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Total votes : 43

Re: ➢ ᴠɪsᴄᴇᴛ ғᴀɴᴄʟᴜʙ ➢ V2

Postby ~Teya~ » Tue Sep 26, 2017 2:44 pm

Congrats ~Prophecy~ for your legendary potion!!

@Xayah awh, missed the stream again ;w;
@steampunkvale Dang, what beautiful new viscets ! I especially like Theo, love the accessories and flower colors<3
@Catskitten I love Ahoy<3 He is so adorable! :)

Finally, I've finished all of the free art requests ! ;0; That sure took awhile, but it was worth it<3 Making seven people have a brighter day with a nice art piece! C:

The ones I haven't show cased yet:





I'll be opening an art shop soon for c$ / rares soon, so anyone who missed out on this can hopefully get some art soon as well! ^-^
Last edited by ~Teya~ on Wed Sep 27, 2017 2:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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➢ ᴠɪsᴄᴇᴛ ғᴀɴᴄʟᴜʙ ➢ V2

Postby VAALRAVN » Tue Sep 26, 2017 3:45 pm


    I've gotta the a-okay from Mint, so here we go!

      Depending on how we go I might do a few drawings!
      Come ready with a headshot and Viscet, we'll say two each
      depending on how many show!

      The Bloodbath
      Geistfeuer steps off his podium too soon and blows up.

      Day 1
      Avariel shoots an arrow into Mia's head.
      Baby Doll stabs Karura Strife Lucis in the back with a trident.

      Night 1
      No deaths occurred.

      Day 2
      Synthesa, Logan, Denkou Harado, and Rinn form a suicide pact, killing themselves.
      Alcore, Lucia, and Nova get into a fight. Lucia triumphantly kills them both.

      Night 2
      Kryss accidently detonates a land mine while trying to arm it.

      Day 3
      Lorelei attempts to climb a tree, but falls on Glow, killing them both.

      Night 3
      Ahoy dies trying to escape the arena.

      Day 4
      No deaths occurred.

      Night 4
      Sergei overpowers Otana, killing her.
      Safo overpowers Jophiel, killing her.

      The Feast
      Baby Doll pushes Takasugi Shinsuke off a cliff during a knife fight.
      Lucia bleeds out due to untreated injuries.

      Day 5
      Cold Steel falls into a frozen lake and drowns.

      Night 5
      No deaths occurred.

      Day 6
      No deaths occurred.

      Arena Event
      A fire spreads throughout the arena.
      Baby Doll falls to the ground, but kicks Safo hard enough to then push him into the fire.
      Sergei kills Rivaille in order to utilize a body of water safely.
      A fireball strikes Micah, killing him.

      Night 6
      No deaths occurred.

      Day 7
      Sergei dies from hypothermia.
      Avariel severely injures Baby Doll and leaves her to die.
      The winner is Avariel from District 3!
    xxxx( // for it is when we fall we learn whether we can fly ) ( not here much )
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w i n n e r (s) !

Postby Vixen Luo » Wed Sep 27, 2017 9:28 am

    okay, I'm sorry for taking almost a full week to judge this, but I have my decision made!

    first of all, I would like to thank y'all for trying out and for being so sweet to others in your compliments. i just want to add that if you did not have compliments PMed to me / linked to me or screenshotted to me, then your form did not qualify (sorry!). also, i want to please ask that you do not react bitterly to the winner(s) of this event. please understand that 15+ people applied, and only around 12 qualified in the end -- if you have an issue, please look over your form to make sure you qualified, OR please just respect my decision.
    thank you <3

    i chose my winner based on a tally system. basically,
  • did you meet the bare minimum? (REQUIRED TO QUALIFY)
  • did you specify the trait you wanted? (REQUIRED TO QUALIFY)
  • did you show a clear character?
    etc etc

    then, from the highest scoring individuals (as well as anyone that i personally thought shone through in their entry), i chose my ultimate winner with the help of a second judge and also decided on a runner up because of how close it came between two people.

    my winner was honestly so sweet and earnest with their compliments and honestly is someone in the community that doesn't get enough appreciation for their forms and characterization. They complimented ~27 people, including the full artist staff (wow!) and provided a very clever response to the last question I asked. They described a character that I really loved and thought was so cool, so powerful and noble. My winner described three different picks for the trait that they would decide from, and honestly, the first idea was so amazingly interesting to me that I can't help but sort of beg for them to go with it; the depiction of the queen with her reflection, the perfect foil for one another, is just so awesome. Perhaps it's just me because i have such a connection to strong females (in my case strong females with a case of whacko pbft) but honestly i'm just;;;; please do it;;
    i chose my winner because i trusted them to pick the trait they decided on, most specifically because i want to see this character come to life and bring back a trait i think is really unappreciated.

