L.O.C. Generations Event - CLOSED for Judging

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Re: L.O.C. Generations Event - OPEN || Posting Welcome!

Postby chromatic. » Sun Aug 13, 2017 1:03 pm



💫Event Lion I am applying for;;💫
The Grandmother of the Family


^^^Theme song^^^


Themis, which means 'divine law', name came from the
Greek Titaness who was the personification of natural law,
fairness,and divine law.
Themis' name was one given to her once she reached adulthood
as only then had she gained the knowledge and wisdom needed
to properly represent the name, a sort of milestone as she left
behind her rather childish ways to properly evolve into the
ambassador her pride needed.



💫Rank II Ambassador💫
"I choose to fight my battles with my words rather than my rath."
Themis' chosen rank is being an Ambassador. She chose this path early on, expecting that her element of Hate will only leave her as a liability on the battlefield when tempers and emotions are already flying rampantly, they certainly didn't need a lioness who could influence others behavior on the field in a negative way. Instead she chose what she thought would be a more stable rank that will not put her in as stressful situations in which she could actually do some good. While battles and the like are random, her duties as an ambassador are a bit more systematic other than the fact that her family was suddenly chose to go outside of the oasis in order to seek negotiations with the Pride's leader.


💫Light: A lion with the gift of light can:
Illuminate dark places, blind foes,
create distractions, create balls
of energy. 💫

Knowledgeable Light: With this move, Themis
is able to 'write' down scores of words and notes of
importance using the letters she has made.
When done, she can store the text by compressing the
light into tiny lines which then hang around her tail
for safe keeping. She can shrink and expand the words
at will to read over or store at any time.


Hollowed projections: Usually this move is used
to add visual affects to conversations by beaming an
image from her eyes or tail. She project things ranging
from constellations and star maps to actual images of
lions that look just as real as the original.

Light's speed This ability allowed her to transform
her body into pure light in which she is able to travel vast
distances at the speed of light. This move is drains her
energy heavily and it also comes with the risk of not
performing it properly, therefore it is mostly only used
in emergencies.
💔Hate:A lion with the gift of Hate can:
Manipulate the strong aggressive emotions
in the room, escalate tension,
affect judgement and thought.

The unqiue part about a lion with the element
of hate is that the element itself also affects
the user. They have a hard time controlling
their element and unintentionally causes
chaos where they go. Often known to be angry
and irritable,it seems Hate controls them more
than they control it.💔

Circe's rage: If performed successfully,
this move is known to turn even the gentlest
of lions into raging beasts, blinded by rage that
will fight almost anything in their path if they
can help it. On the rare occasion she uses it to
protect herself by turning the targeted lion or
lions to attack others.

Peacekeeper: Often used for her role
as an ambassador. When tempers start to flare
during meetings within the oasis or outside the
oasis, Themis absorbs the hate from nearby lions
in order to clear their hands and get back to the
task at hand or to simply diffuse a situation before
a bigger problem could arise.



💫Element Overview💫
Themis likes to believe that her main element has become light over the span of her years as she eventually started to phase out the use of the Hate due to the element’s complications of it easily influencing and occasionally overpowering the user. Not only that. but along with the addition of her kids/grandkids as well as her rank of ambassadorship she felt that the element would only form a barrier between both her work and her familial relationships. Despite nearing 700 years of wielding the element of hate, sometimes it’s still able to get out from under her in which she just ultimately decided to not heavily depend on it other than to diffuse anger-filled situations whether it’s between her grandcubs or lions in the council.

Instead of developing offensive light attacks to make up for the lack of hate, Themis solely focused on developing abilities that will ultimately help her role of being an ambassador as it was the primary duty of the guards to protect them. Most of her light abilities focus on the ability to store and relay information such as being able to project models and holograms, such as a map of the solar system, to help provide visual aid to discussions if needed, which can also double as amazing storytime effects that will wow her grandcubs. The development of her projected letters and language also serves a double feature of being able to store information in the form of small text that appears as the lines hovering around the tail, which she is able to bring up to full size at will to recite from. Not only does this increase her accuracy of relaying information as well as keeping secrets from falling into the wrong hands, the language also provides a safe way to talk to her family around others.


💫Personality and Feelings💫
Playful - Kind - Quiet - Intelligent - Opinionated - Patient - Protective - Unsure - Worrisome - Flippant

Themis has acquired a kind, gentle, soul that has come along with age and experience. After being set on the path of becoming an Ambassador as such a young age, she was able to weed out the most undesirable traits that would cause a problem later on in life. Limiting the use of hate has allowed her to become a kind lion, a trait needed for seeking negotiations such as she is now with the alpha Ethereal. With a soft spoken voice, she is able to get her intentions through in a less aggressive manner than most which often proves to have a better outcome than the other approach. While she is soft spoken, she still gives off an air of superiority which is often linked to the knowledge and wisdom that she does contain.

Her words holds years upon years of intelligence over the topics that she have studies and rehearsed over and over in her head, giving thought to everything before she opens her mouth to speak. When she does, Themis makes sure that the subject is explained clearly and effectively to the point where there is rarely any room for mistakes or other forms of miscommunication between her and her audience. The fact that she puts so much effort into her job as ambassador is what helped her and her family be chosen to leave the oasis to seek further council between Ethereal on the subject on the subject of him receiving help from the oasis. They probably knew that she would have the right temperament and know the exact words to say in order to convince the alpha to come back to a place so suddenly that the majority of the pride didn’t even know existed.

One flaw that does come with leaving the Oasis is that it brings out her fear of the unknown. For a lion that relies so heavily upon knowledge, she is often unsure of what the world outside the oasis holds, especially since she only ventured out in a more peaceful time period as a cub. This uncertainty brings out her trait of being quiet or better yet, holding her tongue. With tempers already flaring from the war efforts, she wouldn’t want to say anything that will make her appear as a bad person, an enemy to anything that could potentially backfire and cause some sort of harm to either her family or the lions back at the oasis. As an effective counter to this, she often just communicates with her family though their own language so that she may share her concerns safely without stepping on any toes, and also refrains from really speaking to any others if she can avoid it at times when its not relative to her job.

Another cause of her unsureness of being outside her home is that her behavior tends to be flippant at times. Wielding the element of hate leaves room for the element to easily influence herself and others which can be contradicting to the goals she aims to achieve not only as an ambassador, but also as a good mate, mother, and grandmother. Random predicaments can break the lock she has developed on her emotions, her level-headedness that she strives to maintain. These occurrences happened a lot as a cub and left her to situations that surely could have been avoided, but happened anyways because of her element getting ahead of her.

There have also been times where she may have snapped at her family, in particular her mate in which she felt immediately sorrowful afterwards, begging for forgiveness despite them knowing that her element can cause her to say or do hurtful things at times. As a remedy to this, she simply learned what got a reaction out of her and makes sure to stray clear from it back at the oasis, a strict routine of sorts that she stuck to daily which allowed her to have a happy relationship with her family. Not outside of her home and the routine she had set, there are now new variables and ideas that she has not been in contact with before, leaving her reactions to chance. While the thought of acting out because of this lingers in the back of her mind, she still braves a confident aura on the outside despite knowing that she’s not perfect on the inside and strives to keep her mind focused on the mission and her family’s safety.

Her family is of utmost importance and the only time she will willingly embrace the hate that tries to erupt from her was in the case that they were put into danger. Being very protective of them, she will put her life on the line to protect them even if those such as her own kids were supposed to be the ones protecting her as their guards. She would do anything to please and protect them which also leads to her acting half her age just for the kids. For them, she spends her spare time baby sitting if needed, running and frolicking around escorting them wherever they need and wanted to go. Around the cubs she gains a youthfulness that fills her with energy rather than the feeling of slowing down due to being almost halfway through life, a hint of being the mischievous youngster she was again that sometimes has her running back to Frode, playing around with him in an attempt to get him out of his reserved behavior and revert back to to all the fun the two star crossed lovers had in their earlier years in which she almost always succeed. Times like these are what she truly strives for as at the end of the day, her family's happiness will always be her true mission in life.

^^^Song for war thoughts^^

The war
“It was then that I realized what danger I put my family in, how foolish I was to do so…”

Themis was not pleased to hear that they pride has asked for their help in the war, not at all. All she has seen so far is the carnage and deaths that come from it as the rebels decided to attack the pride, keeping them from returning home. Why should the lives of her family and friends be placed at risk just for them to maybe get a leg up in the war? They’ve stayed out of it so far and honestly, she wonders why the council chose her and her family to go out and negotiate the terms of bringing their alpha back to the Oasis for further debate. She doesn’t understand what they are fighting for. Why was the matter of sticking to the traditions or ditching them so important that they needed to start a war over it? Surely the two prides could have just stuck to their own ways, one being led by the alpha that controls time and the other who has an alpha who gained the position by being the strongest. If they had just learned to stick to their own like those within the Oasis then perhaps they could have lived in peace for as long as they have. With how long they have been fighting, loosing countless lives while neither has really made a step in the right direction of winning the war is what really makes the whole situation even more unappealing to her. If fighting for this long haven’t decided the matter by now, then it was maybe just time to take an ambassadors approach and try to talk things through instead, but of course she wouldn’t voice this publicly. It’s not her place to say such and her feelings will on stay as such, thoughts inside her head as she holds her tongue and just follows the orders given to her, putting her faith in the Council that they had a reason for even considering Ethereal’s cry for help.

The Pride
"I was wrong to judge them with a preconceived idea that they fought without reason."

It had been hundreds of years ever since she had last met anyone from the pride, her venturing out as a cub as their tradition was. She was surprised that the pride remained much the same as from when Aeon reigned, but with the addition of newer aspects. Upon further inspection, she found that they had more ranks and elements than what she knew of such as these forgers and the performers. Performers, funny thing they were in which she took a particular interest in. Special lions of this rank seemed to hold an additional job title of being some sort of ambassador, those lions occasionally going off the planet for peace missions. She found this aspect interesting as she wondered just how they trained these dancers and illusionists to properly negotiate terms of agreements with other just as she did.

While she still holds resentment towards ethereal for calling upon them for their help, she keeps her mind and eyes open to all the pride has to offer, giving them a chance to changer her heart and her mindset of the way they did things. Upon her stay, one thing she managed to come to admire was their strong ties to family and how welcoming they were of newcomers. Many didn’t treat her as a stranger to be wary of, but rather a new friend and acquaintance. She firsthand heard stories of their histories ranging from the eldest lions to little cubs that ran around her feet. It was also then that she really started to hear more of how the war has affected them all.

Families divided, lives lost, all the despair and torment that one could even experience in their lives Themis witnessed secondhand from their tales… They quickly made her opinion switch to the rebels starting the war in the first place and they were quite content with how their lives were with the traditions they upheld and fought for. Her spirits were then lifted as they told the stories of the different events that happened such as the blood moon lions and the cubs that mysteriously appeared from the lake, knowledge that she greedily drunk in just to expand it. It warmed her heart that the pride was still willing to accept the strange lions and give them a chance despite what gruesome things the lions may have done in the past, ultimately earning Themis’ view of seeing them in a somewhat brighter light.

The Rebels
"My ideas of these lions being power driven savages still stands..."

The rebels haven’t done much to earn a better view the moment they started to attack the pride and block their way from returning war. All she could see within their eyes was just a thirst for blood and power, a thirst for their ultimate demise she thought. Their thirst of power meant that they’d probably fight each other just to obtain it. Family against family, friends against friends, fighting for a simple title to prove that they’re better than the rest. The thought going against all her beliefs of protecting those that you hold dear and close to you, pushing the pride higher into the limelight.

Themis is highly against the rebel as she feels that they now pose a threat not only to the family in the pride but also her own family and those within the Oasis now with their impending involvement in the war. Even if the council ultimately decided against the pride, just them going out into the pride lands was probably enough to raise some heads and suspicions about the Oasis lions helping them no matter how hard they try to keep their commute a secret. With this information bound to get to the rebel forces,Themis knows that it's only a matter of time before they start to seek out the location of their hidden home in order to seek the same help or rather bully them into helping and increasing their numbers. The thought of possibly sending her family and pride companions into a war is scary, but the thought of that power hungry pride coming after them with no allies is even scarier.


The love of her life
"He puts up with me even through my worst and loves me despite my flaws. He's all I could have ever asked for in life. <3"
Frode • Mate • Glomp(if won)
When Themis first thought about love, she wasn't even sure if that was an option for her. With her element of hate sometimes ruling over her words and mind, relations were often hard to form due to her sometimes suddenly snapping at people. When she met Frode, she strove to learn how to control herself more to avoid ruining the relationship with the one person that was actually able to look past her rude comments to see the true colors of herself. The fact that she worked so hard to change and control herself for him was one of the reasons that their friendship blossomed into love that stands strongly to this day. Every day she appreciates that he doesn't take her outbursts to heart as he knows deep down that she never means to hurt him, but instead stands by her side and helps her though her problems. As they grow older, her love for him never grows stale as she always acts as if they were just young lions falling in love all over again and again.

^^^click for lovey dovey theme song^^^

Loralei • Granddaughter • Nizoluv(if won)
Themis feels bad that Loralei was one to follow after her to gain such a flippant element, sorry that the cub has to go though the same switches of emotion because of this. Whenever she can, Themis does her best to teach the cub on what she can do in order to prevent the switch and naturally watches over her, being the one to be there for her in the times that the element decides to repress her mood. Sometimes she just takes her off for some alone time between the two of them safely away from the others so they may rest and talk together until she is able to get back on her feet, the cub sometimes falling asleep between her arms as Themis offers all the comfort she can. She holds this little one tight in her grasps as she strives to do whatever she can in order to protect her from the fears that they both share, never being too far away if she can help it in order to watch over her.

Legolas • Grandson • NARANDA(if won)
Themis loves that he loves to listen to her stories, going above and beyond to use her element of light to actually project the images of lions (kid safe versions of course) as she teaches him all that she knows of their history,passing the knowledge she cherishes onto his young mind. She's also proud that he actually wanted to use the language she developed and had enough persistence to learn it well enough to communicate with her, sending little messages of love to her every time he sees her. Being especially protective of the cubs and also helping watch them outside of the oasis, Themis noticed that Legolas in particular was starting to really become interested in the things that went on outside, taking a liking to it....maybe even enough to not want to return to the Oasis which worries her. Her heart clenches at the thought but she knows that as cubs, they must grow up and pave their own paths.

Elmira • Granddaughter • demonthief.(if won)
Themis' protectiveness spans to this cub as well to bring a sense of safety, especially seeing as Elmira enjoys it and doesn't think of her as being overly protective. Usually Themis is the one to be overly affectionate of her,taking the lead in nuzzling her and not minding if her horns manages to rub against her on occasion since that's something Mira worries about, letting her know that something like that wouldn't come between her and her love for Elmira. Although quiet, Themis simply enjoys the presence of the cub because they share this trait and neither thinks that the simple silence between them at times is awkward or feel the need to say anything to simply fill space.They can just sit and gaze for hours at a time if need be, enjoying the time with each other despite speaking fewer words than the rest or even the few that appears between their tail spikes as she is another who took upon the challenge of learning the family's language.

Baird • Grandson • Stonefly(if won)
Themis welcomes this little cub's tales and stories as they only inspire her to create more for her to share with him as well. She welcomes his talkativeness, not minding if he tends to talk for hours and hours on end as it's rare for her to find him being quiet.In the case that she does, she often gets the feeling that something is wrong and will seek him out to figure out what happened,
trying her best to cheer him up and get him back to his usual boisterous self. He can be a bit of a trouble maker at times, and usually tries to gently correct him especially if they are out and around other members and lions, especially now that oasis secrets cant be shared around the pride lions. With this in mind, Themis doesn't mind Baird sticking around her legs as they journeyed to the pride to be sure that she can watch over him as well.

