Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby The Royal Mirage » Sat Apr 14, 2018 10:23 am

((I'd be down with that ^^ I probably won't add it to the front page, but it's still a little bit of world-building fun. It's like the burial traditions in the packs that we talked about in the chat a while back, and Wolf and I were recently talking about how each pack views LGBT relationships. It's fun looking at the world from angles I hadn't considered while writing the front page

Also, HOW could you forget about Sham??? Amnesia might be the only possible explanation..

My bf just left, so I'll be working on some replies in a bit - just feeling a little drowsy *we got food, it was delicious*))
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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby The Royal Mirage » Sat Apr 14, 2018 11:22 am

The Royal Mirage wrote:It was only in snatched glances that Elia could see her dishes being enjoyed, stopping her rushed passage between kitchen and hall briefly whenever she would notice a particularly choosy client placing delicacies onto their plate. Of course, no one ever filled their plates, it would be somehow unacceptable to take too much, but the chef had catered enough events to know a fuller, satisfied plate from a displeased, emptier plate. And it appeared that today was a fuller plate day, the sight warming her heart even as it raced with her back to the kitchen. "Hamish, how do the croissants look?" she asked before even glancing around to see where her brother was, only taking notice of his absence when he didn't pipe up immediately. A bolt of worry struck the young dove, though she attempted to settle her frayed nerves a moment. Hamish was working now too - as an apprentice, but still working - she tried to have faith that he was simply in the hall adjusting something else that she had missed. Padding over to the oven, she looked at the golden rolls of flaky pastry that seemed to be just hitting the perfect level of doneness, finding a hot mat and removing the tray to cool.

Hamish was in fact in the banquet hall, having spent a bit too long admiring the mound of steaming potatoes he had replaced on the vegetable table. 'Who could possibly eat all this food?' the pup wondered, hazel eyes straying to the nobles whose plates were barely filled, or those who managed to resist the feast altogether. What self control they must have, to not sniff with anticipation, to salivate at the sights and smells; perhaps growing up meant you enjoyed food less? Or maybe nobles just didn't like the kind of food he and Ellie made. The last thought set an uncharacteristic frown upon the young wolf's face.

"There's no place for such a sad face at a gathering such as this," a warm, familiar voice sounded. Hamish turned to see the golden figure of his tutor, Phaedrus, looking more polished than ever. The elder brute smiled, prompting a returning grin from the pup, who noticeably straightened his posture. Phaed took pride in all his young pupils, but Hamish was a special case even among them - the pup was unusually rambunctious and had difficulty keeping his emotions contained compared to other youngsters in the pack, and yet these very flaws made him somehow more endearing. Would the tutor feel remorse when, someday, Hamish grew up and no longer wagged his tail with reckless abandon? The brute reached to his face to adjust his spectacles, breaking the chain of thought. "Did you and Elia make this entire feast Hamish? It's quite impressive," he praised, watching closely as, sure enough, the young brute's smile widened to flash pointed puppy fangs.

'Of course nobles like our food, if Phaedrus approves then everyone else must just be waiting for the desserts!' the pup reasoned to himself, nodding his head vigorously before slowing, realizing he might be mussing his carefully combed fur. "We didn't catch the fish, but we cooked everything - the kitchen in this place is really big! You wouldn't believe how many ovens there are, I think Ellie was having too much fun with them," he gushed, before noticing the slightly raised brows of his tutor, signalling that he may have just overshared. Was it such a crime to share with a friend though? Hamish gave a bashful smile, looking down at his paws in apology. He would learn to be a proper wolf, so he could help his sister out. Then she wouldn't be so busy with work all the time, and they would be able to play.

Balancing a tray of freshly baked croissants, Elia re-entered the banquet hall, her heartbeat quickening as she realized just how packed the venue had become. She averted her gaze in an attempt not to unintentionally engage one of the higher ranked wolves, taking the buttery pastries to the bread table, their platter filling a space that had been freshly emptied, before cautiously glancing about in search of her brother. It wasn't such a search, finding that he was caught in conversation with Phaedrus; the blonde fae let out a sigh of relief before padding over herself.