    Congratulations, ~Prophecy~, you are the winner of the UBP for the Candle Antlers trait. I can't wait to see you give life to your queen, and I can't wait to track her story and that of her reflection. <3

    now, you may wonder why I said 'winner(s)'. Well...

    there was another form that I was incredibly tempted to pick, and my second judge finally helped me to decide on ~Prophecy~ as my winner. However, now that Mint has updated the journal to allow for a few more potions..

    I would also love to offer finifugal an UBP for the Aquatic Set trait. Your character, Qrow, sounds so fun and his personality is quite likable, and the fact that you provided such a nice chunk for your story and how he would work just makes me excited to be able to see him come to life, too! Congratulations!

    If you are willing to accept your Batch Potions, please PM me with confirmation or comment it below so that I may make the purchase (for finifugal) and the transfer (for ~Prophecy~).

    However, I would like to offer a final gift, of sorts, to tiny little box.

    Your entry was very short and simple, but sadly, it did not qualify because you only nominated others before going into your trait pick. You also failed to qualify for my batch Pixie Wings because your form did not attach the child to its parents. You try your hardest in competitions and you're very sweet, but you also doubt yourself a lot and I think that you should be more optimistic. Although you don't win all the time, you still show a lot of care for the characters you create and the things you write and draw. This is why I have decided to offer you Malloria's final PPS slot for Pixie Wings, if you'll take it, with whatever father you choose.
    I think that you can do wondrous things with this baby, so if you'll accept it, it's all yours. c:

    Thank you so much to everyone who tried out! Your compliments will be sent out when I have the time, as right now I'm in the library (supposed to be studying for my exam in a few hours oops) but I wanted to post this. Unless specified, they will be anonymously PMed. Congratulations a final time, my winners, and thank you for letting me donate to a wonderful cause!
    please stop asking me to give you my viscets. thank you!
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Re: ➢ ᴠɪsᴄᴇᴛ ғᴀɴᴄʟᴜʙ ➢ V2

Postby padaleckii » Wed Sep 27, 2017 10:40 am

Long post.
First of all, I would love to say thank you again true night & the other judges for picking me! I will indeed be picking my first option (though I hope someday that the other will come to life too) and I can't wait for my Queen to be real!
Congratulations finifugal & tiny little box too! (Finifugal, I hope to read about Qrow when he is made! I bet he will be super cool!)

