a place to put my writing and old stories.

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Re: a place to put my writing and old stories.

Postby ~Teya~ » Mon Nov 13, 2017 9:56 am

The story was kinda rushed, but I still love the art I made for them. (didn't win)
Jan. 28th, 2017



Username: ~Teya~
Name: 黄金龙 or Huángjīnlóng, which means Gold Dragon in Chinese, but his nickname is Jīn for short
Gender: Male
Gender for breeding purposes: Male
Personality: Jīn is rebellious, he absolutely hates it when someone tells him what to do, even his parents. He doesn't have many friends due to his rough going personality, but Jīn doesn't mind though, or at least he doesn't show it. He has a knack for stealing things because his parents are very poor and sometimes nearly starve, but Jīn always makes sure they get some kind of food. His mother doesn't approve of his stealing but figures if he steals from the rich, why would they care. Although Jīn doesn't tell his parents he often steals things other than food - like valuable watches or the nick-nacks human tourists buy while in China, he loves pick pocketing tourists, he despises them because all they do is come to his city, and eat the food that would be better off with the poor who really need it.
Jīn is quite a proud viscet with a big ego, since he has never been caught by any of the humans of the city when he steals, so everyday Jīn gets more and more sure that he can steal bigger things, other viscets who hear his boasting continuously tell him he is going to go to far one day and get caught, which is one of the worst things in wild viscets minds to happen, but Jīn always assures them that he will never be caught, and he will continue to believe so until a human proves him otherwise.
244 words

New years story:
It was a cold, dry January 27th day in Beijing, and tomorrow was Chinese New Year in China. There was a buzz around the people of Beijing, everyone was excited and beginning to become restless to start the party that would soon fill the entire streets of Beijing, flooding them with people and the animals of the streets. It was only 8:00AM and people were already preparing for the parade to start off the Chinese New year. People bustled about chattering to their hearts content as they walked and talked, not noticing the viscet in the shadows. There Jīn was, plotting a way to get as much food and valuables as he could this year for his family, and for himself. His mother and father were getting extremely low on food, and he promised them he would find something for them. He didn't really care about the 'special days' where people celebrated strange things he didn't understand. But, what he loved about it was that on those special days there is always a lot of food around, just waiting to be plucked from a persons hand or from a table.
Jīn stared at the people running about, he just knew today was another one of those special days, so he waited, for someone to drop something, a piece of food, a trinket, anything. And the second they did, he would dart out and be gone before they could even turn to look around. He waited, and waited, quite impatiently at that, before someone finally dropped a strange looking necklace on the ground, Jīn quickly darted out into the street heading for the necklace, quickly he grabbed it,
''Hey! thats mine!'' Came a loud voice from behind him, he hastily fled, running to and fro around street corners and alleyways, to his dismay he saw two men in red and blacks clothes following him. 'You'd think they would have given up by now..' Jīn thought annoyed. 'But they won't catch me, no one ever has.' Jīn smirked, starting to run faster, but at that moment, he slipped and fell on a basket full of strange stone balls, Jīn yelled out in pain as he felt the sting of pain go through his right back leg, his vision blurred as his face hit the pavement, he saw faint figures surround him as he weakly tried to get up but failed, he heard the faint in and out voices of people, and he heard a female voice say, ''Oh Zhang Yong, you didn't have to scare it like that, hes so cute, I think I might keep him.'' He made one final attempt to get up before his vision then completely faded to black, Jīn didn't remember anything else.

A few hours later Jīn awoke to find himself in a peculiar looking metal cage, at once Jīn was fully awake, he desperately looked about, wondering where in the world he was. He whined in pain as he put pressure on his injured leg, and he noticed a strange looking dark blue wrapping on his right hind leg where he had hurt it. 'This cannot be happening to me..' Jīn thought in utter despair, he ripped the blue bandages off with anger, and started to bite at the bars of the small cage. After a few minutes, he heard the creak of a wooden door opening, and perked his ears listening, soon he saw the figure of a young Chinese woman, probably in her twenties approach him with a sly smile. Jīn snarled and backed away, ''Now, don't give me that,'' The woman said in a playful stern voice, ''I didn't have to pick you off the street after you stole my necklace.'' Jīn continued to sneer, not liking the woman. ''Oh, come now, be nice. You'll be sorry if you don't..'' She paused, coming right up to the cold metal cage and putting her hands on the bars smugly. Jīn swiftly went to bite at the woman's hands but before he could she drew her hands away and drew out a strange looking can and sprayed it directly in Jīn's eyes. Jīn hissed and rubbing his eyes as they stinged in pain. ''I told you, you'd be sorry if you didn't play nice.'' And with that she left, leaving him there in his cramped cage. He hissed after her, growling meekly, he didn't know what to do, he had never been captured by a human let alone been confined to a small cage for a long period of time!
But at that moment Jīn knew he had to get out, his family needed him and he needed them, he just wished he would've listened to the other viscets that had warned him about going to far when it came to stealing. He growled banging violently on the cage, but alas after many hours of banging and scratching, he collapsed onto the cold metal floor and soon fell asleep.

The next day Jīn abruptly awoke to the sound of a door slamming shut. He winced, accidentally putting pressure on his injured leg. The male viscet growled when he saw the woman from yesterday enter the room. She smirked, holding an odd rope like thing in her right hand. Jīn showed his teeth, he knew what that was, it was a leash and collar. He hated those, all the domestic animals of the city weared them, and there was no way he was going to let this human put one on him.
He snarled as the woman opened the door to his cage, in her left hand she held the bizarre can from yesterday, which made Jīn unable to just run out unless he wanted to get sprayed again, which he really didn't want to do. ''Come on little viscet, just be a good boy and you'll get a few treats.'' At that moment Jīn burst from the cage and toppled to the floor with the woman, she yelled in a mad voice, reaching for the can but Jīn was to quick this time, and swiped it away with his elegant tail, he snarled looking down at the Chinese woman, she looked up at him with fear in her dark brown eyes, and with that he rapidly jumped away from her and headed for the door, smashing it to pieces and going through to find he was in an expensive looking mansion, the walls were painted red with gold leaf and on the walls he saw paintings and golden statues of Chinese dragons and other strange sculptures were surrounding the corridor, for a few brief moments Jīn was in a trance staring at the intricate works of art, but it was soon broken when he heard the sound of yelling voices, he quickly looked behind him to see the two men that had been chasing him yesterday, and hastily ran down the corridor to find that he had come to a dead end, and the only way out was to go out a large window, swiftly he picked the window and crashed through it, not realizing that he was actually in a mansion next to water, and in seconds he felt the icy cold water hit his body, he closed his eyes holding his breath in,
soon swimming up to the surface for air, and swam to shore as quick as possible, he saw the two men and woman standing by the window, scanning the area for him, but he soon disappeared into the city streets that were close by and into the Chinese New Year parade. All about him were paper red and yellow dragons, lanterns, loud fireworks, children running about, people dancing, and a lot of food.
Jīn stopped for a moment, smelling the sweet aroma of food. He hadn't eaten all day or at all yesterday, so was quite hungry. Soon Jīn found a table full of food and bit down on a big juicy chicken. He figured he would find his home soon because he knew the Beijing streets pretty well, and must be somewhere close, or so he hoped.
After he was finally done gnawing at the chicken bones, Jīn set out to find his home. Around he went, trotting up and down the streets with loud music and many people dancing about him. For awhile he was confident at finding his home in a matter of minutes, but soon found that it was going to be harder than he thought. After an hour of searching Jīn's leg injury started to come back again and he began to move slower, he winced with every step now, limping along sluggishly. He sighed, the excitement of escaping from those people had now worn off, and now all he wanted to do was get home. It was dark now, and he could see the moon peaking out from above the mountains surrounding Beijing. He looked out at a lake in a small park next to the city, and there he sat, looking up at the fireworks in awe, he closed his eyes with a deep sigh, he didn't believe in New Years wishes but knew nothing else to do. Closing his eyes tighter he wished, wished as hard as he could to find his way home and to see his mother and father again, and for them not to have to worry about finding food anymore. ''Oh please..'' Jīn murmured in a low whisper barely audible.
With that Jīn reopened his light blue eyes and waited, sitting there in the dark as he felt the chilly breeze blow through his soft fur. Just then he saw a peculiar red light shining from across the water and towards another part of the city, he looked at it as it seemed to fade in and out, becoming very bright, but then suddenly very dim. Quickly Jīn ran towards the light, wondering what it was. When he was a few yards away from the strange light, it moved. Jīn stared at it unsure, but then started to follow it. For an hour he trailed the zig zagging light across the city streets and through narrow alleys. Just when Jīn was about to give up and turn around, he saw what he thought he would never see again. The old abandoned building where his parents lived - where he lived! Hastily he ran to the building, went through the hole in the back, and ran around it trying to find his parents, he called their name until finally they answered, he quickly ran towards the sound of their voices, and found them in one of the empty rooms. ''Oh Jīn, thank you!'' Jīn stopped short, ''For what, mother?'' He asked in a somewhat confused voice. ''For the food, of course!'' His mother replied, pointing towards a large pile of food on the ground with a smile. ''How did you ever manage to get so much food Jīn?'' His mother asked. ''Well...lets just say I had a bit of help.'' Jīn replied with a grin, hugging both his parents happily.
He may never know what that light truly was, but he didn't care to much. What really mattered is that he was finally back home where he belonged - and would have many more adventures to come.

