❛ the lazy writers ❜ V2

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Re: ❛ the lazy writers ❜ V2

Postby Yubel Fated » Fri Dec 08, 2017 5:42 pm

How do y'all feel about stuff written in second person?

I wrote in Second person briefly for an X Reader I was writing for a group. Its pretty easy but it felt weird while first trying it as I'm used to third. It feels as though you're involved and is pretty interesting imo.

If you had to die, what would be your preferred way of going out? What death do you fear dying, and hope to escape?

I never actually thought of this before. I've always worried about others dying more than myself.

But I guess if I had to go.... Maybe being hit by a car saving someone? I mean I've nearly been hit by a car before...... Otherwise I really don't know. In my mind thats always been on the back-burner and havent really sat down to think about it.

I say as I torture my characters.

I have a couple of questions of my own:

Code: Select all
[b]What is the weirdest thing you've written?[/b]

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Whats the weirdest thing you've searched up for a book?


I'm not your protagonist I'm not even my own
I don't know anything I don't even know what I don't know

And if you look outside you'll see disintegrating trees

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Call me anything though! So be creative!

And if you look outside you'll see disintegrating trees

The artificial way the sunlight bounces off of
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Re: ❛ the lazy writers ❜ V2

Postby Ranger of the North » Fri Dec 08, 2017 8:21 pm

BucketORandomness wrote:
Ranger of the North wrote:Far out, how do you come up with all those questions, Randy? XD
Well, it's just kinda my thought process on display. Start with what might get you in trouble, go to something you'll probably need, then follow the imaginary conversation from there? idk. I kinda just types whatever came to mind for a while and then took forever to format it all >^.^< The question stream kinda makes me sound focused on food/learning, so it could be interesting to try this with other characters. How would the main character in your story react to a new planet/culture ((It's easier with the planet)) ? You can document their thought process and then find out what's important to them. It could also work in a story where the scenario is actually used in order to create some characterization show instead of tell. Just some random thoughts, honestly.
That's impressive o,o My thought-process on display would be a series of 'um's XD

hal wrote:Quick question: How do y'all feel about stuff written in second person?
If done well it can be really, really powerful! But I'm a bit jaded, tbh; I've seen too much immature second-person stuff, so it's not my favourite ;p

Silver Pandorica wrote:look at my sig guyyyyyyss
Ooh, nice! Did you code it all yourself?

Silver Pandorica wrote:Mm. I have brought Indigo back to life @Ranger. Just in a short story I’m writing to get pst writers’ block, but I’m using him, nevertheless c’: Might post it here when I’m finished? It’s kinda just something I’m slowly working on when I’m bored at school.
Oh, sweet! Awesome :D

What's the weirdest thing you've searched up for a book?
“What's the flap of skin between your thumb and pointing-finger called?”
I don't even remember the answer XD I feel like I've done worse tbh, but I can't remember what

What is the weirdest thing you've written?
Ooh... I don't do very many weird things, I don't think. Although in a few years I bet ya I'll disagree pretty strongly XD Most of the oddness I notice now is cause by spelling-mistakes tbh c':

If you had to die, what would be your preferred way of going out? What death do you fear dying, and hope to escape?
I think Logue would have no idea on what way he'd like to die, but dying while a prisoner or blindfolded chills him. Or maybe dying alone, even
The world is quiet here.
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Re: ❛ the lazy writers ❜ V2

Postby TheSongOfTheStars » Fri Dec 08, 2017 11:50 pm

What is the weirdest thing you've written?
Probably this. It's really scary compared to most other things I write.
Whats the weirdest thing you've searched up for a book?
If a person has an eye gouged out, can the tear duct still release tears.
(It can, in case you where wondering, if the tear duct hasn't been damaged, but since there's not an eye anymore it can drain into the nose and cause them to have a perpetually runny nose, or it can sorta just trick out in a very nondramatic way)

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Re: ❛ the lazy writers ❜ V2

Postby winged-backpack » Sat Dec 09, 2017 12:10 am

Quick question: How do y'all feel about stuff written in second person?
I think if it's done well and works to create the emotion it's intended to then it can be really effective.

What is the weirdest thing you've written?
Depends what you mean by 'weird'. If you mean the most disturbing/strange thing then it would have to 10,000 Doors, or it will be when I actually get to the later doors. If you mean the most out-of-character thing, then it might have to be the story I tried to write a while back (that's still on my wattpad), which was about a guy who ran away to join the circus, and what happens when he does. It was a love story I guess? It sucked though so I might revisit it one day but not any time soon.

What's the weirdest thing you've searched up for a book?
"What does mustard gas do?" (spoiler alert)
"What are the signs of dehydration?"
"Do cockroaches smell bad?"
"How long can people go without food?"
All on the same day, so I'm quite surprised that I didn't get sectioned by the Google police :lol:
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Re: ❛ the lazy writers ❜ V2

Postby Yubel Fated » Sat Dec 09, 2017 12:23 am

Whats the weirdest thing you've searched up for a book?

How does it feel to get an arm blown off?
How to tell if someone broke their shoulder
Breaking a shoulder
Cracking a shoulder
What does getting blown up feel like?
Amestrian language. (Did I think I could just look up a fictional language and expect for there to be an article?)

Not the weirdest but... This was in the past few days.

I thought I was being a hypocrite not answering my own questions :T

What is the weirdest thing you've written?