(So I previously decided to post my compliments on the fanclub. I couldn't get everyone so I am sorry if I missed you.)
@true night;; First of all, thank you. Thank you so much for giving everyone who couldn't donate for a potion the chance to still get one, and thank you for choosing me as the winner- I feel honored. Thank you for donating, and thank you for continuously being a kind community member. (Also, your character development is amazing & your writing is awesome!)
Silver you are an amazing artist! I would love to get some art from you some time! You have made some of my favorite viscet designs and continue to still make more! I hope to obtain a viscet you have designed sometime!
Your art is goals, if you want me to be honest. Like seriously just stop because it's too beautiful. And your designs are always very pretty! I feel lucky to have a design by you!
@Mint Chip;; nooooo. you and strudel. just noooo. your art is too good. love it so much. and ahhhh your designs too! you are killing me here! too beautiful! i cant even comprehend. I am so grateful to own four viscets you have designed, and thank you so much for keeping viscets running!
@Sabatea;; You haven't made many Viscets recently, but I have two kiddos from two different Viscets you made and I love both of them! Also- yeah! I almost forgot! I won one of your designs in a readopt! She is very pretty! You did a fantastic job! Also your art is really cute!
@Shadybro;; My first three viscets were all made by you, and I love them to pieces. I can say i am disappointed though because I only own three of your designs. Ahhhh I love your designing style so much! Both the simpler ones and the more complex ones! I don't think you have made a viscet I dislike! can I call top favorite designers? because you are definitely up in my top favs. x3
@howlingtothestars;; I also own three designs from you, and your designs are incredible! Your tryouts for viscets blow me away! You put so much time and dedication into your characters! I love your writing, and your art is stunning!
@sting rei;; you too have made some of my favorite designs! three? i think? off the top of my head anyway! like seriously! ahhh your designs are gorgeous! i was lucky enough to snatch up that fcfs you put out a while ago and love thinking of scenarios about Jackson and his soon to be mate & future children!
@grifforik;; thank you for being so kind and awesome, griff! i love your designs so much- they are all really impressive! Also, your art is to dieee for! Love your style so much! I hope to get some headshots from you sometime! I have been fortunate enough to obtain three viscets you have made! <333 A RU, a batch, and an abandoned batch. All of them are more than perfect! <333 ( Total coincidence that Raziel takes care of Audrey, and both viscets are made by you! XD )
@~Trompy;; I love your art so much! Wowza you are fantastic! And I love the complexity of the two viscets I own that you designed! You are amazing at line edits!
@Placebo;; Your line edits are so beautifully done I just can't even. Beautiful work! Love your designs so much! I still can't believe my team won the raffle back in that November bird/thanksgiving competition!
@jolteon;; Your designs are frekin spectacular! There isn't one I hate! Your designing style is absolutely stunning! Super gorgeous! tbh I am still in awe at how beautiful batch #999 is. every time I see him I find something else to obsess over. The sparkly ears and paws. The floofy poofy mane. The white toes. The gray surrounding the white toes. The arrow. The use of the colors in general. The newest one has to be the little floof tufts at the base of his ear. I’m screeching its too cute. And with #998 just ahhhhhhhhhh like ahhhhh. That underbelly!?!?! Ahhhhhhhhh. The entire tail is frekin beautiful and I love it and the little fox stripe by the nose just adds so much to the design and I could keep rambling but I won't! Also I see you have taken my hatchery batch and I can't wait! By the time this is posted it may already be done so ahhhhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhh!
@Yugi;; Your puffy fluffy mane edits give me life. The are beautifully lines! Your use of color/color choices are phenomenal and I seriously just don't know how you do it. Your designs are wonderful! I really love the batch you did for me with Lemonade and his mate!
@cyberdragon725;; You are one of the first users I really interacted with in the viscet community. I didn't even know you were an artist at the time. Just recently, actually, it clicked and a wave of anxiety rushed over me because "omg I was actually casually talking to a staff member without any anxiety when opening/sending and I hope I didn't say anything stupid." I actually don't have any viscets from you, but I hope to change that because your designs are great! <3 ((Also I love your traditional art pieces on your DeviantArt!))
@james.;; I hope everything turned out okay with the hurricanes and all! I love your writing so so much! I don't even know how someone can be that good. Your tryout for T-E4404 was especially amazing. With the first sentence I was drawn in and already loved what I was reading. I really felt something while reading what you wrote. So much that I audibly whispered "wow that is phenomenal" when I was done reading that. With that type of writing I think you could be a published author if you really wanted to write a book. Also I hope to get one of your designs sometime! They are all really nice!
@milo.;; your designs are super pretty! <333 I always love the batches you make! You did an amazing job on Hali! I know it was a difficult pairing you but did it justice!
@chanyeol;; your nursery designs are beautiful every single time! and your main line adopts are really good too! I love 'em! I hope to get one of your designs sometime!
@_Alex_;; You have made some really pretty batches! <3
@Limuma;; Your batches are stunning! I love em! My boy Sylvain, made by you, is absolutely gorgeous! You did a great job mixing the colors!
@Bettalong;; I love your designing style so so much!!! I really hope to get at least one viscet that is designed by you! They are all phenomenal!
@Unleashed Squid;; Your designs are superrrrr pretty! They are so complex and unique! Ahhhhh they are beautiful! I wish to obtain a viscet designed by you in the future! I'll look out for your next designs! O-O
@Kydashing;; YES. CONGRATS ON BECOMING AN ARTIST DUDE! I cannot wait to see more viscets from you! Ahhhhh LOVE your designs! I feel honored to own two of your designs!
@Wolfwithwings38;; You have been so nice to talk to!
@Lex;; Your art is beautiful! Love your style! And your character development and writing is breathtaking! Avariel's original tryout was touching, and I watched the youtube video multiple times, admittedly. I don't read a whole lot on other's characters usually, but Avariel's original concept/tryout has continued to stay in the top spot for my favorite character. not even just viscet. just character in general!
@IKEA Lord I love your art so much and you are so kind! <333
@Mihrianth;; We haven't talked much but you have been really nice and been fun to hangout with in people's art streams!
@Ash Wolf Stay awesome! <333