1,866 words

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Re: a place to put my writing and old stories.

Postby ~Teya~ » Mon Nov 13, 2017 9:59 am

Basically, Muryo is the viscet I have that people want a viscling (baby viscet) from. XD
I need to do more with her ..
Feb. 19th, 2017


Theme song - Counting Stars

Username;; ~Teya~
Name;; Muryō (無料) Meaning ''Free'' in Japenese
Gender;; Female



Muryō is shy and hates confrontations, she doesn't have any friends, liking most for others to just leave her alone, she keeps to herself mostly due to this nature. When traveling she is quiet, often looking detached from what others are saying. Muryō is always looking, always scanning her surroundings, some viscets notice her and try to avoid her staring and look away. But Muryō doesn't care, and continues to constantly watch other animals and objects.
Traveling in the country lands, Muryō loves to watch the other animals scurry around gathering nuts, eating juicy grass, or drinking from cool streams. Whenever Muryō comes to a large city, she is still very shy and calm. But inside, she is just bursting with the joy and awe of the city lights and all the new animals and strange viscets she see's along the way.


Muryō often Contemplates things in her head, she notices, or senses, many things others do not, like Where did that girl 'cet get that expensive necklace? or Why does that one viscet flinch every time someone speaks loudly? many things like that. Whenever Muryō is in a large building, she notices these little 'facts' about individuals. Its kind of like a game to her, guessing why the merchant she had seen everyday previous wearing simple, normal clothing, is now wearing something special today, or just observing a mother bird outside the window feeding its young.
Muryō can always sense when someone around her is lying or pretending to be fine when they're not. Often times Muryō see's others bickering about another stealing and she can tell if the 'theif' really did it or not. She never tells others this though, fearing she could be wrong or they won't believe her. Other times, on subways mostly, she notices many strangers that look, sad. Although their face doesn't say it, Muryō can read them like a book. When they smile or simply talk there's always something off about their body language, it just looks so obvious to her, and she doesn't understand why others can't see it too.

Muryō never stops feeling her surroundings. The slight breath of air that flows through her fur on a warm summer day, the cold, hard ice beneath her paws pads on a winter morning. But most of all, Muryō has always felt the need for wings. Ever since she was little, she has wanted wings. Real wings. Although she has made her own from old prop wings from a play, she will always dream of having her own. Whenever she sees birds, butterflies, or the extremely rare real winged viscets, she starts to daydream of what she would do if she had the chance to have her very own. She would give absolutely anything to feel not just a breath of air through her fur on the ground, but the air of the sky. To see the city and the mountains from far above to her, would be priceless, she envy's all winged creatures every time she sees them, knowing that she will never be able to fly as gracefully and free as they do.
But, now that Muryō has accepted she cannot fly, she sees the world in a different way. Although she cannot fly, she can still travel the world and see almost everything a winged creature could, even if she can't see it from high above in such a way, at least she can still experience it all and feel just as free and alive as they do.


In the cities and small towns Muryō has always found herself being drawn to the little shops and art galleries, sometimes she could look into a detailed painting or a delicate china tea cup for hours on end, trying to understand its meaning as much as possible until she has to leave when the shop or gallery closes for the night. Sometimes she gets so into a painting that when someone talks to her she doesn't even notice, but eventually she realizes they're talking to her making her blush slightly and walk away.
Constantly Muryō finds herself perceiving the most peculiar of things. For instance a viscet or other animal that seems to look different from the others. Its also another one of the many games she likes to play in her head. Is it the hair? The clothing? The way they walk? Who knows, but Muryō likely knows if shes been around you for more than five minutes.
In certain towns, Muryō will observe it for days. A town is like a painting to her, there are so many mystery's hiding in every nook and cranny, every face and word spoken could have a special meaning behind them that Muryō is just dying to figure out. And once she does, she moves to the next town, and then the next, never stopping, always searching for new knowledge, new ambitions, new understanding of the intricate, daunting, and breathtaking world.
Sherlock, Downton Abbey, Once Upon a Time, Supernatural, Psych, and Doctor Who NERD. My Viscets RP
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Re: a place to put my writing and old stories.

Postby ~Teya~ » Mon Nov 13, 2017 10:03 am

I adored this viscet, and I actually still like the story I made for them. (but, lost) their hairrr urgghhhhhh GIMME
May 15th, 2017

username; ~Teya~

name; Estrella Aviso, roughly meaning 'Warning Star' in Spanish

sexuality; Straight

nickname; Avie, pronounced Ah-vee

gender; Female

parents; Avie's parents are the picture perfect mother and father; the caring mother that is a great cook and the father that has a regular job and loves his mate and child. But just because they're picture perfect doesn't mean they don't have their flaws. Avie's mother and father from practically day one have encouraged her never to stray far from home, to never go on adventures and explore the world, because adventures are just plain dangerous.

occupation; From the young age of 2 Avie has always loved cutting other viscets hair and styling it, of course she started off with her stuffed teddy bears and other animals, but she eventually worked her way up to cutting her own hair; (with many, many rookie mistakes) and finally perfecting the art of hair-styling, and in time, after many struggles, she finally bought a small place and made her own hair salon.

neighbors; Avie has a few neighbors, one on each side of her hair salon and a few across the street; including Dasher, Dasher is the baker of the town, and is on the right side of Aviso's salon. He has been Aviso's friend since childhood, and was her first live subject she used when cutting hair, making quite the...interesting hair cuts. But Dasher never took any mind, he loved them even if they were ridiculous and ''ghastly'' according to the towns folk, he was also the first one to nickname her Avie, Aviso's mother always called her Ella, but she hated that name so Dasher came up with a better nickname, and it stuck.
Another neighbor Avie has on the left side of her salon is Mrs. Tiffany Strife, a quite frankly snobby viscet that has never liked Avie in the slightest, Avie is in her own words, '' A scandalous girl that doesn't belong here that has an atrocious hair style. ''

hobbies; Avie likes to paint and draw in her free time, sometimes even putting her artwork up for sale in the front of the salon when she is proud of them. A few times she has seen Mrs. Tiffany walk by them and sneer, apparently not considering the pieces 'real' art.

Chapter one - Restless

Beep beep Avie groaned with annoyance at the high pitched sound of her alarm clock signaling her to get out of her warm comfy bed. She looked at her beeping glowing alarm clock; the numbers 8:00AM glowed brightly in the darkly lite room.
Even though she had been laying awake for almost an hour, Avie didn't feel like getting up just yet. For a few weeks now she had been laying in bed hours before she needed to get up, just thinking, she didn't know what it was, she just felt so, restless. With a deep, controlled sigh she tapped the button on the still loudly screeching clock and rapidly jumped out of bed.
In five minutes she had showered and was combing her hair when she heard a loud knock on the glass door. Avie pricked her ears curiously, she lived in the backroom to her hair salon but she wasn't supposed to open for a good hour. 'Who could that possibly be?' Avie thought somewhat confused, briskly she walked to the door, comb still in hand and opened the door to see a semi-built female viscet, slightly taller than she was that sported tattoos and pink streaks in her hair. ''Can I help you?'' Avie asked in a surprised sounding voice, ''Well I sure hope so,'' The female viscet started, she suddenly looked at the sign that gleamed in the morning light that read ''Open at 9:00AM'', ''Oh! I'm sorry have I come too early?'' Avie gave the viscet a small smile, ''No no, its alright, just give me a minute, come in.''