The golden tutor couldn't maintain his chastising look for long as the usually scruffy pup, fur combed into place and dressed the part of a fine young member of society, displayed such honest repentance for a small social transgression. He would learn in time, what was the harm in letting him be a pup a little bit longer? "I'm glad Elia enjoyed creating this feast as much as everyone else seems to be enjoying eating it," he smiled, glittering blues gentle as Hamish's own hazel orbs raised to meet his again, so open and honest in their adoration and appreciation of the tiny compliment. It solidified so much stronger in Phaed's mind that the pup must never have had a male role model to remember, his parents having passed away so soon after his birth. Elia couldn't have been much older than young Hamish when it happened, yet she had managed to eke out a fine living in the pack. They were a resilient pair, but the tutor couldn't help wanting to do anything he could to ease their difficulties. He wanted to give Hamish someone to look up to, and to lean on.

His thoughts were cut short as blue eyes met pale grassy greens, realizing that he had kept the pup too long from his duties. "My apologies Hamish," he began, motioning with his nose towards the blonde fae approaching them. "It seems I've been selfish with your company; I'll let you continue working for tonight, but please feel free to come visit the library when you have the time. I'd be happy to see you more often."

Confusion openly coloured the young baron's face, before he caught on to Phaedrus' gestures and glanced over his shoulder at Elia. Had he really been out here for so long that she had to come find him? For a moment, the pup was upset, having wanted to continue speaking with his tutor... and maybe hear more praise of the food they'd prepared. Why did working have to mean that he couldn't also be social? Why couldn't he say hello to every wolf he recognized in the room, ask them how they liked the food, seen the smiles on their faces? Giving Elia a last, admittedly pouty look, the mahogany pup returned his gaze to Phaed, nodding at his offer. "I'd like that very much Phaedrus," he responded properly, trying to convey his desire to do so without appearing too overzealous, before returning to the young chef and muttering an excuse about how he had only been gone for a few minutes.

((Figured I'd open these three up anyway - as far as the party goes, I think I still need a starter post for Aron, and I could probably get Delano doing something after having acknowledged Belladonna? Lark, Amos, Gem, and Lia either still need to be updated/reply, or not, I haven't gotten to that in my re-reading of the thread yet :P Okay, Lia is still waiting on a reply from Acadia, Amos and Lark are caught up on their lonesome so I can make an update post for them, and I'll write up a post for Gem towards Jesse once I move Ruby and n'Obi to Saber and Clarence))
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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby -goldleaf- » Sat Apr 14, 2018 3:39 pm

Plum nose lifted to the lazy breeze, Sham raised a brow in his surveying of the festivities as he watched his more colorful pack mates meet and greet. All around him was activity. Hardly a moment could pass without him seeing some slip or another of all the fine etiquette boundaries that he had read about within the pack. A slight relaxing around his eyes warmed his expression to almost amusement as he pushed off the fencing beside him. It was always nice to see the genuine part of his pack mates, whenever they chose to show it.
Instead of focusing on them any long however, Sham instead turned his attention to one of the many aromatic meats available. He surveyed with interest, moreso curious about all of the game that had been brought out for the celebration. A few of the section had been of his own catching.

Kirsten parted her lips for a soft pant of what could have been relief as she caught the first solid whiff of the packs scent. The always changing breeze had done little to really tie the lands down in terms of scents, which made Kirsten feel always very exposed; yet strangely lost. As if she were afloat in nowhereland.
Her sharp eyes burned with grit as she glanced towards Maia. Knowing that her companion must have caught the same breeze as her, she wondered if it would spook some word from the dove. A hazy thought of confusion for how this pack came to be out here echoed faintly in her head. Where was she?
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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby The Royal Mirage » Mon Apr 16, 2018 6:01 am

((Looks like my study group has backed out because of the weather today, can't say I'm excited to go over this material on my own any more. So one little reply to tide me over))

At a lack of answer from Kirsten, aqua orbs flashed back momentarily, realizing that their emerald companions were already trained upon her. She looked away again quickly, not wanting to prolong the amount of time they spent in the frigid winds, dipping headfirst into the cozy heat of the medicine den. At first glance, Maia could only see Roan, giving the loner a faint smile of greeting, before searching eyes finally found Tanga nestled close to Amara, the two small doves sleeping soundly. A sharp pain shot through her chest, the idea of waking the shaman from her peaceful rest and explaining what happened.. it wasn't appealing.
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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby Nellas » Tue Apr 17, 2018 2:18 pm

((My brain is so scattered from all the academic stuff I've been doing, it's weird to think this semester is ending soon))

