VOK+Avidae Prompt Writeing

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VOK+Avidae Prompt Writeing

Postby Moonlight heavens » Thu Feb 18, 2021 10:34 pm

Last edited by Moonlight heavens on Wed Mar 17, 2021 1:44 am, edited 11 times in total.
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Matsuri Prompts (I 1- I 30)

Postby Moonlight heavens » Thu Feb 18, 2021 10:38 pm

What does your pride value above all else?  200 words or 1 art piece minimum

Water above all else. Water is life, water is sacred. Its a path between thier ancestors, a path of communication. Liveing in the desert, its important to drink enough water to avoid getting dihadrated. A single drop of water can be the difference between life or death. Water is to be cherished and protected at all cost. This pride has a special rank, known as a "Mwongozo wa Maji". These words directly translates to "Water guide". Chosen from an young age by thier Goddess, and trained by the former "Mwongozo wa Maji" in the sacred path they need to follow. With this special rank, comes huge responsibility. If you lose your way towards the Edless depths...your as good as dead. Being lost in the desert, with no single droplet of water to quench your thirst, is no laughing matter.

The Water Guides saying goes as follows. "Ikiwa unataka kupona. Pata maji na nyota." Meaning, If you want to heal, find water and stars. Trough just looking down into the Endless depths, thier scared waterhole deep witin a mountain. They are gifted knowledge of healing, messages and words of thier beloved. As the stars reflect off the water's surface, lost family and friends decend down from the cosmos. To dwell in the dreams of their liveing family.

(215 )

Matsuri is a huntress. She has the responsibility to provide for her pride. Every dawn and noon she goes out into the desert with a few other lions/lionesses to hunt. It isn't an easy job. Its hot, dry and you can easily get lost in the vast stretch of land. Your number one threat...the sun. Every hunt is a risk. When you sprint to catch a fast antelope like a gemsbok. You use energy. By the time the chase is over, it will take a while to recover and return back home. With prey or without it. Sometimes the hunting party is out for weeks, patrolling the landscape for any source of protein.

When they return without food for the third time. They set out the next day with the waterguide, on the way to the hidden wonder. A vast green forest, days of travel. You may only hunt within the forest when you cant find prey within the desert. As this forest is a scared home to thier Goddesses. You may only take what you need, giveing thanks to your prey and Goddess by offering a piece of of the antelope's heart before you leave
(195 words)


"I have dreamt in my life, dreams that have stayed with me ever after, and changed my ideas; they have gone through and through me, like wine through water, and altered the color of my mind. And this is one: I'm going to tell it - "

Her awnser was bright and clear, just like her smile"My biggest dream is to have cubs of my own" she replied. Looking up at her mate with love in her eyes. As the male sat down next her, she nuzzled him affectionately. Keanjaho purred lightly at his mate's toutch. She licked his cheek as she leaned backwards. "Currently this had been a topic we discussed for a while. But at the moment, we aren't ready for cubs yet." Her soothing voice echoed. Forest green eyes sparkling in the mid-day sun.

"I only dream to watch them grow, learn new experiences. Hear their laughter, and seeing their smiles. And one day feel the sorrow when they have to leave and start thier own path onwards. I long to teach my cubs about life and nature's wonders"
(180 Words)

Matsuri looked at her paws. When she spoke her voice quivered. "Fire, after the hungry flames ate away my home and family. My greatest fear is fearing for my mates safety as well as my pride's. "She turned her head towards the stars. "Sometimes i regret that i ran away, without looking back. I was so overwhelmed with fear. I didn't think twice but to run away" A single teardrop landed upon the ground. It didn't take long for Keanjaho to notice. The male strode over, powerful body sitting next to her. She leaned into him without a a single word. Allowing the tears to wet his fur.

He allowed this, untill he leaned backwards and tilted her face with his paw, so she can look him in his eyes. "You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do." He murmured as he licked her cheek. "Do not blame yourself my love, your not at fault." Matsuri's eyes once again filled with tears. But not of fear, but love for her soulmate.
(215 words)

ImageMatsuri translates to "is pine tree". When she still lived in her old home she whould spend hours climbing the tall trees. She was in awe at how majestic trees were. How old they are, how mutch they had seen...and how mutch wisdom they hold. Strangely she whould also sit and talk to the trees. Spending hours haveing a conversation with it. When her mother asked her what the tree was saying to her. Her reply whould be...