* * *

A few minutes passed when she left the viscet in the front room, when Avie re-entered the room she held scissors and a brush in her hands, and quickly went to work on the viscets hair.
''So, where do you come from? You're certainly not from around here,'' Avie joked with a smile, ''Oh, I'm from New york.'' The viscet replied back, Avie thought for a moment, ''Wheres that? Never heard of it.'' The female viscet laughed, ''Never heard of it? Well its only one of the most well known human cities, and its real big too, hah, me and my buddies we made a pack there, we get food from the stores and they never even notice.'' Avie's eyes shined with wonder, ''I've never been to the city before... is it pretty?'' The 'cet laughed, ''Boy, is it! There's big 'ol bridges and rivers, giant towering buildings everywhere and a lot of food people don't notice when it goes missin','' She chuckled, ''You look me up if ya ever make it there, will you? My names Dona, by the way.'' Avie smiled, ''I sure will.''

* * *

For the rest of the day Avie felt more and more restless with every step, she knew what had been keeping her up at night now, she wanted to leave. Not permanently, but she wanted to go on an adventure before she really settled down with the salon. All her life she had had a nagging urge to see what was over the hill, or under that rock. But she had always been told it was to dangerous, and she had believed the ones that had told her so. But now she was ready, ready to go on a real adventure. She was old enough now, so why couldn't she? The salon had opened last year and was getting good business, but she could close it down just for a week or two and go to New York, see the sights, the new viscets, she had also only briefly seen people before.
Nothing could change Avie's mind now, at 6 o'clock when the salon closed for the day she promptly packed a small leather bag and was just about to leave when there was a soft knocking on the front door. 'First someone wants a haircut before we're open now they want one after?!' In a huff Avie stormed to the door and with an annoyed jerk thrust the door open and was about to yell ''What?'' but before she could do anything a voice said, ''H-Hey, Avie what are you in such a fit for?'' With a bright grin Avie realized it wasn't a customer, it was Dasher, Avie's good friend. ''Oh I'm sorry Dash, I didn't mean to look like that I'm just in a hurry.''
Dash looked at the bag in Avie's hand with a raised eye brow, ''Where are you going, Av?'' Avie swallowed back the guilt she felt, she forgot to even tell him where she was going. ''I'm going to New York.'' Avie said simply, trying to push aside Dasher and be on her way but he blocked her. ''You're... what now?'' Dash didn't get angry easily, but his tone had slightly been raised. ''Now ok look,'' Avie gave a sigh, ''I've been wanting to do something fun and go on a real adventure for awhile now, but my parents never let me, and, well, now's my chance and I'm going to take it whither you like it or not.'' Avie raised her head defiantly, trying to stand to Dashers height. ''But...Avie...its dangerous,'' Avie slitted her eyes, she had been waiting for him to say that exact remark. ''Well I don't care, I'm still going.'' Dash lowered his eyes, Avie knew that Dasher knew she wasn't backing down, just because he was 6 months older than her didn't mean he could tell her what to do, even when they were visclings. ''Ok,'' Dash gave in, ''but if I can't stop you, I'm not letting you go out into the wild world alone,'' Avie tilted her head, just as she was about to say something he added, ''I'm going with you.''

Chapter 2 - To New York we Go

Avie wide mouthed, stared at Dasher blankly. ''But, but,'' Avie stammered as Dasher rushed back to his bakery to gather a few things, ''no buts!'' he added with a laugh, ''if you insist on trying to get yourself captured by humans, or worse, I'm going with you,'' in less than a few minutes both Avie and Dash were off down Ivywood lane, the street that led to the main dirt rode away from the town of Lazy Meadows, and as Avie passed the small, cracked sign that read ''Leaving Lazy Meadows'' she began to fully realize what she was doing, it was crazy, she didn't tell anyone where she was going, not even her parents, but at the same time, she felt so free, so alive, for what she thought was the first time in whole entire life.
''Are you ok?'' Dash asked looking down at her, ''I'm fine, no, actually I'm more than that - I'm great.'' Avie looked up at Dashes milky chocolate brown eyes, she was glad he was coming with her. He always was the one that tried to keep her out of trouble, (even if he rarely succeeded) at least he was always there for her when she needed someone the most.
After a few miles of easy walking Dash broke the silence, ''hey Av, do you know where New York is?'' Avie scratched the top of her head, a habit from childhood for when she didn't know what to say. ''Well, err, Dona told me there's big rivers in the city, and giant buildings and bridges,'' Avie sneaked a quick glance at her friends skeptical face, ''so in other words, you have no idea where New York is?'' Dash said in an agitated tone. ''Well, yes,'' Dasher looked up to the sky as if there was something interesting up there, but Avie knew he was angry, he always did that when he tried to keep his cool. ''So...'' Dasher paused, ''your saying you have no idea how far away this place is, and you don't even know where it is.'' Avie winced at the words, ''yeah.'' Dasher stopped in the middle of the dirt road and closed his eyes, exhaling deeply, ''this is crazy,'' Dash seemed to say to himself, eyes still shut, ''are you absolutely sure you want to do this Avie?'' Dash opened his eyes and looked directly into Avie's sunset eyes for a good ten seconds before Avie responded, 'I could just turn back now,' Avie thought hesitantly, 'do I really want to do this?' Avie turned away from Dasher's penetrating glare, and looked down the dusty red dirt road from which they had come, she took a long hard breath, ''I can't turn back now,'' She looked back to Dasher, meeting his stubborn eyes, ''I have to go, I want to go,'' Dasher raised his head up tall, ''ok Avie, ok,'' He paused then added, ''we're going to have to find a map, I think there's a small store just up the road,'' Avie gave a small smile, ''ya see? Things are starting to look up already.'' Dash smirked, ''yeah.''

* * *

A few more miles passed and they still saw no sign of a store, Avie groaned, ''where is it? I thought you said you've been there before.'' Dash rolled his eyes, ''I have, when I was little we went to a little store that was a few miles from town,'' He sighed, ''we just haven't gone far enough ye-'' Avie interrupted, ''there!'' Avie playfully punched Dash in the arm, ''I guess it wasn't your imagination after all.''
In a minute or two, the pair approached the store, it was a beaten up old shack with crudely painted signs covering the whole premises. ''..This isn't how I remembered it,'' Dasher said with an awkward laugh, trying to brighten the mood. ''Yeah, sure,'' Avie answered in an annoyed voice, but there was still a note that implied she was scared as well of the beaten down place. ''Well, here goes,'' Avie said walking into the shack with Dasher just behind, as they entered the rusty door squeaked with effort, the room smelled of old musty things. The one room 'building' was layered with dust, even as the two carefully stepped they seemed to awaken thousands of dust particles, Avie coughed, ''looks like this place is deserted, c'mon lets look for a map,'' Dasher looked skiddish, ''alright, if you're sure you're not too scared,'' Avie almost let out a laugh, but under the circumstances she figured that'd just make her friend feel worse.
For a few minutes they split up and tried looking for maps, finally Avie saw what she thought was a stack of maps, hastily she jumped towards them, but suddenly she noticed a dark mass laying just under them. She couldn't tell if it was another stack of maps or something living, it was getting dark now, and the sun was setting. She didn't want to startle Dasher or the creature, so she thought it best to just be as quiet as possible and reach for the nearest map...
'Just a little bit more,' Avie thought to herself shakily, 'almost there,'
Avie gulped down hard, she had accidentally stepped on something on the dark floor, she looked down at the mass laying on the ground just as her hand touched one of the maps, in the orange red glow of the sunlit sky, she could see the outline of greasy fur and a small snout, its eyes were reflecting most the red of the sun, with a shriek like no other it leapt for Avie, she ran for the door and was almost there when she felt a sharp pain on the roots of her long main hair just above the ears, the creature must've tried for the neck but miss calculated. Avie yelped, back and head hitting hard on the floor as the weight pulled her down, ''Dasher Dasher!'' Just then she heard a commotion at the back of her, she tried to turn her head to see but the animal still had a grip on her hair, ''get off of her!'' Avie heard Dasher yell, after what seemed like eternity the animal backed down and retreated back into the shadows, Dasher didn't waste any time and yanked Avie to her feet and swiftly rushed for the door.

Chapter 3 - It's a Wild World out There


It was morning the next day, slowly Avie opened one eye to the smell of bacon cooking over a low fire, she didn't remember much of yesterday after they got out of that forsaken shack, just that they had finally stopped after three miles straight of running at Dasher's plead, Avie didn't recall why but she was tired, and once they found a spot to rest she had been sound asleep the whole night.
''Hungry?'' Dasher asked in a cheery voice, but there was still a hint of worry and concern in his voice, ''oh yes please,'' Avie said, struggling to sit up, it was a mistake. The moment she raised her head she felt a jarring pain in her head, but she refused to give in and sat up anyways. ''Does your head hurt?'' Dasher asked as he handed her a strip of bacon, ''nah,'' Avie replied simply, she didn't feel like having Dash baby her. Avie stifled a laugh, ''figures, Mrs. Tiffany always said my hair would come back to haunt me one day, seems like it already has,'' Dash gave Avie a gentle smile, ''I don't know, I think it might've helped that thing miss its target, you should be grateful for it, it confused him.'' Avie laughed, but she regretted that too, her head seemed to pound loudly in her brain, ''are you sure you'll be alright?'' Dash asked with concern, ''yes, I'll be just fine,'' Avie answered agitatedly, Dasher looked down guiltily, ''alright - if you're sure.''