Grandma and grandpa chibis by Meddled.
All other art+coding by me <3
Element info and symbols writing taken from Loc webiste @Starryknight
Rebel and pride symbol designs by Starlight109
Last edited by chromatic. on Thu Aug 31, 2017 5:59 pm, edited 24 times in total.
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Othin;; "God of the Sky"

Postby Aravel » Sun Aug 13, 2017 1:06 pm

xstarry--knightxxxxxxxxxRohan.xxxxxxxSukarettoYanagixxxxxxxxxPetyxxxxxxxxxMechanic Drone

      Username: sun bear

      Name: Othin

      Name Origin: Norse

      Name Meaning: "God of the Sky"

      Gender: Male

      Age: 160 years

      Elements: Psychic and Light

      Rank: Oasis Cub

      >> Click the image for his theme song! >>



    On the Outside;;
      Appearance and Expressions:
        Lightly colored with shimmering accents, Othin has always been one to stand out. Likely as a result of his father, the cub's mane grows extremely fast and is easiest kept in a long braid. While the braid is loose, it's often found swung around his neck to keep it away from the cub's face and out of the way. Not only is his mane long, but the cub has long accenting fur in his ears and at his elbows. His wings are long and fitting to his naturally large size. Othin takes on a more stocky and muscular build which has made flying for him more difficult. His wings have adjusted however, and with lots of practice, Othin is able to agilely take to the skies. Although larger lions tend to seem scarier, Othin's smiles and natural expressions say otherwise. His emerald eyes reflect a playful or joyous attitude most of the time. When angry or upset, his expressions give nothing of the sort away. In fact, Othin is great at hiding his emotions to make himself seem happy or excited. Only an unusually observant lion can tell when he's upset.

      Scent and Voice:
        The little cub doesn't have a unique scent, as he smells like a blend of all his family, likely as a result of how often he wrestles, plays, or sleeps next to them. If anything, his scent is subtle. His voice is strong and sturdy, however. The cub is able to chat up storms and his voice doesn't become sore or worn out. His voice is not soft or sweet or mellow, nor is it obnoxious, loud, or blunt. His voice is exceptionally expressive when he speaks, (which makes him an effective story-teller) and fluctuates to match the mood of the atmosphere incredibly well.

        The cub's movements and gaits reflect his moods as well. Most often he is bouncy with each pawstep springing forward and his head high. It is commonly fast-paced and his tails flicks along excitedly. Should Othin be bored or unamused, his gait turns into something like a normal, adult lion's with one paw just right after the other. His tail tends to lie still or sway with little motion. When the cub is frustrated or upset, it's hard to tell and Othin makes himself either look peppy or as if he were bored. Only when he's alone does his frustrated gait truly change into something more obvious such as a dragging tail or sunken head and eyes.


      Eager • Energetic • Curious
        Excited about even the smallest things in his life, such as training or playtime, Othin has a natural curiosity for everything, including the Oasis, the council members, other lions and different elements! It's common to see Othin talking to different lions, trying to gather whatever information he can. He'll also often sit and watch other lions train and use their elements. However, Othin is especially intrigued by the world outside the Oasis. He has heard only a few stories of the world outside and he is determined to learn all about it while he has the chance to. When his curiosity hasn't been satisfied for the day, it is super common to see the cub transferring his immeasurable amount of energy perfecting his flying and his elemental techniques if he isn't already playing with his siblings or bothering his family. The cub is always practicing his elemental abilities trying to learn how he can better himself or combine his abilities to learn new moves. He does this a lot with his siblings as well and is sure to observe them to see what he can gain while they test out their moves. The little cub seems to never be able to run out of energy, whether it is practicing or playing.

      Good-natured • Well-mannered (Usually)
        As this is no surprise as he has been disciplined well from his dad, Othin is generally a well-mannered and well-behaved cub, especially in front of lions he doesn't know. He'll try to sit and listen, be courteous, and try to use his 'pleases' and 'thank yous' often. Othin is aware of his dad's reputation and tries his best not to disappoint him. Although disciplined, Othin is good-natured at heart and wants the best for those he knows and loves, which is the real cause for his good behavior. For this reason, Othin generally tries to obey his parents and do the right thing, or at least what he thinks is the right thing to do. Othin's manners, however, slip up often when he becomes too excited or when he begins to talk too much. The little cub will excitedly begin to chat about anything he can if invited into the conversation. Once he starts, it's hard to stop him unless he is interrupted or shut down, usually by his parents. It's something the cub is still working on.

      Talkative • Rambler • Boisterous • Inquisitive
        When Othin gets excited, he tends to get chatty, and if given the chance to anyone who lets him, he will talk their ears off. Anything that comes to his mind will be said in the moment of excitement. Once he begins, there is little someone can do to get the cub to quit talking (unless that someone is one of his parents!) He will talk about his elemental powers, his adventures, his siblings and playing with them, anything that is his favorite, etc. Anything that can be talked about will be talked about! He gets incredibly wordy and his vocabulary, although still lacking, is getting better and better. When Othin isn't boisterous though, he generally has nice social manners and is respectful otherwise, although he does focus a lot of energy into asking questions as a need to fulfill his curious desires.

      Courageous • Spontaneous • Venturesome
        Othin is a bold little cub and will do anything risky or adventurous- so long as it wouldn't disappoint his father or ruin his reputation purposely. He courageously accepts to do almost any challenge or embark on any adventure that lies in wait for him. His spontaneity gives him ideas and quests for the little cub to take on. His adventures are a great outlet for his excessive energy and is great for his parents so they aren't forced with entertaining the cub. Of course, the cub tries his best to respect his parent's boundaries and requests, although he often forgets when he gets too carried away. If he can though, Othin loves to bring his siblings along with him. His imagination soars wild as he plays around in the Oasis. His favorite is pretending to be some strange flying animal as he attacks his siblings.

      Compulsive • Idealistic • Rash • Naive
        Othin has only the best intentions and wouldn't purposely upset anyone if he could help it, however, his rash and compulsive decisions usually create a lot of trouble for the little cub. Because of his idealistic thoughts and views, Othin tries to take on a lot of responsibilities and try to fix things for everyone. A lot of this comes from seeing issues in the future with his Psychic abilities. He knows when trouble is nearing and so he'll jump to the front of it to try his best to rid the problems. He means well, but he has a knack for getting himself (or his family) into trouble because of it. In the end, Othin just wants everything to be perfect and for all of their situations to work out well, which doesn't usually happen because of him.

      Concealing • Emotionally Strong • Bears Grudges
        Despite Othin's reputation for being always happy, bouncy, playful, and curious, like everyone else, Othin gets his moods, and these moods can hit Othin hard. But because of his nature, Othin naturally conceals his concerns, worries, frustration, anger, and even sadness with his bouncy behavior. In a sense, he's a fantastic actor, but he feels the need to "stay strong" for his brother, sisters, and parents because he doesn't want to burden them (or anyone else) with his emotions. It takes an unusually observant lion to spot when Othin is truly upset, such as his brother. Othin doesn't seem like the type, but the little cub is great at bearing grudges against other lions. It's common for a lion to dismiss Othin and his many questions, and if done so rudely, the cub will not forget. If a lion has wronged him or his family or friends, he will not forget. Othin tries to avoid all the lions he has grudges against, and if they attempt to talk to him, Othin will, depending upon the severity of the grudge, continue with polite small talk or he'll flat out ignore the lion. (That's the easiest way to tell if Othin is upset.) Otherwise, Othin keeps his emotions concealed and locked away until he can't any longer.

      All Grown Up:
        As a grown lion, Othin continues to satisfy his curiosity whenever possible, although he is much more respectful about how he gains his information. Othin has learned to hold his tongue to allow for much more peaceful, civilized conversations, and, with his father's help, Othin has nearly perfected his manners. Of course, he still has many, many questions, but he has learned that not every question was meant to be asked and some questions are left better to wonder about. His eyes have been more opened to the ways of lions around the world and he is far less skeptical than he was a cub, although, Othin still loves creating theories and asking the "why" questions behind lions' actions. Othin is an easily-excitable lion and any idea of adventure still lights up his eyes and creates the similar giddiness he experienced as a cub. As an adult, the male, although still talented at concealing his emotions most of the time, goes through many more periods where all of Othin's emotions come flooding out at once. This isn't a common happening by any means and usually, happens in private. Othin's grudges also have gotten far worse as an adult, though it takes a lot more for Othin to hold grudges against lions now. Despite these flaws, Othin has become a great lion. He still holds to his good moral compass and his idealism. He has learned more about heroism and has learned how to be helpful with his abilities, rather than destroying his opportunities as he did when he was a cub.


      • Fear of losing a family member:
        Othin has great relationships with everyone in his family. Because the Oasis is such a peaceful place and lions there are basically immortal, it's not a normal thing for the lions there to think of death on a normal basis. Othin, however, ponders it now more than ever since his journey out of the Oasis. Death seems to be almost a common thing, especially in comparison to the place that never dies. The idea that any of his family could turn away from the Oasis or face death even on their journey makes Othin shudder. He knows now that the Pride lions have a place for their dead, but the idea of never being able to talk or see a fellow family member again is nearly unthinkable to Othin, and most likely to the other cubs as well. Should Othin ever lose a family member, or maybe even a good friend, Othin would lose his mind.

      • Fear of being kicked from the Oasis:
        While the outside world is fascinating to Othin and he would love to travel and learn all about it, Othin knows that ultimately the Oasis is home for him. He has been granted the opportunity to travel from the Oasis to experience the world outside and he is grateful for that because he knows he likely, unless he should be an Ambassador or Guard like his parents and grandparents, never to see the outside world again. But the Oasis is where his family is and it's where Othin's heart lies. Should he never be welcome in the Oasis again, Othin wouldn't know what to with his life anymore. Sure he'd find a new place, like the Pride, but to him, the Pride and the lions there will never be as great as the Oasis and its lions.

      • Fear of disappointing his parents:
        Othin knows he will always have to face this fear, but it is one thing that drives him to do the right thing and follow the rules. Othin is especially afraid of disappointing his father because he feels that's the only way he is able to connect to his father. If his father cannot be proud of his son, then he might as well not love him at all, or at least that's how Othin views it. He doesn't have this fear nearly as much with his mother because they have a stronger relationship, but Othin does realize that he has more to lose from his mother. The idea of being a disappointment to his parents scares him a lot into being a well-behaved cub because losing his parents would be like losing his world.

      • Fear of failure:
        Othin faces this fear quite often as he regularly throws himself in the middle of it. As a cub with the elemental ability of Psychic, Othin takes many things upon himself to fix. And as being only and inexperienced and not-so-well trained cub, Othin simply isn't able to do all that he would like to. Othin struggles with several insecurities, but this is by far one of his greatest. Othin beats himself up and is expectant of others to do so too when he fails or messes up: especially when these failures affect not only him, but his family or friends too. One such example would be getting his friends into a load of trouble because of something he thought they should do. This fear of Othin's is something he will deal with greatly in his life.


    "A lion with the gift of light can: Illuminate dark places, blind foes, create distractions, create balls of energy."

        • Flash -- Othin is able to create illuminating light, which is useful when exploring dark places such as caves or dark forests. The little cub uses this ability a lot as his curiosity leads him to many places within the Oasis or on his journey to discover the outside world.
        • Trail -- Othin is able to create a series of lights to either light up a way or to create a trail to guide the way. This ability is particularly useful for finding his way back home and prevents him from getting lost on his adventures.
        • Glare -- Using his element, Othin can create a bright light that can either temporarily or permanently blind his foes. He can hold this light to continue blinding his foes while he either runs off or attacks his foe. This is also super effective for catching lions' attentions, as Othin has accidentally learned.
        • Sear -- Othin can create focused beams of concentrated light to shoot at another lion. The intensity depends upon the amount of energy Othin puts into it. At its weakest, it can cause a slight burning sensation, similar to a sunburn. At its strongest, it can cause severe radiation and excruciating burns.
        • Shimmer -- Using little energy, Othin can create shimmering balls or streams of light that dance around in many various colors. It is quite the scene when he creates many that light up the night sky. (Image light festivals)
        • Black Light -- Othin is able to emit black light. It doesn't do a whole lot, physically, but it does create cool and fun effects to the different colors of the world.


    "A lion with the gift of psychic can: Predict small things in the future, tell whether a lion will live or die by touch."

        • Prediction -- A basic ability, but Othin is able to predict- and sometimes prevent- far future situations. Sometimes it comes as a feeling, but most of the time it comes in the form of visions or dreams when he sleeps.
        • Fortune -- This ability is particularly popular among other cubs since they're fascinated with their futures. Othin is able to touch the interested cub and give them small fortunes or glimpses of their future.
        • Sensing -- Often times, Othin gets powerful feelings or senses when something immaculate is about to happen or is happening. He gets these when someone is in immediate danger or if someone is about to die. Because of these senses, Othin is sometimes able to help before it's too late. Often times these senses kick in with his idealism and he'll try to be a hero if he can.
        • Foresight -- Taught and sharpened by his mother Eowyn, Othin is able to look into the immediate future and change his own circumstances. This is especially helpful for the cub when he is on adventures or when he is fighting since he is able to see what his foe is about to do and react accordingly.


    Feeling towards the war;;
      Before the Journey:
        Before, Othin was curious about both the Pride and the Rebels, although he was actually skeptical of the Rebels. As far as he was concerned, the Rebels were just a made-up myth to get cubs like himself to behave. After all, he had never seen an actual Rebel nor had he experienced any sort of war. As for the Pride, he had similar views as his dad's, likely because he often overheard him a lot. Othin believed the Pride was majorly overreacting and that they went out looking to break the peace.

        When Othin actually met the Pride, he was extremely surprised that they looked and were similar to him and the other lions of the Oasis. He couldn't help but ask them as many questions as he could and learn their strange customs and ways of life. Upon meeting them and hearing what the lions had to say, he began believing them a little, although he was skeptical still. He had a mindset of "Nothing bad ever really happens."

        As Othin excitedly began to make the trek home with his family and Ethereal and a good amount of the Pride, the ambushes of the Rebels surprised him. He hadn't realized there were lions who were so vicious and so filled with hatred. The whole encounter changed Othin's views on the Pride and the Rebels.

      The Pride:
        Othin is fully supportive of the Pride now. He has learned their stories and way of life and is inspired deeply by them. He is drawn by the way they are always practicing and training and is wanting to train with them every chance he can. Although he has experienced the ambushes of the Rebels, he doesn't understand how massive the Rebel army truly is. He's not sure that the Pride needs as much help as they are asking for, but he's completely open to helping them himself if he can. He may be a cub, but he thinks he could take on some Rebels. The cub loves the way of life in the Pride and all their traditions, he's not sure why the Rebels are even wanting to fight in the first place.

      The Rebels:
        Not much scares Othin, but the rebels do put a little bit of fear into his tiny heart. He's still ready to take them on, however. He used to believe they were only a myth, but now Othin understands that they are very real and very dangerous. He still doesn't understand exactly how many Rebels there are. Othin isn't sure why they are rebelling against the Pride either. To Othin, the Pride is faultless and the Rebels are likely just power-hungry lions that have nothing better to do except to destroy the peace between the lands. The Rebels interest the little cub, but he thinks they have shallow reasons for their way of life.


    Major Relationships;;
      Haldir -- Father
      Othin's Father, Haldir, is the most respectable lion, in Othin's view anyway. He is seemingly so proper and mindful of his manners, as any ambassador should. Othin looks up to his father and loves hearing what the lion has to say. As far as their relationship, it's not as strong as Othin's and his mothers likely because Haldir is more closed off and less open to playing with Othin, which is in Othin's interest. Haldir is certainly more of the "discipline" kind of parent, and while Othin is grateful to be taught by him, he wishes Haldir would be more playful towards him and his siblings. Despite this bump in their relationship, Othin loves his father immensely. He looks up to him, respects, and obeys him like no other lion. In Othin's eyes, Haldir is the essence of noble.

      Eowyn -- Mother
      Othin's mother, Eowyn, is secretly Othin's favorite parent, but that's probably not a secret. He has a fantastic, healthy relationship with his mother. He respects and obeys her, but the two of them fight and play until they cannot any longer. Had Othin had any other mother, Othin would be uncontrollable because of his sheer amount of energy. Eowyn knows how to handle Othin's chatter with blunt reactions to get him to quit his chatter or to calm down. Othin trusts and relies on his mother and knows that she is a great lion to go to when he needs help or needs his insatiably curious questions answered. On the flip side, Othin knows when to give her room and when to leave her alone, creating a nice, healthy bond.