"Listen to the trees as they sway in the wind.
Their leaves are telling secrets. Their bark sings songs of olden days as it grows around the trunks. And their roots give names to all things.
Their language has been lost.
But not the gestures." Her mother only smiled and added as she nuzzled her.

"Two Trees
A portion of your soul has been
entwined with mine
A gentle kind of togetherness, while
separately we stand."

When her father chimed in, nuzzling his daughter as his tail curled around her.

"As two trees deeply rooted in
separate plots of ground,
While their topmost branches
come together,
Forming a miracle of lace
against the heavens."

They both smiled and said the next words together

"Our little pine tree"
(205 words)

My art is terrible X.X Ill probably try to redraw this traditionally later😅

The lioness hums softly at the question. "Ive never really thought about it to be honest. However if i must awnser this, it must be fear" She curled her tail around her paws neatly, as she went on. "Fear is what caused me to live with regret, especially after ive made the choice to run away. Leaveing my family to face the heat and destructive power of the flames"

"If i only stopped, looked back and faced it. I chould have done something...anything to save them" The beginning of tears gleamed witin her eyes of deep emerald green. But she went on.

"Fear is something thats hard to get rid of. Its a shadow, an assassin creeping up on you, before it strikes. Injecting its lethal toxins within you. Once it has its hold on you, icy claws sinking into your veins. Causing your body to freeze and be at its mercy, you simply cant get rid of it" A beat of silence, it stretched on for a couple of minutes. When she spoke again. "I hope with the help of my mate and my pride i can one day overcome my greatest enemy"


Disrespect is something that Matsuri hates. If someone was to treat her with disrespect or even dare to insult her. She wont hesitate to stand up for herself. She whould look the individual in the eye and make them tremble. Even when they bow their head and apologize. She will not back away and leave them in peace. Untill she is satisfied they had learned thier lesson in respect. She will back off and leave them in peace.

Matsuri wont stay quiet, she refuses to be a push over. No matter your rank, age or status she will adress the situation. Untill she alone is satisfied that you had learned your lesson. Be careful when you want to insult this tough lioness. Because like a lioness she won't hesitate to face the threat head on.

"There is nothing intelligent about not standing up for yourself. You may not win every battle. However, everyone will at least know what you stood for—YOU."

Her greatest strength must be her confidence. She is always the first one to jump head first into a wild adventure. Matsuri is always on the frontline to volunteer for a hunting trip, scouting trip or even the most difficult of jobs. Ar Ramlah usally sends off this confidence fueled lioness, with the others. Even when they may seem down by the loss of a kill. Matsuri is always there to boost self esteem and positivety

"It is confidence in our bodies, minds, and spirits that allows us to keep looking for new adventures." She whould always say to a down huntress. Patting them on the back, and smileing brightly to ligten the mood. She whould spend lots of time with young cubs, to be a role model to them. Her words the young generation whould always be

"Be an Encourager: When you encourage others, you boost their self-esteem, enhance their self-confidence, make them work harder, lift their spirits and make them successful in their endeavors. Encouragement goes straight to the heart and is always available. Be an encourager. Always."

(180 words)

Her bluntness, although this can also be seen as a strength in some cases. Sometimes this can be her downfall. Matsuri isn't shy to say things directly as it is. This may often lead others to assume she is being rude. She really does not want to give that impression, but she is who she is. She cant stop herself, its part of her personality. Some pride members are actually thankful for her bluntness. It means she generally cares about them. While others think she is being rude.

Speaking a painful truth should be done only in love. She takes these words seriously. Although there are times when someone Really irritates the liveing hell out of her. And when that happens,
she cant stop the words from leaveing her mouth. And when she speaks...oh boy. The words are like a blade of molten, red fiery hot lava that does not miss its mark. Once she strikes, she strikes true.
(163 Words)

Her greatest regret was that she abandoned her family as she had fled from the hungry grasp of the flames. She feels that she chould have done something to help, even if she truly chould not. It was her mother and father who told her to run and not look back. She had forgotten those words. And still feels immense guilt about it.

When Ar Ramlah took her in, he was quiet as she told her story. And when she spoke about what she had done. He only smiled softly as she finished and drew her in with his paw, saying the following words. "Don’t waste your time in anger, regrets, worries, and grudges. Life is too short to be unhappy.

Make it a rule of life never to regret and never to look back. Regret is an appalling waste of energy; you can't build on it; it's only good for wallowing in."

She had taken those words untill today. She never forgets those words.