* * *

''New York is still a good fifty miles from here!'' Dash groaned in despair, ''it'll only take two days Dash,'' Avie responded positively, ''or maybe even less if we hurry,'' for what seemed like hours now the two had argued about going back or to keep going, and Avie would not back down. ''Fine,'' Dasher muttered at last, ''But we're not built for walking 25 miles a day, we both haven't walked any more than five miles in years! I'm getting sore already,'' Avie shook her head pressing on, ''I don't care, no matter how sore I get, I'm not stopping,'' with that Avie skipped forward down the lonely trail, she wondered when the last creatures had walked down this trail as they were now, there were tree's of all sorts everywhere with long healthy brown and white trunks covered with variations of green and grey, and long thick grass rubbing against their legs as they walked, bumblebees buzzed passed looking for their next flower, birds whistled by, chirping musically as they passed, and the air was so fresh it seemed as though no one but her had ever breathed it in before.
''Can't you just feel it?'' Avie said taking hold of Dasher's paw, ''feel what?'' Dasher asked curiously, ''everything,'' Avie answered with a soft smile, ''the earth, the wind, the life,'' Dasher looked around puzzled, ''I...I suppose so, it sure isn't anything like Lazy Meadows out here,''
''Yes,'' Avie responded, ''Its much more wild out here,'' with that Avie released her paw from Dasher's, and they continued on their way in silence.

* * *

The sun shined brightly in the pairs faces the following day, it was the afternoon and they had already covered fifteen miles, and had done thirty the previous day, Avie stretched, she had to admit, she did feel pretty sore, but it would all be worth it, they were less than five miles from New York City, so she didn't care in the slightest.
''I sure am excited to see this big city,'' Dash yawned, ''I've never really been anywhere besides Lazy Meadows, except the time we visited my grandma when I was little,'' Avie scanned the thin forest they were in, the closer they got to New York the thinner and less life had been around, ''yeah, me neither, guess we're both just the type that usually don't go anywhere,'' She grinned, ''But we're changing that today.''
''We sure are,'' Dasher said happily, ''hey..do you here that?'' They both stood stone still. ''I hear it too,'' Avie replied, ''do you think its one of those strange things humans ride around in because they're lazy?'' Dash shrugged, ''maybe, lets go find out,'' he added shakily, slowly but surely, the pair peaked above a steep hill to see large towering buildings, two tall bridges, people, oh so many people, peculiar smells, loud noises Avie could not tell where they were coming from, and strange moving objects made of metal.
''Wow.'' The two exclaimed in unison, they had both never seen anything like it - it was marvelous and frightening at the same time, Avie didn't know which to think of it. ''Its so beautiful,'' Avie said in utter awe, ''its so...big.'' Dash responded, ''it must be at least ten miles long,'' Avie gasped, ''look!'' Dash quickly turned his head and saw what she was seeing as well, a viscet sneaking up behind a person sitting on a bench that had some kind of strange food set beside them as the human was fixed on staring at a rectangular object in their hand, in a flash, the viscet snatched the food from them on the bench and ran across the street in Avie and Dasher's direction. ''How is no one noticing that viscet?'' Dasher asked stunned, ''Who knows, maybe people just don't care,'' they watched as the 'cet dodged traffic with ease, in a way Avie envied him.
''Lets follow him,'' Avie said and without waiting for Dash to reject the idea she bolted towards the viscet that was now running up the street. ''We're so going to get caught by the humans,'' Dash muttered to himself as he hastily leaped towards her, the city was so loud, so many humans talking in their own language at once, how could they even hear themselves think over all the racket? Avie pondered to herself as she and Dash hurriedly avoided the many people, Avie saw one, probably a child judging by its small height, stare at her and bark something at her mother, but Avie pressed on, mostly avoiding cars and people that swerved out of their way, trying hard to follow the mysterious viscet.
After what seemed like forever the viscet turned off into an abandoned looking building with Avie and Dasher still following some yards behind, they quietly entered in after him. ''Why exactly are we following this viscet that is obviously a criminal?'' Dash sighed, facing her, ''he was stealing from that human,'' Avie rolled her eyes, ''I wanted to see where he'd go, besides I heard Dona and her buddies steal food and its fine,''
''Oh yeah well I think its dishonest,'' Avie froze, ''..Dasher,'' Dash shook his head, ''No I think its wrong to steal under any circumstances, that viscet is just plain bad news and so is this 'Dona', '' Avie looked up at him pleadingly, ''Dasher!''
''What what?!'' Dasher yelled in an irritated tone.
''Behind you.'' Avie exclaimed, Dasher turned to become face to face with five viscets, one was the one they had been chasing, and one that had pink streaks in her hair.

Chapter 4 - Caged in

''Bad news, eh?'' One viscet growled, ''zip it Dexter, he didn't mean anything by it, we don't need another fight on our hands,'' Avie knew that voice, it was Dona. She was so relived, ''so you made it to New York huh Aviso?'' Avie blushed, ''yeah, guess I just felt like I needed a break from the small town and all,'' Dona chuckled, ''I never did like little towns, the big cities where its at,'' Dasher rolled his eyes, he didn't like the look of these 'cets, tattoos, dyed hair, piercings.. ''How do none of the people here notice you?'' Dasher asked curiously, ''well,'' Dona paused, ''with a lot of hard work and practice, and they still do notice us sometimes, that's when the bad people in suits come and try to take us away to the place where they make viscet fur coats, and who knows what else,'' Avie gasped, ''that's terrible,'' Dona shrugged, ''its the life, you take some, you lose some.''
Dasher frowned, ''how often do these suited people come looking for you?'' Dona shrugged once again, ''it just depends, its at random,'' Dash looked to Avie, ''I'm not so sure we should stay here Av, it's not safe,'' Avie sighed, ''we just got here, we're not leaving...I'm not afraid,'' Dona smirked, ''that's the spirit!''
Dasher knew there was no way to convince Avie otherwise, so he chose to simply go along with her, there was nothing else he could do, right?

* * *

In the following hours Dasher, Dona, and Avie went sightseeing around the city, occasionally Dona lurked off to steal food, coming back with the most peculiar looking and tasting food they had both ever had. They saw a giant greenish blue human statue, went behind restaurants to find whatever they could, Avie loved every second of it but Dasher still had a little feeling that they should be leaving soon that grew with every place they visited. One place in particular that Dash did enjoy seeing was a place Dona called Central Park, the only place that reminded him of home.
''This park is beautiful,'' Avie said in awe, ''so lush and green,'' Dona shrugged, ''I guess the city is just more my type,'' Dona suddenly pricked her ears and sniffed the air, ''duck!'' And without question the two ducked just in time as a dart of some sort whistled past them striking a nearby tree, ''whats this all about?!'' Dasher exclaimed in a scared voice, ''the suits, they've come for us,'' Dona said in a more annoyed than scared voice.
''What are we going to do?'' Avie asked looking all about, ''run, now!'' Dona yelled, sprinting away, Dasher and Avie took a quick glance towards each other and with a nod rapidly followed after Dona who was already ahead of them.
More darts whistled passed the trio as they continued to run as fast as their long legs could carry them, avoiding tree's and jumping over people and other obstacles, they were almost to the edge of the park and would soon be in the safety of the cars, buildings and many people, they were almost there, just a tiny bit more, they were going to make it, Dasher, who was only slightly ahead of Avie wavered and stumbled on a large tree root.
''Dasher!'' Avie cried out skidding to a halt and running back to her friend and pulling him up, ''go I'll just slow you down,'' Dasher muttered under his breath, ''you didn't leave me behind in that shack so don't think for one second that I'd leave you behind,'' Avie replied, letting Dasher lean his weight on her, ''C'mon we don't have all day!'' Dona exclaimed just in front of them, there was a prick and then numb feeling in Dashes back, he all of the sudden felt his legs give way, and all he wanted to do was close his eyes, and then, blackness filled his vision until he could see no more.
''No no no!'' Avie called out, turning back to go to Dasher, but Dona yanked her back, pulling her into a group of thick shrubbery, ''do you want to get captured too?'' Dona sneered, watching as a group of men gathered around Dasher and heaved him into the back of a big white van, ''we can't just let them take him away,'' Avie growled back at her, ready to fight.
''Now just calm down, we'll get him back,'' Dona said quietly, ''how?'' Avie asked skeptically.