      Ayala -- Sister
      Othin and Ayala have extremely similar personalities, and, as a result, generally get along well. They feed off of each other's energy and play and romp around all the time together. They are almost always wrestling together if they aren't already adventuring off together! Othin and Ayala love discovering new parts of the Oasis or other areas, but where they butt heads are their different moral compasses. Ayala doesn't have a lot of respect for the rules and often tempts Othin into breaking the rules. On the flip side, Othin is always encouraging Ayala to listen and follow the rules. Sometimes they'll disagree on what to do or where to go because of this and they will end up in a pretty big disagreement or argument.

      Enid -- Sister
      Othin has a special but complex relationship with Enid. The two cubs have many differences in their demeanor, but similar interests and thus an unbreakable bond. Both of their curiosities fill their desire to seek information and so the two of them often adventure together. Enid is the brains of the missions and Othin is the brawn. Luckily for Othin, someone is there to watch over him and make sure he doesn't do anything too stupid. As previously stated, their relationship is special. Their trust in each other is great and they know they can tell each other anything. Othin appreciates Enid's bluntness and knows his sister is someone he can take criticism from. After all, Othin knows Enid is someone who loves and cares for him deeply and is comfortable around him to share her many layers just as Othin loves and cares deeply for her.

      Éadaoin -- Brother
      Othin and Éadaoin are true brothers and they always have each other's backs. Éadaoin is the far more quiet one, and it's something Othin appreciates as he is able to make up most of their conversations. Othin has just learned, over time, not to ask Éadaoin too many questions, or, at least, not to expect a long drawn-out reply. Othin has even learned that his brother's shyness prevents his brother from taking opportunities, and so Othin has taken the role upon himself to be Éadaoin's personal spokesman. He and his brother have an incredible bond and Othin has learned how to counter his brother's flaws, just as Éadaoin has for him. Othin has learned that his brother needs a lot of encouragement (as he often times beats himself up) and is there to support him for when he goes through periods where he needs to be lifted. Éadaoin has his place for supporting Othin as well. The blue cub is generally incredibly happy and bouncy, and sometimes, Othin just hides his emotions behind his questions. Éadaoin, however, can catch Othin's moods and knows just how to make him feel better. There isn't a thing Othin wouldn't do for his brother.


    Minor Relationships;;
      Ethereal -- Inspiring Superior -- Owned by starry--knight
      Othin got the chance to formally meet Ethereal, which was amazing to Othin. Of course, the lion was more interested in what the adults had to say, considering that's why they were there. But Othin knows he is the leader of a great Pride of lions, and he is inspiring to Othin for that. Othin wishes he had much more time to ask him questions, but he knows the great Alpha lion has no time (or does he?) for that with all that's going on with the war.

      Syrasvani -- Pseudo-Mentor -- Owned by Rohan.
      Syrasvani has nearly taken Othin in as a sort of mentor/mentee relationship. Othin has learned so much about fighting in these few months than he ever had in the Oasis! Syrasvani is incredibly patient with the cub too and answers all of his questions in due time. Othin is drawn to her because of her great teachings.

      Nereus -- Fellow Adventuree -- Owned by sun bear
      Othin met Nereus and began asking him questions immediately about his life and past life. Nereus answered them all (and more) and told him story after story after story. The two lions are often found near each other, and Nereus has even promised to take Othin on a secret adventure across the galaxy once he gets older. Of course, Othin begs and begs to go on an adventure with him now.

      Damara -- Storyteller -- Owned by Stonefly
      Damara is one of Othin's favorite lions to be around because she loves to fill the cub with exciting information. She is super patient and kind to Othin, being sure to carefully answer each and every one of his multitudinous questions. She also loves to listen to Othin chatter away about the Oasis as well, which is great for Othin. Overall, the lioness has a strong influence over Othin.

      Panacea -- Listening Friend -- Owned by sun bear
      The first time Othin got hurt while in the Pride, he was taken to see Panacea. He almost immediately asked her about her scar, but after only a smile and no answer, Othin realized the female couldn't speak. But Panny was always listening to his chatter and always gave him reassuring smiles. Othin always feels a calming and peaceful aura around Panny is always happy to see her.

      Iokaste -- Scary but Interesting Lioness -- Owned by sun bear
      Upon arriving in the Pride lands, Othin was told about Iokaste and her story (along with the other dream lionesses) and since then always wanted to hear her stories from her own lips. But when Othin went to meet her and ask her questions, he was surprised at how grouchy and scary the lioness was. He still tries to question her, but every time he narrowly escapes her claws.

      Jamaria -- Cub Snatcher -- Owned by Rohan.
      (Look to the story below!) When Othin first met Jamaria, he was curious about her and her taxon hunting. He was drawn by her soothing voice. It wasn't until his vision that he realized she was evil and trying to snatch them all. He is impressed by her tactics still, and her elemental abilities. He's upset though because he never got to try the taxon after all of that. (And he got in major trouble) Jamaria was the first rebel he got the chance to talk to, but after what she did to Kuchli and his siblings, he never wants to come face to face with her again.

      Kuchli -- Good friend -- Owned by Vraska the Unseen
      Kuchli, or Chli, and Othin hit it off from the first time they met! Chli's kind and goofy personality has made for a great playmate for Othin since he got to the Pride. The two of them run off all over the place and wrestle and test out their experiments all the time. Othin tries to play with him whenever he can! Of course they love to do other things too- tell stories, ask questions, make jokes! Othin and Chli have become great friends!

      Ragnarr -- Good Friend -- Owned by sun bear
      Ragnarr and Othin have made quite a bond since they've first met. Othin first met him when he was practicing, and almost immediately wanted to train with him. Ragnarr's skills have inspired Othin to be a better fighter and Ragnarr has taken a liking to the chatty cub as well. Ragnarr loves to listen to Othin's stories. The two cubs quite compliment each other and are interested in what the other has to say and so a special friendship formed.

      Xochipilli -- Interesting Friend -- Owned by SukarettoYanagi
      Othin got the chance to meet this wild looking cub, and, whether his stories are real or not (as the surely don't seem real...) Othin has loved listening to every bit of it! The only issue with this cub is that Othin wants to share his own stories with the cub, but Xochi is just as chatty as he is! They both take turns telling stories however, and both of them enjoy the other's stories about where they come from!

      Aristaeus -- Acquaintance -- Owned by CCrow
      Othin is curious towards Aris with his boney back. (How does he roll around anyways?) Othin has approached him several times, trying to befriend the cub but is usually met with crude humor and friendly, if not a little bit pessimistic, conversations. Of course, Othin wonders why Aris has these views on the world and how living in the Pride could have that affect on a cub, but overall, Othin and Aris exchange a few conversations here and there.

      Noelani -- Superior Cub -- Owned by SukarettoYanagi
      Ever since Othin met Noelani, she has always curiously asked him for information on where he's from and many other little things but soon changed from curious inquiries, to demanding and pushy interrogations. Of course, Othin doesn't mind telling the cub about the Oasis and he tries to overlook her pushiness. Othin often finds himself in conversations with her that are just full of questions from both sides.

      Thaddeus -- New "Friend" -- Owned by sun bear
      Thaddeus has become one of Othin's new friends. They see each other fairly often, and Othin has already gotten all the information out of the young cub he can. The cub might not see them as friends as much as Othin sees them as friends. Thaddeus is quiet and keeps his opinions to himself, and thus allows Othin to bug him. Thaddeus actually gets quite annoyed by Othin's chatter though.

      Aysu -- Unsure -- Owned by NizoLuv
      The first time Othin met Aysu, he was extremely happy to seemingly have made a new friend. However, many other lions were nearby at the time and she seemed nice. Later, once all the lions cleared and Othin tried to speak with her, Othin was surprised to see her attitude change so drastically into something much more hostile. Othin is still confused as to what happened.

      Aspen -- Future Friend? -- Owned by Fire at Heart
      Othin's chatty and noisy nature has conflicted with Aspen's, for the worse. Aspen tries his best to avoid Othin whenever possible as he typically prefers the peace and quiet and generally gets annoyed with Othin's many questions. Othin barely seems to notice, however, and continues trying to befriend the cub anyways.

      Duṣṭumi -- Acquaintance -- Owned by Vraska the Unseen
      When Othin first met Dust, he tried to get to know her, but she refused to answer and seemed to not want to be bothered by him. He gave up, but later tried to talk to her again, and she flat out ignored him with her head held high. Othin's not sure why she won't talk to him, especially when he has seen her talk to others a few times. Othin has just given up on trying to be her friend.

      Yitma -- Hostile Stranger -- Owned by NizoLuv
      Othin has never actually talked to Yitma, but the strange, pokey cub doesn't seem to like him much or give him much of a chance. From a distance, Othin sees Yitma with Seika and that's when Yitma refuses to come near him. Othin isn't quite sure why, but if the cub chooses to purposely keep away from Othin, he'll respect that.


      "Taxon Hunting"
        Othin's emerald eyes flashed open and a new day's energy burst inside of him. Immediately, the blue cub bounced around to his fellow siblings, awaking them from their slumber. "Wake up! Wake up, wake up! It's new day! Let's go explore!"
        Enid let out a groan covered her face with her wings. "Later..." She moaned drowsily.
        Ayala began stretching her legs and a huge yawn escaped her mouth. "Where we going today?" She asked, ready to start for a new adventure.
        "Well I heard from Kuchli that there's this waterfall not too far from here and that if we go early enough- before all the lions wake up- that we might see these weird, huge animals! I think he called them... Taxes?" Othin replied, his wings starting to stretch out.
        "Taxon. Don't you mean Taxon." Enid asked, finally waking from her sleep and stretching.
        "Yeah! That's it! I guess they can be real dangerous if you aren't careful... but..." Othin paused, knowing Ayala couldn't fly. "Well if we stay above the waterfall, we should be fine! It's gonna be so much fun! Hey Éadaoin, wake up!" He noticed his brother was turned away, trying to sleep still. Othin was determined to get him up and so the cub let loose his light element. A blinding flash of light filled the den, and soon all of his family was stirring, including Éadaoin.
        "Othin. What did I say about waking us up?" Haldir grumbled, half-asleep.
        "Sorry Dad! We're going on an adventure to a waterfall where these huge creatures called uhh...." Othin paused, trying to remember what they were called.
        "Taxon?" input Enid.
        "Yeah, Taxon!" Othin started again. "We were gonna try to get a view of them and see what these strange creatures are like! I'm sure the Oasis could use them for something! Maybe they have special powers that can destroy things! Maybe they-"
        Éadaoin finally woke up all the way and was ready. Enid snorted and Haldir rolled his eyes, but before Haldir could tell them no, Eowyn interrupted the little cub. "Sounds like fun. Make sure you all stay within the Pride borders and make sure you are close to patrols in case! I don't want anyone getting hurt."
        Haldir nearly stood up, surprised by his mate allowing their cubs to go off alone in such a dangerous place, but before he could, all the cubs scampered off, excited for their adventure.
        "Come on, let's go!" Othin squealed as he ran of the den.
        After a few moments of silence, Haldir spoke up. "Honey, you know I don't like them going off alone. They could get into trouble with the Rebels! Or the Taxon! Those Taxon can crush them, you know!"
        "Shhhhh." Eowyn replied, curling her tail around Haldir's. "They're just cubs, Haldir. It's what they do. And you know Othin will listen to us. He'll make sure there are patrols around. We can check on them in a little bit."
        "This isn't ok-"
        "Haldir, don't you remember what you were like as a cub? Don't you remember all of your adventures and how much trouble you got into? Look at you now." Her eyes glimmered in the soft lighting. "They'll be fine."
        Haldir gave a defeated sigh. "I guess I have no room to talk." He closed his eyes, and the two lions drifted into a light sleep.

        "Kuchli! Let's go!" Othin called into the mouth of the den. His siblings were waiting for their brother to return with his new friend. Othin sat waiting for a moment, peering into the den and trying to make out the shapes inside. It was so dark however, and Othin didn't dare use his element after his dad's warning. He was completely blind to the inside because of the darkness, yet he could hear the breath of sleeping lions.
        "Argh!!" Othin felt a sharp weight shove him onto his back and Kuchli stood above him, pinning him to the ground. Othin shrieked in surprise, but smiled once he recovered.
        "Come on you big hairballs!" cried Ayala, who was waiting with Enid and Éadaoin. "We don't have time for this!"
        Othin pushed Kuchli off of him and stood up, happy to be reunited with his friend. "You're sure it's okay to go there? It's inside the Pride borders, right?" Othin asked, needing the reassurance. The last thing he wanted to do was lead his siblings and friend away from safety and in harm's way. Of course, where they were headed wasn't exactly "safe", but they'd be looking down on the herd from a safe spot.
        "Yes, yes, don't worry! I go here all the time!" Kuchli reminded him. "It's fine."
        Othin nodded his head and soon all the cubs were all together again and ready for a new adventure.
        "Okay, Kuchli, lead the way!"

        Othin and his siblings all followed behind Kuchli, and they all chatted meaningless things among themselves as they trekked on. Although the waterfall was in the Pride lands, it was also across from the lake and a good distance away. Soon enough the cubs began to walk through a dimmed Blood Wood forest. Naturally, Othin began asking Kuchli all about the forest and it's blood red sap while his siblings listened. Enid would occasionally jump into the conversation to give facts about the forest. Soon enough Kuchli stopped. "Um... Well I thought we'd be there by now... but I don't remember exactly... I thought we went the right way."
        "What!" Enid stopped dead in her tracks. "You mean you're lost?"
        "Well... just... kinda. I'm sure we can find it." Kuchli said, looking to his paws.
        "Hey! I think I hear something!" Othin said, his tail whipping back and forth. "I bet it's a taxon! Let's see if we can find it!"
        "Taxon do love the sap from these trees, you're probably right." Enid said, her eyes glittering in the soft sun beams that stretched through the forest canopy.
        Othin twitched his ears and pointed his tail to where the sound was coming from. All cubs agreed to go closer to the sound, and Othin led the way. Slowly, the cubs crept closer to the sound and soon peered through large bushes that hid them from sight. In front of them was a huge, blueish creature licking the sweet blood-colored sap from a large tree. But the cubs only had a moment to gaze upon the creature before a hurling ball of poison targeted the taxon. It immediately began to gallop off, but stumbled when the ball splashed against the creature. A few moments later and a strangely pretty lioness crashed through the trees and foliage and landed on top of the lone creature, killing it with her tail spikes. As the lioness crashed on top of the creature, Othin stood amazed, but Ayala had let out a scream, triggered by surprise. The lioness looked up from her kill, peering right where the cubs were and took a step in their direction.

        "Oh? What do we have here?" Jamaria called out to the quivering cubs. "Looks like there are five little cubs here?" The lioness was now peering into the bushes and counting the cubs. "Oh, now don't be scared, I won't hurt you."
        "Who are you?" Othin replied, sticking his pink nose out of the bush. There was no reason to hide now, she already knew they were there.
        Jamaria smiled kindly at the cubs. "My name is Jamaria, although you can just call me Aria." Jamaria's voice was soft and gentle, she'd clearly knew how to talk to cubs.
        "Aria?" Othin repeated. "What are you doing out here?"
        "Catching some dinner. Have you ever tried eating a taxon before. They taste delectable. Say, why don't you come back with me and you can try it?"
        Othin stumbled for a bit. Of course he wanted to try it, the female made it sound amazing. He looked back at his siblings and Kuchli. Ayala was stepping out of the bush, ready to follow. The others seemed to want to wait on what Othin decided.
        "I guess it wouldn't hurt to try it!" He finally said. Enid seemed surprised and reluctant to go.
        "I don't know about this, Othin." She spoke up.
        "It's okay honey, you'll be back in no time. You can meet my family! I have a little cub too, I bet you'll like her." Jamaria soothingly said.
        "Oh come on! It'll be fun!" squealed Ayala.
        Enid thought for a moment, sighed, and then finally relented. "Okay, fine I guess. But we need to be back soon."
        "Oh, don't worry, dear." Jamaria said, beginning to haul the taxon towards her mistress' camp. "You'll love it."