Clarence felt the connection spanning between he and Saber as their eyes met, the tension in his mind easing somewhat now with the sense that he had someone to share it with. The beta felt a sense of guilt that it wasn’t Gemini with which he was currently sharing this; should he be discussing this with his alpha instead of the head hunter? Perhaps in another pack, like the one he used to belong to … yet it didn’t feel like any great crime to share and bounce thoughts with Saber, especially when Gemini had enough on his mind already. Clarence took the moment to take in a deliberate steadying breath, appreciating the cooling air under the shade of the trees. At Saber’s words, Clarence’s eyes rested again on Saber, noting the head hunter’s slight sway with a bloom of concern. Despite the residual ache in his shoulder, he shifted towards Saber immediately with the intent to catch him if he should faint, thinking perhaps the medicine or injury or both were taking hold over his friend; yet Saber was keeping his mild-mannered gaze outwards and didn’t seem perturbed. Clarence’s intense gaze lingered on Saber for a long moment, wanting to be sure he was alright despite the momentary shift in balance. The head-hunter’s warm chuckling managed to smooth his worry over somewhat; perhaps he had misread the moment.
“You don’t have to be useful all of the time, Saber,” Clarence replied, allowing a deep chuckle of his own resound in the back of his throat. “You’re here because you want to be and we want you to be, not just for the help you provide.” His words undoubtedly sincere yet letting residual warmth and mild amusement linger in his expression, keeping the under-riding mood of their conversation light.
Content to simply sit in the moment with his packmate and friend, Clarence returned his attention back to the rest of the camp, his gaze flicking back to the fallen moose and the wolves around it – only to see n’Obi approaching the pair of them with a flustered looking Ruby in tow. Perhaps n’Obi had a question regarding his stay at their pack? Looking at Ruby, Clarence had to fight to keep the amusement in his features from growing. As the pair of them approached he and Saber, the dark-furred beta took care to give them a welcoming nod, gaze trained on them expectantly and not without a glitter of warmth as he waited for Ruby or n’Obi to speak.


The respectful, submissive distance Sparrow had been maintaining between her and Lilith blinked away as Lilith staggered, the tracker all but materializing at her side in one fluid instant. Her little tough paws dancing close to Lilith’s dark ones, it occurred to Sparrow how close the two wolves had become in space, midnight fur nearly brushing against muted dusk. Up closer, the features of Lilith’s face shimmered in the golden light, Sparrow guiltily conscious of how different she looked, how much more vulnerable she looked, without her protective mask. The last thing she wanted to do was get into the space that Lilith seemed to be needing right now; this was too close, wasn’t it. In the next breath of air Sparrow had created again a more proper distance between the two doves, once she was sure that Lilith had recovered her balance.
As anguished aquamarine eyes swung to meet her heather-kissed greys, the expression twisting across her packmate’s dark face elicited such a sharp surge of emotion in response to her evident pain that the breath stilled in Sparrow’s runner’s lungs. I miss them. Again Sparrow was faced with the history that went over her head; again she knew too little to piece together the details of what she had heard. It was clear to Sparrow, though, that the wolves Lilith missed were not the ones she had just left behind, as she was aware they were to return to the pack eventually; no, this was someone else, wolves she didn’t know and didn’t dare to guess at. Sparrow let a gentle quiet fill the moment as she considered her response, the scent and whispering of drying grass fronds filling her senses as the two slipped between them.
“Who do you miss?” Sparrow’s voice softened despite its disuse as the words left her lips, a gentleness in her manner and expression so great she could have been carrying a frightened bird in her mouth as they ran and not have injured it. A glance was sent Lilith’s was in the heartbeat after Sparrow had spoken, her expression open and hoping to convey the lack of any sort of pressure in however Lilith should choose to respond.