(165 Words)

Matsuri growled as one of lead Huntresses told her that her hunting technique was wrong. She knew for a fact her stance was correct! She began to argue with the lioness, pointing out fact after fact as well as a few examples of when she had a successful hunt, even 'if' her form was wrong. At the end the lead huntress sighed and gave up as she walked away.
Matsuri whould try to prove whoever said she was wrong, that she is right. Often leading to arguments. That she will win eventually, but she is at a standstill when they have an argument for her fact. She does not like to be wrong.

Ar Ramlah often approached her, took her aside and said the following,
"Pride is pride not because it hates being wrong, but because it loves being wrong: To hate being wrong is to change your opinion when you are proven wrong; whereas pride, even when proven wrong, decides to go on being wrong" she whould look at him with confusion. But he only smiled and walked off leaving her to think about his words
(187 Words)

Even though Matsuri whould be a great leader, she is a follower. She loves to help her pride mates, but not in a way a leader does. Besides she quite comfortable being a follower. Matsuri may not be a leader but she is a good follower. Goodfollowers are good workers. They are diligent, motivated, committed, pay attention to detail and make the effort. Leaders have a responsibility to create an environment that permits these qualities but regardless, it is the responsibility of the follower to be a good worker. She takes this responsibility seriously.

In her mind
"Followers are more important to leaders than leaders are to followers.And when you are not followed by anyone, you are free to go to anywhere. But if you are followed by others, you lose your right to be free to go anywhere because now you are a shepherd and a shepherd who has a herd can never be free!"
(156 words)

Matsuri smiles as she leans against a strong sculpted shoulder. "This strong male next to me..." she purred as she nuzzled him. Keanjaho leaned downwards and pressed his nose against her cheek. The female smiled and closed her eyes, leaning into his chest. She looked up into his eyes as she murmured,
"Our love is a special bond and it can not be broken, it will get stronger no matter how many hurdles and struggles we face. Our love something that is written in the sky and drawn into our destiny." She leaned back and looked him in the eyes.

"I’m so proud of you my love. You make me happy in a way no one could ever have. You’re my forever happy place. I hope you already know how amazing you are and you deserve every happiness of this world. You add colors to my life.Thank you for being there for me all the time."
(156 words)


The lioness looks upwards as she thinks about the question. After about five minutes or so she looked back down and awnsered. "What i value most in others, must be patience. " her silky voice humed as she continued. "I remember that my mother said that patience is like flowing water. Because water does not resist. Water flows.Water is not a solid wall, it will not stop you. But water always goes where it wants to go, and nothing in the end can stand against it. Water is patient Dripping water wears away a stone. We must remember that we are half water. If you can't go through an obstacle, go around it. Water does."

"Patience is powerful...It can break any solid object. I admire individuals who possess a great deal of patience. Especially when one is around the new youth. And me..." she chuckled. "Sometimes i can be a bit of a pawful-"
(153 Words)

Her emerald gaze slides over towards her mate with a sneaky smile. "I want to say my mate...but its a choice between Ar Ramlah and him" Keanjaho sticks his tounge out with a goofy grin. Matsuri waves it off. "But if i have to be honest, wait no if i am being honest. Its Ar Ramlah. He took me in when times were tough, without his care i whould not be standing here today. I owe my life to him. He saved me and raised me. And ill always be grateful for that. As we grow older, we tend to forget things when we were younger. But untill the day the earth takes my body, and my memory drifts with the wind. I will never forget what he had done for me"

"I want to repay his kindness, but he said it was okay. He did it because he wanted to help, he whould never leave a cub to sutch a horrid fate. Even if says i do not have to repay him, i will. One way or another. I will-"
(181 Words)

The lioness tilted her head as she thought about the question. "Well...I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?" She replied after a while. She looked at the ground useing her claws to draw small pictures in the sand. "Without fantasy...what is reality really? Reality cant exist without fantasy. When one is taken away the other is as well.