        "How much further?" Kuchli called, beginning to worry a little, although he was more concerned with his paws falling off.
        Jamaria let the taxon go to turn to him. She smiled. "We're almost there."
        Othin, all along the way had been asking the lioness questions, to which she was only able to mumble a "mmhmm" for yes, or an "uh-uh" for no while she carried the antelope-esque creature. But mid-question, Othin stopped dead in his tracks. He stared straight ahead, focused on nothing in particular. His psychic abilities began making the cub feel fuzzy and weird and soon the cub started seeing something. It was an awful image. It was a place of bones and evil and, accompanied with that vision, was a strong off-feeling. Something wasn't right. Éadaoin, who had been quiet the whole time, could sense Othin's feelings already. He could tell something was off too, and soon enough Enid caught along. Ayala and Kuchli didn't seem to notice at all, and kept following the female.
        "We can't go any further." Othin whispered to Enid and Éadaoin, who stopped with Othin. "We can't go there."
        Jamaria turned around, noticing Othin never finished his question. When she turned to face him, she knew he knew.
        Othin began pulling together his energy an soon a huge burst of light emanated from his body and traveled all throughout the forest. Jamaria shrieked in blindness and Othin called all the cubs to run immediately.
        The cubs only got a little bit of a headstart before Jamaria recovered and caught up to them. Enid, Othin, and Éadaoin were flying at this point, although none of them were exceptional flyers. Kuchli and Ayala followed them, although they were at a disadvantage, having to stay on the ground. They were running as fast as they could, but Jamaria's long strides easily overtook them. With her paws forward, she pushed her weight onto Kuchli and pinned him down, smiling up at the rest of them.
        "Help!" Kuchli screamed desperately.
        Othin turned his head and nearly fell out of the sky when he saw Kuchli trapped in the lioness' paws. He turned his body around to face the lioness and began collecting energy. He focused his aim... and... a beam of scorching light and heat shot from his body, hitting the lioness and cause her scorching pain and a small bit of radiation, yet it didn't even phase her. Othin's eyes widened and turned to Enid and Éadaoin for help. Éadaoin was right there next to him, ready to take on the lionness, but Enid was gone. Ayala had continued running as well. Éadaoin was shooting orbs of radiant green light to her face while Othin was shooting rays of searing light, although with each use, his energy was weakening. Jamaria smiled, nonetheless, and shot an orb of her destructive poison, hitting Othin squarely until he fell to the ground, unconscious. Jamaria collected her prized cub, still keeping Kuchli with her. Éadaoin was next.

        Jamaria had managed to collect four of the five cubs, but she knew Enid would be back for her siblings, and, if not, four cubs for Aerona's army was still great. Kuchli was the only one still conscious, and so she began taking back her prizes back to where they'd be raised. Her tail was swaying back and forth, happy with the day's results. Suddenly, the forest looked almost as if it had blown up and Jamaria felt a searing pain, way worse than before, scorching her entire body. A ball of hurling poison made Jamaria stumble around. She looked back and saw two lions, the parents of the cubs staring back at her, angry. Eowyn was so outraged, and she spit out poison into the bush nearby. The male next to her had his head held high, but he was just as intimidating as the lioness beside him. And with a roar, Haldir sent more flying beams of hyper-focused light in her direction. Jamaria dodged one, but in turn, released Kuchli, who began running away, but also fell right into the path of another searing beam. Her body crashed down, but she quickly grabbed the three unconscious cubs and began to flee for her life, careful not to lead them to Aerona's now. Haldir and Eowyn chased the female down, as soon as she began fleeing. The weakened lioness wasn't able to put up much of a chase, and soon let the cubs fly out of her grip as she tried her best to escape her own death. Eowyn, with narrowed eyes, sent one last hurling ball of poison at the female, which soaked her and she let loose a rattling scream that shook the forest. Eowyn smirked as she collected her three cubs. Thanks to Enid's warning and her own psychic abilities, her cubs were now safe. And in a load of trouble.



    All thumbnails of lions were created by sun bear. All lions belong to their respectful owners.
    The character of Othin is © to sun bear
Last edited by Aravel on Thu Aug 31, 2017 3:25 pm, edited 65 times in total.
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the boy filled with hate he can't control

Postby broken* » Sun Aug 13, 2017 1:10 pm


"So what if you can see the darkest side of me?"
username; broken*
{{if i am so honored as to be chosen}}
partners names; Vraska the unseen & Cold Vengeance
(vraska for the love/hate, cold for the ice)

cub name; setekh
pronounced -> seh-teh-k
nickname -> seth
origin -> derived from greek -> known in egyptian mythology as the god of darkness/chaos/confusion/desert/storms/disorder/violence
gender; male

rank; oasis cub
future rank -> guard of the oasis

"No one would ever change this animal I have become."
a lion with this uncommon gift has the power to manipulate hatred & resentment. it is a sub-power of emotion manipulation, & the opposite of love manipulation.
((manipulate the strong aggressive emotions in the room, escalate tension, affect judgement and thought.)

fun fact - when his powers are in use, especially when he is in moments of intense emotion, the markings on his face light up/glow brightly, a trait he shares with his twin pharika.

●hatred aura - basically, this means he has the ability generate an aura of hatred, meaning that he can amplify and/or induce hate in those around him and then gain power from their emotions by using them to gain strength and create an aura around himself. this aura can extend various distances, depending on how far he wishes it to go and how strong the hatred he gained is, and it affects whomever is withing it.

●hatred absorption/empowerment - seth has the ability to practically feed off of the hatred of others. this emotional absorption causes the targets to lose motivation/energy due to the sudden draining of such an intense emotion. he is able to then use that hatred to enhance himself/gaining the drained power, whether it be to make him faster, more durable, stronger, etc. it can even be used to draw sustenance to keep him healthy.

●hatred constructs - basically what this means is that he has the ability to create constructs out of the emotional energy of hatred. he can use the energy that is put off by hatred into tools, objects, weapons, and other items. these items can be semi-living constructs and structures of varying permanence. once mastered, he will be able to create basically anything he needs in almost any situation.

●hatred inducement/augmentation - through this specialty, he has the ability to increase hatred in others; basically, he can make a tiny dislike of something/someone turn into immense/intense hatred for them/it. this can be used to make the augmented victim attack the thing/creature they hate. he also has the ability to completely cause hatred in others; they can hate him, them-self, or anyone/everyone around them and become more willing to harm/kill that being.

"Help me believe it's not the real me;"
positives - loyal, confident, alert,
brilliant, clever, courageous, dedicated,
decisive, dutiful, freethinking, independent,
protective, resourceful, self-sufficient
negatives - manipulative, arrogant,
standoffish, impulsive, forceful, persuasive,
abrasive, assertive, asocial, coarse, critical,
fatalistic, aggressive, spiteful









in depth - quite honestly, seth is a very unique creature, who has both positive and negative aspect, which seem to be constantly at war with one another in a fight for which will come to the surface. typically, the negative traits seem to be more dominant, due to the residual effect of his element of hate, which is known for having such effects on its lions. some of the lions that experience his presence find him to be like two different lions in one body, struggling to come out above the other one always. this can be very off-putting towards others, hence why he doesn't have many lions that he's close to, especially outside of his rather large family.

on the more positive side, he is intensely loyal, especially to his sister but also to his family in general. in his opinion, blood is thicker than water, and basically anything else. he would do anything for them, whether it be laying down his life or standing up for one of them. this ties in with his protective nature, again mainly of his family, for he would rather himself be harmed than they were. he is also very intelligent, known for being clever in difficult situations, thinking of uncommon solutions to circumstances that typically are hard to figure a way out of. he has a brave heart, a courageous mentality, and he will always do/stand up for what he believes is right, especially in regards to helping others.

seth is also known for being very capable on his own. ever since he was a young cub, he has been able to survive on his own, fend for himself, that sort of thing. he loves helping others but he is very independent and receiving help is another thing entirely. he is good at using whatever resources are available to him in unique ways to creatively manage his situation. he is known for always being on the alert, his ears perked and his eyes ever watching the world around him, carefully concentrating on what goes on, so that he can act if something were to happen.

now, moving away from the positive and more neutral traits, there are plenty of negative ones that are extremely common for him. one of these is how he easily comes across as being arrogant; he is a very confident creature, and he doesnt always seem to have a filter on what he says, sometimes talking as though he's more intelligent or he knows more than others. however, there are other times when he can turn on the charm; he can be not only persuasive, but truly manipulative, knowing just the right things to say to convince others to help him do "xyz". however, when he is in a truly bad mood, his hate fully consuming him, he becomes completely antisocial, refusing to be around or talk to anyone, and just wanting to be alone to sulk. if anyone, except his twin sister, tries to approach or talk to him during this moment, his filter disappears and he can become extremely aggressive, both physically and verbally.

"Somebody help me tame this animal!"
Feeling towards the war;
he sees the pride as being a bit weak, for they are struggling so deeply with the rebellion that they had to seek help from his family/the oasis lions. who cannot protect their own people, their own families and lands, from outsiders seeking to destroy their way of life? if it were the oasis being attacked, he has no doubt they would have already squashed the rebellion like a bug. he sees a lot of confusing emotions within the pride itself, some of its lions intensely devoted and loyal but others being far more argumentative or harboring dislike for one another. he has felt far more hatred in the auras of those in the pride than he ever felt back home in the oasis, which does make him a bit nervous. but overall, he sees the pride as having good intentions, at least the alpha and secondary leaders, and the majority of the lions that he has met so far have all seemed to be good, worthy of loyalty and respect.
●he doesn't know a lot about the rebellion, at least not from personal experience, but from what he has heard second hand about its leaders, they, at the very least, seem like truly dark/evil beings who need to be put down, at least in his opinion. arkon and aerona seem like foul creatures who don't care about anything but power, as if the lions under them are disposable beings who have no true purpose except to lay down their lives for the cause. however, there is a part of him that is curious as to whether they are all like that, or whether there are lions within its ranks that have just been hurt by the pride and decided to change their loyalties.
●something that will never change no matter how many years pass is seth's feelings on war; it is a necessity. it is a part of life that is unavoidable, and while many lions dislike war, thinking that most things could be resolved with peaceful communication/discussion, seth strongly disagrees. there are some lions that dont care about peace or everyones rights; war is needed to keep the corrupt out of power. it is important to be willing to fight for freedom and for whatever you believe in, at least in seth's opinion.

Image versus Image

"pharika! this is all going to work out perfectly. by the time the council decides to send the warriors into battle, we'll be grown." the colorful young cub let out a huff as a wide smirk overtook his facial features. as he sat on his hindquarters, tail wrapped around his paws and chest puffed out, his eyes were locked on the pacing form of his pale twin sister, who didn't seem to share the same enthusiasm as he did about their future.

"but setekh, the council will never choose us to go to battle with the pride, even if we'll be grown at the time. they'll only want to send the best, most skilled warriors. yes we've been in training but we're hardly the elite." the nervous cub responded as she continued her steady pace in front of her brother. setekh let out a low chuckle, a sound that rumbled deep in his throat and caused his chest to shake a bit as it emerged.

"oh dear sister, so what? they'll be so many lions leaving that they'll hardly notice if we're among them. we can easily just slip into the crowd, into the mass, and when we return victorious, we'll be welcomed as heroes. if i prove myself in battle, prove my capabilities, perhaps the council will consider making me more than just a guard; perhaps i could be an ambassador, or even a council member myself one day." his blue eyes shone brightly in excitement at the thought of his future. yes, he loved his home, he would never want to leave the oasis. it was peaceful and life was good there. but his element was not one that could be manipulated towards bettering life; it was a gift intended to be used in war, and he had already grown tired of feeling useless because of it.

Image pharika (vraska) (sister) - oh dear goodness these two are two complete peas in a pod. its assumed to be because of their shared hate element or what, but they have been joined at the hip since the day they were born. he is undyingly loyal to ika and would do anything to keep her safe and make her happy. a fun tidbit about their relationship, something most other lions are unaware of, is that they are linked telepathically (as many twins are assumed to be) by their hate element. they can not only communicate with each other, but also feel the other's emotions as well as when they are using their powers.
Image lovisa (cold) (sister) - he loves his sister, for she is his flesh and blood and family is everything in his mind. however, they have never had that strong/firm relationship with one another that he has with his other sister. he often feels as though lovisa feels left out when he and ika go out and do things, but he always forgets about it until its too late to invite her to accompany them.
Image father - oh wow, honestly seth looks up to his father. when he sees him, all seth sees is that he radiates strength. looking at him, he is a truly tough lion, who has an aura of power about him, from the way he walks to the way he talks. he has so much respect for him, and would quite honestly do anything to show himself to be worthy of his father's family name.
Image mother - when he looks at his mother, all he sees is beauty and grace. in his mind, she is the most radiant lioness in existence, and no one else will ever compare to her in his minds eye. she is extremely intelligent and he greatly respects her opinions on any matter that she finds important enough to discuss.
Image elmira (demonthief) (cousin) ah she truly does mean a lot to him; she is a close friend to him, something he doesnt have much of. he tries his best to keep his emotions/element under control when he's around her, for he's noticed how she flinches away, afraid, when his hatred and aggression come out, but he can't control it as well as he wants to, and he hates himself for making her fear him.

Image dustumi (vraska) (crush/friend) - ahh what a dear friend! honestly he loves her to death, and he appreciates the fact that, unlike many other cubs, she isn't afraid of him. he finds her mysterious and utterly beautiful, like a dark flower. he has no fear of her 'father', and oftentimes will sneak around gorgos to get to dust to spend more time getting to know her. he doesnt think he'll ever be able to forget about her, and will struggle leaving her to go back to the oasis.
Imagehaji (curiosity/respected) - when he first came across this older male, he was immediately intrigued and curious about him; he has several unique qualities, such as his eye glow, his jewelry, and his single wing. but he never looked down upon the male, in fact, he sees him as an inspiration for working through his disability and becoming strong in himself.
Image shaylee (rolemodel/respected) he was extremely interested in this lioness from the first time he saw her; he noticed the way that she held herself differently than many other lions, having almost a glow about her. and so, being the confident creature that he is, he straight up approached her. finding out she had quite the uncommon element and was using it to train cubs quickly made him grow respect for her.
Image kuchli (vraska)
- he seems like a nice enough young lion, however he is constantly preoccupied and seth feels like he has never been able to focus completely on a conversation with each other. he doesn't really understand the whole situation with gorgos having taken chli's sisters; funnily enough, he's met the trio and visits them often, not that he would ever tell chli that.
Image aiyanna (sorrow/unfortunate) - he has hardly spoke to the older lioness, but he has heard rumors about her tragic family past. she had a mate, and four cubs; one cub left to be a nomad, two became rebels, and the fourth was killed, with aiya's mate, by rebel forces. seth feels sad for the female, and tries to take out her hate/pain/negative emotions to bring her any peace that he can.
Image gorgos (nizo) (tough/rolemodel) - oh my gosh, there is nothing about this lion that isnt inspiring to seth. gorgos knows what he wants, what he believes in, and isnt afraid to bend/break some rules if need be. he feels a connection with gorgos, almost like a second father figure, although he is not at all scared of the large male, like most cubs are. in his mind, he could just take away all of the negative emotions gorgos feels, even just temporarily, and make him like a cute little cub for a few moments.
Image genesis (vraska) (curiosity/"family") - unlike many lions who find this lioness to be scary, due to her personality changes, he finds her intriguing. he sees a bit of himself in her, with the inability to control certain traits of his personality, and he is truly curious to get to know each other 'selves'; from sol to xeo.
Image valhalla (interest/stunning) it seems that, ever since their first meeting, seth and valhalla had been immediately both interested in one another. valhalla seems to want to know as much as she can about the oasis lions and what differs between their lives. and to seth, wow, this lioness is just shocking to look at; she is surrounded by crackles of flames and fire, which come in a range of colors that are just as awe-inspiring.
Image enzo (rohan) (inspirational/strong) it was a completely chance meeting; he had wandered into the unknown lands, trying to explore as much as he could before he was taken back to the oasis, and he was curious about the rebels, curious to learn if they were truly all bad, like the pride made them seem. this warrior radiated strength, and yet as powerful as he was, he spoke to seth like an equal, not trying to harm him.

