sketch.
      Her passion was nature, if that wasn't obvious enough. Though she had a time where she strayed from her purpose and path, Maju found her way again through nature. She hopes to travel the world and learn more from the Earth, perhaps take classes from a few healers too. The fire within may dim but it will never go out.
      Token Worth: 504 words, 5 tokens
      Previous Responses:
      10 tokens
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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby onion » Mon Aug 23, 2021 8:12 pm

Username + ID#: blek + #350777
Kalon Link: Forum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=4597909&start=140#p135549224
Chosen Prompt: are there any unique holidays?
Prompt Response:

aurielle made her way over to the stone table, juggling five cups of tea in her arms. "ahhh hot hot hot hot hot!" she murmured as she set them down in front of cosmæa, aurorælia, aurnie, and coslea- and of course one for herself too.
"so whos excited for aurimas?" she asked the kalons, taking a seat on the cold floor as she began to groom herself.
"aurimas?" asked coslea. "whats that?"
"yeah, never heard of it," aurnie chimed in, slightly amused as she noticed aurielle starting to get annoyed.
"oh you dolts, its august 29th! my landing day!"
"ohhhh... right. so a day all about you?"
"yep! we each have one you know! but mines coming up very soon so we gotta make it extra special! quick, who wants to get the tree? and which one of you wants to dig out the bows for it? what about the dangly glass balls?" aurielle asked excitedly. she clapped her paws together. "and of course, they honey and pinecones!!!"
"that sounds like a lot of work..." mumbled aurnie who stirred her tea with her left paw.
"well yeah, but it wlll be fun too. right cosmæa?"
cosmæa just smiled and shook her head. for her landing day things werent nearly as extravagant as aurielles were. and that was okay! they both preferred different things; it was more fun that way anyhow.
"well i can harvest the tree and get the honey then. maybe cosmæa will dig out the bows with aurorælia," aurnie said.
"yeah!!!" the little kalon chimed in.
"aurielle, what will you do?" asked coslea.
"sit back and relax of course! its a day for me after all, i just celebrate!"
all the other kalons sighed lovingly. aurielle sure was full of herself.

the next day, chaos ensued. aurorælia was digging face first through a box of bows, kicking and throwing out all the red ones in a pile for the tree, and aurnie was getting ready for her trip to pillara.
"all set?" asked cosmæa to aurnie as the kalon adjusted her backpack strap with her teeth.
"okay well... this is your first time going to the pillara oasis on your own so i want you to be careful alright?"
"ill be fine cosmæa!" aurnie said enthusiastically.
"seeya guys later!"
the kalon padded out of aurielles den and into the sand storm. it took her awhile this time to get out of it, probably since she got mistracked a bit. but eventually, aurnie arrived at pillara again.
she went straight to work pulling pinecones out of the tall trees that lined the waterfall and lake- climbing was still hard on her back leg, but she managed easily.
next, she would harvest the tree itself, then get the honey. but first things first! aurnie tucked the twenty some pinecones into her pouch and started scouting for a tree.
"it cant be very big..." she said to herself as she looked around. then aurnie noticed a patch of smaller trees along the coast. her eyes gleamed with pride as she set to gnawing one down, chewing and biting at the trunk for awhile til the tree fell.
"alright!" she exclaimed, spitting out a wood chip afterwards.
next came honey. easy enough- as long as you didnt get stung. aurnie went around to the trees lining pillaras obelisks and began searching for an empty hive. bees were nasty pieces of work and she did not want to deal with them if she could help it.
a few moments later, she heard a buzzing sound, and aurnie saw a swarm of honey bees leave their hive just two trees over. she padded over and set down her back pack; just like when cosmæa and she had come for honeysuckle juice, she took out her jars and began to milk the hive. it sure was a very sticky job! so when she finished, aurnie washed her paws in the waterfall- which had a cool cave behind it- and stored the honey in her back pack too.
after gathering the honey too, aurnie set back to the dens at home with the tree on her back, balanced precariously.
she had to trek more slowly to get back home since the winds were strong and the tree was heavy. "almost..."
there were a few times the tree nearly fell off her back! but aurnie managed to balance the fern carefully as she walked through the sand storm.