* * *

''So, lets go over the plan one more time,'' Dona said, ''why don't we just go, Dasher is suffering,'' Avie said pacing back in forth, ''bare with us Aviso, just one more time to make sure everyone's got it,'' Dona took a deep breath, ''everyone but Avie stays outside the building, we are there for a distraction because there will be quite a few guards I'd imagine, and Avie will sneak inside letting out Dash and any other 'cets she can find, got it?'' in unison everyone replied, ''got it.''
After half an hour of running through the city, they finally came to a big concrete 3 story building that had multiple white vans parked in front with a barbed wire fence surrounding it, ''this place sure is guarded to the teeth,'' Avie muttered shakily, ''yup, that's why we've never tried to get any of the 'cets that were captured out of here,'' Dona said with a note of guilt in her tough voice, ''here goes nothin', '' Dona added just as the four viscets of her gang split up around the building, ''you'll know when to go,'' Dona smirked at Avie, sprinting away.
In minutes Avie heard the sound of multiple alarms going off and immediately jumped at her chance, swiftly running to the fence and digging under it in a matter of seconds, going over to the closest window she slid through, avoiding any contact with the humans and tip toeing around the building, softly calling, ''Dasher, Dash?'' After what seemed like forever she heard the faint sound of a reply, she looked around to see a shaggy viscet, it wasn't Dasher. ''Please, help us,'' the viscet whispered in a dry voice, Avie quickly looked around for some sort of key, eventually finding one and trying the lock, it worked, 'yes!' she thought silently to herself, soon finding even more viscets locked up and opening their cages, ''Thank you thank you!'' They all exclaimed as they ran or limped to the nearest exit, when all the cages were emptied and Avie still couldn't find Dasher, she started to panic.
'Whats happened to Dasher?' Avie thought hysterically to herself. Avie twitched her ears, did she just hear a faint scratching sound? Hurriedly she started towards a room she had not yet checked, ''Dasher?'' Avie said into the dark room that echoed her voice, more scratching sounds. Rapidly Avie found a light switch and turned it on to see Dasher laying in a cage that was too small for him, with a muzzle on his mouth. ''Dash, what did they do to you?'' Avie asked going over to him, unlocking the cage and taking off the harsh metal muzzle, ''oh Avie it was horrible,'' Avie hugged Dasher tightly, ''I thought they must've taken you somewhere else - I thought I lost you,'' she tried swallowing back the tears, but they poured over her eyes blurring her vision for just a few moments, she quickly wiped them away, she didn't want Dash to so her cry, ''Lets get out of here,'' Avie said, carefully helping Dasher up.

Chapter 5 - Home

Avie and Dasher stood on the edge of the city on the hill where they had watched the viscet they had followed, with Dona by their side. ''Are you sure you don't wanna stay just a bit longer?'' Dona asked the two, Avie smiled and replied, ''no, I think we're both ready to go home,'' She glanced to Dasher, then back to Dona, ''your city is beautiful, I enjoyed visiting it, even if it was just for yesterday and today,'' Dona bowed her head, ''it was a pleasure madam,'' she said in a joking tone, ''I hope you come again someday,'' Avie laughed, ''yes, maybe I will come back someday,'' Avie shook Dona's paw, ''see you again sometime Dona, goodbye.''
''Have a safe trip home,'' Dona said waving as Avie and Dasher made their way deeper into the forest on the outskirts of New York City, it was dusk of the day after Avie had saved Dasher, and they were both ready to get home to there small, quaint little town of Lazy Meadows.
Dasher looked up at the sky and asked, ''why do you suppose you can't see the stars when you're in the city?'' Avie pondered the question, to be completely honest, she hadn't noticed the lack of stars when she had been in New York, ''I don't know Dash,'' she paused, then added after a couple minutes of thinking about it, ''when did you notice there were no stars?'' He looked down for awhile, then finally said, ''the stars have always been a comfort to me, since my mother died, I would look up to them and talk to her when I was in trouble, or when I was scared,'' he swallowed down hard and continued, ''when the people hauled me into the building you found me in, for a few precious seconds I looked up towards the stars for help, only to find that there were none.''
Dasher let out a small laugh, ''no, that's not exactly true, there was one star; you,'' Avie smiled up at Dasher, his chocolate eyes shone in the moonlight, and for what seemed like the first time, she noticed his soft, shy, loving and caring features, and suddenly felt the intense urge to blurt out, ''Oh Dasher, I love you, I know I've never said it but I do, I love you,'' Dasher's features lit up with a smile, and the two embraced happily.

* * *

''C'mon we're almost there!'' Avie shouted, the sun was shining and Avie was ready to get home as quick as possible, just a few yards away from Dash, she swiftly ran back to him and pulled him by the paw up a hill on the familiar dirt road leading back to Lazy Meadows, ''whats the big rush?'' Dash asked with a laugh, ''I never thought I'd say this,'' Avie paused, ''but I miss Lazy Meadows, and even go so far as missing that old Mrs. Tiffany too, I'm sure she thinks we're gone to never return, I can't wait to she her face,'' Dash chuckled, ''whatever you say,''
''Look!'' Avie exclaimed, ''there's the old town sign, we're getting close,''
In a matter of minutes, Avie and Dasher were coming up to the little town of Lazy Meadows, smugly Avie and Dash strolled along the picture-perfect streets of the town with all the townsfolk staring at them as if they were aliens, only than did Avie realize that she was quite a mess, her hair was dirty and tangled, and so was Dasher's, but she didn't care in the slightest.
''Estrella?'' Came a squeaky voice, Avie turned to see Mrs. Tiffany, ''I thought you were...gone,'' the old viscet added with a hint of bitterness, Avie stood up tall looking at her, ''Its Avie for your information,'' and with that Avie turned away from Mrs. Tiffany's shocked face, Dasher stifled a laugh, ''looks like the town has got along just fine without us,'' Avie giggled, ''I'm sure they're all glad to have us back.''
Dasher stopped, ''Avie - there's your parents -''
''Where on earth have you been Aviso?'' Avie's mother exclaimed, ''Oh, here and there,'' Avie laughed blissfully, ''Here and there? That is not an answer,'' Her mother said looking frazzled, Avie took a deep breath, ''I was on an adventure, a wonderfully dangerous, amazing adventure.''


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And just if you're wondering, I didn't do a personality because I wanted the story to show it, so there was no reason too.<3
Sherlock, Downton Abbey, Once Upon a Time, Supernatural, Psych, and Doctor Who NERD. My Viscets RP
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Postby ~Teya~ » Mon Nov 13, 2017 10:09 am

I won my stubborn solider with this small form. This form also inspired me to write tP,tS,&tG as you can see. c:
Jun. 21st, 2017

Username; ~Teya~
Name; Murlé Burns (pronounced Mur lay)
Gender/sex; Male
Theme song; Red - Let It Burn
Why is it their theme song?; Murlé rarely indulges himself in pleasures such as music, hes usually all about business. But this is one of the few songs that he truly connects with and understands, at the young age of two and a half years old, he saw his parents die mercilessly right before his very eyes when his city was being violently attacked by a group of viscets from an ''organization'' called the Scarlet Scars Resistance Core, the last hint of his childish mind still holds on to the thought that it was all his parents fault that they had to die so horribly and leave him all alone, and that he had to be taken away from his friends and his city, which burned down in flames.
Murlé was rescued by the FFA (Free for All) government agency that controlled the city shortly after losing his parents and now still works for them, although he is not often in the mood for listening to music as previously stated, after a very hard, frustrating day at his job he gladly takes a break from the world and listens to his favorite song to just chill out and be ready for the next day.
Sherlock, Downton Abbey, Once Upon a Time, Supernatural, Psych, and Doctor Who NERD. My Viscets RP
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Postby ~Teya~ » Mon Nov 13, 2017 10:12 am

My Prince ~~ you can see my mind starting to come up with the bigger picture with this form. (unless you've never read tP,tS,&tG, then you're probably just confused what I'm talking about lol)
Jun. 23, 2017