"Get me through this nightmare; I can't control myself!"
{{just wanna say thanks to everyone who let me use their lions as relations!!<3}}
Last edited by broken* on Thu Aug 31, 2017 8:31 am, edited 57 times in total.
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Haldir || The Guiding Light

Postby starry--knight » Sun Aug 13, 2017 1:13 pm

    || Name || Haldir | - - - || Pronounced || [Hal] - [Deer] | - - - || Meaning || Guide | - - - || Gender || Male |

    || Element || Light
A lion with the gift of light can: Illuminate dark places, blind foes, create distractions, create balls of energy.
| Pysical Appearance of Element | - Haldir's light that he creates and emits has a greenish hue to it, much like that of his eyes. However, he can also create and emit pure white light depending on the situation and his personal preference.

| Mastery Level | - Haldir is considered an expert in the art of light manipulation and creation. He has invested almost the entirety of his life dedicated to training in order perfect and sculpt each and every move in his set.

      | Heavens Gaze |
      The ability to blind foes with intense light, quite similar to that of gazing at the sun. It causes temporary disorientation and blindness. The effects are not permanent, though if enough energy is focused on such a move, Haldir could cause someone to lose their sight indefinitely. Can be used both offensively and defensively depending on the scenario.
      Requires Moderate to Extreme Concentration depending on use || Consumes equivalent in energy

      | Guiding Light |
      The ability to illuminate the darkest places with an in-penetrable light. This light could be described as "soft" and is only meant to help distinguish shapes in the more treacherous or difficult spots. Has no offensive use, but covers a vast distance in every direction.
      Requires Little Concentration || Consumes Moderate Energy

      | Piercing Viel |
      The ability to reveal a figure in the darkness or detect fresh prints that can then be tracked. The light itself could almost be described as a "highlight" effect, only outlining the edges of the figure being followed or the tracks that have been spotted. This move is best suited for non-combatant situations, mainly for hunting or in rare cases searching for a fleeing enemy.
      Requires Moderate Concentration || Consumes Moderate Energy

      | Flickering Sun |
      The ability to create an almost Strobe light affect. It can be used to cause disorientation, confusion and lack of depth perception. It is a constant off and on of light in quick succession which causes this deadly distraction. It can be hyper focused on one enemy, or displayed on a grander scale for many to see. Causes no permanent damage, but has great offensive and defensive capabilities.
      Requires Little Concentration || Consumes Extreme Energy

      | Total Eclipse |
      The ability to distort, dim or even remove light from certain sources to help conceal oneself or others. Allows the user to consume nearby light if wanting to remove a moderate light source, or deflect the light to shield a moving army relatively unnoticed in the shadows. Has great offensive opportunities and tactical advantages when used in battle.
      Requires Extreme Concentration || Consumes Moderate Energy

      | Scorching Rays |
      The ability to hyper focus light to burn or scorch skin, flesh or any other living matter such as plants. Can be focused on one singular enemy for complete scorching power, or projected over a group to achieve a slight burning sensation. Is a solely offensive attack, meant to weaken, drain or kill enemies quickly.
      Requires Extreme Concentration || Consumes Extreme Energy

    || Rank || Guard ||
"Nothing is more honorable than
    protecting those you hold most dear"
Though his parents were both ambassadors, Haldir felt that life was not for him. Despite being intelligent and level headed, Haldir felt an ambassadorship would challenge his vow to refrain from anger or rash decisions - something he felt was inevitable given the position. Guardship on the other hand allowed Haldir to remain strong in that vow, while also allowing him to bring honor to both him and his family. It was this prospect that solidified the position of Guard to Haldir, and he has never regretted this decision.

      || Haldir's Armor ||
      Click on the Image to view the whole armor set - - - - - >

" The path we walk
    has already been written "

    || Personality ||
    --- Intelligent --- Confident --- Cordial --- Well Spoken --- Steadfast --- Calculated --- Cautious ---
    --- Honorable --- Quiet --- Pensive --- Patient ---
      Haldir is a very intelligent and confident male. It is seen in everything he does, from the way he holds himself as he walks, to the very words that pour from his lips. His speech, tone and demeanor emanate these two very dominant traits, both of which command a level of respect. As rare as an Aveta flower, finding Haldir without an answer to a wide array of questions, or the knowledge regarding far away stars is practically impossible. Haldir's intelligence is something he treats like a privilege, making the quest for more an ever present mission for him. He firmly believes intelligence is one of the most important traits someone could possess, and looks for fellow intellects to broaden this horizon whenever possible.

      Though constantly on the hunt for more knowledge, Haldir can be guilty of putting preconceived thoughts and opinions higher than the truth. He truly does pride himself on his intellect, but allows caution to form a barrier between himself and ideals that break the foundations of what he was raised to believe. This caution makes him a great critic of ideas that fail to meet the test, but hinder him when he comes in contact with the answers he sought but didn't like the results of. He finds himself in a constant battle between his head and his heart in regards to many things, leaving him more often then not in quiet and pensive moods. If left alone, Haldir could roll the most philosophical of questions in his mind for hours, even days, just trying to understand all the angles and determine for himself if these things are what he truly believes, or if it is time for a much needed change.

      As impossible as snowfall on Locrhen, you will never find Haldir in a sour mood. He is always cordial and well spoken, even to those he silently detests. Anger is not something he wishes to give heat to, and believes the best solutions and interactions are made with a cool head and a slick tongue. Though Haldir is not immune to the sway of emotion and frustration, he has become somewhat of a master in the art of concealing them. Even with family and close friends, Haldir can keep the nagging problems at bay. However this act has caused some inner turmoil and heartache with those he deems close. His mate Eowyn does manage to break him from such behaviors, though it is a tough feat and an infrequent occurance to say the least.

      Being a Guard and raised by Ambassador parents, Haldir has learned the art of Patience and is steadfast with both his missions and most importantly his resolve. The way he was raised had great affect on his beliefs and opinions about their world and the Cosmos. His parents passion for such matters led to Haldir being unwavering to a fault in regards to tradition and beliefs. However, this determination and steadfast approach is only equal to his mastery of patience. Whether stationed at his Guard post, watching over his family or in a tricky situation, Haldir can keep a cool collected head to assess and protect his prime objectives. He has learned that patience is an ally, one not to be underestimated. It has gotten him through some very tough times, and continues to serve him well within the Pride Lands.

        || Odds & Ends ||
          | Superstitious | - Most would not suspect Haldir to believe in superstitions because of how high he holds knowledge and the constant quest for it. However, he is a strong believer in curses or cursed land. Places where horrific things have taken place that can just be felt upon approaching the area. He thinks the land is harboring so much pain and darkness there that it can spread to other areas, even living beings. Haldir will avoid these spaces at all costs, and will even go out of his way to avoid them.

" What is Fear if not our
    deepest desires gone horribly wrong "

    || Fears ||
      Fear (n) - "an emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat. "

      Haldir does not want to give Fear power over him, much like that of anger. Therefore, Haldir does not fear much - worrying that these irrational thoughts will one day come back to haunt him. He has seen first hand what fears can do to others, and at what lengths people will go to when under its powerful influence. Haldir does not wish to turn from his path in the light to something darker as a result of his shortcomings, so he tries his best to find courage when and where he can. Until the day he dies, surely Haldir will give fear and all of its misfortune a run for its money.

      | Dishonor | - Honor and the quest for it has been one of Haldir's biggest points of achievement. He has spent the majority of his life toward this one goal - to not succeed in it would be devastating to him and is therefore one of his biggest fears. Haldir believes if he was to cause himself dishonor it would also reflect the same on his family and his homeland, something he will not willingly allow.

      | Becoming One of the Undead | - Haldir has seen the power that Arknon possess and has witnessed it's power firsthand near the Oasis. To die and then be used to destroy the things he cares for is a huge concern for him. As passionate as Haldir is about many issues, he takes great offense with his soul being used as a pawn to kill and tear apart the foundations of their society. It is not the idea of being dead that startles him, merely the idea of his soul being stolen and corrupted.

" There is always two sides to conflict,
    I just never imagined they shared the same face "

    || Feeling towards the war ||
      When Haldir's family was originally chosen for the ambassadorship he was not pleased. His passion for his home and the knowledge of the war beyond their boarders only helped further his distaste for it. Though not as disliked as the rebels, the Pride does hold firm as an adversary and burden the Oasis should have never associated with: An opinion Haldir firmly adheres to.Their war has killed many lions in an attempt at power, something he doesn't and probably will never understand. He finds both sides just as savage as the other, willing to sacrifice lives and land for the sake of ideals that are both archaic and outdated. Arknon being nothing more than a tyrant and a murderer, Ethereal a war monger and a coward. Both leaders unwilling to sacrifice themselves for their own cause and instead filling their spot with pawns in their endless game. Though Haldir is well aware Ethereal did not start the war, he is unimpressed with the lack of progress towards peace that he claims to desperately want. Overall, Haldir has no respect for either group in this conflict and deeply wishes for the council to vote against getting involved. The Oasis's involvement would only add fuel to the fire, and ultimately destroy the long standing peace and prosperity the Oasis has come to enjoy these thousands of years.

    || Ethereal's Pride ||

      Haldir finds the Pride to be a land overflowing with contradiction. They claim to stand for freedom, liberation and peace while promoting war, imprisonment and fear amongst their own. From an outsiders perspective, simply witnessing their forgers, warrior ranks and a system built for war times Haldir can't help but see these peace keepers looking for a fight more than a bloodless resolve. Their ranks more reminiscent of a war factory, functioning to continue the fight rather than abolish it.

      Their Leader Ethereal is more of the same. His call for aid in this bloody feud only aides in Haldir's preconceptions that Ethereal is a war Mongerer. From all he has heard from home, Haldir only sees this Alpha as a coward, unable to finish the fight himself, thus looking outward for help like the Oasis. This notion towards Ethereal will change after their few months at the pride, however Haldir's resolve to keep the Oasis out of this war will not faulter.

      Haldir will relent in his harsher sentiments in regards to the life of the pride. It is a huge mix of different lions from all different walks, prior rebels included. He finds their generosity and friendliness less archaic than he originally perceived them to be and will readily admit his assumptions were wrong. Haldir appreciates the beauty of the lands as well, and admires the lake that glistens at the heart of their mountains. The people of the Pride lands is what makes the Pride worth something, though Haldir still believes they have a far way to go before they are truly the peacekeepers they claim to be.

      However, his experiences with the Pride members certainly opened his eyes to the deeper points of the war. It is so simple to break down a war by the sides until you see the faces of those involved in person...then suddenly everything changes. This new outlook made Haldir more sympathetic to their cause, but his true allegiance is still toward the Oasis and his own people. To Haldir, the plight of the Pride though saddening is none of the Oasis's concern. If the blood bath is to continue, Haldir does not want it to be their people who have to lay down their lives in an effort to end something they never started.

    || Arknon's Rebellion ||
      The Rebellion sits at the crossroad of anarchy and madness for Haldir. Their ideals leaning towards power over tradition allows for the bodies to pile up in its wake. In the Rebels chain of command, no lion is safe from losing their head if it means the ultimate quest for power and affluence. Fear dominates the society, leaving a void for scheming minds and a bloody future. Such allowance for the ideals of strength over order feeds the chaos and ultimately becomes a detriment to their society, not an ally. Haldir can understand the underlying cause for the Rebels, desiring a leader who is capable of the task, not just born into it. However the way the Rebels go about achieving this is both ineffective and inherently dangerous.

      Additionally, the Rebels way of life and beliefs system lends it self to utter madness. With Anarchy at its very core, deception and madness take root within the minds of the people. Paranoia and fear run rampant, thus worsening the already troubled minds of all who endure its brutal regime. Haldir cannot comprehend why any would be willing to endure such treatment daily, and finds the whole situation a disastrous mess.

      Haldir can sympathize on behalf of the young who were born or taken into such a hostile place. As a father the very idea of his children being tricked or forced to participate in their cruel system makes his blood boil. Something Haldir does not allow lightly. The rebels use and abuse of the young sickens him, but it also makes him pity the older lions of the group who fell victim to deceit and perhaps knows no better than serving under the rule of Arknon. However at the end of the day, these lions made a choice, regardless of how sickening and wrong it was. Their path was determined, and ultimately they must lie in the bed of which they made.

      Unlike the Pride, Haldir did not get to experience what the true society of the rebels consists of: only stories from those who were able to flee their tyranny. He can gather a picture of the deplorable conditions but otherwise he cannot truly say what between the Pride and Rebellion is worse. He still finds the rebels at the lower end of the spectrum as far as societies are concerned, but neither group has managed to convince him of their worthiness for help or retribution.

" What is the Purpose of Life
    if there is no one to share it with"

    ||The Core Family ||
      | Eowyn | Mate | " Her love is the only one I seek "
      Haldir would be nothing without his mate Eowyn. It is a sentiment he holds firm to, and something he finds himself mulling over quite frequently in his mind. She is his equal and his opposite, her perfections and flaws matching and bettering his own. Her blunt speech gives his thoughts a voice, and her clever mind giving Haldir's intellect a true challenge. Eowyn was never the picture of who he imagined he would mate with, however she ended up being far more than Haldir could have asked for. She both challenges him and lifts him up all while simultaneously doing the same for their children. Her energy is contagious and often hard to fight for Haldir and his strict regime, and yet she is the only one who can get him to break into a smile. Such a feat is almost impossible and she makes it seem so effortless..and that is something extraordinary.

      | Enid | Daughter | " When I look at her, I see myself "
      Haldir need only a mirror to see himself in Enid. His bright and beautiful little girl taking after him more so than any of his other children. She has a fire in her that Haldir noticed from the moment she was born, and can see it burn even brighter as she gets older. Enid's desire for knowledge and her quest for their Prides and families honor is only matched with that of Haldir himself. However, Haldir would be dishonest if he was to say Enid was his exact replica. Her bluntness from her mother suits his fiery daughter, and allows her the liberty that he himself cannot entertain. It certainly leads to interesting conversation and time well enjoyed by him. As a father he does not believe in having favorites from his children, however Enid would definitely the one who he feels the most connected to out of the four.

      | Othin | Son | " He has greatness in him "
      Othin has always displayed the traits found in his mother, often to the frustration of Haldir. Though he loves those aspects in Eowyn, seeing them in a wild child without entire discipline is another matter entirely. Haldir adores his son, and knows the good intentions behind his sons boisterous behavior, however he stresses that Othin must learn patience. Patience is the key to his sons greatness, he has a good heart and is eager to learn but only with that mastered will his son know honor and success as Haldir has managed to achieve. Over time Haldir hopes Othin will rise to the occasion, but for now he acknowledges that Othin is still young and has an abundance of time to perfect the less refined pieces of his behavior.

      | Ayala | Daughter | " Grounded is she, and yet her heart soars "
      Ayala is Haldir's most troubled child. Her knack for getting into trouble and swaying the others into the same boat is impeccable. He finds it hard to reach her, almost like she is never listening to him when he talks. And yet, as a father Haldir has a hard time not loving her. She has a dreamers spirit much like her mothers, her head always dancing in the clouds looking for the next adventure. Ayala has a knack to make you interested in what she is doing, seeing what is really going on inside her head for surely Haldir does not know. He does wish growing into an adult may quell some of the wildness she holds, but deep down he knows her heart will always soar regardless of who tries to hold her down.

      || Éadaoin || Son || " Meekness is not Weakness "
      Though Eadaoin is shy, his heart is pure and his intent well meaning. Haldir finds his son's shyness anything but a weakness because he knows what good his boy is truly capable of. Additionally, his silence allows for him to grow intellectually and allow for much needed reflection, something even the most experienced of lions could use more of. As a father, he does hope Eadaoin will grow out of his shyness however he does see him show his voice in another way. Though Haldir doesn't believe violence is the answer, he sees Eadaoin getting involved in conflicts and fights for a just cause, something he couldn't be more proud of. Haldir is watchful of his boy, but trusts him to do the right thing and achieve a promising future.

    ||The Extended Family ||
      Haldir's heart and allegiance belongs first and foremost to his family. Though he prioritizes his mate and children over his parents and sisters family, his desire for their wellbeing and success is no less important to him. They may be distant, but Haldir will never stop caring for his blood.