after aurnie arrived home at aurielles den, the kalons decided it was time to get decorating!
with the tree propped up in a pile of crystals, aurorælia took to the bottom of it, lining the trunk with pinecones by sticking them on with the sticky honey aurnie had collected, and it was very very sticky, because aurielle had to help her unstick her paws a few times from the trunk! cosmæa took care of the middle portion of the tree, tying tight bows onto the branches made of infused cotton and cat tail material. it made for a pretty reddish brown bow and tied well to each branch.
then, coslea, easily being the tallest of the kalons, fixed the biggest bow onto the top of the tree. it was red and sparkly just like the one aurielle wore on the back of her head.
"see, when your days come-" aurielle said to coslea and aurnie, "we will do the same thing! get a tree, gather pinecones and honey, yadda yadda!"
"so every kalon has a holiday to themselves then?" aurnie asked.
"seems so," chimed coslea.
"yep, here on ortsineua, anyway. so get excited, cuz its almost aurimas baby!"
the kalons laughed and continued to decorate the tree, all smiling and having fun in the light of aurielle.
"isnt it pretty coslea?" aurielle asked as she crept up behind the other kalon. she giggled as she startled her and her fur rose up off her back. coslea growled softly, then stopped and pressed her nose into aurielles shoulder. "i swear if you hadnt found me on my landing day, i would have been lost for years," she mumbled quietly.
"i know. isnt that why im the best?" aurielle said triumphantly, and coslea and aurnie chuckled. "yeah, i suppose."

[1,039 words]

Previous Responses:
1. whats their home planet like? (10 tokens)
2. describe the galaxy/space outside of their known world/what they see in the sky (14 tokens)
3. describe some of the flora and or fauna that is unique to their world/are there any famous ruins or landmarks? what are they? (10 tokens)
4. are there any unique holidays? (you are here!) (10 tokens)

1. name a time where they told a lie, whether it was for the best, or the worst. (5 tokens)
2. what was their favorite childhood toy? (9 tokens)
3. what is one myth or story unique to their world? (19 tokens)
4. what type of weather would they prefer to never experience again + if they had to wear one color for the rest of their life, what would it be? (18 tokens total)

(total = 95 - 20 (extra myo) - 25 for one rare trait myo = 50 tokens total left)
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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby SilhouetteStation » Mon Aug 23, 2021 9:10 pm

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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby grassman. » Tue Aug 24, 2021 4:20 am

Username + ID#: .plaguewind. + 998660
Kalon Link: Forum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=4597909#p135357968
Chosen Prompt: are there any other sentient races/species
Prompt Response:
Nirvana lives on a planet that is part of a giant intergalactic super-civilization. Her planet, Aserack, is one of the centerpieces of their civilization, acting as their trade hub. As a result, she often sees many different species and races, both sentient and not sentient. Learning about all the different races, one of the classes she has to take as a space cadet, is tiring and irksome, as there are so many documented as sentients, and more they are discovering every month.

Aserack is one of the larger planets, and is able to host pretty much all the Kalons as well as at least two of each race they have discovered so far. The Aser (as they are called by other races), also possess the abilities terraform, having most of their moons colonized, and two thirds of the other planets in their solar system terraformed and waiting for citizens.

Kalons train many space cadets, and send out seasoned astronauts to explore the stars and come back with samples, new species, and the potential new race every so often. Aserack is not only the trading hub of their civilization, but also the training hub for new and inexperienced cadets. Their program is interracial and pretty much every documented race has sent a couple talented cadets to the academy on Aserack, besides those with…obvious physical limitations. Cadets are encouraged to make friends with other species, this way they can learn from a first hand view of another world, culture and experience!! Cadet friendships are often looked upon with joy as the Academy often provides the IGSADE (Intergalactic Space Association of Discovery and Exploration) with new information, in partnership with the SPCE (Space Program for Cadets and Explorers).

There are also many non sentient species, such as your typical dogs, cats and other mundane pets, as well as some other more exotic animals! Exotic animals are typically exported from their home planet and sent to others where they are kept as pets. Endangered species are protected under the IGPAEA (Intergalactic Protection Act for Endangered Animals), but are often smuggled by the shady beings for profit. The richer races typically keep great menageries where they take care of many different animals, in order to prevent extinction, if close, or to show to the public and educate them of other lands.

The menageries are close to zoos, but are much, much larger, sometimes even spanning the size of large cities! Because of this, menageries will use large horse like creatures, named Makies, to travel the distances between the enclosures. Menageries will be free, if government funded, but there have been some cases of individuals opening their own small versions of menageries that cost money (mostly Opel, the widely accepted currency, although smaller, not as widespread as Opel may exist, typically spanning planets or galaxies). The IGSADE doesn’t encourage going to these businesses as they are often involved in shady activities to aquire the animals they need for their menagerie. The rich may also own a small zoo-like space, made to show off. These animals are usually gifted by the government for deeds, bought legally (or illegally), given by old wills, or other rich friends/people from the government.