Username: ~Teya~

Name: Prince Arathorn ''Arath'' Sirena

Gender: Male

Gender for breeding purposes: Male

Story: Prince Arathorn wasn't always known as Prince Arathorn, he was but a humble teen viscet known as Rosado Cortez, found by his adopted parents floating down a river near their home in a glossy pink egg, the couple had been devastated when they found out they were unable to have a child and decided to go down to the river to cheer each other up with a picnic when they noticed the egg, hastily the two jumped in after the egg, and right before the lazy river turned into a raging river, they saved him and took it as a sign that they had found him for a reason, and were meant to raise the egg.
Unknowingly in a kingdom twenty miles away, the royal King and Queen searched for their precious egg that had fallen into the sea (and eventually found its way into the river), when a spy disguising himself as a servant wanted to steal Prince Arath for another kingdom to help destroy the King and Queens new 'freedom and freewill for all in the kingdom' policy by hanging their only heir's life in the balance, but the whole plan fell through and the spy was cornered with the egg in his hands next to a high balcony overlooking the ocean, and without a second thought the spy threw Arath over the edge into the shark filled ocean, hoping to the princes untimely demise.
After the couple had found Arath, they named him Rosado and claimed him for their own, although they were poor, they raised Arath to be thankful for everything they had and to respect others even when they did not respect him, because there was always a reason for someones bitterness and hostility.
In the beginning of Arath's teen years his pink tail soon turned to the royal green only those with the royal blood of his father the King and his ancestors had, and after weeks of whispers and gossip about him, the royal guard finally came to take him to his real mother and father.
At first Arath was confused, refusing to go and leave his parents alone as well as not believing the guard, but with the persuasion of his adopted parents and the guard, he left to see his alleged real parents.
Arath was in complete and utter awe as he was ushered into the rich golden plated palace and was soon shown to the King and Queens royal hall to become face to face with his real parents; adorned in sapphires, rubies, diamonds, silver and other precious gems and metals, he stared in shock at who were said to be his parents, his eyes filled with tears as he realized for the first time it was all true, in his heart he just knew that these were indeed his real parents, he laughed meekly as the King and Queen embraced their son for the first time.

Art: Above c:
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Re: a place to put my writing and old stories.

Postby ~Teya~ » Mon Nov 13, 2017 10:16 am

Oh, my dearest Sunora. The final piece in my story c: Fun fact: I won Arathorn and Sunora on the same day. Believe me, I was going insane XD

Username: ~Teya~

Name: Sunora

Gender: Female

What do they smell like?:

Sunora is different from any other viscet or other animal for that matter, and it is probably due to the fact that she is from another planet, a planet far far away from her new adopted home, earth.
On this planet where Sunora was once an egg, she slept peacefully in her warm liquid cocoon awaiting to see her mother and father for the first time - but that day never came. But first there is why Sunora and all the other viscets of her planet are so very special, when a viscet from this planet egg hatches, its coat is pure white, but after a good five minutes the fur completely changes into the looks and smells of her surroundings, it may sound strange but it's true, somehow the viscets take on the appearance and scent of where they are born, most of the time as a tradition baby viscets are covered in flower petals or are blanketed in an intricately woven patterns and doused in the scent of the parents choice until their transformation is complete, very rarely a baby viscet takes on the colors and scents of two completely different settings and they mix into half one setting, half another, this fact will be important for later on, but now lets get into why Sunora has never actually seen her parents.
Sunora found herself jolted awake in the middle of the night, she tried to open her eyes but the soft liquid in her shell didn't allow her to do so, she was confused, the little viscling didn't feel ready to hatch, what was that cracking sound?
Her planet was breaking apart into pieces at that very moment, though Sunora did not know, there was a wormhole swallowing up her entire planet, she heard viscets screaming in the background, and felt a warm paw touch her egg, instantly she knew it was her mother and felt safe again.
''Sunora,'' she faintly heard her mother whisper, ''she's too young to die,'' her mother choked on her tears and hugged the egg close, but just then Sunora felt her egg begin to float away from her mother grasp, the gravity of the planet was failing, ''Sunora, I love you!'' She heard deep in the distance, more yells and shouts almost covered the words all together, then the egg started to crack, Sunora kicked and kicked, all she wanted was to see her mother and her sweet flower aroma to breathe it in as she hugged her mother, it calmed her so.

Sunora was free, free from the confines of her egg, but not truly free, she was spinning fast into the wormhole that was also taking her family away from her, in a matter of moments it swallowed her up like a hungry shark which hadn't eaten in months, she looked down at her glistening white fur, it was beginning to turn a dark purple with many detailed intricate markings, away and away Sunora hurtled farther and farther from her precious home, the spinning and flinging seemed to be never ending, she didn't even get a glimpse of her home planet as she was flung into the horrible hole, ''will this ever stop, or am I doomed to die in this spinning prison?'' Right at that moment Sunora went hurtling out of the wormhole and into the free space, but she wasn't out of danger yet, she was still flying out of control at who knows how fast, just than she saw something beautiful, something truly a marvel. The sun.
Time seemed to slow even if just for a moment, the sun was so beautiful, so powerful and big, she could slightly make out a scent, but she just couldn't place what it was, it was like nothing she'd ever known before and others have said have never smelled again in their earth life - it was like fire but not quite like smoke, like sweet-smelling welding fumes, and oh so hot.
Her body had little time to react and mixed the galaxy wormhole markings in with the sun, Sunora continued to fall and fall, and without warning she felt more intense heat, her kind of viscet could survive strong heat and oxygen loss, but even this temperature was almost too much for her, a second later she felt herself plummet into the earth, and all the rest went black for quite some time.
''Hey, are you ok?'' Came the sound of a strange voice, Sunora refused to open her eyes, they burned, her whole body ached to the core, why would she even want to open her eyes? Whatever was shaking her would probably eat her soon anyway and she could be put out of her misery.
Suddenly Sunora felt an intense cold feeling as river water was dumped on her, ''hey what the-?!'' The viscet was now wide awake and looked up at a peculiar creature about the size of her viscling self, it was a fox although she wouldn't know that for awhile. ''Are you alright? I saw you fall from the sky like a meteor! You smashed all the trees around you like pancakes,'' Sunora tried to stand up but found it to be extremely hard, ''hey just stay down, you need some rest - you're a viscet aren't ya?''
The viscling looked up at the soft orange colored creature, ''a viscet? To be honest I don't know what I am,'' the fox laughed awkwardly at her, ''shes a nut alright,'' he managed under his breath, starting to turn away, but he stopped, he wanted to know more about this strange viscet and why she fell from the sky, he couldn't just leave her there in the deep hole she had created from falling from the sky.
The fox cocked his head slightly, ''what's that smell?'' Sunora looked up at him confused, ''I think its me,'' she looked down with an embarrassed expression on her face, ''all 'viscets' as you call them have a unique scent I think, my mother and father and their friends did at least,'' the fox looked at her with a confused expression as well, but finally said, ''well, ya know what, I like it,'' he paused before adding, ''it smells metallic; a rather pleasantly sweet cold and somehow hot at the same time metal scent,'' he smiled, ''like a meteor might smell,'' the two laughed, maybe Sunora would like it here after all, maybe her parents would find her someday if they were still alive, she didn't know what they looked like but she'd know their scent anywhere, she would find them again someday, someday.
Sherlock, Downton Abbey, Once Upon a Time, Supernatural, Psych, and Doctor Who NERD. My Viscets RP
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Postby ~Teya~ » Mon Nov 13, 2017 10:27 am

My newest viscet!!<3 and also newest story. (yes, I have the sun, and the moon now. c;)
Oct. 27th, 2017


username: ~Teya~
name: Kichōna Hoshi -- meaning "Precious Star" in Japanese
gender: Male
playlist: Down below vv

Kichōna Hoshi felt the warm suns rays as he rolled out of bed, staring up at his alarm clock. 7:50AM the glowing numbers read.
"Aw man, not again!" he muttered audibly to himself, quickly filling his backpack with textbooks and dressing, and went running down the stairs as fast as what was viscetly possible.
''Want me to drive you, hun?" his mother asked, grabbing her keys off the wall, he thought for a moment, "at least I'll avoid Quinn for awhile," biting his lip, he accepted the offer. "Alright!" he said with a smile, his mother's face brightened as they headed out the door, getting into the small vehicle outside.
For a few minutes they were silent, Kichōna zoned out as he payed all his attention to the moaning motor of the car, every once in awhile making a banging-like sound.
"When are you going to get the car fixed?" he asked, turning over to his mother. She made sure not to meet his gaze though, which told him she wasn't planning on doing it any time soon. "Mother . . ." he muttered, rubbing in between his eyes in slight irritation, as she reluctantly replied, "you know we can't afford it, honey," Kichōna sighed, saying, "I could get a job, it wouldn't be that difficu--"
"No," his mother interrupted, braking at a red light. "But ma," Kichōna began, but went silent when his mother gave him a warning stare.
"I know it's been hard without a father . . . but I can do this, and I'll do it on my own." he opened up his mouth again to speak, but she beat him to it, adding, "I don't want to jeopardize your childhood, alright? You're too young for a job anyways."
Kichōna rolled his eyes, ''I'm 16!" he persisted, straightening his figure to look taller. "You're a baby in my eyes, and that's that." she insisted, pulling into the school parking lot, and with an annoyed sigh, he slammed the car door.
"Hey," his mother said, and he turned. "Have a good day at school, okay?" he stared towards the ground, shrugged, and was on his way.
As Kichōna neared the school, he noticed Quinn and his group of friends hanging out by the entrance. "Here we go," he thought to himself, taking out his phone from his pocket and playing the next song.