      Haldir's parents have his highest respect, his life mission to make them proud and bring them honor. They helped shape his view of the world and encouraged him to seek out knowledge wherever he ventured. Haldir's mother was his encouragement and his rock. He turned to her when he found a troubling situation or when unsure about an upcoming decision. Haldir always appreciated her wise words and council, and still turns to her about the more philosophical of debates that he himself cannot quite work out. On the opposite spectrum sat Haldir's father. Their relationship was much more formal, almost like a superior to a private. Everything was serious and controlled, both of them often left with little discussion as they practiced elemental moves and physical training. To Haldir, his father was the face of what an honorable lion should be, leading Haldir to follow similar footsteps with the hope of becoming more of the same.

      In regards to Haldir's sister and her family, he is not so close with. Though he enjoys seeing them and their company, he finds their interactions are tedious at best. Haldir was never close with his sister to begin with, their personalities were just too conflicting and he found it difficult to find common ground. When they both grew up and found mates their relationship took a sharper turn where they hardly ever spoke. Haldir still respects and tries to honor them and their kids, but does not actively try to keep in touch or communicate much if at all. Because of the current mission, his feelings toward them have shifted some and he has tried to make a greater effort in talking with them. Perhaps upon their return to the Oasis their two families will come closer together, but for now Haldir is hesitant to assume the best possible outcome.

    || Pride Relations ||

      | Ecko | Friend | "Wiser than most he helped me see"
      Haldir met Ecko while participating in an altercation along the pride boarders. At first Haldir was not a fan of him, finding him too boisterous and confident for Haldir's taste. However, once the two sat down and started talking, Haldir found great respect and admiration for the white eyed male. His honesty and integrity was refreshing, and his thoughts on the whole war was something Haldir needed to hear. They ended up becoming close comrades while Haldir and his family remained with the pride, Ecko showing him around the lands and explaining their way of life. His insight was invaluable and his friendship was something Haldir greatly appreciated.

      | Khazix | Friend | "A window into their madness"
      Khazix was a hard one to get to know, the male spending most of his time alone or obsessed over his work. It took several attempts to speak with him fully, however with the help of Ecko, Haldir was finally able to ask Khazix about his life with the Rebels. The winged forger gave tremendous insight into the inner workings of Arknon's rebellion and helped refine Haldir's view of the two opposing factions. The two spent a lot of time deep in discussion, mostly within the Forgers quarters, speaking over flames and ash as Khazix worked on fresh armor. It was time well spent in Haldir's opinion, and another strong friendship gained within the Pride.

      | Ethereal | Acquaintance | "A coward he is no longer"
      His opinion on Ethereal had already been soured due to preconceptions and ideas Haldir held. However, their time at the Pride gave Haldir the chance to get to know the Alpha a little better. Haldir ran into him quite frequently, always observing and occasionally speaking out and asking questions. Ethereal's responses to these allegations were well thought out and showed another side to him Haldir had never seen. Though he knew of Ethereal's coronation speech where he admitted to never wanting to lead, the lion before him now was not a coward or a disgrace. Ethereal held himself confidently, was intelligent and graceful, all qualities needed in a leader. His openness and willingness to accept lions from all walks of life speaks to Ethereal's better side and gained some respect from Haldir. Only time will tell if Haldir will deem Ethereal a friend, instead of just a means to an end.

" The truth is hard to see when
    what you're looking for is everything but "

    || Stories ||

    " A Tank Named Ecko " || Story Featuring Ecko & Haldir ||

      Not even a few hours passed from their arrival at the Pride before another fight began along the boarder. Several shouts broke the peaceful silence, calling to arms all who could hear as they barreled past to join the raging battle. Curious, Haldir got up from the cavern floor their family was staying in, slapping on his armor before joining in pursuit to see exactly what the commotion was.

      At first Haldir could see nothing on the horizon, drawing skepticism and uncertainty from him, but it did not take long for the battlefield to come into view. On one side was the pride warriors, flinging a barrage of attacks out across the field of bones towards what could only be described as dark masses...creatures Haldir knew quite well. With no time to lose, Haldir kept sprinting, getting ever closer to the carnage before he was stopped about a mile away.

      "It's best if you go no further. The warriors have this under control." A warrior stated, it seemed they were also on their way to the battle when he had noticed Haldir's approach.

      "I understand your reasoning, I was merely approaching to get a better look and perhaps a better understanding of your war." Haldir replied, his voice cool and collected.

      The warrior did not seemed pleased with the answer, but nodded respectively. ''Alright...just stay out of the way. I don't need Ethereal down my neck because I let a guest join the fight."

      With a moment of silence between the two and a secret understanding, Haldir made his way right up to the front lines, dodging an incoming attack from the opposing side which he knew to be the rebellion. It was a strange feeling being in the mix of warriors while he himself had never been in a fight, let alone participated in a war. He felt a tinge of guilt as he stood there motionless while others were battling for their lives. However, the feeling was fleeting. Haldir quickly lost the thought when he remembered all that this war had come to stand for. Something he simply couldn't support, and prayed the Oasis would say the same.

      "Look out!"

      From the distance a voice called, a warning meant for Haldir but not heard before an attack came whizzing for him. Haldir luckily missed the rock that went soaring past his ears, but it left them ringing, unable to decipher the other shouts and clangs that riddled the battle field. Dazed, Haldir took a few steps back before bumping into an unfamiliar face. "You alright there?" The lion asked, his face shielded behind a helmet.

      Haldir nodded simply, matching the gaze of the white eyed brute. "Quite fine." He stated, not skipping a beat with his response. "Just taking in the battle, wanting to get a good look of it for myself and on behalf of my family."

      "Perhaps you should not be so close. Let me lead you to a better vantage point, if that is what you are after."

      Without another word the male turned and started heading away from the battle, Haldir following close behind. "What is your rank here warrior? " Haldir asked with mild interest.

      "I am a tank for the front lines." He said over his shoulder, the two now a safe distance away from the fight, but still in clear view to observe. "Tank" Haldir said mentally, logging away the rank and studying his features for a later date. "Should you be there then, on the front lines I mean. It is your duty after all." Haldir stated calmly. " I am sure I can handle myself from here."

      "My duty is to my people, but is also to my Alpha's guests. It would be a great dishonor for me if I were to allow you to be slaughtered on this field today. We need your family to help us win this war....I cannot risk your life in a petty skirmish. There is so much more at stake." The male responded coolly, "You just be sure to keep out of shot, you hear? "

      Haldir nodded simply, his eyes darting down towards the battle that had escalated since their departure. His attention pulled briefly to the male who had escorted him here who was now headed back down the hill to join the front lines.
      "I did not catch your name warrior." Haldir called out across the field.

      "It's Ecko - See ya around rookie." He said, now running towards the clashing armies, soon to be lost in the sea of faces and elemental attacks. Haldir remained there motionless, "Ecko" he mused, "Quite the Character."

    " Not everything is as it seems " || Story Featuring Ecko & Haldir ||
      The Stars had shifted in the skies, causing the normally bright planet to grow dim, simulating a "night" like appearance. In it's stead, the lake of Eternity lit the lands, casting dark shadows wherever the light could not penetrate. All was quieting down, warriors, prides members and healers alike all heading to their respective dens to spend time with their families and sleep. But unlike the rest, Haldir remained out, staring into the depths of the lake, watching the spirits of the prides ancestors dance beneath the surface. It was a mesmerizing sight, something Haldir had never seen, it's beauty knowing no equal. For a moment Haldir felt lost there, the war and his worries far away and replaced with silence and serenity. Haldir almost felt like he was home, in the Oasis. Almost.

      Haldir's thoughts slipped from him as a voice settled upon his ears. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" The voice said, Haldir turning his gaze from the lake to Ecko who had just sat beside him.

      "The lake certainly has no equal." Haldir agreed, his voice unwavering as he watched his white eyed companion. "You know, I was born in the lake. " Ecko said simply, "I clawed my way out of its burning depths...almost drowned trying to get to shore."

      Haldir's eyes widened some, a curious look dancing across his face. "The Pride has warned the water is toxic and that only those ready to die may enter the depths or their souls would be ripped away in agonizing pain. - How then did you survive?"

      "To be honest-" Ecko said, his voice trailing as he flicked a stone into the water," I am not sure. One moment all I knew was blackness...then I was swimming for my life in the lake. No warning. Nothing. Nor do I remember anything before it. The Pride told me a great storm began over the lake before I arrived....how I survived being in it, not even the most talented of our psychics can explain." He finished, watching Haldir's reaction before looking back into the lake.

      "You're arrival must have scared the Pride without a doubt. Created fear from those who witnessed it. How then did you come to gain their trust? From all that I have seen this Pride has not been the most hospitable to any outside of it."

      Ecko remained calm despite his dislike of his companions statement, before quickly responding, " Anything can be deceiving when you judge something by a first glance. The Pride and its people, myself included, are not what it appears to be...or quite what you have been taught from your homeland. Coming from a being who fell from the sky and caused a panic within the pride, they are not what they appear. Surely we would all fear something we do not understand. I was no different. But just like any decent lion or creature in the universe, they quickly shed their prejudices and realize all the things they were missing..simply because they chose to be blind." Ecko stated firmly, his eyes now locked onto Haldir's. "I can't help but observe your distaste for the Pride and it seems to be equally shared with the Rebellion. Can you really pool us into one group? Are we really that bad that we would be pooled in with the monsters that attack our boarders?" Ecko pressed, growing slightly angry and defensive as he spoke.

      "I mean no disrespect friend." Haldir said, "I have only spoken on what I have observed, nothing more. However, I will acknowledge and admit to my shortcomings, my mistakes and my judgements towards your people. They have been nothing but kind. My opinions were made long before we came and I truly believed that they were the undeniable truth. But now in our conversation and your passion towards this matter I can see that I once more have much to learn. Forgive me." Haldir insisted.

      Ecko nodded, his fiery demeanor quieting as Haldir spoke. "No need to ask for my forgiveness, Haldir. Just keep in mind like I said, that not everything is as it seems. You may have come here with the idea that the Pride and its people were all murderers and monsters...but if you had something so terrible relentlessly attacking your boarders and threatening your family...would you really say the same?" He said, clambering to all four paws and beginning to turn back towards the mountains. "Goodnight Haldir. I hope that if you take anything away from what has been said this night, that you use it to change the councils mind...and protect my family as you would do for your own."

|| Credits ||

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Re: L.O.C. Generations Event - OPEN || Posting Welcome!

Postby ophanimera » Sun Aug 13, 2017 1:13 pm

never mind laughs
i have too much else to worry about to try for adopts
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Re: L.O.C. Generations Event - OPEN || Posting Welcome!

Postby Vraska the Unseen » Sun Aug 13, 2017 1:17 pm


Username] Vraska the Unseen
Name] Pharika
Pronounced?] Far-ick-a
Meaning?] God of Affliction
Gender] Female ♀
Rank] Oasis Cub
Waned Future Rank] Council member
More Likely Future Rank] Ambassador or Oasis Guard

"I'm supposed to be the one
Who brings us all together
Weak or strong, not just a song
We sing along when things go wrong
You will need me when you fall
And I will meet you when I'm wrong
Tears lead me on
They let me lead you so far
Weak or strong, I'll hold your arm"



Help- Papa Roach
Feel Invincible- Skillet
Warriors- Imagine Dragons
Heaven[Little by Little]- Theory of a Dead Man
Neon- Jeff Williams
My Demons- Starset[/center]



Lovisa- Oasis Cub- Sister "Please.. Don't hate me."
Ika and Lovi aren't as close as she and Seth. Despite the fact that she loves her sister very dearly she feels that Lovi resents the relationship that she and Seth have. Despite this, Ika tries to include her sister in everything the pair does . Lovi doesn't always want to come but Ika will sure try to get her to. If her sister asked her to jump she would, no matter the cost. She loves her siblings dearly.

Setekh- Oasis Cub- Brother "Our bond is stronger than the one that holds the planet together."
Ika and Seth are inseparable, plain as that. They are near complete twins, mirrors of each other in some odd way. The two have always shared a special connection, one that will ultimately lead them to the pride. They always know what's on the other's mind, even without words. Their bond is strong yet strange, quiet yet screaming loudly enough for both to hear. Seth will always hold a special place in Ika's heart. She would follow him to the ends of the planet and back without a backwards glance or a protesting word.

Dad- Oasis Guard "You are my definition of power."
Ika loves her father to bits. He's always been an idol to the young cub. He came to the family from outside and swooned her mother without his powers over love. He may seem cold but to little Ika he's the warmest being alive. She enjoys cuddling him, burying herself in his mane and forgetting her troubles.

Mom- Oasis Guard "You are my definition of beauty."
Even if Ika isn't as close to her mom as she is to her dad, she still loves her just the same. Her mother is someone she strives to be like; regal and kind despite her looks. Her mom is a thing of beauty. As a matter of fact, she's the first thing her daughter thinks of when someone says the word beauty. The little cub enjoys naps across her mother's paws, listening to her speak in that carrying voice that soothes her so.

The rest of the family


Despite her lack of true connection with the rest of her family Ika cherishes the time they all spend together. Everyone has always gotten along so well, and they treat each other with nothing but respect and love. Her grandparents are the sweetest things, and the foundation of her family. Without them Ika is sure the group would have fallen apart long ago. Her aunt and uncle act as a glue, with their easy going and fun ways. Without them, Ika for sure wouldn't have learned to laugh as loudly as she has. Her cousins are the core, always running about and causing trouble. They keep everyone on their toes and provide tussles with her and her brother. They keep the family going strong and steady, and if they had never been born Ika probably would have never learned to play like she does now. In short, the little starry pelted tan cub loves her family, and life would never have been the same without them.


Outside of the family

Gorgos- Terrified of- Mercenary- Owned by; NizoLuv "Go away."
Oh dear, this huge lion is scary. Ika met him on one of her adventures with Dust and Chli. He attempted to force her and Seth to stay, but luckily Ika's love element is strong enough to use her escape route move. They just barley escaped in time, the fiery lion hot on their heels. Gorgos is a lion Ika never wants to meet again, and hopes Seth is safe around.


Inna- Welcome friend- Cub Trainer- Owned by; NizoLuv "Your heart soars like the scouts."
Oh how Ika adores Inna! He's such a sweet and shy lion. Ika enjoys sitting in a comfortable silence with him, feeling that nothing really needs to be spoken. He is a joy to be around, and one of her favorite lions she has met in the pride so far. Ika hopes to see him again if she leaves the Oasis, and will gladly speak with him any time.

Kuchli- Pride Cub- Flirty companion "No, Chli, I am not an angel."
Chli is something else. Although Ika finds his flirting amusing, he needs to work on it. His first words ti the little tan lioness after gently butting her shoulder were "Hey baby, are you an angel?" and when she answered no, his reply was "Good, cause I'm allergic to feathers." Although this sent her laughing it was pretty cheesy. After this, and a bit of training, she sat to talk with him for a while. Ika learned of Chli's sisters, his nightly searches for them, and his determination to set Gorgos in a prison cell. He is an admirable little lion, that's for sure.

Momus- Pride Forger/Preformer- Interest "You seem troubled."
Ika met Momus her first day in the pride. He stood out to the young cub due to his stance at the back of the crowd. He's an interesting one, and she's been told he literally explodes. Ika couldn't convince Seth to visit him, but he came past and introduced himself while she sat awake at Seth's sleeping side. He is a kind soul despite his gruff nature, and she can sense that he only wants to push others away so he can't harm them. His mate is terrifying but kind as well, and Ika adores them both from the little she knows.

Dust- Mercenary Cub- Acquaintance "What do you mean you eat other lions?!"
Dust was stumbled upon by mistake. She seemed to have been waiting for someone in the shadows when Ika sensed her and drew Seth's attention to the red cub. She's a cunning little thing, very intelligent and powerful despite her size. Dust makes Ika uneasy due to her violent nature, and the fact that she smells of death, blood, and metal whenever she's near. Ika is unsure how Seth sees this young lioness, but she knows she herself isn't comfortable around her.