Finch gave his sister a searching subtle look, sensing there was more to her momentary lapse in attention than she was giving on. Not as emotionally practiced as she, he wasn’t sure what to do; instead his gaze flicked to Katrina; the coutourier, too, was gazing at Anna’s sweet face, but at Finch’s glance her eyes switched to his and the little red dove was quick to give an almost imperceptibly delicate shake of her finely featured head. Right. Not here.
The soft chiming sound of clinking glass alerted the little trio of wolves to the approach of a server, a welcome relief from the small moment of awkwardness that had risen up; Katrina’s mannerisms and driving cheerfulness soon smoothed it graciously out as she took hold of the pleasantries being exchanged, procuring the three young wolves with clear glasses. Finch took a moment to appreciate the craftmanship of the glass; it was a fine piece, very delicately made, and the rim had been engraved with impossibly delicate little vines and swirls. This was not one of his pieces, but instead of feeling envious as seeing such well-made glasswork, it sparked excitement in the young wolf’s chest to keep making his own progress.
Finch took a mouthful of the drink past his lips, the fruity aroma overwhelming his nose for a moment before he swallowed, alcohol warming the back of his throat. Sunny golden eyes brought out the gold notes blended into the dark structure of his face as he turned to give a polite nod to the server – and instead caught his attention on familiar flower petal pale fur, the distinctive lilac accents with gold twinkling in the warm light. Opal. He had seen her dressed for parties, of course, but he felt… stunned. His underriding force of adrenaline-inducing expectancy suddenly resolved as he gazed at her. The fine white gold chains she wore, the gems that adorned them, suited her so well and only enhanced the beauty she carried naturally. Unbidden, the memory of hugging Opal the other day entered into the forefront of his mind- her fur just as incredibly soft as it looked, the precious warmth of their closeness, and the sweetness of her perfume, so much stronger than he usually experienced it as he had pressed his dark nose close. The memory took over his mind so suddenly that as she came close enough to be within greeting distance, Finch’s heart was racing and it felt as if he were back in that tender, fleeting moment again. It took courage for Finch to bring his gaze to Opal’s, and as he did, the scent of wild roses touched him. The magenta hue of her eyes complemented unfairly with the gentle blushing tone over her cheeks and he found he couldn’t look away.
“Hello there, Opal!” Katrina’s silky voice rang into the air above the current of bubbling soft sound. “Opal, hello,” Finch followed warmly, taking a little sideways step to create room for her beside him, if she so wished. His usual outgoing demeanor felt alien to him in this moment, the realization clicking in his head that the driving force of his nameless energy earlier had all led to this, as it had dissipated, leaving him stranded in the current moment, not knowing whether to look at her or to not or even what this feeling was.
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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby The Royal Mirage » Mon Apr 23, 2018 6:27 pm

((oh lordie, finally a break! Moved back home the day after my last exam, then immediately shipped myself off an hour and a half away for a friend's birthday, stayed overnight there and went to her barn, then spent the next couple days at my bf's place. Feels like the first good hour I've had to myself in way too long))

Dragging along the gruff fae, n'Obi's gaze became trained on the new wolf Ruby had pointed out, brows flashing up in a silent indication of interest in conversation. Again, the crafter noted the brute's similarity to a bear, the slight sway emphasizing his hulking, shaggy form. It made his toes itch, the strong connection between the two reminding n'Obi sharply of his ties to his own totem. But perhaps those were thoughts best saved for another time, tucked back in his mind for later. "Excuse me, you're the wolf who brought down the bull moose with Ruby here, right?" he clarified, for the sake of catching their new companion up to speed. "My name is n'Obi, I'm a crafter from a tribe far south of here."

It was a battle in and of itself to keep the surly expression from overtaking her face as Ruby noted the flash of amusement in Clarence's ocean depth eyes, flicking her own to the side as the beige stranger bound exuberantly ahead towards the pair of brutes she had come to know only somewhat well over these past few months. As he spoke, her sunbeam gaze flickered to Saber, wondering momentarily what he was thinking about their kill, but trying not to show her interest too keenly. It wouldn't do to seem too concerned with appearances in this pack, though she seemed to be fitting in well so far.

((I'm really rusty, wow. I'll try to get more replies up later, but I don't want to muck up such important interactions with Opal and Lilith right now. Just really not in the right headspace, but hopefully will be later <3 ))