Two Viscets to introduce!!!
The first is Yaxha. She is an IC child between two of Ash Wolf's viscets and I still cannot believe I won her!
IC, she is somewhere around 14 or so in human years. She is definitely an "art kid," as she has a love and passion for clothes and designing them. She loves going to her brother's musicals and playing with her other brother. Yaxha generally just loves to make others happy and is happy when others are.
In an AU, she lives in my viscet's world, in the kingdom of Mythos. She is a amateur clothing designer, but is slowly rising up to compete for the rank of top dawg, which is held by her idols and inspiration, Kai and Pandora. She loved clothes and knew she wanted to be a designed from a very young age.

The next is Eudora.
Eudora is the IC child of Samael and Victory! (The two are now mates.)
She is the first foster child of theirs, and so most of her stories and stuff will be set back when she was little.
//will finish when i have time

      a hound chased a rabbit, but gave up after a long run.
      a shepherd who watched came up to the hound and said,
      "the rabbit is the better runner." the hound replied,
      "i only ran for dinner.
      he ran for his life."

      my: viscet storage » orb cat storage » deviantart » toyhou.se

      also formerly known as ~prophecy~ & elysiium but i've
      been here nine years so don't blame me for changing it.

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Re: ➢ ᴠɪsᴄᴇᴛ ғᴀɴᴄʟᴜʙ ➢ V2

Postby lex » Wed Sep 27, 2017 11:58 am

@Prophecy - I want to say congratulations to you!!! While I wasn't involved in judging your form was just amazing and I'm really glad you're getting to realize your character as an official viscet!! That goes for @tiny little box and @finifugal as well -- we've got some beautiful cets to be had soon, I'm sure of it.
@true knight - and I want to thank YOU for having this incredibly generous giveaway like. MMMMMMMM. Ily!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@vesinir - Oh. Huh. A shame I wasn't here for the end of that lmao?? Avariel started and ended that game savage and brutal... I mean, jesus
@Teya - ohhh!! I especially love that first piece. that cet & the background is simply adorable!

I'm streaming!! Will be doing a couple of commissions <3 Feel free to stop on buy!! I love company and talking to people haha.

finished with my jm! got some stuff done, and also managed to upload this speedpaint!! it's pretty bad quality but i'm proud of it anyway lol. it's only a few minutes long so...... u should watch;;

In other news, my viscet ych will be ending in 12 hours! The bid is only at $5 for each slot, so come enter if you're interested in a piece
https://commadopts.deviantart.com/art/P ... -706193314
Last edited by lex on Wed Sep 27, 2017 3:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ➢ ᴠɪsᴄᴇᴛ ғᴀɴᴄʟᴜʙ ➢ V2

Postby Mint Chip » Thu Sep 28, 2017 6:04 am


      I wish I could code honestly, I would love to help but I'm really quite bad at it OTL but I wish you luck with that viscet try out and hope you find someone to help you out with that! Love that viscet you made, if I didn't already have my eyes on another w/ a tryout in progress I'd be very inclined to try for that one. <3
      You've advertised the same viscet asking for free art. At this point it's becoming a bit too much, there are free art threads dedicated to posting things like this to but our FC is not one of them. Asking once was fine, after that it's a bit too much. You're welcome to offer compensation dA points, c$, pets, etc to get artwork on the FC once every 3 pages but no more asking for free art here please as it is spamming our page at this point. Thank you.
      Gosh I adore seeing you growing so much as an artist. <3 I really love all this artwork, keep up to good work and always keep growing as an artist. <3 I know I already gushed over the artwork of my Salma, but I shall do it again ;w; I just still adoooore what you did with her! She looks so great and just all the markings too so good!!
      I had been busy at the time or I would have joined the games, it's been a while since I have. But it certainly looks like it was an interesting round lol.
    @true knight
      I still cannot say how blown away I was that you went through all of this. Setting all this up, donating so much just so you could giveaway these tickets like this. It's really something extraordinary. I've already gotten the individuals marked down in the archives now since you had contacted me last night so they can use their potions whenever they wish during whatever nursery/hatchery opening they want <3. A huge congratulations to all of the winners - I'm so happy for all of you <3
      as I said about, I'm just so happy for you and the other winners! Just a huge congratulations! And on my that is so many wonderful compliments ;w; and just ahh I can't even. You are too sweet, and I'm so very honored. I can't wait to see your UBP babe <3 I'm sure it'll be so fantastic!! And congrats on those two new viscets our yours as well <3<3<3
      Niice speedpaint there dude. I hadn't gotten to join your stream I hate being so busy bleck but it's always good to hear that you got lots done during them. <3 streaming usually helps me to get more things done, I really should stream more lol. And man oh man, how I'd love to bid on your auction, I just unfortunately don't have the monies to spare atm pfft but if I had I totally would have!