Breathing in the cool, fresh rain scent of the trees and nearby earth, he quickly walked closer to the entrance, finding a little solace in the music and clean air.
"Hey, six eyes, how ya been?" came the smirky voice of Quinn, which seemed to float across towards him in a somehow innocent way. But she was in no way an innocent kind of viscet.
Kichōna closed his eyes, still walking, just wishing for it all to end. Why couldn't everyone just ignore her? He didn't deserve this, no one did. It's not like he was the only one tortured by this jerk and her 'buds'.
"Hey, space punk, I asked you a question," Quinn said with a small hiss, putting an arm out just in time so Kichōna couldn't pass.
Skidding to a halt, he watched in dismay as Quinn and her friends surrounded him, "just leave me alone, alright?" he muttered, trying to push past the viscets.
"Why in such a hurry moon man?" Quinn asked, grabbing Kichōna's arm as Kichōna shoved past her. "We're at school, remember? I'm going to class." Kichōna snapped back, tired of Quinn's games. With that, he wrenched his arm away from her, and entered into the crowded hallways, trying to blend into everyone else, but not before Quinn got in one last cheap remark, "yeah, I'm sure school matters a lot to you, being that your mom never even went!"
Biting the inside of his mouth as hard as he could to the point where he could taste blood, Kichōna entered into his first class of the day, just as a new song came through his headphones.

"Alright class, who can tell me, on average, how far away the moon is from earth?" the teacher asked, staring around the class room.
"238,900 miles, Mr. Guam," he replied instantly, "very good Kichōna, I had a feeling you'd know the answer." Mr. Guam said jokingly with a small laugh, and everyone else in the classroom laughed as well.
He blushed, staring down at his textbook and tapping his pencil on the table.
"Now, everyone turn to page 296 . . . " soon the voice of his teacher drifted far away, as he daydreamed of the moon, sketching a large circle with holes and other smaller dots surrounding it, he gave out a longing exhale, wondering if he'd ever be able to see a real moon rock, just to touch one would be the coolest thing ever, but was unlikely to happen.

Sitting down in a faraway corner as far away from everyone else as possible in the cafeteria, he took his sandwich from its plastic bag and began eating it slowly, watching anything and everything around him silently. He often did this, since he had no friends, it was one of the only forms of entertainment around besides music.
"Look at that scrawny kid over there," he heard one of Quinn's friends say, and he switched his ears, trying his best to appear as though he wasn't listening.
"He looks like an easy target." another said, "only I decide if someone's a good target," Quinn snarled, but then added, "and I think you're right." the whole group laughed in unison, "let's go," she added, strolling over to an unsuspecting brunette cream colored viscet that was much smaller than them.
"Hi!" the smaller viscet said, looking up at them. Quinn smirked, saying, "oh hi, I see you're new to this High School, and I was just wondering if you'd like a little tour." the brown viscet grinned, obviously eager to please. ''Well, sure!" he replied, getting up from his seat and walking out of the cafeteria with them, a few bystanders watched them leave, but did nothing.

Kichōna thought for a moment, "it's not my problem," he thought to himself. "It's not like anyone ever tries to help me when Quinn and her friends practically attack me."
Sliding out of his seat with a creak, Kichōna headed for the exit of the cafeteria, nervously tapping his fingers on his leg. "This is so stupid, why am I doing this? I should just turn back," he reasoned in his mind, but still, continued down the echoing halls at a rapid pace.
"What you have to understand is that I am the King of this school, and you have to abide by my rules," Kichōna heard the voice of Quinn somewhere down the hall, but couldn't quite figure out where. Slowly, he tip-toed closer to the sounds of voices.
"I-I understand, m-mam," the voice of the smaller viscet replied, "please, j-just don't hurt me,"
Nearing the voices, Kichōna approached the door where they kept extra kitchen supplies, cleaning equipment, and a large gas tank for the gas powered kitchen stoves for cooking.
Slowly, he opened the door, peaking in to see Quinn and her friends surrounding the poor innocent viscet next to the wall near the back. Quinn lit a cigarette, saying nothing as she took a step closer to the viscet. "Are you sure you understand?" she questioned, sliding her paw up to the viscet's neck.
"That's enough!" Kichōna yelled, and suddenly all 6 of the viscets in the dimly lit room had their eyes fixed on him.
Kichōna's blood ran cold, he'd never live this down, they'd torment him for years to come now, but, I guess better him than the other viscet, right?
"Why you little, no one interferes with my business, no one!'' Quinn snarled, pushing the other viscets in her path out of the way as she stomped over to Kichōna, Kichōna backed away to the wall farthest from the group.
"Finally, some real action," Quinn said irritably as she approached, but in a strange way, she seemed to look happy about it.
Slamming Kichōna into the wall, she swiftly punched him straight in the jaw, Kichōna yelped, attempting to escape her.
"Now this is what I'm talkin' about, right fellas?" she said loudly, with all of them just staring. "You're no fun," she added, looking back at his crew and throwing her cigarette away onto the wet ground.
Kichōna noticed a flame that abruptly appeared out of no where, just as Quinn threw another grueling punch, knocking the air completely out of him.
"Fire, Fire!" all of the viscets behind them shrieked, scurrying out of the room as quick as they could, pushing each other out of the way so they could be the first to leave.

Kichōna stumbled onto the floor, trying his best to regain his strength but it felt as though not a single drop of air was left in the room.
He watched as Quinn went through the door, stealing a short glance in his direction and pausing for a brief moment, staring down at him with fire dancing in her eyes.
With that, Quinn left the room, leaving Kichōna and slamming the door behind her.
''No!" Kichōna exclaimed frantically, it had only been a few moments since the cigarette had hit the ground but it had felt like an eternity, and he suddenly realized why the ground was on fire.
The ground was damp, but not with water, gasoline. He watched in dismay as the flames traveled to the large gasoline tank that must have been leaking, as it swiftly made its way across a number of boxes.
He had no time to react, he was too far away from the door so chose the best option he thought of at the time: Curling up into a ball and covering his eyes.
Indescribable searing heat, along with intense pain that suddenly hit the back of his head and back, and before he knew it, everything went blank.

Fading in and out of consciousness, Kichōna felt the paws of a number of viscets poking and prodding him. At first, there seemed to be large masses of concrete or brick on top of him, but it was lifted at some point. He had no thought for time, it was all like a big blur of things happening to him with no sound; just feeling.
Eventually, the prodding seemed to stop, he tried to open his eyes the best he could to see where he was, but he was simply too exhausted, and finally gave into deep, restless sleep.
Kichōna began to awaken sometime later, still having no way to measure time, he forced his eyes open and saw that it was daylight outside, there was a small, happy songbird outside the open window; it looked to be chirping.
But he couldn't hear it.
Ignoring the songbird, Kichōna turned to his mother, who lay her head at the foot of the hospital bed, sleeping soundly.
"Mother?" he said, feeling the word reverberate through his throat, but heard nothing.
Immediately, his mother stirred, stretching, and then looking in the direction of Kichōna, her eyes widened and she smiled, embracing him in the tightest hug he had ever experienced.
"How did I get here? . . ." Kichōna questioned, but still didn't hear a word he had uttered, his nerves increasing.
His mother finally released him from his embrace, and she began to talk in from of him, but, no sound.
Kichōna shook his head now in panic, trying with all his might to just hear something, anything!
"I can't hear you I can't hear you!" he repeated over and over again, but of course, couldn't hear it himself.
Looking around the white hospital room in panic, he closed his eyes tightly, and wished with all his might it was all of dream, but of course, it wasn't.