As the brute and fae departed, the charcoal alpha became painfully aware that he was now alone again with Jesse. A flicker of nervousness seized up his slender figure, form going rigid a moment before remembering the comfortable companionship they had reached before Gemini left. Remember, the staring is just to make sure he understands you, don't get self conscious. The internal pep-talk didn't help in slowing his heartbeat as the sun-speckled brute turned to his fair companion, but it was enough of an internal shove to force a few words from Gemini's maw. "Seems everyone is always on the move, huh," he started, feeling that his voice, in an attempt not to mumble, sounded a bit harsher and more stilted than the usual soft tones. Violet orbs flickered to Jesse's own grays, a small smile lifting his lips faintly. "You're welcome to rest if you want, th-there's no obligation for you to make nice right now." Surely Jesse was tired, not only from his long and arduous journey, but also from having taken it with such a nagging injury and so little nutrients. Rest and food would help build the brute's condition again surely, the idea of a Jesse even larger and more formidable bidding more heat to lick at the young alpha's cheeks. Not many wolves could compare physically, even in his current state, though the image may have also been contributed to by the short fur that covered the brute's body, leaving the lines of his form visibly distinct, its white colour making him stand out even moreso than a darker wolf would have. Surely, Gemini must look comically small and feeble in comparison.


An aching pain tugged at her chest as Sparrow pulled away, yearning to lean forward and press her nose into the fae's dusky fur, to let the plush warmth dry her tired eyes and sooth her sorrows. Was it really alright to rely on Sparrow, to dump her mistakes on the other fae and expect comfort and compassion? And even if she did, would that only awaken the truth in the tracker's mind, that Lilith had been stupid and deserved every wave of longing and misery that crushed her body and stole the breath from her lungs? How was it possible, that the sight of one creature could bring everything rushing back, the feelings as fresh as they had been that first night alone. She had been doing so well, but now...

Lips trembling, Lilith's gaze narrowed in on Sparrow's paws, unable to look the fae in the face as she decided that she would be selfish again, unable to hold back and somehow knowing that, if she could, Sparrow would drag it out of her anyways. As her maw split open, trying to form words that her heart was so hesitant to speak, the edges twitched, holding back a grimace of pain. The effort the midnight fae put into her reply was achingly obvious, the sight of Sparrow's paws blurring as she steeled her resolve. "I..." she managed, before gasping back a sob, a few tears slipping down her cheeks as she shut her eyes tight, lines of bright teal contrasting against silken navy.

"My mate," she whispered shakily after a moment of silence, opening her eyes just a slit as more wetness managed to leak from the creases. Still she couldn't look Sparrow in the eye, but just managing to get those few words out helped her with the next ones. "The fae you met before... Kirsten..." The thought of the raven black fae flashed into her mind again, though this time it was not the ragged traveler they had come across - the image was a laughing creature of dancing affection. "Kirsten is his sister... we were packmates." Memories of the past flooded her mind, choking her throat into another gasping sob; that first time they met, gazing up at two silhouettes, and being completely thrown off by that wild creature. Even now, so long after leaving and so far from his embrace, Lilith yearned to be held again, to feel that fear of his absence dissipate if only for a moment. She no longer had control as the words began to spill from her lips, telling Sparrow everything as she relived them in her own mind.

"He was the pack's leader, and he was... incredible. I couldn't describe him if I tried, I'm sorry. I didn't want to get involved, he was pursued by pretty much every fae in the pack," she explained, voice quieting as she managed to calm down a bit. "Looks, charm, status, mystique, he had it all, so of course they wanted him. I didn't want any part in it." A smile, sad and pained, cracked the corners of Lilith's lips, thinking how futile her internal protests had been. "Of course, I fell for him anyway. Somehow the feeling was mutual, and it was... it was strange, to feel so happy yet so terrified at the same time." Another sob mingled this time with laughter, humorless in its shape and tone. She remembered so clearly the elation she had felt when Cray reciprocated her feelings, and the gut-wrenching fear anytime he was out of sight, off with another fae. "Even after all we went through to make it official, I was still terrified. I knew I wasn't.. I'm not..." I'm not a worthy mate, I'm not able to give him everything a mate should, the thoughts shouted themselves out, but Lilith kept this secret self-pity to herself. Even after waiting for him for months, visiting his family in that bizarre, far off land, she was still afraid. Afraid that any fae that ran off with him would be able to give him more, make him happier, than she ever could.