And if im honest really, nobody knows whether the world is realistic or fantastic. So who's to say the world is realistic? While there is a chance the world might be a fantasy? As I've said i believe in all, unless you can prove me wrong with evidence. Imagination might be scarier than reality ... but not by much. Some chose to believe in reality because they are too afraid to believe in the unknown"
(164 words)

Matsuri smiled at the question. Lifting her paw over her heart. "I dont believe in being sloppy, im one of the most organized individuals that resides witin the pride, clear and clean space radiates positive energies and harmony. One's mood can change for the better. Everything i do i, even if that may be hunting, cub sitting and even performing the daily duties around the empire. I do it with organization and neatness. "

She went on bright eyes shineing. "When i hunt i make sure to deliver a clean blow or cut at on prey. Makwing sure that the creature does not suffer during its final minutes. When i do a task i make sure that i do it fully and neatly." Matsuri is always the first to step up and offer to do a job requiring one to become dirty. She loves to organize her pride mates dens and even the royal dens."I discovered that my obsession for having each thing in the right place and time. Neatness makes me feel like I have to be on my best behavior. Clutter is my natural habitat."
(186 words)

Matsuri grins evily...not a real evil grin though, the type of grin that a cub gives their parents when they did something wrong. "My biggest secret?" She laughed holding her chocolate brown paw over her maw. "A secret is not a secret when you tell it, now is it? Who is to say it is my biggest secret? Is it necessary i share my secret? It wont be a secret anymore..." she intended to continue to talk in riddles when she felt her fur rise. Looking backwards she was faced with her owner namely Moonlight Heavens sending a glare to share it.

She groaned and spun around to face whomever even dared to allow this question to be a prompt."My biggest secret I love berries. Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, black berries, anything with an 'errie' in it! While my mate loves eating beans-" A angry roar in the distance. Followed by a chuckle from Matsuri. "I love feasting on berries".
(159 Words)

Salty tears fell down her cheek as the female dashed away from the empire into the night. The stars and moon watched the figure flee into the night being pursued by another. "Matsuri wait!" A voice echoed into the night. Yet she did not slow her pace. In fact she picked up speed, and the tears never seized thier movements. She was still only a cub...and did not understand the meaning of death. But when she asked the strange male where her mother and father was. He was honest...the shock of truth was too mutch for the young cub to handle as she fled to who knows where.

She only came to a stop when she chould not run anymore. Collapsing onto her belly as she cried. The stars wept with her, as the moon watched Ar Ramlah catch up. She did not look up, as he sat down next to her. Heavy silence settled between them...the only sounds that vibrated trough the air was their panting as well as her sniffs and the soft hum of the night creatures. Ar Ramlah was the first to break it. "You know what i do when i fell broken?" The cub sniffed and looked up at him. Her puffy eyes red..."I look at the stars and wisper my sadness to them. They listen in silence as i cry out my woes and sorrows. They are always there, always watching over me a comfortable precence"

He leaned down and nuzzled her. "Don't be ashamed to weep; 'tis right to grieve. Tears are only water, and flowers, trees, and fruit cannot grow without water. But there must be sunlight also. A wounded heart will heal in time, and when it does, the memory and love of our lost ones is sealed inside to comfort us." He whispered. Untill this day she always sits under the stars and tells them her woes and sorrows
(319 words)
+1 feather

I 28: How intelligent is this character?
Minimum requirement: 150 words/flat fullbody drawing
Awards: 1 white feather
Matsuri is right above average intelligence. When it comes to matters of the hunt she absolutely expels at strategy. She is an amazeing huntress and knows what she is doing. When she takes part in a hunt the pride is garenteed a good meal the night. As for matters with the heart, due to her friendly nature she knows how to deal with those who suffer heartbreak and loss as she had been trough it herself. And-

Matsuri chips in as she placed her paw over the mouth of her owner. I think of myself as an intelligent, sensitive individual with the soul of a clown which always forces me to blow it at the most important moments. Simply put" She noticed a certain someone wanted to add something but she went on. "I believe the more stupid one is, the clearer one is. Stupidity is brief and artless, while intelligence squirms and hides itself. Intelligence is unprincipled, but stupidity is honest and straightforward. So i believe im on that fine line between intelligence and stupidity"
(176 Words)

I 29: What is this character's views on change?
Minimum requirement: 150 words/flat fullbody drawing
Awards: 1 white feather
"Change is something that we will encounter eventually in life. And still encounter in the future many times witin our lifetime. I believe change is good" the Lioness awnsered. Sitting dowm as she watched the stars. "I believe change is good and is necessary. The only way that we can live, is if we grow. The only way that we can grow is if we change. The only way that we can change is if we learn. The only way we can learn is if we are exposed. I believe we should expose ourselves to change"