Genesis- Pride Lioness- Confusing Lion "Why is your brain so scrambled?"
This lioness is odd. One moment she is kind and caring the next she is snarling and chuckling to herself. Ika sees a bit of herself in Genesis, but would not befriend her. Chli informed her of his grandmother's imprisonment , and what she did to get there, and this confuses and scares Ika. She couldn't have killed others, could she? Genesis is over all confusing, but Seth seems to enjoy her, so Ika will trust his judgement for now.

Nissa- Pride Distractor- Chli's Mum "You're a good mom, Nissa."
This lioness seems terrifying on the outside but she's really a very sweet thing. Ika likes her and thinks she is a great mother despite loosing her girls. She sees Nissa often as she trains and plays with Chli, and thinks of Nissa as sort of a second mom. She is nothing but welcome in Ika's life, and she will miss the skull faced lioness when she returns home.

Scumparennu- 'Par'- Pride Cub Trainer- Mentor "You have kind eyes."
Par is one of the many lions that greeted Ika on her first day of training with the pride. His lax attitude and listening ears are a welcome change from the chaos that's been buzzing in her head sense entering the pride. He seems strong for his age, and his mate is even from the Oasis. Par is an over all understanding and energetic educator, and a lion Ika is proud to call a temporary mentor.

Domani- Rebel Healer- Kindly Spirit "Why did you leave?"
This is the lion Ika thought was a spirit! Despite his grumpiness he is one of the most beautiful creatures she has ever seen. Ika doesn't know much about the rebel healer but she wishes to. Par has told her some about this bright male, whose pelt glows and swirls as he uses his element, but she couldn't get much from him before he seemed to choke on his words and lowered his head to his paws. Why did Domani leave the pride? Ika may never know.



Ika wields the two most conflicting elements she has ever come across: love and hate. They wage an unending war in her body, making her act on one of two extremes when she any emotions at all . Hate causes her intense negative personality traits, love her intense positive, and the mixture of the two cause her neutral. Ika is pretty much run by her elements, preferring to go quiet and isolate herself from everyone but her brother because of them. All is not lost because of this however; her hate element has caused some good. Due to their shared elements, Ika and Seth have a connection never before seen in lion kind. Their minds have been linked, causing them to know each other extremely well. They can sense when the other is using either of their elements or when the elements are effecting them. They always seem to know where the other is and can sense when the other is hurt. For this Ika has to thank the hate that courses through her paws, for without it she wouldn't have as close a friend as her brother.

E L E M E N T S-Moves

Burning Love The user causes another lion to feel a very powerful love and hate towards the user, confusing them and rendering them nearly useless until the ability's hold is null and void.
Smolder The user causes the hate a lion holds deep in their gut to bubble up and smolder them from the inside, almost burning them with its power. This causes them to act rashly, almost as if they're being controlled by a small little cub.
Smother This ability ties into the love element. If the user feels a lion should or shouldn't be doing something, they allow their feelings to flow outwards, smothering the target's own thoughts until they're replaced with what the user feels they should be doing.
Blind Rage This ability is used in battle, causing any lion within two miles of the user to go into a blind, violent rage. It leaves the user weak and near comatose for a few days while they recharges.
Tense The user can make any situation they pleases tense, causing frustration or fights at times
Over-Power The user's own emotions or feelings are capable of over powering those of others. They have no control over this, and likely never will. It is possible for them to develop this ability into another, something like mind control.
Infatuation The user can draw upon the negative emotions around them, causing them to become infuriated and a tad bit stronger.
Escape route The user focuses their love element on an object or animal, causing attackers to fall madly in love with it for a short period of time. This allows them to escape quickly before their attacker notices.


P E R S O N A L I T Y- In-depth

Pharika is a complex little thing. She doesn't have lows;she has highs and a center. It is increasingly rare that she hits her angry high, having her brother near at all rimes to keep the hate at bay. She despises her nasty outbursts, thinking they make her a freak despite it only being her element. When she finally calms from her snarling, snapping fit it nearly brings her to tears. Ika has scared more lions off than she can count, and all she wants are friends. In truth the little cub is a kind, loyal, quiet thing that enjoys watching others and how they interact. She is extremely intelligent despite her lack of words and tendency to let others speak first. In a sense she is fair, never letting a side of an argument or opinion go unspoken. This little lioness is one of the purest beings on the planet, but her soft voice and carrying, infectious laugh is rarely heard outside of the shell of hate and turmoil raging in her small body.

Pharika is a conflicted little thing with strong values and a strong mind. She is capable of putting her mind to anything and always trying her best to succeed in what she is set on. She enjoys the quiet and calm yet cherishes the chaos of her family. Without a little darkness she couldn't shine as brightly as she does. She has a soft side, a side that is hurt by every harsh saying she has spoken or every angry lash of her tail, as well as a harsh and hard as stone side that doesn't put up with anyone's crap. Her middle is one of peace, calmness, and a clear mind. Ika enjoys her middle, it gives her time to reflect and be apart from her brother and family. Despite her undying love for her brother everyone needs to be apart from others for a bit, time to relax and time to let go. Ika is a loving little thing, undying affection offered to those who don't abandon her and sorrow offered to those who run away.



Ika wishes to help them

Ika paced in front of her brother, worry evident in her green eyes. He wanted to go fight alongside the pride, to abandon their home and the word of the counsel to help those who she believed to only be trouble. "But Setekh, the council will never choose us to go to battle with the pride, even if we'll be grown at the time. They'll only want to send the best, most skilled warriors. "Yes we've been in training but we're hardly the elite." She continued her steady pace, ears eventually folding back as she went on. This was one of very few times that the tan female would attempt to convince her brother not to go somewhere or do something, even if they shared the desire to help the pride. "Brother dearest, I know you feel useless here under the watch of mamma and papa, but please, we could die.. I could lose you." Ika's voice softened when the last few words left her lips, tears forming in her eyes.Losing Seth would rip her heart in two. He] was her balance in their now crazy world. Seth only pushed further, drawing on her desire to help and better herself too. With a final sigh she sat in front of him and pressed her head to his, offering her brother a fond smile. "I will follow you to the ends of this planet and back again, lay down my own life to see yours saved, and help those in need alongside you. Let's go help the pride." With this, Ika pulled her head gently away and bounded from the cave the Time Alpha had set their family up in, never needing to look back. She knew Seth was following her. She would help the pride no matter the cost, fight alongside the warriors from tales long forgotten in a battle that seemed hopeless.


Ika doesn't understand them

The pair of cubs had wandered far from the pride lands, the lush grass becoming sticky and matted as their paws drummed against it. Although she couldn't see it, the cub knew they were walking through old blood. She pulled her small ears against her head, looking out in dismay as light fell on the stretch of land before her. Despite the two glowing figures moving between mounds of still fur, everything seemed still and quiet...as if the planet was mourning the loss of such warriors. Ika broke down, leaning into her brother as she sobbed. She didn't see a point in this, none at all. Why would the rebellion slaughter for no reason? No cause could ever be worth this! She quickly composed herself, shaking the tears from her eyes before she noticed the purple figure walking towards her and Seth. The lion appeared to be a ghost, leaning himself down and pressing his head to hers. "Little one, I know your strife. I know how seeing your first battlefield feels, but do not cry. All will be well soon." The lion seemed to calm the little cub. He smelled of stone and grass, something fresh and clean, and his fur was so soft and comforting. He gave her head a gentle lick before walking away, grass sprouting in his pawsteps. Ika would never learn his name, or even his rank, but he soothed her enough to carry on. The pair stumbled upon a rebel encampment, silently observing how they went about their lives during the night. It was a confusing sight, all the brawling and fighting. They caught snippets of their conversations, some about what they fight for and some gibberish that confused the pair further. Ika shook her head, they were on the way back home now, both unhappy and uneasy. "The rebels are confusing.. Why don't they just break off and form a second pride?"


Ika wishes to stop it

"Why do they fight, Seth?" Ika gave a tilt of her head, the poof of hair above her eyes moving with her tilt. A deep trouble seemed to swarm behind her eyes, ceasing her relentless pacing to lay at Seth's side. She rolled onto her back, shuddering at the touch of the cool stone. This war the pride seemed locked in was a violent one, pointless in her eyes. Ika sighed deeply, kneading her paws into her chest fur for a brief moment. "This war is pointless, it needs to stop. Life is so precious. Why waist it on fighting only to be killed in the fray?" With this the little cub stood once more. She resumed her restless pacing, mind racing with questions. "They need to stop fighting, the rebels and the pride. Sense needs to be knocked into their heads, this war is pointless. Now the oasis is offering to help them, we may be sacrificing our people for a senseless cause that shouldn't be happening in the first place!" She lashed her tail, teeth gnashing and a low snarl rising in her small throat. Ika would definitely be leaving with her brother, she had to talk some sense into the time Alpha.



Being shunned
Being alone
Disappointing others
Harming others
Trusting others


To be a powerful warrior
To have a loving group of friends
To be able to leave the oasis as she pleases
To be strong
To find true happiness


Her brother
Roasted taxon
Umoya berries

Q U I R KS and B A D H A B B I T S

Watches her paws when she walks
Tends to not meet others eyes straight away
Fiddles with the poof of hair on her head when laying down
Chews on her claws when nervous
Tends to get stones and roll them over her paws
Stress eats
Would rather listen than talk
Puts others above herself
Cares a bit too much
Doesn't really sleep
Reads too far into somethings
Is VERY BAD at reading emotions
Sometimes overly curious
Talks in her sleep


Pharika's Nightmares

Ika lay asleep beside her brother and sister, snoring softly as she drifted deeper into her own mind. The little cub was suddenly home, in the Oasis. Ika let out a happy squeak, bounding around her home in search of friends that would never come. Nobody was there, which was odd. Normally the Oasis was full of life and happiness, where had they all gone? That was when she found them, all gathered together and whispering. When they took note of the cub everyone began shouting and snarling, calling her awful names and telling her to leave. Even Seth was with them, yelling for her to go and never come back. Ika folded her ears back, slinking backwards into a wall until the crowd descended on her and... She woke up. Pharika let out a screech, sitting straight up and breathing heavily before her mother was beside her and her paws were around her baby. Ika cried into her chest, wrapping her small paws around her mother's leg and just crying for a long while until she was calmed. Once her breath was back and her no longer watering she cast her gaze to the lioness holding her. "Mom.. am I a freak?" Her mother's eyes widened, nose moving to nuzzle the poof of hair on top of her head. "No my little star, you are just special. Nothing can change that but your fate is always in your hands. You may either make yourself s freak or make yourself stand out. For now, you simply stand out. You shine like a star that nobody can ever burn out." Ika's mother always knew how to push her dark thoughts away, and the little cub gave her a nod before curling back up into her paws to drift off into the dream world again. Her mother would watch over her for a while before curling around her and sleeping herself.


Training with the pride

Training with her new friends in the pride was the highlight of Ika's stay. Her first day of it consisted of training with that strange gold lion everyone calls Par. She was one of the first five to pad down to the grounds trampled flat by hundreds of paws over hundreds of years. I'm was amazed, the golden male started them off by running laps with him, six times around the grounds and up the hills. This was when Chli butted her shoulder with his, brows raising and a couple smirk playing at his lips. Ika simply rolled her eyes and ran faster, but the blue cub persisted and kept pace. Chli again butted her shoulder, offering a snicker before speaking. "Hey tan lady, are you an angel?" Ika would offer a soft snicker, shaking her head no before Par stopped running. Their laps were over and the cubs collapsed into heavily breathing lumps, all except Chli and Ika. "Good, because I'm allergic to feathers." This sent the tan cub into a laughing fit, lowering her nose to touch the ground before stilling herself and quieting her laughter. "I'm Chli, by the way." The larger cub flopped onto his side, still offering that coy smirk to the tan cub. "I'm Pharika, but most call me Ika. You're pretty funny Chli." The blue cub offered a snort, tail thumping the ground. "I'm glad someone thinks so! Nobody really laughs at me!" Ika simply snorted before Par gathered the class again, tail flicking as if he were extremely happy for some reason. "Okay class! Today we have a special guest! Now please respect him and be calm, he's joining us to train with our elements. Everyone welcome one of our Forges Momus." The class turned their heads, confused as a fully grown lion sat amongst them. "Momus is here because he needs a bit of extra help handing his fire element. He tends to explode when he's overwhelmed." The mohawked male lowered his head, bat like ears folding back. Ika was undyingly curious, and when Par assigned partners she found herself partnered with the purple male. They talked a bit, working with his fire element and trading small stories before the end of class. The end came all too soon, and they parted ways. Momus didn't show up to training again, but I'm and Chli caused a bit of trouble while she was there.
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persia - ancient and unforgiving

Postby lichenfeather » Sun Aug 13, 2017 1:18 pm

Username;; lichenfeather
Partners name;; my sibling River Song
Name;; Persia
Gender;; female
Element (s);; light + hate
Rank;; ambassador
Feeling towards the war;; (Pride/ Rebels)
Relations;; (Towards family/ mate if applicable)
Extras;; (No limit, however history may not be added as an extra)

--quote goes here-

[img*]banner/art of some sort here[/img]

[size=85]given name; persia
-- meaning 'that cuts or divides'
nickname; perdita [by lorne]
-- meaning 'lost'
gender; female
elements; light + hate
battle score;

--quote here--

bones wrote:In the spring we made a boat
Out of feathers, out of bones.
We set fire to our homes,
Walking barefoot in the snow.

Distant rhythm of the drum
As we drifted towards the storm.
Baby lion lost his teeth,
Now they're swimming in the sea.

Troubled spirits on my chest
Where they laid to rest.
The birds all left, my tall friend,
As your body hit the sand.

Million stars up in the sky
Formed a tiger's eye
That looked down on my face,
Out of time and out of place.

So hold on.
Hold on to what we are.
Hold on to your heart.

Awakened by the sound
Of a screaming owl.
Chasing leaves in the wind,
Going where we've never been.

Said goodbye to you, my friend,
As the fire spread.
All that's left are your bones
That will soon sink like stones.

So hold on.
Hold on to what we are.
Hold on to your heart.

So hold on.
Hold on to your heart.


text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
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text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text



blurb about relationships here
text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text
text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text

relationship – xxx
relationship – xxx
relationship – xxx
relationship – xxx


[img*]art or something here[/img]

--more quote--

Last edited by lichenfeather on Sun Aug 27, 2017 9:53 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: L.O.C. Generations Event - OPEN || Posting Welcome!

Postby Keen » Sun Aug 13, 2017 1:19 pm

- snip -
Last edited by Keen on Fri Aug 18, 2017 12:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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"Life's a grind, then you die. Bad things come for you whether you want them to or not. So you have to fight your hardest to survive and seek out the good in the world. What little of it there may be."

"It's never a mistake to help others. One of the most important things you can
do in this life is to let other people know they're not alone."
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Re: L.O.C. Generations Event - OPEN || Posting Welcome!

Postby Sandstorm814 » Sun Aug 13, 2017 1:22 pm

By TheHongWay

Username;; Sandstorm814

Partners name;; TheHongWay

Name;; Lark

Gender;; Female

Element (s);; Hate, Water

Rank;; Guard

Witty and clever, Lark is the deceiver, and impossible to manipulate. She does as she pleases, and doesn't like to listen to other's rules.
She does have a strong affiliation to newborn cubs, and enjoys their wonder as they discover the world. Those Sora is close too sees a completely different her as compared to strangers. Most lions will see Sora'a facade, a cold stone faced lion, distant and skeptical.
Friends see an easygoing, comedic and mischievous independent, with a personality distinguishable a mile away.

Feeling towards the war;;
Lark has found the war to be an interesting thing. She doesn't understand why some groups would hate each other so much as to send hordes of lions to fight each other. She wonders if multiple lions with the element of hate, like herself, had teamed up to heftily increase tension between the two sides, causing the lions to turn on each other in such a violent matter. As for sides, after observing both side's ideals and more, she had a favorable interest to the pride-lands.



Seeker wrote:Lark and Seeker were inseparable since they met. At the time,
she was having a tough time controlling her element of hate,
and sometimes would cause the lions around her to argue and become irritable.
But when she met Seeker, everything changed. He could use his element of Love
to balance it out for Lark! With his help she was finally able to control her
element's effects. (for the most part)


We were to stay the night in the pride-lands for the night while Ethereal pondered over our proposal, to change the balance of the war with Arkon. I hadn't had enough time to get a good look around the pride lands, but right now all I wanted to do was get some shut-eye. However the inquisitive cubs made me spend my night otherwise - They were all overexcited over every tiny detail, overwhelmed with excitement to be outside of the Oasis.