"None of the other doves cared. They knew I was his mate, that he had chosen me; they still pulled him along as though every whisper didn't cut my heart open. They tried to make him hate me, so that he would love them." Soul, an old, mostly forgotten memory, surfaced - she had pursued him the most fervently. Even the thought of the exotic fae made her stomach turn. "Maybe I could have put up with that alone, but he would still entertain their fantasies. Every time he lead another one off on a hunt or a scout, I knew what they wanted, and I'm sure he knew too. I..." And again, the pain, the self-doubt, tore into her flesh and made a nest of her lungs, Lilith trembling. She no longer noticed the stream of tears that flowed unhindered down her face. "I started to wonder... if he was hoping another would catch his eye. He knew my... shortcomings, it's only natural to want... to want something more than what I can give." To want a future for your lineage, to want someone truly confident and comfortable in their own skin, those were natural desires, right? "I would get angry too, I'd run off with other brutes in the pack, try to distract myself. But anytime they got too close.. I felt how wrong it was, I didn't want them pursuing me. I wanted him to pursue me, to show that he still wanted me. No one else could fill that emptiness..."

"It got to the point where I couldn't stand to sleep next to him, my dreams full of coal and grey and electric blue suddenly gone from my life. I couldn't handle the fear any more... so I left, taking Lia and Maia away too." Names flashed into her mind as the memory of running late in the night resurfaced: Neytiri, Kendoro, Karma, Madeline, all wolves she would never see again. "I left my one friend, the only fae who didn't want him, and I tore Maia away from friends and a future there. Lia wasn't attached, but they still followed me away from a home where they could have been happy." Her sisters would never admit whether they had wanted to stay or not, she knew that much, but she still felt the guilt of having taken them from somewhere they might have settled into well.

Teary teal orbs finally lifted again, brows pulled together as Lilith searched Sparrow's gaze. She had brought this misery upon herself, and she felt she deserved the disapproving look that was sure to grace the other fae's expression. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she lifted her chin slightly, grimace still in place as still more tears managed to slide down her face. "I miss them, and it's all my fault. I caused this, my selfishness and my insecurity caused all of it." And now, she had let herself be selfish again in telling Sparrow everything. Even if she wanted to be comforted, somehow it would still hurt; it would be easier if Sparrow agreed that she was to blame, then this pain she inflicted upon herself would at least be validated. But immature as it was, she still wanted to put off that pain, to not suffer just yet, even if someday she would have to.

((... welp, I got into the Lilith headspace. Just had to stay up until 2 in the morning >< I'll get Opal tomorrow, night guys))
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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby *~WolfSoul~* » Tue Apr 24, 2018 9:06 am

The liquid warmth of Saber’s gaze that had been present speaking to Clarence cooled slowly as he followed the beta’s gaze back across the camp and noted the approach of Ruby and the grey-furred newcomer. With the sluggish feel of the poppy seeds still in his system, Saber’s eyes did not harden down all the way to the metallic shine they usually had, retaining a bit of their old natural glow as the head hunter straightened his posture but remained sitting, realizing it was not Clarence that n’Obi wanted to speak to, but himself.

Unsmiling but not unfriendly, Saber dipped his nose in a slow nod as n’Obi introduced himself. “I am.” Came the deep, gravelly rumble of his voice, lilted and softened only just so with the syrupy feel of painkillers in his mouth and the low upturn in his tone, questioning without asking anything.

Edit: Acadia, finally

While Lia spoke, Acadia’s gaze sharpened in its focus to watch her closely, critically, as the rabbit-soft fae turned her gaze down to reply. A thoughtful tension rose in the darker dove’s chest while the other’s eyes were turned away, face hardening minutely. Hollow...hm. The loner’s thoughts followed the idea, trailing it curiously, into deeper parts of her own mind until she found suddenly that she felt uncomfortable pursuing such ideas any further. Lia changed her tune suddenly then, and though Acadia was bitter to see the other fae’s slip of vulnerability ebb out of sight, she was at the same time welcoming of the shift in tone, for she also found herself preferring not to linger on the thought of siblings.

So she took the change of tempo in stride, all traces of tension gone before the white fae lifted her eyes, an effortless, welcoming little smirk playing up the corners of her mouth with Lia’s little paw-step closer to her. Wine-dark irises became half lidded, narrow muzzle tilting just a breath to gaze down into the fairer dove’s green eyes. Acadia rewarded the softer dove with a naughty little growl, so soft it rattled from her throat like a purr, almost lost in the breeze. “Only a little while? You underestimate me, Lia.” Lilting accent curled around the name, husky tones turned teasing, just a breath of space left between the two doves now. “But of course, I would be so inclined.”
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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby The Royal Mirage » Tue Apr 24, 2018 7:07 pm

((2 am and here we are again))

Suddenly, Finch's head turned, and Opal was ensnared in his sweet honey gaze. The shiver that ran over her at the snap of contact slowed her steps, paw lifted a moment too long as she realized just how much she had missed those eyes. Continuing forward more slowly now, raspberry orbs traced each whorl of light that caught his pelt, the slightly curled dark lashes that tempted the eye, the mildly muscular physique that more so encroached upon her as she drew nearer. The dark, enticing spice of his coat could be just faintly detected, a scent Opal wished to know more keenly, to burn into her memories. It made the flush over her cheeks grow darker, eyes lidded just slightly as she extended her nose, trying to discern the exact notes of that unique fragrance...