She blinked as she flicked her tail. A look of sadness witin her emerald gaze. "Change is hard...it hurts. But..you can not stop the future,
you can't rewind the past. The only way to go on is to press play. Change is though, but change is good" She smiled slightly looking back up at the starry figures
(153 words)
I 30: How does this character express themselves?
Minimum requirement: 150 words/flat fullbody drawing
Awards: 1 white feather
Matsuri expresses herself in a Honest, Confident, kind, clear headed and sensitive matter. When she walks you can see the confidence shineing witin her eyes and the confidence within her stride. Confidence is knowing who you are and not changing it a bit because of someone’s version of reality is not your reality. That is her attitude snd you can see it cleary. While her kindness and honesty can be picked up by looking into her eyes. They are filled with warmth and love. The eyes are a mirror to the soul and she is a prime example of that. When she smiles she fills you with warmth and hope

Every decision is made with thorough thinking and she stays calm during tough situations. That is how she expresses her clear headed nature. While her sensitivity can be picked up by listening closely to her voice and looking into her eyes as well as pick up on her body language.
(160 words)

**BONUS** 1-30 prompt set completion:
Award: +2 additional bronze feathers after completing I1-I30 (all prompts) for one character
*Can be claimed once per character per set completed.
Last edited by Moonlight heavens on Fri Apr 09, 2021 7:10 am, edited 12 times in total.
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Moonlight heavens
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Avidae Casting Prompt

Postby Moonlight heavens » Thu Mar 18, 2021 1:29 am


Avidae Prompt Casting #1~

The forest was silent, the only sound to be heard was the soft brush of paws over paper. As Adreanna was pageing trough her spellbook within her luxurious cabin. Right in the heart of the woods. Bright amber eyes was filled with excitement as she read page for page. Containing a list of different spells. Each varying in element, power and difficulty. But of course due to her confidence she chose a difficult one to begin with. Placeing down the hardcover book among the piles of books around her. And quite a collection as well, she moved herself out if the cabin and deeper into the woods. If the spell was to go wrong she whould not be able to burn down her cabin, or her precious treasure of papers.

Looking back to determine she was far enough, her attention began to focus on her surroundings. The forest was gigantic, compact, and lush. Its canopy was ruled by rhododendron, birch, and hickory, and abundant dancing lights bounced through their crowns for disorderly bushes to spread in the crunchy layer of leaves below.
Thick climbing plants hung from most trees, and an array of flowers, which were common to this area only, were a welcome change in the otherwise amber backdrop.
A mixture of beastly sounds, most of which were small creatures, reverberated through the air, and were strangely synchronized with the occasional sounds of birds of prey gliding in the air...

The feline shut her eyes and allowed the forest to take her away. Feeling every single sound through her body, hearing how a squirrel scurried upwards to stash his home with food for the comeing winter. Eyes still closed she suddenly stood still. Tail slightly curled as her ears rounded fowards. She focused entirely upon her inner flame. Digging deeper within herself to drive out the source of her power. It felt like the beginning of a huge tidal wave. It made its way upwards. The wild force expertly controlled by its master. Adreanna lifted her paw and drew her focus upon it. Willing and shaping the pure wild force of energy into a ball of stabilized energy.

Another sound tore trough the forest, the wild crackling of electricity. When she opened her eyes she beheld what she held in her paw. A beautiful ball of violet, blue and navy crackling electricity. Even if was many times hotter then the sun, it did not burn her. Her eyes filled with wonder, tilting her paw side to side to observe what she had created. Feeling a jolt of happiness flow trough her body.

'I did it! See getting yourself lost within the majesty of books will get you far!

She praised herself for the accomplishment. Sitting down and holding her paws out in front of her. The blue and violet glow highlighting her chocolate, charcoal coloured tabby striped features. Spreading out her wings, she embraced herself and the little ball of joy. Letting it flow from one paw to the next.

Eventually her eyes trailed upwards. Smiling brightly at seeing how the sky was clear and sunny. Looking back down at her accomplishment. She curled her paws inwards. Watching as the energy disappeared.
Still beaming with joy she turned around and made her way back to the cabin. To once again get lost in the sea of books and spells.

(561 words)


Avidae Store Prompt #1


If there is anything this graceful feline enjoys more then reading. Its to fly...She smiled and flapped her feathery wings harder, allowing her to glide higher above the clouds. She sighed softly at feeling the sun's rays fall upon her back and wings. Thier warm toutch, like that of a mother and her kit, calming her mind. Chasing away her worries and sorrows. Up here its just her, the sun, the sky and the clouds. It was nothing more then freedom! A yowl of excitement escaped her maw as she caught a strong gust of wind. Eagerly veering away to glide with it. Tilting her body to the side, she flew upside down. Stretching out her soft delicate paws, and trailed them trough the soft fluffy clouds.