    I wanted to be sure I replied to everyone at least on this page since it'd been a while since I'd replied to anyone. I'm so sorry. ;n;

    but I have an announcement, sort of PSA for everyone because of some rude offsite comments, so I just want to be clear here.

    Due to the recent negativity concerning True's giveaway I want to make people very aware of how serious I'm taking this. What True did was beyond generous. Not only did they donate to a few charities (quite a sum) to obtain these tickets for this giveaway, but they also gave away these tickets. They could have taken these tickets and only gave them to friends or similar but instead chose to open them up for a giveaway. And because of their kindness they get repaid in return with some grateful people but the loudest voices are the negative individuals who are mad and upset that they did not win. If it were as simple as just being upset or bummed about losing and kept it to themselves, or at most voiced it as "I'm bummed I didn't, but congrats" that would be acceptable even. But that is not what's gone down, instead they have been accused of a bias and been talked to rudely by members of our community that obviously believe that they were entitled to the win in some way. This is unacceptable. While I don't know who you are, I can say that I am extremely disappointed in you individuals who are acting this way, you are bringing this community down with your harsh and uncalled for words and accusations.

    I and Strudel had previously discussed doing a giveaway once True's was finished. This giveaway would also be for an UBP, an UBP for a very specific legendary - a certain newer legendary but due to this recent activity and ridiculously childish reaction, I have determined that I won't be doing this giveaway. That myself and Strudel, will not be hosting a giveaway for such a special UBP when there are going to be people so ungrateful, so entitled, and so rude to tear down others and make others feel bad for giving or receiving such a special item. I'm sorry to the community of wonderful people that I know have nothing to do with this, you all don't deserve to be punished for these few individuals of the community but as I cannot determine who these individuals are, I have to resort to punishing the whole for the few. I know our community is better than this, that those people being petty and unkind are better than this as well but their choice to be this way has cost this giveaway and any of the potential prizes to come from it. I will heavily re-think any giveaways and potential upcoming events I may have held as well. Better to not have the events at all that to see the negativity spewed by these individuals.
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Re: ➢ ᴠɪsᴄᴇᴛ ғᴀɴᴄʟᴜʙ ➢ V2

Postby Thebattleangel » Thu Sep 28, 2017 6:29 am

@mintchip- oml that's very upsetting, what true did was both amazing and thoughtful and I have the upmost respect for your decision, i know that true definitely is not bias, true probably donated quite a bit of money courtesy of their kind and thoughtful heart, n one deserves to be treated with such disrespect.

@trueknight- what you did was beyond amazing, donating your own money to charities and you got tickets in return for your big heart you could have used them yourself but instead you gave the community a chance to get them, i give you the upmost respect, no one deserves such hate, especially not someone like you who is so giving, i just want to say thank you on behalf of all of the community for all the wonderful things you have done for the community and your gorgeous adopts <333 keep trooping true! dont let them get you down!

@~Prophecy~- congrats! you so deserve it aswell as the other winners!
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Re: ➢ ᴠɪsᴄᴇᴛ ғᴀɴᴄʟᴜʙ ➢ V2

Postby serotonin. » Thu Sep 28, 2017 9:19 am

      replies wrote:@mint chip - That's sad to hear. It's a necessary punishment, though.
      @lex - Ooh, sorry I missed out on the stream. I love the speedpaint though!
      @Prophecy - Congrats! And than you for the compliment. <33
      @true knight - Seriously, that was super amazing of you to do! <3 Glad the spirit of giving seems to be going around!
      @vesinir - I ended up falling to sleep. All of my viscets died though, rip them. LOL.

      i used to be mihrianth but i found a new obsession

      Alright, so
      I know this has been requested multiple times. A custom ticket for non-custom owners only!