Blinking rapidly at Katrina's welcome, Opal seemed to return from her reverie, having almost forgotten the other faes. The blush over her face spread, touching at the tips of her ears in embarrassment - what in the world was wrong with her? As she finally registered Finch's welcome, the fae gave a belated smile, stepping delicately into the space he had provided and feeling acutely the warmth that radiated from his side. "So good to see you all," she responded automatically, the classes of her youth thankfully taking over. "Katrina, I haven't seen your mother yet - how did she like the brooch?" she asked, painfully aware of the effort it took to remain casual with the source of her confusion standing near enough to touch, if she only leaned over. Close enough to once again feel the brush of his fur, so soft, which concealed the sturdy frame beneath... Something else, Opal! "I hope it was to her liking?" she grinned, head tilted in question.

Undeterred, n'Obi's grin widened as Saber confirmed what he had already known. "It's a very fine kill," he complimented, ochre eyes flashing back a moment before returning to the hulking brute. "I was talking to Ruby about it, and it seems she's interested in having a token crafted from it," he explained, unaware of the fae in question's reddening cheeks. "Since it's a kill credited to the both of you, it only seems right to ask if you're interested as well?" he chirped, reaching to his satchel automatically. "I do this sort of thing quite often, it helps the spirit of the animal to rest more peacefully if it is appreciated wholly." Pulling out a few different pieces, n'Obi extended his polydactyl paws so Saber could view them. One small molar of a wild cat of some sort had been painstakingly carved into a delicately patterned bead, while a canine from the same had been simply bored into to make a hole to string it by. A long bone of some large prey animal had been cleaned of marrow and hollowed out, the pattern of a snake encircling it from base to tip. "I think the teeth would make for good beads or earrings," he added, gaze shifting pointedly to the brute's simple necklace - perhaps he would want to add on to it with his new kill?

Lia's smile widened even as the faint growl sent a chill from her ears to her toes, using the momentum to dance a few teasing steps back while locking gazes through heavy lashes with the loner fae. A playful tilt of her head was accented by a single raised brow, disappearing behind twisting moonlight bangs, aching to be pursued in her retreat. "If you're going to be distracting me... for more than a little while," she breathed, teeth flashing in an unspoken laugh, "then I think I should know what to call you." It didn't make Lia nearly uncomfortable enough that she knew so little about this beautiful stranger, the novelty of their exchange in combination with the sheer magnitude the loner exuded from her very pores... it was far too exciting to be tainted by worry. Really, to let herself be so drawn in that she didn't even know this fae's name... it was unlike her. But oh, how that gaze sent her heart into a frenzy; to put a name to this feeling would be almost criminal. And yet, she would surely be using that name often...
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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby *~WolfSoul~* » Wed Apr 25, 2018 6:54 am

Saber shifted his gaze briefly to Ruby as she was mentioned, one dark brow quirking almost imperceptibly at the awkward look she had about her, a barely-there spark in his eye the only indication that the dark brute realized his hunting companion may have thrown him out in an attempt to rid herself of n’Obi’s spotlight.