Whats it like to be a cloud? To see so many wonderful things from above and below. To just...go where the wind takes them. Adreanna smiled at the thought, shifting her bodyweight as she started to turn around again. This time she began to steadily climb higer and higer. Watching as the world grew smaller and smaller. Once she was high enough she flared out her wings. Hovering in one spot as she looked down, once again tucked in her wings and dove. The wind tore at her fur as she drastically increased in speed.

But she only smiled and made her body smaller, tucking in her wings tighter as she continued her dive. She laughed with joy at how great it felt. Starting to spin around as she plummeted straight towards the ground. As the ground loomed upwards, she flared out her wings and flew onwards. Over the sea, reaching out her paw as it trailed over the icy cold water. She smiled seeing the silver reflection of a dolphin cutting trough the water like a blade. The feline closed her eyes and began to hum a sweet melody. Her voice was rich and filled with grace and honey.

"I've been watchin' you for some time
Can't stop starin' at those ocean eyes
Burning cities and napalm skies
Fifteen flares inside those ocean eyes
Your ocean eyes~"

Her voice drifted with the wind. As she flew onwards watching the sky repaint itself from blue to yellow, and blue to red, pink and orange. Watching how the flameing ball of fire slowly was devoured by the vast stretch of sea. As the stars began to rise along with its majesty the moon. She continued her melody

"No fair
You really know how to make me cry
When you gimme those ocean eyes
I'm scared
I've never fallen from quite this high
Fallin' into your ocean eyes
Those ocean eyes~"

The stars seemed to sway to the slow rhythm of her words. Her wings was highlighted by the shine of the moon. Makeing her look like a Goddess of the night. Tonight it was only her and the stars~

(486 Words).


Avidae Prompt Casting #2

Adreanna was standing in the middle of her cabin as a book was spread underneath her paw. The spell she was currently trying to study as well as attempt was a power called Winnowing. However this was not simply a spell that exisisted within the real world. Being a literall booknerd, she was busy reading a series called A court of thorns and roses. (Also a book series i highly recommend!)

She was so fascinated at what powers the high lord of the night court possessed and wanted to see if she can try to attempt to winnow just like him. She had paged trough different books and came across one that look similar to it. Also useing the book as reference. 'Winnowing is the name given to the ability to transport oneself to a different location' But this type of transportation allows the user to burst into shadows, darkness and stars as they transport away.

The feline closed both books and stood still. Willing her mind to calm down, soothing the treacherous waters of her mind to still. She closed her eyes and developed her world in darkness, willing the inner source of her power to roar upwards. Warming her very soul and heart as she inhaled and exhaled. It was a difficult feat...she struggled to accomplish the spell. Yet she was not one who whould give up so easily. Again she willed herself to be calm, clearing her mind and body.

This time instead of feeling the warmth of her power, she felt coldness. Her heart sped up in fear as she felt a cocoon of darkness envelop her whole body, opening her amber eyes as she beheld what was happening. But...strangely this darkness was calming...soothing. Its tendrils gently embraced her source of power and chased the claws of fear away. Feeling more in control and free from the icy grasp of terror, she focused on a spot witin the forest. Stars and night itself swarmed fowards joining in with the darkness.

She felt her body lift up as an unknown force sped towards that spot. It was a strange sensation, she was in her body and at the same time she wasn't. Her mind veered away from the focus point as she thought about this. A mistake- Comeing to a very painful halt as she winnowed straight into a tree. The female hissed in pain as her world spun, lifting a paw to rub at her sore head. A small tickle of blood ran down her face, as she looked at her paw. Already it was coated in the red sticky substance.

She gave a disproved hiss and stood. Dusting herself off, and pulling out splinters. Maby she should try again? Her eyes narrowed upon the culprit whom caused her sutch pain. She sworn she heard it laugh. "Why do you always just ...show up out of nowhere?!" She hissed and swung around . To her luck its buddy also stood in her way as she too collided with it. She snarled and stumbled backwards. "Why me?!" Perhaps her next spell should be to make things disappear.

"And yes my dear friend, you will be the first!"
As she stalked away she was sure it too chuckled
(539) words


Avidae Store Prompt #2


Adreanna smiled as she leaned backwards in her chair. Against the wall of her cabin hung a large poster that contained the following:

"Reader's Bill of Rights

1. The right to not read
2. The right to skip pages
3. The right to not finish
4. The right to reread
5. The right to read anything
6. The right to escapism
7. The right to read anywhere
8. The right to browse
9. The right to read out loud
10. The right to not defend your tastes"

And oh how she lives by these rules...The soft beutiful sound of turning papers vibrated trough the air. The feline hummed softly as the wonderful world of literature drew her inwards. When her fellow Avidaens ask her why she spends so mutch time, nose burried within a book. Her awnser will be.