I went to go stand by Seeker, who was looking amused by the cubs' antics.
"Do you think we'll ever be able to get some sleep tonight?" I muttered, while suppressing a yawn.
He smirked, and gazed at them all running around.
"Not a chance."

Last edited by Sandstorm814 on Thu Aug 31, 2017 6:44 am, edited 29 times in total.
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Re: L.O.C. Generations Event - OPEN || Posting Welcome!

Postby Red weasel » Sun Aug 13, 2017 1:22 pm

Username;;Red weasel
Name; Araceae
Name Meaning; Araceae is a plant family classification that houses several types of lilies that a beautiful, but poisonous.
Nickname;; Ara
Gender;; Female
Rank;; Oasis cub


ImagePsychic + Poison Image

Psychic is Araceae's preferred element, a gift she enjoys using. One of her goals in life is to fine tune this element, in the hopes that she becomes an extremely strong psychic element, so that she can see further into the future. For now, her main use of this element is mostly for fun, using it to trick others or play games with the other cubs. Even such, she takes her training very seriously. As for poison, she feels she has something to prove. Knowing that it is an element that can cause such hurt, she wants to show that is as graceful an element as any other. She likes the aspect of it that can heal, but she also knows that it could be a great defensive element for her should she ever need it. As she is a cub, she is still developing the abilities she has.

Psychic Abilities
Danger Intuition - Araceae is able to sense danger coming in the immediate future and warn other that danger is coming. She can not stop this danger, only predict and warn others of it.
Precognitive Daydreaming - Araceae sometimes gets flashes of the future. She can't control when she get's the flashes, and she sometimes isn't fully able to read them.
Precognitive Touch - Aracea can touch someone, and see some small detail of their future. Sometimes these details are trivial, such as who the lion will walk past.
Precognitive sense - Araceae can tell what the most like outcome of a situation will be and uses this ability the most around others. On a rare occasion, she can use this to manipulate an outcome.

Poison Abilities
Poison lacing - Araceae can coat her claws and tail spike with poison, and tail spike causing her to be deadly in a fight. She's not skilled enough to inject poison with her teeth, though it's a secret goal of her's.
Poisonous pull - Ara can pull or such poison out of a lions bloodstream, and reabsorb it into her tail spike.
Infection - though untrained, Araceae is aware that she can make other ill. She is slightly afraid of this aspect of her abilities, feeling that is is too cruel for her to use.
Healing - Her favorite ability, Ara is able to heal sickness in other lions. This is the aspect of her element that she has the strongest control over.


Araceae is sweet, almost too sweet in some ways. She walks a thin line between genuine and sucking up, at least when it comes those older than her. She's a little more genuine with those her age, finding less of a need to impress them, and more of a desire to enjoy their company. She is genuinely kind and will stand up for her siblings or friends if there is ever a need. She is prideful of her family and upbringing and does see herself a little bit above the pride members, though she never treats with ill will. Still, she thinks that there is something a little more important to her than the likes of someone like a pride lion.

Ara is a curious creature. Though she tries to maintain an appearance of indifference towards the pride, she is utterly fascinated by their life and customs and does all she can to learn more. She notes about every rank she can, and can be obtrusive, even when she's trying to be polite. It's in her nature to be polite and graceful, but she can be excitable when presented with something new to discover. If you're around her when her parents are away, she'll ask you all sorts of questions until she gets some sort of answers. She'll use her best wording, most o the time unless someone peaks her nerves enough's to make her more desperate.

Though sweet, she knows how to lace this with her words with a little sass. If it weren't for trying to please her parents, she would likely be a little more of a trouble maker. She is reigned by her desire to please her family, and excel in ranking. On her own, she is more head strong and independent, whereas, with her parents, she keeps herself in line with tradition. In some ways, she's a different person without her parents. Because of this, she is unaware of what she wants. spending time in the pride has allowed her to learned more about herself than she knew before. while she will vehemently insist that she wants to be an ambassador, she has begun to question if there aren't more exciting life options.

~Relationships and World Outlook~

~The family~

Araceae loves her family and is extremely proud to be part of it. Though she is young, she believes she would do anything to protect her family. It would be one's downfall to insult her family in any way.

As they stepped into what they presumed was the pride territory, Araceae looked to her family. She didn't know how often strangers entered the pride, but she knew they'd get strange looks as they were spotted. Such as large set had to look odd, but still, Ara couldn't have hoped for anything more. This was the biggest adventure of her life, and she got to go on it with her beloved family. She hoped to gain enriching knowledge of both the pride lifestyle and how to be a good ambassador. She had no idea what her siblings hoped to gain, but she hoped for them, and for herself, that they would have a good time on this very important trip.

Araceae idolizes her grandparents, seeing them as very important people. Before coming to the pride, she dreamed of being ambassadors just like them, thus far, that hasn't changed. She was very excited to get to see them in action, though she was careful not to be too excited. Wouldn't want to embarrass her family on the job after all. She considers herself lucky to have them as her grandparents, after all, not every oasis member gets to visit the pride for their traditional outing.

Araceae loves he aunt and uncle and is happy they have cubs so that she has playmates. She very happy that they also went on the trip to the pride. Araceae always makes sure to be on her best behavior around them, wanting to make sure he behavior reflects her upbringing. She wants to make sure that her aunt and uncle thing that she was raised well, that she is a good little cub. Plus, she loves a little attention.

As with all her family, she loves them. They are both family and friends, and she knows the trip would have been blander without them. She feels a special connection to them, as they like her, are wingless. They are often subjected to her little tricks but she never does anything cruel or mean to them, or anyone for that matter. She can be defensive of them and will be angry if anyone tries to mess with them.

Araceae loves her parents and strives to be everything they want her to be. Her parents are the reason she feigns being disinterested In the pride. In fact, she'll change an opinion on the spot to match their desires. She's feeling a particularly close bond to her mother, having matching elements with her. She will follow her mother around sometimes so she can try and mimic her behaviors. She loves her father very much as well, especially with him being wingless like her. She'd feel like she can relate to him. He aspirations to please her parents sometimes gets in the way of her doing what she would most enjoy.

Araceae enjoys having siblings and feels lucky to have been born to a full litter. She's is a little jealous of them, being only to be wingless. Every now and then she'd feel like she doesn't fit in, and thus does her best to make herself stand out in her own special way. Still, she loves playing with them and has used them to practice her prediction skills, and her fake prediction tricks. She is very loving and protective of the bunch, and in her child ways, she would do anything for them. With their time in the pride, she keeps her eyes out for each one, just in case another cub might be up to trouble.

Aracea watched her siblings playing in the air. It was times like these that she wished she was born like them, with wings. She knew if she asked them to come down, they likely would. As much as she wanted to join them, she didn't want to ruin their fun. She could easily go off and play with any of the new pride cubs, but she stayed because she wanted to look out for her siblings. He psychic abilities came in handy here, at least to some extent. Given she was still learning it at least served for good practice, and really, what was more important than honing in on her powers? If she wanted to impress her family, she'd have to get good at using her powers.

~Feeling towards the war~

Ara doesn't completely understand why issues can't be talked out and finds war to boorish overall. Still, she formed her own opinion of the pride and the rebellion.

~The rebellion~

Ara detests the rebels. Much of this is for their attacks stalling their return home, but also to her their tactics seem inappropriate. True she has never met a member of the rebellion, but she can't imagine thief are two many great members, at least from what she's hearing. In her mental notes of collected information from the pride, she's has found that many members detest rebellion, but that not everyone carries the same views. Arknon has peaked some interest for her, not as a leader, but for his powers, to which she has never seen. She knows it would be bad news to see them, but she imagines What they would be like anyway.

~The pride~

Arriving at the pride, Araceae was apathetic toward them, she didn't hate them, but she had no desire to meet them, outside of her excitement to go on this mission with her family. She respects the pride and believes they must possibly be worth their time to have been sent here from their request. Ara tries to appear disinterested In the pride, but she is very curious about their lifestyle. If someone asks her why she spends so much time with the pride members she will say it's for research, in case the Oasis needs it later on. In reality, she is a curious child who also likes meeting all these new people, especially those who are around her age. To her, Ethereal seems to be a formidable leader, for he truly cares about his people.

Kiani- Araceae met the lioness while snooping around the healer's den, with the hopes of finding her. Ara had heard her name in a story told by the pride performer Palmiro about the past leader Aeon, and the past head warrior Ronin. She felt the lioness would have interesting information to share. It took her a while to get Kiani to warm up to her, but once she did she found that the lioness was well versed in the history of the pride, having lived through some of it herself. She's also very fascinated with watching the healer at work, as she treats each lion who comes in as part of her family. She likes the lioness a great deal, but can't help but feel like Kiani is aware of the fact that she's keeping her place of origin a secret.

Araceae was had been tailing healers all day, trying to get as much information as she could. Most of them were too busy to talk. She could see the war had left a lot of work for them. There was a lioness she was looking for, but having only a name made it a little hard. Luckily for her, the lioness came to her.
"I see you've been here almost all day, is there any reason why?", the lioness said in a smooth voice. Ara looked up, a little nervous to have been called out.
"Well I wanted to learn, that's all." Before Kiani had a chance to consider the child, she was laid on with all kinds of questions.
"I didn't know a group of healers could be so different than-" Ara cut herself off. The Oasis was a secret, at least for now, and she didn't think now was the time to talk about it.
"Different than what?" Kiani asked, a knowing look in her eyes. Araceae stare up, tucking her tail tightly behind her, unsure of how she should respond. Kiani appeared stern for a second, then smiled.
"Dear, I suggest if you having something you can't tell others, you may want to watch what you say." Araceae meekly nodded, as the lioness swept her tail around the child.
"Now I hear you're a poison elemental, can you heal with that?"
Ara's tail shot up with excitement, sensing an offer to practice or watch.

Palmiro - Araceae loves to watch his performances, outside of that, the jovial lion doesn't seem to have much information that interests her, but his kind and friendly demeanor do Make him easy to approach. She doesn't understand how he can be so naive about the war. As something that affects him, she's a little-annoyed wit how uninformed he is. Still, he'd fairly nice, so she's trying not to judge him too hard on it.

Nyx- As one of two cub trainers who helped show the new comers around the pride, Araceae had a good impression of her. He friendly but not too bubbly attitude appealed to Ara. She felt comfortable with her around and was happy to have met such a kind soul. She did wonder why She caught Nyx looking longingly at her and her siblings as they were playing. She pretended she's didn't care, but in truth, she didn't have the nerve to ask. She found out from Palmiro that the lioness lost her sister to the war, and since then, she goes out of her way to ask Nyx questions, knowing that being helpful is what makes her happy.

Scumparennu - The over cub trainer who helped greet her family, Ara admires him for his kind nature, but more so for his honesty. As a questioning cub, she finds this trait to be very helpful in her endeavors. She's careful about asking too many questions, but know that is she was being too nosey Par would let her know. She finds his loyalty to be honorable, as well as something she feels in common among members of the pride.

Kuchli - when her parents or grandparents are around, she pretends to be indifferent towards the Chli, but when they're away, Araceae is very interested in his life. She's very interested in his lost siblings. Though she doesn't want anyone to know this, she cares about him finding them, and hopes for his success. Ara finds him to be nice, and enjoyable to be around. Secretly she's happy that he doesn't seem to show annoy annoyance at her attitude change when her parents are around.

Araceae pretended to ignore the cub as he walked by until her parents were out of sight. It took longer than she would have liked, and by that point, Kuchli was gone. She had to track him down a little bit to talk.
"Hey! How'd the search go today?" She's asked inquisitively
"The same as always" he responded calmly. She has hope for him, that he would find his sisters one day. Secretly she tried to will her powers to try and predict their movements of something. She had no idea what she could do, but she wanted to help.
"You'll find her eventually, I believe you. " he smiled at her, but she missed it racking her brain how to help her fellow cubs.
"Maybe I can sneak out with you sometimes and try and help. " she was worried he'd say no for whatever reason he could come up with. He simply nodded, and after a pause added, "if you want. " she had to wonder what he thought of her back and forth. He had to notice her ignore him, but he seemed to take everything so calmly. She checked with him almost daily, unless she couldn't get out of her families gaze for the day, and she couldn't help but appreciate him not being annoyed by the way she acted.

Remiel - curious about the warrior ranks, Aracea made it her mission to talk to different members. She found Remiel to be friendly and easy to talks to. When ever she's bored and spots him, she'll playfully pounce at her tail, mimicking some of the attack moves she's seen. Over all, she has a positive outlook on the lion, and may secretly consider him a friend of sorts.

Nemilos - Araceae loves to bug this lion about his warrior rank, though he seems to be less than enthused about it. She's slightly aware of how annoying she is to him but questions him nonetheless. He fascination with him comes from learning his sub-rank. Coming from a culture that is less war oriented society, this is a new concept to her, and something she's determined to learn about. If it takes being annoying to get the information she wants, she'll do it, especially with someone who seems so cool.

Pyxis - Araceae relates to Pyxis in some way, as both of them hide some of their opinions around their parents. Both can be trouble makers, and Araceae enjoys it. To her, it's almost like a competition to her, to try and come up with the best trick. Ara wants to win and will do anything reasonably safe that she can to try and best her friendly opponent.

Ruvik - Araceae made it a goal to get to know Ruvik. For her efforts, she's found a new friend, and someone she can trust with secrets. She found him enjoyable to talk to and found that he could tell her a lot about the pride. She knows that her Oasis origins are to be secret, but she trusts Ruvik enough that she has told him a couple secrets in exchange for his information, and may be telling him more as time goes on.

Ara didn't think she's made friends with the cubs here. She thought they'd be too different or strange. Despite the lifestyle differences, there wasn't much difference at all. They still played the same, and she found many were as interested in learning as she was. It was fun, having new faces to play with from time to time. Her parents didn't seem to mind her playing, so she kept at it. Secretly, this was something she'll greatly miss having to leave.


Araceae truly feels apathetic to nomads as a whole, not because she sees something wrong with them, but because she feels that judging them as a group is impossible, there are so many ways they could be. She is shocked though, at the way the pride handles them. Some of these outsiders come and go, and some of the pride members are mates with those who do not live with the pride. Being part of the Oasis, she has a hard time understanding how they are so lenient on outsiders.

Nakusa - At first Ara was shocked. Was it common for the pride to allow outsiders come and go on their land, is that why people weren't shocked by the arrival of her own family? She had seen Nakusa come and go several times before she bothered the lioness about her nomadic lifestyle. Nakusa was more than willing to tell her that, and anything else she asked. Amazed by her story, and in love with her willingness to share it, Araceae found her to be a favorite of the acquaintances she's made.

The lioness was striking to Araceae, watching her walk across the pride lands. Of course, she was striking, the blade her her tail spike was made of twisting ice, or at least it looked like it was made of ice. She was honestly overwhelmed by all that was floating around her. Then it hit her, she hadn't seen this lioness around at all and knew she needs to question her. She could never have expected what she learned. It took her a while to get over the initial shock, that nomads could just go in and out. Mainly she was just too mystified to care, mystified that Nakusa came from the past. Ara found herself asking fewer questions and listening to that day. Ara was disappointed the lady had to go and begged her to come by again so she can learn more.

Lutalo- Araceae thinks Lutalo is very nosey, then again, so is she. The two met snooping into the same conversation. Ara is a little suspicious of him, but hasn't, and won't be saying anything about it anytime soon. She knows he aware that she's not from the pride, but won't answer any of his questions. She's afraid he may be onto her actual origins. He's been as tight lipped as she has, but she feels that he must be up to something, and if she were older, she'd be keeping her eye on his.

Thanks to Vraska the Unseen, Nizoluv, CCcrow, Squirrelspiritfor letting me use their characters!
Notes: I have an art piece that did not get finished, so it did not make into the form. The finished piece will go to the winner.​
Last edited by Red weasel on Thu Aug 31, 2017 5:42 pm, edited 44 times in total.
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