1,993 words (remove the song titles)
Last edited by ~Teya~ on Fri Dec 01, 2017 4:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: a place to put my writing and old stories.

Postby ~Teya~ » Tue Nov 14, 2017 6:00 pm

I tried rhyming for as long as possible ;p I suck at rhyming tbh XD

Staring out a window on a stormy day,
Doesn't it look like the perfect day,
Lay on the window sill,
dance with the daffodils.

Under the dome, with a comb
Suddenly, there is a dark figure in the room
Reflecting off their hollow eyes, was the moon.

There 'twas this fellow, who had a booming bellow,
but alas, this fellow saw a weeping willow
beneath it, lay a black widow.
"Hello!" the fellow bellowed, but the black widow did not respond
He shrugged, and went back home for some jell-o
the fellow pondered what type he'd eat, and settled on yellow
but soon, he was no longer a fellow.
But 'twas a pillow.

Once lived a truly sad lad.
His name, was Riyad.
He had a dad, named Brad.
Why was he sad, you ask?
Because he was a pet rock, a short-lived 70s fad.
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Re: a place to put my writing and old stories.

Postby ~Teya~ » Thu Nov 23, 2017 3:05 pm

With a deep, unsteady sigh, he followed his mother through the long, twisting hallways. The illumination given out by the wall-lights was soft and warm, and somewhat comforting; but also made him feel uneasy.
"Don't be so nervous, son," his mother said reassuringly, allowing the word "son" to slip slowly past her lips, with just the faintest smile on her face as she said it.
"I don't know mother," he responded with a shrug, feeling a little funny when he called her "mother", probably the same way she felt when she called him "son". But it was the right term to call each other, she was his biological mother after all, but he had found out only a few days ago; and met her just yesterday.
"I want you to be happy in your new home," his mother said, squeezing her son's paw for a few moments lovingly, then continued, "and I want you to have friends; this palace is quite large, and it can at times feel . . ." his mother's voice trailed off for a second, "lonely."
As the pair turned another corner, they arrived at partially see through glass double doors, and there his mother stopped, with him following suit. "So, I know it will be hard to adjust, you are only twelve years old after all," his mother explained with a little laugh, staring down at him once again with her caring hazel eyes. Adorned in colorful, expensive clothing and a pearl necklace around her elegant neck, he truly thought his mother looked like a Queen; and the most graceful Queen at that. His mother continued, "you need someone your age, someone, you can connect with."
Opening one of the glass doors, his mother stepped through. But he hesitated, "what if this viscet doesn't like me, what if mother and father will be disappointed if we don't get along? What if--" his racing thoughts and thudding heartbeat were abruptly cut off by his mother ushering him into the room, while he half-resisted in panic.
Swallowing hard, his breath quivered as he looked around the room. It was painted a light salmon, with a fire place in the corner and large, close to floor-to-ceiling windows on the opposite side of the fire place.
Sitting with her back turned to him on a couch by the mantle-piece, was a viscet. They had a very colorful mane and fur, that he struggled to make out since they were still a few yards away from him.
"Sunora," his mother beckoned the girl, and the viscet immediately turned her head, revealing an alluring galactic-like pattern on her face as she stood, she was probably around thirteen. "Sun, dear, this is my son, Arathorn, that I told you about."
"I've heard a lot about you! It'll be so nice to finally have someone my age around here," Sunora began, looking towards him with a welcoming smile as she walked towards both of them, and shook his hand.
He stuttered a bit, not knowing what quite to say to this girl, she just looked so, different. "I haven't heard anything about you actually, uhm -- I mean, not that that is a bad thing or anything, hah." Arath responded awkwardly, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.
"Well," his mother interrupted, putting a paw on the handle of the door. ''I must be going, I am sure you two have a lot to talk about, see you later honey." his mother quickly kissed him on the cheek and left the room before he could even open his mouth to protest.
As he stared back at the glass door, watching as his mother's blurry figure soon disappeared down the hall, he begrudgingly turned his head back towards Sunora, who avoided eye contact, and he uncomfortably gazed around her at the large room behind them.
The silence was painfully unbearable, he even found himself counting the clock ticks.
"Hey, er, do you want to take a look around the city? Unless of course, you've already seen it--" Sunora questioned, shifting from foot to foot.
"Yeah! That would be awesome." Arath answered enthusiastically, he didn't even hesitate, anything to get out of this predicament was fine with him, also, he hadn't really seen much of his father's city yet, his father, being the King and all.

* * *

The smell of car exhaust, occasional blare of a horn and click-tap of viscet's feet against the cement streets filled all of his senses as Arathorn and Sunora pushed through the crowds, a busy day would be an understatement; at least in the mind of someone who was used to country roads and no stoplights. Street merchants yelled with all their vocal strength above the noise as they attempted to gain anyone's attention about their various products and trinkets; as well food venders cooking up unknown, but delicious smells into the air.
"This is the center of the "Golden City", aka Ciudad Amarilla." Sunora announced as they strolled down the street.
"I have never seen a place so, so amazing!" he exclaimed in awe, eyes wide and full of curiosity. Going up to a stand selling a peculiar looking food, it was some sort of meat in a bun, with a strange red and yellow substance swirled on top.
"Would you like one, little sir?" the grinning female vender asked, holding up the food. He turned back to Sunora with an eager, childish expression on his coral colored face, one she seemed to not be able to resist.
"Two, please." Sunora requested, looking towards the vender and taking a step forward. The vender smiled, giving two of the almost sandwich-like foods to her, and she handed one to Arathorn.
"Free," the vender said quickly when she saw Sunora reaching into her pocket, Sunora looked up at the vender, saying, "thank you, that is very kind--" the vender interrupted, "ah, it is nothing. The least I could do for royalty." she gestured towards Arathorn with a renewed smile, and half-bowed.
He smiled, blushing deeply at the viscet-woman, he wasn't used to so much attention. Gazing down at the sandwich-like food happily, he still didn't even know what it was as he bit into it, but it didn't matter; to him it was the best thing he'd ever tasted.
Continuing their walk around the city, he found himself having a growing curiosity for how this, Sunora viscet, had such unusual markings. They looked so much like a real galaxy, it was almost unreal; it was as if she stole a few stars and the sun and placed them into her fur.
"Sun," he began slowly, he just had to ask, it was unavoidable. Sunora stopped, and turned to face him, leaning her weight on a nearby palm tree. How is it even possible to have markings like you do? I mean, sure, I've seen a few viscets with strange markings . . ." his voice trailed off as he played with his fingers, Sunora opened her mouth to speak, shifting her eyes from place to place. She closed her mouth when her eyes landed on the palm tree she was leaning on.
"Hey -- could I ask you a little question?" Sunora asked suddenly, still darting her eyes away from his.
What?" he asked, with a confused expression on his viscling face, thinking. "I shouldn't have asked, I'm so stupid . . ." Sunora quickly replied, "have you ever seen the ocean before? Arath pondered for a moment, come to think of it, no. He shook his head, and Sun smiled, motioning for him to follow her. A few blocks further down, the duo turned off away from the busy streets and before he knew it, he was right by a beach. Before him was pale, close to white sand, giving off the affect that the sand was dusted with snow, and an ocean so pure and clear it was like blue diamonds; the sun reflected off the ocean as well, making it glisten, just like a precious jewel. Saying nothing, he made his way closer to the water, bending down as a bubbly wave came splashing towards him, it soaked his fur to Arath's knees.
"I wish I could sail across all of the oceans, where no one could bother me . . . and the earth is at peace." Sunora commented longingly, inhaling and then exhaling deeply as she stood by him with arms crossed loosely.
"That sure would be nice, wouldn't it?" he responded, swishing one of his paws into the salty water, and perking his ears to the calming sound, then getting to his feet slowly, he resisted the urge to peal his eyes away from the blue mass before he was unable to do so.
"C'mon," Sunora started, turning away from him and walking back towards the city, then added, "we should be getting back, before it gets dark." Arathorn took one last yearning glance towards the sea, and with that, he followed after his new friend. After a few yards of walking, Sunora stole a glance in his direction and she said with a small smile, "I'll tell you why I look the way I do someday, really. But for now, I'd just rather not, okay?" he smiled back, instantly replying, "alright, I guess I can wait." they both laughed, and continued up the sandy path.


Yup, I didn't die, I'm still doing stuff here. xD Some of you peeps might know these characters, but if you don't, I made this story so it doesn't matter either way. c:
I'd love some feedback, it's not that long, but I quite like how it turned out <3
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Re: a place to put my writing and old stories.

Postby badvibesforever » Fri Nov 24, 2017 7:19 am

small mark (;
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