"Books are the perfect entertainment: no commercials, no batteries, hours of enjoyment for each dollar spent. What I wonder is why everybody doesn't carry a book around for those inevitable dead spots in life.

I spent my life folded between the pages of books.
In the absence of relationships I formed bonds with paper characters. I lived love and loss through stories threaded in history; I experienced adolescence by association. My world is one interwoven web of words, stringing limb to limb, bone to sinew, thoughts and images all together. I am a being comprised of letters, a character created by sentences, a figment of imagination formed through fiction!"

She smiled brightly and shut her book. As she strode over towards the shelf. Gently and carefully sliding the precious treasure of hers into the shelf. This here was sacred territory. If you want to feel her rage, dare to try and steal, damage or tear any of them. You will find yourself turned into a frog, turned inside out or burned to a crisp!

(314 words)


Avidae Prompt Casting #3~

Adreanna was in the heart of the forest. Today's spell was called Rei Strixulso. It was invented by Joseph C. It had the following effect:
"Conjures a magical rope that will wrap itself around the target" With the appearance of an constant, crimson particle wave. The feline's eyes carefully brushed through the pages on what should be done. With a nod of approval she stood up, shut the book. She stretched out her paw and focused upon her mortal enemy. The tree...ah yes there he is that barked abomination.

She willed the fire within to surge upwards, letting her mind guide the flow if power trough her body, her legs and her paw. For the first few minutes...nothing seemed to happen. The tree from the previous day swayed in the wind as it mocked her. She gave a low growl at it, bearing her teeth in anger as she tried again. This time she allowed her mind to go blank, free from any and all thoughts. Free from any distractions. She felt the build up within her chest. Feeling how her body slowly began to warm up. How it started to direct its focus upon the tree.

Her paw began to warm...it was not pleasant but at the same time it was? Tendrils of crimson began to wrap around her paw, snakeing up to her leg as it emerged itself with her. She tilted her head and studied it. Moveing her paw left, it followed. Right...it followed. Up and down, left and right and twist. It still followed. With a grin of sweet victory, she spun her paw around. Allowing the rope of crimson to twirl with her movements. Untill finally she let allowed her paw fowards. The wave wrapped itself around the base of the tree. She gave a yowl of joy and as she did. She made a huge mistake...she drew her paw backwards.

Even if this may be a spell, it was not strong enough to rip the tree free from the ground. It rather ripped her off her feet and towards IT. With a painful collusion, the spell vanished. And she was once again left with a sore head. And a bloody sore maw. "Thats it!" She snarled jumping backwards as she faced it fully. Graceful paws clamped against one another, as she wispered muttered words. Slowly but surely light blue to dark blue crimson hue began to form between her paws. The hue became more brighter. Cold eyes sliding towards her intended target. Wings flareing the feline shot up into the sky, hovering a few feet above the tree. Paws drawing backwards, ready to throw the ice cold ball of doom. With a hiss she let it fly...

The snowball hit the base of the tree the second she landed. Oh come on...whould she ever dare harm sutch a beutiful piece of nature? Never! Trudging on soft paws she halted near its base. Throwing her legs against the rough bark as she hugged it. The chill of the snowball made her hiss and draw backwards. "Heh...sorry old friend. Can you promise not to move ever again? Especially when its unexpected" The tree said nothing...As if debating whether or not to do exactly what she just said. After a few more apologies and hugs Adreanna grabbed her stuff and headed back towards her cabin
(558 words)
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Moonlight heavens
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Avidae Casting Prompt #4

Postby Moonlight heavens » Fri Jul 23, 2021 8:26 am

Adreanna shut her eyes as she deeply inhaled. Sitting within the deep green evergreen forest...Today she was here to once again practice one of the spells she had came across when reading her golden pile of books. Today spell was titled "Acid Splash" and in all honesty, she was beyond nervous. Perhaps it whould be better to stick to more simple spells? What if she burned herself, burned someone or even burn down the whole forest?! Wait burn? Did acid even burn? Shakeing her head with the frustration of so many silly questions she hastily placed the book down. Only to quickly pick it up and hastily dust it off with her paw, no dust shall devour any of her prized positions.