FMA and the Sickness of the pond. It was an old fanfic I made for a friend of mine. I'm not sure if I still have it though. I'll go through my Google Docs later today to see if I deleted it or not.


I'm not your protagonist I'm not even my own
I don't know anything I don't even know what I don't know

And if you look outside you'll see disintegrating trees

Name: Shadow
Profile: Judai/Jaden Yuki
Previous: Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
Call me anything though! So be creative!

And if you look outside you'll see disintegrating trees

The artificial way the sunlight bounces off of
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Re: ❛ the lazy writers ❜ V2

Postby Silver Pandorica » Sat Dec 09, 2017 1:32 am

@Ranger- Nah, the credit is linked in the “C”.

I have become far too obsessed with Overwatch tho. Send help. XD

What is the weirdest thing you've written?
Hm...probably a short story I posted here a while back. It was about a girl who could see monsters and stuff that others couldn’t. But a close second comes to a short I wrote for school last semester about a shooting that went down in a hotel.

What's the weirdest thing you've searched up for a book?
No idea. I’ve searched some pretty darn weird things, I just can’t think of them at the moment. Probably not as weird as those of you who write sci-fi, though. Ooh, just recently, I looked up and read about the “1300’s money system” and also if America could ever go back to the gold standard c’: Just for a short thing I’m working on...
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Re: ❛ the lazy writers ❜ V2

Postby cosmic-quark » Sat Dec 09, 2017 2:41 am

If you had to die, what would be your preferred way of going out? What death do you fear dying, and hope to escape?

Elaine: I think I'd like to die peacefully, surrounded by the people I love. Is that a cliche? Probably. I try not to think about death too much, if I'm being honest. I know my chances of dying are higher than a normal person's, which kinda comes with the job, but I've made my peace with that by now.

Superheroes are supposed to want a hero's death, I think. Dying in action, on the job, going out in a blaze of glory. You know the drill. But that always seemed awfully lonely to me. You die anonymously and probably painfully, hidden behind your mask. You're the headline news for a few days, a week if you're lucky, and then what? You're forgotten. Half the time, your family doesn't even know where you went. I can't bring myself to want that.

I guess if I had to be completely honest, I'd say that I'm scared of dying in a car crash. Terrified, even. Superheroes never just get their powers, you know? There has to be something that triggers it. Some event. You know what they say- "power is born in the wake of tragedy". The age-old cliche. Mine happened sophomore year of college. That day was- I mean, you can't blame the driver. The car hit me but it wasn't his fault, you know? It was dark out, and raining, and I was wearing dark clothes. You can't blame him.

Still, I spent a month in the hospital with broken bones and internal bleeding and a severe concussion. Fun stuff. It all turned out okay in the end. I got superpowers and a cool new suit and my insurance covered most of the cost. I can't really bring myself to regret it. But- I mean, getting hit by a car is terrifying. You don't know what it's like until it happens to you. It feels like the Earth dropping out from under your feet. Your body reacts before your mind, fear rushing through you and heart pounding and chest heaving as you struggle to catch your breath, and then something hits you and there's just pain after that, blinding and encompassing, and your mind is a panic of half-formed thoughts and-

Sorry. I got a bit carried away. But yeah, that's what I'm scared of. I can't imagine a worse way to die. No suit, no powers, unprotected. Just the impersonal shine of a car and your body bleeding out on the street after hours of pain. That's my nightmare.
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Re: ❛ the lazy writers ❜ V2

Postby Blazingcharizard » Sat Dec 09, 2017 2:57 am

What's the weirdest thing you've searched up for a book

how to tell, if some one is on drugs

how to carry some one ,that is taller and heavier then you with out hurting your self.

how to tell if someone has a broken shoulder, or ribs

how to fix that said, broken shoulder and ribs with out medical treatment.

how to flip some one over your shoulder

how to fix a broken wrist.

What is the weirdest thing you've written?

I dont know to be honest....?
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Re: ❛ the lazy writers ❜ V2

Postby winged-backpack » Sat Dec 09, 2017 3:50 am

Okay, I've just realised I've not had Femie speak Spanish at all yet?? It's her first language, how did I manage to just forget?
It was IRL Writer Friend™ who made me realise, because one of his characters speaks Portuguese and we were translating all of her outbursts and I just had that penny drop moment where I was like - "hang on, whoops!"
Anyways, anyone who's keeping up with 10,000 Doors, I'm going to be going back and changing Femie's dialogue a little into Spanish, mainly just her exclamations and short bits. She's still going to be saying the same things, just in Spanish because I'm an idiot and forgot that my Hispanic character speaks Spanish...

Honestly, I was wondering why the first indication anyone gets that she's Hispanic was when she talks about her Quinceañera :lol:
It's all fixed now, she's actually got dialogue in her first language now!
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Re: ❛ the lazy writers ❜ V2

Postby krahen » Sat Dec 09, 2017 6:19 am

Ah nice to see everyones' opinions! I ask because I've been writing mostly in second person for a few years now and wondered how other people felt about it, as I don't see many others doing the same.

What's the weirdest thing you've searched up for a book?
How to set shoulders
How long it takes to bleed to death
Locations of major arteries
Rituals of really any kind
Electric fires
Symbol languages

What is the weirdest thing you've written?
Tbf everything I write is kind of weird, but the thing that takes the cake is the time I wrote about my character being pushed out of purgatory by his dad,,, who he doesn't know is his dad lmao.

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