      I have the time on my hands, and after approval from Mint Chip, I'm going to be hosting one such giveaway!

      I have one two T3 tickets to give out, to two users who currently have no custom viscets (or tickets!)
      I will be checking the archives, to keep everything fair.

      Edit: I also have a T1 ticket, donated generously by Mint Chip, to add to this giveaway! There will be three selected winners!
      T3: Thanks to D-Send!
      T1: Thanks to Mint Chip!

      There's more than one way to enter:
      You can nominate a friend who has no custom ticket, or you can nominate yourself. The only requirements are that the account is at least two weeks old, or older (and has shown some activity in the Viscet boards), and you don't have a custom.

      Send me a PM with the title "T3 Competition". I want to know why you (or the user you nominate) deserves this ticket, what you plan to do with it. I wanna hear all of the details-- Design, story, personality, anything you have to offer. You can enter, and you can have friends nominate you, but this doesn't increase your chances of winning. It's based on what you're going to do and how you plan to use this, not a popularity contest! Prettying up is always a bonus but not required (I know PM's are a pain to code for). If it's a surprise for someone else, give me some sugar, then. Compliment other users in the Viscet community. Minimum of 300 words.

      Given the nature of this contest, it's going to have plenty of time for everyone to enter who wants to.
      The current end date is October 15th. This is open to change.

      If this giveaway gets hate, I reserve the right to cancel it without a winner. I'm doing this to be nice, not get the winners attacked. You know who you are.
Last edited by serotonin. on Fri Sep 29, 2017 9:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: ➢ ᴠɪsᴄᴇᴛ ғᴀɴᴄʟᴜʙ ➢ V2

Postby WolfwithWings38 » Fri Sep 29, 2017 2:44 am

Hey dudes, um I'm back, I just have to get used to going online. I haven't been here because of school, but I'm back now.
Hey, this is me! WolfwithWings38! You may call me: WolfwithWings38, Wolf, WolfwithWings, and WolfyWingy Though I really don't know why you would XD ....... and in a nutshell I'm weird when I really want to be! I also don't mind trading... and also PM me if you want to talk or something, I won't bite!
My avatar is colored by me and is my new wolf OC, but lines are made by Vixey!
My Viscets Page Link!: viewtopic.php?f=103&t=3335559&p=105943506#p105943506
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Re: ➢ ᴠɪsᴄᴇᴛ ғᴀɴᴄʟᴜʙ ➢ V2

Postby Wobbuffet » Fri Sep 29, 2017 4:14 am

replies! wrote:@WolfwithWings38 - Welcome back!
@Wrathia - It is honestly so sweet of you to hold that giveaway. Getting a custom ticket is challenging, especially for those who don't have the points or C$, so it is very kind of you to give others a chance <3
@Mint Chip - It is very upsetting to hear that such things are happening. Making the winners feel so horrible is truly a bad thing to do.
@lex - Dang, I missed the stream ;n; But holy cow your speedpaint is gorgeous!!!!
@~Prophecy~ - Congratulations on winning! All your compliments are genuine and from the heart, and you deserve to make your dream viscet a reality <3
@true knight - Your kindness and generosity are honestly amazing. I'm sure there are better ways to phrase what I want to say, but I can't think of words to describe how kind you are for doing what you do <3
@vesinir - yessss love the hunger games!! I wish I could've watched it happen live
@~Teya~ - Love your art, especially the last piece!!
@redwolf466 - I hope you find some art soon! If you haven't already, you might want to check the General Art Shops forum to find someone to commission.
@Kydashing - Good luck with your entry! Your form looks really good so far!! I'm sorry to say it, but I don't think I have any viscets that would fit the role you're looking for.

Hi guys! I'm mostly here just to post replies. I haven't been too active in the Viscet community in awhile, but I hope to be around a lot more in the future. C: Also, I'm thinking about maybe getting a custom soon, though I haven't quite decided yet.
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