Her mind flickered towards another spell to assist in keeping her book free of dust and bugs. Swinging her paw in an elegant motion, the book began to hover in the air. A near invisible shield wrapped around it as she continued to read over the spell. Once she was certain she memorized it, she carefully shut the pages and began the spell. 'The spell includes that the user hurls a bubble of acid. By Choosing one creature within range, or choose two creatures within range that are within 5 feet of each other. And A target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take 1d6 acid damage in order to provide the maximum amount of damage' She recalled the exact words of the spell as she began to imagine the ball of acid form between her paws.

Yet once again she severed the link. Rethinking about this once more. What dangers does Acid pose to herself and those around her? Well if she recalled correctly..Visual hallucinations, amplification of sensations like sounds and smells, distorted sense of time, blending of senses, such as “seeing” sounds or “hearing” colors, sensation of the mind leaving the body, impulsive behavior, quickly shifting emotions. Well that was just the short term dangers which in turn may lead to increased blood pressure and heart rate, elevated body temperature, insomnia (well one she wont argue with this...More time to read! But on the other hand a lot of complications), dizziness, loss of appetite, a dry mouth and excessive sweating.

These thoughts made her rethink as she decided to rather switch to a more safer spell. Why not go with water? Already her keen amber eyes observed a fresh pool of water. Strideing towards it she only halted near the bank. Allowing the water to cover her front paws she imagined it to start to twist and bend in a shape she desired. And just like she predicted when opening her eyes she spotted the small elegant figures of dolphins and horses praceing about in open air. Thier bodies were entirety made of water, crystal clear water. Adreanna smiled brightly as they leaped and danced around her. The Avid was ecstatic as she too began to leap and dance with figures. They began to dance in synch , leaping and twirling together as she took to the sky. Useing her tail to effortlessly pull more water into the air, shaping it into more forms of animals.
(532 Words)[/center

Avidae casting Prompt 5
[center]Adreanna was once again beneath the canopy. She sat down as she smiled softly with excitement. Today she was going through all of the element spells. Her delicate paw paused on a certain page, explaining the basics of what this practice involved.

Element Munipulation
"The power to manipulate elements. Sub-power of Matter Manipulation. Not to be confused with Classical Element Manipulation or Periodic Table Powers."

"User can create, shape and manipulate elements, the rudimentary, simplest or essential parts/principles of which anything consists of. This can entail power over things which the universe consists and is made of, like atoms and molecules.
The most prominent elements are the four classical elements of nature:
Air Manipulation
Earth Manipulation
Fire Manipulation
Water Manipulation"

Yesterday, she attempted performing Water Manipulation and to be frank she did quite well! Yet, she was not nearly even finished with the water Element. Today she was going to attempt the following applications of Water Manipulation.

-Elemental Ball Projection: Create and launch spheres of respective element.

-Elemental Blast: Release respective element over a specific target area.

"Right!" Shutting the book with a plop she stood up and strode towards the river. Because of her inexperience with manipulateing water she wasn't even close to physically make water appear. She needed a source. Placeing her paws into the crystal clear and icy cold water of the river, she silently willed her mind to shape and manipulate the body of water into the shape of a ball. She felt it start to form between her paws. When she felt confident it was formed she started to bounce the water ball between her paws. Side to side, up and down and finally throwing it into the water with a plop! The Avid felt herself swell with pride and joy as she moved on to the next.

Now this was going to be tricky. Standing perfectly still she imagined herself suck in water into every single particle of her body. Untill finally the pressure was too mutch, she was forced to release it. The blast shook the ground as her fur was completely soaked. Well...this is great. Definitely one she should improve upon...
She shook herself dry and stood up with new found determination. Eyes narrowed with concentration she sunk her blade like claws into the damp earth. All of her will and power solemnly focused on this one goal and one goal only. As she breathed in deeply she started the process to start and feel every single droplet fill every single particle of her body. However she had to break the link and start from scratch because of the pressure becoming too intense.

With a sigh she thought about giveing up, but snarled to herself. No! She can do it. Digging her claws in deeper she began the process, ears pinned flat against her head, tail swaying low and body poised perfectly. Her senses were flooded with water, drowing them as she had to cough several times. But still she clung on to the connection. Eventually her senses cleared as she inhaled deeply and clearly. When looking at herself she saw her body covered in an outer layer of water. Looking at a large tree she willed it to blast towards it...and to her astonishment it did!

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