Token Worth: 5 (533 words)
Previous Responses: n/a
Last edited by grassman. on Thu Aug 26, 2021 5:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby SkywardtheDragon » Tue Aug 24, 2021 4:36 am

Username + ID#: Skywardthedragon #935233
Kalon Link: Kuma
Chosen Prompt: Are there any other sentient races/species?
Prompt Response:

Kuma’s world could be called an “odds-and-ends drawer” in habitat form. There are many creatures of many forms, but rarely are there more than one of any type. It’s been theorized (not by Kuma, but by others of the world) that all of the inhabitants are dimensional travelers, who wound up in this place by accident. Not many of them want to find a way home, though.

Classifying the species in any biological way is difficult, as while some are superficially similar, what they know about their own biology means they’re far different. For example, Primrose, Todd, and Sitri have similar muzzle shapes, so they could be related, right? But Sitri is a breed of dragon, Primrose is a being made of stardust, and Todd… well, nobody knows what exactly he is.

Fortunately for Kuma, Kalons are one of the few species which there are multiple of in the world. Unfortunately for Kuma, the other Kalon, Verchiel, isn’t very friendly. This isn’t to say that she’s mean, or that she hates Kuma; she just doesn’t like to talk to people in general. She spends most of her time in silent contemplation, and whenever Kuma tries to talk to her, she is always ignored.

The Beast Hunter is a being made of stardust, like Primrose, though humanoid in shape. She may have a ferocious appearance, with a dragon skull on her head and sharp claws adorning her clothes, but she is one of Kuma’s best friends. Beast Hunter considers it her job to classify each of the inhabitants of the world, based on what is known about their biology and what can be inferred by their appearance. It’s a far cry from hunting beasts, but when all the “beasts” are just as sapient as she is, it’s a necessity to complete her role.

The “dragon-types” are Ginger, Matki, and Sitri. Unlike common legends of dragons, the dragon-types of this world are fluffy with large ears. Sitri is unusual even among the dragon-types due to their lack of wings and horns, and the only reason they’re called a dragon-type is because they call themselves a dragon.

The “reptile-types” are the smallest group, consisting of only Cree and Nicole. Cree herself doesn’t know what her species is, but as she has scales Beast Hunter saw it fit to put her in the group with scales. The fact that it made Nicole grumble about “not being special” was just a nice bonus.

The “mammal-types” consist of both of the Kalons, Aldous, and Todd (for lack of a better place to put him).
There have been arguments about placing Sitri in there, since they certainly look more like a Kalon than any of the dragons, but Beast Hunter is adamant about going by Sitri’s own description of their species. For now, the wingless, hornless creature will stay as a dragon.

The “artificial-types” consist of creatures made of something non-biological. This includes Beast Hunter herself, as well as Primrose, Creamy, and Keet. Creamy is made up of an artificial slime, and Keet appears to be partially made of shadows. Both Creamy and Keet are incapable of speech, but Beast Hunter believes they show a higher-than-animal intelligence. Keet has shown the ability to communicate through pictures, so his sapience is undoubtable. However, while Creamy seems to be capable of advanced thought, he tends to slobber over any communication tools Beast Hunter provides him.

Token Worth: 566 words—5 tokens
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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby TARTMAGICA » Tue Aug 24, 2021 7:58 am

Username + ID#: FATUI#1008946
Kalon Link: [ link ^_^ ]
Chosen Prompt: "If they were an ice cream flavor, what flavor would they be?"
Prompt Response: neapolitan ice cream sandwich!
Token Worth:
fullbody(4)+pixel(2)+shading(2)+color(3)+animation(5)= 16 tokens
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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby SilhouetteStation » Tue Aug 24, 2021 2:02 pm

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Re: develop - myo event '21 - open

Postby 22tabby » Tue Aug 24, 2021 2:41 pm

Username + ID#: 22tabby || 346744
Kalon Link: Forum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=4597909&start=220#p135680539
Chosen Prompt: Does magic exist? Describe it and it’s limits
Prompt Response:
Magic? Perhaps if you count the magic of science. What, don’t think science is magic? Well, perhaps not earth’s science, but in comparison to Anova’s world… it would seem like magic. The way a kits pelt reflects the stars of the night they were born, or the way that space travel is so easy for them.
Oh, what about Vermouth? Yes it’s understandable how that looks like magic. However, it was nothing more than a button that pricked his paw and injected him with something to change his genetic code.
Essentially, there is no magic on Anova’s world. Simply science that is beyond what earth kaons can imagine. However he finds that somethings about earth is magical- primarily how emotions affect others and how these bonds between kalons can be so strong and yet still be truly functional.
Token Worth: 138 words, 1 token
Previous Responses: 1 2
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