Saber turned his gaze away from her again as n’Obi’s voice pulled his attention back, eyeing the carved teeth held out in the grey baron’s paw. Beads or earrings…? Blinking up, Saber realized the newcomer was eyeing his necklace. Oh. Hesitating, the burly brute looked first uncomfortable, then thoughtful, brows shading the warm amber light of his eyes as they furrowed. Saber was wary, guarded, perhaps even defensive of trusting this wolf, who was essentially a stranger, to modify anything he owned and may wear. He preferred simplicity when he ornamented himself. Still…Saber slid his gaze subtly in Clarence’s direction. N’Obi was new to the pack, clearly looking for some way to fit in and make himself useful. He’d really rather not take risks about his jewelry, but…

Bright amber eyes settled on n’Obi’s face. Lifting his head higher effectively pulled the bear tooth necklace farther from n’Obi’s reach, pointedly, “You won’t be touching this one.” Saber lifted himself up from his seat then, onto all fours, and turned smoothly away toward his den just behind him. He slipped halfway inside, disappearing but for the dark tip of his tail, before he emerged again a moment later. A second necklace, strung formidably heavy with teeth, claws, and bone, hung from his mouth as he returned to stand in front of n’Obi. The head hunter dropped the necklace into his paw, and held it out – a testimony to the killing he had done during the rise to his current rank, each twist of tooth and length of bone raw and unornamented, their mere number and size speaking plenty about their wearer’s capability. “Incorporate what you will from the moose into this one.” He supplied, trying to sound more trusting than he was. In truth he liked the antlers best, but had a set of his own already in the back of his den, and suspected that Ruby might have her sights set on the ones from this kill.
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Re: Divided We Stand (A Packs Roleplay, OPEN and ACCEPTING)

Postby Nellas » Tue Jun 12, 2018 7:17 am

((I just re-read Watership Down, help))

Without the protective presence of her mask, even cast downwards Lilith’s averted gaze did nothing to hide the play of expression and emotion across the other wolf’s beautifully patterned dark face. Sparrow’s eyes stayed trained on the other wolf devotedly and without any trace of impatience or disinterest as she allowed her companion the space and time to find the words she was trying to say, realizing with surprise that Lilith had chosen to answer in full. Sparrow hadn’t had any distinct reply in mind when she had asked Lilith that question, and she had not expected the openness from Lilith with which Sparrow was sudden gifted.

As she kept speaking, Sparrow listened wholly and without reserve or detachment; without holding back any ounce of her feeling from her companion. Her gaze, trained intensely on Lilith as she sought to absorb each and every part of her story, was so imbued by compassion that she seemed to take in the feelings rolling from Lilith and bring them directly into her own heart. As Lilith spoke of pain and elation, jealousy and fear and regret, Sparrow’s heart moved and broke alongside Lilith’s, and as the other dove came to the end of her story, Sparrow came to realize her eyes were filling and her own cheeks were dark with tears. Lilith’s haunted low voice vibrated in her mind’s ear even after the other dove had fallen silent. Sparrow regarded the other quietly as she took time to consider her reply, her express complex with thought and a gentle acceptance of the other’s words and feelings.

“Lilith, I don’t mean to-” Sparrow stopped herself, feeling somehow that her habitual speech patterns of self-diminishing and apology had no place here. Taking a steadying breath, again her voice slipped quietly but determinedly into the space that had a moment ago been silent. “That’s not fair to you that someone else would fail to respect your relationship with- with your mate. I don’t know if he was aware or not of your fears, but I daresay it wasn’t fair to you either, that he kept, willingly or no, entertaining all of the jealousy and stress you were undergoing each time he went off with someone else,” Sparrow spoke passionately, her brow furrowing as she met the ocean of Lilith’s gaze, her expression almost uncharacteristic in that for once it carried no trace of apology or timidness.

“What I’m trying to say is, you’re not selfish for wanting someone to be faithful to you, Lilith. You’re not bad.” Sparrow took a moment to study the liquid depths of the hunter’s eyes. “I’m so sorry that this happened, Lilith, that it happened this way. I knew you and Tanga and your sisters weren’t born here, but I had no idea… I’m sure I can’t imagine how it must have felt to see his sister - Kirsten - out here, of all wolves.”
Her voice rose and fell with her laden words, then dropped gently into silence. Sparrow closed her mouth with the sense that she had talked for much more than was custom for her, yet that again to apologize for it would be to somehow do a disservice to Lilith. In the same way, though it had been a long time indeed since she had cried in front of another, she felt no shame at the empathetic tears she had shed for her packmate… and her friend.

There was more Sparrow wanted to say, but as she opened her mouth her throat was choking up again suddenly with emotion and she couldn’t force words past. She wanted so badly to pull Lilith into a hug; to give her the comfort and security of well meaning, gentle physical touch from a friend who was doing her best to understand, but stood instead in an agony of longing and indecision, not having any previous experience to draw upon to tell whether that would be acceptable for Lilith or not.
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